Mechanical Engineering Department, Wichita State University, "Design and Analysis of a Wall Climbing Robot" B. Bahr, Y. Li, and M. Najafi. |
The National Institute for Aviation Research, Witchita State University, "Wall-Climbing Robot in an Unstructured Environment" Behnam Bahr, Ph.D. |
Mechanical Engineering Department, Wichita State University, "Wall Climbing Robots for Aircraft, Ships, Nuclear Power Plants, Sky Scrapers, etc." Behnam Bahr, Yusheng Yin. |
JSME International Journal, Dynamic Behavior of Crawler-Type Vehicles* (The Experimental Examination of Straight Propelling) Hiroyuki Sogo, Mitsuhiko Hasegawa, Masajiro Abe, Hiroshi Ito and Shingo Kage. |
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon Universith Pittsburgh PA, "Mobile Robots for Difficult Measurements in Difficult Environments: Application to Aging Aqircraft Inspection" M. W. Siegel. |
Final Version, 94-Mar.-17, Automation Tools for Nondestructive Inspection Aircraft: Promise of Technology Transfer from the Civilian to the Military Sector Chris Seher, Mel Siegel, and William M. Kaufman pp. 1-9. |
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute, Robotics Institute "The Development of a Robotic System to Assist Aircraft Inspectors" C. J. Alberts and W. M. Kaufman. |
Carnegie Mellon University, The Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, "Vision Algorithms for Guiding the Automated Nondestructive Inspector of Aging Aircraft Skins" Ian Lane Davis and M. W. Siegel. |
JSME International Journal, Series C, vol. 38, No. 2, 1995, "A Study on Wall Surface Mobile Robots*" (Development of Moving Mechanism for Crawler-Type Wall Surface Mobile Robots with Vacuum Pads Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, Hideo Matsuura, Kenji Nishibori, Hitoshi Sadauchi and Naohito Yoshii. |
Boeing Advisor, Boeing Customer Services Division Publication, vol. 16, No. 5, May 1995, "Autocrawler a Candidate for NDT Testing". |