Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 55-155093 Dec. 3, 1980 (only considered the English Abstract).. |
Japanese Laid-Open Unexamined Application (Kokai) no date available Publication No. 55-105644 Aug. 13, 1980 (only considered the English Abstracts). |
Japanese Laid-Open Unexamined Application (Kokai) Publication No. 55-157537 Dec. 8, 1980 (only considered the English Abstract). |
Japanese Laid-Open Unexamined Application (Kokai) Publication No. 56-133241 Oct. 19, 1981 (only considered the English Abstract). |
Materials Compatibility of R134a in Refrigerant Systems, K.S. Sanvordenker, Ph.D., pp. 211-216 Jan. 1989. |
Synthetic Ester Lubricants, R.S. Barnes and M.Z. Fainman Russian patent 208868, Sep. 18, 1965. |
The Relationships betewen Structure and Rheological Properties of Hydrocarbons and Oxygenated Compounds used as Base Stocks, J. Denis (1984) no month available. |
Tribological Analysis of Metal Interface Reactions in Lubricants Oils/CFC12 and HFC134a System, S Kitaichi, S. Sato, R. Ishidoya and T. Machida (no date available). |
Status Report on Polyalkylene Glycol Lubricants for use with HFC-134A in Refrigeration Compressors, Sonny G. Sundaresan and William R. Finkenstadt, Ph.D., Jul. 17-20, 1990. |
Synthetic Lubricants and Operational Fluids, 4th International Colloquium, Jan. 10-12, 1984. |
Synthetic Lubricants and Their Refrigeration Applications, Glenn D. Short May 1-4, 1989. |
Ester Base Stocks, J. Szydywar 1984 (No Month Available). |
Neopentyl Polyol Esters, Thomas G. Smith 1962 (No Month Available). |
Selection and Performance of Synthetic and Semi-Synthetic Lubricants for use with Alternative Refrigerants in Refrigeration Applications, Glenn D. Short and Richard Cavestri Jul. 17-20, 1990. |
Refrigerating Oils for Alternative Refrigerants, Takashi Kaimai--Jul. 17-20, 1990. |
New and Unique Lubricants for use in Compressors Utilizing R-134a Refrigerant, Scott T. Jolley Jul. 17-20, 1990. |
Lubricant, Refrigerants & Systems--Some Interaction, Ashrae Anual Meeting, Jun. 25-29, 1972, Keshav S. Sanvordenker and M.M. Larime. |
Lubricants and Related Products, Dieter Klamann, pp. 130-133. |
Lubricants Suitable for Oil Flooded Screw Compressors with R-22 and R-134a as Refrigerants, Glenn D. Short 1988 (No Month Available). |