The invention relates to a method of designing and manufacturing an array antenna comprising a designing step and a step of physically manufacturing said array antenna. The inventive contribution of the invention essentially lies in the designing step.
Array antennas offer several advantages over reflector antennas. One of the major is the fact that the array excitation may be closely controlled to generate extremely low sidelobe patterns, or very accurate approximation of a selected radiation pattern. Array antennas are flexible and versatile: by changing the complex feeding excitations (in amplitude and phase) the array pattern may be completely reconfigured. Several methods have been introduced to design linear and planar arrays. A non-exhaustive list of the most famous synthesis techniques includes: the Fourier Transform method, the Schelkunoff method, the Woodward-Lawson synthesis, the Taylor method, the Dolph-Chebyshev synthesis, the Villeneuve synthesis, etc. For a good overview of these methods the text [1] and all the related bibliography may be consulted.
Design techniques known from the prior art usually consider periodic array antennas constituted by equispaced antenna elements, because finite periodic structures have interesting mathematical properties simplifying their analysis and synthesis. According to these techniques, an overall number of array element and a fixed inter-element spacing are determined, and then the most appropriate excitations, in amplitude and/or in phase, in order to guarantee the required performances are identified.
It is also known that a variable spacing between the elements can be used as an additional degree of freedom [2-10]. In this case, the array antenna is aperiodic, i.e. its elements are not arranged on a regular periodic lattice. An aperiodic array may be obtained essentially in two ways: by switching off a certain number of elements in a fully populated periodic array (thinned array) or by placing the elements in a completely aperiodic grid (sparse array). In the general case of a sparse array, the inter-element spacing can be chosen so as to reduce the level of the grating lobes; on the contrary, a thinned array has the same grating lobe level of the fully populated periodic array from which it is obtained.
It should be noted that the terms “sparse array” and “thinned array” are not used consistently in the prior art literature on aperiodic array antennas.
Aperiodic arrays have several interesting characteristics and may offer some potential advantages with respect to equally spaced arrays:
a) First of all, the sidelobe level of equally spaced arrays with uniform amplitude excitation cannot be better than about 13.4 dB (for linear and rectangular arrays), while with aperiodic arrays the peak sidelobe level can be further reduced, provided that the total number of elements is sufficiently large and their positions opportunely selected [5].
b) A second advantageous property of aperiodic arrays is the possibility to realize a “virtual tapering” playing not on the feeding amplitude coefficients but rather on the elements positions, i.e. by using a “density tapering” of the array elements. More precisely, the radiation pattern of a periodic array with non-uniform excitation can be approximately reproduced by an aperiodic array with uniform excitation. In practice, the aperiodic distribution of the elements generates a virtual equivalent tapering. Using a uniform excitation in an array antenna is very advantageous especially in active transmit antennas, because it allows operating the power amplifiers feeding the array at their point of maximum efficiency. Moreover, using a uniform excitation drastically simplifies the beam-forming network and reduces the corresponding losses.
c) Third, an aperiodic spatial distribution of the antenna elements allows reducing grating lobes in the radiation pattern, even when the spacing between said elements is comparatively high in terms of wavelengths (except for thinned arrays).
d) A fourth interesting property is that by switching off a significant portion of the elements in one assigned aperture, the maximum gain will be proportionally reduced while keeping almost unchanged the angular resolution (so the main beamwidth) of the antenna. This property of course is valid provided that the elements are switched off appropriately and the periphery of the initial aperture remains sufficiently populated. In practice, with a reduced number of elements approximately the same beamwidth, so the same resolution, of one periodic array fully populated may be guaranteed with a drastically lower number of elements.
e) Furthermore, a reduced mutual coupling can be obtained when the interdistance between elements grows and/or is not uniform. The reduced mutual coupling could improve the array robustness with respect to scan blindness.
f) The operational frequency bandwidth of an array may be improved by breaking its periodicity, and grating lobes can be avoided or kept under control while increasing the operational bandwidth.
g) Finally, in fully populated periodic arrays, a thinned excitation may result beneficial in order to reconfigure the pattern properties (beamwidth, sidelobe level and null position). In such a configuration it would be possible to change, with respect to the time, the elements to be switched ON and OFF in order to obtain variable performances.
Several techniques have been presented in the literature to design sparse and thinned array antennas. Aperiodic arrays have been introduced about 50 years ago by Unz [2], who has been pioneering the study of aperiodic arrays using the matrix method. Later on, some important deterministic and numerical theories have been presented to approach the problem. Harrington [3] has implemented a perturbative method. Ishimaru [4, 5] has proposed an analytical method for designing sparse arrays based on the Poisson's sum; this method is effective in controlling the grating lobes amplitude and in increasing the inter-element distance, but it only applies to arrays composed by a high number of elements and has important limitations concerning the level of the first sidelobe adjacent to the main lobe (SLL=21.4 dB independent on the number of elements). Skolnik has been studying the problem of thinned arrays in [6], and the problem of sparse arrays in [7] and [8] adopting a deterministic and statistical approach, respectively. Sparse and thinned arrays have been treated also using the theory of random numbers.
