All of the foregoing patents and patent applications are hereby incorporated by reference, including the drawings, as if repeated herein in their entirety.
The present invention relates generally to methods and apparatuses for performing credit transactions, and more particularly to a method and apparatus for performing a credit transaction between a merchant and a customer at a point of sale in an electronic or paperless manner.
Generally, electronic credit payments should work just like a cash transaction. The consumer gets his stuff, the merchant says pay this amount which includes tax, and the consumer gives the merchant the money—there no is swiping, no signing, nothing: the customer simply hands over the cash and is done. This is all any merchant wants and needs: no fee cash payments—even if they are electronic.
As usual in this digital world, the ‘experts’ have completely mucked everything up: the focus of a credit transaction has been bullied by credit card companies with skyrocketing costs and mumbo-jumbo technology that merchants and consumers must use just for the convenience of paying without cash. Is it not time to re-focus the entire credit checkout event back to where it belongs?
The entirety of credit transaction processing is getting more complex for the consumer, more expensive and complicated for the merchant and has an unbalanced risk/reward/cost basis for the financial institutions. There is a great need for a streamlined, transparent, secure and balanced risk/reward system with straightforward, easy to understand simplicity for all users.
This is evidenced by the continual ‘upgrade’ and introduction of more and more new systems that do not solve the problem. These new systems introduce further difficulty, cost, required expertise and pain for all participants without ever reaching the goal: A transparent, understandable, provably secure, fast, no cost credit transaction processing system with equal, shared risk for all participants.
The present invention is therefore directed to the problem of developing a method and apparatus for performing credit transactions that mimics cash transactions and which is completely transparent, understandable, secure, fast, extremely low cost, and with equal, shared risk between all the parties.
The present invention—termed QwyitCash℠—is the first and only truly secure, unbreakable, simple and convenient digital monetary transaction—without a single, costly device required. Thus, the present invention enables a customer to walk up to the checkout counter, the clerk tells you the amount, and the customer electronically pays without having to ‘connect’ to anything at the register. The customer only needs a smart phone or other similar ubiquitous device. The customer has a QwyitCash app on the smart phone, the merchant has QwyitCash software running on its web-based point of sale register and both servers of both parties' banks employ similar applications.
The present invention eliminates forever-being-stolen credit cards to swipe, no Near Field Communication dots to wave your phone at, no easily-forged fingerprint biometrics to maneuver, absolutely no devices required—and none of those costs. QwyitCash works just like—better than—cash. Clerk announces the amount, you ‘hand over’ the money, out the door with your stuff.Just.Like.Cash. There is absolutely no requirement for any financial bank to use the complicated, complex, insecure and costly credit transaction of today's credit card processors and associations—along with their cards. Or even the new ‘no-card-but-still-a-reader’ payments like Apple Pay™. It's time for a change. No cards, no readers—just a provably secure credit payment.
The present invention is as safe as a cash transaction. Actually, safer than cash, which can be (and routinely is) counterfeited. The missing ingredient in every processing attempt at securing an electronic credit transaction thus far has been the failure to use a transparent, 100% mathematically unsolvable process (i.e., unbreakable) that positively ties the consumer to the transaction (the loan) and the two banks together (merchant and issuer) so they can authorize, clear and settle payment. All of the really costly new processes that are in use anywhere globally are less than perfect; and they keep getting more complicated without solving the problem.
What it takes is a provable mathematic method used in an impenetrable credit exchange process from you to your lender and back to the merchant. QwyitCash is Better Than Money because it is the first and only exchange combination of secure math (based on provably unsolvable underdetermined equation sets) in an impenetrable process (the merchant-lender-buyer connection happens exterior to the register and is provably, transparently safe). Not only is all the risk mitigated for all parties, it can't be counterfeited, and the setup cost is zero, thus the transaction cost can be very low.
Here are some major advantages:
Here's a short list of the problems:
In summary, here's how you know the current stuff isn't working: they keep changing it and telling you more secure, easier, faster, etc. It's either secure, fast, simple, transparent, flexible and final or it's not—tending toward secure just doesn't cut it!
Here's an example of a final, works-all-the-time system: credit card numbers! A perfect system worked out with mathematic precision that dictates what is and what is not a real credit card number. The credit transaction deserves perfection—and it's finally here:
QwyitCash—Better Than Money℠—the first, only and finally perfect credit transaction system.
