The present invention proposes a method of element transmutation by efficient neutron capture Ei(A, Z)+n→E*S(A+1,Z) of an initial “father” isotope, embedded in a diffusing medium which is highly transparent to neutrons and which has the appropriate physical properties as to enhance the occurrence of the capture process. The produced “daughter” nucleus, depending on the application, can either be used directly, or in turn, allowed for instance to beta-decay,
generally, to undergo an adequate: spontaneous nuclear transformation into another radio-active isotope.
Accordingly, the basis of the present transmutation scheme is a method of exposing a material to a neutron flux, wherein said material is distributed in a neutron-diffusing medium surrounding a neutron source, the diffusing medium being substantially transparent to neutrons and so arranged that neutron scattering within the diffusing medium substantially enhances the neutron flux, originating from the source, to which the material is exposed.
The device employed to achieve the efficient neutron capture according to the invention is referred to herein as a “Transmuter”. The term “transmutation” is understood herein to generally designate the transformation of a nuclear species into another nuclear species, having the same or a different atomic number Z.
The Transmuter is driven by an internal neutron source, which, depending on the application, can be of a large range of intensities and appropriate energy spectrum. It may be, for instance, a beam from a particle accelerator striking an appropriate neutron generating and/or multiplying target or, if a more modest level of activation is required, even a neutron-emitting radioactive source. The source is surrounded by a diffusing medium in which neutrons propagate, with a geometry and composition specifically designed to enhance the capture process. The material to be exposed to the neutron flux is located in a dispersed form inside the diffusing medium.
The Transmuter presently describe&relies on a vastly increased neutron capture efficiency. Neutron capture efficiency is defined as the capture probability in the sample for one initial neutron and unit mass of father element. It is designated by the symbol η, typically in units of g−. In the case of a gas, the mass is replaced with the unit volume at normal pressure and temperature conditions (n.p.t., i.e. atmospheric pressure and 21° C.), and the capture efficiency is indicated with ηv for which we use typical units of litre−1.
According to the invention, the increased neutron capture efficiency is achieved with the help of the nature and of the geometry of the medium surrounding the source, in which a small amount of the element to be transmitted is introduced in a diffused way:
The choice of the diffusing medium depends on the most appropriate energy at which neutron captures must occur. If neutrons are to be thermalised, i.e. captures have to occur at thermal energies (≈0.025 eV, only the previously mentioned feature (1) is used and a low A (atomic mass number) medium but very transparent to neutrons is to be used, like for instance reactor purity grade graphite or D2O (deuterated water).
If, instead, neutron capture has to be performed with father elements having large values of capture cross-section in correspondence with resonances, both features (1) and (2) are used and the best elements for the diffusing medium are Lead and Bismuth (or a mixture thereof), which have simultaneously an anomalously small neutron capture cross-section and a very small “lethargy”, ξ=9.54×10−3. According to the Shell Nuclear model, built in analogy to atomic electrons, “magic” numbers occur in correspondence of “closed” neutron or proton shells. Atomic number Z=82 is magic, so is the number of neutrons in correspondence of 208Pb. Magic number elements in the nuclear sense have a behaviour similar to the one of Noble Elements in the atomic scale. Therefore, the neutron transparency is the consequence of a specific nuclear property, similar to the one for electrons in noble gases. Lethargy (ξ) is defined as the fractional average energy loss at each neutron elastic collision. While 209Bi is a single isotope, natural Lead is made of 204Pb (1.4%), 206Pb (24.1%), 207Pb (22.1%) and 208Pb (52.4%), which have 10 quite different cross-sections. Isotopic enrichment of isotope 208Pb could be beneficial. However, the use of natural Pb will be more specifically considered herein, for its excellent neutron properties, low activation and its low cost.
The domain of applications of the present method of enhancement of neutron captures is very vast.
A first applicative aspect of the invention relates to a method of producing a useful isotope, which comprises transforming a first isotope by exposing a material containing said first isotope to a neutron flux as set forth hereabove, and the further step of recovering said useful isotope from the exposed material.
A second applicative aspect of the invention relates to a method of transmuting at least one long-lived isotope of a radioactive waste, by exposing a material containing said long-lived isotope to a neutron flux as set forth hereabove, wherein at least the portion of the diffusing medium where the exposed material is distributed is made of heavy elements, so that multiple elastic neutron collisions result in a slowly decreasing energy of the neutrons originating from the source.
