"A Hierarchical Routing System for VLSIs Including Large Macros" by Hiwatashi et al., IEEE 1986 Cust. Integrated Circuits Conf., pp. 235-238. |
"An Over-All Gate Array Channel Router" by Krohn, IEEE 20th Design Automation Conf., 1983, pp. 665-670. |
"Compaction Based Custom LSI Layout Design Method" by Ishikawa et al., IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Nov. 1985, pp. 343-345. |
Xiao-Ming Xiong and Ernest S. Kuh, "Nutcracker: An Efficient and Intelligent Channel Spacer" 24th ACM/IEEE Digest Automation Conference, Paper 17.2, 1987, pp. 298-304. |