Provide QwyitCash to consumers, merchants and financial institutions. QwyitCash is a provably secure mathematic method used in an impenetrable credit transaction process between you, a merchant, and both party's banks.
QwyitCash is Better Than Money because it is the first and only transaction exchange that uses 100% secure math, based on provably unsolvable underdetermined equation sets, in an impenetrable process where the merchant-banks-buyer connection happens exterior to the register and is provably, transparently safe. All risk is mitigated for all parties, the process is provably secure and all participants except consumers a very low transaction, without any initial costs. Consumers pay no costs whatsoever.
Consumers are required to have a smart phone running the quick QwyitCash download application—over 50% of the credit population has a cell phone, and well over 90% of those are smart phones. Merchants will install any of the multi-platform supported QwyitCash APIs to perform a QwyitCash transaction through their POS software. Lenders will install the same available QwyitCash API to operate on their servers for consideration and decision on each transaction (authorization/denial, clearing and settlement).
QwyitCash no longer requires any consumer to have a physical credit card, and merchants no longer require the use of card readers of any kind.
It is noted here that provably secure and unbreakable means:
The following is a list of many of the advantages in the QwyitCash network of participants, including Consumers, Merchants and financial institutions. Some are particular to just one participant type (e.g., consumer phones), and none of these can be matched by any of the current credit processing systems, technologies and/or networks:
The present invention enacts and processes a financial credit transaction between parties, generally a merchant (seller) and a consumer (buyer). “QwyitCash” refers to all parts of the protocol, including the incorporation of the QwyitTalk stream cipher and Qwyit authentication.
The complete QwyitCash protocol includes authentication key management through the Qwyit Directory Server system.
The present invention, termed QwyitCash, is a provably secure unbreakable mathematic method used in a streamlined, secure credit transaction process between a Consumer, a Merchant, and both party's banks. QwyitCash relies on the communication security of the Qwyit protocol's method. Qwyit is a one-pass embedded symmetric key authentication method, based on underdetermined equation sets, and includes the world's fastest, most secure stream cipher for data encryption (QwyitTalk). QwyitCash is an extension of Qwyit's provably secure cryptographic primitives resulting in a provably secure transaction process. QwyitCash is the first and only fully transparent, understandable, secure,unbreakable, fast, no cost credit transaction processing system with equal, shared risk for all participants.
Provably secure and unbreakable means:
The mathematics claim has been verified by independent cryptographic experts and is currently under review by NIST for certification as a U.S. National Standard for Lightweight Cryptography; and the process security claims can easily be verified by any reader—which is the entire point of providing a transparent, understandable system (based on the verified mathematics).
The entirety of the “credit card” business and technical transaction model is based on using the actual, physical card as an authentication token. All of the complexity of all of the proposed credit transaction processing methods has been based on the faulty assumption that this is necessary. What is necessary is that the person asking to use credit for a purchase is indeed the person who has been granted credit by an entity from whom the merchant will be able to collect.
The requirement doesn't impose a physical card—that was just a method created when neither an instant communication system nor a positively secure encapsulating method of authentication credentials existed. The global, nearly universally available Internet has arrived to remove the first hurdle; and QwyitCash is now available to remove the second. When using QwyitCash over the Internet, the credit transaction is exactly the same as it's always been, only there isn't any need to carry a physical card.
There is a need, after having been granted credit under specific terms, for the borrower to carry some kind of authentication credentials that the credit issuer requires. Plainly, there is no need to ‘translate’ the credentials to a physical card with another unique data set (number, expiration, etc.)—there is only the need to digitize the credentials and securely store and present them whenever asking to borrow against one's credit line.
Further, there is the requirement for the merchant to be able to communicate with the issuer, and receive either approval or denial of the credit request, then act accordingly (sale or no sale), and collect on the debt (settlement). Whether or not a representative (or two) is inserted into the process of handling the package and the real money for the goods/services (merchant bank), isn't relative to the result—and their insertion should not add new requirements, only new data (identifying, accounts, etc.).
A credit transaction couldn't be any simpler—yet the current convoluted storage ideas (cards, devices that store cards, etc.) and horrifically complicated/complex communications transmissions keep getting worse and worse. QwyitCash has significantly streamlined the process and met all of the requirements of the necessary transaction parties, all while delivering provable security without a credit card.