(1) Activation of (Short-Lived) Isotopes for Industrial and Medical Applications.
In this case, the Transmuter will be denominated as the Activator.
Radio-nuclides are extensively used for medical diagnosis applications and more generally in Industry and Research. As well known, these nuclides are used as “tracing” elements, i.e. they are directly detectable within the patient or material under study because of their spontaneous radioactive decays. In order to minimise the integrated radio-toxicity, the half-life of the chosen tracing isotope should be short, ideally not much longer than the examination time. As a consequence, its utilisation is limited to a period of a few half-lives from activation, since the radioactivity of the isotope is decaying exponentially from the moment of production. Another application of growing interest for Radio-nuclides is the one of (cancer) Therapy, for which doses significantly larger than in the case of diagnosis are required. Most of these isotopes must have a relatively short half-life, since they are generally injected or implanted in the body of the patient. The main supplies for these isotopes are today from Nuclear Reactors and from particle accelerators in which a suitable target is irradiated with a charged particle beam.
The simplicity of the device proposed and its relatively modest cost and dimensions are intended to promote “local” production of short-lived radio-isotopes, thus eliminating costly, swift transportation and the consequent need of larger initial inventories and thus extending their practical utilisation. This is made possible by the high neutron capture efficiency as the result of the present method, which permits to produce the required amount of the radio-isotope with a relatively modest neutron generator.
The present method of neutron activation is intended to be a competitive alternative to Reactor-driven, neutron capture activation. In addition, several isotopes which are difficult to produce by activation with the (usually thermal) neutrons of an ordinary Reactor, can be produced using the broad energy spectrum of the neutrons in the Activator, extending to high energies and especially designed to make use of the large values of the cross-section in correspondence of resonances. This is the case for instance in the production of 99mTc (99Mo), widely used in medicine and which is nowadays generally chemically extracted from the Fission Fragments of spent Nuclear Fuel. According to the present method, this popular radio-isotope can be obtained, instead, by direct neutron resonant activation of a Molybdenum target, with the help of a much simpler and less costly Activator driven by small particle Accelerator. Incidentally, the total amount of additional, useless radioactive substances which have to be produced and handled in association with a given amount of this wanted radio-nuclide is also greatly reduced.
(2) Transmutation into Table Species of Offending, Long-Lived Radio-Isotopes, as an Alternatives to Geologic Storage.
In this case, the Transmuter will be denominated as the Waste Transmuter.
Since the totality of the sample should be ideally transmuted, a much stronger neutron source is required. Even for the strongest sources, the highest efficiency of neutron capture is crucial to the complete elimination. The present method of enhanced captures makes practical this technique of elimination.
Ordinary Nuclear Reactors. (Light Water Reactors, LWR) produce a considerable amount of radioactive waste. The radiotoxicity of such waste persists over very long periods of time, and it represents a major drawback of the Nuclear Technology. Fortunately, only a very small fraction of the waste resulting from a Reactor is responsible for the bulk of the long lasting radiotoxicity, and it is easily separable chemically.
In order of importance, the by far largest contribution comes from the Actinides other than Uranium (Trans-uranic elements, or TRU's), which represent about 1% of the waste by weight. These elements are fissionable under fast neutrons. Therefore, they may be eliminated with considerable extra recovered energy, for instance with the help of an Energy Amplifier (EA) as disclosed in International Patent Publication WO 95/12203(See C. Rubbia, “A High Gain Energy Amplifier Operated with Fast Neutrons”, AIP Conference Proceedings 346, International Conference on Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technologies and Applications, Las Vegas, July 1994). Next in importance for elimination are the Fission Fragments (FF), which are about 4% of the waste mass, and which divide into (1) stable elements (2) short-lived radio-nuclides and (3) long-lived radio-nuclides. The separation between short- and long-lived elements is naturally suggested by the 30 years half-life of 90Sr and 137Cs, which are dominating the FF activity at medium times (<500 years) after an initial cool-down of the fuel of a few years.
