1. Technical Field
The present invention relates to a deregulated Electricity Market for the trading of physical electricity. The invention further relates to any electricity system for power supply without limitation of size, physical structure, type of ownership or other parameters. In particular, the invention pertains to the integration in infrastructure and operation of the Power Market environment and of power systems.
2. Background Art
The modern Electric Power Systems (EPSs)/Grids integrate multiple generation Units with a large number of Consumers by transmission and distribution facilities in order to supply users with electric energy whenever they need it. The EPSs operate interconnected in a framework of many statewide or regional control areas/blocks and often across continental borders.
Starting with Argentina, many countries have begun to reorganize the classic utility-based organization of EPSs. Usually this process is called deregulation or liberalization. Its aim is to bring competition into the power supply sector and thus to reduce the prices that end users pay.
In the USA, the deregulation process is subject to Energy Policy Act of 1992 and to FERC orders 888 and 889 from 1996, and 2000 from 1999. These orders address first of all the wholesale Electricity Market. The FERC White Paper (Apr. 28, 2003) mentions some profound problems facing free market implementation to the end Consumers.
In Europe the process of liberalization is based on The Energy Charter Treaty and Directives 96/92/EC and 54/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the European Council, and on Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 of the European Parliament and of the European Council.
In the rest of the world the deregulation process is similar.
Because of EPS reorganization, many market designs have appeared and have passed through the early stages of maturity. Financial markets intertwine with bilateral and multilateral physical markets (public, common agreements). At least four physical markets complement each other in time: week-ahead, day-ahead, hour-ahead and real-time (balancing) markets. The Commodities traded there are power, ancillary and System Services (A&SSs), generation capacity or its availability, and transfer capacity or rights of using such capacity. Bidding and scheduling are provided either by the Power Exchange (PX) or the Pool or System Operator (ISO, RTO, etc.).
The rules for price clearing and settlement in today's market are very complicated.
Next in complexity is the management of network congestion chiefly because of the lack of tools for actual power path pricing.
The most complex problem is that of ensuring quality and stability where both the Electric Power System reliability and the real time market viability are concerned. To solve this problem is the task of both the ancillary and the balancing markets (some authors use the term ‘regulating market’). These markets allow the System Operator to keep the System in balance and to control power flows across the grid. The balancing market decisions are the subject of continual disputes because of the impossibility of distinguishing between Ancillary Services and balancing power produced by the same sources (Units).
All this complexity of market design and its rules entails a lack of price formation transparency. This awkwardness of implementation is at the root of the limited spread of such markets despite the best wishes of all those involved.
One of the main reasons for the above difficulties of existing Power Markets is that price 55 setting and clearing is separated in time and place from the generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.
The shortest known Balance power Single price interval/period is five minutes. Prices fixed over intervals so long cannot be used as an accurate balancing tool in rapidly changing environment in real EPS.
The retail prices paid by end power users do not reflect the changes at the level of wholesale clearing prices (at spot or real time market). As a result, the reaction of end Consumers is not adequate even when drastic generation or network changes occurred. A partial exemption from the prevalent situation described above is the control of the so cold price sensitive or interruptible loads. Therefore in the present state of the energy markets retail prices cannot serve as generally applicable market and physical regulator for power systems real time control.
Theoretical way of avoiding some of the enumerated shortcomings of today's' Electricity Markets is offered by theory of nodal real time prices, developed in [1]-[9]. Up to now the implementation of the theory have been based on increasingly complicated EPS' models in order to reflect ever more numerous real constraints. The increasing computational complexity makes the problem practically intractable. (“The software, hardware, manpower, and computational requirements . . . are formidable”[5]).
At the same time it is well known ([5]) that it is impossible to implement advanced nodal real time prices that permanently and adequately reflect the frequent changes in EPS constrains with out allowing reasonable flexibility in the satisfaction of requirements.
Therefore the approach of modelling all dynamic constraints is not satisfactory.
Because of these we suggest at the beginning to start implementation with the main advanced nodal price components by making them and the basic payment for electricity functions of a single parameter: active power. These price components have to be formed as shortly as possible (no longer then a few seconds) before the moment of power utilization. They have to be updated continually according to the actual operational conditions in entire EPS. We call these prices Dynamic Advanced Prices (DAP). Technical possibilities for the implementation of such prices can be available at reasonable costs.
The aim of this invention is to overcome the above-mentioned limitations inherent in today's market models. We suggest alternative approach to Electricity Market development by means of simplifying and decentralizing the formations and conversions and propagation of prices.
The approach is based on the inherent communication and information properties and potential of the existing power systems. It is described bellow followed by the novelties explained in the Claims.
We call the proposed method and system for the free physical trade of electric power a ‘Momentary Power Market’. This market unifies the whole sale with retail Markets and combines the sale of electricity according to bilateral and multilateral agreements with the market of Ancillary Services, as well as with an eqitable allocation of system-wide expenses for the obligatory services of the system operator and the transmission and distribution operators, in a manner proportionate to the use of these services by every market participant (an illustration of such a market is presented on
In order to realize the proposed continual preparatory adaptation to the expected real-time condition and the subsequent selective formation, transmutation, and propagation of the actual price, automated procedures are proposed.
The first automated procedure for planning, committing, and dispatching of power gives a forecast fit based on every Producer's freely determined bid for sale of electric power and on forecast conditions in the EPS. At this stage, Units submit to the system operator their bids for prices and power amounts for every hour in the immediately following twenty-four-hour period, not for a single interval of fixed prices. The system operator arranges the preliminary hourly prices and commits the Units for expected hourly power amounts for twenty-four hours ahead. This stage of preliminary dispatching is very similar to the existing practices of a day-ahead and hour-ahead markets. The principal difference is that these markets are merged and the closing time is shifted every hour.
