Method to fabricate a DRAM cell with an area equal to five times the minimum used feature, squared


  • Patent Grant
  • 6180453
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, December 21, 1998
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, January 30, 2001
    23 years ago
A process for fabricating a DRAM cell, with an area equal to five times the minimum feature, squared, (5F2), has been developed. The process features the use of selectively formed, N+ single crystalline, silicon plugs, on underlying source/drain regions. The N+ single crystalline, silicon plugs, epitaxial deposited, are used to connect overlying crown shaped capacitor structures, to underlying source/drain region, as well as to connect a bit line metal structure, to another source/drain region.


(1) Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to a process used to fabricate dynamic random access memory, (DRAM), devices, and more specifically to a fabrication process, using novel process sequences to reduce the area of the DRAM cell.

(2) Description of the Prior Art

The semiconductor industry is continually striving to improve the performance of semiconductor devices, while still attempting to reduce the cost of these same semiconductor devices. The use micro-miniaturazation, or the use of sub-micron features, for fabrication of semiconductor devices, such as dynamic random access memory, (DRAM), devices, has allowed the performance and cost objectives to be partially realized. For example smaller features allow reductions in performance degrading capacitance, and performance degrading resistances to achieved, while the use of smaller devices, result in the attainment of a greater number of semiconductor chips, from a specific size starting substrate, however still possessing device densities equal to, or greater than, larger semiconductor chips, and thus resulting in a reduction of the processing cost for a specific semiconductor chip to be realized.

Micro-miniaturization has been mainly accomplished by advances in specific semiconductor fabrication disciplines, such as photolithography and dry etching. The use of more sophisticated exposure cameras, as well as the use of more sensitive photoresist materials, have allowed sub-micron images to be created in photoresist layers. In addition the development of more advanced dry etching tools and etch recipes, have allowed the sub-micron images in overlying photoresist layers to be successfully transferred to underlying materials, used in the creation of advanced semiconductor devices. However to achieve DRAM densities of 1 gigabit, or greater, new processing and structural enhancements may also be needed to supplement the advances gained through micro-miniaturization. Currently the area needed for a DRAM cell is equal to about eight times the square of the minimum feature used, sometimes referred to as 8F


. The creation of DRAM devices, with small areas are limited by basic features of the DRAM cell, such as the word line, bit line, as well as the space between word lines, needed for contact for overlying bit line, and stacked capacitor structures. Prior art, such as Tseng, in U.S. Pat. No. 5,710,074, describes the use of a conductive plug, contacting a portion of a source/drain region, with the conductive plug located between a word line and an isolation region, allowing an overlying stacked capacitor structure to contact underlying source/drain regions, via the conductive plug. However in that prior art the space used between the isolation region and the word line, needed for a storage node contact hole, and the conductive plug, is too large for 1 gigabit DRAM designs.

This invention will describe a novel fabrication process, enabling a DRAM cell with an area equal to 5F


, (2.5F by 2.0F), to be achieved. This is accomplished by reducing the space between word lines, needed for subsequent bit line contact to a source/drain region, to the minimum feature, (1F), used, while reducing the space between a word line and an isolation region, needed for stacked capacitor structure to source/drain contact, to 0.5F. The reduction in these spaces is made possible by forming self-aligned, epitaxial silicon plugs, between the word lines, and between a word line and an isolation region, where the word lines are encapsulated by a silicon nitride capping layer, and insulator spacers. The heavily doped N+, epitaxial silicon, is deposited at a low temperature, and selectively forms only on the exposed source/drain regions, located between word lines, and between a word line and an isolation region.


It as an object of this invention to create a DRAM cell, consuming an area equal to about five times the square of the minimum feature used, (5F



It is another object of this invention to create a DRAM cell in which a N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, is formed between word lines, or between a word line and an isolation region, via a selective, low temperature, epitaxial silicon deposition procedure.

It is still another object of this invention to use an N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, for contact between a crown shaped capacitor structure, and a source/drain region, located between a word line and an isolation region.

