
  • Patent Application
  • 20180318272
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    November 03, 2016
    7 years ago
  • Date Published
    November 08, 2018
    5 years ago
The present invention relates to methods of treating a tumor or treating cancer in a subject having a p53 DNA contact mutation that involve administering, to the subject, a ROCK inhibitor. Also disclosed is a method of identifying a subject as a candidate for such treatment.

The present invention relates to methods of treating a tumor and cancer in a subject by administering a Rho-associated protein kinase (“ROCK”) inhibitor to a subject with a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation, and identifying a subject as a candidate for such treatment.


The evolutionarily conserved Hippo pathway plays a key role in tissue homeostasis and organ size control by regulating cell survival, proliferation and differentiation (Harvey et al., “The Hippo Pathway and Human Cancer,” Nature Reviews Cancer 13:246-257 (2013)). This inhibitory pathway is comprised of a core kinase cascade, in which the mammalian sterile 20-like kinases MST1/2 and SAV1 form a complex that phosphorylates and activates the large tumor suppressor kinases LATS1/2, which in turn phosphorylate and inhibit the activities of the transcriptional co-activators YAP and TAZ (Oh et al., “Yorkie: The Final Destination of Hippo Signaling,” Trends in Cell Biology 20:410-417 (2010); Pan, “The Hippo Signaling Pathway in Development and Cancer,” Developmental Cell 19:491-505 (2010)). When liberated from Hippo pathway inhibition, YAP and TAZ accumulate in the nucleus where they drive gene expression by binding to TEAD, the DNA binding transcription factor regulated by the Hippo pathway as well as possibly other transcription factors, to promote cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis (Harvey et al., “The Drosophila Mst Ortholog, Hippo, Restricts Growth and Cell Proliferation and Promotes Apoptosis,” Cell 114:457-467 (2003); Udan et al., “Hippo Promotes Proliferation Arrest and Apoptosis in the Salvador/Warts Pathway,” Nature Cell Biology 5:914-920 (2003); Pantalacci et al., “The Salvador Partner Hippo Promotes Apoptosis and Cell-cycle Exit in Drosophila,” Nature Cell Biology 5:921-927 (2003); Wu et al., “Hippo Encodes a Ste-20 Family Protein Kinase that Restricts Cell Proliferation and Promotes Apoptosis in Conjunction with Salvador and Warts,” Cell 114:445-456 (2003)). In fact, persistent nuclear localization of YAP and/or TAZ due to genetic alterations in the Hippo pathway has been linked mechanistically to oncogenesis (Moroishi et al., “The Emerging Roles of YAP and TAZ in Cancer,” Nature Reviews Cancer 15:73-79 (2015); Steinhardt et al., “Expression of Yes-associated Protein in Common Solid Tumors,” Human Pathology 39:1582-1589 (2008)).

The Hippo pathway can be modulated by a variety of stimuli, including G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling (Yu et al., “Regulation of the Hippo-YAP Pathway by G-protein-coupled Receptor Signaling,” Cell 150:780-791 (2012)), actin cytoskeleton changes, cell-cell contact, and cell polarity (Dupont et al., “Role of YAP/TAZ in Mechanotransduction,” Nature 474:179-183 (2011); Schroeder et al., “Regulation of the Hippo Pathway by Cell Architecture and Mechanical Signals,” Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 23:803-811 (2012)). Various tumors have been shown to exhibit loss of function of LATS2 (Murakami et al., “LATS2 is a Tumor Suppressor Gene of Malignant Mesothelioma,” Cancer Research 71:873-883 (2011)) or NF2 (Evans, “Neurofibromatosis 2 [Bilateral Acoustic Neurofibromatosis, Central Neurofibromatosis, NF2, Neurofibromatosis Type II],” Genetics in Medicine: Official Journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 11:599-610 (2009)), whose functions enforce Hippo negative regulation, or YAP amplification/overexpression (Xu et al., “Yes-associated Protein is an Independent Prognostic Marker in Hepatocellular Carcinoma,” Cancer 115:4576-4585 (2009); Zhang et al., “The Hippo Pathway Transcriptional Co-activator, YAP, is an Ovarian Cancer Oncogene,” Oncogene 30:2810-2822 (2011); Wang et al., “Overexpression of Yes-associated Protein Contributes to Progression and Poor Prognosis of Non-small-cell Lung Cancer,” Cancer Science 101:1279-1285 (2010)). However, these alterations are relatively infrequent compared to aberrations afflicting oncogenes such as Ras or Raf or tumor suppressors such as p53 (Samatar et al., “Targeting RAS-ERK Signalling in Cancer: Promises and Challenges,” Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 13:928-942 (2014); Muller et al., “p53 Mutations in Cancer,” Nature Cell Biology 15:2-8 (2013); Selcukbiricik et al., “The Role of K-RAS and B-RAF Mutations as Biomarkers in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer,” Journal of B.U.ON.: Official Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 18:116-123 (2013); Gast et al., “B-RAF Mutations in Tumors from Melanoma-breast Cancer Families,” International Journal of Cancer. Journal International du Cancer 113:336-337 (2005)). Nonetheless, increasing interest in Hippo deregulation as an oncogenic driver has led to increased efforts to identify new activating mechanisms, most recently Gq11 activating mutations that up-regulate TEAD/YAP transcription in ocular melanomas (Yu et al., “Mutant Gq/11 Promote Uveal Melanoma Tumorigenesis by Activating YAP,” Cancer Cell 25:822-830 (2014); Feng et al., “Hippo-independent Activation of YAP by the GNAQ Uveal Melanoma Oncogene Through a Trio-regulated Rho GTPase Signaling Circuitry,” Cancer Cell 25:831-845 (2014)).

In efforts to identify new mechanisms of Hippo deregulation in human tumors, a large panel of human tumor lines was surveyed for activated TEAD/YAP transcription. By searching genomic data bases to identify alterations that might account for the high levels of TEAD activity detected in some, it was noted that a number contained p53 missense mutations, which result in a high level of expression of p53 protein unable to exert normal p53 tumor suppressor functions (Goh et al., “The Role of Mutant p53 in Human Cancer,” The Journal of Pathology 223:116-126 (2011)). The dominant negative potential of mutant p53 when heterozygous with the wild-type allele has been proposed as an underlying basis for the high preponderance of p53 missense mutations in tumors (Bougeard et al., “Molecular Basis of the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: an Update From the French LFS Families,” Journal of Medical Genetics 45:535-538 (2008); Capponcelli et al., “Evaluation of the Molecular Mechanisms Involved in the Gain of Function of a Li-Fraumeni TP53 Mutation,” Human Mutation 26:94-103 (2005); Hanel et al., “Two Hot Spot Mutant p53 Mouse Models Display Differential Gain of Function in Tumorigenesis,” Cell Death and Differentiation 20:898-909 (2013); Lang et al., “Gain of Function of a p53 Hot Spot Mutation in a Mouse Model of Li-Fraumeni Syndrome,” Cell 119:861-872 (2004); Olive et al., “Mutant p53 Gain of Function in Two Mouse Models of Li-Fraumeni Syndrome,” Cell 119:847-860 (2004)). In fact, in Li-Fraumeni patients, germline missense mutations in TP53 consistently show an association with an earlier age of onset when compared with germline deletions. Moreover, mouse genetic models have revealed that some hotspot missense mutations generated as knock-in alleles produce an altered tumor spectrum and/or more metastatic tumors as compared to the loss of one or both wild type p53 alleles.

p53 missense mutants have also been reported to induce various biological effects (Muller et al., “Mutant p53 in Cancer: New Functions and Therapeutic Opportunities,” Cancer Cell 25:304-317 (2014)). Such phenotypes are generally referred to as gain of function (“GOF”), although it is unclear whether all GOF mutant p53 share the same properties or how many specific GOF mechanisms may exist. Thus, increased understanding of mechanisms by which p53 missense mutations may acquire GOF could be important for prognosis and conceivably for therapy given that p53 missense mutations occur so frequently and in diverse tumor types (Petitjean et al., “TP53 Mutations in Human Cancers: Functional Selection and Impact on Cancer Prognosis and Outcomes,” Oncogene 26:2157-2165 (2007)). Recently, one research group reported, based on expression array analysis, the upregulation of mevalonate pathway genes by the p53 mutant R273H (Freed-Pastor et al., “Mutant p53 Disrupts Mammary Tissue Architecture Via the Mevalonate Pathway,” Cell 148:244-258 (2012)). Subsequent evidence indicated that the mutant p53 R280K was able to regulate YAP activity through modulation of the mevalonate pathway in MDA-MB-231 cells, which exhibit NF2 loss of function and constitutive activation of Yap (Sorrentino et al., “Metabolic Control of YAP and TAZ by the Mevalonate Pathway,” Nature Cell Biology 16:357-366 (2014)). To illustrate the lack of clarity in mechanistic understanding of p53 mutant gain of function, these same p53 DNA contact mutants were more recently reported to cooperate with members of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex to regulate VEGFR2 in breast cancer cells (Pfister et al., “Mutant p53 Cooperates With the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex to Regulate VEGFR2 in Breast Cancer Cells,” Genes and Development 29:1298-1315 (2015)).

The present invention is directed to overcoming deficiencies in the art.


One aspect of the present invention relates to a method of treating a tumor in a subject. This method involves administering to a subject having a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation a Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, where the ROCK inhibitor treats the tumor in the subject.

Another aspect of the present invention relates to a method of treating cancer in a subject. This method involves administering to a subject having a cancer comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation a ROCK inhibitor, where the ROCK inhibitor treats the subject for cancer.

A further aspect of the present invention relates to a method of identifying a subject as a candidate for treatment. This method involves obtaining a sample from a tumor in a subject and determining the presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation in the sample. The presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation in the sample indicates the tumor is susceptible to targeted treatment with a ROCK inhibitor and the subject is a candidate for treatment.

The present invention establishes that human tumors containing p53 missense mutations affecting amino acids that directly interact with DNA but not those which impair DNA binding through altered conformation of the DNA binding domain or X mutants which encode truncated, unstable p53 proteins show constitutive activation of TEAD/YAP-dependent transcription, which functions as an oncogenic driver. It is shown herein that genetic manipulations, which downregulate either p53 or TEAD/YAP transcription markedly and specifically inhibit proliferation of such tumor cells. Moreover it is demonstrated that inhibitors of ROCK, which act downstream of RhoA to mediate its signaling, phenocopy these effects. The exquisite specificity of these inhibitors for tumor cells bearing p53 DNA contact mutations strongly support the utility of ROCK inhibitors in therapeutically targeting these tumors.


FIGS. 1A-B illustrate that p53 DNA-contact mutants identify a new class of Hippo deregulated tumors. FIG. 1A shows a comparison of TEAD4 reporter activity in human tumor lines expressing different p53 mutations, and FIG. 1B shows mRNA expression of TEAD/YAP target genes (CTGF, CYR61, and ANKRD1) in human tumor lines expressing different p53 mutations. 293T and H2052 cells were used as a negative and positive control, respectively.

FIGS. 2A-D show p53 knock-down phenocopies TEAD4 inhibition and blocks TEAD/YAP-dependent transcription and proliferation in vitro and in vivo of p53 DNA-contact mutant-containing tumor lines. FIGS. 2A-C show analysis of TEAD4 reporter activity (FIG. 2A), CTGF mRNA expression (FIG. 2B), and proliferation in vitro in the indicated tumor lines upon either overexpression of DN TEAD4 or knock-down of p53 (FIG. 2C). FIG. 2D shows the effects of lentiviral transduction of DN TEAD4 or p53 knock-down on the tumor formation in vivo by MDA-MB-231 cells expressing a p53 DNA-contact mutation R280K. 1 million cells were inoculated orthotopically into the fat pads of the fifth mammary glands of 6-week-old immunocompromised female NOD/SCID mice. Time-course of tumor growth is shown on the left, tumor size at the time of sacrifice (4 months) is shown on the right.

FIGS. 3A-F show that activation of TEAD/YAP-dependent transcription is essential for transformed phenotype induced by p53 DNA-contact mutants in MCF10A cells. FIGS. 3A-C show analysis of TEAD4 reporter activity (FIG. 3A), mRNA expression of TEAD/YAP target genes (CTGF, CYR61, ANKRD1) (FIG. 3B), and anchorage-independent growth in soft agar of immortalized MCF10A cells exogenously expressing by lentiviral transduction either YAP WT, p53 R248Q, p53 R273H, p53 R175H, or p53 G245S (FIG. 3C). FIGS. 3D-F show analysis of TEAD4 reporter activity (FIG. 3D), mRNA expression of TEAD/YAP target genes (CTGF, CYR61, ANKRD1) (FIG. 3E), and anchorage-independent growth in soft agar of immortalized MCF10A cells exogenously expressing by lentiviral transduction YAP WT, p53 R273H, or p53 R175H in the presence or in the absence of concurrent DN TEAD4 lentiviral transduction (FIG. 3F).

FIGS. 4A-C show that the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 phenocopies p53 knockdown or DNTEAD4 overexpression in specifically antagonizing the TEAD/YAP transformed phenotype. The graphs in FIG. 4A show analysis of TEAD4 reporter activity in representative tumor lines harboring a p53 DNA-contact mutation. FIG. 4B shows the effects of treatment with Verteporfin, Simvastatin, or Y-27632 on proliferation of in vitro tumor lines with different p53 mutations. Of note, Y-27632 specifically inhibited proliferation of Hippo deregulated tumor cells with p53 DNA-contact mutations, whereas Verteporfin and Simvastatin exerted nonspecific effects by inhibiting proliferation also in tumor lines expressing p53 conformational mutations. FIG. 4C shows the effects treatment with the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 on the colony formation in soft agar of a representative p53 DNA-contact mutant (R273H) or a different p53 mutant (R175H) or HRAS G12V in MCF10A cells. Note the lack of effects of Y-27632 treatment on the transformed phenotype induced by either p53 R175H or HRAS G12V.

FIGS. 5A-B show that ROCK inhibitors are a new class of inhibitors of Hippo pathway deregulated tumors. FIG. 5A shows analysis of TEAD4 reporter activity in MDA-MB-231, a representative tumor line harboring a p53 DNA-contact mutation treated with either increasing doses of Y-27632, 1 μM Glycyl-H-1152, or 10 μM Fasudil. Note the lack of effect of 10 μM Fasudil on the TEAD reporter activity. FIG. 5B shows the effects of treatment with either increasing doses of Y-27632, 1 μM Glycyl-H-1152, or 10 μM Fasudil on proliferation of in vitro tumor lines with different p53 mutations. Note the specific inhibition of proliferation of tumor lines with p53 DNA-contact mutations at a concentration of 10-50 μM. Of note, Glycyl-H-1152 was able to specifically inhibit the proliferation of the same cells at concentrations 10-fold lower than Y-27632, whereas 10 μM Fasudil had no effect on proliferation of either MDA-MB-231 or SK-BR-3 cells, which are representative tumor lines harboring a p53 DNA-contact or conformational mutation, respectively.

FIG. 6 shows that XAV939 and Y-27632 cooperate to specifically target tumor cells harboring p53 DNA-contact mutations. In particular, FIG. 6 shows that suboptimal concentrations of the tankyrase inhibitor XAV939 and the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 cooperate in specifically inhibiting the proliferation of tumor cells with p53 DNA contact mutations.

FIG. 7 provides a comparison of the abilities of XAV939 and Y-27632 to inhibit proliferation of tumor cells with different lesions that deregulate the Hippo inhibitor pathway and upregulate TEAD dependent transcription. FIG. 7 shows that neither XAV939 nor Y-27632 inhibits proliferation of non-tumorigenic cells or p53 conformational mutant tumor cells without lesions in Hippo pathway core components. Further, ROCK inhibitors generally do not inhibit proliferation of tumor cells with lesions in Hippo pathway core components in contrast to XAV939, which inhibits proliferation of such tumor cells with p53 DNA contact mutants.


The present invention relates to methods of treating a tumor and cancer in a subject by administering a Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor to a subject with a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation, and identifying a subject as a candidate for such treatment.

A first aspect of the present invention relates to a method of treating a tumor in a subject. This method involves administering to a subject having a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation a Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, where the ROCK inhibitor treats the tumor in the subject.

Another aspect of the present invention relates to a method of treating cancer in a subject. This method involves administering to a subject having a cancer comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation a ROCK inhibitor, where the ROCK inhibitor treats the subject for cancer.

In accordance with all aspects of the present invention, a “subject” encompasses any animal, but preferably a mammal, e.g., human, non-human primate, a dog, a cat, a horse, a cow, or a rodent. More preferably, the subject is a human.

As used herein, a “tumor” is any kind of new growth, benign or malignant. The term “cancer”, as used herein, refers to a form of a tumor, namely malignant.