In the second automated procedure, which is applied at every Single Price Period, the system operator determines the price and the dispatched amount of power or Ancillary Services, within every Unit's operational limits, that are to be realized over the next Single Price Period, and notifies the Unit operator of every Unit. The Unit operator verifies that the goods demanded of him and their price are within the previously agreed range and, if so, sends a confirmation to the system operator and adjusts the Unit governor to the given settings. If the verification fails, the Unit operator adjusts the Unit to the nearest acceptable settings and notifies the system operator. At the same time, the Unit operator declares/announces the actual price and sends it, along with the values of the two kinds of involuntary deviations realized over the preceding period, to the Transmuter at the Node where the Unit is connected.
In order to realize the proposed Momentary Power Market, a special system of prices and of devices has been developed and is proposed. The price system is called ‘Dynamic Advanced Prices’. These are based on the monetary balance at every point of the network of the mandatory exchange of ownership of the power actually passing through the point. Applied to the Nodes and Branches of the network, this balancing requirement defines the so-called ‘Node Equation’ and ‘Branch Equation’ that the prices must satisfy. From these equations follow formulae (1)-(27) described below. These determine the prices in function of a single parameter, the active power at the corresponding point of the network. The formulae are applied to the corresponding power amounts, measured by commercially accepted means, to the amount of power produced by every Unit, to the values of involuntary deviations between power contracted and actually consumed, as well as between power dispatched and actually produced, to the cost of power delivered to the Inlets of every Node, to the cost of services provided by every owner of a Node or a Branch and to the cost of system-wide services (Ancillary Services, System Services, liquidated damages and allowances), as well as to the cost of automatically introduced fees for the overcoming of bottlenecks. These formulae are programmed into devices specially dedicated to this purpose, which selectively and in a decentralized manner execute the activities of the preparation, formation, transmutation, and propagation of the Dynamic Advanced Prices. Each of these programmable devices is named according to the most important of its functions described below: a Bidder, a Scheduler, a Price Designator, a price Announcer, a Price Transmuter, an Intelligent Electric Meter. Along with all conventional devices and other necessary computing or communication devices, these are installed at the control board of every Unit operator and of the system operator, at network Nodes and at Consumer Outlets (an illustration of the ordering of these devices in a single-line diagram of a power system is presented on
In order to make possible the application of Dynamic Advanced Prices, a ‘method for the equitable Allocation of the cost of system-wide expenses’ was specially developed and is here proposed. In accordance with this method, the value of all system-wide expenses for ancillary services purchased by the system operator, for liquidated damages and allowances to which the system operator is subject, as well as the cost of System Services provided by him, are divided equitably among all market participants on the basis of a presumptive Unit Node price obtained from the actual costs by using Formulae (4), (11), and (12). This Unit Node price is an auxiliary value based on the assumption that system-wide services apply to all Units and that each of them must pay a share proportionate to the power actually provided by every Unit, whose resulting expense is ultimately passed on to the final user as part of the Dynamic Advanced Prices. The Units are thus responsible for a proportionate part of every system-wide service: this equals the amount of power the Unit produces times the quotient of the total cost of the service and the amount of power produced in the system. In order to reflect actual network expenses, this presumptive price is subsequently transmuted according to Formulae (4), (11a), and (12a) by the Transmuter at every Node and thus become part of the Dynamic Advanced Prices that are propagated down every Branch concurrently with the power flow.
In order to make possible the application of Dynamic Advanced Prices, a ‘method for the trade in Ancillary Services’ was also developed and is here proposed. Its characteristic is that payments between Units and the system operator of the ancillary service market are based only on the availability price of the ancillary service, which is used for the approval of bids and for the calculation and allocation, according to the system of equations (11), of the total value of System Services committed by the operator. The Unit attaches a second price to services upon their activation. At this point, two cases are possible: (i) if the activation causes an increase in the amount of power provided by the Unit, the excessive power is paid for by its Recipients at the price of power from the corresponding Unit, and (ii) if the activation causes a dicrease in the amount of power provided by the Unit, the difference is subject to security expenses and liquidated damages paid to the Unit operator. These are calculated by the system operator and are divided among all participants as system-wide expenses according to equation (5).
Since the proposed Node and Branch Equations and the resulting applied formulae are a universal abstraction applicable to every network, the corresponding calculations can be realised by a series of variants of devices by which information flow and calculations are managed. One such alternative embodiment is presented on
Another embodiment is characterized by the division of the functions of the ‘Intelligent Electric Meters’ between two devices: a ‘Price Receiver’ and a conventional commercial electric meter.
Yet another embodiment is characterized by the substitution for the ‘Intelligent Electric Meters’ of a special ‘Commercial System of Telemeasurement and Integration of Momentary Power Flows’ in combination with a ‘Detection System for the State of the Network’.
Finally, a combined embodiment can be realized, which is characterized by the selective execution of the two-stage procedure of continuous formation, transmutation, and propagation of the Dynamic Advanced Prices by a heterogeneous combination of devices for centralized and decentralized transmutation and propagation, so that partial realizations of the preceding variants are realized within a common power system.
The briefly laid-out technical essence of the invention is made clearer by the definitions and clarifications of terms for elements, methods, systems, and devices.
In order to avoid any misunderstandings, we start with a short list of terms that could involve different meanings than usual or that obtain a specific meaning in this invention:
According to the provider the Ancillary Services can be classified in two groups: Unit's and Node's services.
