"Time Dissemination Using Navstar", Yakos et al., May 1981, USAERADCOM Frequency Control Symposium, cl. 342-357. |
IEEE Plans '86 Position Location and Navigation Symposium, Record 86 CH 2365-5, Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 4-7, 1985, sponsored by IEEE AES Society, pp. 169-176, IEEE, New York, U.S.A.; J. Beser: "Highly Accurate Hydrographic Surveys Using Differential GPS" p. 170, colonne de gauche, ligne 5-p. 173, colonne de gauche, ligne 24; FIGS. 1-3*. |
IEEE Plan '86 Position Location and Navigation Symposium, Record 86 CH 2365-5 Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 4-7, 1986, sponsored by IEEE AES Society, pp. 297-302, IEEE, New York, U.S.A.; K. Hervig: "Diffstar-A project based on differential GPS in Northern Norway" *pp. 297-300*. |
National Telecommunications Conference, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 1980, Houston, Tex., effective 1982 (Global Communications Conference), Conference Record, vol. 1, des 4, sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. etc., pp. 21.1.1-21.1.6, New York, U.S.A.; J. Reynolds et al., "Navstar Global Positioning Systems" *pp. 21.1.2, et 3, paragraphe V.B.*. |
IEEE Plans '86 Position Location and Navigation Symposium, Record 86 CH 2365-5 Las Vegas, Nev., Nov. 4-7, 1986, sponsored by IEEE AES Society, pp. 330-342, IEEE New York, U.S.A.; M. B. El-Arini et al.: "Integrity of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Data Functions" *p. 330, colonne de gauche, lignes 1-32*. |
National Telecommunications Conference, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 1980, Houston, Tex., effective 1982, (Global Communications Conference), Conference Record, vol. 1, des 4, sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. etc., IEEE, New York, U.S.A.; AV AN Leeuwen: "Space Shuttle Application of a GPS Navigation System" *p. 21.3.2, et 3, paragraphe: "Orbiter and Payload Navigation Requirements"; FIG. 6*. |