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Despite the apparent success of advanced process control, the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control still remains the main type of control in the process industries. PID controllers and their variations such as proportional-integral (PI), proportional-derivative (PD), and proportional (P) controllers are implemented as either stand-alone controllers or configurable software modules within the distributed control systems (DCS). The DCS software is constantly evolving providing a number of new features, among which the controller autotuning functionality is one of most useful.
Tuning of PID controllers based on relay feedback tests proposed by Astrom and Hagglund in 1981 (respective U.S. Pat. No. 4,549,123 issued in 1985) received a lot of attention after that (W. L. Luyben, “Derivation of Transfer Functions for Highly Nonlinear Distillation Columns”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 26, 1987, pp. 2490-2495; Tore Hagglund, Karl J. Astrom, “Industrial Adaptive Controllers Based on Frequency Response Techniques”, Automatica 27, 1991, pp. 599-609). It identifies the important dynamic information, ultimate gain and ultimate frequency, in a straightforward manner. The success of this type of tuners lies on the fact that they are simple and reliable. These features of the relay feedback autotuning have lead to a number of commercial tuners (Tore Hagglund, Karl J. Astrom, “Industrial Adaptive Controllers Based on Frequency Response Techniques”, Automatica 27, 1991, pp. 599-609) and industrial applications (H. S. Papastathopoulou, W. L. Luyben, “Tuning Controllers on Distillation Columns with the Distillate-Bottoms Structure”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 29, 1990, pp. 1859-1868).
Despite the apparent success of relay based tuning, it can lead to reduced or vice versa excessively large gain and phase margins because of the choice of the test point (frequency of the oscillations) corresponding to the phase lag of the process equal to −180° (phase cross-over frequency ωπ) while inclusion of the controller in the loop introduces additional phase shift, which was not accounted for at the selection of the test point and designing the tuning rules.
The present invention completely eliminates this source of inaccuracy via the selection of a different test point, development of the test for excitation of oscillation in the selected test point, and designing the tuning rules that account for the phase shift due to the controller introduction. Therefore, the proposed test and tuning rules ensure that either the specified gain margin of the system or the specified phase margin of the system will be provided. The present invention defines a method and an apparatus for bringing the system (comprising the process, and the developed control algorithm) into symmetric oscillations (further referred to as modified relay feedback test) for determining (measuring) quantities essential for the tuning of the controller. The method is based on the measurement of the frequency and the amplitude of the oscillations in the system under the modified relay feedback test and calculation of the controller tuning parameters in dependence on the measurements obtained. The invention includes all variations and combinations (P, PI, PID, etc.) of the control type of the PID controller.
Referring to the drawings, a description will be given of an embodiment of a controller tuning method according to the present invention.
The practice of the use of tuning algorithms shows that simple non-parametric methods (the ones that are not based on any model of the process) such as Ziegler-Nichols's closed-loop tuning method (J. G. Ziegler, and N. B. Nichols, “Optimum settings for automatic controllers”, Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng., Vol. 64, 1942, pp. 759-768) and Astrom-Hagglund's relay feedback test (RFT) (K. J. Astrom and T. Hagglund, “Automatic tuning of simple regulators with specifications on phase and amplitude margins,” Automatica, 20, 1984, p. 645-651) provide a satisfactory and consistent performance even in the conditions characterized by the presence of measurement noise and varying disturbances, when deterioration of more sophisticated methods becomes significant. However, the use of only ultimate gain and frequency cannot ensure sufficient accuracy of tuning There is one more factor that contributes to the issue of relatively low precision. This is the fact that the test point in the closed-loop test is selected to be the one in which the phase characteristic of the process is equal to −180° (phase cross-over frequency ωπ). This approach does not account for the change of frequency ωπ due to the controller introduction, which is the factor that contributes to the deterioration of tuning accuracy.