Finally, there are some activated materials, like the cladding of the fuel, which represent a much smaller problem, and which can be disposed without problems. Whilst the elimination of the TRU's is performed best by burning them in a fast neutron-driven EA, the present method of element transmutation can be used to transform the long-lived FF's into harmless, stable nuclear species (it is assumed that elements with half-life of less than 30 years may be left to decay naturally). The simultaneous elimination of the TRU's and of the long-lived FF's suggests the use of the core of the EA (in which TRU's are burnt) as the neutron source for the Transmuter, dedicated to the long-lived FF's. In this case, the Transmuter will surround the EA, using neutrons escaping from it.
The combination of the EA operated with TRU's and of the Transmuter as long-lived FF's Waste Transmuter is both environmentally very beneficial and economically advantageous, since (1) considerable additional energy is produced by the EA (>40% of the LWR) and (2) the simultaneous elimination of the FF's can be performed “parasitically”, with the help of the extra neutrons available. However, as already pointed out, in order to eliminate completely the unwanted FF's with these extra neutrons, a very high neutron capture efficiency is required, as made possible with the present method.
The method is first elucidated in some of the applications as Activator for medical and industrial applications. The procedures to be followed in order to prepare the radioactive sample are better illustrated by the following practical examples:
The activated Molybdenum sample is then handled according to a generally used procedure: transformed, for instance, in the form of an appropriate salt, it is captured in an Alumina absorber. The production of 99mTc proceeds inside the absorber through the subsequent decay reaction
The 99mTc (which has a relatively short τ1/2=6.01 h) is extracted in the form of the ion Tc4+, for instance by passing through the Mo sample in the Alumina (which remains insoluble) a solution of water with a small amount of NaCl. Since only a very small fraction of the compound is activated at each exposure, the Molybdenum “father” can be recycled, which is of economical importance if the Molybdenum is isotopically enriched, by flushing it from the Alumina absorber and repetitively re-introducing it in the Activator.
These cases are examples of the potentialities of the Transmuter operated in the Activator mode. Obviously, a variety of scenarios are possible, depending on the type of radio-isotope and of the specific application.
More generally, and as described in more detail later on, one can achieve capture efficiencies η which are of the order of η=1.74×10−6 g−1 of all produced neutrons for Mo activation (99mTc production), and of the order of η=2.61×10−5 g−1 for activating 128I in a pharmaceutical Iodine sample. If neutrons are produced by the source at constant rate S0=dn/dt for the period T, the number of activated daughter nuclei Nd(T) of decay constant τ (the decay constant τ is defined as the time for 1/e reduction of the sample. It is related to the half-life τ1/2 of the element by the relation τ≈τ1/2/ln(2)=1.4436×τ1/2) and from a mass m0 of the father element, builds up as:
We have indicated with dβ/dt the corresponding decay rate. An equilibrium sets between production and decay of the daughter element for T>>τ, in which decay dβ/dt and neutron capture rates m0 η dn/dt become equal. To produce, for instance, 0.1 GBq (dβ/dt=108 sec−1) of activation in each gram of sample material (m0=1 gram) at equilibrium, the neutron production rates required are then 108/(1.738×10−6)=5.75×1013 n/sec and 108/(2.61×10−5)=3.8×1012 n/sec in the above examples for 99mTc and 128I, respectively.
In the case of element activation through Fissium, let us indicate with ηf the efficiency for Fissium production (fission), and with λ the atomic fraction of the element in the Fissium. After an exposure time texp, and a reprocessing time trep of a fissionable mass m0, the activity of the extracted compound is given by:
The method is elucidated in the case of the transmutation of the long-lived FF's of the waste (spent fuel) from a typical Light Water Nuclear Reactor (LWR) Chemical reprocessing of the spent Fuel can separate:
Figures within parenthesis refer to standard LWR (≈1 GWattelectric) and 40 years of calendar operation. Burn-up conditions and initial Fuel composition refer to the specific case of Spain after 15 years of preliminary cool-down (we express our thanks to the company ENRESA for kindly supplying all relevant information in this respect)
FF's are neutron-rich isotopes, since they are the product of fission. It is a fortunate circumstance that all truly long-lived element in the waste are such that adding another neutron is, in general, sufficient to transform them into unstable elements of much shorter life, ending up quickly into stable elements. If elimination is simultaneously performed both for the TRU's and the selected FF's, the surplus of neutrons produced by fission can be exploited to transmute the latter as well, of course provided that the transmutation method makes an efficient use of the surplus neutron flux.
