The present invention relates generally to material science and, more particularly, to methods and apparatus for characterizing magnetic properties of materials.
Material characteristics are clearly important to a variety of magnetic analyses. Examples include the finite element analysis of an induction machine or in the magnetic equivalent circuit analysis of a power inductor. It may be argued that, in the case of power applications such as electric machinery and power converter inductors, the reluctance of flux paths is dominated by the air portions of the path during unsaturated conditions. However, under saturated conditions this is no longer true and the magnetic properties of the material become important.
In the design of power components, the usual case is that at least a portion of the magnetic material is under some degree of saturation. Otherwise, a less massive and less expensive component could have been designed. Thus the saturated or at least partially saturated case is a relevant one for design. This is particularly true when applying automated design procedures using population based design algorithms. In this case, many of the designs in the population will be at saturated operating points. Saturated conditions are also often encountered during transient analyses. For example, in an induction machine start up, large inrush currents saturate the stator teeth.
Although material manufacturers generally supply magnetic characteristics of the material they provide, they do not always provide the information for highly saturated conditions or for specific temperatures of interest. For these reasons, as well as for the purpose of validation of supplied data, it is often desirable to measure the magnetic characteristics.
Two common procedures for obtaining magnetic characteristics are Vibrating Sample Magnetometry (VSM) and IEEE Std. 393-1991.
Obtaining magnetic measurements using VSM requires extensive laboratory equipment, including the magnetometer itself and instruments for sample preparation. In addition, magnetic characterization of highly permeable materials (in particular ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials) using VSM can result in significant inaccuracy because the error in the demagnetization factor that results from deviation from an ideal geometry increases with increasing permeability of the sample.
Alternately, the IEEE Standard for Test Procedures for Magnetic Cores, Vol., Iss., 10 Mar. 1992, hereby incorporated by reference, (IEEE Std. 393-1991) is a simple and relatively inexpensive procedure for characterizing a magnetic material using a toroidal sample. Since the flux forms closed paths while remaining inside the material, it is not necessary to consider demagnetization factors.
In order to determine the magnetic characteristics of a material in accordance with IEEE Std. 393-1991, a toroidal geometry is used with a primary winding and secondary coil, as shown in
An ac voltage waveform is applied to the primary winding, and Nc cycles of the primary current and secondary voltage waveforms are recorded. It is assumed that the secondary voltage probe has extremely high impedance so that the secondary current is effectively zero.
After carefully removing dc offsets in the measured primary current and secondary coil voltage, the magnetizing flux linking the secondary winding is calculated from Faraday's law:
Assuming there is no leakage flux, the flux density is uniformly distributed through the cross section of the material, and that the field intensity may be adequately determined by the mean path approximation, the field intensity and flux density is approximated as
In (2)-(3) B and H are assumed to be in the same (tangential) direction and thus vector notation is suppressed.
Two sources of error can result from the application of this procedure. First, the field intensity through a cross-section of the toroid is not uniformly distributed. Second, there is leakage flux associated with the primary winding, leading to distortions in the field distribution and localized saturation. Because of these effects, equation (3) underestimates the flux density produced by the coil. Both of these sources of error are accentuated during saturation.
One aspect of the present invention involves a test apparatus for determining magnetic properties of materials using ring-shaped material samples. The apparatus has a sample platform made of non-magnetic material with an aperture through it. The aperture is positioned for substantial alignment with the center of a ring-shaped sample placed on the platform. A conductor distribution assembly has a plurality of conductors extending laterally from the platform, in radial distribution to produce a symmetrical magnetic field through the sample during use. Each of the conductors have an inner segment passing through the aperture and extending substantially perpendicularly away from said platform, and a return segment positioned sufficiently remote to have negligible magnetic effect of the sample.
Another aspect of the present invention involves a method of calculating the anhysteretic B-H characteristic of a material utilizing primary and secondary coils wound around a material test sample. A range of electric current is introduced through the primary coil and the resulting secondary coil voltage is recorded over time. The measured magnetizing flux linkage and hysteresis loop for the sample is determined. A relationship is established between the measured magnetizing flux linkage and a predicted magnetizing flux linkage of the sample. The predicted magnetizing flux linkage incorporates spatial variation in the magnetic field intensity within the sample and has a plurality of parameters that capture anhysteretic magnetic properties of the material. Values of the parameters are determined that position a resulting fitted B-H characteristic curve within the measured hysteresis loop.
The objects and advantages of the present invention will be more apparent upon reading the following detailed description in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
For the purpose of promoting an understanding of the principles of the invention, reference will now be made to the embodiments illustrated in the drawings and specific language will be used to describe the same. It will nevertheless be understood that no limitation of the scope of the invention is thereby intended, such alterations and further modifications in the illustrated device and such further applications of the principles of the invention as illustrated therein being contemplated as would normally occur to one skilled in the art to which the invention relates.