It is still yet another object of this invention to use an N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, and an overlying, conductive bit line plug, for contact between a bit line structure, and a source/drain region, located between two word lines.

In accordance with the present invention a method for creating a DRAM cell, with an area equal to about five times the square of the minimum feature used, using selectively grown, N+ single crystalline plugs, for contact of overlying capacitor structures, and for contact of overlying bit line structures, to underlying source/drain regions, has been developed. After formation of isolation regions, in a semiconductor substrate, word line structures, comprised of silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structures, on thin gate insulator layers, are formed between the isolation regions. The word lines, and the space between word lines, is formed using the minimum feature, (1F), used, while the space between a word line, and an isolation region, is about half of the minimum feature, (0.5F), used. After formation of source/drain regions, in areas of the semiconductor substrate, not covered by isolation regions, or by word lines, single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs, are selectively grown, only on the exposed source/drain regions. Crown capacitor structures are formed, each contacting a single crystalline, N+ silicon plug, in a region in which the silicon plug overlays a source/drain region located between a word line and an isolation region. A low dielectric constant, spin on glass, (SOG), layer is formed, and a bit line contact hole is opened in the SOG layer, exposing a single crystalline, N+ silicon plug, in a region in which the silicon plug overlays a source/drain region located between word lines. After formation of a conductive bit line plug, in the bit line contact hole, a bit line metal structure is formed overlying the SOG layer, and contacting the top surface of the conductive bit line plug, completing the formation of the DRAM cell, with dimensions of 2.5F by 2.0F, or with an area of 5F




The object and other advantages of this invention are best described in the preferred embodiment with reference to the drawings that include:

FIGS. 1-11




, which schematically, in cross sectional style, describe key stages of fabrication used to create the DRAM cell, shown in this invention.

FIGS. 12


, which schematically shows a top view of the DRAM cell, described in this invention.

FIGS. 13


, and



, schematically show the top view, and a cross-sectional view, respectively, for COB structure.


The method of creating a DRAM cell with an area equal to five times the square of the minimum feature used, featuring the use of selectively grown, N+ single crystalline plugs, located between word lines, and between a word line and an isolation region, and used to connect overlying capacitor structure, and overlying bit line structures, to underlying source/drain regions, will now be described in detail. The DRAM cell in this invention has been described as a N channel, device, however this invention can also be used for P channel devices, by simply using P type ion implantation procedures, creating P type source/drain regions in a N well region, and using overlying P+ single crystalline silicon plugs. In addition this invention is described using crown shaped capacitor structures, however this invention can be used with other type stacked capacitor structures, as well.

A P type, semiconductor substrate


, comprised of single crystalline silicon, having a <100> crystallographic orientation, is used. Shallow trench isolation, (STI), regions


, shown schematically in

FIG. 1

, are created for purposes of isolating subsequent components of a DRAM cell. Briefly the method used to create STI regions


, are to create a shallow trench, to a depth between about 2000 to 4000 Angstroms, in semiconductor substrate


, via conventional photolithographic and anisotropic reactive ion etching, (RIE), procedures, using Cl


as an etchant. After deposition of a silicon oxide layer, using low pressure chemical vapor deposition, (LPCVD), or plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, (PECVD), procedures, completely filling the shallow trench, chemical mechanical polishing, (CMP), or RIE procedures, are used to remove unwanted silicon oxide, resulting in silicon oxide filled, shallow trench isolation regions.

A deep N well region


, is next formed in semiconductor substrate


, via ion implantation of arsenic, at an energy between about 100 to 300 Kev., at a dose between about 1E11 to 1E12 atoms/cm


, and phosphorous, at an energy between about 400 to 1000 Kev., at a dose between about 1E12 to 1E13 atoms/cm


. The deep N well region is used to isolate DRAM cells, from the P type semiconductor substrate. Another ion implantation, using boron, is now performed, at an energy between about 1000 to 2000 Kev., at a dose between about 1E12 to 1E13 atoms/cm


, to supply the dopants needed for the formation of a P well region


, needed for creation of the N channel, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, (MOSFET), devices, of the DRAM cell. The creation of deep N well region


, and of P well region


, are schematically shown in FIG.



