Method for controlling connections to a mobile station

When a new connection is set up between a mobile station and a cellular telecommunications network, the starting frame of the new connection is selected using a simple rule so that the starting times of the interleaving periods of all the presently active connections between the mobile station and the cellular network are periodically aligned, thereby substantially simplifying the handover process. In addition, the length of the interleaving period can be set such that the periodic alignment is more frequent.


[0002] 1. Field of the Invention

[0003] The invention is directed to a method for optimization of transmission links in a cellular telecommunications network.

[0004] 2. Description of the Related Art

FIG. 1 shows an example of a situation which sometimes occurs during a hard handover, i.e., when a mobile station 10 changes the base station or base stations 20 it is presently using. Such a situation may occur, for example, when a mobile station moves from one cell to another in a cellular telecommunication system. FIG. 1 depicts two situations, situation A, when the mobile station 10 is still in the area of the first cell, and situation B, when the mobile station (MS) has moved to the area of the second cell. FIG. 1 shows also base stations (BS) 20, which are controlled by radio network controllers (RNC) 30, 31. The radio network controllers are connected to a mobile switching center (MSC) 40. In the first situation, the mobile station 10 is in position marked by the letter A, having connections to base stations 20 controlled by the first RNC 30. The radio network controller 30 comprises combining 33 and splitting 34 units. Combining units 33 combine uplink signals belonging to same bearer coming from base stations, and splitting units replicate downlink signals to more than one base station. The RNC 30 also comprises a protocol control block 32, which executes the protocols needed for communication with the mobile station 10. The RNC 30 forwards the uplink data to and receives downlink data from the MSC 40, which communicates with the rest of the telecommunications network.

[0006] When the mobile station moves to the position marked by the letter B, the mobile station 10 establishes radio links to the base stations 20. During the handover signaling, the first RNC 30, i.e., RNC1 in FIG. 1, establishes the necessary connections B′ via RNC2 to base stations 20 controlled by RNC2, and releases the former connections A′ to the base stations 20 controlled by RNC1. The controlling RNC, i.e., RNC1 in FIG. 1, is commonly called the controlling RNC. The other RNC, i.e., RNC2 in FIG. 1, is commonly called the drift RNC. Further, in some specifications for the UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System), the interface between two RNCs is called the lur interface, and the interface between a MSC and a RNC is called the lu interface. These interface names are used in this specification.

[0007] The system of FIG. 1, namely the use of a controlling RNC and a drift RNC, has certain drawbacks which arise from the fact that in situation B the transmission links are routed via two RNCs, instead of only one as in situation A. As the number of transmission links increase, the delays created by the links also increase. The increase of delays places more demands on the whole network, when the network has to fulfill strict delay requirements for constant delay services, such as speech. Further, since the number of transmission links in use increases, the load on the network increases.


[0008] One object of the invention is to optimize the handover process in a cellular telecommunications network, when a mobile station has moved from an area controlled by a first radio network controller to a second area controlled by a second radio network controller.

[0009] Another object of the invention is to provide a method for reducing transmission delays between the controlling radio network controller and the base stations when a mobile station has moved from an area controlled by a first radio network controller to a second area controlled by a second radio network controller.

[0010] A further object of the invention is to provide a method for reducing network load when a mobile station has moved from an area controlled by a first radio network controller to a second area controlled by a second radio network controller.

[0011] These and other objects are accomplished by setting up new connections between the mobile station according to a first predefined rule whereby setting a starting time of an interleaving period of a new connection to a mobile station is set according to a first predefined rule such that the starting times of the interleaving periods of a substantial number of the presently active connections of the mobile station are periodically aligned.

[0012] In another aspect of the present invention, the length of the interleaving period of a new connection is set according to a second predefined rule in order to increase the frequency at which the interleaving periods of the connections start at the same frame at the same time.

[0013] In yet another aspect of the present invention, transmission links of a mobile station which is moving from a network area controlled by a first radio network controller (RNC) RNC1 to a network area controlled by a second radio network controller RNC2 are optimized. Signaling associated with the procedure is executed between the two RNCs and a mobile switching center (MSC). The mobile station does not need to participate in the signaling, since the used radio resources remain the same. The object of this procedure is to optimize the utilization of transmission links in the radio access network (RAN) being used and to minimize the transmission delay between the controlling RNC and the radio interface. This is realized by relocating the entities which control connections of a mobile station from the first RNC to the second RNC, and optimizing the transmission links between the MSC and the second RNC. Such controlling entities may comprise, e.g., the macrodiversity combining function, radio resource control block and associated user plane entities.

[0014] The first two aspects discussed above (i.e., setting the starting time and the length of the interleaving period according to first and second predefined rules) may be advantageously combined with the last-discussed aspect (i.e., moving control from a controlling RNC to a drift RNC) to thereby substantially simplify handover procedures.