The simultaneous combination of TRU incineration and of selective FF transmutation is environmentally highly beneficial, since then only those products which are either stable or with acceptable half-life (<30 years) will remain. Contrary to chemical waste, which is generally permanent, natural decay of these elements makes them “degradable”. It is noted, for instance, that the elimination time of fluoro-carbons and of CO2 in the atmosphere of the order of several centuries.
In the case of an EA, the proposed method is directly applicable on the site of the Reactor, provided that a suitable (pyro-electric) reprocessing technique is used. Therefore, the combination closes the Nuclear Cycle, producing at the end of a reasonable period only Low Level Waste (LLW) which can be stored on a surface, presumably on the site of the Reactor.
The list of the major long-lived FF's from the discharge of nuclear fuel is given in the first column of Table 1, for a standard LWR (≈1 GWattelectric) and 40 years of calendar operation. The initial mass mi of each isotope and of the other isotopes of the same element are listed, as well as their half-lives τ1/2, expressed in years. Further separation of individual elements obviously requires isotopic separation technologies, which are not considered for the moment. Under irradiation, as will be shown later on, the rate of transmutation is, in a first approximation, proportional to the resonance integral, defined as Ires=∫σn,γ(E)dE/E and measured in barns (1 barn=1 b=10−24 cm2), σn,γ(E) being the cross-section of the (n,γ)-capture process for a neutron of energy E. As shown in Table 1, the daughter element (column “next”) is normally either stable, hence harmless, or short-lived, quickly decaying into a stable species (column “last”) The total activity ζ, in Cie, accumulated after the 40 years of operation is also shown. Since the lifetime of these elements is very long, unless they are transmuted, they must be safely stored without human surveillance.
As a measure of the magnitude of the storage problem, we have indicated the minimum diluting volume Vmin, in m3, required by the US Regulations (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Wastes”, Code of Federal Regulations, 10 CFR Part 61.55, May 19, 1989) for Low Level Waste and surface or shallow depth permanent storage, Class A (which means without active surveillance and intrusion protection). We review each element of Table 1 in order of decreasing storage volume:
The physiological effects of Technetium have been poorly studied (see K. E. Sheer et al, Nucl. Medicine, Vol. 3(214), 1962, and references therein). When Technetium is injected, it reaches almost all tissues of the organism, and it is retained by the stomach, blood, saliva and in particular by the thyroid gland (12 to 24%) (see K. V. Kotegov, Thesis, Leningrad LTI, 1965). Concentration of Technetium with a long life in the organism is very dangerous, since it may lead to lesions of the tissues by β-radiation. Its release in the Oceans is an irreversible process on the human time scale, and its long-term effects are largely unknown. The diffusion of 99Tc in the sea water is evidenced by the discharges arising from the reprocessing plants of nuclear fuel, which amount to date to about 106 GBq (the quantity due to nuclear weapon testing is about 10 to 15% of this value). Substantial amounts of animal and vegetal contamination, which are particularly strong in the immediate vicinity of the, reprocessing plants of Sellafield and La Hague (see E. Holm et al. “Technetium-99 in Algae from Temperate and Arctic Waters in the North Atlantic”, in “Technetium and the Environment” edited by G. Desmet et al, Elsevier Publishers, 1984, p.52), have been discovered all the way to Greenland (see A. AArkrog et al. “Time trend of 99Tc in Seaweed from Greenland Waters”, in “Technetium and the Environment” edited by G. Desmet et al, Elsevier Publishers, 1984, p.52) (the transfer time from Sellafield to Greenland has been measured to be 7 years). Fortunately,,Technetium is a pure isotope with a large resonant cross-section, leading to the stable 100Ru. Therefore, its elimination is the easiest, and for the above-mentioned reasons, it should be transmuted with the highest priority.
For these reasons it would seem appropriate to give high priority to the transmutation of 99Tc and 129I. The residual Class A definitive storage volume is thus reduced from 53971 m3 to 1463 m3, namely by a factor 37. Transmutation of 79Se may also be advisable, especially in view of the small quantities. Transmutation is not possible with 126Sn; for 135Cs, if needed at all, it must be delayed by several centuries in order to wait for the 137Cs to decay, unless an arduous, isotopic separation is performed.
The characteristics of the source are evidently application-dependent. We concentrate first on the requirements of the Activator mode of operation of the Transmuter. The requirements of the Transmuter operated to decontaminate waste will be considered next.