Cancers and tumors to be treated according to the methods of the present invention include, without limitation, carcinoma of the bladder, breast, colon, kidney, liver, lung, head and neck, gall-bladder, ovary, pancreas, stomach, cervix, thyroid, prostate, or skin; a hematopoietic tumor of lymphoid lineage (i.e., leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, T-cell-lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, hairy cell lymphoma and Burkett's lymphoma); a hematopoietic tumor of myeloid lineage (i.e., acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, multiple myelogenous leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and promyelocytic leukemia); a tumor of mesenchymal origin (i.e., fibrosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma); a tumor of the central or peripheral nervous system (i.e., astrocytoma, neuroblastoma, glioma, and schwannomas); melanoma; seminoma; teratocarcinoma; osteosarcoma; thyroid follicular cancer; Kaposi's sarcoma; hepatoma; and mesothelioma.

As used herein, a “p53 DNA contact mutation” is a p53 mutation that affects amino acids that directly interact with DNA, but that does not impair DNA binding through altered conformation of the DNA binding domain or encode a truncated, unstable p53 protein. Mutations may include an insertion, a truncation, a deletion, a nonsense mutation, a frameshift mutation, a splice-site mutation, or a missense mutation.

In one embodiment of this and all other aspects of the present invention, the mutation comprises a non-synonymous single nucleotide base substitution. Such mutations can occur in the coding region of a p53 nucleic acid sequence, more particularly in any of the identified domains involved in contact with DNA. However, the present invention also encompasses mutations in p53 other than those specifically identified below. These mutations may be in coding or non-coding regions of p53.

P53 comprises the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 as follows:

gatgggattg gggttttccc ctcccatgtg ctcaagactg

gcgctaaaag ttttgagctt ctcaaaagtc

tagagccacc gtccagggag caggtagctg ctgggctccg

gggacacttt gcgttcgggc tgggagcgtg

ctttccacga cggtgacacg cttccctgga ttggcagcca

gactgccttc cgggtcactg ccatggagga

gccgcagtca gatcctagcg tcgagccccc tctgagtcag

gaaacatttt cagacctatg gaaactactt

cctgaaaaca acgttctgtc ccccttgccg tcccaagcaa

tggatgattt gatgctgtcc ccggacgata

ttgaacaatg gttcactgaa gacccaggtc cagatgaagc

tcccagaatg ccagaggctg ctccccccgt

ggcccctgca ccagcagctc ctacaccggc ggcccctgca

ccagccccct cctggcccct gtcatcttct

gtcccttccc agaaaaccta ccagggcagc tacggtttcc

gtctgggctt cttgcattct gggacagcca

agtctgtgac ttgcacgtac tcccctgccc tcaacaagat

gttttgccaa ctggccaaga cctgccctgt

gcagctgtgg gttgattcca cacccccgcc cggcacccgc

gtccgcgcca tggccatcta caagcagtca

cagcacatga cggaggttgt gaggcgctgc ccccaccatg

agcgctgctc agatagcgat ggtctggccc

ctcctcagca tcttatccga gtggaaggaa atttgcgtgt

ggagtatttg gatgacagaa acacttttcg

acatagtgtg gtggtgccct atgagccgcc tgaggttggc

tctgactgta ccaccatcca ctacaactac

atgtgtaaca gttcctgcat gggcggcatg aaccggaggc

ccatcctcac catcatcaca ctggaagact

ccagtggtaa tctactggga cggaacagct ttgaggtgcg

tgtttgtgcc tgtcctggga gagaccggcg

cacagaggaa gagaatctcc gcaagaaagg ggagcctcac

cacgagctgc ccccagggag cactaagcga

gcactgccca acaacaccag ctcctctccc cagccaaaga

agaaaccact ggatggagaa tatttcaccc

ttcagatccg tgggcgtgag cgcttcgaga tgttccgaga

gctgaatgag gccttggaac tcaaggatgc

ccaggctggg aaggagccag gggggagcag ggctcactcc

agccacctga agtccaaaaa gggtcagtct

acctcccgcc ataaaaaact catgttcaag acagaagggc

ctgactcaga ctgacattct ccacttcttg

ttccccactg acagcctccc acccccatct ctccctcccc

tgccattttg ggttttgggt ctttgaaccc

ttgcttgcaa taggtgtgcg tcagaagcac ccaggacttc

catttgcttt gtcccggggc tccactgaac

aagttggcct gcactggtgt tttgttgtgg ggaggaggat

ggggagtagg acataccagc ttagatttta

aggtttttac tgtgagggat gtttgggaga tgtaagaaat

gttcttgcag ttaagggtta gtttacaatc

agccacattc taggtagggg cccacttcac cgtactaacc

agggaagctg tccctcactg ttgaattttc

tctaacttca aggcccatat ctgtgaaatg ctggcatttg

cacctacctc acagagtgca ttgtgagggt

taatgaaata atgtacatct ggccttgaaa ccacctttta

ttacatgggg tctagaactt gacccccttg

agggtgcttg ttccctctcc ctgttggtcg gtgggttggt

agtttctaca gttgggcagc tggtaggta

gagggagttg tcaagtctct gctggcccag ccaaaccctg

tctgacaacc tcttggtgaa ccttagtacc

taaaaqgaaa tctcacccca tcccacaccc tggaggattt

catctcttgt atatgatqat ctggatccac

caagacttgt tttatgctca gggtcaattt cttttttctt

tttttttttt ttttttcttt ttctttgaga

ctgggtctcg ctttgttgcc caggctggag tggagtggcg

tgatcttggc ttactgcagc ctttgcctcc

ccggctcgag cagtcctgcc tcagcctccg gagtagctgg

gaccacaggt tcatgccacc atggccagcc

aacttttgca tgttttgtag agatggqgtc tcacagtgtt

gcccaggctg gtctcaaact cctgggctca

ggcgatccac ctgtctcagc ctcccagagt gctgggatta

caattgtgag ccaccacgtc cagctggaag

ggtcaacatc ttttacattc tgcaagcaca tctgcatttt

caccccaccc ttcccctcct tctccctttt

tatatcccat ttttatatcg atctcttatt ttacaataaa

actttgctqc cacctgtgtg tctgaggggt g

The amino acid sequence of p53 (SEQ ID NO:2) is as follows:













The p53 DNA contact mutation can encode an amino acid substitution at one or more amino acid residues corresponding to amino acid positions 120, 241, 248, 273, 276, 277, 280, and/or 283 of SEQ ID NO: 2. Exemplary mutations in the nucleotide sequence encoding these amino acid substitutions include, without limitation, those that result in a lysine (K) to glutamic acid (E) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 120 (K120E) of SEQ ID NO: 2; a lysine (K) to asparagine (N) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 120 (K120N) of SEQ ID NO: 2; a serine (S) to phenylalanine (F) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 241 (S241F) of SEQ ID NO: 2; a serine (S) to cysteine (C) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 241 (S241C) of SEQ ID NO: 2; a serine (S) to tyrosine (Y) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 241 (S241Y) of SEQ ID NO: 2; a serine (S) to proline (P) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 241 (S241P) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to glutamine (Q) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 248 (R248Q) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to tryptophan (W) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 248 (R248W) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to leucine (L) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 248 (R248L) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to proline (P) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 248 (R248P) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to glycine (G) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 248 (R248G) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to cysteine (C) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 273 (R273C) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to histidine (H) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 273 (R273H) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to leucine (L) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 273 (R273L) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to proline (P) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 273 (R273P) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to serine (S) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 273 (R273S) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to tyrosine (Y) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 273 (R273Y) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an alanine (A) to proline (P) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 276 (A276P) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an alanine (A) to aspartic acid (D) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 276 (A276D) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an alanine (A) to glycine (G) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 276 (A276G) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an alanine (A) to valine (V) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 276 (A276V) of SEQ ID NO: 2; a cysteine (C) to phenylalanine (F) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 277 (C277F) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to threonine (T) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 280 (R280T) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to lysine (K) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 280 (R280K) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to glycine (G) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 280 (R280G) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to isoleucine (I) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 280 (R280I) of SEQ ID NO: 2; an arginine (R) to serine (S) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 280 (R280S) of SEQ ID NO: 2; and an arginine (R) proline (P) substitution at an amino acid position corresponding to position 283 (R283P) of SEQ ID NO. 2.

In some embodiments of the present invention, the p53 DNA contact mutation is selected from the group consisting of R280K, R273H, and R248Q.

Rho family of small GTPases is a class of small G-proteins which play a critical role in signaling pathways and control organelle development, cytoskeletal dynamics, cell growth and division, cell movement, and other cellular functions. Rho must be located at the interior of the plasma membrane and is translocated by attachment of the C-20 geranyl group to a C-terminal. The GTP bound form of Rho is “switched on” and interacts with a variety of downstream effectors, including the Rho-associated protein kinases (ROCKs) (Boureax et al., “Evolution of the Rho Family of Ras-like GTPases in Eukaryotes,” Mol. Biol. Evol. 24(1):203-16 (2007); Bustel et al., “GTP-binding Proteins of the Rho/Rac Family: Regulation, Effectors and Functions In Vivo,” BioEssays 29(4):356-370 (2007), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety).

Two ROCK isoforms have been identified in the art and include ROCK1 and ROCK2. Both ROCK1 and ROCK2 are serine/threonine protein kinases that are activated by the GTP-bound form of RhoA. Activation of ROCKS results in phosphorylation of substrates involved in cell signaling. ROCK signaling pathways are implicated in cell morphology, motility, smooth muscle contraction, formation of stress fiber, focal adhesion, cell transformation, and cytokinesis. Based on the broad involvement of the ROCK signaling pathway in a variety of cellular functions, ROCK inhibitors have been under investigation for treating many diseases, including diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, inflammation, and glaucoma. In addition, recent findings have shown that ROCK inhibitors can be used to establish 3D-organoid cultures derived from patients with tumors and to grow stem cells in culture (Mueller et al., “Rho Kinase, a Promising Drug Target for Neurological Disorders,” Nat. Rev. Drug Discovery 4:387-398 (2005); Liao et al., “Rho Kinase (ROCK) Inhibitors,” J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 50(1):17-24 (2007); Ohgushi and Sasai, “Lonely Death Dance of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: ROCKing Between Metastable Cell States,” Trends Cell Bio. 21(5):274-82 (2011), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety).

ROCK1 comprises the nucleotide sequence (NCBI Reference Sequence: NM_005406) of SEQ ID NO:3 as follows:

gctggttccc cttccgagcg tccgcgcccc gcatgcgcag tctgccccgg cggtctccgt

ttgtttgaac aggaaggcgg acatattagt ccctctcagc ccccctcgcc ccacccccca

ggcattcgcc gccgcgactc gccctttccc cggctgggac cgcagcccct cccagaagct

cccccatcag cagccgccgg gacccaacta tcgtcttcct cttcgcccgc tctccagcct

ttcctctgct aagtctccat cgggcatcga cctcgccctg ccccaccgga caccgtagca

gcagccccag cagcgacggg acaaaatggg agagtgaggc tgtcctgcgt ggaccagctc

gtggccgaga ctgatcggtg cgtcgggccg ggccgagtag agccggggac gcggggctag

accgtctaca gcgcctctga gcggagcggg cccggcccgt ggcccgagcg gcggccgcag

ctggcacagc tcctcacccg ccctttgctt tcgcctttcc tcttctccct cccttgttgc

ccggagggag tctccaccct gcttctcttt ctctacccgc tcctgcccat ctcgggacgg

ggacccctcc atggcgacgg cggccggggc ccgctagact gaagcacctc gccggagcga

cgaggctggt ggcgacggcg ctgtcggctg tcgtgagggg ctgccgggtg ggatgcgact

ttgggcgtcc gagcggctgt gggtcgctgt tgcccccggc ccggggtctg gagagcggag

gtcccctcag tgaggggaag acgggggaac cgggcgcacc tggtgaccct gaggttccgg

ctcctccgcc ccgcggctgc gaacccaccg cggaggaagt tggttgaaat tgctttccgc

tgctggtgct ggtaagaggg cattgtcaca gcagcagcaa catgtcgact ggggacagtt

ttgagactcg atttgaaaaa atggacaacc tgctgcggga tcccaaatcg gaagtgaatt

cggattgttt gctggatgga ttggatgctt tggtatatga tttggatttt cctgccttaa

gaaaaaacaa aaatattgac aactttttaa gcagatataa agacacaata aataaaatca

gagatttacg aatgaaagct gaagattatg aagtagtgaa ggtgattggt agaggtgcat

ttggagaagt tcaattggta aggcataaat ccaccaggaa ggtatatgct atgaagcttc

tcagcaaatt tgaaatgata aagagatctg attctgcttt tttctgggaa gaaagggaca

tcatggcttt tgccaacagt ccttgggttg ttcagctttt ttatgcattc caagatgatc

gttatctcta catggtgatg gaatacatgc ctggtggaga tcttgtaaac ttaatgagca

actatgatgt gcctgaaaaa tgggcacgat tctatactgc agaagtagtt cttgcattgg

atgcaatcca ttccatgggt tttattcaca gagatgtgaa gcctgataac atgctgctgg

ataaatctgg acatttgaag ttagcagatt ttggtacttg tatgaagatg aataaggaag

gcatggtacg atgtgataca gcggttggaa cacctgatta tatttcccct gaagtattaa

aatcccaagg tggtgatggt tattatggaa gagaatgtga ctggtggtcg gttggggtat

ttttatacga aatgcttgta ggtgatacac ctttttatgc agattctttg gttggaactt

acagtaaaat tatgaaccat aaaaattcac ttacctttcc tgatgataat gacatatcaa

aagaagcaaa aaaccttatt tgtgccttcc ttactgacag ggaagtgagg ttagggcgaa

atggtgtaga agaaatcaaa cgacatctct tcttcaaaaa tgaccagtgg gcttgggaaa

cgctccgaga cactgtagca ccagttgtac ccgatttaag tagtgacatt gatactagta

attttgatga cttggaagaa gataaaggag aggaagaaac attccctatt cctaaagctt

tcgttggcaa tcaactacct tttgtaggat ttacatatta tagcaatcgt agatacttat

cttcagcaaa tcctaatgat aacagaacta gctccaatgc agataaaagc ttgcaggaaa

gtttgcaaaa aacaatctat aagctggaag aacagctgca taatgaaatg cagttaaaag

atgaaatgga gcagaagtgc agaacctcaa acataaaact agacaagata atgaaagaat

tggatgaaga gggaaatcaa agaagaaatc tagaatctac agtgtctcag attgagaagg

agaaaatgtt gctacagcat agaattaatg agtaccaaag aaaagctgaa caggaaaatg

agaagagaag aaatgtagaa aatgaagttt ctacattaaa ggatcagttg gaagacttaa

agaaagtcag tcagaattca cagcttgcta atgagaagct gtcccagtta caaaagcagc

tagaagaagc caatgactta cttaggacag aatcggacac agctgtaaga ttgaggaaga

gtcacacaga gatgagcaag tcaattagtc agttagagtc cctgaacaga gagttgcaag

agagaaatcg aattttagag aattctaagt cacaaacaga caaagattat taccagctgc

aagctatatt agaagctgaa cgaagagaca gaggtcatga ttctgagatg attggagacc

ttcaagctcg aattacatct ttacaagagg aggtgaagca tctcaaacat aatctcgaaa

aagtggaagg agaaagaaaa gaggctcaag acatgcttaa tcactcagaa aaggaaaaga

ataatttaga gatagattta aactacaaac ttaaatcatt acaacaacgg ttagaacaag

aggtaaatga acacaaagta accaaagctc gtttaactga caaacatcaa tctattgaag

aggcaaagtc tgtggcaatg tgtgagatgg aaaaaaagct gaaagaagaa agagaagctc

gagagaaggc tgaaaatcgg gttgttcaga ttgagaaaca gtgttccatg ctagacgttg

atctgaagca atctcagcag aaactagaac atttgactgg aaataaagaa aggatggagg

atgaagttaa gaatctaacc ctgcaactgg agcaggaatc aaataagcgg ctgttgttac

aaaatgaatt gaagactcaa gcatttgagg cagacaattt aaaaggttta gaaaagcaga

tgaaacagga aataaatact ttattggaag caaagagatt attagaattt gagttagctc

agcttacgaa acagtataga ggaaatgaag gacagatgcg ggagctacaa gatcagcttg

aagctgagca atatttctcg acactttata aaacccaggt aaaggaactt aaagaagaaa

ttgaagaaaa aaacagagaa aatttaaaga aaatacagga actacaaaat gaaaaagaaa

ctcttgctac tcagttggat ctagcagaaa caaaagctga gtctgagcag ttggcgcgag

gccttctgga agaacagtat tttgaattga cgcaagaaag caagaaagct gcttcaagaa

atagacaaga gattacagat aaagatcaca ctgttagtcg gcttgaagaa gcaaacagca

tgctaaccaa agatattgaa atattaagaa gagagaatga agagctaaca gagaaaatga

agaaggcaga ggaagaatat aaactggaga aggaggagga gatcagtaat cttaaggctg

cctttgaaaa gaatatcaac actgaacgaa cccttaaaac acaggctgtt aacaaattgg

cagaaataat gaatcgaaaa gattttaaaa ttgatagaaa gaaagctaat acacaagatt

tgagaaagaa agaaaaggaa aatcgaaagc tgcaactgga actcaaccaa gaaagagaga

aattcaacca gatggtagtg aaacatcaga aggaactgaa tgacatgcaa gcgcaattgg

tagaagaatg tgcacatagg aatgagcttc agatgcagtt ggccagcaaa gagagtgata

ttgagcaatt gcgtgctaaa cttttggacc tctcggattc tacaagtgtt gctagttttc

ctagtgctga tgaaactgat ggtaacctcc cagagtcaag aattgaaggt tggctttcag

taccaaatag aggaaatatc aaacgatatg gctggaagaa acagtatgtt gtggtaagca

gcaaaaaaat tttgttctat aatgacgaac aagataagga gcaatccaat ccatctatgg

tattggacat agataaactg tttcacgtta gacctgtaac ccaaggagat gtgtatagag

ctgaaactga agaaattcct aaaatattcc agatactata tgcaaatgaa ggtgaatgta

gaaaagatgt agagatggaa ccagtacaac aagctgaaaa aactaatttc caaaatcaca

aaggccatga gtttattcct acactctacc actttcctgc caattgtgat gcctgtgcca

aacctctctg gcatgttttt aagccacccc ctgccctaga gtgtcgaaga tgccatgtta

agtgccacag agatcactta gataagaaag aggacttaat ttgtccatgt aaagtaagtt

atgatgtaac atcagcaaga gatatgctgc tgttagcatg ttctcaggat gaacaaaaaa

aatgggtaac tcatttagta aagaaaatcc ctaagaatcc accatctggt tttgttcgtg

cttcccctcg aacgctttct acaagatcca ctgcaaatca gtctttccgg aaagtggtca

aaaatacatc tggaaaaact agttaaccat gtgactgagt gccctgtgga atcgtgtggg

atgctacctg ataaaccagg cttctttaac catgcagagc agacaggctg tttctttgac

acaaatatca caggcttcag ggttaagatt gctgtttttc tgtccttgct ttggcacaac

acactgaggg ttttttttat tgcgggtttg cctacaggta gattagatta attattacta

tgtaatgcaa gtacagttgg gggaaagctt aggtagatat atttttttta aaaggtgctg

cctttttgga tttataagaa aatgcctgtc agtcgtgata gaacagagtt ttcctcatat

gagtaagagg aagggacttt cactttcaag tggaacagcc atcactatca agatcagctc

atggaaggag taaagaaaat atctcaaaat gagacaaact gaagttttgt ttttttttta

atgacttaag tttttgtgct cttgcaagac tatacaaaac tattttaaga aagcagtgat

atcacttgaa cttcagtgcc ctcactgtag aatttaaaag ccttactgtt gattgcccat

gttggacttg atggagaaat taaatatctt tcattatgct ttacaaaata ctgtatatgt

ttcagcaagt ttggggaatg ggagaggaca aaaaaaagtt acatttaatc tatgcatttt

tgccaagcca tattgagtta ttttactact agagacatta ggaaactaac tgtacaaaag

aaccaagttt aaaagcattt tgtggggtac atcatttcta taattgtata atgtatttct

ttgtggtttt aaatgataaa gacattaagt taacaaacat ataagaaatg tatgcactgt

ttgaaatgta aattattctt agaacacttt caatgggggt tgcattgtcc ttttagtgcc

ttaatttgag ataattattt tactgccatg agtaagtata gaaatttcaa aaaatgtatt

ttcaaaaaat tatgtgtgtc agtgagtttt tcattgataa ttggtttaat ttaaaatatt

tagaggtttg ttggactttc ataaattgag tacaatcttt gcatcaaact acctgctaca

ataatgactt tataaaactg caaaaaatgt agaaggttgc accaacataa aaaggaaata

tggcaataca tccatgatgt tttccagtta acataggaat taccagataa atactgttaa

actcttgtcc agtaacaaga gttgattcat atggacagta tgatttattg tttatttttt

taaccaaata cctcctcagt aatttataat ggctttgcag taatgtgtat cagataagaa

gcactggaaa accgatcgtc tctaggatga tatgcatgtt tcaagtggta ttgaaagccg

cactgatgga tatgtaataa taaacatatc tgttattaat atactaatga ctctgtgctc

atttaatgag aaataaaagt aatttatgga tgggtatctt taatttttac tgcaatgtgt

tttctcatgg ctgaaatgaa tggaaaacat acttcaaatt agtctctgat tgtatataaa

tgtttgtgaa attccatggt tagattaaag tgtattttta aaagataaaa

ROCK2 comprises the nucleotide sequence NCBI Reference Sequence: NM_004850) of SEQ ID NO:4 as follows:

caaggcggcc ggcggcgacc atggcagcgg gccggcggcg gccgtagtgg cccaggcctg

ggcttcagcc tcccggggcc ccagagggcg gggcggtccg ggccgcggcg gtggcggcgc

cacttccctg ctcccgcccg aggactcctg cgggcactcg ctgaggacca gcggaccggc

ggcgcgaatc tgactgaggg gcggggacgc cgtctgttcc ccgccgctcc cggcagggcc

gggccgggct gggccgggct gggccgggcg ggcccctggg agcagccccc aggcggggga

ccgccttgga gacccgaagc cggagctaga ggcaggcggt gggcccgggt ggagtcccgg

ccggagctgg tggttcgggg gcggtgctag gccccgaggc tgcgggacct gagcgcgagg

agcctgagtg cgggtccagc ggtggcggca tgagccggcc cccgccgacg gggaaaatgc

ccggcgcccc cgagaccgcg ccgggggacg gggcaggcgc gagccgccag aggaagctgg

aggcgctgat ccgagaccct cgctccccca tcaacgtgga gagcttgctg gatggcttaa

attccttggt ccttgattta gattttcctg ctttgaggaa aaacaagaac atagataatt

tcttaaatag atatgagaaa attgtgaaaa aaatcagagg tctacagatg aaggcagaag

actatgatgt tgtaaaagtt attggaagag gtgcttttgg tgaagtgcag ttggttcgtc

acaaggcatc gcagaaggtt tatgctatga agcttcttag taagtttgaa atgataaaaa

gatcagattc tgcctttttt tgggaagaaa gagatattat ggcctttgcc aatagcccct

gggtggttca gcttttttat gcctttcaag atgataggta tctgtacatg gtaatggagt

acatgcctgg tggagacctt gtaaacctta tgagtaatta tgatgtgcct gaaaaatggg

ccaaatttta cactgctgaa gttgttcttg ctctggatgc aatacactcc atgggtttaa

tacacagaga tgtgaagcct gacaacatgc tcttggataa acatggacat ctaaaattag

cagattttgg cacgtgtatg aagatggatg aaacaggcat ggtacattgt gatacagcag

ttggaacacc ggattatata tcacctgagg ttctgaaatc acaagggggt gatggtttct

atgggcgaga atgtgattgg tggtctgtag gtgttttcct ttatgagatg ctagtggggg

atactccatt ttatgcggat tcacttgtag gaacatatag caaaattatg gatcataaga

attcactgtg tttccctgaa gatgcagaaa tttccaaaca tgcaaagaat ctcatctgtg

ctttcttaac agatagggag gtacgacttg ggagaaatgg ggtggaagaa atcagacagc

atcctttctt taagaatgat cagtggcatt gggataacat aagagaaacg gcagctcctg

tagtacctga actcagcagt gacatagaca gcagcaattt cgatgacatt gaagatgaca

aaggagatgt agaaaccttc ccaattccta aagcttttgt tggaaatcag ctgcctttca

tcggatttac ctactataga gaaaatttat tattaagtga ctctccatct tgtagagaaa

ctgattccat acaatcaagg aaaaatgaag aaagtcaaga gattcagaaa aaactgtata

cattagaaga acatcttagc aatgagatgc aagccaaaga ggaactggaa cagaagtgca

aatctgttaa tactcgccta gaaaaaacag caaaggagct agaagaggag attaccttac

ggaaaagtgt ggaatcagca ttaagacagt tagaaagaga aaaggcgctt cttcagcaca

aaaatgcaga atatcagagg aaagctgatc atgaagcaga caaaaaacga aatttggaaa

atgatgttaa cagcttaaaa gatcaacttg aagatttgaa aaaaagaaat caaaactctc

aaatatccac tgagaaagtg aatcaactcc agagacaact ggatgaaacc aatgctttac

tgcgaacaga gtctgatact gcagcccggt taaggaaaac ccaggcagaa agttcaaaac

agattcagca gctggaatct aacaatagag atctacaaga taaaaactgc ctgctggaga

ctgccaagtt aaaacttgaa aaggaattta tcaatcttca gtcagctcta gaatctgaaa

ggagggatcg aacccatgga tcagagataa ttaatgattt acaaggtaga atatgtggcc

tagaagaaga tttaaagaac ggcaaaatct tactagcgaa agtagaactg gagaagagac

aacttcagga gagatttact gatttggaaa aggaaaaaag caacatggaa atagatatga

cataccaact aaaagttata cagcagagcc tagaacaaga agaagctgaa cataaggcca

caaaggcacg actagcagat aaaaataaga tctatgagtc catcgaagaa gccaaatcag

aagccatgaa agaaatggag aagaagctct tggaggaaag aactttaaaa cagaaagtgg

agaacctatt gctagaagct gagaaaagat gttctctatt agactgtgac ctcaaacagt

cacagcagaa aataaatgag ctccttaaac agaaagatgt gctaaatgag gatgttagaa

acctgacatt aaaaatagag caagaaactc agaagcgctg ccttacacaa aatgacctga

agatgcaaac acaacaggtt aacacactaa aaatgtcaga aaagcagtta aagcaagaaa

ataaccatct catggaaatg aaaatgaact tggaaaaaca aaatgctgaa cttcgaaaag

aacgtcagga tgcagatggg caaatgaaag agctccagga tcagctcgaa gcagaacagt

atttctcaac cctttataaa acacaagtta gggagcttaa agaagaatgt gaagaaaaga

ccaaacttgg taaagaattg cagcagaaga aacaggaatt acaggatgaa cgggactctt

tggctgccca actggagatc accttgacca aagcagattc tgagcaactg gctcgttcaa

ttgctgaaga acaatattct gatttggaaa aagagaagat catgaaagag ctggagatca

aagagatgat ggctagacac aaacaggaac ttacggaaaa agatgctaca attgcttctc

ttgaggaaac taataggaca ctaactagtg atgttgccaa tcttgcaaat gagaaagaag

aattaaataa caaattgaaa gatgttcaag agcaactgtc aagattgaaa gatgaagaaa

taagcgcagc agctattaaa gcacagtttg agaagcagct attaacagaa agaacactca

aaactcaagc tgtgaataag ttggctgaga tcatgaatcg aaaagaacct gtcaagcgtg

gtaatgacac agatgtgcgg agaaaagaga aggagaatag aaagctacat atggagctta

aatctgaacg tgagaaattg acccagcaga tgatcaagta tcagaaagaa ctgaatgaaa

tgcaggcaca aatagctgaa gagagccaga ttcgaattga actgcagatg acattggaca

gtaaagacag tgacattgag cagctgcggt cacaactcca agccttgcat attggtctgg

atagttccag tataggcagt ggaccagggg atgctgaggc agatgatggg tttccagaat

caagattaga aggatggctt tcattgcctg tacgaaacaa cactaagaaa tttggatggg

ttaaaaagta tgtgattgta agcagtaaga agattctttt ctatgacagt gaacaagata

aagaacaatc caatccttac atggttttag atatagacaa gttatttcat gtccgaccag

ttacacagac agatgtgtat agagcagatg ctaaagaaat tccaaggata ttccagattc

tgtatgccaa tgaaggagaa agtaagaagg aacaagaatt tccagtggag ccagttggag

aaaaatctaa ttatatttgc cacaagggac atgagtttat tcctactctt tatcatttcc

caaccaactg tgaggcttgt atgaagcccc tgtggcacat gtttaagcct cctcctgctt

tggagtgccg ccgttgccat attaagtgtc ataaagatca tatggacaaa aaggaggaga

ttatagcacc ttgcaaagta tattatgata tttcaacggc aaagaatctg ttattactag

caaattctac agaagagcag cagaagtggg ttagtcggtt ggtgaaaaag atacctaaaa

agcccccagc tccagaccct tttgcccgat catctcctag aacttcaatg aagatacagc

aaaaccagtc tattagacgg ccaagtcgac agcttgcccc aaacaaacct agctaactgc

cttctatgaa agcagtcatt attcaaggtg atcgtattct tccagtgaaa acaagactga

aatatgatgg cccaaaattt attaaaaagc tatattttcc tgagagactg atacatacac

tcatacatat atgtgttccc cttttccctg taatataaat tacaaatctg ggctcctttg

aagcaacagg ttgaaccaac aatgattggt tgatagacta aggatatatg caactcttcc

agacttttcc ataaagctct ctcggcagtc gctcacacta caatgcacac aaggattgag

aagagttaaa ggctaaagaa aacatctttt ctagcttcaa cagagaggtt tcaccagcac

atttaccaga agaatctggg aatggattcc actacagtga tattgactgc atctttaaga

agtgaccatt atactgtgta tatatatata aacacacaca catatatata tatatatata

gtactctaat actgcaagaa ggttttttaa acttcccact ttatttttta tacacattaa

tcagatatca ttacttgctg cagttgcaac tatgcacttg tataaagcca taatgttgga

gtttatatca ctcattcctg tgtacctgat ggaagttgca tgttcatgtt taagcagtta

ctgtaacaag aagtttaaag ttaattatat cagtttccta atgcttcatg ataggcaact

ttacccattt tgaatgcctt aatttaattt ttttcaaagt ctcagccctg tctgtattaa

aaaacaaaaa aagcgtttac cagctcttag gatgtaaact agctttgtgg aagataaatc

gtgcactatt tttacacata aatagttata tcaatgtcag cctattttga ttaacaaatg

tttttaaagt attattggtt atagaaacaa taatggatgg tgttggaact aatatatcct

tgatgtctgt ctattattca ttcaactctt tttacagacc tcagtattag tctgtgacta

caaaatattt tatttgcttt aaatttgctg gctaccctag atgtgttttt attcctggta

aagacatttg tgattacatt ttcacactta agattcaaaa tttttcccaa atataaagaa

aactaagaca gactgtagat gcattttaaa tatttaaata tgatcctcag acatgcagct

gtgtgtggca gtattttagt accgggttaa gaaaactggc aactgggaag aagtggcctc

aaaggcactt aatttgattt ttatttttta aatgctgtca aagttacagt ttacgcagga

cattcttgcc gtattctcat gatcccagat aagtgtgtgt tttatactgc aacaatatgc

agcaatggta agcgtaaagt tttttttttg tttttgtttt tttttatatt atgaagtctt

ttaacagtct ctctttatat aaatacacag agtttggtat gatatttaaa tacatcatct

ggccaggcat ggtggcttac gcctgtaatc ctagcacttt gggaggccaa gacgggcgga

tcacctgagg tgaggagttc aagaccagcc tgcccaacat agtgaaactc cgtctctacc

aatatacaaa aattagccgg gcatgatggt ggtggcctgt aatcccagct acttgggagg

ctgagacagg agaatcgctt gaacccagga gacggtggtt gcagtgagcg aagatcgagc

cactgcactc cagcctgggc agctgaacaa gactccgtct c

In another embodiment of the methods of the present invention, a tankyrase inhibitor is also administered. Thus, according to various embodiments of the methods of the present invention, both a ROCK inhibitor and a tankyrase inhibitor are administered to a subject to treat a tumor in a subject or to treat cancer in a subject.

In one embodiment, both the ROCK inhibitor and the tankyrase inhibitor are combined in a single pharmaceutical formulation. In an alternative embodiment, the ROCK inhibitor and the tankyrase inhibitor are separately formulated into two different pharmaceutical formulations as described herein and administered in two separate dosages. Thus, according to various embodiments, the ROCK inhibitor and the tankyrase inhibitor may be administered together, separately, or as co-treatments.

According to one embodiment, the ROCK inhibitor and the tankyrase inhibitor are each administered at a dose sufficient in their combination to treat a tumor in a subject or to treat a subject for cancer, but in a dosage not sufficient (e.g., too low of an amount) for either the ROCK inhibitor or the tankyrase inhibitor alone to treat a tumor in a subject or to treat a subject for cancer. Thus, according this embodiment, the ROCK inhibitor and the tankyrase inhibitor are administered at dosages such that they cause a synergistic treatment effect.