The Bidder and the Scheduler are devices similar to existing ones and their detailed description here would unnecessarily complicate the presentation. The Designator and the Announcer, on the other hand, are novelties, therefore we describe their functions in detail in the present invention.
Equations and Formulae Defining the Dynamic Advanced Prices
The proposed MPM price model takes into account the costs for power production, transmission, distribution and supply, for Ancillary and System Services, for security (liquidated damages and congestion fees), for transmission and distribution power losses and related allowances (for Consumers who reduce network losses or congestion expenses) and for all other indispensable network expenses. The costs for power production or liquidated damages, as well the costs for nodal services, emerge at the Node to which the corresponding Unit is connected and are propagated from there. The costs for power transmission or distribution and supply, as well as the related expenses for losses and congestion fees, emerge at the corresponding Branch through which power is transferred. In order to achieve a fair allocation of Ancillary and System service costs, we treat them according to the principle mentioned above and formally defined by the formulae below. The end Consumers are ultimately charged for all costs accumulated at the Node where the Consumer's Outlet is connected.
The Dynamic Advanced Prices incorporate the mentioned costs in such a way that the amounts charged for electricity become a function of a single parameter, namely, active power. The use of such prices is technically feasible at reasonable costs.
The invention as a whole and the Dynamic Advanced Prices in particular are based on the momentary balancing of power costs and charges for such costs at every single network point. We next describe this in greater detail.
Current flowing from the Units trough network elements towards the Consumers ideally carries not only power but also the cost for its production. If we imagine power as a transportable commodity passing to the next network point only if somebody buys it into his possession and then move it, we arrive at the idea of a system of charging under which at every subsequent network point costs incurred up to this point are offset by charges down the route of power flow. Thus we conceive an abstract flow of monetary amounts charged, which travels in the direction contrary to that of the power flow, thus from Consumers through network elements towards Producers, so as to offset the related costs. This concept illustrates the principle for balancing costs with amounts charged at every network point. Applying this principle to every Node and to both ends of every Branch, we define two equations for costs and prices—a Nodal Equation and a Branch Equation.
Theoretically, the case exists when the bilaterally contracted price at the Supplier's (Producer's) Node is higher than the actual price at the Consumer's Node. In such a case, the System Operator should have to pay a kind of an Allowance to the Consumer for his reducing the costs for transmission losses by more than the sum of network and congestion charges. For the sake of clarity, this theoretical case is not indicated in the formulae below, but its inclusion is straightforward.
The following notation is used:
Cg CZin, Cnod, CAS, CSS are the costs correspondently for generation g, for supplied flow Zin, for owner of the Node, for Ancillary and for System Services;
CLi, CiC&O, Csec are the correspondent costs for active power losses Li at Branch i caused by power flow Zin, for capital and operational costs of the owner of the Branch i, for security (congestion avoidance);
j—a Unit index;
J—the set of all connected and power generating Units j, ∀jεJ;
Jn—the set of all connected to Node n and power generating Units j, Jn⊂J;
Jα—the set of all Units providing ancillary serves α, Jα⊂J;
n,m,κ—Nodes indexes:
k—a index of Node k from which power is drawn out according to bilateral Agreement, ∀kεNk, Nk⊂N;
gjn—the recorded total power output in MW sold by Unit j to Node n for both bilaterally and public agreements during the corresponding Single Price Period (gjn=gδkjn+gjnp);
gδkjn—the recorded power in MW sold by Unit j to Node n for bilateral Agreement with Consumer δ connected to Node κ during the corresponding Single Price Period;
gjnp—the recorded power in MW sold by Unit j to Node n for public Agreement during the corresponding Single Price Period;
γjng—the sell price in $/MW or £/MW or /MW etc. announced by Unit's j Announcer for generation output g to Node n for the corresponding Single Price Period;
γjnδκ—the sell price in $/MW or £/MW or /MW etc. announced by Unit j Announcer for generation output dδkjn=gδkjn to Node k for bilateral Agreement with Consumer δ for the corresponding Single Price Period;
γjnp—the sell price in S/MW or £/MW or /MW etc. announced by Unit j Announcer for generation output gp to Node n for TransCo/DisCo according public Agreement for the corresponding Single Price Period;
α—an index for an ancillary in a volume criterion A;
γjα—the sell price in $/A or £/A or /A etc. announced by Unit j Announcer for commitment of an ancillary A for the corresponding Single Price Period;
j—a Branch index;
In—the set of all conjoined Branches i in Node n, In⊂I, ∀iεI;
Iin—the set of all Inlets supplying power Zin from Branches i to Node n during the corresponding Single Price Period, Iin⊂In;
Ini—the set of all Outlets carrying out power Zni from Node n trough Branch i to Node m or Consumer δ during the corresponding Single Price Period, Ini⊂In;
Zin—the recorded power in MW sold by Inlet i to Node n during the corresponding Single Price Period;
Zni—the recorded power in MW sold from Node n to Outlet i during the corresponding Single Price Period;
γin—the sell price in $/MW or £/MW or /MW etc. for the power Zin sold trough Branch i to his end Node n started from the Transmuter at the start Node m and received in the Transmuter at the end Node n;
γni—the sell price in $/MW or £/MW or /MW etc. for the power Zni sold from start Node n to Branch i;
γgAS—the assumptive nodal Unit power price in $/MW or £/MW or /MW etc. for total Ancillary Services costs remuneration, calculated by SO's Designator and received in every Transmuter to the Node of which at least a Unit is conjoint;
γgSS—the assumptive nodal Unit power price in $/MW or £/MW or /MW etc. for total System Services costs remuneration, calculated by SO's Designator and received in every Transmuter to the Node of which at least a Unit is conjoint;
γnodn—the sell price in $/MW or £/MW or /MW etc. for capital and operating nodal costs remuneration declared by the Node owner to the Node Transmuter, recalculated to outgoing from Node power;
δ—a Consumer index;
dδk—the total recorded power in MW sold to Consumer δ Outlet conjoint to Node k which is supplied simultaneously according bilateral Agreement (Unit j conjoint to Node n) and public Agreement (TransCo or DisCo) during the corresponding Single Price Period;
dδkjn=gδkjn—the bilaterally contracted power in MW sold to Consumer δ Outlet conjoint to Node k supplied from Unit j conjoint to Node n during the corresponding Single Price Period;
dδkp—the power in MW sold to Consumer δ Outlet conjoint to Node k supplied from public Agreement Supplier (TransCo or DisCo) during the corresponding Single Price Period, dδkp=dδk−dδkjn;
Bjδ—the Consumer δ charge in $ or £ or etc. according bilateral Agreement to Producer Unit j for corresponding Single Price Period;
Bp—the Consumer charge in $ or £ or etc. according public Agreement to TransCo/DisCo/PoolCo for corresponding Single Price Period;
Co′—is a compensation in $ or £ or etc. for involuntary difference between bilaterally contracted and actual power consumed for corresponding Single Price Period;
Co″—is a compensation in $ or £ or etc. for involuntary difference between dispatched and actual Unit power output for corresponding Single Price Period;
LD—is a sum in $ or £ or etc. for liquidated damages in case of SO order for a Unit output decrease for security reasons.