More recently, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and stochastic techniques have been used to approach the problem (references [9-12]) The difficulty of the problem justifies why several authors have been resorting to stochastic, or purely numerical, or probabilistic approaches trying to solve the design of sparse and thinned arrays.
Despite to their advantageous features and all the above-mentioned important characteristics, up to now aperiodic (sparse and thinned) arrays have been seldom used in practice. This is essentially due to the complexity of their analysis and synthesis and, as a consequence, to a reduced knowledge of their radiative properties. The main concern in the design of aperiodic arrays is to find an optimal set of element spacings to meet some array specifications. Since the array factor of the aperiodic array is a nonlinear function of element spacings and there is an infinite number of combinations of element locations, the problem of optimizing the array pattern with respect to the element locations is nonlinear and complex. Thus, it is not easy to design the optimal pattern analytically. The optimization is even more difficult when the array pattern should be scanned off the array normal.
It should be noted that determining the optimal phase of the excitation field of the array elements is also a nonlinear problem, and therefore introduces significant complexity in the design of array antennas. In many cases only an amplitude tapering is used (possibly combined with a linear phase tapering for steering the beam, or with a two-values, 0°/180° phase modulation), despite to the sub-optimal performances that can be achieved.
An object of the present invention is to provide a simple, yet effective, method for designing and manufacturing array antennas by exploiting all the available degrees of freedom of the array (i.e. number of elements, elements' positions, amplitude and phase excitations). In particular, the invention allows using the element positions and/or the excitation phases in alternative or together with the amplitude tapering; this possibility may allow to reduce drastically the costs and the complexity of the array.
The method of the invention is quasi-analytical and has a nice geometrical and physical interpretation.
More particularly, the invention concerns a method of manufacturing an array antenna comprising a step of designing an array pattern of said array antenna and a step of physically manufacturing said array antenna, the method being characterized in that said step of designing said array pattern comprises the following operations:
(a) determining a continuous or discrete one-dimensional reference aperture, associated to a one-dimensional reference radiation pattern;
(b) choosing a reference radiation direction for said reference radiation pattern;
(c) computing a cumulative phasorial summation of a field distribution of said reference aperture in said reference direction and representing said summation as a reference curve in a complex plane;
(d) determining a polygonal curve constituting a polygonal approximation of said reference curve, subject to predetermined constraints;
(e) determining, from said polygonal curve, an array pattern wherein:
The manufacturing step can be performed by any method known e.g. from the prior art, directly or after an additional adjustment of the array pattern obtained by applying the method described above, in order to take into account technological constraints (i.e. the finite size of antenna elements).
The array pattern determined at step (e) constitutes an optimal approximation of the reference pattern in a Weighted Least Mean Square sense. This solution, obtainable almost in real time, can also be used as an optimal starting point for numerical refinements based on different constraints and/or optimization criteria.
Indeed, it is not necessary for the array determined from said polygonal curve to constitute the “actual” optimal approximation of the reference radiation pattern: in practice, a “relative optimum” can be sufficient.
It is worth noting that the optimization is performed “locally”, i.e. with respect to the reference direction only, but has a “global” effect, i.e. guarantees a good agreement with the reference pattern in a large field of view.
Particular embodiments of the method of the invention constitute the subject-matter of the dependent claims.
More particularly, a method according to an embodiment of the invention allows designing and manufacturing linear aperiodic array (i.e. both sparse and thinned) antennas having a uniform or non-uniform excitation phase. Advantageously, the excitation amplitude can be uniform, or only a few amplitude values (“stepped amplitude”) can be used.
A method according to a different embodiment of the invention allows designing and manufacturing a periodic array antenna whose excitation field has uniform amplitude and non-uniform phase.
Additional embodiments of the invention allow designing and manufacturing bi-dimensional array antennas. The bi-dimensional problem is reduced to a set of simpler one-dimensional problems, whose solutions are combined to construct a bi-dimensional array pattern.
An additional object of the invention is a computer software product adapted for carrying out the design step of a method according to any of the preceding claims.
The method of the invention can be applied to the design and manufacturing of different kind of antenna, such as:
Antennas designed and manufactured according to the method of the invention can be used in several different applications, such as:
Additional features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the subsequent description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein:
The invention will be initially described in reference to its application to the design and manufacturing of linear aperiodic array. Then, its generalizations to the case of periodic arrays with phase-only tapering and to that of bi-dimensional arrays will be considered.