[0015] Other objects and features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. It is to be understood, however, that the drawings are designed solely for purposes of illustration and not as a definition of the limits of the invention, for which reference should be made to the appended claims. It should be further understood that the drawings are not necessarily drawn to scale and that, unless otherwise indicated, they are merely intended to conceptually illustrate the structures and procedures described herein.


[0016] In the drawings, wherein like reference numerals denote similar elements throughout the several views:

FIG. 1 illustrates a situation which may occur after a hard handover in a prior art system;

FIG. 2 illustrates a starting situation before a method according to an advantageous embodiment of the invention is performed;

FIG. 3 illustrates the final situation after performing the method according to an advantageous embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 4 illustrates the signaling according to an advantageous embodiment of the invention in which the MSC simply switches the downlink data transmission from one RNC to another; and

FIG. 5 illustrates the signaling according to an advantageous embodiment of the invention in which the MSC sends data to more than one RNC.


[0022] An advantageous embodiment of the invention is described in the following with reference to FIGS. 2, 3, and 4. FIG. 2 shows an initial situation, where a mobile station 10 (MS) has connections to base stations 20, which are controlled by another RNC 31 than RNC 30 that controls the connections to the mobile station. In this starting situation, RNC130 controls the connections to the mobile station, while the connections are routed via RNC231, which controls the base stations, in whose area the mobile station is currently located. This situation may arise, for example, when the mobile station initiates connections while located within a cell controlled by RNC130, and later moves away from that cell to another, which is controlled by RNC231. A mobile switching center 40 (MSC) forwards the connections from the rest of the network (not shown in FIG. 2) to the RNCs. The RNCs further comprise combining and splitting units 33, 34. Combining units 33 combine uplink signals belonging to the same bearer coming from different base stations, and splitting units 34 replicate downlink signals to more than one base station. The MSC comprises, among others, a switching block 41. FIG. 3 illustrates the system of FIG. 2 after a handover. The signaling associated with a handover according to an advantageous embodiment of the invention is illustrated in FIG. 4.

[0023] The RNC which controls, i.e., manages, the connections to the MS, communicates with the MS using certain protocols, such as the RLC (Radio Link Control), MAC (Medium Access Control) and RRC (Radio Resource Control) protocols. The RNC comprises certain functional blocks 32 for performing these protocols. These functional blocks are in the following called protocol control blocks 32. The protocol control blocks follow the protocol rules set by the network specifications, and include a memory for storing information associated with the current state of each protocol and other related information. These protocol control blocks are usually realized as computer programs, which take care of the procedures associated with each protocol.

[0024] In the starting situation, the mobile station has obtained radio resources from RNC2, since it is RNC2 that controls the base stations (BSs) which the MS is currently using. The connections at the interface between RNC1 and RNC2, i.e., the lur interface, were set up by RNC1 when the mobile station moved from a cell controlled by RNC1 to a cell controlled by RNC2. These connections are identified by leg identifiers. The base station to RNC links are set up by the RNC controlling the base station in question, in this case, RNC2.

[0025] In practice, the MS may also be using radio resources from other RNCs. For simplicity, the initial situation shown in FIG. 2 only includes connections from base stations controlled by RNC2. In one embodiment of the invention, radio resources from other RNCs are released before performing a RNC handover described in the following. However, the invention is not limited to that embodiment. In other embodiments of the invention, radio resources from other RNCs may also be left unchanged during a RNC handover.

[0026] The handover procedure is initiated by a HO_REQUIRED message, which RNC130 sends 100 to the MSC 40. The message comprises information necessary for setting up the handover, namely identification of target RNC, leg identifiers for the lur interface connections between RNC1 and RNC2, and protocol control block information specifying the protocols and the current state of the protocols in use.

[0027] Preferably, after sending of the HO_REQUIRED message, RNC1 is not allowed to change those characteristics of the connection or connections, which characteristics were specified in the HO_REQUIRED message. Otherwise, more signaling is needed between RNC 1 and RNC2 before RNC2 takes over the connections in order to ensure that RNC2 has correct information about the state of the connections.

[0028] Upon reception of the HO_REQUIRED message the MSC starts to create new lu connections to the target RNC. The MSC also sends 110 a HO_REQUEST message to RNC2, which message includes the same information necessary for setting up the handover.

[0029] Normal lu connection setup procedures can be used to create the new lu connections to the target RNC. The setting up of the lu connections can be performed before, roughly at the same time, or after sending of the HO_REQUEST message to RNC2, depending on the chosen lu connection setup procedure. MSC also prepares itself, i.e., the switching block of the MSC, to be able to switch each old lu connection to its newly established counterpart, without any loss of data. FIG. 4 corresponds to such an embodiment of the invention, where the setting up of 120 lu connections is performed after the sending of the HO_REQUEST message to RNC2.

[0030] The MSC is not the only entity suitable for creating the lu connections between MSC and the target RNC. In another exemplary embodiment of the invention, the RNC2 performs the setting up of the new lu connections between the RNC2 and the MSC, after receiving the HO_REQUEST message from the MSC.

