Cleaved GaN facets by wafer fusion of GaN to InP; R.K. Sink, S. Keller, B.P. Keller, D.I. Babic, A.L. Holmes, D. Kapolneck, S.P. Denbaars, J.E. Bowers, X.H. Wu, and J.s. Speck; Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 (15), Apr. 8, 1996; pp. 2147-2149. |
Wafer Fusion of Infrared Laser Diodes to GaN Light-Emitting Heterostructures; P.D. Floyd, C.L. Chua, D.W. Treat, and D.P. Bour; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 10, No. 11, Nov. 1998; pp. 1539-1541. |
Low treshold, wafer fused long wavelength vertical cavity lasers; J.J. Dudley, D.I. Babic, R. Mirin, L. Yang, B.I. Miler, R.J. ram, T. Reynolds, E.L. Hu, and J.E. Bowers; Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 64, No. 12, Mar. 1994; pp. 1463-1465. |
144 C operation of 1.3 um InGaAsP vertical cavity lasers on GaAs substrates; J.J. Dudley, M. Ishikawa, D.I. Babic, B.I. Miller, R. Mirin, W.B. Jiang, J.e. Bowers, and e.L. Hu; Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (26). Dec. 28, 1992; pp. 3095-3097. |
Room-Temperature Continuous-Wave Operation of 1.54-um Vertical-Cavity Lasers; Dubravko I. Babic, Klaus Streubel, Richard P. Mirin, Near M. Margalit, John E. Bowers, Evelyn L. Hu, Dan E. Mars, Long Yang, and Kent Carey; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 7, No. 11, Nov. 1995; pp. 1225-. |
Dielectric-Bonded Long Wavelength Vertical Cavity Laser on GaAs Substrates Using Strain-Compensated Multiple Quantum Wells; C.L. Chua, C.H. Lin, Z.H. Zhu, Y.H. Lo, M. Hong, J.P. Mannaerts, and R. Bhat; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1994; pp. 1400-1402. |