The invention relates to a method and system for cooling a natural gas stream and separating the cooled gas stream into various fractions, such as methane, ethane, propane, butane and condensates.
In the oil & gas industry natural gas is produced, processed and transported to its end-users.
Gas processing may include the liquefaction of at least part of the natural gas stream. If a natural gas stream is liquefied then a range of so called Natural Gas Liquids (NGL's) is obtained, comprising Liquefied Natural Gas or LNG (which predominantly comprises methane or (C1 or CH4), Ethane (C2), Liquefied Petrol Gas or LPG (which predominantly comprises propane and butane or C3 and C4) and Condensate (which predominantly comprise C5+ fractions).
If the gas is produced and transported to regional customers via a pipe-line (grid), the heating value of the gas is limited to specifications. For the richer gas streams this requires midstream processing to recover C2+ liquids, which are sold as residual products.
If regional gas production outweighs regional gas consumption, expensive gas transmission grids cannot be justified, hence the gas may be liquefied to LNG, which can be shipped as bulk. In producing C1 liquids, C2+ liquids are produced concurrently and sold as by-products.
Traditional NGL recovery plants are based on cryogenic cooling processes as to condense the light ends in the gas stream. These cooling processes comprise: Mechanical Refrigeration (MR), Joule Thompson (JT) expansion and Turbo expanders (TE), or a combination (e.g. MR-JT). These NGL recovery processes have been optimised over decades with respect to specific compression duty (i.e. MW/tonne NGL/hr). These optimisations often include: 1) smart exchange of heat between different process streams, 2) different feed trays in the fractionation column and 3) lean oil rectification (i.e. column reflux).
Most sensitive to the specific compression duty is the actual operating pressure of the fractionation column. The higher the operating pressure the lower the specific compression duty, but also the lower the relative volatility between the components of fractionation (e.g. C1-C2+ for a de-methanizer, C2−-C3+ for a de-ethanizer etc.), which results in more trays hence larger column and/or less purity in the overhead stream.
European patent 0182643 and U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,061,481; 4,140,504; 4,157,904; 4,171,964 and 4,278,457 issued to Ortloff Corporation disclose various methods for processing natural gas streams wherein the gas stream is cooled and separated into various fractions, such as methane, ethane, propane, butane and condensates.
A disadvantage of the known cooling and separation methods is that they comprise bulky and expensive cooling and refrigeration devices, which have a high energy consumption. These known methods are either based on isenthalpic cooling methods (i.e. Joule Thompson cooling, mechanical refrigeration) or near isentropic cooling methods (i.e. turbo-expander, cyclonic expansion and separation devices). The near isentropic methods are most energy efficient though normally most expensive when turbo expanders are used. However, cyclonic expansion and separation devices are more cost effective while maintaining a high-energy efficiency, albeit less efficient than a turbo expander device. Using a cost effective cyclonic expansion and separation devices, in combination with an isenthalpic cooling cycle (e.g. external refrigeration cycle) can restore the maximum obtainable energy efficiency.
It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a method and system for cooling and separating a natural gas stream, which is more energy efficient, less bulky and cheaper than the known methods.
In accordance with the invention there is provided a method for cooling a natural gas stream and separating the cooled gas stream into various fractions having different boiling points, such as methane, ethane, propane, butane and condensates, the method comprising:
Preferably the natural gas stream is cooled in a heat exchanger assembly comprising a first heat exchanger and a refrigerator such that the methane enriched fluid fraction supplied to an inlet of the cyclonic expansion and separation device has a temperature between −20 and −60 degrees Celsius, and the cooled methane rich fraction discharged by the cyclonic expansion and separation device is induced to pass through the first heat exchanger to cool the gas stream.
It is also preferred that the heat exchanger assembly further comprises a second heat exchanger in which the cooled natural gas stream discharged by the first heat exchanger is further cooled before feeding the natural gas stream to the refrigerator, and that cold fluid from a bottom section of the fractionating column is supplied to the second heat exchanger for cooling the natural gas stream within the second heat exchanger.
It is furthermore preferred that a cyclonic expansion and separation device is used which is manufactured by the company Twister B.V. and sold under the trademark “Twister”. Various embodiments of this cyclonic expansion and separation device are disclosed in International patent application WO 03029739, European patent 1017465 and U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,524,368 and 6,776,825. The cooling inside the cyclonic expansion and separation device apparatus may be established by accelerating the feed stream within the nozzle to transonic or supersonic velocity. At transonic or supersonic condition the pressure will drop to typically a factor ⅓ of the feed pressure, meanwhile the temperature will drop to typically a factor ¾ with respect to the feed temperature. The ratio of T-drop per unit P-drop for a given feed composition is determined with the isentropic efficiency of the expansion, which would be at least 80%. The isentropic efficiency expresses the frictional and heat losses occurring inside the cyclonic expansion and separation device.
These and other embodiments, features and advantages of the method and system according to the invention are disclosed in the accompanying drawings and are described in the accompanying claims, abstract and following detailed description of preferred embodiments of the method and system according to the invention in which reference is made to the accompanying drawings.