System Requirements—Participants and Processes Definition
There are four participant classifications:
There are four processes in the QwyitCash transaction system:
The QC message format:
These field sizes will accommodate QwyitCash operation ‘forever’; as the AuthToken field size will hold a 1024-bit symmetric key/token (256-bit recommended currently). All other sizes accommodate a galaxy-worth of participants, transactions, dollars—all without any transmission or processing performance degradation. And this standard message is substantially smaller than current credit processing transmissions.
System Requirements—Messages
Description Format: Message Name, Sender/Owner, Receiver
QI-N: QwyitCash Issuer (QI) New Participant Registration→
QB-N: QwyitCash Bank (QB) New Participant Registration→
QI-O: reply with OpenID assignment→QI
QB-O: reply with OpenID assignment→QB
QI-K: QI New Participant Keys→
QB-K: QB New Participant Keys→
QI-C: Confirmation→QI
QB-C: Confirmation→QB
QM-N: Merchant New Participant Communication Check→
QC-N: Consumer New Participant Communication Check→
QM-R: reply→Merchant
QC-R: reply→Consumer
QM-S: Merchant Start→
QM-R: Reply→Merchant
QCC: QwyitCash Code from→Merchant, Merchant→Consumer
QC-S: Consumer Start→
QC-R: Reply→Consumer
QI-S: QwyitCash Issuer Start→QI
QI-R: QI reply→
QM-R: reply→Merchant
QM-A: Merchant Accept→
QC-A: Consumer Accept→
QB-T: Settlement start→QwyitCash Bank (QB)
QI-T: Settlement start→QI
QB-R: QB reply→
QM-X: Merchant Cancel→
QC-X: Consumer Cancel→
QC-G: Consumer Gift Giving Transaction Start→
QI-G: QI Gift Start→QI
QI-R: QI reply→
QC-R: reply→Gift Giving Consumer
QC-A: Consumer Accept Gift Giving Transaction→
QI-T: QI Settlement Record→QI
This process is an ‘overlay’ of Normal Transaction Processing, the only new messages:
QC-D: Consumer Decline Gifts→
QC-I: Consumer Interim Gift Transaction use→
QC-F: Consumer Last of Multiple Gift Transaction use→
System Requirements—Result Flag Values
The following are all of the Result Flag values for the QC processes:
ZNEW—New OpenID request or value reply
ZMQK—New Master Qwyit Key (MQK)
ZMEK—New Master Exchange Key (MEK)
ZNPC—New QwyitCash Participant (Merchant/Consumer) Confirmed—Registration Complete!
ZNWM—New Merchant Communication check
ZNWC—New Consumer Communication check and PIN storage
ZNMS—New Merchant Success—Registration Complete!
ZNCS—New Consumer Success—Registration Complete!
ZZZZ—Not a viable Qwyit message. Try again.
ZZMS—Merchant Start message—open the transaction.
ZZCS—Consumer Start message—join the transaction by QCC found in VF
ZNRE—No Transaction Record Match! Check QC Code and Amount Entry and try again
ZCCC— has returned this transaction's QC Code—found in Value Flag (VF)
ZQIS—QI Start message—authorize the transaction.
ZATX—Issuer has received wrong Authentication Token—try again (although PIN is correct; key may be corrupt—possible re-registration), or choose another QwyitCash Issuer
ZCDX—Issuer has DENIED credit—choose another QwyitCash Issuer
ZFAA—Full Amount Approved! (Normal transaction)
ZZOK—Accepted transaction. Awaiting other party Acceptance and Settlement
XXXX—Transaction Canceled. End of Transaction.
ZDUN—Transaction Complete! Thank you!
ZPRB—Settlement Issue—to be corrected upon Audit
ZEND—Transaction Settlement Complete
ZCGT—Consumer Gift Giving Transaction (GGT)
ZQIG—QI Gift Transaction Start message—authorize the GGT
ZGOK—Consumer Accepted Gift Giving Transaction—GGT is now available for Recipient, QI notified of Consumer acceptance
ZGDN—Gift Giving Transaction Complete! Thank you!
ZGTI—Gift Transaction available—One of multiple
ZGTF—Gift Transaction available—Last of multiple or Single
ZGTD—Consumer Declines to use any available Gift Transactions
ZQIR—QI Gift Transaction Redemption message—validate GGT, Recipient, Amount
ZGNR—No QI Gift Transaction record match! must cancel transaction with Consumer
ZGXX—No Gift Transaction confirmation, Transaction Canceled by Try Again
ZFGA—Gift Transaction Approval (Gift Redemption)
ZCGC—Consumer Gift Check
Note: If any participant receives a not-viable QwyitTalk communications message in any process, they will auto-reply to the sender to try again in a Qx-R format with an RF=ZZZZ. If receive two consecutive messages from the same entity, the reply will be with an RF=XXXX and any in-progress transaction will be canceled. The following message streams assume proper QwyitTalk formatted message traffic.