A gate insulator layer


, comprised of silicon dioxide, at a thickness between about 35 to 70 Angstroms, is next thermally grown, in an oxygen—steam ambient, followed by the creation of word line structure








, schematically shown in FIG.


. After growth of gate insulator layer


, a polysilicon layer


, is deposited via LPCVD procedures, to a thickness between about 500 to 1000 Angstroms, with polysilicon layer


, doped in situ, during deposition, via the addition of arsine, or phosphine, to a silane ambient. Polysilicon layer


, can also be deposited intrinsically, then doped via an ion implantation procedure, using arsenic or phosphorous ions. Next a metal silicide layer


, such as tungsten silicide, is deposited using LPCVD procedures, at a thickness between about 500 to 1500 Angstroms, using tungsten hexafluoride and silane as reactants. Finally a silicon nitride layer


, is deposited, at a thickness between about 1000 to 3000 Angstroms, using LPCVD or PECVD procedures. Photolithographic and anisotropic RIE procedures, using CF


as an etchant for silicon nitride layer


, and using Cl


as an etchant for metal silicide layer


, and for polysilicon layer


, are used to create word line structures






, and


, schematically shown in FIG.


. Removal of the photoresist shape, used as a mask for word line patterning, is accomplished via plasma oxygen ashing, and careful wet cleans. The regions of gate insulator layer


, not covered by the word line structures, were removed during the RIE and the photoresist removal procedures.



, of the word line structures








, width


, of isolation region


, and space


, between word line structures




, and between word line structures




, were all created using the minimum feature, (F), used. Therefore with a minimum design feature, F, for this DRAM cell, between about 0.07 to 0.25 uM, the width of word line structures, and of the isolation regions are between about 0.07 to 0.25 uM, while the space between word line structures




, and between word line structures




, is also between about 0.07 to 0.25 uM. In addition the placement of the word line structures result in space


, between a word line structure, and an isolation region of only 0.5F, or if the minimum design feature used is between about 0.07 to 0.25 uM, this space would be between about 0.035 to 0.125 uM. This is schematically shown in FIG.


. Source/drain regions


, are next formed, in P well region


, in regions not covered by word line structures, or by isolation regions. Source/drain regions


, are formed via an ion implantation procedure, using arsenic or phosphorous ions, at an energy between about 5 to 20 KeV, at a dose between about 1E13 to 3E13 atoms/cm


. Insulator spacers


, comprised of silicon nitride, or of silicon oxide, are next created on the sides of the word line structures, via deposition of a silicon nitride layer, or of a silicon oxide layer, via LPCVD or PECVD procedures, to a thickness between about 200 to 800 Angstroms, followed by an anisotropic RIE procedure, using CF


for silicon nitride, or CHF


for silicon oxide, creating insulator spacers


, shown schematically in FIG.



A major feature of this invention, the creation of the single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs, is next addressed and shown schematically in FIG.


. Selective deposition of single crystalline, silicon plugs


, is achieved via a low temperature epitaxial deposition, at a temperature between about 600 to 800° C., using silane or disilane as a source, with the addition of phosphine or arsine, as a dopant, resulting in single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs, with a bulk concentration between about 1E19 to 1E21 atoms/cm


. Single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs


, are vertically deposited to a thickness between about 3000 to 4000 Angstroms, about at the height, or slightly below the level of the word lines. The selective epitaxial deposition, only forming the plugs on exposed source/drain regions, result in a single crystalline, N+, silicon plug, contacting a source/drain region in space


, having the same width as space


, minus twice the thickness of insulator spacer


, while another single crystalline, N+ silicon plug, contacting a source/drain region in space


, has the same width as space


, minus the thickness of one insulator spacer. The ability to selectively form single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs


, avoids the removal of unwanted regions of this material, via CMP or RIE procedures, encountered with other conductive plug structures, such as tungsten or polysilicon plug structures.

