S. M. Bergmann and D. P. Taylor, "Error-rate for the 9600 Bps signalling configuration of the V29 modem". Canadian Elec. Eng. J. vol. 6, No. 1, 1981, pp. 16-19. |
"The Viterbi Algorithm", by G. D. Forney Jr., Proceedings of the IEEE, Mar. 1973, vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 268-278. |
"Channel Coding with Multilevel/Phase Signals", by G. Ungerboeck, IEEE Transaction on Inform. Theory, Jan. 1982, vol. 1T-28, pp. 55-67. |
"PCM/FDMA Satellite Telephony with 4-Dimensionally-Coded Quadrature Amplitude modulation", by Welti, COMSAT Tech. Review, vol. 6, No. 2, 1976, pp. 323-338. |
"Four-Dimensional Modulation and Coding: An Alternate to Frequency-Reuse", by Wilson et al. Research Lab. for Eng. Science, U. of Virginia, Sep. 1983, No. UVA/532422/EE84/102. |
"Efficient Modulation for Band-Limited Channels", by Forney et al., IEEE Trans. on Communications, July 1984 (special edition to be issued). |
"Efficient Modulation for Bank-Limited Channels", by G. D. Forney, Jr., et al. IEEE Jour. on Selected Areas in Com., vol. SAC-2, No. 5, Sep. 1984, pp. 632-647. |