Registration Process
Registration Process Flow Diagram
Registration Process—Overview
The following are the requirements to register for provision of QwyitCash credit transactions:
Merchant/QB and Consumer/QI Step 1: Find desired QB (Merchant) or QI (Consumer) by reviewing those certified by as participating in QwyitCash credit processing and payment. After selection, follow the QC Provider's instructions in order to apply for an account; most likely, this will be performed online, using a secure HTTPS connection. After credit validation and verification, under the auspices of each individual QC Provider (this may be during the first session or some future interaction), at some point just after acceptance by both parties, the QC Provider will generate a unique Authentication Token for the Consumer/Merchant and request unique, unused OpenIDs from
Note: Consumers certainly can register with multiple QwyitCash Issuers. All of the QC registration items will be held in a QC application running on their smart device; the application will handle multiple QI material. Merchants may register at different QwyitCash Banks, as well; except that QC Merchant transactions do not have a step for selecting a QB (for convenience!). If Merchants have multiple QBs, each POS QC app will need to have the default information for that POS session. Each POS may certainly have a different QB (and the QC POS app may allow storage of multiple QBs), but every transaction from a single POS during any one session will go to the same QB.
QI Step 1: Create QI-N:
QB Step 1: Create QB-N: Step 2: Decrypt QI-NIQB-N
QI Step 3: Decrypt QI-O
QB Step 3: Decrypt QB-O
Merchant Step 3: Obtain QwyitCash application for their platform
Consumer Step 3: Obtain QwyitCash application for their platform Step 4: Decrypt QI-KIQB-K
QB Step 5: Decrypt QB-C
QI Step 5: Decrypt QI-C
Merchant Step 5: Continuing QC Setup
Consumer Step 5: Continuing QC Setup Step 6: Decrypt QM-N Step 6: Decrypt QC-N
Note: It is possible, during this Consumer communication check, to allow/have the Consumer's QC-N include the PIN using the VF field. Then could update the Consumer's record in the key store to have the PIN. As there is no apparent, as yet, need for this (and it unnecessarily introduces the PIN into the message chain), it is not recommended.
Merchant Step 7: Decrypt QM-R
Consumer Step 7: Decrypt QC-R
Normal Transaction Payment
Normal Transaction Payment Flow Diagram
Normal Transaction Payment—Overview
Normal Transaction Payment (QwyitCash Credit Processing) is identical to current Merchant—Consumer credit processing. QwyitCash has streamlined the process, fully securing it while removing the physical credit card—but hasn't changed the needs or preparedness of any of the participants. We invented a better way to perform and process credit transactions. The Merchant totals the merchandise or services to be bought, the Customer/Consumer is asked how they will pay, and QwyitCash (credit) is declared. The Consumer asks their lender to back the purchase, the Merchant's bank and the Consumer's credit Issuer transact a financial exchange, and the Consumer takes the good/services. QwyitCash transaction processing works for all types of credit transactions, including Internet, physical location, phone, restaurant, etc.
Normal Transaction Payment—Unique QwyitCash Codes (OCC)
These 23-unique alpha-numeric values (called QC codes, QCC), creating 12,167 (233) possible Codes for each transaction amount, will be either shown, told or automated from the Merchant to the Consumer in Step 3, joining the transaction. These values have unique spoken and written characteristics in order to avoid verbal communication and input errors; for translating QwyitCash to other languages, these codes may be adjusted to retain spoken/written uniqueness. Merchant screens may/should be designed for easy Consumer reference to distinctly show the three code values along with the transaction Amount (where not read automatically by the Consumer's smart device):
a b, f, h, i, m, o, q, r, s, u, w, x, y, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
Notes on Transaction Synching
Consumer Step 3 entails entering the 3-character QCC. While noted that this entry may be automated, and code definition has been limited for verbal communication error reduction, there is a small possibility of waiting for a clear code. There are 12,167 QCC's per transaction amount available during any open transaction interval (lasting from 5-120 seconds, estimated approximately.) It is possible that all codes are being used, and any particular transaction will need to wait until a transaction is closed (canceled or completed) and a code becomes available. This will almost never occur, even if every credit transaction in the world were to be QwyitCash processed. [e.g., ˜400 B/year =190K/15-seconds, with an average of 10K different values ($50-150 average transaction), each w/12,167 codes leaves 121.7M codes to cover 190K transactions.] Should it occur, the transaction would simply be delayed by a few seconds as codes ‘roll off’ in order to send an available Code for the Merchant to provide. If desired, the QCC can be increased to 4 characters, with each Amount having 279,841 values; the only drawback is more Consumer error possibilities (unless QCC and Amount entry are automated, in which case 4 characters would be recommended.)