[0031] MSC adds further information to the information received in the HO_REQUIRED message and passed on to RNC2 in the HO_REQUEST message, namely at least a handover identifier. In such an embodiment of the invention, where the MSC takes care of creating the new lu interface links between the MSC and the target RNC, the MSC also adds identifiers of the new lu links to the information passed on to the target RNC in order to enable the target RNC to use the established lu links in the particular handover.

[0032] The target RNC, RNC2, uses the lur leg identifiers specified in the HO_REQUEST message to identify which of the currently active lur interface legs are to be included in the handover procedure. The target RNC2 creates 130 protocol control blocks for the connections to the mobile station, and sets their state according to the protocol control block information contained in the message. Thereafter the protocol control blocks are able to take over controlling the MS after execution of the handover, and are set to wait for a trigger for starting the operation.

[0033] The HO_REQUIRED and HO_REQUEST messages also preferably comprise information about which identifier was used by RNC 1 to identify itself to the active base stations. This information is needed after RNC2 takes over the connections to allow RNC2 to identify itself to the base stations and to allow the base stations to accept data from RNC2 and ignore data from RNC 1.

[0034] The HO_REQUIRED message sent by the RNC 1 may, in some embodiments of the invention, comprise a time reference proposal for the execution time of the handover. However, other ways of specifying the execution time are specified later in this specification.

[0035] RNC2 creates 130 a combining unit for each of the uplink bearers and a splitting unit for each of the downlink bearers, whereafter RNC2 connects the new lu links to corresponding splitting and combining units. A combining unit is a unit which combines the signals belonging to a single bearer from the base stations, which have received the same bearer. A splitting unit is a unit which distributes a bearer to multiple base stations for transmission whereafter.

[0036] RNC2 also prepares itself to switch the data stream coming from uplink combining units connected to the current lur links identified by the leg identifiers in the HO_REQUEST message, to the new uplink combining units connected to the new lu links. However, RNC2 can also prepare itself in other ways to switch the data stream. For example, in an another advantageous embodiment of the invention, RNC2 duplicates the uplink data stream and directs the duplicate to a newly created combining unit connected to the newly created lu link, instructing the combining unit not to output any data yet. After such preparations, RNC2 can start sending data via the new lu link simply by allowing the combining unit to output data.

[0037] The HO_REQUEST message sent by the MSC may also in some embodiments of the invention comprise a time reference proposal for the execution time of the handover. However, other ways of specifying the execution time are specified later in this specification.

[0038] The RNC2 needs information about the timing of the base stations in order to be able to adjust the sending time of downlink data units correctly, so that the data units are received by the base stations at the correct time for inclusion in the desired CDMA radio frames. The new protocol control blocks of RNC2 receive timing information determined by RNC1 as a part of the protocol control block information of the HO_REQUEST message. Since the transmission delays to the base stations are different at RNC2, the timing information needs to be checked. The timing information typically comprises information on the frame timing at each base station and transmission delays from the RNC to the base stations. Current cellular network systems and the UMTS specifications, for example, specify various methods for obtaining information about base station timing and transmission delays, any of which methods can be used in an embodiment of the invention. Therefore, these methods are not described here in further detail. RNC1 preferably includes in the timing information of the HO_REQUEST message also information about the length and the starting frames of the interleaving periods of the involved bearers, i.e., information concerning the services provided by the network for the mobile station. This service information does not need to be checked by the RNC2.

[0039] In such a situation, where the mobile station has active connections through more than one RNC, the target RNC, i. e. RNC2 in the present example, also creates new lur links to and from the other RNCs.

[0040] At the following stage, RNC2 signals MSC that preparations for the handover are completed by sending 140 a HO_REQUEST_ACK message to the MSC. This message comprises the identifier of the handover, for which RNC2 has prepared itself. The HO_REQUEST_ACK message sent by the RNC2 may also in some embodiments of the invention comprise a time reference proposal for the execution time of the handover. However, other ways of specifying the execution time are specified later in this specification.

[0041] After receiving the HO_REQUEST_ACK message from RNC2, the MSC prepares 150 itself for switching from the old lu connections to RNC1 to the new lu connections to the RNC2

[0042] First, the switching of uplink connections in the MSC is discussed. In one embodiment of the invention, the MSC commands the switching element of the MSC to perform the switching immediately, when any activity at the new lu uplink connection is detected. In another advantageous embodiment of the invention, the MSC sets up a multipoint-to-point connection connecting the lu links participating in the handover from RNC1 and RNC2 to the MSC. In the multiparty connection embodiment, data coming from either of the RNCs is forwarded by the MSC towards the intended destination. In one exemplary embodiment, the MSC sets up the multiparty connection by creating a combining means, which receives the uplink data from both RNC1 and RNC2, and outputs data, whenever any data is received in either of the inputs. Such a combining means may be created by setting up the switching elements of the switching unit of the MSC to perform such functions. In another advantageous embodiment of the invention, the combining unit also performs selection of data, which in case of same data arriving from both inputs, selects which of the two data streams is copied to output of the combining means. The combining means therefore removes duplicates if the same data is received from both inputs. The combining unit may perform this selection by checking, whether either of received units of data is incorrect, and by selecting the correct unit of data.