Regions, or spaces, located overlying isolation regions


, and therefore not filled with the selective deposition of single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs


, are next filled with silicon oxide layer


, shown schematically in FIG.


. First a silicon oxide layer is deposited via LPCVD, PECVD, or high density plasma chemical vapor deposition, (HDPCVD), procedures, to a thickness between about 4000 to 8000 Angstroms, completely filling the spaces between single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs


, overlying isolation regions


. Next a CMP procedure, or a selective RIE procedure, using CHF


as an etchant, is used to remove silicon oxide from the top surface of word lines






, and


, and from the top surface of single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs


, resulting in silicon oxide plugs, formed from silicon oxide layer


, located between single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs



The process sequences, used to create crown shaped capacitor structures, is next addressed and shown schematically in

FIGS. 7-9

. First a silicon oxide layer


, is deposited via LPCVD or PECVD procedures, at a thickness between about 5000 to 10000 Angstroms. A photoresist shape


, is next formed, allowing capacitor openings


, in silicon oxide layer


, to be created via an anisotropic RIE procedure, using CHF


as an etchant. Capacitor openings


, expose the top surface of single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs


, located between a word line and silicon oxide layer


. This will allow a subsequent capacitor structure to contact, through the single crystalline, N+ silicon plug, a source/drain region, located between a word line and an isolation region


. This is schematically shown in FIG.


. After removal of photoresist shape


, via plasma oxygen ashing, and careful wet cleans, a polysilicon layer is deposited via LPCVD procedures, to a thickness between about 300 to 800 Angstroms. The polysilicon layer is doped in situ, during deposition, via the addition of arsine or phosphine, to a silane, or to a disilane ambient. A CMP procedure is used to remove unwanted regions of the polysilicon layer from the top surface of silicon oxide layer


, resulting in a crown shaped storage node structures


, comprised of the polysilicon layer, with vertical polysilicon spacers, on the sides of silicon oxide layer


, exposed in capacitor opening


, and comprised of a horizontal polysilicon feature, at the bottom of capacitor opening


, connecting vertical polysilicon spacers, and contacting the top surface of single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs


, located overlying a source/drain region, which in turn is located between a word line and an isolation region


. This is schematically shown in FIG.



Removal of regions of silicon oxide layer


, located between crown shaped storage node structures


, is accomplished via an anisotropic RIE procedure, using the appearance of the top surface of single crystalline, N+ silicon plugs


, as an end point. A capacitor dielectric layer


, such as Ta




, or oxidized silicon nitride, (ONO or NO), shown schematically in

FIG. 9

, is formed on the exposed surfaces of crown shaped storage node structures


, at an equivalent silicon dioxide thickness of between about 20 to 50 Angstroms. Another in situ doped polysilicon layer, or a metal layer, is deposited, to a thickness between about 500 to 1000 Angstroms. Conventional photolithographic, and anisotropic RIE procedures, using Cl


as an etchant, are used to create upper plate


, shown schematically in FIG.


. Removal of the photoresist shape, used for definition of upper plate


, is accomplished via plasma oxygen ashing and careful wet cleans, resulting in the DRAM capacitor structure


, comprised of upper plate


, capacitor dielectric layer


, and crown shaped storage node structure


, contacting, through a single crystalline, N+ silicon plug, a source/drain region, located between a word line and isolation region


. DRAM capacitor


, can be, if desired, any type stacked capacitor structure, not just the crown shaped structure, described above.

A spin on glass, (SOG), or a sub-atmospheric chemical vapor deposited, (SACVD), layer


, is next formed at a thickness between about 3000 to 6000 Angstroms, to completely fill the spaces between DRAM capacitor structures


. This is schematically shown in FIG.