One aspect of the present invention involves a test apparatus for characterizing magnetic properties of materials that avoids the errors previously described.
in the region of toroid-shaped sample D, where r is measured from the center of the toroid. The primary current ip is obtained from the number of inner segments G of the primary coils Np which pass through the center of toroid D and platform aperture J, and extend radially about its periphery through return path conductors C, so that as Np increases, the return current approximates a cylindrical current distribution. Toroid D shown in
Appropriate dimensions for test apparatus B may be chosen by calculating field intensity produced by the test apparatus with no material present, and then comparing it to field intensity produced by an ideal current density. In the absence of magnetic material, this may be readily computed using superposition of the field intensity due to each of the wire segments. For instance,
In actual tests, magnetic material is of course used. However, the symmetry of the sample (toroid D) is preferably chosen to match the symmetry of the field intensity produced by the test apparatus as calculated without the magnetic material.
In order to closely approximate the desired field distribution, the height h (
For example, wherein toroid D shown in
The percentage error between the field intensity ∥H∥ calculated as described and the ideal field intensity distribution of equation (4) is shown in
Other than the use of test apparatus B, the experimental procedure used to characterize the magnetic properties of materials may be the same as IEEE Std. 393-1991. In this type of procedure, a current waveform is injected into primary winding A and the secondary voltage is captured and used to determine the flux linkage using equation (1). The secondary coil voltage and primary current measurements may be obtained from a digital acquisition system (DAS) with sampling time of 2 μs, for example.
Another aspect of the present invention involves methods of characterizing magnetic properties of materials that are obtained as solutions of optimization problems which take into account radial variations in field intensity within cross-sections of test samples used during the characterization procedures. One such characterization method is calculating the anhysteretic B-H characteristic of a material utilizing the secondary flux linkage and primary current.
Prior to posing the optimization problem for determining the anhysteretic B-H characteristic, an analytical form for the anhysteretic magnetization must first be defined. A commonly used approximation for the magnetization for H≧0 is the Frölich equation given by
where α/β is equal to the saturation magnetization. In order to provide additional degrees of freedom in capturing the magnetization characteristic, the following series form based on equation (5) may be used
where the sig(•) function is used to incorporate H<0. The parameters mk, bk, and nk may then be obtained by minimizing the error between the predicted and measured flux linkage as follows.
Using equations (4) and (6), the predicted secondary coil flux linkage {circumflex over (λ)}(ip) may be determined by applying Gauss' Law to the cross section of the toroid. This yields
In equation (7), d is the depth of the toroid.
In computing equation (7) from equation (6), it is necessary to choose nk=1 ∀k. (This restriction on nk will be subsequently removed. The i in equation (7) refers to the primary current, and will refer to the primary current for the remainder of this description.)
Now that the expression for predicted flux linkage has been established, the optimization problem of establishing the anhysteretic B-H characteristic may now be posed. To this end, define the parameter vector to be determined as
θ=[m1 . . . mk b1 . . . bK] (8)
The error associated with a set of parameters θ may defined as follows. First, the range of measured current is preferably divided into S intervals so that a normalized weighted error may be calculated to take into account the necessarily large error that occurs in the low current region. (In particular, the fact that the measured λ−i characteristic is not single-valued will cause error that would otherwise mask error in other portions of the λ−i characteristic.) The set of indices corresponding to the discrete current points in the s'th interval is then denoted as Ks, so that the error associated with the flux in the s'th interval Es(θ) may then defined as
where λmax is the maximum flux and |Ks| denotes the number of elements in Ks. The total normalized weighted error may then defined as
where ws is the weighting factor associated with the s'th interval.
The number of intervals and weighting factors are determined by trial and error with the goal that the fitted curve is centered within the hysteresis loop of the measured characteristic. For instance, for the current shown in
Any optimization method, such as the Nelder-Mead or Newton-Raphson methods, can be used to minimize equation (10). The preferred optimization method is a genetic algorithm that requires the inclusion of a fitness function (to be maximized). The fitness for the parameter vector θ is defined as
where ε is a small number (10−10), introduced to avoid a singularity in the unlikely event of a perfect fit.
Details of determining the B-H characteristic of the FERROXCUBE 3C90 material mentioned above will be described here to demonstrate the method using the genetic algorithm.
Taking K=5 in equation (6), the minimum and maximum values for the parameter values were selected to be
The genetic algorithm used was implemented in the MATLAB 7.0 brand numerical computing environment, available from MathWorks, Inc., and was part of the Genetic Optimization based System Engineering Tool (GOSET) toolbox, Ver. 2.01, from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. The total number of individuals in the population and number of generations were taken to be Np=1000 and Ng=250. It was observed that convergence was obtained in 50 generations.
A plot of the fitted and measured λ−i characteristics using equation (7) after the fitting process is shown in
The resulting B-H characteristic from Characterization 1 is compared to that obtained using the IEEE Std. 393-1991 in
Another method of characterizing magnetic properties of materials involves characterizing the material by its permeability as a function of B or H.
