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Yokoo, S., Koichi D., Takano, T. and Kaimai, T., "Development of a Lubricant for Retrofitting Automotive Air Conditioners for Use with HFC-134a, " SAE Technical Paper Series 940594 (1994). (no month available). |
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Smith, A. M., Beggs, M. C. and Greig, B. D., "Experience of Retrofitting Automotive Air-Conditioning from CFC12 to HFC 134a," SAE Technical Paper Series 930292 (1993). (month unavailable). |
Corr, S., Dekleva, T. W. and Savage, A. L., "Retrofitting Large Refrigeration Systems With R-134a," ASHRAE Journal, Feb. 1993. (month unavailable). |
NERAC Search Results. (Date unknown). |