The present invention aims to introduce a tuning method in which the above-noted problem of the cross-over frequency shift is compensated for by the respective design of the modified relay feedback test (modified RFT). Respective tuning rules matching to the modified relay feedback test are also proposed that allows for the better accuracy of tuning
It has been a popular notion that the most important point on the frequency response of the system is the point where the phase characteristic of the process is equal to −180° (phase cross-over frequency ωπ). However, in publication (I. Boiko, “Modified relay feedback test and its use for non-parametric loop tuning” Proc. 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle, Jun. 11-13, 2008, pp. 4755-4760) it was shown that this point remains the most important one only in the system with the proportional controller, when introduction of the controller does not change the value of ωπ. This circumstance is often neglected, and the principle is applied to all types of PID control. We consider the following example that shows how the introduction of the controller affects the results of tuning Example 1. We assume that the process is given by the following transfer function (which was used in a number of works as a test process):
We find the first order plus dead time (FOPDT) approximating model Ŵp(s) to the process (1) based on matching the values of the two transfer functions at frequency ωπ:
where Kp is the process static gain, Tv is the time constant, and τ is the dead time. Let us apply method (J. G. Ziegler, and N. B. Nichols, “Optimum settings for automatic controllers”, Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng., Vol. 64, 1942, pp. 759-768) to the tuning of process (1) and note that both (1) and (2) should produce the same ultimate gain and ultimate frequency in the Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop test or the same values of the amplitude and the ultimate frequency in the RFT (K. J. Astrom and T. Hagglund, “Automatic tuning of simple regulators with specifications on phase and amplitude margins,” Automatica, 20, 1984, p. 645-651). This problem has infinite number of solutions, as there are three unknown parameters of (2) and only two measurements obtained from the test. Assume that the value of the process static gain is known: Kp=1, and determine Tp and τ. These parameters can be found from the following equation:
where ωπ is the phase cross-over frequency for both transfer functions. Therefore, arg Wp(jωπ)=−π. The value of ωπ is 0.283, which gives Wp(jωπ)=(−0.498,j0), and the first-order-plus-dead-time (FOPDT) approximation is, therefore, as follows (found via solution of the set of two algebraic equations):
The Nyquist plots of the process 1 given by formula (I) and its approximation 2 given by formula (3) are depicted in
using the Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules (J. G. Ziegler, and N. B. Nichols, “Optimum settings for automatic controllers”, Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng., Vol. 64, 1942, pp. 759-768). This results in the following transfer function of the controller:
The Nyquist plot of the open-loop systems containing the process (1) and the controller (5) denoted as 1 and the Nyquist plot of the open-loop systems containing the process approximation (3) denoted as 2 are depicted in
The present invention aims to eliminate the noted drawback by generating oscillations in the critical point that is not necessarily located on the real axis but in the point Ω0, which would correspond to certain desired phase lag of the process, so that the introduction of the controller is accounted for in the test itself.
It is proposed that the modified RFT should be designed as the following control:
where Δ1=βσmax, Δ2=−βσmin, σmax and σmin are last “singular” points of the error signal 2 (
Assume that the reference signal r(τ) 1 in the system containing the process 6, the control algorithm (modified RFT) 5, and the summer 7 (
However, the system
The modified RFT will generate oscillations in the system under control (6). Parameters of the oscillations can be found from the harmonic balance equation:
where α0 and Ω0 are the amplitude and the frequency of the periodic motions. The negative reciprocal of the DF is given as follows:
Finding a periodic solution in system
The modified RFT allows for the exact design of the gain margin. Since the amplitude of the oscillations α0 is measured from the test, the process gain at frequency Ω0 can be obtained as follows:
which after introduction of the controller will become the process gain at the critical frequency.