The first step of the method of the invention is to define the desired radiative properties of the array to be designed. This is the same as in the prior art. Usually a specified Gain (G), a beamwidth (BW) and a peak sidelobe level (SLL) are indicated. Then, an aperture field distribution (“reference aperture”) able to guarantee these radiative characteristics is identified. The reference pattern, which represents the target of the performances of the aperiodic array, may be obtained with a linear aperture having an assigned arbitrary excitation field distribution or with a periodic array having an assigned amplitude/phase tapering. There are several standard techniques to design linear and planar apertures. As an example, well known amplitude distribution laws include: Taylor, Dolph-Chebyshev, Villeneuve, cosine, cosine square, cosine over a pedestal, etc. Thanks to these techniques a continuous aperture distribution and/or a discrete array satisfying the initial radiative requirements may be easily derived in an analytical closed form. According to the prior art, the discrete distribution obtained via one of the several known design procedures may be directly used to realize an antenna. Nevertheless, the direct implementation of a continuous or discrete field distribution with a specific dynamic range of the amplitude and the phase may be difficult and expensive. In facts, especially when the requirements in terms of SLL are very stringent, the feeding distribution of the antenna aperture presents a high variability as a function of the position. The excitation of such an aperture may be extremely complex and expensive. Indeed, one of the strongest motivations to introduce aperiodic arrays with equi-amplitude excited elements consists in the necessity to reduce complexity and cost of an array antenna including its beamforming network and amplification section.
A problem solved by the present invention is to design and manufacture a linear aperiodic array, with equal or stepped amplitude elements, characterized by a pattern that, on average, “best fits” a target reference pattern, and preferably matches the positions of its nulls. The reference pattern represents the target radiative characteristics that should be obtained with the unknown array, and can correspond to the radiation pattern of a continuous aperture or of a periodic array composed by equispaced elements fed with a certain amplitude and/or phase tapering law. In the design of an array which has to guarantee radiative performances as close as possible to the ones of an assigned target pattern, it is particularly delicate and important to match its radiative nulls. This is also justified by the fact that if an array is able to keep the zeros of a target array, almost automatically it is able to reproduce the radiative properties everywhere.
In the far-field approximation, the radiation pattern of a linear continuous aperture is given by the Fourier transform of the aperture excitation field p(x):
the angle θ, representing the observation direction, is measured with respect to the direction perpendicular to the array aperture.
For a continuous aperture of finite length 2a, equation (1) reduces to:
For a discrete array, the aperture field can be considered a particular case of the continuous field by mean of the Dirac's Delta functions,
and equation (1) reduces to:
The aperture field contributions may be represented as complex phasors which depend (see equation (4)) on the positions of the corresponding radiating elements xk, their excitation Ek (amplitude and phase), the wavenumber k0 and the observation direction u0. The length of the phasors is proportional to the amplitude of the corresponding field contribution |Ek|, and the orientation depends on the element position xk and on the excitation phase ∠Ek. It is important to note that for each observation direction a different set of phasors is obtained. In particular, the phasors tend to be aligned in a direction of maximum where they are in phase and add in a constructive way while they tend to be oriented in all the possible directions and add in a completely destructive way when focusing on a radiative null direction. For the following discussion it will be convenient to place the origin in the centre of the aperture. Changing the observation direction from the boresight, the phasors start rotating, each with a different velocity depending on the position of the corresponding antenna element. The phasors relevant to the left part of the aperture (with a negative x value) rotate clockwise while those relevant to the right part (positive x value) rotate counterclockwise.
For a uniform periodic array (elements characterized by an equal excitation) the cumulative polygonal visualized in the first null direction constitutes a regular polygon, equilateral and equiangular. In the case of an aperiodic array, the polygon will not be equiangular, but it will still be equilateral if the excitation amplitudes are uniform. A non-uniform excitation phase (or “phase tapering”) φk=∠Ek will induce an additional phase term in the vector sum expressing the array factor
It should be noted that, while the phase contributions associated to the elements positions depend on the observation direction through the sin(θ) term, the phase tapering adds a contribution which depends only on the element position but not on the observation angle. As a consequence, for a periodic array whose excitation field has a uniform amplitude and a non-uniform phase, the cumulative polygonal visualized in the first null direction will constitute an equilateral but not equiangular closed polygonal curve.
In summary, it can be said that the cumulative phasorial summation of the elements of an array antenna in a given observation direction can be represented by a polygonal curve, wherein each side of said polygonal curve is associated to a particular antenna element. The length of each side is associated to the amplitude of the excitation field of the corresponding element, while the angles formed by each pair of adjacent sides depend on the inter-element distance and/or the phase tapering of said excitation field. The polygonal curve associated to a direction for which the radiation pattern of the array antenna exhibits a null will be a closed curve.