spp—Single Price Period.
The Nodal Equation for Balancing Costs with Amounts Charged
The Nodal equation for prices defines relations between prices for power and services entering into a Node and prices for power outgoing from the same Node. This equation is based on the balance between costs and amounts charged at the Node and also on the principle that charges at the outgoing charging points have to remunerate all costs collected or incurred at the Node.
At Node n, every Single Price Period has an associated sum of costs. The first term in this sum represents the costs for power supplied by Units; it includes the compensation for any previous involuntary deviations and liquidated damages (if any output decrease is ordered by the SO.) The second term represents the costs for incoming power from Inlets. The third represents the Node owner's costs incl. nodal services cost. The fourth represents the System Operator's costs for Ancillary Services provided by Units. The fifth one represents the System Operator's costs for System Services. These total costs are balanced by charges for all Outlet power flows.
Hence the Nodal Equation that expresses the balance of costs with charges is as follow:
Detailed Costs Consideration:
A few Units j and Consumers δ can be conjoint to the Node n in a common case. A Consumers demand can be supplied by a Producer based on a bilateral agreement (dδkjn=gδkjn) or by the public Supplier (dδkp) or simultaneously dδk=dδkp+dδkjn.
A Unit j can supply power for a few Consumers by bilateral agreements (gδkjn) or for the Pool/TransCo/DisCo/RTO (gjnp) i.e.
The costs that a Units jεJn have to charge for these power supplied to Node n is:
The costs that all Units jεJn conjoint to a Node n have to charge for the power supplied to the Node n is:
These costs, as well the costs for Inlet's power, the owner' costs, and the System Operator' costs for Ancillary and System Services, have to be remunerateed by the cost of the total power outgoing from the Node n. Hence the Units' part price for charging outgoing from a Node n power is defined as:
By analogy with a Unit j the Inlet i supply to a Node n power Zin on price γin
The costs that all Inlets iεIin conjoint to Node n have to charge to Node n for the power Zin supplied is:
These costs, as well the costs for Unit's power, the owner' costs, and the System Operator' costs for Ancillary and System Services, have to be remunerate by the cost of the total power outgoing from Node n. Hence the Inlet's part price for charging outgoing from a Node n power is defined as:
The costs for the Node n owner for a single price interval (price of the services provided by the owner of the Node) include operational and capital costs and profit recalculated for a Single Price Period. These costs, as well the costs for Unit's power, the costs for Inlet's power, and the System Operator' costs for Ancillary and System Services, have to be remunerate by the cost of the total power outgoing from Node n. Hence the Node owner' part price for charging outgoing from a Node n power is defined as:
In addition to the power a Unit j can provide to a Node n also an Ancillary Service a measured by criterion A on price γjα in $/A or £/A or /A etc. That is the price for availability of the service.
The costs a Unit j conjoint to a Node n has to charge to the System Operator for Ancillary service α are:
The total costs that all Units jεJα⊂J have to charge to the System operator for provided Ancillary Services to the whole EPS are:
This sum of the actual Ancillary Services costs (10) is defined by the System Operator's Designator for every Single Price Period. The costs incur at the Node to which the providers of specific Ancillary Services are conjoint but are paid finally by all users of the services i.e. all final Consumers. All final Consumers have to pay equally allocated charges for Ancillary Services and for the rest of the system-wide costs (System Services and network security support includes liquidated damages, allowances and congestion fees).
