Training Apparatus called a LASER ENGAGEMENT STUN SYSTEM, or L.E.S.S. The idea is to have a method to notify the user when a Laser Bullet strikes the users LESS during a training exercises. The specification of the Man Worn Laser Light Receiver System are as follows, A Thin Film Amorphous Solar Cell such as that manufactured by Iowa Thin Film. At the Present the 3, 6, 7.2, and 15 volt small cells are the best for this system. They are very flexible, sturdy and weatherproof. They can be sewn into the material on the LESS or they can be attached by other means such as Velcro, Button-screws, affixed with Brads or made into panels that are attached by sealing them inside a molded plastic body vest, as well as hot gluing or epoxy. The Amorphous Solar Cell can detect Blue light, Green light, & Red/Orange light. A solar cell is not a very sensitive device for receiving Red laser light such as that used in the initial development of this system. A high intensity laser light 5-7 Milli-watt laser diode light in the brighter Red category such as 630,640,650 nanometers is best but other Red, green or blue laser diode lights will also work. The Electronics on the Printed Circuit Board must discriminate the incoming laser light signal so as to disregard the ambient light and other random signals found naturally in the area where the LESS is being deployed for training. Because Solar Cells in general are slow to respond to incoming pulsed laser light signals, a slow pulse must be used for the incoming signal to generate the electrical signal from the Solar Cell to the printed circuit board In this case, a 500 hertz Laser Light Pulse is used in the opposing players weapon. The Printed Circuit Board hereafter called the PCB, is designed to perform several duties at one time. First it receives the incoming 500 Hz pulse visible laser light/bullet and/or other coded electrical signal. If the pulse is correct it will cause a High Voltage Shock
High Voltage Electrical Shock to be generated and delivered via hard wires to Metal Contacts Strategically placed on the outside of the Man Worn part of the receiver or LESS. The contacts must be placed so as to come into contact with the surface of the body but outside the clothing. The voltage can be any combination of High Voltage and very low Amperage similar to what is being used in today's less lethal TASER WEAPONS. At present the system is powered with standard 9-volt batteries and delivers a High Voltage but very low amperage, 0.1 Milliamp. Other types of Battery Power, 3-12 volts, may be used. The PCB also sends a signal to a secondary part of the PCB that triggers a light that flashes so as to alert the others around him that he was hit with a Laser Bullet Strike and Received a Electrical Shot or Stun. This secondary section of the PCB will also be used to trigger a sonic beeper or loud buzzer or send a Radio Frequency notification to a central command board. A third section of the board will allow switching between a electrical stun and a Vibrator Motor for a less traumatic bullet strike notification A fourth section of the PCB will take advantage of the incoming electrical signal and use the excess power to charge the systems batteries. The above described optional Vibrator Motor alert system and the Battery Recharge System are not depicted in
This invention relates generally to the field of apparatus for a 4) FORCE-ON FORCE Training system. Moreover it pertains specifically to such apparatus for Force-on Force Training where Realism is a key part of imparting the importance of the Lesson of the Day i.e. DON'T GET KILLED. 5) The age old problem of training Soldiers for the field or Police Officers for Hostile Engagements in the line of duty has been and will always be one of the most intense and concentrated efforts during the training period one will receive when their job requirement demands the very best performance. Hell Week that our Navy Seals receive gives one the idea of what it really takes to be the very best. Because of time and money restrictions and the need to impart the best training to as many as possible in the shortest amount of time, Realistic training is now being extended from Elite Force to the line soldier or line officer and other security personnel. Simulations of all kinds are available to our training officers depending on the job requirement and the budget restraints. Shooting simulators bring the battlefield indoors for more realism Outdoors mass training and exercises using M.I.L.E.S. OR Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System that the Army and marines have been using for about 25 years in our military took the training to yet another level. Force-on-Force MILES training allowed for the individual to be counted as a Kill or hit during Wars games and other exercises. A buzzer would alert the person wearing the MILES that he has just been shot and that person would be taken out of the exercise. The LASER ENGAGEMENT STUN SYSTEM can be used in the same manner to train Force-on-Force but with a real difference! LESS will immediately through a TACTILE NOTIFICATION IN THE FORM OF A ELECTRICAL SHOCK/STUN ALERTS THE PERSON WEARING THE LESS GEAR THAT HE HAS BEEN SHOT. IT WILL ALSO ADDRESS FRATRICIDE OR FRIENDLY FIRE SITUATIONS The Laser Stun System WILL NOT CAUSE ANY PHYSIOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO THE PERSON RECEIVING THE SHOCK/STUN.