[0043] Next, the downlink arrangements at the MSC are discussed. The MSC starts to send data to the RNC2. In an advantageous embodiment of the invention, MSC duplicates the downlink data and sends them both through the old lu links to RNC 1 and through the new lu links to RNC2. In this embodiment using data duplication, information indicating that the data is duplicated is preferably added to the downlink data units. This information identifying duplicated data simplifies the data processing at the base stations, if the base stations receive the same data both from RNC 1 and RNC2.

[0044] In another embodiment of the invention, the MSC simply switches the downlink data transmission from RNC 1 lu links to RNC2 lu links. This embodiment corresponds to the description of stage 150 in FIG. 4.

[0045] In an advantageous embodiment of the invention, the handover execution time is determined as follows. When RNC2 detects 160 that downlink data is coming from the MSC, it takes over controlling of the connections to the mobile station, and starts to send uplink data coming from the mobile station directly to the MSC through the new lu uplink links. The switching block of RNC2 switches all uplink data to the new uplink combining unit, and ceases to forward the uplink data to the old lur links towards RNC1. Similarly, the RNC2 ceases to forward downlink data coming from the RNC1 towards the base stations. This embodiment corresponds to the description of stage 160 in FIG. 4.

[0046] In another advantageous embodiment of the invention, the exact time of handover execution is found as follows. When the first data unit arrives through the new lu links to the RNC2, the protocol control blocks examine the timing information described previously, and determine in which CDMA frame the data unit will be transmitted. The protocol control blocks perform this examining and determining for all bearers, and the first data unit to be sent towards the base stations determines the actual handover execution time.

[0047] The handover execution time can also be determined based on bearer interleaving periods. This procedure is explained later in this specification.

[0048] In some embodiments of the invention, the RNC handover execution time may be determined by a mobile station during a hard handover procedure, i.e., when a mobile station changes the base station it is using. The RNC handover procedure in conjunction with a hard handover procedure is explained later in this specification.

[0049] The data units are sent to base stations by the protocol control blocks through one or more splitting units, which replicate the data units to all base stations. The protocol control blocks also create any necessary header information, such as rate information or Frame Control Headers (FCH) needed for the CDMA frames.

[0050] In an advantageous embodiment of the invention, all information created by the protocol control blocks in the RNC2 are marked with a RNC identifier identifying RNC2 as the creator of the information, in order to allow base stations to determine, that the information is generated after the handover execution. The identifier can be included, for example, to CDMA frame labels attached to each data and header unit. The identifier is advantageously selected by the new RNC. To avoid the same identifier to be selected, the old serving RNC, i. e., RNC1, indicates its identifier to the new serving RNC during the handover signaling, for example in the HO_REQUIRED message as described previously. However, the RNC identifiers can in some embodiments of the invention be specified by the MSC or some other controlling entity. Consequently, when a base station receives data units or control information related to the same connection, targeted to the same CDMA frame or frames and having different serving RNC identifiers, the base station discards the data units and control information marked with the old serving RNC identifier.

[0051] In such a situation, where the mobile station has active connections through more than one RNC, the target RNC, i.e., RNC2, in the present example, also begins forwarding data to and from the newly created lur links to and from the other RNCs.

[0052] After completing the previous steps, RNC2 sends 170 a HO_COMPLETE message to the MSC, which message acknowledges that RNC2 has successfully completed the handover. After receiving the HO_COMPLETE message, MSC releases old connections to and from RNC1, and instructs RNC1 to release the connections as well by sending 190 a CLEAR_COMMAND message. In some embodiments of the invention, RNC1 may reply by sending a CLEAR_COMPLETE message after releasing the connections and performing any necessary other cleanup procedures.

[0053] In some embodiments of the invention, the MSC may also send 180 an acknowledgment message HO_COMPLETE_ACK back to the RNC2.

[0054] The handover procedure explained in connection with FIGS. 2 and 3 is only one exemplary embodiment of the invention. The handover procedure can be realized with many other signaling sequences as well. For example, RNC1 does not necessarily need to route the HO_REQUIRED message via the MSC. In a further exemplary embodiment of the invention, RNC1 initiates the handover by sending a HO_REQUIRED message directly to RNC2, and sends a separate HO_REQUIRED_MSC message to the MSC to command the MSC to begin preparations for the handover. As another example, in some embodiments of the invention, RNC1 may send the HO_REQUIRED message directly to RNC2, after which RNC2 sends a corresponding message to the MSC to inform the MSC of the need for a handover.

[0055] In this specification, certain names have been used for various commands sent between the various functional entities. One example of such a command name is HO_REQUIRED. The invention is not limited to any specific command names; the command names can be different in different embodiments of the invention. Also, the names of various functional entities, such as the MSC and the RNC, may be different in different cellular networks. The names used in this specification are used in a specific exemplary design for a third generation mobile cellular network, and are not intended to limit the invention in any way.

