"Adaptive Equalization and Phase Tracking for Simultaneous Analog/Digital Data Transmission" by T. L. Lim and M. S. Mueller, The Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 60, No. 9, Nov. 1981, pp. 2039-2063, U.S.A. |
"High-Speed Digital and Analog Parallel Transmission Technique Over Single Telephone Channel" by Fumio Akashi, Yoichi Sato and Mikiro Eguchi, IEEE Transactions On Communications, vol. Com. 30, No. 5, May 1982, pp. 1213-1218. |
"Simultaneous Transmission on Speech and Data Using Code-Bearing Techniques", by R. Steele and D. Vitello, The Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 60, No. 9, pp. 2081-2105, Nov. 1981, USA. |
"Adaptive Noise Cancelling: Principles and Applications" by Bernard Widrow, John R. Glover, Jr., John M. McCool, John Kaunitz, Charles S. Williams, Robert H. Hearn, James R. Zeidler, Eugene Dong, Jr., and Robert C. Goodlin, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 63, No. 12, Dec. 1975, USA. |
"An Integrated Digital Subscribers Speech and Data Service" by L. J. Stagg and D. Clothier, GEC Hirst Research Centre, Wembley, Middlesex, England and GEC Telecommunications Ltd., Coventry, England, pp. 39.6.1-39.6.6, London. |
"Frequency Domain Data Transmission Using Reduced Computational Complexity Algorithms", by Abraham Peled and Antonio Ruiz, Computer Sciences Department, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, IEE 1980, pp. 964-967, USA. |
"Speech-band data modems" by P. F. Adams, IEE, 1980, pp. 733-736, USA. |
"Speech and Data Transmission In ACS Telephone Channels" by V. E. Bukhviner, Telecommunication & Radio Eng., vol. 30/31, Jul. 1976. |
"Method for Superimposing Data On Amplitude-Modulated Signals" Electronics Letters, 29 Apr. 1982, vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 379-381, USA. |
"A New Generation of Speech Plus Data Multiplexer", by M. N. Y. Shum, N. A. Samuel and C. Laval, Computer and Systems Engineering Limited (Case), pp. 111-112, London. |