The PID controller transfer function is
The tuning rules for a PID controller are then defined as follows:
where c1, c2, and c3 are constant parameters that define the tuning rule. It can be noted that if the tuning rules are assigned as (12) then the closed-loop system characteristics become invariant to the time constants of the process, so that if all time constants of the process were increased by the factor α then the critical frequency would decrease by the same factor α, and the product of every time constant by the critical frequency would remain unchanged. If the tuning rules (12) are used then the frequency response of the PID controller at Ω0 becomes
so that if the tuning rules are established through the choice of parameters c1, c2, and c3, and the test provides oscillations of the frequency Ωu which is equal to the phase cross-over frequency ωπ of the open-loop system (including the controller), then the controller phase lag at the frequency ωπ=Ωu is constant and depends only on the values of c2, and c3:
Let the specified gain margin be γm>1 (in absolute values). Then taking absolute values of both sides of (13) and considering (11) we obtain the following equation:
which is a constraint complementary to the tuning rules (11). To provide the specified gain margin, the modified RFT must be carried out with parameter
In the example considered above, if we keep parameter c2 the same as in Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules (J. G. Ziegler, and N. B. Nichols, “Optimum settings for automatic controllers”, Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng., Vol. 64, 1942, pp. 759-768): c2=0.8, then to obtain, for example, gain margin γm=2 the tuning parameter c1 for the modified RFT should be selected as c1=0.49, and parameter)β for the test should be selected in accordance with (16) as)β=0.195. For any process, the system will have gain margin γm=2 (6 dB). Therefore, the modified RFT with parameter)β calculated as (16) and tuning rules (12) satisfying the constraint (15) can ensure the desired gain margin. However, (15) is an equation containing three unknown variables, which gives one a freedom to vary parameters c1, c2, and c3. Some optimal sets of tuning rule parameters c1, c2, and c3 (for gain margin γm=2) that were obtained via simulations, along with the values of φc (Ωo) and parameter)β for the test, are given in Table 1. One should note the difference between the values of the critical frequency of the conventional RFT and the frequency of oscillations in the modified RFT (except for the proportional controller). Therefore, even if the coefficients c2, c3 of Table 1 have the same values as corresponding coefficients of Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules (J. G. Ziegler, and N. B. Nichols, “Optimum settings for automatic controllers”, Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng., Vol. 64, 1942, pp. 759-768), they will actually produce different values of controller parameters Tic and Tdc. In fact, due to the negative value of φc (Ω0) for the PI controller (and consequently, lower frequency of oscillations of the modified RFT), one would get higher value of Tic computed through the modified RFT and data of Table 1. And vice versa, due to the positive value of φc (Ω0) for the PID controller, one would get lower values of Tic and Tdc, computed through the modified RFT and data of Table 1.
The relationship that would allow one to tune PID controllers with specification on phase margin for the open-loop system can also be derived. Using the same format of the tuning rules (12), and considering that if the parameter β of the modified RFT is calculated from the sum of φc (Ω0) and the phase margin φm as:
we formulate the constraint for the tuning rules ensuring φm as follows:
The graphical interpretation of modified RFT and tuning with specification on phase margin are presented in
the DF of the modified RFT 2 in the point that defines the circle of radius
Therefore, if tuning rules (12) are subject to constraint (18) then at frequency Ω0 of the modified RFT: (a) the absolute value of the open-loop frequency response, in accordance with (11), (13), is
that constitutes the magnitude cross-over frequency, and (b) the phase of the open-loop frequency response is
arg Wol(jΩ0)=arg Wc(jΩ0)+arg Wp(jΩ0)=−180°+(φm−φc(Ω0))+φc(Ω0)=−180°+φm
which shows that the specification on the phase margin is satisfied. Assuming that the controller at frequency Ω0 of the modified RFT should provide the same phase response as at critical frequency of the conventional RFT, we can obtain the following values of parameters c1, c2, c3 (see Table 2 for φm=45°. Like in the tuning with specification on gain margin, one should note the difference between the values of the critical frequency of the conventional RFT and the frequency of oscillations in the modified RFT, which will result in different values of the controller parameters. The proposed method of tuning is illustrated by the following example.
Consider the process transfer function (1) that was used in Example 1. (a) Apply the modified RFT with amplitude h=1, parameter)β=0.195 and c1, c2 values from Table 1 for tuning a PI controller with specification on gain margin γm=2. (b) After that use the modified RFT with amplitude h=1, parameter)β=0.659 and c1, c2 values from Table 2 for tuning a PI controller with specification on phase margin φm=45°. The controller tuning that is done according to the presented method produces the following results. (a) The modified RFT gives Ω0=0.188 and α0=0.393; for tuning with specification on gain margin the controller parameters calculated per (12) are Kc=0.978, Tic=26.74; (b) The modified RFT gives Ω0=0.133 and α0=0.544; for tuning with specification on gain margin the controller parameters calculated per (12) are Kc=1.416, Tic=37.85. The frequency response (Nyquist plots) of the open-loop systems for the system tuned with specification on gain margin 1 and for the system tuned with specification on gain margin 2, is presented in
It was assumed above that the reference signal 1 in
Eventually, the designed self-tuning PID (or another type) controller is supposed to be realized as a processor based (micro-computer or controller) device and all above formulas, the nonlinear element, the tuning rules are realized as computer programs with the use of applicable programming languages. The preferred embodiment of the controller is depicted in
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61179339 | May 2009 | US |