Should the Consumer enter the wrong code, their reply will alert them to ‘No Transaction Record match’, Result Flag=ZNRE, and they would re-enter the correct value. With manual entry, there is a minute chance of entering the wrong code that happens to be the correct code for another open Consumer transaction for the exact amount. This error is eliminated with automated entry—if it passed, and ‘no one noticed’ (all parties), the finances are correct, but the payees are wrong; yes this might have tax or other implications (Merchant sales taxes, etc.), but an error to completion is nearly impossible.
Normal Transaction Payment Credit Processing—Details
Note: All QwyitCash platform software applications for Merchant and Consumer will always show a Cancel button so any transaction may be terminated by either party at any time up until Merchant and Consumer both Accept the transaction.
Merchant Step 1: Create QM-S message after totaling Amount and confirming that Consumer will pay using QwyitCash
Note: Some Merchants may allow Consumer to pay partial amounts using QwyitCash, and the rest of the transaction in other ways. If this is to be done, the Merchant MUST only start a QC transaction for the PARTIAL amount. This is because of the transaction joining method; so Merchant must split the purchase PRIOR to starting a QC credit transaction. Step 2: Decrypt QM-S, Evaluate RF
Merchant Step 3: Decrypt QM-R, evaluate RF and VF
Note: It is certainly possible to allow the Consumer's smart device to ‘read’ the QCC from the Merchant, automating entry and reducing errors. This is opposite of current systems where Merchant devices read Consumer devices. Existing hardware (photo and image processing) already exists on most smart devices, so this automation wouldn't involve any cost.
Consumer Step 3: Opens QwyitCash application, enters PIN, selects QI for this transaction, enters Amount, and QCC; this creates QC-S message
QC-S, Consumer, QI's ID, Consumer's QI AuthToken, ZZCS, abf, xxx.xx, null (where VF=input QCC, which must match Merchant QCC and Amount)
If RF=ZZCS: Find QCC/Amount match in open QM-S records awaiting payment settlement
Validate Consumer's AuthToken, and if OK, make credit decision based on person and Amount and record all QwyitCash record values for billing consumer, etc. This record must be accepted by the Consumer in Step 7 and isn't final until receiving a QI-T request.
For the following RF values, Reply to Consumer because of issues
For the following RF value, Reply to Consumer and Merchant—credit approved
If RF=ZFAA Then Full Amount Approved
If RF =ZFAA then Screen notified “Consumer Credit Approved! Accept/Cancel?” Show the QCC and Amount
If RF=ZATX then Screen notified “Authentication Code error—Try again or choose another QwyitCash Issuer”
If RF=ZCDX then Screen notified “Credit has been DENIED—Cancel or Try again with a different QwyitCash Issuer”
If RF=ZFAA then Screen notified “Approved! Accept/Cancel?” Show the QCC and Amount
If RF=ZNRE then Screen notified “Wrong Amount or Code—Try entering again”
For either RF=XXXX (Merchant and/or Consumer Canceled)
For both RF=ZZOK (both have Accepted)
Validate Consumer's AuthToken, and if OK (can also check against the previously approved credit decision) and record all QwyitCash values for settlement, etc.—Settlement will be with the same TransactionID at the QB's OpenID in OpenID2
Validate Merchant's AuthToken, and if OK record all QwyitCash values for settlement, etc.—Settlement will be with the same TransactionID at the QI's OpenID in OpenID2
Evaluate RF
Evaluate RF
TRANSACTION COMPLETE Step Periodic (some minute interval): Check QM-S records for completeness—will have both QI and QB settlement codes (the corresponding RF values):
If both values=ZEND, then move the QM-S record to the Complete Settlement area for audit storage
If either value=ZPRB, then move the QM-S record to the Settlement Problem Area for periodic submission for resolution to the corresponding QI and QB (24-hour recommended, in a TBD QwyitTalk communication sequence, if desired)
Merchant Step X: Merchant can cancel any time prior to Acceptance in Step 7
Create QM-X message, RF=XXXX
Create QC-X message, RF=XXXX
Decrypt QM-X or QC-X, evaluate RF, if RF=XXXX
Gift Transaction Creation—Overview
The streamlined QwyitCash system enables Consumers to ‘buy gift cards’ for each other—and just as with the removal of the physical credit card from normal credit transactions, QwyitCash has removed the physical gift card from Gift Card purchases. This does not impact the purchase of any particular Merchant's cards, but it does remove the need to buy Credit Card Processor and Bank/debit cards (such as a Visa™ gift card.) Gift Transaction Creation allows any Consumer to give another QwyitCash participating Consumer a Gift Transaction that they may use everywhere QwyitCash is accepted. Whenever paying by QC, the Consumer will be notified that they have Gift Transactions available (shown the Amounts and from which Consumers) and asked if they want to use one (or more). This is akin to PayPal® Personal without the cash transaction fees—and just like buying a Credit Gift Card, but without the physical card.