There are two human tankyrases—tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2. Human tankyrase 1 has a published nucleotide sequence as set forth in Accession No. NM_003747 (SEQ ID NO:5), as follows:

cgaagatggc ggcgtcgcgt cgctctcagc atcatcacca ccatcatcaa caacagctcc

agcccgcccc aggggcttca gcgccgccgc cgccacctcc tcccccactc agccctggcc

tggccccggg gaccacccca gcctctccca cggccagcgg cctggccccc ttcgcctccc

cgcggcacgg cctagcgctg ccggaggggg atggcagtcg ggatccgccc gacaggcccc

gatccccgga cccggttgac ggtaccagct gttgcagtac caccagcaca atctgtaccg

tcgccgccgc tcccgtggtc ccagcggttt ctacttcatc tgccgctggg gtcgctccca

acccagccgg cagtggcagt aacaattcac cgtcgtcctc ttcttccccg acttcttcct

catcttcctc tccatcctcc cctggatcga gcttggcgga gagccccgag gcggccggag

ttagcagcac agcaccactg gggcctgggg cagcaggacc tgggacaggg gtcccagcag

tgagcggggc cctacgggaa ctgctggagg cctgtcgcaa tggggacgtg tcccgggtaa

agaggctggt ggacgcggca aacgtaaatg caaaggacat ggccggccgg aagtcttctc

ccctgcactt cgctgcaggt tttggaagga aggatgttgt agaacactta ctacagatgg

gtgctaatgt ccacgctcgt gatgatggag gtctcatccc gcttcataat gcctgttctt

ttggccatgc tgaggttgtg agtctgttat tgtgccaagg agctgatcca aatgccaggg

ataactggaa ctatacacct ctgcatgaag ctgctattaa agggaagatc gatgtgtgca

ttgtgctgct gcagcacgga gctgacccaa acattcggaa cactgatggg aaatcagccc

tggacctggc agatccttca gcaaaagctg tccttacagg tgaatacaag aaagacgaac

tcctagaagc tgctaggagt ggtaatgaag aaaaactaat ggctttactg actcctctaa

atgtgaattg ccatgcaagt gatgggcgaa agtcgactcc tttacatcta gcagcgggct

acaacagagt tcgaatagtt cagcttcttc ttcagcatgg tgctgatgtt catgcaaaag

acaaaggtgg acttgtgcct cttcataatg catgttcata tggacattat gaagtcacag

aactgctact aaagcatgga gcttgtgtta atgccatgga tctctggcag tttactccac

tgcacgaggc tgcttccaag aaccgtgtag aagtctgctc tttgttactt agccatggcg

ctgatcctac attagtcaac tgccatggca aaagtgctgt ggatatggct ccaactccgg

agcttaggga gagattgact tatgaattta aaggtcattc tttactacaa gcagccagag

aagcagactt agctaaagtt aaaaaaacac tcgctctgga aatcattaat ttcaaacaac

cgcagtctca tgaaacagca ctgcactgtg ctgtggcctc tctgcatccc aaacgtaaac

aagtgacaga attgttactt agaaaaggag caaatgttaa tgaaaaaaat aaagatttca

tgactcccct gcatgttgca gccgaaagag cccataatga tgtcatggaa gttctgcata

agcatggcgc caagatgaat gcactggaca cccttggtca gactgctttg catagagccg

ccctagcagg ccacctgcag acctgccgcc tcctgctgag ttacggctct gacccctcca

tcatctcctt acaaggcttc acagcagcac agatgggcaa tgaagcagtg cagcagattc

tgagtgagag tacacctata cgtacttctg atgttgatta tcgactctta gaggcatcta

aagctggaga cttggaaact gtgaagcaac tttgcagctc tcaaaatgtg aattgtagag

acttagaggg ccggcattcc acgcccttac acttcgcagc aggctacaac cgcgtgtctg

ttgtagagta cctgctacac cacggtgccg atgtccatgc caaagacaag ggtggcttgg

tgccccttca taatgcctgt tcatatggac actatgaggt ggctgagctt ttagtaaggc

atggggcttc tgtcaatgtg gcggacttat ggaaatttac ccctctccat gaagcagcag

ctaaaggaaa gtatgaaatc tgcaagctcc ttttaaaaca tggagcagat ccaactaaaa

agaacagaga tggaaataca cctttggatt tggtaaagga aggagacaca gatattcagg

acttactgag aggggatgct gctttgttgg atgctgccaa gaagggctgc ctggcaagag

tgcagaagct ctgtacccca gagaatatca actgcagaga cacccagggc agaaattcaa

cccctctgca cctggcagca ggctataata acctggaagt agctgaatat cttctagagc

atggagctga tgttaatgcc caggacaagg gtggtttaat tcctcttcat aatgcggcat

cttatgggca tgttgacata gcggctttat tgataaaata caacacgtgt gtaaatgcaa

cagataagtg ggcgtttact cccctccatg aagcagccca gaaaggaagg acgcagctgt

gcgccctcct cctagcgcat ggtgcagacc ccaccatgaa gaaccaggaa ggccagacgc

ctctggatct ggcaacagct gacgatatca gagctttgct gatagatgcc atgcccccag

aggccttacc tacctgtttt aaacctcagg ctactgtagt gagtgcctct ctgatctcac

cagcatccac cccctcctgc ctctcggctg ccagcagcat agacaacctc actggccctt

tagcagagtt ggccgtagga ggagcctcca atgcagggga tggcgccgcg ggaacagaaa

ggaaggaagg agaagttgct ggtcttgaca tgaatatcag ccaatttcta aaaagccttg

gccttgaaca ccttcgggat atctttgaaa cagaacagat tacactagat gtgttggctg

atatgggtca tgaagagttg aaagaaatag gcatcaatgc atatgggcac cgccacaaat

taatcaaagg agtagaaaga ctcttaggtg gacaacaagg caccaatcct tatttgactt

ttcactgtgt taatcaggga acgattttgc tggatcttgc tccagaagat aaagaatatc

agtcagtgga agaagagatg caaagtacta ttcgagaaca cagagatggt ggtaatgctg

gcggcatctt caacagatac aatgtcattc gaattcaaaa agttgtcaac aagaagttga

gggagcggtt ctgccaccga cagaaggaag tgtctgagga gaatcacaac catcacaatg

agcgcatgtt gtttcatggt tctcctttca ttaatgccat tattcataaa gggtttgatg

agcgacatgc atacatagga ggaatgtttg gggccgggat ttattttgct gaaaactcct

caaaaagcaa ccaatatgtt tatggaattg gaggaggaac aggctgccct acacacaagg

acaggtcatg ctatatatgt cacagacaaa tgctcttctg tagagtgacc cttgggaaat

cctttctgca gtttagcacc atgaaaatgg cccacgcgcc tccagggcac cactcagtca

ttggtagacc gagcgtcaat gggctggcat atgctgaata tgtcatctac agaggagaac

aggcataccc agagtatctt atcacttacc agatcatgaa gccagaagcc ccttcccaga

ccgcaacagc cgcagagcag aagacctagt gaatgcctgc tggtgaaggc cagatcagat

ttcaacctgg gactggatta cagaggattg tttctaataa caacatcaat attctagaag

tccctgacag cctagaaata agctgtttgt cttctataaa gcattgctat agtgatgaat

agtatgagta actgatacat actcaactgc tactgttccc tttgaggaaa tgtttacagg

ggcggccttt taacatatct caggctcatt ttcattgcaa ttatccattt ctaaaacaag

attgcttcga tctagacttg gaaatggaaa ataagaaaac caatgctttt tcaaatgttc

acaattcaca cactacattt gttttgttat gcatgacgtg tctataacaa atatacacat

acgacaggca acaagcttgt ttttgatttg ccagacatgc atcattggct attgtttgtt

tgttttttgt ttttttgtgt tttttgggtt actttgaaaa tgagccagag ccttcttgag

gatattttgc acaaagtcac gctgacaaaa tcattagcag tgcaacccaa gcttctggct

gagcaagatt cagtttccac tttttaaaat ttttttattt tgctctgtag ctgcacttct

cgttatcata aattgagatg aaaaggaaaa aacatcaagt tttagtacct ttttatgaat

tggcctatct tacaagagaa gggcacaaac accaacctga cttaggaacg cctaaattca

gagaagtcaa agccggtgaa ggccacttgc tctttccaac acaagcctgc cacagaggtc

ttcgggacag tactggagat gcaggttgac acgggcttga gttccaaggt gaaaaaactg

gggaggctgt gaaggaagag ctgcattaag gagggtgagg agcgtgtggt tctgtatcat

ggcagcccca atggatccag gggatgcctc caaaaaatac atgcttccct tcccttaatc

tgtactgttg ggattgttac ccctccaaat tagctgcctt atttcaaaag tcagtgaaat

tactgcactt gatgagggtc acaaaaatac cacttgattg tttctttagt tgagaatgct

gggattcaga ctcgaatagt ggatagatac acacaaatgc aaggactttt ttgtttactc

cagatttggg gtttattttg agtggcatgc ttcaaatagt tcataaagat ccttgcatta

aatttctgaa ccatttcttc aaacttctta gtgtgtttag acaaggagaa caaaaattga

aaccaaagcc ctttctgtta ttttttcaat gaaggtgaga aagaaatacc atacaatttt

ctttgtgaaa ttactgttta ttttcatcaa catttaccaa gtgccattga catttataaa

aaaaaatgat cctttatagt tcttacactt gcccttttca ccttaactga atatgaattg

agtgcactaa cttatttact tgatatactg tgcatctact ctgctttgaa gcgaaagaaa

tataaacacg aggaggaata ggaaagacag tgtgacacaa acttgccatt gcaattcaaa

gccctgaaaa cgatgggttt aatgcaaggt gattaagctg tgacctcctt taatctcctg

aagcaaaata aaatggttac atgcaaaact tctagaaata gactcttaaa atatatacat

tttgctttga ttttggcttc aacccagtgc tggaactagg catccagact agtttgaatg

tttgtagctg aatttttatg ggtcctcaaa attaaatcga gaattagcct cagttgttgc

ttcttttgaa gtttcagtga cccaagctgg gtgtttgtgt cttggctact tgtttaatag

cactagaatt ccaggtgaag ctttgagagt tgatattcat taagagggct ttttttcccc

ttctttcctt ctcttttgct gtaacaaagg gttgaagaaa ttgccatctg tgtagttttc

agtagctgtc aagtgtgtct tacttacctt cccccagacg tagtttaaaa tggtaaacac

agctgtgatt tttagttaag taaaagagtt aatatgatat agatatggaa agctttatgg

cttcattaaa aagataaacc actacctaac tgtggttgta tgttgtttcc atcatactaa

ctagatgaat ggatgcgcca gttttcatct tggtccttac acttgagaag ttaaactgtg

gttcagtatt taaactgcca gtgttatacg tctcatgctc tgtgtgccag gtgaaggtac

tgtgtaagga agacatttgc ggtgcttctt gtcctataat gattcaagta tatagtagtt

cttgaaagag tgtgcatata ttactcatct gcttaagaga gtgggttaat ggatatatca

gaggagccaa atacattttt ttcagaactt gaaaaccaaa ggtcatcatg agtgcactca

aaagttagga caagtttatt acatttggga ttttcatctg tagccgtatg aagaaccctt

tccaatataa aagcatggca ttaaattagg ctgaagtctt ttattttttg tatatgtact

atatagaaat actagcaagt taggatcatc caatatggcc taccccgaaa tggcccctct

gtttccctaa ccacatggaa gaaagaatct gaacgtctcc accggctcta cccgagttcc

aaaactaaag ggcttctcca gacctgatgg ttccagttta cctgctgttg gcctgctgga

tacttgactc aggcataaat taagtgccct ggtcccgaac tttctccctg tatttgacct

ccttccctct ttcctaaatt actagtctgg aattaaaatt agctccagca atgacctttg

actccattca ttttctcctc atcttgggtc ttaaaaaagg agaccagata cctcctagct

tttgtatcac aaccaggaat gggtattagg cctcatgcgc tttgctcaga acactgccgc

tttgttaaca aatgacagca tggaacccag agttttgatt cgatgcaaaa taacagcagt

gcaaccagga ttcttgtttt ccttttcctt cttggagttt ggaatttcta gcttttcaag

cagcataagt agaatcaaca ttaggatgtt ttcatgaaat agcatcctta tacttctttg

agcttgatgt tagtggctag actgatttcc ctttgctctc aaaatacaaa gtgcattgaa

gtatacagag aaatgcctga atatggcaag caaataatgt agattaacat tctattattg

tatccgtttt acaaaaaata aaattttgat atatgccgga gaacggcatt agaatgcaat

aagttgtcta ggtttttctg tttcagtgtc tctcccaatg gcacgaaggg ttattgggca

ttgtccccac ccccgccttt ttaacatgtg cactatctgg attcctgtaa atggccttgc

aaacagaagt ggtgtgtatt ttcaagcacc tttcccccat tgtatccgaa tccctcttgt

gtgatatctg tgacaaatag ccttcttctt gtgttttctg ttggactaat tgtctcacgt

aaagctatag accttactaa tttggcaggt attcaaaact gccattaaga taggatttca

tgtcagatac gtatttaaag agtaaagtca aatttgttta atgtcagatc agtgacagaa

gtgaaaagaa agtaattgtg aaagtgatgt ttgagctatt gtacacatct agcatatgga

aagcaaatgc actcgaaaac tactattcta gaacatgagg cttcttcagc aacttgtgca

ctctgccatt aataaattaa atttttcccc tctagaaagc cttaactatg gcggaaactt

tttaaccttt tatattttaa taaataaaac attgtagtcc catttcttag tgtttgaaag

gtgtgtcagt gagtcggcca tgtctccatg tgtttcagac ctgttcatct tattttatga

tggtatattt cataagtaat attcccttac atgcaatgga gctgattaaa attaatccat

ttcaatttct ccatattgga acttcctcag ctaccagatt tctggtttgg agaagtgctg

gaaagatttc aaagcctatt cagttgtgta tgtggggata cgacagcaac tgtgatacct

tgtagaatat gagtgatatg caagctgtgt tttttaattg ttttaaaatg taaattatgg

ttatgctaaa gtgaaaacct agaggaagct aatgatttta tatactttgc acgaccaaat

atggtcgtag tatgacgagt tttatacatt gccagagagt tctgcctcct ctgaaataac

attcgcactg tagattgcat ttcggctttt cctcctttca cattcttttt tgctttacac

ttcacgtctt cgcacctgcc ctacctccca tcctttcaaa gaggtttctt tcacgttcca

gaattcagat tgttctgtga tttcttttac atcagtctac ccatttctgc aggcagccct

gaaagccctt gtgttgattc agagtgtttg cagagaaatg cagttgaacc ctggtagtgg

ggtgtccctc acacacccgc gcacccctcc caaagttcag gatgaaaggc tagaaaaccc

attcaaagtt aggaaagaac acagatcttt gaggccgata gcctagacct agaagatgac

cttgagtatg taaacattgt ctccgtgaca caaaacactg aaactcttca tgtgcatata

acacctgctt ctgctcccat tgtttcaagc tcatcttatc tttgtagtag taatgtttgt

ctttgatacc tacaaactaa aaaggtactt ttatcaaggt ttctcaaaac atttacaaaa

ccagctttga gaaaatgtta tgttgcctgg caacagcact cggagtagta attgtgtttt

ctcattgtga tgttggtctg tgtgagcaac cagtgtagtg actctttggt tcattattcg

tgttgttttt atttttagtc tctgtgtgac ccaacagtgg caggggttac aaccccctct

cctttctttt ttgtatttat ctatttgtag gattgtcaga tcaagtacaa gatgcccagt

taagtttgaa tttcagagaa acaatttcac gttaagaatg tttcatgcaa tatttggcat

atatttacag taaaagcatt cattatttgt ctgaaattca aatttaactg agcatgctgg

tttttctcat tgtttggttt ttctaaatct ggcaatccta cagctgtggt catgggaaat

cacctacagc atgttaaagt cctctagtca tcatctcgtc acctgaaatg gaagtccttt

ttccctcacc ctccacttct ttccaaagga gggcatcaag gaacttaacc tgcctgcctg

gtgggtttct atttaagaca tctttgtgat tatatttaac ctgcaattgt gctttggctt

aatgtctagc tcactgtact tgtaaatgat taatattcaa taaaaccatt tttaaagta

The human tankyrase 1 protein encoded by this nucleotide sequence is as follows (SEQ ID NO:6):







