. Photoresist shape


, is next used as a mask to allow the creation of bit line contact hole


, through layer


, to be achieved via an anisotropic RIE procedure using CHF


as an etchant. Bit line contact hole


, with a diameter equal to about 1F, exposes the top surface of the single crystalline, N+ silicon plug


, located between word lines. If desired an insulator spacer, (not shown in the drawings), can be formed on the sides of bit line contact hole


, after removal of photoresist shape


. This is accomplished via LPCVD or PECVD deposition of an insulator layer, such as silicon oxide, or silicon nitride, followed by the creation of the insulator spacer, via an anisotropic RIE procedure. After removal of photoresist shape


, via plasma oxygen ashing and careful wet cleans, bit line contact plug


, schematically shown in

FIG. 11

, is formed in bit line contact hole


. Bit line contact plug is comprised of either tungsten, copper, or aluminum, all deposited using R.F. sputtering, to a thickness between about 1000 to 3000 Angstroms, completely filling bit line contact hole


. Regions of unwanted metal, overlying the top surface of SOG layer


, are removed using either CMP, or selective RIE procedures, using Cl


as an etchant, creating bit line contact plug


, contacting a source/drain region, located between word lines, via a single crystalline, N+ silicon plug



A bit line metal structure


, is formed, and will be subsequently described using

FIG. 12


, however

FIG. 12


, now shows a top view of the DRAM cell, with a area equal to 5F


, comprised with a first dimension


, equal to 2.5F, and with a second dimension


, equal to 2.0F. Dimension


, includes: a word line, equal to 1F; half of the space between word lines, equal to 0.5F; a space between a word line and an isolation region, equal to 0.5F; and half of an isolation region, equal to 0.5F. Referring to bit line metal structure


, again either aluminum, tungsten, or copper, is deposited using R.F, sputtering procedures, to a thickness between about 2000 to 5000 Angstroms. Conventional photolithographic and anisotropic RIE procedures, using Cl


as an etchant, are used to create bit line metal structure


, shown schematically in

FIG. 12


. Bit line metal structure


, aligned normal to underlying word lines, and overlying and contacting the top surface of bit line contact plug


, communicates with a source/drain region, of the DRAM cell, located between word lines, via bit line contact plug


, and single crystalline, N+ silicon plug


. Removal of the photoresist shape, used for bit line metal structure definition, is once again removed using plasma oxygen ashing, and careful wet cleans.

If desired this invention can be used to create capacitor over bit line, (COB), structures. This can be accomplished by delaying the creation of the capacitor opening. A bit line contact hole opening


, with a diameter equal to 1F, can be formed in a thick insulator layer, exposing one half of the top surface an underlying N+ single crystalline plug, such as shape


. After creation of a bit line contact plug structure


, in the bit line contact hole


, an overlying bit line structure, is formed, via deposition of either a metal, a polysilicon, or a polycide layer, and patterning, via conventional photolitographic and dry etching procedures, with the bit line structure, contacting the top surface of the bit line contact plug structure. The capacitor opening is than created in the thick insulator layer, or in a composite insulator layer, comprised of an overlying insulator layer, and the thick insulator layer, exposing the top surface of other N+ single crystalline plugs. The remainder of the process, used to form the capacitor structures, is identical to the processes used for the previously described, capacitor under bit line, (CUB), procedure.


, and


B, schematically show the top view, and a cross-sectional view, respectfully, for the COB structure.

While this invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to, the preferred embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of this invention.