[0056] Organizing of Interleaving Periods

[0057] Typically, a cellular network provides various services to the user. The data transmission requirements such as transmission rate, the allowed bit error rate, or maximum delay of the services are often different from service to service. Different requirements result in different interleaving periods being used for different bearers.

[0058] With an interleaving period of 1, one data unit is sent in every frame. With an interleaving period of 2, one half of a data unit is sent in one frame. Generally, an interleaving period comprises n frames or other basic time units, where n is an integer between 1 and a specified maximum limit. In the general case, 1/nth part of a data unit is sent in one frame. Quite often, more than one part from more than one data unit are sent in one frame in order not to decrease the data transmission rate too much. The length of the interleaving period of a connection is set during the setup of the connection, as well as the starting frame of the interleaving period.

[0059] In an advantageous embodiment of the invention, the timing of each bearer is set in such a way that the interleaving periods of as many bearers as possible start at the same frame as often as possible. Optimally, the timing is set in such a way, that the interleaving periods of all bearers start at the same frame from time to time, with as small a repetition period as possible. This kind of timing simplifies the RNC handover, since then the handover can be executed at the beginning of the frame at which the interleaving periods of all the bearers start. Without such interleaving period setup, strict time synchronization is required between the transmission of the various bearers in order not to exceed the specified interleaving periods during a handover.

[0060] Preferably the starting points of interleaving periods are set in such a way that the starting frame of the interleaving period can be deduced from a simple rule, minimizing required calculations. For example, the interleaving periods are advantageously set to start at a frame, where the global frame number modulo the length of the interleaving period is a predefined number, such as one, or preferably zero. The global frame number is a number which identifies the transmission frames. The global frame numbering scheme is commonly used in cellular telecommunication systems.

[0061] In a further advantageous embodiment of the invention, the lengths of the interleaving periods are adjusted according to a rule in order to further simplify the process. Preferably, the lengths of the interleaving periods are set to be powers of two, for example, 2, 4, 8, or 16 frames and so on. If the length is a power of two, the calculation, when the global frame number modulo the length of the interleaving period is zero, becomes extremely simple.

[0062] In this specification and in the accompanied claims, the length of interleaving periods is specified as the number of transmission frames, such as CDMA frames.

[0063] While the RNC handover can advantageously be timed to be executed at such a frame, when interleaving periods start, the alignment of interleaving periods according to the invention can also be utilized in other ways as well. For example, the alignment of interleaving periods also simplifies a normal hard handover, even when a RNC handover is not necessary.

[0064] RNC Handover Driven by a Hard Handover Procedure

[0065] In an advantageous embodiment of the invention, the RNC handover is initiated by a so called hard handover, i.e., a handover of a mobile station from one base station to another, where the base stations are under the control of different RNCs. FIG. 5 illustrates one example of signaling used in an advantageous embodiment of the invention. This example corresponds to the situation when a mobile station moves from a cell controlled by RNC1 to a cell controlled by RNC2.

[0066] For clarity, most of the typical signaling between a mobile station and the network associated with a hard handover is not shown in FIG. 5. FIG. 5 presents only signaling associated directly with the RNC handover. Also, most of the signals and procedural steps shown in FIG. 5 were described in detail in connection with FIG. 4, and therefore a detailed description of these signals and procedural steps is not reproduced here.

[0067] First, RNC130 sends 100 a HO_REQUIRED message to MSC 40, which message preferably comprises the information described in connection with FIG. 4. The MSC sends a corresponding HO_REQUEST message to RNC231, and starts 120 the preparations for the handover. When RNC2 receives the HO_REQUEST message, RNC2 performs 130 the necessary preparations for handover. When RNC2 is ready for handover, it informs MSC by sending 140 an acknowledgement message HO_REQUEST_ACK to the MSC.

[0068] After receiving the acknowledgement, MSC starts to transmit downlink data via RNC2. Advantageously MSC sends the data both to RNC1 and RNC2, which corresponds to the example in FIG. 5. In other embodiments of the invention, MSC can switch the downlink data transmission from RNC1 to RNC2, thereby finishing downlink data transmission to RNC1.

[0069] Next, the MSC sends 152 a HO_COMMAND message to RNC1 indicating that the handover may take place. RNC1 sends 154 a corresponding HO_COMMAND message to the mobile station. After receiving the HO_COMMAND message, the mobile station may trigger the handover at any time by sending 156 a HO_ACCESS_REQUEST message to RNC2.

[0070] In another advantageous embodiment of the invention, RNC2 creates the HO_COMMAND message, and includes the message in the HO_REQUEST_ACK message it sends to MSC. Subsequently the MSC merely forwards the HO_COMMAND message to RNC1.