For a continuous aperture, the polygonal degenerates in a continuous curve made of infinitesimal incremental contributions.
The semilogarithmic plot of
In order to express the previous properties in analytical form, the cumulative phasorial summation of the aperture field distribution can be introduced,
which can be particularized in:
where U(x) is the step function,
The ending point of the phasorial cumulative sum (for both the discrete array and continuous aperture) represents the complex radiation pattern as evaluated in the corresponding direction of observation.
Being both the continuous apertures as well as the discrete arrays considered in the following of finite extent, equation (9) can be replaced by:
T(x,a)=F(u) (Continuous Aperture) (10)
T(xN,u)=F(u) (Discrete Array) (11)
The array design problem can be expressed as follows: for an assigned reference pattern {tilde over (F)}(u), corresponding to a continuous or discrete reference aperture {tilde over (p)}(x) and characterized by a cumulative phasorial sum {tilde over (T)}(x,u), the objective is synthesizing a periodic or aperiodic array whose radiation pattern best fits the reference pattern, subject to predetermined constraints and using different degrees of freedom (i.e. elements positions, amplitude or phase tapering). There are several ways to define a best fitting optimization criterion. One particularly effective consists in a weighted mean square error (W-MSE) minimization of the difference between the reference pattern and the unknown one.
The design method of the invention is based on the following result, which can be demonstrated by applying the Parseval-Plancherel theorem:
The left term in Equation (12) represents a weighted mean square error of the patterns, with an inverse quadratic weighting function centered in the observation point characterized by u0. It is important to note that, while in the left term the patterns are compared in the entire field of view (global criterion), in the second term the cumulative phasorial summations are evaluated only in one specific observation point u0.
Equation (12) demonstrates that the minimization of the pattern difference can be reduced to an un-weighted mean square error minimization of the cumulative phasorial summations evaluated in u0.
Otherwise stated: the array whose radiation pattern best approximates the reference radiation pattern (according to a weighted mean square error criterion) is that whose cumulative phasorial sum for the reference direction u0 best approximates that of said radiation pattern for the same reference direction. As the cumulative phasorial sum of a continuous or discrete aperture can be represented by a continuous or polygonal curve, the array synthesis problem reduces to the geometrical problem of finding the polygonal curve that best approximates, subject to predetermined constraints, a given continuous or polygonal curve. This problem can be solved numerically or by purely graphical means: therefore the array synthesis is greatly simplified.
The method discussed above is completely general, and can be applied to any kind of linear arrays. However, it is particularly interesting to apply it to arrays which are difficult to design by using prior art methods, e.g. aperiodic (sparse of thinned) arrays and periodic arrays with phase-only taper.
Of course, the choice of the reference direction u0 is critical in order to ensure that the weighted mean square error criterion centered on it is meaningful. As previously discussed, when designing a periodic or aperiodic array, it is usually required that the nulls of its radiation pattern match those of the reference pattern. In particular the first null plays a key role because it substantially defines the beamwidth. In [13] a null matching technique has been successfully used for designing an aperiodic array. However, while the technique presented in [13] is based on a numerical min-max procedure, the technique presented here is a graphical quasi analytical procedure.
For this reason, the most convenient choice of the reference direction u0 will usually be that of the first null of the reference pattern:
{tilde over (F)}(u0)=0 (13)
The cumulative curve {tilde over (T)}(x,u0) corresponding to such a reference direction is a closed curve, being,
{tilde over (T)}(−∞,u0)=0 according to Eq. (5), (14)
{tilde over (T)}(∞,u0)={tilde over (F)}(u0)=0 (15)
As a representative example, the design of a sparse array with uniform excitation will be considered, by taking a continuous Taylor distribution as the reference distribution. The Taylor distribution is the amplitude-only continuous distribution represented on
As demonstrated in equation (12), the array synthesis problem is equivalent to the identification of a cumulative phasorial polygonal optimally fitting the reference cumulative curve. The unknown polygonal is characterized by equilength edges in agreement to the assumed equiamplitude feeding distribution. Besides, because the tracing of the polygonal is done in a null direction, the polygonal must be closed.
So, in practice, the design is equivalent to find a best fitting closed polygonal which should be equilateral but not equiangular (otherwise it would correspond to a periodic array). Once the best fitting polygonal is obtained, the positions of the array elements can be easily derived inverting equation (7). In practice, the rotation angle of a generic side of the polygonal with respect to the previous one is directly related to the distance of the two radiating elements associated to the sides.
In the following, in order to simplify the formulation, real and symmetric reference apertures are considered, N being the (even) number of elements if the reference aperture is constituted by a periodic array. At the same way, symmetric aperiodic arrays with an even number of elements M are assumed for the synthesis. This hypothesis does not represent a restriction for the proposed method, but permits to simplify the explanation and it is justified because most of the reference aperture distributions are symmetric.