  • 1. A method for fabricating a DRAM cell, on a semiconductor substrate, comprising the steps of:forming a first, and a second isolation region, in said semiconductor substrate; forming a first, and a second gate structure, on a gate insulator layer, on said semiconductor, with the gate structures located between said first isolation region, and said second isolation region; forming source/drain regions in areas of said semiconductor substrate not covered by said gate structures, and not covered by isolation regions; selectively growing single crystalline, silicon plugs, on said source/drain regions; with a first single crystalline, silicon plug, located between said first isolation region, and said first gate structure, overlying a first source/drain region; with a second, single crystalline, silicon plug, located between said first gate structure, and said second gate structure, overlying a second source/drain region; and with a third single crystalline silicon plug, located between a second gate structure, and a second isolation region, located overlying a third source/drain region; forming insulator plugs overlying said first isolation region, and overlying said second isolation region; forming a first capacitor structure, overlying, and contacting, said first single crystalline, silicon plug, and forming a second capacitor structure, overlying, and contacting said third single crystalline, silicon plug; applying an insulator layer; forming a bit line contact opening in said insulator layer, exposing the top surface of said second single crystalline, silicon plug; forming a bit line contact plug, in said bit line contact hole opening, in said insulator layer, with said bit line contact plug contacting said second single crystalline, silicon plug, exposed in at the bottom of said bit line contact hole opening; and forming a bit line metal structure, overlying said insulator layer, overlying, and contacting, the top surface of said bit line contact plug.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said minimum feature, (F), used, for said DRAM cell is between about 0.07 to 0.25 uM.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein said first isolation region, and said second isolation region, are insulator filled, shallow trenches, with a width equal to the minimum feature, (F), used, between about 0.07 to 0.25 uM, and at a depth between about 2000 to 4000 Angstroms, with said insulator, in shallow trench being silicon oxide, obtained via LPCVD or PECVD procedures.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein said first gate structure, and said second gate structure, are polycide structures, comprised of an overlying metal silicide layer, such as tungsten silicide, obtained via LPCVD procedures at a thickness between about 500 to 1000 Angstroms, and comprised of an underlying polysilicon layer, obtained via LPCVD procedures to a thickness between about 500 to 1000 Angstrom, and in situ doped, during deposition, via the addition of phosphine, or arsine, to a silane ambient, and with the width of said first gate structure, and of said second gate structure, equal to said minimum feature, (F), used, between about 0.07 to 0.250 uM.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein said space between said first gate structure, and said second gate structure, is equal to said minimum feature, (F), used, between about 0.07 to 0.25 uM.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein said space between said first gate structure and said first isolation region, and the space between said second gate structure and said second isolation region, is equal to one half of said minimum feature, (F), used, between about 0.035 to 0.125 uM.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, wherein said source/drain regions are obtained via ion implantation of arsenic, or phosphorous, at an energy between about 5 to 20 KeV, at a dose between about 1E13 to 3E13 atoms/cm2.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, wherein said single crystalline, silicon plugs, are selectively formed, on underlying said source/drain regions, via a low temperature, epitaxial silicon deposition, at a temperature between about 600 to 800° C., to a thickness between about 3000 to 4000 Angstroms, and doped during the epitaxial silicon procedure, via the addition of arsine, or phosphine, to a silane, or to a disilane ambient.
  • 9. The method of claim 1, wherein said first single crystalline, silicon plug, and said third single crystalline, silicon plug, have a width equal to one half of said minimum feature, (F), used, between about 0.035 to 0.125 uM, and with said second single crystalline, silicon plug, having a width equal to said minimum feature, (F), used, between about 0.07 to 0.25 uM.
  • 10. The method of claim 1, wherein said first capacitor structure, and said second capacitor structure, are comprised of an underlying, polysilicon, crown shaped storage node structure, a capacitor dielectric layer, such as a Ta2O5 layer, or an ONO layer, and an overlying polysilicon upper plate.
  • 11. The method of claim 1, wherein said insulator layer is a spin on glass, (SOG), layer, or a sub-atmospheric chemical vapor deposited layer, applied at a thickness between about 3000 to 6000 Angstroms.
  • 12. The method of claim 1, wherein said bit line contact hole is opened in said insulator layer, using an anisotropic RIE procedure, using CHF3 as an etchant, with the diameter of said bit line contact hole opening being equal to the minimum feature, (F), between about 0.07 to 0.250 uM.
  • 13. The method of claim 1, wherein said bit line contact plug, is comprised of either tungsten, copper, or aluminum.