[0071] In a further advantageous embodiment of the invention, the HO_COMMAND message comprises information about the radio resources for use in the access request or in the activity after the access request. Such information may comprise, for example, channel information specifying the channel, on which the access request should be made. Such information may further comprise information about which channels have been received for the mobile station by the RNC2 for communication after the handover.

[0072] In the example of FIG. 5, the mobile station decides when the handover is to be executed. However, the invention is not limited to this embodiment. For example, any of the known methods for triggering a hard handover may be used. Therefore, in other embodiments of the invention, RNC1 may act as the entity which decides the execution time for the hard handover and consequently the RNC handover. In other embodiments of the invention, RNC2 may act as that entity. For example, RNC1 and RNC2 may perform the preparations for the handover, after which RNC 1 sends a message to RNC2, informing RNC2 that the RNC2 may execute the handover at any time. Since a hard handover can be executed also by the MSC, the MSC may as well decide the execution time in some embodiments of the invention.

[0073] When RNC2 receives the HO_ACCESS_REQUEST message, it performs the handover by taking over the control of the connections to the mobile station. In some embodiments of the invention, RNC2 may send 162 a HO_DETECT message to inform MSC that RNC2 has detected the mobile station. Such a message is used in the GSM system. However, sending the HO_DETECT message is not necessary in all embodiments of the invention, since the invention is not in any way limited to the GSM system.

[0074] After completing the previous steps, RNC2 sends 170 a HO_COMPLETE message to the MSC, which acknowledges that RNC2 has successfully completed the handover. After receiving the HO_COMPLETE message, MSC releases the old connections to and from RNC1, and sends 190 a CLEAR_COMMAND message instructing RNC1 to release the connections as well. In some embodiments of the invention, RNC1 may reply by sending a CLEAR_COMPLETE message after releasing the connections and performing any other necessary cleanup procedures.

[0075] In some embodiments of the invention, the MSC may also send 180 an acknowledgment message HO_COMPLETE_ACK back to the RNC2.

[0076] Further Embodiments of the Invention

[0077] In some embodiments of the invention, more than one mobile switching center (MSC) are involved in the handover. This is the case when, for example, RNC 1 is under control of a first MSC and RNC2 is under control of a second MSC. Another example of the involvement of more than one mobile switching center or corresponding entities is an inter-system handover. For example, when a mobile station moves from a cell of a first cellular system, e.g., a GSM system, to a cell of a second cellular system, e.g., a W-CDMA based system, the involved radio network controllers in each system are controlled by an MSC or a corresponding entity of the particular system. The various signaling sequences described previously in connection with FIGS. 4 and 5 can be used in such a situation as well, with the only change being that the RNCs send and receive messages to and from their respective controlling MSCs, not to and from the same MSC. The participating MSCs need to execute some signaling as well, for example, signaling to execute an inter-MSC handover.

[0078] However, since various inter-MSC handover methods are known by those skilled in the art, this signaling is not discussed here in further detail. Inter-MSC handover is discussed, for example, in PCT patent publication WO 95/08898.

[0079] In some embodiments of the invention, a single RNC may have connections to and from more than one MSC. For example, the mobile station may have a plurality of connections, each of which come through a different MSC. Such a situation may arise for example in the UMTS system presently under development, when more than one call or connection is received from more than one core network through a single radio access network. In such an embodiment, the RNCs participating in the handover procedure preferably repeat the previously described signaling with each of the participating MSCs or corresponding core network entities.

[0080] The invention is not limited to identifying the source RNC of data units by attaching RNC identifiers to the data units transmitted to base stations. In a further advantageous embodiment of the invention, a base station recognizes the RNC which transmitted a data unit from the transmission channel from which the data unit was received by the base station. For example, if the RNC2 sets up a new AAL2 layer connection to the base station, the connection setup signaling informs the base station, that the new connection comes from the RNC2. Afterwards the base station knows without explicit tagging of the data units that any data units received from the new AAL2 connection come from RNC2. The source RNC may also be identified by a certain AAL5 channel, a certain PCM communication link channel, or by any other specific channel. Similarly, the base station may know that data units from a certain second channel come from RNC 1. Consequently, when the base station receives a data unit from the first radio network controller and a data unit from the second radio network controller, and said data units are directed to be sent in the same transmission frame, said base station discards said data unit received from the first radio network controller.

[0081] In a further advantageous embodiment, these source RNC identification methods may be used in combination. For example, the RNC1 can be identified by RNC identifiers attached to data units, and RNC2 by the communication channel transmitting the data units to the base station.

[0082] Although in the previous examples the mobile station is in connection with more than one base station simultaneously, the invention is not limited only to systems in which a mobile station can have connections to multiple base stations. The method according to the invention can be used in any cellular telecommunication system using routing of connections via a controlling and a drift radio network controller or a corresponding entity.

[0083] The name of a given functional entity, such as the radio network controller, is often different in the context of different cellular telecommunication systems. For example, in the GSM system the functional entity corresponding to a RNC is the base station controller (BSC). Therefore, the term radio network controller in the claims is intended to cover all corresponding functional entities regardless of the term used for the entity in the particular cellular telecommunication system.