The array factor of a symmetric array is always real because it is obtained by summing phasors that are, two by two, symmetric with respect to the real axis (by summing two complex conjugate numbers one obtains twice the real part of each one).
As the aperiodic array and the reference aperture (continuous or discrete) are assumed to be symmetric, it is sufficient to consider half of the closed reference polygonal as a target to determine the position of half of the elements of the aperiodic array, the positions of the others being derived by symmetry.
The closed reference cumulative curve may be rescaled to have a length equal to M, i.e. the number of elements constituting the unknown aperiodic array. Then, as represented on
However, because half of the reference cumulative curve has a curvilinear length equal to M/2 and the M/2 unitary chords are inscribed within the curve, the last vertex of the phasorial summation will not coincide with the middle point of the reference cumulative curve but will slightly trespass this point and will be located in the second half of the reference cumulative curve. Iteratively the chords length can be rescaled until the last vertex coincides with the middle point of the reference cumulative curve. Because only a few iterations are needed to obtain the convergence, the synthesis is done almost in real time. In this way, we have obtained graphically M/2 equilength phasors perfectly inscribed in the first half of the reference cumulative curve. By symmetry the second half of the polygonal may be immediately derived.
In case of non-symmetric reference apertures the procedure must be simply extended to the sequential tracing of all the M equal length phasors to best-fit the asymmetric reference cumulative curve RCC.
Once the equilateral polygon matching the closed curve has been derived, it is straightforward evaluating the positions of the corresponding aperiodic elements.
The same graphical methodology could be also applied to one of the other nulls of the reference pattern. However, it is important to note that the closed reference cumulative curve, when evaluated in a null different from the first, will present a number of internal loops depending on the index of the null and on the tapering law of the reference aperture. For this reason it is much simpler, and provides more accurate results, to apply the described technique in the first radiation null.
Notwithstanding the null matching is imposed in a single radiation null, the pattern of the synthesized sparse array is able to match extremely well also the following nulls of the reference pattern and to provide excellent fitting performances in the entire field of view.
The fitting accuracy in terms of weighted mean square error strictly depends on the number of elements of the aperiodic array.
The reference cumulative curve, being associated to an aperture with amplitude tapering, will exhibit a continuous variation of its curvature. For this reason, a better approximation could be obtained tracing chords of different length having, in particular, a shorter length in proximity of sharp bends and a longer one when the curvature radius is larger. This is equivalent to design an aperiodic array with the additional degree of freedom represented by an amplitude tapering. Despite to the advantage associated to the amplitude tapering, usually aperiodic arrays are fed with equal amplitude in order to keep their cost and complexity limited, to operate the feeding power amplifiers at their optimum point (in term of power efficiency) and because a virtual equivalent tapering is anyway offered by the aperiodic placement of the elements. As a compromise, a limited numbers of amplitude levels may guarantee better performances with a limited extra cost and complexity. Unlike in the case of prior art array antennas with amplitude tapering, very good results can be achieved by using a number of amplitude levels which is small (e.g. by a factor of 10 or more) compared to the number of antenna elements. Advantageously, the allowed amplitude levels can be in a commensurable relationship with each other: that way, these levels can be obtained by splitting and/or combining the outputs of power amplifiers operated at their optimum point, with no significant loss of efficiency.
Thinned arrays exhibit a reduced number of degrees of freedom with respect to sparse arrays because the spacings between the elements are forced to be integer multiples of an assigned minimum distance. For this reason, every element may be represented by a discrete set of rotating phasors P′1 . . . P′M/2 with a fixed angular separation (see
As mentioned above, the design method of the invention is very general, and not limited to the case of aperiodic (sparse or thinned) arrays. Its application to the synthesis of a periodic array whose excitation field has uniform amplitude and non-uniform phase (“phase-only taper”) will now be described. This was a difficult problem in the prior art, because the phase is related to the radiated field in a non linear way as the elements positions. However, while the elements positions are multiplied by the factor sin(θ) which causes a different contribution as a function of the observation angle, the phase tapering adds a radiative contribution which depends only on the elements but not on the observation angle.
As the array to be designed is periodic, it is convenient to take as the reference aperture a periodic array with amplitude-only tapering, having the same number of elements as the array to be designed. The (discrete) reference cumulative curve DRCC of said discrete reference aperture is an equiangular but non-equilateral polygonal curve. According to the theory discussed above, it is clear that the cumulative curve of the array to be designed will be an equilateral but non-equiangular polygonal approximating the DRCC.