A natural gas stream CxHy is compressed from about 60 bar to more than 100 bar in a feed compressor 20 and initially cooled in an air cooler 21 such that the natural gas stream has a pressure of about 100 bar when it enters a first gas-gas heat exchanger 1. The natural gas stream is subsequently cooled in a second heat exchanger 2 and thereafter in a refrigerator 3. The cooled natural gas stream discharged by the second heat exchanger 2 is separated in an inlet separator 4 into a methane enriched fraction 5 and a methane depleted fraction 6.
The methane depleted fraction 6 is fed into a fractionating column 7, whereas the methane enriched fraction 5 is fed into a cyclonic expansion and separation device 8.
The cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 comprises swirl imparting vanes 9, a nozzle 10 in which the swirling fluid mixture is accelerated to a transonic or supersonic velocity, a central primary fluid outlet 11 for discharging a methane rich fluid fraction CH4 from the separator 8 and an outer secondary fluid outlet for discharging a condensables enriched & methane lean secondary fluid fraction into a conduit 13. The secondary fluid fraction is fed via conduit 13 into the fractionating column 7.
The first heat exchanger 1 is a gas-gas heat exchanger where the natural gas stream CH4 is cooled with the lean primary gas stream CH4 discharged from the central primary outlet 11 of the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8. The pre-cooled feed stream discharged by the first heat exchanger 1 is further cooled in the second heat exchanger 2, which may be a gas-liquid heat exchanger which is cooled by feeding it with liquids of one or more of the bottom trays of the fractionation column 7 as illustrated by arrows 14 and 15. The pre-cooled natural gas feed stream is then super-cooled in the refrigerator 3, which is driven by a cooling machine (either a mechanical refrigerator or absorption cooling machine).
The liquids formed during this 3-stage pre-cooling route are separated from a still gaseous methane enriched fraction in the inlet separator 4, and fed to one of the lower trays in the fractionating column 7 since it contains all heavy ends present in the feed (i.e. C4+).
The gas coming over the top of said inlet separator is lean with respect to the heavier hydrocarbons (e.g. contains mostly C4−). The deep NGL extraction (e.g. C2-C4) is done in the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8, where the gas is expanded nearly isentropically. Inside the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 the temperature drops further to cryogenic conditions where nearly all C2+ components are liquefied and separated. With the cryogenic separation inside the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 C1 gas slips along with the C2+ liquids. A certain mole fraction of C1 will dissolve in the C2+ liquids. This C2+ rich stream is fed to the fractionation column 7 where a sharp cut between light and heavy ends is established e.g. C1-C2+ (demethanizer), C2−-C3+ (de-ethanizer) etc.
In order to establish a pure top product from the fractionation column 7, a lean liquid reflux is created to absorb the lightest component which ought to leave the bottom of the column (e.g. C2 for a de-methanizer). Said reflux stream is created by taking a side stream 16 from the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 feed whilst subsequently cooling this side stream in a gas-gas pre cooler 17 with the overhead gas stream 18 (i.e. top product CH4) of the fractionating column 7 and isenthalpically expanding the pre-cooled side stream 16 to the column pressure. During this isenthalpic expansion almost all hydrocarbons do liquefy and are fed as reflux to the top tray of the fractionating column 7.
The C1 gas flows produced from: 1) the primary fluid outlet 11 cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 (typically 80% primary flow) and 2) the top outlet conduit 18 of the fractionating column 7 (typically 20% secondary flow), are compressed separately in export compressors 19 and 20 to an export pressure of about 60 bar. In the example shown the export pressure is about equal to the feed pressure of the natural gas stream CH4 at the inlet of the first heat exchanger 1. Both export compressors 19 and 20 therefore compensate the frictional and heat losses occurring in the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8. These losses are higher if the expansion in the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 is deeper, hence the export compressor duties are proportionally higher. The mechanical duty of the refrigerator 3 is mainly proportional with the difference between the high condenser temperature (Tcond) and the low evaporator temperature (Tevap). If T0 denotes ambient temperature then: Tcond>T0>Tevap. In general this leads to the expression of the Carnot efficiency or the theoretical maximum cooling duty per unit mechanical duty of the refrigerator 3:
For a propane refrigerator cycle with Tevap=−30° C. and Tcond=40° C., the Carnot C.O.P equals 3.5. In a real cooling machine, losses will diminish the C.O.P such that: C.O.Pactual≈2.5. So for each MW compressor duty, 2.5 MW cooling duty can be obtained.
For a feed stream of 10 kg/s and a specific heat of 2.5 kJ/kg.K, one degree cooling requires 25 kW/K cooling duty. Hence, a cooling from −20° C.→−30° C. would require a cooling duty of 250 kW. For a evaporator temperature of −30° C. this corresponds with a mechanical duty of the refrigerator of 100 kW. If said additional cooling of 10° C. would be established through extra expansion in a cyclonic expansion and separation device, the expansion ratio (P/Pfeed) needs to decrease from default 0.3→0.25 (i.e. deeper expansion). This results in a larger pressure loss over the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8, hence an additional export compressor duty of approx. 200 kW.