The equal allocation is provided by the System Operator's Designator in combination with Nodal Transmuters. The Designator converts the actual sum of charges into assumptive nodal Unit power price (generation price parts, allocated to every Node to which at least a Unit is conjoint). The assumptive price is proportional to the partition between total AS costs and the total power output of the all Units. We assume this price is an added part to the Unit production price that starts at every Unit (not only at AS providers). That is why the assumptive price has to be transmitted to every Transmuter to which Node at least a Unit is conjoint. There this price adds to individual Unit price and the other nodal price parts. The result is converted into price for outgoing power and is transmitted again according the price way (opposite to power flows). Similar Principle is suggested for the System Services, provided directly from the System operator to all Producers and Consumers. Based on the mentioned assumption and explanations, this added price part, by which the Ancillary costs start at each Unit charging point, is equal for all Units and is defined as:
Hence the Ancillary Services price, recalculated to outgoing from Node n power Zni (by which the Ancillary costs start at Outlets charging point level) is equal for all Outlets at Node n and is define as:
By analogy to the Ancillary Services we define the assumptive nodal Unit power price (added Unit power price part for the System Services γgSS, recalculated to Units generation gjn). This assumptive price is equal for all the Units in all the Nodes at which System Services costs start (Unit charging point level) and is:
Hence the System Services price, recalculated to outgoing from Node n power Zni (by which System Services costs start at Outlets charging point level) is equal for all Outlets at Node n and is define as:
The price for power outgoing from Node n to Branch i
Based on the formulae composed so far we can define the price for power outgoing from Node n to Branch i as a sum of all price parts in (5), (7), (8), (11a), (12a):
For Nodes with no conjoint Unit equation (13) reduces to:
γni=γZni+γnodni (14).
The costs equation (3) is programmed on the Announcer of every Unit.
The costs/prices equations (10), (11) and (12) are programmed on the Price Desgnator.
The price equation (13) or respectively (14), as well their terms (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (11a) and (12a) are programmed on the Transmuter of every Node. Based on these the data recorded on meters or received from the Announcers and from the Price Designator are converted into price for power outgoing from Node n (periodically at each Single Price Period or upon certain changes of data). Then the converted prices are transmitted to next connected Node m.
The Branch Equation for Balancing Costs with Amounts Charged
The Branch equation for balancing costs with charges defines relations between price γni for power Zni at the beginning/starting charging point of the Branch i, connecting Node n with Node m, and the price γim of power Zim at the end point of the same Branch. This equation is based on the balance between costs and charges along the Branch i.e. on the principle that charges at the end charging point have to remunerate all costs incurred along the Branch.
A sum of costs imports or incurs every Single Price Period along the Branch. The first term of the sum represents the costs for transferred/distributed power at the beginning/starting point of the Branch. The second term of the sum represents the costs of losses trough the Branch. The third one represents Branch owner' costs. The forth one represents the costs for congestion avoidance in case if actual transferred capacity is biggest then maximum allowed transferred capacity (both by thermal or by stability constraints). The total costs have to be remunerated by the charges/receipts for the power flow at the end of the same Branch.
The Node n is the beginning point of Branch i if power is directed from Node n to Branch i correspondently Node m. The beginning point moves to Node m if power changes its direction and Node n becomes end point. Theoretically both Nodes n and m can be beginning points at one and the same Single Price Period. It happens when both nods supply Branch losses only. It is impossible to remunerate the Branch owner' costs in this case. Such periods have to be considered when the Branch owners calculate their Single Price Period costs.
Hence the Branch equation that expresses costs with charges balance is as follow:
γniZni+CLi+CiC&O+Csec=(γni+γ′iL+γ′iC&O+γ′isec) Zni=γimZim (15).
The costs CLi include costs for real power losses Li caused by transmitted/distributed power Zni trough Branch i . The Corona losses do not depend on a power flow Zni and it is more easy and correct to be including in operational expenses of the Branch.
The price for losses γ′iL, by which the costs CLi have to be remunerated, is determined at the beginning of the Branch i (noted ′) as follow:
The costs CiC&O include capital and operational costs and the profit for the owner of the Branch i or in another words total cost of transmission/distribution services of this Branch for a Single Price Period.
The price for capital and operational costs γ′iC&O, by which the costs CiC&O have to be remunerated, is determined at the beginning of the Branch i (noted ′) as follow:
The costs Csec include costs for security (congestion avoidance). Here is proposed an example based on a quadratic penalty function for congestion fee P calculation.
P=0 if (s
where s is a security marginal factor, for example s=0.9.
The price γ′isec for these costs is determined to the beginning point of Branch i (noted ′) as follow:
Upon rewriting Branch price equation (15) for the price γim, of the power Zim at the end Branch charging point became:
γim=γni+γ′iL+γ′iC&O+γ′isec (19).
The Branch price equation (19) and its terms (16), (17) and (18) are programmed on the Transmuter of each Node. Based on this the beginning charging point price γni which comes from Node n (connected to Node m by Branch i) is increase with the price for losses γ′iL (caused by recorded on meters power flow Zni and Zim) and with the price γ′iC&O for received from Branch owner costs and finally with the price for congestion fee γ′isec. Thus the beginning charging point price γni is converted to the price γim for outgoing from the Branch i power, which at the same time is an Inlet i price for the Node m. The latter is used as an input data for the Transmuter at Node m according equation (13) or (14).
Prices Rout
Presumably the power sell prices γδkjn according bilateral agreements are long term prices. Similar is the case for the Ancillary Services prices γjαn.
The Unit's power sell prices γjnp according Public agreement can be based equal on expenses/costs Principle or on Producer's strategy and tactics for market interest [11], [14], [15]-[17], [23], [28]. It is our believe that the market participation theory will bear further development after this invention became published.
We presume an almost automated procedure for price preparation, formation and propagation. It envisages two stages: preliminary adjustment of the hourly bids and a constant repetition of price formation and propagation for every Single Price Period (see
At the preliminary scheduling & dispatching phase the Units bid their bids time and again not for every Single Price Period but hour by hour for a floating day ahead. This is a process for adjusting the bids with coming actual conditions. The aim of this phase is to clear hourly bids and to commit the Units for a floating day ahead according their bid price (price quota curve). The preliminary adjustment, scheduling and dispatching phase is very similar to the known practices in day and hour ahead markets. The main difference is that these markets are merged and the closing time is shifted every hour. It closes for example one hour before the actual hour starts.