The Activator for medical and industrial purposes demands relatively small neutron intensities, though the required activity of the newly created radio-nuclide and the corresponding size of the initial sample to be activated depend strongly on the specific application and on the subsequent procedures of extraction and use. Many different types of compact neutron sources of adequate strength are commercially available, and may be relevant in various Activation applications with the present method. We list amongst them, in increasing function of the neutron intensity
The neutron source for a Waste Transmuter must be much stronger, since, as already mentioned, the sample must undergo a complete transformation. Neutrons may be directly produced by a Spallation source of the type (4) above or, even better, by a “leakage” source of type (5). In addition, neutrons must be efficiently captured by the elements to be transmuted. The minimal amount of captured neutrons required in ideal conditions is listed in Table 2, where neutron units are kilograms (1 kg of neutrons corresponds to 5.97×1026 neutrons) and elements are the ones listed in Table 1. In reality, an even larger number is required since the capture and subsequent transmutation probability αt is less than unity. The proposed scenario in which only 99Tc, 129I and 79Se are transmuted requires, according to Table 2, an ultimate 11.29/αt kg of neutrons dedicated to transmutation.
In the case of a source of type (4) above, one needs generally a higher energy and higher current proton beam. For proton kinetic energies of the order of or larger than 1 GeV and a Lead Spallation Target, the neutron yield corresponds to 40 MeV/neutron, i.e. 6.4'10−12 Joule/n. One kg of neutrons will then require 1.061×109 kWh, or 3.029 MWatt of average beam power during the illustrative 40 years of operation. Assuming an acceleration efficiency of 0.5, this corresponds to 6.05 MWatt of actual electric power. The ultimate 11.29 kg of neutrons will therefore require 68.40 MWatt of electric power for the whole duration of the LWR operation, corresponding to 6.8% of the electricity produced by the plant. Including capture efficiency etc., the fraction of electric power produced by the LWR needed to produce an equivalent transmutation of the selected long-lived FF's is of the order of 10% of the produced power. Evidently, off-peak energy production could be used.
This installed power and the associated large scale Accelerator represents a considerable investment and running costs. It would be more profitable to make direct use of fission-driven neutron multiplication intrinsic in the necessary parallel elimination of the TRU's (which has the additional advantage of being eso-energetic) i.e. choosing a source of the type (5) above. The simultaneous, complete incineration of the TRU's (10.178 ton) will produce a number of neutrons of the order of 106.02×αf kg, where αf is the fraction of neutrons generated per fission (in these indicative considerations, we have assumed that the average neutron multiplicity/fission is 2.5) which is made available to transmutation of FF's. We conclude that, in order to proceed concurrently with the TRU (the complete fission of the TRU's will produce an additional amount, of FF's (10.178 ton), which will have to be transmuted as well, in addition to the 38.051 ton of FF's from the waste of the LWR's ; this will be discussed in more detail later on) and FF elimination, αt×αf=0.106, implying a very efficient utilisation of surplus neutrons from the TRU's incineration process. It will be shown, however, that, it can be attained thanks to the present method.
With the help of the method here described, high rate of neutron captures can be achieved with relatively modest neutron fluxes. As a consequence, a practical, neutron-driven Activator can be achieved with simple and relatively cheap, small Accelerators which do not require large installations, like for instance is the case for Nuclear Reactors. The environmental impact and safety are far easier, since the Activator is not critical and it produces little extra activity apart from the one in the sample. The activation of the Lead block is limited mainly to the 209Pb isotope, which decays with a half-life of 3.2 hours into the stable 209Bi. Activation of the Graphite and of the Steel structures are also equally modest. The large Lead block constitutes a natural shielding to this activity, mostly concentrated in the centre of the Activator. All activated materials at the end of the Life of the installation qualify for direct LLW-Class A for surface storage, which is not the case for the Nuclear Reactor spent fuel. Licensing and operation of a low energy accelerator are infinitely easier than in the case of a Reactor.