Human tankyrase 2 has a published nucleotide sequence as set forth in Accession No. NM_025235 (SEQ ID NO:7), as follows:

ggctggacgg agctggcagg aggggccttg ccagcttccg ccgccgcgtc gtttcaggac

ccggacggcg gattcgcgct gcctccgccg ccgcggggca gccggggggc agggagccca

gcgaggggcg cgcgtgggcg cggccatggg actgcgccgg atccggtgac agcagggagc

caagcggccc gggccctgag cgcgtcttct ccggggggcc tcgccctcct gctcgcgggg

ccggggctcc tgctccggtt gctggcgctg ttgctggctg tggcggcggc caggatcatg

tcgggtcgcc gctgcgccgg cgggggagcg gcctgcgcga gcgccgcggc cgaggccgtg

gagccggccg cccgagagct gttcgaggcg tgccgcaacg gggacgtgga acgagtcaag

aggctggtga cgcctgagaa ggtgaacagc cgcgacacgg cgggcaggaa atccaccccg

ctgcacttcg ccgcaggttt tgggcggaaa gacgtagttg aatatttgct tcagaatggt

gcaaatgtcc aagcacgtga tgatgggggc cttattcctc ttcataatgc atgctctttt

ggtcatgctg aagtagtcaa tctccttttg cgacatggtg cagaccccaa tgctcgagat

aattggaatt atactcctct ccatgaagct gcaattaaag gaaagattga tgtttgcatt

gtgctgttac agcatggagc tgagccaacc atccgaaata cagatggaag gacagcattg

gatttagcag atccatctgc caaagcagtg cttactggtg aatataagaa agatgaactc

ttagaaagtg ccaggagtgg caatgaagaa aaaatgatgg ctctactcac accattaaat

gtcaactgcc acgcaagtga tggcagaaag tcaactccat tacatttggc agcaggatat

aacagagtaa agattgtaca gctgttactg caacatggag ctgatgtcca tgctaaagat

aaaggtgatc tggtaccatt acacaatgcc tgttcttatg gtcattatga agtaactgaa

cttttggtca agcatggtgc ctgtgtaaat gcaatggact tgtggcaatt cactcctctt

catgaggcag cttctaagaa cagggttgaa gtatgttctc ttctcttaag ttatggtgca

gacccaacac tgctcaattg tcacaataaa agtgctatag acttggctcc cacaccacag

ttaaaagaaa gattagcata tgaatttaaa ggccactcgt tgctgcaagc tgcacgagaa

gctgatgtta ctcgaatcaa aaaacatctc tctctggaaa tggtgaattt caagcatcct

caaacacatg aaacagcatt gcattgtgct gctgcatctc catatcccaa aagaaagcaa

atatgtgaac tgttgctaag aaaaggagca aacatcaatg aaaagactaa agaattcttg

actcctctgc acgtggcatc tgagaaagct cataatgatg ttgttgaagt agtggtgaaa

catgaagcaa aggttaatgc tctggataat cttggtcaga cttctctaca cagagctgca

tattgtggtc atctacaaac ctgccgccta ctcctgagct atgggtgtga tcctaacatt

atatcccttc agggctttac tgctttacag atgggaaatg aaaatgtaca gcaactcctc

caagagggta tctcattagg taattcagag gcagacagac aattgctgga agctgcaaag

gctggagatg tcgaaactgt aaaaaaactg tgtactgttc agagtgtcaa ctgcagagac

attgaagggc gtcagtctac accacttcat tttgcagctg ggtataacag agtgtccgtg

gtggaatatc tgctacagca tggagctgat gtgcatgcta aagataaagg aggccttgta

cctttgcaca atgcatgttc ttatggacat tatgaagttg cagaacttct tgttaaacat

ggagcagtag ttaatgtagc tgatttatgg aaatttacac ctttacatga agcagcagca

aaaggaaaat atgaaatttg caaacttctg ctccagcatg gtgcagaccc tacaaaaaaa

aacagggatg gaaatactcc tttggatctt gttaaagatg gagatacaga tattcaagat

ctgcttaggg gagatgcagc tttgctagat gctgccaaga agggttgttt agccagagtg

aagaagttgt cttctcctga taatgtaaat tgccgcgata cccaaggcag acattcaaca

cctttacatt tagcagctgg ttataataat ttagaagttg cagagtattt gttacaacac

ggagctgatg tgaatgccca agacaaagga ggacttattc ctttacataa tgcagcatct

tacgggcatg tagatgtagc agctctacta ataaagtata atgcatgtgt caatgccacg

gacaaatggg ctttcacacc tttgcacgaa gcagcccaaa agggacgaac acagctttgt

gctttgttgc tagcccatgg agctgacccg actcttaaaa atcaggaagg acaaacacct

ttagatttag tttcagcgga tgatgtcagc gctcttctga cagcagccat gcccccatct

gctctgccct cttgttacaa gcctcaagtg ctcaatggtg tgagaagccc aggagccact

gcagatgctc tctcttcagg tccatctagc ccatcaagcc tttctgcagc cagcagtctt

gacaacttat ctgggagttt ttcagaactg tcttcagtag ttagttcaag tggaacagag

ggtgcttcca gtttggagaa aaaggaggtt ccaggagtag attttagcat aactcaattc

gtaaggaatc ttggacttga gcacctaatg gatatatttg agagagaaca gatcactttg

gatgtattag ttgagatggg gcacaaggag ctgaaggaga ttggaatcaa tgcttatgga

cataggcaca aactaattaa aggagtcgag agacttatct ccggacaaca aggtcttaac

ccatatttaa ctttgaacac ctctggtagt ggaacaattc ttatagatct gtctcctgat

gataaagagt ttcagtctgt ggaggaagag atgcaaagta cagttcgaga gcacagagat

ggaggtcatg caggtggaat cttcaacaga tacaatattc tcaagattca gaaggtttgt

aacaagaaac tatgggaaag atacactcac cggagaaaag aagtttctga agaaaaccac

aaccatgcca atgaacgaat gctatttcat gggtctcctt ttgtgaatgc aattatccac

aaaggctttg atgaaaggca tgcgtacata ggtggtatgt ttggagctgg catttatttt

gctgaaaact cttccaaaag caatcaatat gtatatggaa ttggaggagg tactgggtgt

ccagttcaca aagacagatc ttgttacatt tgccacaggc agctgctctt ttgccgggta

accttgggaa agtctttcct gcagttcagt gcaatgaaaa tggcacattc tcctccaggt

catcactcag tcactggtag gcccagtgta aatggcctag cattagctga atatgttatt

tacagaggag aacaggctta tcctgagtat ttaattactt accagattat gaggcctgaa

ggtatggtcg atggataaat agttatttta agaaactaat tccactgaac ctaaaatcat

caaagcagca gtggcctcta cgttttactc ctttgctgaa aaaaaatcat cttgcccaca

ggcctgtggc aaaaggataa aaatgtgaac gaagtttaac attctgactt gataaagctt

taataatgta cagtgttttc taaatatttc ctgttttttc agcactttaa cagatgccat

tccaggttaa actgggttgt ctgtactaaa ttataaacag agttaacttg aaccttttat

atgttatgca ttgattctaa caaactgtaa tgccctcaac agaactaatt ttactaatac

aatactgtgt tctttaaaac acagcattta cactgaatac aatttcattt gtaaaactgt

aaataagagc ttttgtacta gcccagtatt tatttacatt gctttgtaat ataaatctgt

tttagaactg cagcggttta caaaattttt tcatatgtat tgttcatcta tacttcatct

tacatcgtca tgattgagtg atctttacat ttgattccag aggctatgtt cagttgttag

ttgggaaaga ttgagttatc agatttaatt tgccgatggg agcctttatc tgtcattaga

aatctttctc atttaagaac ttatgaatat gctgaagatt taatttgtga tacctttgta

tgtatgagac acattccaaa gagctctaac tatgataggt cctgattact aaagaagctt

ctttactggc ctcaatttct agctttcatg ttggaaaatt ttctgcagtc cttctgtgaa

aattagagca aagtgctcct gttttttaga gaaactaaat cttgctgttg aacaattatt

gtgttctttt catggaacat aagtaggatg ttacatttcc agggtgggaa gggtaatcct

aaatcatttc ccaatctatt ctaattacct taaatctaaa ggggaaaaaa aaaatcacaa

acaggactgg gtagtttttt atcctaagta tattttttcc tgttcttttt acttggtttt

attgctgtat ttatagccaa tctatacatc atgggtaaac ttaacccaga actataaaat

gtagttgtct cagtcccctc caggcctcct gaatgggcaa gtgcagtgaa acaggtgctt

cttgctcctg ggttttctct ccatgatgtt atgcccaatt ggaaatatgc tgtcagtttg

tgcaccatat ggtgaccacg cctgtgctca gtttggcagc tatagaagga aatgctgtcc

cataaaatgc cattcctatt ttctaatata aaactctttt ccaggaagca tgcttaagca

tcttgttaca gagacataca tccattatgg cttggcaatc tcttttattt gttgactcta

gctcccttca aagtcgagga aagatcttta ctcacttaat gaggacattc cccatcactg

tctgtaccag ttcaccttta ttttacgttt tattcagtct gtaaattaac tggccctttg

cagtaacttg tacataaagt gctagaaaat catgttcctt gtcctgagta agagttaatc

agagtaaatg catttctgga gttgtttctg tgatgtaaat tatgatcatt atttaagaag

tcaaatcctg atcttgaagt gctttttata cagctctcta ataattacaa atatccgaaa

gtcatttctt ggaacacaag tggagtatgc caaattttat atgaattttt cagattatct

aagcttccag gttttataat tagaagataa tgagagaatt aatggggttt atatttacat

tatctctcaa ctatgtagcc catattactc accctatgag tgaatctgga attgcttttc

atgtgaaatc attgtggtct atgagtttac aatactgcaa actgtgttat tttatctaat

ccattgctta atgagtgtgt ttttccatga atgaatatac cgtggttcat atgttagcat

ggcagcattt tcagatagct ttttgtttgt tgggaagttg gggttttggg gggaggggga

gtattagtac gttgcatgaa atagcttact ttataatgat ggaattgctt tttcttttgt

cttgtgattt ttttttttga agtgaaattt aactttttgt gcaagtagta ctattatacc

catcttcagt gtcttacttg tactgtatca cattccatac cctcatttaa ttcttaataa

aactgttcac ttgtttttct gggtagcatg gtaattactg gaatagtata aatgtgttga

atggtctttg agaaaatgaa ttaagattac aataaaccac aattgcagga aaacaatgta

gttctgagtc taatagtgat aaagaatgca gtttgaagtt tgaaatattg aatattgtag

ctgtacttgc tcattaaaat gaaagtagct gtga

The human tankyrase 2 protein encoded by this nucleotide sequence is as follows (SEQ ID NO:8):



































The ROCK inhibitor and/or the tankyrase inhibitor may include any of the following: nucleic acid inhibitory molecules, inhibitory peptides, antibodies, and small molecules, each of which is described in more detail below. Inhibitors of both ROCK1 and ROCK2 and tankyrase are encompassed in the methods of the present invention.

According to one embodiment, the ROCK inhibitor is a small molecule. Exemplary small molecule ROCK inhibitors include, but are not limited to, Y-27632, Glycyl-H-1152, Fasudil, Thiazovivin, GSK429286, CAY10622, AS1892802, and SR 3677. Other small molecule ROCK inhibitors are described in LoGrasso and Feng, “Rho Kinase (ROCK) Inhibitors and Their Application to Inflammatory Disorders,” Current Topics in Med. Chem. 9:704-723 (2009), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.

According to one embodiment, the tankyrase inhibitor is a small molecule. Exemplary small molecule tankyrase inhibitors include, without limitation, XAV939, MN-64, IWRI, a pyrimidinone nicotinamide mimetic (e.g., AZ-6102) (see Johannes et al., “Pyrimidinone Nicotinamide Mimetics as Selective Tankyrase and Wnt Pathway Inhibitors Suitable for in Vivo Pharmacology,” Med. Chem. Letters Jan. 13, 2015, 254-259, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), and combinations thereof.

According to another embodiment, the ROCK inhibitor and/or the tankyrase inhibitor is an inhibitory molecule (e.g., a nucleic acid inhibitor). Exemplary nucleic acid ROCK inhibitors and tankyrase inhibitors include antisense RNAs or RNAi, such as short interfering RNAs (siRNA), short hairpin RNAs (shRNA), and microRNAs.

The use of antisense methods to inhibit the in vivo translation of genes and subsequent protein expression is well known in the art (see e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 7,425,544 to Dobie et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 7,307,069 to Karras et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 7,288,530 to Bennett et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 7,179,796 to Cowsert et al., which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety). Antisense nucleic acids are nucleic acid molecules (e.g., molecules containing DNA nucleotides, RNA nucleotides, or modifications (e.g., modification that increase the stability of the molecule, such as 2′-O-alkyl (e.g., methyl) substituted nucleotides) or combinations thereof) that are complementary to, or that hybridize to, at least a portion of a specific nucleic acid molecule, such as an mRNA molecule (see e.g., Weintraub, “Antisense DNA and RNA,” Scientific Am. 262:40-46 (1990), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). The antisense nucleic acid molecule hybridizes to its corresponding target nucleic acid molecule, such as ROCK1, ROCK2, or tankyrase mRNA, to form a double-stranded molecule, which interferes with translation of the mRNA, as the cell will not translate a double-stranded mRNA. Antisense nucleic acids used in the methods of the present invention are typically at least 10-12 nucleotides in length, for example, at least 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, or 100 nucleotides in length. The antisense nucleic acid can also be as long as the target nucleic acid with which it is intended to form an inhibitory duplex. Antisense nucleic acids can be introduced into cells as antisense oligonucleotides, or can be produced in a cell in which a nucleic acid encoding the antisense nucleic acid has been introduced, for example, using gene therapy methods.

siRNAs are double stranded synthetic RNA molecules approximately 20-25 nucleotides in length with short 2-3 nucleotide 3′ overhangs on both ends. The double stranded siRNA molecule represents the sense and anti-sense strand of a portion of the target mRNA molecule, in this case a portion of the ROCK1, ROCK2, or tankyrase nucleotide sequence (the nucleotide sequences of ROCK1, ROCK2, and tankyrase are provided supra). siRNA molecules are typically designed to target a region of the mRNA target approximately 50-100 nucleotides downstream from the start codon. Upon introduction into a cell, the siRNA complex triggers the endogenous RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, resulting in the cleavage and degradation of the target mRNA molecule. Various improvements of siRNA compositions, such as the incorporation of modified nucleosides or motifs into one or both strands of the siRNA molecule to enhance stability, specificity, and efficacy, have been described and are suitable for use in accordance with this aspect of the invention (see e.g., PCT Publication Nos. WO 2004/015107 to Giese et al., WO 2003/070918 to McSwiggen et al., WO 1998/39352 to Imanishi et al and U.S. Patent Application Publication Nos. 2002/0068708 to Jesper et al., 2002/0147332 to Kaneko et al., and 2008/0119427 to Bhat et al., all of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety).

Short or small hairpin RNA molecules are similar to siRNA molecules in function, but comprise longer RNA sequences that make a tight hairpin turn. shRNA is cleaved by cellular machinery into siRNA and gene expression is silenced via the cellular RNA interference pathway.

Nucleic acid aptamers that specifically bind to ROCK1, ROCK2, or tankyrase are also useful in the methods of the present invention. Nucleic acid aptamers are single-stranded, partially single-stranded, partially double-stranded, or double-stranded nucleotide sequences, advantageously a replicatable nucleotide sequence, capable of specifically recognizing a selected non-oligonucleotide molecule or group of molecules by a mechanism other than Watson-Crick base pairing or triplex formation. Aptamers include, without limitation, defined sequence segments and sequences comprising nucleotides, ribonucleotides, deoxyribonucleotides, nucleotide analogs, modified nucleotides, and nucleotides comprising backbone modifications, branchpoints, and non-nucleotide residues, groups, or bridges. Nucleic acid aptamers include partially and fully single-stranded and double-stranded nucleotide molecules and sequences; synthetic RNA, DNA, and chimeric nucleotides; hybrids; duplexes; heteroduplexes; and any ribonucleotide, deoxyribonucleotide, or chimeric counterpart thereof and/or corresponding complementary sequence, promoter, or primer-annealing sequence needed to amplify, transcribe, or replicate all or part of the aptamer molecule or sequence.

ROCK inhibitors and tankyrase inhibitors suitable for use in the methods of the present invention may also include inhibitory peptides. Suitable inhibitory peptides include, without limitation, modified ROCK1, ROCK2, or tankyrase peptides that bind, preferably, specifically to the ROCK1, ROCK2, or tankyrase protein but prevent normal ROCK or tankyrase function. Such inhibitory peptides may be chemically synthesized using known peptide synthesis methodology or may be prepared and purified using recombinant technology. Such peptides are usually at least about 5 amino acids in length, but can be anywhere from 5 to 100 amino acids in length. Such peptides may be identified without undue experimentation using well known techniques. Techniques for screening peptide libraries for peptides that are capable of specifically binding to a polypeptide target, in this case ROCK1, ROCK2, and/or tankyrase are well known in the art (see e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 5,556,762 to Pinilla et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,750,373 to Garrard et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 4,708,871 to Geysen; U.S. Pat. No. 4,833,092 to Geysen; U.S. Pat. No. 5,223,409 to Ladner et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,403,484 to Ladner et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,571,689 to Heuckeroth et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,663,143 to Ley et al.; and PCT Publication Nos. WO 84/03506 and WO 84/03564 to Geysen, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety).

In one embodiment, a subject with a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation is identified prior to administering a ROCK inhibitor (and, optionally, a tankyrase inhibitor).

In another embodiment, identifying a subject with a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation involves obtaining a tissue sample from the tumor and testing the sample for a p53 DNA contact mutation.