As an example, in
Without phase tapering, phasor P would be aligned with the shorter segment S. By applying the phase tapering, the phasors are rotated in such a way that their projections on the sides of the DRCC coincide with the sides themselves. In this way the phase-only tapered array represents the best fitting of the amplitude-only tapered array.
Of course, for a selected phase angle even its opposite value satisfies the same property. In order to best fit the reference curve DRCC, it is convenient to select alternatively a positive and a negative sign for the phase values, in such a way that the phasors are traced one time internally, the next time externally to DRCC. Otherwise stated, the angles between adjacent sides alternatively take positive and negative modulo-180° values. This choice guarantees the same level of accuracy with the reference pattern also in the neighboring of the first null in the opposite direction with respect to the main beam. So, in practice, the proposed only-phase tapering provides a good matching of the reference pattern in an angular region close to the main beam symmetrically located with respect to it.
As a final result, the phase-only tapering function obtained graphically has the following simple analytical expression:
φk=(−1)k cos−1(Ek)
wherein φk is the phase of the excitation field of the k-th antenna element, while Ek is the normalized length of the k-th side of the reference DRCC curve. In practice, as a result of the new array tracing technique, the design of a periodic array with a phase-only tapering can be done analitically: the required phase values are simply obtained as a function of the amplitude tapering coefficients of the reference aperture.
It will be understood that the method of the invention can also be applied to the synthesis of array antennas combining phase tapering with amplitude tapering and/or “density tapering”, i.e. an aperiodic array pattern.
Curve RP′2 represents the radiation pattern of the corresponding periodic array with phase-only tapering. It can be seen that the sidelobe level is quite high, especially for high-order lobes, because of the limited number of available degrees of freedom (i.e. phase only). On
Significantly better results can be achieved by combining phase- and stepped amplitude-tapering. Curve RP′3 on
A case in which it is strongly advisable to use a non-uniform excitation phase together with “density tapering” (i.e. a non-periodic array) is the design of an aperiodic linear array for generating a “shaped beam”.
A simple, yet very important, example of shaped beam is the one whose radiation pattern is described by a rectangular function. In order to generate this beam pattern a sinc(x)=sin(x)/x distribution on the aperture is needed (the sinc function representing the Fourier transform of the rectangular function). Let us consider for example a reference linear aperture with a width of 20 wavelengths λ, where an amplitude tapering proportional to sin(x)/x is applied. This sinc(x) distribution is represented on
Four different methods according to the principle of the invention can be applied to synthesize an aperiodic array emitting a rectangular beam.
The first possibility is to synthesize an aperiodic array with uniform (in phase and amplitude) excitation, as explained above with reference to
However, this method does not lead to satisfactory results. The reason will be understood by examining
A second possibility is to synthesize an aperiodic array, in which the excitation distribution is characterized by a uniform amplitude and two possible phase values (i.e. 0° and 180°).
According to this alternative method, the cusps in the reference cumulative function are suppressed by taking a reference aperture whose amplitude distribution is given by the absolute value of the “original” sinc distribution. The cumulative phasorial summation corresponding to this “modified” reference aperture is represented by curve RCC′ on
The element spacings of the aperiodic array to be synthesized are obtained from this polygonal cumulative curve CPC′. However, in order to obtain a radiation pattern approximating the reference one, a phase shift of 180° has to be applied to the excitation field of the array elements corresponding to the negative portion of the original (sinc(x)) reference aperture.
The third and fourth methods are simply refinements of the method described above. They include the use of two amplitude values (third possibility) or of several stepped amplitude levels, e.g. one for every lobe in the near field sinc distribution (fourth possibility).
While, in general, the first method is not satisfactory for the design of shaped beams, the choice between the second, the third and the fourth one depend on a tradeoff between performances and complexity.
The graphical design method described above only applies to one-dimensional (or linear) arrays. However, the present invention also allows synthesizing bi-dimensional array antennas. The idea behind this extension of the scope of the invention is that a bi-dimensional synthesis problem can be often decomposed in a set of one-dimensional sub-problems. These sub-problems can be solved, i.e. the corresponding linear array patterns can be determined, as discussed above. Then, the array pattern of the required bi-dimensional antenna can be constructed from said set of linear array patterns.
More precisely, three methods for synthesizing aperiodic bi-dimensional arrays will be described in detail. The first method leads to a bi-dimensional array whose elements are disposed according to a non-uniform rectangular—or, more generally, parallelogram—grid. The second method is more complex, but allows obtaining more satisfactory results; it leads to an array whose elements are aligned along a principal axis and independently distributed along a secondary axis, which is non-parallel and preferably perpendicular to the principal axis. The third method applies to reference radiation patterns exhibiting a circular or elliptical symmetry and leads to an array whose elements are disposed in concentric circular or elliptical rings.
These methods are only exemplary, and not limitative.