The second phase consist of a constant repetition of price formation and propagation for every Single Price Period inside the actual going hour. At the moment ‘t-spp’ (let say a minute before the actual Single Price Period starting in the moment t) the System Operator designates the output level (operation point) and the respective price inner to the operational rang and price curve (adjusted bid). In case of shut down or starting up for coming actual single period(s) the System operator designates the new Unit status and notices Unit operators for this. The Announcer of Units verify that these price and product demanded fit within the previously contracted constraints and in case it is so to send the confirmation back to the System Operator and to set out the governor according system operator's notice. If the verification fails the Announcer substitutes the likely acceptable value and sends it to the System Operator with an error notification. In addition to this Unit Announcer set out compensation costs for two types of deviations: (i) between bilaterally contracted and actual consumption according equation (26), (ii) between dispatched and actual Unit power output for every Single Price Period according equation (27). If the Announcer receives from the Designator a non-zero value for liquidated damages it adds this value to the correspondent costs.
At the moment t the Announcer sends the actual costs (Cjn) of its output to the nodal Transmuter at the Node to which the Unit is connected, calculated according equation (3). The Announcer sends also the actual Ancillary Services costs of the Unit j (Cjαn) to the System Operator's or Distribution Operator's Price Designator, calculated according equation (9). Price Designator receives also the actual Unit output (gjn) from the Transmuters and calculates the price parts for Ancillary γgAs and for System γgSS services by formula (11) and (12) and sends them to every Transmuter at the Node to which at least one generation Inlet is actual.
At the moment t+spp (end of actual Single Price Period) the Transmuter in the Node n reads recorded power flows on every Inlet Zin, prices for this powers γZin and nodal owner costs Cnod. Transmuter calculates price γZni for outgoing flows Zni by formula (13) or (14) for all Outlets (including Consumer's one) from Node n, iεIn.
If we neglect time for nodal Transmuter calculations we can assume that at the same moment t+spp prices γZni and power Zni are transmitted via Inlet i to the Node m (end charging point for Branch i connecting n with m). In few milliseconds Transmuter in Node m receives prices γZni. The power flow Zim, costs CiC&O and security fee (if any) are already recorded on the Transmuter at Node m. This Transmuter adds price components γ′iL, γ′iC&O, and γ′isec to the price γZni according formula (16), (17), (18) and (19). The resulted price γZim is considered as an Inlet price to the Node m. Then the Transmuter recalculates the prices for Outlets from Node m in analogy of explanation for Node n above.
In this sequence, following flow direction on all Branches, the initiated prices are recalculated and converted and in few seconds this iteration and circulating process reach congruence. In a regulated technology cycle of not more than few seconds every final Consumer could receive in his intelligent meter the official price for public power supply γki for the actual Single Price Period already passed.
The process for price formation and propagation explained briefly above is perpetually repeated for every Single Price Period (spp).
Main Features of Charging, Settlement and Payment
The every intelligent meter receives the price for every Single Price Period and measures the electrical energy transferred or used over that period. It than calculates the average power between two price changes and stores both the power and the price for the single period. Then the meter calculates the hourly, daily, weekly or monthly bill. These data can be stored for archive and for forecast purposes. They are available for both the Supplier and the Recipient. Thus every market participant is informed about actual or historical price or power or bill. Every one of them controls the value he is interested in: the power or the energy supplied, or transferred, or distributed, or consumed and of course the costs or the charges or the liabilities. Client is not any more forced to wait for some body to read meters then to make billing and settlement for him. By simple procedures Consumers can check their bills and can arrange automated payments. The simplicity and the other advantages are obvious.
In case of mixed power supply simultaneously from specified Producer (Unit j) and from public Supplier there is a necessity for some more explanations. There are three cases subject to difference between actual consumed/recorded power dδk and bilateral contracted one dδkjn.
At the first case the actual consumed/recorded power dδk and the bilaterally contracted one dδkjn are equal (the difference is in a contracted tolerance margin). The Consumer is charged for this supplied power gδkjn=dδkjn by Unit's costs
Bjδ=γδkjngδkjn=γδkjndδjn (20)
based on the contracted price γδkjn. The Consumer also has to pay to TransCo/DisCo for transmission/distribution power dδkjn a service fee based on the difference between public price at the Node n (where Unit j is conjoint) and the public price at Node k amounted to
jn(γZki−γjZni) (21).
At the second case the actual consumed/recorded power dδk is bigger than the bilaterally contracted one dδkjn=gδkjn. The Consumer is charged by the Producer (Unit) for the supplied power gδkjn based on the contracted price γδkjn by a bill
Bjδ=γδkjngδkjn=γδkjndδkjn (22),
and by TransCo/DisCo for a service payment based on the difference between the public price at Node n (where Unit j is conjoint) and the public price at Node k a bill Bp′ according equation (21).
In addition to this the Consumer has to pay to the public TransCo/DisCo the excess consumed power dδk−gδkjn on the TransCo/DisCo price γZki at the Node k a bill amounted to
p″=γZki(dδk−gδkjn) (23).
At the third case the actual consumed/recorded power dδk is less than the bilaterally contracted one dδkjn. The Consumer has to pay for the supplied power gδk to Producer (Unit) based on contacted conditions (usually a payment on contracted price γδkjn plus a liquidated damages) a bill
δ=γδkjndδk+contracted penalty (24).
The Consumer has to pay to the public TransCo/DisCo a service payment based on the difference between the public price in Node n (where Unit j is conjoint) and the public price in Node k that is similar to this of equation (21) and amounts to
δk(γZki−γjZni) (25).