“Obtaining a tissue sample” as used herein, refers to obtaining possession of a sample by “directly acquiring” or “indirectly acquiring” the sample. “Directly acquiring a sample” means performing a process (e.g., performing a physical method such as a surgery, biopsy, or extraction) to obtain the sample. “Indirectly acquiring a sample” refers to receiving the sample from another party or source (e.g., a third party laboratory that directly acquired the sample). Methods described herein can include obtaining a tissue sample from a tumor.

The source of the tissue sample can be solid tissue as from a fresh, frozen, and/or preserved organ, tissue sample, biopsy, or aspirate; blood or any blood constituents; bodily fluids such as cerebral spinal fluid, amniotic fluid, peritoneal fluid, or interstitial fluid; or cells from any time in gestation or development of the subject. Preferably, the tissue sample is from a tumor. The tissue sample can contain compounds that are not naturally intermixed with the tissue in nature such as preservatives, anticoagulants, buffers, fixatives, nutrients, antibiotics or the like. The sample may be preserved as a frozen sample or as formaldehyde- or paraformaldehyde-fixed paraffin-embedded (“FFPE”) tissue preparation. For example, the sample can be embedded in a matrix, e.g., an FFPE block or a frozen sample. Typically, the sample is a tumor sample, e.g., includes one or more premalignant or malignant cells. In certain, embodiments, the sample, e.g., the tumor sample, is acquired from a solid tumor, a soft tissue tumor, or a metastatic lesion. In other embodiments, the sample, e.g., the tumor sample, includes tissue or cells from a surgical margin. In an embodiment, the sample, e.g., tumor sample, includes one or more circulating tumor cells (“CTC”) (e.g., a CTC acquired from a blood sample). In certain, embodiments, the sample, e.g., the tumor sample, is acquired from a solid tumor, a soft tissue tumor or a metastatic lesion.

Identifying a p53 DNA contact mutation in a tumor can be carried out using methods that are well known in the art. In one embodiment, detecting or identifying a p53 DNA contact mutation comprises sequencing at least a portion of the nucleotide sequence of p53 comprising the mutation. This can be performed by direct sequencing of the gene, such as gene regions comprising the mutation, from a tissue sample obtained from the tumor of a subject. Direct sequencing assays typically involve isolating a DNA sample from the subject using any suitable method known in the art, and cloning the region of interest to be sequenced into a suitable vector for amplification by growth in a host cell (e.g., bacteria) or direct amplification by PCR or other amplification assay. Following amplification, the DNA can be sequenced using any suitable method. One sequencing method involves high-throughput next generation sequencing (“NGS”) to identify genetic variation. Various NGS sequencing chemistries are available and suitable for use in carrying out the claimed invention, including pyrosequencing (Roche® 454), sequencing by reversible dye terminators (Illumina® HiSeq, Genome Analyzer and MiSeq systems), sequencing by sequential ligation of oligonucleotide probes (Life Technologies® SOLiD), and hydrogen ion semiconductor sequencing (Life Technologies®, Ion Torrent™). Alternatively, classic sequencing methods, such as the Sanger chain termination method or Maxam-Gilbert sequencing, which are well known to those of ordinary skill in the art, can be used to carry out the methods of the present invention (i.e., to identify or detect a p53 DNA contact mutation).

In another embodiment, the DNA contact mutation in p53 is identified or detected in a hybridization assay utilizing one or more oligonucleotide probes comprising a nucleotide sequence that is complementary to a nucleic acid molecule comprising p53. In a hybridization assay, the presence or absence of a gene mutation is determined based on the hybridization of one or more oligonucleotide probes to one or more nucleic acid molecules in a sample from the subject. The oligonucleotide probe or probes comprise a nucleotide sequence that is complementary to at least the region of the gene that contains the identified mutation. The oligonucleotide probes are designed to be complementary to the wild type, non-mutant nucleotide sequence and/or the mutant nucleotide sequence of the one or more genes to effectuate the detection of the presence or the absence of the mutation in the sample from the subject upon contacting the sample with the oligonucleotide probe(s).

A variety of hybridization assays that are known in the art are suitable for use in the methods of the present invention. These methods include, without limitation, direct hybridization assays, such as northern blot or Southern blot (see e.g., Ausabel et al., Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, John Wiley & Sons, NY (1991), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). Alternatively, direct hybridization can be carried out using an array based method where oligonucleotide probe(s) designed to be complementary to a particular non-mutant or mutant gene region are affixed to a solid support. A labeled DNA or cDNA sample from the subject is contacted with the array containing the oligonucleotide probe(s), and hybridization of nucleic acid molecules from the sample to their complementary oligonucleotide probes on the array surface is detected. Examples of direct hybridization array platforms include, without limitation, the Affymetrix GeneChip or SNP arrays and Illumina's Bead Array.

In another embodiment, identifying is carried out with an amplification-based assay which amplifies a nucleic acid molecule comprising p53 or a portion thereof. Amplification based assays include assays such as molecular beacon assays, nucleic acid arrays, and allele-specific PCR. Other common genotyping methods include, but are not limited to, restriction fragment length polymorphism assays; primer extension assays, such as allele-specific primer extension (e.g., Illumina® Infinium® assay), arrayed primer extension (see Krjutskov et al., “Development of a Single Tube 640-plex Genotyping Method for Detection of Nucleic Acid Variations on Microarrays,” Nucleic Acids Res. 36(12):e75 (2008), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), homogeneous primer extension assays, primer extension with detection by mass spectrometry (e.g., Sequenom® iPLEX SNP genotyping assay) (see Zheng et al., “Cumulative Association of Five Genetic Variants with Prostate Cancer,” N. Eng. J. Med. 358(9):910-919 (2008), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), multiplex primer extension sorted on genetic arrays; flap endonuclease assays (e.g., the Invader® assay) (see Olivier “The Invader Assay for SNP Genotyping,” Mutat Res. 573(1-2):103-10 (2005), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety); 5′ nuclease assays, such as the TaqMan® assay (see U.S. Pat. No. 5,210,015 to Gelfand et al. and U.S. Pat. No. 5,538,848 to Livak et al., which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety); and oligonucleotide ligation assays, such as ligation with rolling circle amplification, homogeneous ligation, OLA (see U.S. Pat. No. 4,988,617 to Landgren et al., which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), multiplex ligation reactions followed by PCR, wherein zipcodes are incorporated into ligation reaction probes, and amplified PCR products are determined by electrophoretic or universal zipcode array readout (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,429,453 and 7,312,039 to Barany et al., which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety). Such methods may be used in combination with detection mechanisms such as, for example, luminescence or chemiluminescence detection, fluorescence detection, time-resolved fluorescence detection, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, fluorescence polarization, mass spectrometry, and electrical detection.

According to one embodiment, once the p53 DNA contact mutation is identified, a ROCK inhibitor may be administered to the subject.

Pharmaceutical compositions containing a ROCK inhibitor suitable for use in the methods of the present invention can include a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier as described infra, one or more active agents (i.e., the ROCK inhibitor), and a suitable delivery vehicle. Suitable delivery vehicles include, but are not limited to, viruses, bacteria, biodegradable microspheres, microparticles, nanoparticles, liposomes, collagen minipellets, and cochleates.

In one embodiment, the pharmaceutical composition or formulation containing an inhibitory nucleic acid molecule (e.g., siRNA molecule) is encapsulated in a lipid formulation to form a nucleic acid-lipid particle as described in Semple et al., “Rational Design of Cationic Lipids for siRNA Delivery,” Nature Biotech. 28:172-176 (2010), PCT Publication No. WO 2011/034798 to Bumcrot et al., PCT Publication No. WO 2009/111658 to Bumcrot et al., and PCT Publication No. WO 2010/105209 to Bumcrot et al., which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.

In another embodiment, the delivery vehicle is a nanoparticle. A variety of nanoparticle delivery vehicles are known in the art and are suitable for delivery of a ROCK inhibitor (see e.g., van Vlerken et al., “Multi-functional Polymeric Nanoparticles for Tumour-Targeted Drug Delivery,” Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. 3(2):205-216 (2006), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). Suitable nanoparticles include, without limitation, poly(beta-amino esters) (Sawicki et al., “Nanoparticle Delivery of Suicide DNA for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Cell Therapy,” Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 622:209-219 (2008), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), polyethylenimine-alt-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers (Park et al., “Degradable Polyethylenimine-alt-Poly(ethylene glycol) Copolymers As Novel Gene Carriers,” J. Control Release 105(3):367-80 (2005) and Park et al., “Intratumoral Administration of Anti-KITENIN shRNA-Loaded PEI-alt-PEG Nanoparticles Suppressed Colon Carcinoma Established Subcutaneously in Mice,” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnology 10(5):3280-3 (2010), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety), and liposome-entrapped siRNA nanoparticles (Kenny et al., “Novel Multifunctional Nanoparticle Mediates siRNA Tumor Delivery, Visualization and Therapeutic Tumor Reduction In Vivo,” J. Control Release 149(2):111-116 (2011), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). Other nanoparticle delivery vehicles suitable for use in the present invention include microcapsule nanotube devices disclosed in U.S. Patent Publication No. 2010/0215724 to Prakash et al., which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.

In another embodiment, the pharmaceutical composition is contained in a liposome delivery vehicle. The term “liposome” means a vesicle composed of amphiphilic lipids arranged in a spherical bilayer or bilayers. Liposomes are unilamellar or multilamellar vesicles which have a membrane formed from a lipophilic material and an aqueous interior. The aqueous portion contains the composition to be delivered. Cationic liposomes possess the advantage of being able to fuse to the cell wall. Non-cationic liposomes, although not able to fuse as efficiently with the cell wall, are taken up by macrophages in vivo.

Several advantages of liposomes include: their biocompatibility and biodegradability, incorporation of a wide range of water and lipid soluble drugs; and they afford protection to encapsulated drugs from metabolism and degradation. Important considerations in the preparation of liposome formulations are the lipid surface charge, vesicle size and the aqueous volume of the liposomes.

Liposomes are useful for the transfer and delivery of active ingredients to the site of action. Because the liposomal membrane is structurally similar to biological membranes, when liposomes are applied to a tissue, the liposomes start to merge with the cellular membranes and as the merging of the liposome and cell progresses, the liposomal contents are emptied into the cell where the active agent may act.

Methods for preparing liposomes for use in the present invention include those disclosed in Bangham et al., “Diffusion of Univalent Ions Across the Lamellae of Swollen Phospholipids,” J. Mol. Biol. 13:238-52 (1965); U.S. Pat. No. 5,653,996 to Hsu; U.S. Pat. No. 5,643,599 to Lee et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,885,613 to Holland et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,631,237 to Dzau & Kaneda, and U.S. Pat. No. 5,059,421 to Loughrey et al., which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.

A liposome containing a ROCK inhibitor can be contacted with the target primary cancer (or tumor) cells under conditions effective for delivery of the inhibitory agent into the cancer (or tumor) cell. For administration to a primary tumor site, the liposomal vesicles need not be targeted to the cancer (or tumor) cells per se.

A liposome and nanoparticle delivery system can be made to accumulate at a target organ, tissue, or cell via active targeting (e.g., by incorporating an antibody or other ligand on the surface of the delivery vehicle). For example, when the target cell is a cancer (or tumor) cell as in the present invention, delivery vehicle may be conjugated to an anti-C3B(I) antibody as disclosed by U.S. Pat. No. 6,572,856 to Taylor et al., which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. Alternatively, the delivery vehicle may be conjugated to an alphafeto protein receptor as disclosed by U.S. Pat. No. 6,514,685 to Moro, or to a monoclonal GAH antibody as disclosed by U.S. Pat. No. 5,837,845 to Hosokawa, both of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.

In another embodiment, the delivery vehicle is a viral vector. Viral vectors are particularly suitable for the delivery of inhibitory nucleic acid molecules, such as siRNA or shRNA molecules, but can also be used to deliver molecules encoding an anti-ROCK antibody. Suitable gene therapy vectors include, without limitation, adenoviral vectors, adeno-associated viral vectors, retroviral vectors, lentiviral vectors, and herpes viral vectors.

Adenoviral viral vector delivery vehicles can be readily prepared and utilized as described in Berkner, “Development of Adenovirus Vectors for the Expression of Heterologous Genes,” Biotechniques 6:616-627 (1988); Rosenfeld et al., “Adenovirus-Mediated Transfer of a Recombinant Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Gene to the Lung Epithelium In Vivo,” Science 252:431-434 (1991); PCT Publication No. WO 93/07283 to Curiel et al.; PCT Publication No. WO 93/06223 to Perricaudet et al.; and PCT Publication No. WO 93/07282 to Curiel et al., which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. Adeno-associated viral delivery vehicles can be constructed and used to deliver an inhibitory nucleic acid molecule of the present invention to cells as described in Shi et al., “Therapeutic Expression of an Anti-Death Receptor-5 Single-Chain Fixed Variable Region Prevents Tumor Growth in Mice,” Cancer Res. 66:11946-53 (2006); Fukuchi et al., “Anti-Aβ Single-Chain Antibody Delivery via Adeno-Associated Virus for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease,” Neurobiol. Dis. 23:502-511 (2006); Chatterjee et al., “Dual-Target Inhibition of HIV-1 In Vitro by Means of an Adeno-associated Virus Antisense Vector,” Science 258:1485-1488 (1992); Ponnazhagan et al., “Suppression of Human Alpha-Globin Gene Expression Mediated by the Recombinant Adeno-associated Virus 2-Based Antisense Vectors,” J. Exp. Med. 179:733-738 (1994); and Zhou et al., “Adeno-associated Virus 2-Mediated Transduction and Erythroid Cell-specific Expression of a Human Beta-globin Gene,” Gene Ther. 3:223-229 (1996), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. In vivo use of these vehicles is described in Flotte et al., “Stable In Vivo Expression of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator With an Adeno-Associated Virus Vector,” Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. 90:10613-10617 (1993) and Kaplitt et al., “Long-Term Gene Expression and Phenotypic Correction Using Adeno-associated Virus Vectors in the Mammalian Brain,” Nature Genet. 8:148-153 (1994), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. Additional types of adenovirus vectors are described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,057,155 to Wickham et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 6,033,908 to Bout et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 6,001,557 to Wilson et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,994,132 to Chamberlain et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,981,225 to Kochanek et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,885,808 to Spooner et al.; and U.S. Pat. No. 5,871,727 to Curiel, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.

Retroviral vectors which have been modified to form infective transformation systems can also be used to deliver a nucleic acid molecule to a target cell or tissue. One such type of retroviral vector is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,849,586 to Kriegler et al., which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. Other suitable nucleic acid delivery vehicles include those disclosed in U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2007/0219118 to Lu et al., which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.

Regardless of the type of infective transformation system employed, it should be targeted for delivery of the nucleic acid to the desired cell type. For example, for delivery into a cluster of cells (e.g., cancer or tumor cells) a high titer of the infective transformation system can be injected directly within the site of those cells so as to enhance the likelihood of cell infection. The infected cells will then express the inhibitory nucleic acid molecule targeting the inhibition of integrin expression. The expression system can further contain a promoter to control or regulate the strength and specificity of expression of the nucleic acid molecule in the target tissue or cell.

In one embodiment, the administering step is carried out to treat a tumor in a subject. Such administration can be carried out systemically or via direct or local administration to the tumor or tumor site. By way of example, suitable modes of systemic administration include, without limitation orally, topically, transdermally, parenterally, intradermally, intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, intravenously, subcutaneously, or by intranasal instillation, by intracavitary or intravesical instillation, intraocularly, intraarterialy, intralesionally, or by application to mucous membranes. Suitable modes of local administration include, without limitation, catheterization, implantation, direct injection, dermal/transdermal application, or portal vein administration to relevant tissues, or by any other local administration technique, method, or procedure generally known in the art. The mode of affecting delivery of an agent will vary depending on the type of therapeutic agent (e.g., an antibody, an inhibitory nucleic acid molecule, or a small molecule) and the tumor or cancer to be treated.

A ROCK inhibitor of the present invention may be orally administered, for example, with an inert diluent, or with an assimilable edible carrier, or it may be enclosed in hard or soft shell capsules, or it may be compressed into tablets, or it may be incorporated directly with the food of the diet. ROCK inhibitors may also be administered in a time release manner incorporated within such devices as time-release capsules or nanotubes. Such devices afford flexibility relative to time and dosage. For oral therapeutic administration, ROCK inhibitors may be incorporated with excipients and used in the form of tablets, capsules, elixirs, suspensions, syrups, and the like. Such compositions and preparations should contain at least 0.1% of the inhibitor, although lower concentrations may be effective and indeed optimal. The percentage of the inhibitor in these compositions may, of course, be varied and may be between about 0.1% to about 60% of the weight of the unit. The amount of an inhibitor of the present invention in such therapeutically useful compositions is such that a suitable dosage will be obtained.

When the ROCK inhibitor of the present invention is administered parenterally, solutions or suspensions of the agent can be prepared in water suitably mixed with a surfactant such as hydroxypropylcellulose. Dispersions can also be prepared in glycerol, liquid polyethylene glycols, and mixtures thereof in oils. Illustrative oils are those of petroleum, animal, vegetable, or synthetic origin, for example, peanut oil, soybean oil, or mineral oil. In general, water, saline, aqueous dextrose and related sugar solution, and glycols, such as propylene glycol or polyethylene glycol, may be preferred liquid carriers, particularly for injectable solutions. Under ordinary conditions of storage and use, these preparations contain a preservative to prevent the growth of microorganisms.