The first method can be applied whenever the reference pattern and the reference aperture can be written as the product of two separable functions of two spatial coordinates x,y corresponding to two (typically, but not necessarily, orthogonal) preferred axes (i.e. as a function of the form: p(x,y)=px(x)py(y), or it can be approximated by such functions.
If the reference pattern does not satisfy exactly this separability condition, the preferred axes x,y should correspond to the directions along which it is most important to control the actual radiation pattern. The planar reference aperture distribution p(x,y) is then projected onto the selected axes x,y.
py(y)=∫−∞+∞p(x,y)dx (16)
The evaluation of the projections can be performed either analytically, if the reference aperture distribution is available in analytic form and the projection integral has a closed form, or numerically.
These projections establish two linear reference distributions for the application of the one-dimensional design method described above.
The reason stands on the Fourier transform projection-slice theorem in two dimensions which states that the Fourier transform of the projection of a two-dimensional function onto a line is equal to a slice through the origin of the two-dimensional Fourier transform of that function which is parallel to the projection line (i.e. a phi-cut; see
A discrete element grid G is superimposed to the reference aperture support domain (i.e. the spatial domain where the reference aperture function is different from zero). The number of elements of the initial discrete grid corresponds to the number of active elements of the desired planar aperiodic array (N). The element grid can be a periodic lattice, an aperiodic grid or any combination of the two.
G={rk≡xk{circumflex over (x)}+ykŷ:k=1, . . . , N} (17)
Relative amplitude values (Ek) can be optionally assigned to each element of the initial grid.
As demonstrated for the linear case, a limited numbers of amplitude levels may be introduced to guarantee better performances with a limited extra cost and complexity. The optional assignment of the relative amplitude values (Ek) can be performed, for example, quantizing with a number of pre-assigned levels the planar reference aperture distribution p(x, y) sampled in correspondence of the initial grid positions, p(xk, yk). The amplitude values Ek will constitute the excitations of the radiating elements whose positions will be determined according to the method described here below.
The set of the elements positions G intrinsically generates two sets of coordinates with respect to x and y:
GX={xk:k=1, . . . , N}
Gy={yk:k=1, . . . , N} (18)
These two coordinate sets can be processed to identify the ordered unique elements that constitute each individual set.
The “Unique” operation of equation (19) returns the same values as in X but with no repetitions.
Two subsets
The two ordered subsets
For this reason, an amplitude corresponding to the sum of the amplitudes of the elements with identical coordinates is assigned to each element of the subsets
At this point, the one-dimensional synthesis method described above for synthesizing linear aperiodic arrays with prescribed amplitude levels can be applied to these equivalent arrays, leading to two new sets of ordered coordinates corresponding to the positions of the synthesized linear aperiodic array elements along the preferred axes,
{tilde over (X)}={{tilde over (x)}p:p=1, . . . P}
{tilde over (Y)}={{tilde over (y)}q:q=1, . . . Q} (22)
The P positions, {tilde over (x)}p, of the optimum equivalent aperiodic array in x can be determined using px(x) as reference aperture (see
Equivalently, the Q positions, {tilde over (y)}q, of the optimum equivalent aperiodic array in y can be determined using py(y) as reference aperture (again, see
Being both
The synthesized element positions are finally determined by the set {tilde over (G)},
(central part of
In so doing the elements positions are determined such that the radiation pattern of the planar aperiodic array best approximates the reference radiation pattern along two desired principal directions.
The positions are intrinsically optimized in accordance to the optionally assigned amplitude levels Ek.
A second method for designing bi-dimensional antenna arrays is more general and does not rely on any hypothesis on the separability of the reference radiation pattern.
As in the previous case, two (typically, but not necessarily, orthogonal) axes are selected in the reference pattern and in the reference aperture.
The planar reference aperture distribution p(x,y) is projected onto the first selected principal axis (e.g. x),
px(x)=∫−∞+∞p(x,y)dy (26)
A P-element discrete equivalent linear array along x is defined to quantize the px(x) distribution. Each “element” of this equivalent array actually represents a linear sub-array in the orthogonal direction y (alternatively, a general direction non parallel to the x axis could have been chosen, but this case will not be discussed in detail).
A normalized distribution pxn(x) can be used to determine the number of elements Q(p) of each sub-array. The normalization can be done such that a maximum number of elements per sub-array is defined,
Q(p) can be evaluated rounding pxn(x) on a uniform sampling lattice of P elements. As well, other quantization criteria can be implemented depending on the synthesis constraint (e.g. Q(p) even, odd, power of two, etc.).
The overall array will be composed of N elements, where
Optionally, relative amplitude values (Ep,q) can be assigned to each element q=1, . . . , Q(p) of the p-th sub-array. The amplitude values will constitute the pre-assigned excitations of the equivalent linear array along x.