If the evaporator temperature of the refrigerator 3 is chosen in the cryogenic range, comparable to NGL reflux temperatures, i.e. Tevap=−70° C., the C.O.P.actual of the cooling machine drops to ≈1.3. As a consequence a cooling from −60° C.→−70° C. still requires 250 kW cooling duty, though this corresponds with an mechanical duty of the refrigerator of 192 kW. If this additional cooling would be obtained in the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 then the expansion ratio still decreases from 0.3→0.25, though the extra required compressor duty is reduced from 200 kW to 170 kW. This is mainly explained by the fact that the duty of any compressor is less at lower suction temperature, hence also the additional duty.
Concluding from the above: For the temperature trajectory −20° C.→−30° C. it is more efficient to get additional cooling from the refrigerator 3 than from a deeper expansion in the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8. The opposite holds for the temperature trajectory −60° C.→−70° C. as the COP of the cooling machine of the refrigerator 3 drops progressively with lower temperatures, requiring more refrigerator duty. As a consequence, for the combined cyclonic expansion and separation device-refrigerator cycle 3,8 an optimum can be found for the cooling duty per unit mechanical duty by making a distinct division of the mechanical duties between 1) the feed compressor 20 and 2) the compressor of the cooling machine of the refrigerator 3.
The cooling inside the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 may be established by accelerating the feed stream within the nozzle 10 to transonic or supersonic velocity. At transonic or supersonic condition the pressure has dropped to typically a factor ⅓ of the feed pressure, meanwhile the temperature drops to typically a factor ¾ with respect to the feed temperature. The ratio of T-drop per unit P-drop for a given feed composition is determined with the isentropic efficiency of the expansion, which would be ≧80%. The isentropic efficiency expresses the frictional and heat losses occurring inside the cyclonic expansion and separation device.
At the expanded state inside the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8, the majority of the C2+ components are liquefied in a fine droplet dispersion and separated via the outer secondary fluid outlet 12. The expansion ratio (P/Pfeed) is chosen such that at least the specified CxHy recovery is condensed into liquid inside the nozzle 10. Beyond the nozzle 10 in which the fluid stream is accelerated and thereby expanded and cooled the flow inside the cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 is split into a liquid enriched C2+ flow (approx. 20 mass %) and a liquid lean C1 flow (approx. 80% mass %).
The C1 main flow is decelerated in a diffuser within the central fluid outlet 11, resulting in a rise of pressure and temperature. The P-rise and the accompanied T-rise in the diffuser is determined with both the isentropic efficiency of the expansion and the isentropic efficiency of the recompression. The isentropic efficiency of expansion, determines the remaining kinetic energy at the entrance of the diffuser, whereas the isentropic efficiency of recompression is determined with the losses inside the diffuser embodiment. The isentropic efficiency of recompression for the cyclonic expansion and separation device is approximately 85%. The resulting outlet pressure of the C1 main flow is therefore lower than the feed pressure though higher than the outlet pressure of the C2+ wet flow, which equals the fractionating column operating pressure.
As a result of the recompression, the temperature of the C1 main flow is higher than the temperature in the top of the fractionation column. Hence, the potential duty of this C1 main flow to pre-cool the feed is limited. The latter is an inherent limitation of a transonic or supersonic cyclonic expansion and separation device. The inherent efficiency of the cyclonic expansion and separation device is that it produces a concentrated super-cooled C2+ wet flow feeding the fractionating column. Both the reduced flow rate feeding the fractionating column and the relatively low temperature enables the separation process in the column. For an LPG scheme comprising a cyclonic expansion and separation device the optimisation of the C2+ recovery is found in creating a deeper expansion in the cyclonic expansion and separation device (i.e decrease of the ratio P/Pfeed) and/or in the reduction of slip gas flow which comes along with the C2+ wet flow. Both measures will result in an increase of the pressure loss, which needs to be compressed to export pressure.
It is preferred that from thermodynamic simulations an optimum for the C2+ yield/MW compressor duty, is assessed for a certain duty of the refrigeration compressor versus the duty of the export compressor to compensate for the pressure loss in the cyclonic expansion and separation device. Said combined cycle compensates for the deficiency of limited pre-cooling. The evaporator of the refrigeration cycle may be connected to the inlet of cyclonic expansion and separation device 8 as to supercool the feed stream.
The JT throttling valve shown in
The valve shown in
The fluid outlet channel 27 comprises a tubular flow divider 39 which separates a primary fluid outlet conduit 11 for transporting a methane enriched fraction back to the first heat exchanger 1 shown in
The tilted perforations 30 create a swirling flow in the fluid stream flowing through the fluid outlet channel 27 as illustrated by arrow 34. The swirling motion may also be imposed by a specific geometry of the valve trim and/or swirl guiding body 35. In the valve according to the invention the available free pressure is used for isenthalpic expansion to create a swirling flow in the fluid stream. The kinetic energy is then mainly dissipated through dampening of the vortex along an extended pipe length downstream the valve.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
05101420.7 | Feb 2005 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/EP2006/060260 | 2/24/2006 | WO | 00 | 9/16/2008 |