Pharmaceutical formulations suitable for injectable use include sterile aqueous solutions or dispersions and sterile powders for the extemporaneous preparation of sterile injectable solutions or dispersions. In all cases, the form must be sterile and must be fluid to the extent that easy syringability exists. It must be stable under the conditions of manufacture and storage and must be preserved against the contaminating action of microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi. The carrier can be a solvent or dispersion medium containing, for example, water, ethanol, polyol (e.g., glycerol, propylene glycol, and liquid polyethylene glycol), suitable mixtures thereof, and vegetable oils.

When it is desirable to deliver the inhibitors of the present invention systemically, they may be formulated for parenteral administration by injection, e.g., by bolus injection or continuous infusion. Formulations for injection may be presented in unit dosage form, e.g., in ampoules or in multi-dose containers, with an added preservative. The compositions may take such forms as suspensions, solutions, or emulsions in oily or aqueous vehicles, and may contain formulatory agents such as suspending, stabilizing, and/or dispersing agents.

Intraperitoneal or intrathecal administration of ROCK inhibitors can also be achieved using infusion pump devices. Such devices allow continuous infusion of desired compounds avoiding multiple injections and multiple manipulations.

In addition to the formulations described previously, the inhibitors may also be formulated as a depot preparation. Such long acting formulations may be formulated with suitable polymeric or hydrophobic materials (e.g., as an emulsion in an acceptable oil) or ion exchange resins, or as sparingly soluble derivatives, e.g., as a sparingly soluble salt

Effective doses of the compositions containing an inhibitor may vary depending upon many different factors, including type and stage of the tumor or cancer, means of administration, target site, physiological state of the subject, other medications or therapies administered, and physical state of the subject relative to other medical complications. Treatment dosages may need to be titrated to optimize safety and efficacy.

For the treatment of tumors, the inhibitors can be administered to a subject in need of treatment alone, or in combination with other antitumor or anticancer substances and/or with radiation therapy and/or with surgical treatment to remove a tumor or cancerous tissue. These other substances or radiation treatments may be given at the same or different times as administering the inhibitor. For example, administration of an inhibitor can be used in combination with mitotic inhibitors, such as taxol or vinblastine; alkylating agents, such as cisplatin, cyclophosamide, or ifosfamide; antimetabolites, such as 5-fluorouracil or hydroxyurea; DNA intercalators, such as adriamycin or bleomycin; topoisomerase inhibitors, such as etoposide or camptothecin; antiangiogenic agents, such as angiostatin; antiestrogens, such as tamoxifen; and/or other drugs or antibodies that inhibit cancer or tumor cells, such as, for example, GLEEVEC (Novartis) and HERCEPTIN (Genetech).

The term “treat” or “treatment” refer to both therapeutic treatment and prophylactic or preventative measures, where the object is to prevent or slow down (lessen) an undesired physiological change or disorder, such as the development or spread of a tumor or cancer. For purposes of the present invention, beneficial or desired clinical results include, but are not limited to, alleviation of symptoms, diminishment of extent of disease, stabilized (i.e., not worsening) state of disease, delay or slowing of disease progression, amelioration or palliation of the disease state, and/or remission (whether partial or total), whether detectable or undetectable. “Treatment” can also mean prolonging survival as compared to expected survival if not receiving treatment. Subjects in need of treatment include those already with the condition or disorder (i.e., a tumor or cancer) as well as those prone to have the condition or disorder or those in which the condition or disorder is to be prevented. The term “treat” or “treatment” with respect to a tumor or tumor cells refers to stopping the progression of said cells, slowing down growth, inducing regression, or amelioration of symptoms associated with the presence of said cells.

A further aspect of the present invention relates to a method of identifying a subject as a candidate for treatment. This method involves obtaining a sample from a tumor in a subject and determining the presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation in the sample. The presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation in the sample indicates the tumor is susceptible to targeted treatment with a ROCK inhibitor and the subject is a candidate for treatment.

p53 DNA contact mutations and ROCK inhibitors are described supra.

In one embodiment of this aspect of the present invention, a course of treatment is assigned to the subject based on determining the presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation in the sample. Determining the presence of a DNA p53 mutation in a sample, or identifying the presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation in a sample can be carried out as described supra. For example, and without limitation, determining the presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation may be carried out using a hybridization assay or an amplification assay. Assigning a suitable treatment can involve assigning a treatment as described supra. For example, and according to one embodiment, the assigned course of treatment comprises administering a ROCK inhibitor as described supra.

A further aspect of the present invention relates to a method of treating a tumor in a subject. This method involves administering to a subject having a tumor comprising increased YAP-dependent transcription a Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, where the ROCK inhibitor treats the tumor in the subject.

As discussed supra, YAP is a potent transcriptional co-activator that functions as a nuclear effector of the Hippo signaling pathway. In particular, YAP interacts with a variety of DNA-binding transcription factors in the nucleus to activate target gene expression (Yagi et al., “A WW Domain-containing Yes-associated Protein (YAP) is a Novel Transcriptional Co-activator,” EMBO J. 18:2551-62 (1999); Zhao et al., “TEAD Mediates YAP-dependent Gene Induction and Growth Control,” Genes Dev. 22:1962-71 (2008), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety).

YAP activity is linked to its cellular abundance and nuclear localization. Amplification of the YAP gene has been observed in several cancer types, including breast (Overholtzer et al., “Transforming Properties of YAP, a Candidate Oncogene on the Chromosome 11q22 Amplicon,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 103:12405-10 (2006), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), medulloblastoma (Fernandez et al., “YAP1 is Amplified and Up-regulated in Hedgehog-associated Medulloblastomas and Mediates Sonic Hedgehog-driven Neural Precursor Proliferation,” Genes Dev. 23:2729-41 (2009), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), hepatocellular (HCC) (Zender et al., “Identification and Validation of Oncogenes in Liver Cancer Using an Integrative Oncogenomic Approach,” Cell 125:1253-67 (2006), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), and squamous cell carcinomas (Snijders et al., “Rare Amplicons Implicate Frequent Deregulation of Cell Fate Specification Pathways in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma,” Oncogene 24:4232-42 (2005), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). Increased YAP abundance is also seen in liver (Xu et al., “Yes-associated Protein is an Independent Prognostic Marker in Hepatocellular Carcinoma,” Cancer 115:4576-85 (2009); Zhao et al., “Inactivation of YAP Oncoprotein by the Hippo Pathway is Involved in Cell Contact Inhibition and Tissue Growth Control,” Genes Dev. 21:2747-61 (2007), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety), breast (Steinhardt et al., “Expression of Yes-associated Protein in Common Solid Tumors,” Human Pathology 39:1582-9 (2008), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety), prostate (Zhao et al., “Inactivation of YAP Oncoprotein by the Hippo Pathway is Involved in Cell Contact Inhibition and Tissue Growth Control,” Genes Dev. 21:2747-61 (2007), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety) and colorectal (Camargo et al., “YAP1 Increases Organ Size and Expands Undifferentiated Progenitor Cells,” Curr. Biol. 17:2054-60 (2007), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety) cancers, squamous cell (Dong et al., “Genes Differentially Expressed with Malignant Transformation and Metastatic Tumor Progression of Murine Squamous Cell Carcinoma,” J. Cell Biochem. Suppl. 29:90-100 (1997)), lung and colon adenocarcinomas, and ovarian carcinomas (Steinhardt et al., “Expression of Yes-associated Protein in Common Solid Tumors,” Human Pathology 39:1582-9 (2008), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety).

As described herein, tumors containing p53 DNA contact mutations show constitutive activation of TEAD/YAP transcription.

The details described supra regarding other aspects of the present invention also apply to carrying the method of this aspect of the present invention.


The following examples are provided to illustrate embodiments of the present invention but they are by no means intended to limit its scope.

Materials and Methods for Examples 1-4

Cell Culture and Treatments

HEK293T, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, U373MB, U251MG, SK-LMS-1, U138MG, LN229, M059J, M059K, and BT-549 cells were grown in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Mo.), 50 units/ml of penicillin/streptomycin. HCC193, SF295, SK-BR-3, HCC1395, HCC1954, H1299, HCC1937, and HCC1806 cells were grown in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% FBS and 50 units/ml of penicillin. SK-MEL-2 cells were grown in Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) supplemented with 1% non-essential amino acids (NEAA), 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Mo.), 50 units/ml of penicillin/streptomycin. MCF10A cells were grown in DMEM/F12 medium supplemented with, 5% horse serum, 10 ug/ml insulin, 100 ng/ml cholera toxin, 0.5 mg/ml hydrocortisone, 20 ng/ml EGF, and 50 units/ml of penicillin/streptomycin. All cells were cultured at 37° C. and 90% humidity in a 5% CO2 incubator. All inhibitors were dissolved in DMSO and treatments were as indicated. DMSO was used as a control in all experiments. ROCK inhibitors were as follows: Y-27632 (Tocris Bioscience, 1254), Glycyl-H-1152 (Cayman Chemical, 13332), Fasudil (Abcam, Ab120306); Verteporfin (Sigma-Aldrich, SML0534), and Simvastatin (Sigma-Aldrich, S6196).

Constructs and Viral Infections

pQCXIH-Myc-YAP was a gift from Kunliang Guan (Addgene plasmid # 33091) 44. A pQCXIH vector control was made by removing YAP. pBABE vector control and H-RAS (V12) were as previously described (Mahale et al., “Clonal Selection in Malignant Transformation of Human Fibroblasts Transduced with Defined Cellular Oncogenes,” Cancer Research 68:1417-1426 (2008), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). DN TEAD4 was cloned from the pSPORT6 Vector (Dharmacon) with primers containing the restriction sites compatible with the NSPI-CMV-MCS lentiviral vector (Benson et al., “p53-dependent Gene Repression Through p21 is Mediated by Recruitment of E2F4 Repression Complexes,” Oncogene 33:3959-3969 (2014), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). The DN mutation, Y429H (TAC→CAC), was introduced by PCR amplification with the mutated 3′ primer. Primers were as follows:


(SEQ ID NO: 9)


Reverse complement:

(SEQ ID NO: 10)


shp53.1 and shp53.2 were in the pLKO.1 backbone with sequences as follows:


(SEQ ID NO: 11)



(SEQ ID NO: 12)



(SEQ ID NO: 13)


The mutant p53 constructs containing the substitution of a single amino acid, were obtained by PCR site-directed mutagenesis using the QuickChange® Lightning Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Agilent Technology, Agilent Technology, Milano, Italy) and the WT-p53 cDNA as template as previously described. Primers were as follow:

R175H (g524a)


(SEQ ID NO: 14)



(SEQ ID NO: 15)


G2455 (g733a)


(SEQ ID NO: 16)



(SEQ ID NO: 17)


R248Q (g743a)


(SEQ ID NO: 18)



(SEQ ID NO: 19)


R273H (g818a)


(SEQ ID NO: 20)



(SEQ ID NO: 21)


All constructs were verified by DNA sequencing.

To create retroviral stocks, HEK293T cells were co-transfected with the appropriate retroviral expression vector and pCL-ampho packaging plasmid. To create lentiviral stocks, HEK293T cells were co-transfected with the appropriate lentiviral expression vector, pCMVΔR8.74 packaging vector and pMD2 VSVG envelope vector. Titers for each virus stock were determined by colony formation following marker selection in the same assay cell, HT1080, making it possible to compare results using similar amounts of virus in different experiments. Retroviral and lentiviral infections were carried out on all cell lines in the presence of 8 μg/ml polybrene (Sigma). Cells were subsequently selected for antibiotic resistance (2 μg/ml puromycin or 100 μg/ml hygromycin) and expanded as mass populations. In all cases, similar MOIs were used.

Reporter Assays

Cells were plated at 2×104 cells/well in 24 well plates, unless otherwise stated, 48 hours before collection and treated or genetically manipulated as described. Firefly and renilla luciferase activities were assayed with the dual luciferase assay system (Promega, Madison Wis., USA), as directed, and firefly luciferase activity was normalized to renilla luciferase activity. Firefly and renilla luminescence were measured with the TD-20e Luminometer (Turner).

Anchorage-Independent Growth Assay

Growth in soft agar was determined by seeding 2.5×103 MCF10A cells in 1 ml of growth media containing 0.3% agar (BD 214050) on top of 1 ml of 0.48% agar in 35-mm dishes. Cells were fed every 4 days for 3 weeks with 0.2 mL of growth medium. Colonies were stained with 1% crystal violet in ethanol and photographed. Colony density was measured using Image J. Assays were conducted in triplicate.

RNA Extraction and cDNA Synthesis

Total RNA was extracted from cells using QIAshredder (Qiagen, Valencia, Calif., USA) and RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer's instructions. First-strand cDNA synthesis was performed using Superscript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif., USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis

Quantitative PCR was carried out using the ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System (Life Technologies) using the FastStart SYBR Green Master mix (Roche, 04673492001). Primers were as follows:



(SEQ ID NO: 22)



(SEQ ID NO: 23)




(SEQ ID NO: 24)



(SEQ ID NO: 25)




(SEQ ID NO: 26)



(SEQ ID NO: 27)




(SEQ ID NO: 28)



(SEQ ID NO: 29)


PCR was performed in 384 well plates using 10 μl volumes under the following conditions: 95° C. for 15 min, followed by 40 cycles of 94° C. for 15 sec, 61° C. for 30 sec, and 72° C. for 30 sec. Specificity was verified by a dissociation curve. Results were analyzed with ViiA7 RUO software (Life Technologies).

Cell Proliferation Assay

For clonogenic assay, cells were plated in triplicate at 1×103 cells in 6-well plates. Cells were treated or genetically manipulated as described. After 10 to 14 days, colonies were stained with 1% crystal violet in ethanol and photographed.

Xenograft Tumor Assay

1×106 MDA-MB-231 cells either overexpressing DN TEAD4 or silenced for p53 were inoculated orthotopically into the fat pads of the fifth mammary glands of 6-week-old immunocompromised female SCID mice. The tumor volume was measured with a caliper every 2 weeks, using the formula volume=length×width2/2. At the end of the 4 months observation period, the mice bearing xenograft tumors were sacrificed and the tumor tissues were removed for formalin fixation and preparation of paraffin-embedded sections.

Immunohistochemistry Staining

The paraffin-embedded tissue sections were used for examination of TEAD4 and p53 expression, and HE staining. For immunohistochemistry study, sections were incubated with primary antibodies (1:200 dilutions) overnight at 4° C., followed by biotin-labeled secondary antibody (1:100 dilutions) for 1 h at room temperature. Sections were then incubated with ABC-peroxidase and DAB (diaminobenzedine), counterstained with hematoxylin, and visualized using light microscope.

Example 1
p53 DNA-Contact Mutants Identify a New Class of Hippo Deregulated Human Tumors

Missense mutations reside within the DNA binding domain (DBD), some of which inhibit DNA-contact (e.g., R248, R273), which affect amino acids that directly interact with DNA, while p53 conformational mutations (e.g., R175, G245, R282) profoundly alter the 3D conformation of the DBD (Freed-Pastor et al., “Mutant p53: One Name, Many Proteins,” Genes & Development 26:1268-1286 (2012), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). Thus, the level of TEAD/YAP transcriptional activity was systematically compared in human tumor lines harboring different types of p53 missense mutations, including the four most frequent hotspot mutations found in human cancers as well as p53 null tumor cells (Table 1).


Human tumor lines harboring different types of p53 missense mutations.

Tumor Line
p53 mutation

















Gene deletion


Frame shift

A very high TEAD luciferase reporter activity was detected in all tumor lines analyzed containing p53 DNA-contact mutations but lack of this activity in any with a p53 conformational mutation or null genotype (FIG. 1A). Moreover, p53 DNA-contact mutant-expressing cells exhibited much higher levels of expression of TEAD specific target genes, CTGF, CYR61, and ANKRD1 than p53 conformational mutant-expressing cells (FIG. 1B). These findings suggested that p53 DNA-contact mutants comprised a new class of genetic alterations that upregulate TEAD/YAP transcription in human tumors.

Example 2
p53 Knock Down Phenocopies TEAD4 Inhibition and Blocks TEAD/YAP-Dependent Transcription and Proliferation In Vitro and In Vivo of p53 DNA-Contact Mutant-Containing Tumor Lines

To test whether p53 DNA contact mutations were responsible for TEAD/YAP transcriptional upregulation in tumor cells, the abilities of DN TEAD4, which lacks the TEAD DNA binding domain and functions as a dominant negative for TEAD/YAP transcription (Liu-Chittenden et al., “Genetic and Pharmacological Disruption of the TEAD-YAP Complex Suppresses the Oncogenic Activity of YAP,” Genes & Development 26:1300-1305 (2012), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety) and shp53 to impact TEAD reporter activity were compared. FIG. 2A shows that each of these genetic manipulations markedly inhibited the elevated TEAD reporter activity specifically observed in each p53 DNA contact mutant tumor line analyzed. This same pattern of inhibition was observed for inhibition of expression of the elevated levels of TEAD dependent target genes such as CTGF observed in these same p53 DNA contact mutant tumor lines (FIG. 2B).