Gift Transaction Creation—Purchase and Give Gift Transaction Processing—Details
Consumer Step 1: Opens QwyitCash application, enters PIN, and selects Purchase and Give Gift Transaction (GT). Selects QI for this Gift Giving Transaction (GGT), enters Amount to Give, and the Personal Identifier of the recipient (RPI), and the OpenID of the recipient (ROI); this creates a QC-G message
Note: will have all QC Consumer participants listed publicly by Personal ID and OpenID. QC app will HTTP (publicly) connect to and allow Consumers to select recipients and auto-fill the values. This should be a requirement to avoid multiple cyclic transmissions with failed recipient value entry attempts. There will also be a warning: “Are you sure this is the correct recipient? If not, a stranger will be given your gift!” There will NOT be any way for a Giver to cancel an approved GGT; double acceptance of the entered recipient should be standard app practice for Step 1. (Consumer will again accept this recipient, for the 3rd time, in Step 5.) Step 2: Decrypt QC-G and Identify recipient (by ROI/RPI)
QI Step 3: Decrypt QI-G Step 4: Decrypt QI-R (These QI replies are matched by TransactionID—they are the same credit codes for both Normal and Gift Giving Transactions)
For the following RF values, Reply to Consumer because of issues
For the following RF value, Reply to Consumer—credit approved
Consumer Step 5: Decrypt QC-R Step 6: Decrypt QC-A
Consumer Step 7: Decrypt QC-R
QI Step 7: Decrypt QI-T
Note: QI is alerted that their Open GGT (however they have recorded it in their DB) is now accepted and active for the Recipient (ROI/RPI now known, recorded in QI's GGT). This is important because they will receive a QI-S message from to use this record/transaction for credit approval against some other QM-S sale, which will have a different TransactionID. Final settlement doesn't happen now, but later when the Recipient uses the GGT-QI holds the funds after billing Giving Consumer. Step 8: Decrypt QI-R
Consumer Step X: Consumer can cancel any time prior to Acceptance in Step 5 Step X: If at any time, receive a QC-X message:
Gift Transaction Payment
Gift Transaction Payment (Redemption) Flow Diagram
Gift Transaction Payment (Redemption) Processing—Overview
For any QwyitCash payment transaction, after synching with the Merchant's sales transaction, the Consumer will be notified if they have any available Gift Transactions; these are called Gift Giving Transactions (GGT) in the system, and are marked by the sending Consumer, the receiving Consumer (recipient) and the amount available. The Consumer may choose none, one, or many to cover the transaction amount. Should the Consumer choose not to use any GGTs, then the transaction is processed normally. If the Consumer chooses a GGT that is equal to or greater than the transaction, just that payment will be used (and if greater, the amount remaining is adjusted). If there is a remaining amount on the transaction after GGT selection (which can be more than one), then the Consumer's QI entry during the synch step will be used for credit approval.
Gift Transaction Payment (Redemption) Processing—Details
Note: Where the step, or parts of it, is identical to Normal Transaction Processing, the details are omitted since they can be found above.