In addition to said above the Producer (Unit) has to pay to or is being paid from the owner of the Node n (to which Unit j is conjoint) as a primary compensation for involuntary delivery of difference gδkjn−dδk to/from TransCo/DisCo. This delivery difference is charged based on the price difference between initiated bilateral and public price i.e.
Co′=(gδkjn−dδk)(γδkjn−γjnp) (26).
By the Announcer at Unit j this compensation is added/subtracted to/from costs/incomes of Unit j in formulae (3) and is compensated for the second to the last Single Price Period.
In the case a Unit output gjn is less or bigger than tolerance margin of the dispatched value gjnd a second compensation for involuntary delivery of difference gjn−gjnd to/from TransCo/DisCo is calculated based on public nodal price i.e.
Co″=(gjn−gjnd)γjnp (27).
By the Announcer at Unit j this second compensation is added/subtracted to/from costs/incomes of Unit j in formulae (3) and is compensated for the second to the last Single Price Period.
In the case when System Operator is charged by a non-zero liquidated damages the value of this damages LD also has to be added to the incomes of a Unit j according to the formulae (3).
MPM Advantages
At the end of technical essence of the invention described above we present briefly some of the advantages of our approach in comparison with the existing market models:
The invention will be better described with reference to the next drawings, in which:
We present here a detailed account of the ways of carrying out the invention claimed. Nevertheless the explanation as well figures described above have been simplified to illustrate features that are relevant for a clear understanding of the present invention, while eliminating, for purposes of clarity, other components found in a typical Electricity Markets of contemporary EPSs. For example, bidding and clearing systems, specific operating system details, rules or facilities like communication carriers; SCADA/EMS or WAMS and other applications are not treated. Those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that other elements are desirable or required in order for the Momentary Power Market suggested by the present invention to reach an operational state. However, because such elements are well known in the art, and because they do not contribute to a better understanding of the present invention, a discussion of such elements is not provided herein.
The main embodiment of the invention pertains to integration in infrastructure and functioning of Power Market and power systems. It envisages a single market, where adjustment and balancing are the result of three concurrent activities: the preliminary adaptation to expected real-time conditions, the fixing of the trading price for the current time (next Single Price Period), and the compensation of involuntary deviations that have occurred during preceding Single Price Period (see also market illustration on
On the basis of every Producer's freely determined hourly bids for sale of electric power or Ancillary Services the System (Distribution) operator provides clearing, scheduling and commitment every hour for a floating day ahead. In the second automated procedure, which is applied at every Single Price Period, the system operator determines the price and the dispatched amount of power or Ancillary Services, within every Unit's working range, that are to be realized over the next Single Price Period, and notifies the Unit operator of every Unit. The Unit operator verifies that the goods demanded of him and their price are within the previously agreed range and, if so, sends a confirmation to the system operator and adjusts the Unit governor to the given settings. If the verification fails, the Unit operator adjusts the Unit to the nearest acceptable settings and notifies the system operator. At the same time, the Unit operator declares/announces the actual price and sends it, along with the values of the two kinds of involuntary deviations realized over the preceding period, to the Transmuter at the Node where the Unit is connected. Then these prices went trough a decentralized conversion and transmitting (jargonized here ‘transmution’) of the actual prices to every network Node including final Consumers by means/using power network as communication and model environment based on an improvement of existing data acquisition subsystem. In order to provide such functions a system of devises are proposed, named here Bidder, Scheduler, Price Designator, Price Announcer, Price Transmuter and Intelligent Electrometer (see
The characteristics of the MPM main embodiment are as follow:
The power transmission or distribution via Nodes or Branches is a service but not good. The owners of network elements are obligated for provision of such service. They charge power Recipients for service costs. The charge results on the total expenses divided to the power transferred for a Single Price Period.
The procedure explained in last three paragraphs is a quite automated one. It is repeating for every subsequent Single Price Period. By this and all other indispensable functions the System Operator provides System Services. The fulfilment of this procedure is confided on programmable devices named by us a Bidder, a Scheduler, a Price Designator, a price Announcer, a Price Transmuter, and an Intelligent Electric Meter. The first two devices are similar to the known art and we do not treat them. The lasts are new suggested devices. Their functions are defined in this invention.
The procedure proposed replaces known art for “real time operation” (scheduling in day ahead market following by rescheduling in the hour ahead market and than finally again re despatching in balancing/regulating market). Based on the floating forecast for the EPS' conditions in a constantly decreasing very short time horizon (reach to 5-10 seconds) the adjustment process will bring Units operation output level gradually very near to actual demand willingness according to actual operational conditions in EPS which will happen in next Single Price Period. Providers of Ancillary Services will regulate the possible smallest residual imbalance. At the time of contingency (Unit or Branch tripping) the network state changes rapidly in comparison to the forecasted. Based on the suggested procedure the prices on affected Nodes will change almost immediately at next Single Price Period. The Units and Consumers concerned are able for quickly and adequately respond to such changes. By this procedure the scheduling/dispatching process became more similar to the AGS process. The only difference is the parameter. In the case of AGC this is the Area Control Error (ACE) and it is a common for entire EPS parameter. In the case of Momentary Power Market this is the price and it is a local parameter.
In order to avoid complications in this description we do not mention the process of Ancillary Services planning, bidding, scheduling, committing, and dispatching etc. because this is similar to the process applied to power described up to now. As reader is already fined out we do not consider Financial Markets and contracts nor prices and billing conditions in Bilaterally agreements because these topics are beyond the subject of our invention. At the same time we have light here sufficiently the influence of Bilaterally agreements to the rest of market participants in the frame of Momentary Power Market.