The biological effects of these genetic manipulations on tumor cell proliferation in serum containing medium were next compared. It was observed that colony formation by all p53 mutant tumor cells was strikingly inhibited in response to shp53, which had no effect on colony formation by H1299, a p53 null mutant colon tumor line as a specificity control. These results were consistent with evidence that p53 missense mutations exhibit gain of function (GOF), which appear to be addictive for tumor cells possessing them. Of note, DNTEAD4 was markedly inhibitory to colony formation, specifically by p53 DNA contact mutant containing tumor cells (FIG. 2C). These results correlated DN TEAD4 inhibition of deregulated TEAD/YAP transcription in these p53 mutant tumor cells with specific inhibition of their proliferation. Finally, the effects of DNTEAD4 or shp53 on growth in vivo of MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma cells, which contain a p53 DNA-contact mutant, R280K, were tested. FIG. 2D demonstrates that either manipulation caused a profound inhibition in the in vivo growth of orthotopically inoculated tumor cells, establishing the importance of p53 DNA contact mutants as oncogenic drivers through upregulation of TEAD dependent transcription.

Example 3
Activation of TEAD/YAP-Dependent Transcription is Essential for Transformed Phenotype Induced by p53 DNA-Contact Mutants in MCF10A Cells

To directly demonstrate the ability of p53 DNA-contact mutants to specifically activate TEAD/YAP transcription, two p53 DNA-contact mutants (R248Q and R273H) and two p53 conformational mutants were exogenously expressed by lentiviral mediated transduction of immortalized MCF10A cells. FIGS. 3A-C show that like overexpression of YAP, which served as a positive control, both DNA contact mutants induced high levels of constitutive TEAD/YAP reporter activity and increased levels of TEAD/YAP endogenous target genes, not observed with either p53 conformational mutant tested. Both DNA contact and conformational p53 mutants as well as YAP promoted anchorage-independent colony formation in soft agar by MCF10a cells as previously reported for YAP (Overholtzer et al., “Transforming Properties of YAP, a Candidate Oncogene on the Chromosome 11q22 Amplicon,” PNAS USA 103:12405-12410 (2006), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). A p53 mutant (G245S) that lacked the ability to upregulate TEAD dependent transcription, failed to induce colonies in soft agar, suggesting that this mutant does not exert gain of function (FIG. 3C).

To further establish that the ability of p53 DNA contact mutations to function as oncogenic drivers was mediated by their activation of TEAD/YAP dependent transcription, the effects of DN TEAD4 on both TEAD transcription and the transformed phenotype were tested. FIG. 3D shows that this genetic manipulation markedly inhibited both transcription of the TEAD reporter and the over expression of endogenous Hippo target genes in response to YAP over-expression or p53R273H, a representative DNA contact mutant (FIG. 3E). Moreover, DNTEAD4 specifically blocked colony formation in agar in response to YAP and p53R273H, with no effect on transformation induced by p53R175H, a representative conformational mutant (FIG. 3F). All of these findings provide strong evidence that p53 DNA contact mutations acquire transforming GOF by a mechanism, which causes Hippo pathway deregulation and constitutive TEAD/YAP transcriptional activation.

Example 4
ROCK Inhibitors Specifically Antagonize TEAD Dependent Transcription and the Transformed Phenotype of p53 DNA Contact Mutant Tumor Cells

There are few if any agents yet available that specifically target Hippo pathway mutant tumors. The above findings identifying a major new class of these tumors led to seeking to identify potential inhibitors, which would inhibit both TEAD/YAP transcription and transformation by p53 DNA contact mutants with a high degree of specificity. Verteporfin has been reported to inhibit Hippo deregulated transcription at the level of TEAD/YAP protein/protein interactions (Liu-Chittenden et al., “Genetic and Pharmacological Disruption of the TEAD-YAP Complex Suppresses the Oncogenic Activity of YAP,” Genes & Development 26:1300-1305 (2012), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). Freed-Pastor and colleagues performed expression array analysis of MDA-MB-468 p53 mutated cells and identified mutant p53 dependent upregulation of several genes involved in the cholesterol synthesis pathway (Freed-Pastor et al., “Mutant p53 Disrupts Mammary Tissue Architecture Via the Mevalonate Pathway,” Cell 148:244-258 (2012), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). Moreover, the mevalonate pathway has been proposed as upstream regulator of YAP activity (Sorrentino et al., “Metabolic Control of YAP and TAZ by the Mevalonate Pathway,” Nature Cell Biology 16:357-366 (2014), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). Thus, the activity of Simvastatin, a potent inhibitor of the mevalonate pathway, which might inhibit Hippo pathway deregulation by decreasing RhoA posttranslational lipidation, blocking its accumulation at the plasma membrane, was tested. Inhibitors that antagonize the functions of ROCKs that act downstream of RhoA, are known to have diverse biological effects, including enhancing IPS generation (Watanabe et al., “A ROCK Inhibitor Permits Survival of Dissociated Human Embryonic Stem Cells,” Nature Biotechnology 25:681-686 (2007), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety) and the propagation of normal and tumor cells in organoid culture (Olson, “Applications for ROCK Kinase Inhibition,” Current Opinion in Cell Biology 20:242-248 (2008); van de Wetering et al., “Prospective Derivation of a Living Organoid Biobank of Colorectal Cancer Patients,” Cell 161:933-945 (2015), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety). Despite these apparent growth positive effects, a prototype ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, was also tested on growth of the same battery of p53 mutated human tumor cells.

At a concentration level sufficiently high to inhibit proliferation of representative human tumor lines with p53 DNA contact mutations, both Verteporfin and Simvastatin also inhibited the proliferation of representative tumor lines expressing p53 conformational mutants. Simvastatin also inhibited proliferation of SK-LMS-1, expressing a p53 conformational mutation, and p53-null H1299 cells, neither of which like the other p53 conformational mutant tumor cells showed up-regulated TEAD/YAP transcription or was detectably inhibited by DN TEAD4 (see FIG. 2A). Thus, neither of these inhibitors showed a high degree of specificity. In striking contrast, Y-27632 phenocopied the effects of DNTEAD4 in specifically inhibiting the proliferation of p53 DNA contact mutant expressing tumor cells without any obvious growth inhibitory effects on any of the other tumor cells analyzed (FIG. 4B). Similarly, the ROCK inhibitor antagonized both TEAD reporter and TEAD endogenous target gene expression in a manner similar to that of DN TEAD4 (FIG. 4A). As shown in FIG. 4C, Y-27632 also specifically and markedly impaired the transforming ability of MCF10a cells overexpressing YAP and p53 R273H (DNA contact) but not p53 R175H (conformational) or HRAS (V12G) mutants tested under the same conditions. These results confirmed its exquisite specificity as well as potent inhibitory ability for cells transformed by mechanisms involving TEAD/YAP dependent transcription.

Several ROCK inhibitors with varying potencies in inhibiting in vitro kinase activities of ROCK1 and ROCK2 have been developed (Anastassiadis et al., “Comprehensive Assay of Kinase Catalytic Activity Reveals Features of Kinase Inhibitor Selectivity,” Nature Biotechnology 29:1039-1045 (2011), which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety). FIG. 5 shows a titration of Y-27632 in which marked and specific inhibition of proliferation of tumor cells containing different p53 DNA contact mutants. There was almost complete inhibition of colony formation at concentrations ranging from 10-50 uM of 3 different p53 contact mutant tumor cells with no detectable inhibition of colony formation even at 100 μM for tumor cells with p53 DNA conformational mutants (FIG. 5B). Glycyl-H-1152 is a more potent ROCK inhibitor with a reported ICD50 for inhibition of ROCK1 and ROCK2 of 6 and 11.8 nM, respectively (Anastassiadis et al., “Comprehensive Assay of Kinase Catalytic Activity Reveals Features of Kinase Inhibitor Selectivity,” Nature Biotechnology 29:1039-1045 (2011); Ikenoya et al., “Inhibition of Rho-kinase-induced Myristoylated Alanine-rich C Kinase Substrate (MARCKS) Phosphorylation in Human Neuronal Cells by H-1152, a Novel and Specific Rho-kinase Inhibitor,” Journal of Neurochemistry 81:9-16 (2002); Sasaki et al., “The Novel and Specific Rho-kinase Inhibitor (S)-(+)-2-methyl-1-[(4-methyl-5-isoquinoline)sulfonyl]-homopiperazine as a Probing Molecule for Rho-kinase-involved Pathway,” Pharmacology & Therapeutics 93:225-232 (2002), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety). At 1 μM, Glycyl-H-1152 treatment strikingly and specifically inhibited proliferation of tumor lines expressing p53 contact mutants, correlated with marked inhibition of TEAD/YAP dependent transcription (FIG. 5A). Fasudil, which is in the clinic for treatment of pulmonary hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders because of its ability to act as a potent vasodilator, is a far less potent ROCK inhibitor with reported ICD50 of 0.33 μM for ROCK2 (Ikenoya et al., “Inhibition of Rho-kinase-induced Myristoylated Alanine-rich C Kinase Substrate (MARCKS) Phosphorylation in Human Neuronal Cells by H-1152, a Novel and Specific Rho-kinase Inhibitor,” Journal of Neurochemistry 81:9-16 (2002); Ono-Saito et al., “H-series Protein Kinase Inhibitors and Potential Clinical Applications,” Pharmacology & Therapeutics 82:123-131 (1999), which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety). At 10 μM, Fasudil caused little if any inhibition of growth of representative tumor lines containing either a p53 DNA contact or conformational mutant, and caused little if any detectable inhibition of TEAD/YAP dependent transcription. All of these findings argue strongly that potent ROCK inhibitors have the ability to specifically inhibit the proliferation of tumors containing the newly identified class of p53 mutants with lesions that directly impair DNA binding.

Example 5
XAV939 and Y-27632 Cooperate to Specifically Target Tumor Cells Harboring p53 DNA-Contact Mutations

Y-27632, a prototype inhibitor of Rho kinases (ROCK1 and ROCK2), is able to specifically inhibit the proliferation of p53 DNA-contact mutant tumor lines (FIG. 6), but was not shown to affect the growth of tumor lines harboring mutations in Hippo pathway core components. XAV939 was tested on a newly identified class of Hippo deregulated tumors that harbor p53 DNA-contact mutations. Strikingly, XAV939 was able to inhibit the proliferation of p53-DNA contact tumor lines, MDA-MB-468 and HCC-193, but had no effect on the proliferation of p53 conformational mutant lines, HCC-1395 and SK-LMS-1, which do not show a deregulation in the Hippo pathway (FIG. 6). These findings indicate that tankyrase inhibitors may be more broadly effective than ROCK inhibitors in treating Hippo pathway deregulated tumor cells (FIG. 6).

Based on the ability of both XAV939 and Y-27632 to antagonize the proliferation of p53-DNA contact tumor lines, it was tested whether these compounds could cooperate at suboptimal (lower) concentration in inhibiting the proliferation of such tumor cells. Strikingly, the combination of suboptimal concentrations of XAV939 and Y-27632 were more effective in inhibiting the proliferation of p53-DNA contact tumor lines compared to the treatment with either agent alone (FIG. 7). Of note, these same combinations of XAV939 and Y-27632 treatment did not affect the proliferation of p53 conformational mutant tumor lines (FIG. 7). Since the targets for ROCK and tankyrase inhibitors are different, these findings indicate that the combination can be cooperative in inhibiting the growth of tumor cells with p53 DNA contact mutations, minimizing the nonspecific toxicity that may be associated with either of these.

Although preferred embodiments have been depicted and described in detail herein, it will be apparent to those skilled in the relevant art that various modifications, additions, substitutions, and the like can be made without departing from the spirit of the invention and these are therefore considered to be within the scope of the invention as defined in the claims which follow.

  • 1. A method of treating a tumor in a subject, said method comprising: administering to a subject having a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation a Rho-associated protein kinase (“ROCK”) inhibitor, wherein the ROCK inhibitor treats the tumor in the subject.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the p53 DNA contact mutation is selected from the group consisting of R280K, R273H, R248Q, and combinations thereof.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein the ROCK inhibitor is a small molecule.
  • 4. The method according to claim 3, wherein the ROCK inhibitor is selected from Y-27632, Glycyl-H-1152, Fasudil, Thiazovivin, GSK429286, CAY10622, AS1892802, SR3677, and a combination thereof.
  • 5. The method according to claim 1 further comprising: administering to the subject a tankyrase inhibitor.
  • 6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the ROCK inhibitor and the tankyrase inhibitor are each administered at a dose sufficient in their combination to treat the tumor in the subject but no sufficient for either the ROCK inhibitor or the tankyrase inhibitor alone to treat the tumor in the subject.
  • 7. The method according to claim 5, wherein the tankyrase inhibitor is selected from XAV939, MN-64, IWRI, a pyrimidinone nicotinamide mimetic, and combinations thereof.
  • 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein the subject is a human.
  • 9. The method according to claim 1 further comprising: identifying a subject with a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation prior to said administering.
  • 10. The method according to claim 9, wherein said identifying comprises: obtaining a tissue sample from the tumor andtesting the sample for a p53 DNA contact mutation.
  • 11. The method according to claim 10, wherein said testing is carried out using a hybridization assay or an amplification assay.
  • 12. A method of treating cancer in a subject, said method comprising: administering to a subject having a cancer comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation a ROCK inhibitor, wherein the ROCK inhibitor treats the subject for cancer.
  • 13. The method according to claim 12, wherein the p53 DNA contact mutation is selected from the group consisting of R280K, R273H, R248Q, and combinations thereof.
  • 14. The method according to claim 12, wherein the ROCK inhibitor is a small molecule.
  • 15. The method according to claim 14, wherein the ROCK inhibitor is selected from Y-27632, Glycyl-H-1152, Fasudil, Thiazovivin, GSK429286, CAY10622, AS1892802, SR3677, and a combination thereof.
  • 16. The method according to claim 12 further comprising: administering to the subject a tankyrase inhibitor.
  • 17. The method according to claim 16, wherein the ROCK inhibitor and the tankyrase inhibitor are each administered at a dose sufficient in their combination to treat the subject for cancer but not sufficient for either the ROCK inhibitor or the tankyrase inhibitor alone to treat the subject for cancer.
  • 18. The method according to claim 16, wherein the tankyrase inhibitor is selected from XAV939, MN-64, IWRI, a pyrimidinone nicotinamide mimetic, and combinations thereof.
  • 19. The method according to claim 12, wherein the subject is a human.
  • 20. The method according to claim 12 further comprising: identifying a subject with a tumor comprising a p53 DNA contact mutation prior to said administering.
  • 21. The method according to claim 20, wherein said identifying comprises: obtaining a tissue sample from the tumor andtesting the sample for a p53 DNA contact mutation.
  • 22. The method according to claim 21, wherein said testing is carried out using a hybridization assay or an amplification assay.
  • 23. A method of identifying a subject as a candidate for treatment, said method comprising: obtaining a sample from a tumor in a subject anddetermining the presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation in the sample, wherein the presence of a p53 DNA contact mutation in the sample indicates the tumor is susceptible to targeted treatment with a ROCK inhibitor and the subject is a candidate for treatment.
  • 24. The method according to claim 23, wherein the p53 DNA contact mutation is selected from the group consisting of R280K, R273H, R248Q, and combinations thereof.
  • 25. The method according to claim 23, wherein the subject is a human.
  • 26. The method according to claim 23, wherein said determining is carried out using a hybridization assay or an amplification assay.
  • 27. The method according to claim 23 further comprising: assigning a course of treatment to the subject based on said determining.
  • 28. The method according to claim 27 further comprising: carrying out the assigned a course of treatment.
  • 29. The method according to claim 28, wherein the assigned course of treatment comprises administering a ROCK inhibitor.
  • 30. The method according to claim 29, wherein the ROCK inhibitor is a small molecule.
  • 31. The method according to claim 30, wherein the ROCK inhibitor is selected from Y-27632, Glycyl-H-1152, Fasudil, Thiazovivin, GSK429286, CAY10622, AS1892802, SR3677, and a combination thereof.
  • 32. The method according to claim 29, wherein the assigned course of treatment further comprises: administering a tankyrase inhibitor.
  • 33. The method according to claim 32, wherein the tankyrase inhibitor is selected from XAV939, MN-64, IWRI, a pyrimidinone nicotinamide mimetic, and combinations thereof.
Parent Case Info

This application claims the priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/335,642, filed May 12, 2016, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/250,801, filed Nov. 4, 2015, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.

PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/US16/60342 11/3/2016 WO 00
Provisional Applications (2)
Number Date Country
62250801 Nov 2015 US
62335642 May 2016 US