Merchant Step 1: Create QM-S Step 2: Decrypt QM-S
Merchant Step 3: Decrypt QM-R, Convey QCC to Consumer
Consumer Step 3: Opens QwyitCash application, enters PIN, selects QI for this transaction, enters Amount, and QCC; this creates QC-S message Step 4: Decrypt QC-S
Evaluate RF and Amount. If RF=ZGTI or ZGTF then Screen notified “You have Gift Transactions—want to use it?” (or “one or more?” if multiple). Reminder: at this point, has already synched and updated the QM-S record w/Consumer's info, including QI info should the GTs not add up to the total transaction value. Once Consumer has selected enough GTs to equal or exceed the transaction amount, app will interrupt and ask to send.
If RF=ZGTD: Consumer has declined use of any GT(s)
If RF=ZGTI: Consumer has accepted multiple GTs, more transmissions coming
If RF=ZGTF: Last (only) Consumer accepted GT, end of Gift transmissions
Note: There could be several different QI's sent to in this Step; the addresses are found in the GGT records from matching the Recipient, Giver OpenIDs and Amounts. The OpenID (e.g., address) of which QIs to send to will have been stored in the original GGT records during Step 2 of Gift Giving Transaction Processing.
QI Step 7: Decrypt QI-S, evaluate RF; If=ZQIR, these are Gift Redemptions
Validate GGT by Recipient OpenID (ROI), Recipient Personal ID (RPI), Amount, Gift Giver's Open ID and whether still available (TransactionID will be different, as record created in Giving transaction process, and transaction is already authorized and billed to Giving Consumer). Compare amounts; if amount requested is same (cannot be more), mark record as TOTAL USED AWAITING CONSUMER ACCEPT. If amount requested is less, mark record as PARTIAL USED AWAITING CONSUMER ACCEPT, noting amount.
Validate Consumer's AuthToken, and if OK, make credit decision based on person and Amount and record all QwyitCash record values for billing consumer, etc. This record must be accepted by the Consumer in Step 8 and isn't final until receiving a QI-T request.
Note: This step may be performed by multiple QI's, as the Consumer may have multiple GGTs provided by different Giving Consumers using different QI's; as well as a remaining transaction amount needing approval.
For the following RF values, Reply to Consumer because of issues
If RF=ZGNR (QI did not have an open Gift Transaction for that Recipient, given by that Gift Giver)—mark Open GGT as ERROR, CLOSED AT QI.
If RF=ZFAA Then Remaining Amount Approved
If RF=ZFGA Then Gift Amount Approved
If RF=ZGXX then Screen notified “QC Issuer cannot confirm Gift Transaction—Canceled by—Try again and choose another Gift, if available”
If RF=ZATX then Screen notified “Authentication Code error—Canceled by”
If RF=ZCDX then Screen notified “Credit has been DENIED—Canceled by”
If RF=ZFAA then Screen notified “Approved! Accept/Cancel?” Show the QCC and Amount, Same as Consumer Step 7 in Normal Processing
For either RF=XXXX (Merchant and/or Consumer Canceled)
For both RF=ZZOK (both have Accepted)
QI Step 11: Decrypt QI-T—Same as Step 9 in Normal Processing
QB Step 11: Decrypt QB-T—Same as Step 9 in Normal Processing
Merchant Step 11: Decrypt QM-R—Same as Step 9 in Normal Processing
Consumer Step 11: Decrypt QC-R—Same as Step 9 in Normal Processing Step 12: Decrypt QB-R, QI-R—Same as Step 10 in Normal Processing
QwyitCash Gift Transaction Status Check (Consumer)
Consumer's may open their QC app and check whether they have any available Gift Transactions at any time. This would simply be performing Steps 3 (as noted above), 4 and 5 in the above Gift Transaction Redemption Process; after viewing, then simply closing/canceling.
Security and Operational Benefits
QwyitCash has solved a large percentage of credit transaction problems, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and fraud; here are some of the QwyitCash solutions:
PIN Stealth
QwyitCash has eliminated the security threat of ‘the lost/stolen physical credit card’, as a QC-enabled smart device holds only the PIN-secured versions of all keys, AuthTokens and any associated secured data; public, open data such as QI connectivity instructions, OpenIDs, etc. need no protection.
There is nothing anyone can do without knowing the PIN—stealing a device and coercing the Consumer to give up the PIN will enable use of the device for illegitimate purchases. This vulnerability will never be removed by any system; but is handled by the same credit protections that currently exist for fraudulent physical card transactions. It should also be noted that halting use of an illegitimate QC device can happen at two different transaction process locations: (stopping any transactions by invalidating/revoking the QC keys) and the QI (invalidating/revoking the associated AuthToken). Any trouble call into QC will reach both parties.
