Kinlough et al--Chem. Abst. vol. 65 (1966), p. 5984g. |
Switzer et al--Chem. Abst. vol. 98 (1983), p. 105045v. |
Deykin et al--Chem. Abst. vol. 93 (1980), p. 199,511r. |
Switzer et al--Chem. Abst. vol. 93 (1980), p. 236,051p. |
"Specific Factor VIII-Related Antigen Fragmentation: An In Vivo and In Vitro Phenomenon", Blood, vol. 60, p. 930, et seq., Oct. 1982. |
Human Platelet Calcium-Activated Protease (CAP): Degradation of Fibrogen and Modification of von Willebrand Factor, Blood, vol. 62, (Supp. 1), p. 260a, Nov. 1983. |
"Purification of Human Platelet Calcium-activated Protease", the Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 258, No. 11, pp. 7168-7174, Jun. 1983, article identifies the calcium-activated protease responsible for the degradation of von Willebrand factor. |
"Cleavage of Human Platelet Fibrogen and Factor VIII/von Willebrand Factor (FVIII/vWf) by Endogenous Calcium-Activated Protease", received for publication by The Journal of Clinical Investigation, May 24, 1983, not published, describes cleavage of FVII/vWf by calcium-activated protease based on preliminary evidence. |
"Factors Influencing the Multimeric Structure of Human Platelet von Willebrand Factor", received for publication by Blood, Oct. 7, 1983, revised and published Aug. 1, 1984 under the title Cleavage of Human von Willebrand Factor by Platelet Calcium-Activated Protease. |
"Presence of a von Willebrand Factor (vWf) Fragment in Type IIa von Willebrand's Disease (vWd)", Clinical Research, vol. 32, p. 316A, 1984. |
"Inhibition of von Willebrand Factor Fragmentation in Stored Plasma Containing Platelets by Inhibitors of the Calcium-Activated Protease", American Heart Association, (presented at 57th Meeting of American Heart Association, Nov. 1984). |
"Understanding von Willebrand's Disease", The National Hemophilia Foundation 1978, background pamphlet describing von Willebrand's disease. |