The positions {tilde over (x)}p of the optimum aperiodic array in x can be determined according to the already described one-dimensional method, with px(x) used as reference aperture (see
The new set of ordered coordinates {tilde over (X)}={{tilde over (x)}p:p=1, . . . P} is now used to initialize the synthesis along the orthogonal axis.
A set of equivalent linear reference aperture distributions py,p(y) is generated sampling the planar reference aperture distribution p(x,y) on lines passing through the points {tilde over (x)}p and parallel to the y axis,
py,p(y)=p(x,{tilde over (y)}p) (30)
Different sampling criteria to generate the set of linear equivalent reference distributions along y can be implemented: e.g., slicing p(x,y) in P contiguous linear strips with each {tilde over (x)}p internal point of a different strip and evaluating py,p(y) as slice-projection along y of p(x,y) within the strip.
For each {tilde over (x)}p a sub-array of Q(p) elements disposed along y must now be synthesized. The positions {tilde over (y)}p,q of the optimum aperiodic sub-array in y can be determined according to the already described one-dimensional method with py,p(y) employed as target reference aperture and Ep,q as assigned amplitude levels (see
The outcome of the synthesis is a set of sub-array positions along x, and Q(p) sets of positions of the elements of the sub-arrays disposed along y,
{tilde over (X)}={{tilde over (x)}p:p=1, . . . P}
{tilde over (Y)}p={{tilde over (y)}p,q:q=1, . . . Q(p)} (38)
The synthesized element positions are finally determined by the set {tilde over (G)},
{tilde over (G)}={{tilde over (r)}p,q≡{tilde over (x)}p{circumflex over (x)}+{tilde over (y)}p,qŷ:p=1, . . . , Q;q=1, . . . , Q(p)} (32)
The positions are intrinsically optimized in accordance to the optionally assigned amplitude levels Ep,q.
In many cases, a bi-dimensional reference aperture exhibits circular or elliptical symmetry. This allows application of a dedicated synthesis method which will be described here below.
An aperture function with circular symmetry can be expressed as:
The elliptical case can be easily reduced to the circular one by mean of appropriate coordinate transformations.
The far field distribution of a circular aperture characterized by an excitation current pρ(ρ) varying only in a radial direction ρ is given by:
)=2π∫0apρ(ρ)ρJ0(k0 sin
ρ)dρ (34)
Similarly, a circular ring current source with radius ρk and infinitesimal thickness,
where the circular Dirac's delta is normalized to unitary amplitude,
generates a far field:
F()=pkJ0(k0uρk) (37)
u being the observation direction, u=sin(θ).
Considering the parallelism between the continuous and discrete case, the function ρpρ(ρ) represents the equivalent tapering that a circular ring array should have in order to generate a pattern identical to the reference one.
Equation (34) can also be expressed by means of Hankel's special functions [14],
F()=π∫−aaρpρ(ρ)H0(1)(k0uρ)dρ (38)
For fixed θ (and therefore u), equation (38) corresponds to phasorial summation as a function of the radial coordinate ρ, which can be represented as a curve in the complex plane, ρ acting as a drawing parameter. Like in the one-dimensional case, a closed curve corresponds to a null direction u0.
Therefore, the one-dimensional array synthesis method described above can be applied to an equivalent aperture having an excitation function given by ρpρ(ρ).
Concretely, as schematically represented on
A discrete ring array with uniform radial spacing is defined to quantize the equivalent radial distribution. The number of rings (P) will depend on the aperture radius and on desired radial sampling.
A normalized distribution pρn(ρ) can be used to determine the number of elements Q(p) of each ring. The normalization can be done such that a maximum number of elements per ring is defined,
Q(p) can be evaluated rounding pρn(ρ) on a uniform radial sampling lattice of P elements. As well, other quantization criteria can be implemented depending on the synthesis constraint (e.g. Q(p) even, odd, power of two, etc.).
The overall array will be composed of N elements, where
The positions {tilde over (ρ)}p of the optimum aperiodic ring array in ρ can be determined by applying the one-dimensional method of the invention with ρpρ(ρ) employed as objective Reference Aperture. The necessary modifications consist in substituting H0(1)(k0uρ) to exp(k0uρ) in the cumulative curve evaluation and in taking into account the intrinsic amplitude variation of the Hankel's special function.
The final step consists in placing the selected integer number of elements Q(p) on the rings of radius {tilde over (ρ)}p. The most obvious and most accurate choice is to put them at an equal angular distance. A deterministic or random rotation of the elements from ring to ring can be also employed, although the corresponding results do not change significantly especially for large arrays.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
20080143636 | Couchman et al. | Jun 2008 | A1 |
Number | Date | Country | |
20090211079 A1 | Aug 2009 | US |