The only remaining serious threat to QwyitCash is the ‘cloned device’; e.g., malware installed (somehow/anyway) on a device to send the keylogged/mouse-click/screen captured/trapped PIN and then-easily decrypted credentials to an attacker, who will then be able to perform illegitimate (but real) transactions. There are several points to be made in this regard:
QwyitCash's PIN encryption at initial registration and at every transaction (and after X second timeout):
Encryption Process:
Decryption Process:
The security of this encryption is based on QwyitTalk's underdetermined equation sets; it is unsolvable and therefore unbreakable. And there are only N tries out of the >16,777,216 keys (6 hex-digit PINs minimally) before lockout. It should be noted that it would be sufficient to simply MOD16 add the PIN repeatedly throughout the length of the Keys (a simply PIN offset) without any need for the QCS and the PDAF steps, and the security of the QwyitTalk system would be identical. The only reason for the dual step is on the human-error chance that one of the keys is somehow given out, the others remain secure through the dual one-way PDAFs—as there is more than one PIN upon a dictionary attack of the other same-PIN-encrypted values that will yield the now-known key, leaving the others still secure (the chances of guessing the right one are less than the 16.7M original set, but still sufficient to make the effort of somehow stealing a single key not worthwhile. Under this attack, the small size of the PIN is an asset!)
QwyitCash Summary
QwyitCash provides more security in a streamlined transaction process than any current deferred net settlement system. The removal of the physical credit card restores the proper risk balance to all participants and performs processing in real time, faster than any current system. QwyitCash relies on QwyitTalk secure authentication and encryption security communications, based on the provably secure mathematics of underdetermined systems of equations, which are maintained everywhere throughout the QwyitCash transaction process.
Credit Card Processing Comparison to QwyitCash
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application filed Mar. 7, 2018 by the same inventor with the same title. The present application is related to the following patents and patent applications: U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/879,708 filed Jun. 20, 1997 (now U.S. Pat. No. 6,058,189, which issued May 2, 2000) entitled “Method and System for Performing Secure Electronic Monetary Transactions;” U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/923,095 filed Sep. 4, 1997 (now U.S. Pat. No. 6,002,769, which issued Dec. 14, 1999) entitled “Method and System for Performing Secure Electronic Messaging,” which claimed the benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/879,708; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/212,294 filed Dec. 16, 1998 (now U.S. Pat. No. 6,445,797, which issued Sep. 3, 2002) entitled “Method and System for Performing Secure Electronic Digital Streaming;” U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/062,312 filed Feb. 1, 2002 entitled “Method and System for Performing Perfectly Secure Key Exchange and Authenticated Messaging;” U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/563,065 filed Apr. 16, 2004; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/108,347 filed Apr. 18, 2005 entitled “Method and System for Performing Perfectly Secure Key Exchange and Authenticated Messaging,” which claimed the benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/062,312 and U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/563,065; U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/842,595 filed Sep. 6, 2006; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/850,948 filed Sep. 6, 2007 (now U.S. Pat. No. 7,899,185, which issued Mar. 1, 2011) entitled “Real privacy management authentication system,” which application claimed the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/842,595; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/899,741 filed Sep. 6, 2007 (now U.S. Pat. No. 8,144,874), which issued Mar. 27, 2012 and is entitled “Method for Obtaining Key for use in Secure Communications over a Network and Apparatus for Providing Same,” which application claimed the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/842,595; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/899,742 filed Sep. 6, 2007 (now U.S. Pat. No. 8,144,875), which issued Mar. 27, 2012 and is entitled “Method and System for Establishing Real-Time Authenticated and Secured Communications Channels in a Public Network,” which application claimed the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/842,595; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/430,253 filed Mar. 26, 2012 (now U.S. Pat. No. 8,649,520), which issued Feb. 11, 2014 and is entitled “Method and System for RealTime Trust in a Public Network,” which application in turn claimed priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/899,742; and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/176,284 filed Feb. 10, 2014, entitled “Method and System for Establishing Real-Time Trust in a Public Network” which claimed priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/430,253. U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/532,095 filed Jul. 13, 2017 entitled “Method and Apparatus for Authentication and Encryption Service.”
Number | Date | Country | |
62639737 | Mar 2018 | US |