The proposed Nodal Equation and Branch Equation are universal in character, as are the applied formulae derived from them. The application of these can be realized by means of various devices and different organization types of information flows. Thus, a variant embodiment is illustrated on
One could, of course, list various combinations of calculation and communication devices for realizing a Momentary Power Market. The list of examples could be extended by an embodiment in which the commercially accepted means of power measurement are replaced by a subsystem for determining the network state and the distribution of power flows. Another embodiment has the Intelligent Electric Meters that measure power and register its price at the same time replaced by two separate devices. An embodiment with a missing Price Designator, however, is not recommended, since the owner of electric power ought himself to declare the price at which he sells that power.
In the final account, the competitive pressure for saving even fractions of seconds in the process of price formation and propagation ought to determine the preferred embodiment of the present invention with its set of devices and with its organization of a communication environment. Most likely, optimisation would result in a combination of a centralized and a decentralized approach, the composition of which may change in time along with the technical improvement of devices and their competitive characteristics.
The deregulation of Electricity Markets worldwide is accompanied by an increased number of issues relating to the reliability (adequacy and security) of Power Systems. The resulting weakened functioning of Power Systems determines certain failures in Electricity Markets. This poor market viability leads to a number of problems, the solution for which necessitates the creation of increasingly detailed rules for the market participants. Thus, a paradox arises: after deregulation, the regulation rules become greater in number and even more complex than before. Furthermore, the rules for price formation become less transparent than under the traditional paradigm.
Thus, the greater complexity relating to reliability, as well as the known curse of the dimension and complexity of the models, could become an obstacle to the development of free energy markets.
The object of our invention is to propose avoidance of some obstacles facing free electric Power Market enlargement.
The present invention achieves this objective and others as set out in the claims enclosed. The main feature of suggested improvements is the unification of physical and market functions in a common/mutual market environment for every market participant: Producer, transmitter, distributor, Consumer, operator. We name shortly this improved power systems “Momentary Power Market” (MPM).
In accordance with the present invention such a Power Market is founded on practically possible implementation of main components of well-known advanced nodal prices [5]. We name invented prices Dynamic Advanced Prices (DAP). These prices are forming not on a model but on the actual operating EPS at the places where the expenses are incurred. The constantly updated prices start their rout at each Unit. Then they are transmitted and immediately converted trough every network element. By this prices reflect the costs for transmission and distribution of the actual active power flows. The recalculation of current prices at each Node is done based on simple formulae and reliable devices.
Our approach for prices formation and propagation replaces tremendous dynamic models and insurmountable complexity of prices determination and dissemination in the existing markets. This affords an opportunity for prices formation and propagation in a Single Price Period not longer than a few seconds. This enables Consumers and other market participants to react with the same rate as automatic generation control.
All of these can drastically change the activities of all parties to the market. Every participant can take his decision for price response and can activate his automated reaction at the very moment based on an adoptive behaviour strategy programmed in advance. The Producer will be able to react to changes in the demand, the end user—to the changes in the supply, including changes dictated by emergencies. The system operator will have qualitatively new tools to dynamically and optimally control the operations. This would be based on measured (and not modelled) values. Of course, this result could only be achieved when the current energy meters become versatile devices that are able to receive and code 1) the prices and 2) the power levels that have been used. Two separate devices rather than one could technically perform these two functions. However, we consider the first possibility to be more logical and potentially more efficient. Thus, energy meters, when equipped with an array of computer programs, could become capable of synthesizing bills, analysing and projecting data, controlling, informing and advising users, and even serving as financial intermediaries through which we can pay our bills. This is not a dream but a technological and trade challenge that can change our ideas about electricity usage very soon.
A comparison with the existing market models provides justification for the apparent boldness off these claims.
For simplicity we have discussed here mostly on a single hierarchical level of entire Interconnection (union of EPSs): Transmission System and correspondent System Operator. Occasionally we have mention Distribution level for reminding analogy. Obviously at a stage of MPM applying a system of rules has to be implemented for relationships between different hierarchical levels or neighbour EPS and their Operators or Distribution Systems and their Operators and finally for relationships between all market participants in the frame of a specific Momentary Power Market design for the entire Interconnection. The problems caused of different market rules (so cold “seam cases”) at each interface between national or area neighbour systems or between Transmission and Distribution level will seas if MPM is implemented because a common price rule for entire Interconnection will be adopted. Than one could accept our explanation enough because the matter is similar and repeated for the rest of EPS participated in the Interconnection. Thus complexity of the mater is not harmed and those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that Momentary Power Market could function for a single EPS or for entire interconnected EPS not limited in size in all real life market different intricacy.
At the same time we have to emphasize that the industrial implementation of Momentary Power Market cannot take place before certain problems and challenges associated with it are resolved. Broadly speaking, it is necessary to understand the balance of potential interests that could be stimulated relative to the interests that could potentially be stifled through the introduction of such a sensitive market. This suggests:
Finally, it seems that a pilot implementation of the Momentary Power Market in the Electrical Power System of a state, or at least in a restricted part of an EPS will provide answers to most of the questions mentioned. Such a pilot project would build experience and would indicate the correct way to proceed with the global implementation of the Momentary Power Market.
What was said so far does not in any way suggest we are taking sides on the advantages and disadvantages of the liberalization of the Electricity Markets. As we consider the liberalization inevitable, it is best that it unfold with the least possible negative impact on social development. This is why we created and described the foundations of Momentary Power Market. Initially it may create negative feelings, disturbance or shock. We hope that after this initial reaction is overcome, our proposal would contribute to social welfare.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
108851 | Aug 2004 | BG | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/BG2004/000023 | 12/2/2004 | WO | 00 | 1/16/2009 |