[0084] Thus, while there have been shown and described and pointed out fundamental novel features of the invention as applied to a preferred embodiment thereof, it will be understood that various omissions and substitutions and changes in the form and details of the devices illustrated, and in their operation, may be made by those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit of the invention. For example, it is expressly intended that all combinations of those elements and/or method steps which perform substantially the same function in substantially the same way to achieve the same results are within the scope of the invention. Moreover, it should be recognized that structures and/or elements and/or method steps shown and/or described in connection with any disclosed form or embodiment of the invention may be incorporated in any other disclosed or described or suggested form or embodiment as a general matter of design choice. It is the intention, therefore, to be limited only as indicated by the scope of the claims appended hereto.

  • 1. A method for setting up a connection between a mobile station and a cellular telecommunication network, comprising the steps of: setting, when a new connection is opened to the mobile station, a starting frame of an interleaving period of said new connection such that x in the following equation is zero: x=F* mod(length) wherein F=a global frame number of the starting frame, and wherein length=the length of said interleaving period; and setting a length of said interleaving period to a power of two; whereby the starting times of the interleaving periods of all the presently active connections of the mobile station are periodically aligned.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of setting the length of said interleaving period comprises the step of: setting the length of said interleaving period according to a second predefined rule in order to increase the frequency of the periodic alignment of the interleaving periods of all the presently active connections of the mobile station.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein performing the method steps simplifies the procedure by which the control of at least one connection to a mobile station is routed from a first radio network controller presently controlling the at least one connection to a second radio network controller controlling a base station within whose area the mobile station is currently located.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein a component of a base station in the cellular telecommunication system performs at least one of the method steps.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein a component of a base station controller in the cellular telecommunication system performs at least one of the method steps.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein a component of a radio access network (RAN) controller in the cellular telecommunication system performs at least one of the method steps.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, wherein a component of a mobile station in the cellular telecommunication system performs at least one of the method steps.
  • 8. A method for setting up a connection of a mobile station in a cellular telecommunication system, comprising the step of: setting, when a new connection is opened to the mobile station, a starting time of an interleaving period of said new connection according to a first predefined rule such that the starting times of the interleaving periods of a substantial number of the presently active connections of the mobile station are periodically aligned.
  • 9. The method of claim 8, wherein said substantial number comprises all the presently active connections of the mobile station.
  • 10. The method of claim 8, wherein the first predefined rule comprises one simple calculation.
  • 11. The method of claim 8, wherein the first predefined rule comprises at least one calculation which must be satisfied.
  • 12. The method of claim 11, wherein the at least one calculation which must be satisfied involves at least one of the following values: a number which identifies the starting frame and a length of the interleaving period.
  • 13. The method of claim 12, wherein the number which identifies the starting frame is a global frame number of the starting frame.
  • 14. The method of claim 8, wherein the step of setting the starting time of the interleaving period of said new connection according to said first rule comprises the step of: setting the starting frame of said interleaving period of said connection at a frame such that the following equation is always a predetermined value x: x=F*mod(length) wherein F=a global frame number of the starting frame; and wherein length=the length of said interleaving period.
  • 15. The method of claim 14, wherein said length is measured in transmission frames.
  • 16. The method of claim 14, wherein said predetermined value x is zero.
  • 17. The method of claim 14, wherein said predetermined value x is one.
  • 18. The method of claim 8, further comprising the step of: setting the length of said interleaving period according to a second predefined rule in order to increase the frequency at which the interleaving periods of the connections start at the same frame at the same time.
  • 19. The method of claim 18, wherein the step of setting the length of said interleaving period according to said second predefined rule comprises the step of: setting the length of said interleaving period to be a power of two.
  • 20. The method of claim 8, whereby the procedure by which the control of at least one connection to a mobile station is routed from a first radio network controller presently controlling the at least one connection to a second radio network controller controlling a base station within whose area the mobile station is currently located is simplified.
  • 21. A system for setting up a connection to a mobile station in a cellular telecommunication system, comprising: an interleaving controller configured to set, when a new connection is opened to the mobile station, a starting time of an interleaving period of said new connection according to a first predefined rule such that the starting times of the interleaving periods of a substantial number of the presently active connections of the mobile station are periodically aligned.
  • 22. The system of claim 21, wherein said substantial number comprises all the presently active connections of the mobile station.
  • 23. The system of claim 21, wherein the first predefined rule comprises one simple calculation.
  • 24. The system of claim 21, wherein the first predefined rule comprises at least one calculation which must be satisfied.