  • 14. A method of fabricating a DRAM cell, on a semiconductor substrate, with an area equal to five times the minimum feature, squared, (5F2), featuring selectively grown, single crystalline, silicon plugs, used to connect capacitor and bit line structures, to underlying source/drain regions, comprising the steps of:forming a first isolation region, and a second isolation region, in said semiconductor substrate; forming a silicon dioxide gate insulator layer, an area of said semiconductor substrate, not covered by said first isolation region, and not covered by said second isolation region; forming a first silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure, and a second silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure, on said silicon dioxide gate insulator layer, between said first isolation region and said second isolation region, with the width of said first silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure, and of said second silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure equal to the minimum feature, (F), used, while the space between said first silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure and said first isolation region, and the space between said second silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure and said second isolation region, is equal to one half of the minimum feature used; forming a first source/drain region between said first silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure and said first isolation region, forming a second source/drain region between said first silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure and said second silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure, and forming a third source/drain region between said second polycide gate structure and said second isolation region; selectively growing a first, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, on said first source/drain region, and selectively growing a third, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, on said third source/drain region, with the width of said first, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, and the width of said third, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, equal to one half the minimum feature, (F), used, and selectively growing a second, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, on said second source/drain region, with the width of said second, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, equal to the minimum feature, (F), used; forming a first silicon oxide plug, on said first isolation region, and forming a second silicon oxide plug, on said second isolation region; forming a first crown shaped capacitor structure, contacting underlying, said first, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug, and forming a second crown shaped capacitor structure, contacting underlying, said third, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug; applying a spin on glass, (SOG), layer; opening a bit line contact hole, in said SOG layer, exposing the top surface of said second, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug; forming a bit line contact plug, in said bit line contact hole, contacting the top surface of underlying, said second, N+ single crystalline, silicon plug; and forming a bit line metal structure, overlying said SOG layer, and overlying and contacting the top surface of said bit line contact plug.
  • 15. The method of claim 14, wherein said minimum feature, (F), used, for said DRAM cell, is between about 0.07 to 0.250 uM.
  • 16. The method of claim 14, wherein said first isolation region, and said second isolation region, are comprised of silicon oxide filled, shallow trenches, with a width equal to about 0.07 to 0.250 uM, and with the depth of the shallow trenches, in said semiconductor substrate, between about 2000 to 4000 Angstroms.
  • 17. The method of claim 14, wherein said silicon dioxide gate insulator layer, is obtained via thermal oxidation procedures, in an oxygen—steam ambient, to a thickness between about 35 to 70 Angstroms.
  • 18. The method of claim 14, wherein said first silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure, and said second silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure, are comprised of a metal silicide layer, such as tungsten silicide, obtained via LPCVD procedures, at a thickness between about 500 to 1000 Angstroms, overlying a polysilicon layer, obtained via LPCVD procedures, at a thickness between about 500 to 1000 Angstroms, with the polysilicon layer doped in situ, during deposition, via the addition of arsine or phosphine, to a silane, or to a disilane ambient, and with a silicon nitride layer, obtained via LPCVD or PECVD procedures, at a thickness between about 1000 to 3000 Angstroms, overlying the metal silicide layer. of the polycide gate structures.
  • 19. The method of claim 14, wherein the width of said first silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure, and the width of said second silicon nitride capped, polycide gate structure, is between about 0.07 to 0.250 uM.
  • 20. The method of claim 14, wherein the source/drain regions are formed via an ion implantation procedure, using arsenic or phosphorous ions, at an energy between about 5 to 20 KeV, at a dose between about 1E13 to 3E13 atoms/cm2.
  • 21. The method of claim 14, wherein the N+ single crystalline, silicon plugs, are formed via selective epitaxial deposition, at a temperature between about 600 to 800° C., to a thickness between about 3000 to 4000 Angstroms, and doped in situ, during the epitaxial deposition, via the addition of arsine, or phosphine, to a silane, or to a disilane ambient.
  • 22. The method of claim 14, wherein said spin on glass layer is, applied at a thickness between about 3000 to 6000 Angstroms.
  • 23. The method of claim 14, wherein said bit line contact plug, is comprised of either copper, aluminum, or tungsten.
  • 24. A method of forming a DRAM cell, on a semiconductor substrate, with an area equal to 5 times the minimum feature, squared, in which a capacitor over bit line configuration is achieved, via formation of the bit line structure, prior to the formation of the capacitor structure.
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