The permeability as a function of H is determined from the previously obtained B-H characteristic as follows. First, the magnetization is assumed to have the form in equation (6), but the nk are now allowed values other than one (this allows for flexibility, thereby reducing the number of required terms). The predicted {circumflex over (B)} without the nk=1 restriction is then fitted to the flux density obtained from the B-H characteristic.
From equation (6), where the absolute permeability as a function of field intensity is denoted μH(H), the absolute permeability may be expressed
The parameter vector θ associated with equation (14) is defined as
θ=[m1 . . . mJ b1 . . . bJ n1 . . . nJ] (15)
The error associated with the parameter vector θ is determined as follows. First, Characterization 1 is used to determine a set of points on the B-H characteristic. Let Hj denote the j'th field intensity of interest and J denote the number of data points. The corresponding magnetization Mj is calculated from equation (6), and finally the corresponding flux density Bj=μ0Hj+Mj. Next for each Hj the re-characterized flux density, denoted {circumflex over (B)}j, is computed as μH(Hj)Hj. The error is defined as
where Bmax is the flux density at the largest field intensity.
In order to minimize E(θ) any optimization method may be used, as previously mentioned. The preferred optimization method is, again, a genetic algorithm that requires the inclusion of a fitness function (to be maximized), such as equation (11), where E(θ) is given by equation (16).
Continuing from the demonstration above, taking P=5 and J=2 in equation (16), the minimum and maximum values for the parameter values may be selected to be
The total number of individuals in the population and number of generations may be taken to be Np=1000 and Ng=5000. Convergence was obtained in approximately 2000 generations with a final fitness of 8.3×105. The resulting parameters are shown in Table 4. The characterization of the permeability using equation (14) with the parameters in Table 4 will be referred to as Characterization 2.
The relative permeability μH(H)/μ0, based on Characterization 2 is compared to that of Characterization 1 in
The absolute permeability as a function of flux density will be denoted μB(B). In determining an analytic form for μB(B) it is desired that the permeability be such that for small values of |B|, B=μlinH, where μlin is the permeability in the linear region. In addition, for large values of |B|, it is desired that the functional form approaches B=μ0(H+Msat). The following function has both of these properties:
For purposes of fitting, a parameter μr,k is also defined such that αK=μr,k/(μr,k−1) Considering the case in which K=1, it can be readily shown that equation (19) reduces to B=μ0μr,1H for small values of |B| and to B=μ0H+m1 for large values of |B|.
The parameter vector θ is defined as
θ=[μr1 . . . μrK n1 . . . nK m1 . . . mK] (20)
and the error function E(θ) is the same as that given in equation (15). In order to minimize E(θ) a genetic algorithm was used. This required the inclusion of a fitness function (to be maximized). The total fitness for the parameter vector θ is the same as that given in equation (11).
Continuing the demonstration from above, take K=5 in equation (19), and the minimum and maximum values for the parameter values may be selected to be
The total number of individuals in the population and number of generations may be taken to be Np=1000 and Ng=1000. Convergence was consistently obtained in 350 generations with a fitness of 3.2×102. The results of the fitting process yielded the parameters shown in Table 5.
The characterization of the magnetic characteristics using equation (19) with the parameters in Table 5 will be referred to as Characterization 3. The relative permeability μB(B)/μ0 using Characterization 3 is shown and compared to that of Characterization 1 in
A VSM measurement of the predicted saturation of the material used in the previous demonstrations described above was taken for comparison with results obtained with the methods and apparatus of the present invention, as well as with IEEE Std. 393-1991. From equation (6), the theoretical saturation magnetization may be expressed
The predicted saturation magnetizations using the characterization method of the present invention and that obtained from IEEE Std 393-1991 are shown in Table 6, along with the maximum magnetization obtained with the VSM measurement.
The magnetization curves predicted using the methods and apparatus of the present invention, IEEE Std 393-1991, and VSM measurement are shown in
The values of magnetization obtained from the VSM measurement are plotted in
A case study demonstrating the importance of improved magnetic characterizations of materials is included in the article entitled “An improved Magnetic Characterization Method for Highly Permeable Materials”, hereby incorporated by reference, by J. Cale, S. D. Sudhoff and J. Turner, Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 1974-1981, August 2006.
While the invention has been illustrated and described in detail in the drawings and foregoing description, the same is to be considered as illustrative and not restrictive in character, it being understood that only the preferred embodiment has been shown and described and that all changes and modifications that come within the spirit of the invention are desired to be protected.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/808,511, filed May 25, 2006, which application is hereby incorporated by reference along with all references cited therein.
This invention was made with government support under Contract/Grant Nos. N00014-01-2-1099 and N00014-02-1-0623 awarded by the Office of Naval Research. The government has certain rights in the invention.
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Number | Date | Country | |
60808511 | May 2006 | US |