In view of the limitations now present in the prior art, the present invention provides a new and useful 6) Force on Force Training System that will TACTILELY NOTIFY the person wearing LESS that he has been shot because HE WILL FEEL IT. It will address FRATRICIDE OR FRIENDLY FIRE. And which is simpler in construction, more universally usable and more versatile in operation than known apparatus of this kind the purpose of the present invention is to provide a new 7) Laser Engagement Stun System L.E.S.S. for Force on Force training by Military, Police other Special Forces. Device that has many novel features not offered by the prior art apparatus that result in a new 8) Low cost, Heavy Duty, Training System that uses High Voltage electrical shocks for Tactile notification of a person being shot by a Laser Bullet during WAR games or other exercises. Device which is not apparent, obvious, or suggested, either directly or indirectly by any of the prior art apparatus
9 The Laser Engagement Stun System is a Man Worn Apparatus that uses Thin Film Amorphous Solar Cells as a Sensor to detect a Laser Light being shot at it from an opposing force. The Electronics on the Printed Circuit Board will convert the incoming laser light signal into a High Voltage Electrical Shock/Stun. The person wearing the LESS in the Force on Force training exercise will experience the shot by feeling it. All those participating in the Force on Force training exercise will be equipped with the Laser Engagement Stun System and all weapons in the small arms category will be equipped with a 500 HZ Laser Light Device inside or mounted outside their weapon. When the shooter is shooting at the opposing force and pulls the trigger on his weapon either a blank round will fire or a Dry fire will activate the Visible Laser Light that will be emitted by their weapon. This coded signal will activate the Solar Cell Sensor located on the LESS gear worn by the opponent. The LESS electronic circuit will generate a 50,000 Volt Low Amperage Shock for one sec. The opponent will feel a stinging or stun from the Electrical shock to SIMULATE BEING HIT BY A BULLET.
The foregoing has outlined, in general, the physical aspects of the invention and is to serve as an aid to better understanding the more complete detailed description, which is to follow. In reference to such, there is to be a clear understanding that the present invention is not limited to the method or detail of construction, fabrication, material, or application of use described and illustrated herein. Any other variation of fabrication, use, or application should be considered apparent as an alternative embodiment of the present invention.
Accordingly several advantages and objects of the present invention are:
A principal object of the present invention is to provide a 11) Method to notify a person training in an exercise that his Sensor on his laser light detector system has been hit with a Laser Bullet which he will feel by experiencing a High Voltage Low Amperage Electrical Shock or Stun to his body. This will overcome a major discrepancy in the deficiencies of the prior art devices.
An object of the present invention is to provide 12) military and other personnel in a Hostile engagement situation to use more caution to prevent their being Wounded or Killed in Action KIA and allow them to more readily recognize situation that might put them or their fellow comrade in Arms in harms way.) This new device that 13) will be used for training exercises will take training and realism to a new level not experienced in the prior art.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a 14) A method to address the Age Old Problem of FRATRICIDE or FRIENDLY FIRE. The Laser Engagement Stun System will have Sensors mounted on the rear of the friendly forces HELMET and on the BACK of the person wearing the L.E.S.S so that when a friendly is hit with friendly fire a STUN to the person wearing the LESS and a special buzzer or Radio Frequency signal will notify the Squad leader and the Command Center Immediately. One team will have odd number RF, Chips in their equipment and the other will have even number RF, Chips in their equipment so It will be immediately obvious who shot who! Friendly Fire is a major concern for every field commander and squad leader and has never been adequately addressed as to how to prevent it. It is important that the Friendly Fire activate the LESS so it will STUN the person receiving the Friendly fire because that person may have stepped in front of a Friendly's weapon or otherwise inadvertently put himself in HARMS WAY.)
It is intended that any other advantages and objects of the present invention that become apparent or obvious from the detailed description or illustrations contained herein are within the scope of the present invention.
The following drawings further describe by illustration the advantages and objects of the present invention. Each drawing is referenced by corresponding figure reference characters within the “DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION” section to follow.
Referring now descriptively to the drawings, the attached figures illustrate a 34) New Method for training with Realism when Force-on-Force training demands the very best and with the most realistic training equipment available.
FIGS. 1 illustrates a 35) Two Shooters engaged in one on one Training. Both are wearing the Laser Engagement Stun System mounted on load Bearing suspenders with a waste belt. The 2 large rectangular areas' on the chest of each player is a Sensor for detecting the other shooters Laser bullet as it hits their 2 vest sensor panel. When each person engages in the training exercises points his 9 weapon at the other and pulls the trigger, a Blank will fire or a Dry fire will cause the 10 Laser light/bullet to be emitted from the barrel of their weapon. When that 10 laser bullet strikes the 2 sensor panel, the 2, 16,17 sensor panels will send a small electrical pulse that is coded to the printed circuit board depicted in
37) (Insert-physical description of invention (Same as #9).
The Laser Engagement Stun System is a Man Worn Apparatus that uses Thin Film Amorphous Solar Cells as a Sensor to detect a Laser Light being shot at it from an opposing force. The Electronics on the Printed Circuit Board will convert the incoming laser light signal into a High Voltage Electrical Shock/Stun. The person wearing the LESS in the Force on Force training exercise will experience the shot by feeling it. All those participating in the Force on Force training exercise will be equipped with the Laser Engagement Stun System and all weapons in the small arms category will be equipped with a 500 HZ Laser Light Device inside or mounted outside their weapon. When the shooter is shooting at the opposing force and pulls the trigger on his weapon a blank round will fire or a Dry fire will activate the Visible Laser Light that will be emitted by their weapon. This coded signal will activate the Solar Cell Sensor located on the LESS gear worn by the opponent. The LESS electronic circuit will generate a 50,000 Volt Low Amperage Shock for one sec. The opponent will feel a stinging or stun from the Electrical shock to SIMULATE BEING HIT BY A BULLET.
It is further intended that any other embodiments of the present invention that result from any changes in application or method of use or operation, method of manufacture, shape, size, or material which are not specified within the detailed written description or illustrations contained herein yet are considered apparent or obvious to one skilled in the art are within the scope of the present invention.