  • 25. The system of claim 24, wherein the at least one calculation which must be satisfied involves at least one of the following values: a number which identifies the starting frame and a length of the interleaving period.
  • 26. The system of claim 25, wherein the number which identifies the starting frame is a global frame number of the starting frame.
  • 27. The system of claim 21, wherein the interleaving controller is configured to set the starting frame of said interleaving period of said new connection at a frame such that the following equation is always a predetermined value x:
  • 28. The system of claim 27, wherein said length is measured in transmission frames.
  • 29. The system of claim 27, wherein said predetermined value x is zero.
  • 30. The system of claim 27, wherein said predetermined value x is one.
  • 31. The system of claim 21, wherein the interleaving controller is configured to set the length of said interleaving period according to a second predefined rule in order to increase the frequency at which the interleaving periods of the connections start at the same frame at the same time.
  • 32. The system of claim 31, wherein the interleaving controller is configured to set the length of said interleaving period to be a power of two.
  • 33. The system of claim 21, wherein the interleaving controller comprises a component of a base station in the cellular telecommunication system.
  • 34. The system of claim 21, wherein the interleaving controller comprises a component of a base station controller in the cellular telecommunication system.
  • 35. The system of claim 21, wherein the interleaving controller comprises a component of a radio access network (RAN) controller in the cellular telecommunication system.
  • 36. The system of claim 21, wherein the interleaving controller comprises a component of a mobile station in the cellular telecommunication system.
  • 37. A mobile station in a cellular telecommunication system comprising: a receiver for receiving data blocks from the cellular telecommunication system, wherein, when a new connection is opened to the mobile station, a starting time of an interleaving period of said new connection is set according to a first predefined rule such that the starting times of the interleaving periods of a substantial number of the presently active connections of the mobile station are periodically aligned.
  • 38. The mobile station of claim 37, wherein said substantial number comprises all the presently active connections of the mobile station.
  • 39. The mobile station of claim 37, wherein the first predefined rule comprises at least one calculation which must be satisfied.
  • 40. The mobile station of claim 39, wherein the at least one calculation which must be satisfied involves at least one of the following values: a number which identifies the starting frame and a length of the interleaving period.
  • 41. The mobile station of claim 40, wherein the number which identifies the starting frame is a global frame number of the starting frame.
  • 42. The mobile station of claim 37, wherein the starting frame of said interleaving period of said new connection is set at a frame such that the following equation is always a predetermined value x:
  • 43. The mobile station of claim 42, wherein said length is measured in transmission frames.
  • 44. The mobile station of claim 42, wherein said predetermined value x is at least one of zero and one.
  • 45. The mobile station of claim 37, wherein the length of said interleaving period is set according to a second predefined rule in order to increase the frequency at which the interleaving periods of the connections start at the same frame at the same time.
  • 46. The mobile station of claim 37, wherein the length of said interleaving period is set to a power of two.
  • 47. The mobile station of claim 37, wherein the mobile station sets the starting frame according to the first predefined rule.
  • 48. A base station in a cellular telecommunication system comprising: a transmitter for transmitting data blocks to a mobile station, wherein, when a new connection is opened to the mobile station, a starting time of an interleaving period of said new connection is set according to a first predefined rule such that the starting times of the interleaving periods of a substantial number of the presently active connections of the mobile station are periodically aligned.
  • 49. The base station of claim 48, wherein said substantial number comprises all the presently active connections of the mobile station.
  • 50. The base station of claim 48, wherein the first predefined rule comprises at least one calculation which must be satisfied.
  • 51. The base station of claim 50, wherein the at least one calculation which must be satisfied involves at least one of the following values: a number which identifies the starting frame and a length of the interleaving period.
  • 52. The base station of claim 51, wherein the number which identifies the starting frame is a global frame number of the starting frame.
  • 53. The base station of claim 48, wherein the starting frame of said interleaving period of said new connection is set at a frame such that the following equation is always a predetermined value x:
  • 54. The base station of claim 53, wherein said length is measured in transmission frames.
  • 55. The base station of claim 53, wherein said predetermined value x is at least one of zero and one.
  • 56. The base station of claim 48, wherein the length of said interleaving period is set according to a second predefined rule in order to increase the frequency at which the interleaving periods of the connections start at the same frame at the same time.
  • 57. The base station of claim 48, wherein the length of said interleaving period is set to a power of two.
  • 58. The base station of claim 48, wherein the base station sets the starting frame according to the first predefined rule.
Priority Claims (2)
Number Date Country Kind
980736 Mar 1998 FI
PCT/FI99/00268 Mar 1999 WO

[0001] The present application is a divisional application under 35 U.S.C. §121 of U.S. patent Ser. No. 09/674,132, which was the U.S. national stage under 35 U.S.C. §371 of International PCT Patent Application PCT/FI99/00268, filed on Mar. 31, 1999, which claimed priority from Finnish Patent Application No. 980736, filed on Mar. 31, 1998. Priority is claimed under 35 U.S.C. §121, 35 U.S.C. §119(a), and 35 U.S.C. §365(b) from the aforesaid Finnish Patent Application. All of the aforesaid patent applications are incorporated by reference in their entirety.

Divisions (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 09674132 Feb 2001 US
Child 10886987 Jul 2004 US