In view of these considerations, of the growing need for radio-isotopes for medical and industrial applications and of the comparable efficiency of activation, the accelerator-driven neutron Activator based on the proposed flux enhancement method constitutes a valid alternative to the current radio-isotope production processes. Considering the variety of short-lived isotopes needed, for instance, for medical applications (see Tables 7, 8 and 9), a general-purpose accelerator can simultaneously produce those radio-isotopes for which charged particle activation is best suited and also those isotopes for which neutron capture is most convenient by means of an Activator as disclosed herein, thereby eliminating the need to rely on Nuclear Reactors in a general-purpose (local or regional) facility. This can be realised with relatively modest means and smaller environmental impact.
In the case of a Waste Transmuter, more powerful neutron sources are needed for the complete transmutation into stable elements of unwanted, long-lived radioactive waste. This can be achieved in principle with larger Accelerators and Spallation sources. In the case of the spent fuel from LWR's, since these elements have in general to be eliminated concurrently with the fissionable TRU waste, one can use the extra neutrons produced by their fission as a source for the Waste Transmuter, adding the Waste Transmuter to a fast Energy Amplifier or a Fast Reactor dedicated to the burning of the TRU's. The high efficiency of the present method ensures that both unwanted stockpiles can be effectively and simultaneously eliminated in the process.
a-c illustrate the captures in metallic Tellurium.
a is a general diagram of the Activator for a small target and low energy beam or radioactive target.
b is a general diagram of the Activator for a high energy beam and spallation neutrons.
a-b illustrate captures in 100 litres of 124Xe gas at n.p.t.
a-b are diagrammatic views of a Waste Transmuter configuration coupled to the EA:
In order to illustrate the method, we present first some simple, analytic considerations. These qualitative results are approximate. However, they provide some insight in the dynamics of the method. More detailed computer simulations will be reported further on.
Assume a large volume of transparent, diffusing medium, large enough in order to contain the neutron evolution. The source, assumed point-like, is located at its centre. Consider a neutron population in a large, uniform medium of N scattering centres per unit volume, with very small absorption cross-section cabs and a large scattering cross-section σsc. All other cross-sections are assumed to be negligible, as it is generally the case for neutrons of energy substantially smaller than 1 MeV. Since the angular distribution of these collisions is almost isotropic, they also have the important function of making the propagation of neutrons diffusive, and therefore maintain the neutrons “cloud” within a smaller containment volume.
The neutron flux φ(x,y,z) in such a volume is defined as the number of neutrons crossing the unit-area from all directions per unit time. At this point, the energy spectrum of the neutrons is not considered, namely the flux (and the corresponding cross-sections) are averaged over the energy spectrum. The reaction rate ρx, defined as the number of events per unit time and unit volume, for a process of cross-section σx is given by ρx=φNσx=φΣx, where Σx=Nσx stands for the macroscopic cross-section for the process x (x=sc for neutron elastic scattering, x=abs for neutron absorption, x=capt for neutron capture). For a steady state, Fick's law leads to the well-known differential equation:
where S is the neutron source strength, defined as the number of neutrons per unit volume and time, and D=1/(3εsc) is the diffusion coefficient for isotropic scattering. For anisotropic scattering, a correction must be introduced, i.e. D=1/[3Σsc(1-μ)], where μ=<cos θ> is the mean value of the cosine of the diffusion angle (note that for relatively slow neutrons and high A, μ≈0). As already pointed out in Paragraph 1.1, two indicative materials—amongst many—can be exemplified as practical diffusing media for the present method, namely Carbon (using the density of reactor-grade graphite, d=1.70 g/cm3 and thermal neutrons cross-sections), for which D=8.6 mm and Lead, for which D=10.1 mm. These media exemplify the alternatives of quickly and slowly thermalising media, respectively.
In order to achieve an effective rate of activation, the neutron flux must be as high as possible. If we place a point source at the origin of the coordinate system, Equation [3] will hold everywhere with S=0, except at the source. The approximate solution of the differential equation is:
where S0 is the rate of neutrons from the source per unit of time (n/sec). The elastic scattering cross-section being large and the absorption cross section very small, D is a small number (of the order of the centimetre), while 1/κ is large (of the order of meters). For a region close to the source, namely κr<<1, the flux is given by φ(r)≈S0/(4πDr), namely is considerably enhanced with respect to the flux in absence of diffuser φ0(r)≈S0/(4πr2). For a typical sample distance of r=30 cm, the enhancement factor F=φ(r)/φ0(r)=r/D is very, substantial for instance for Carbon where F=30/0.86=34.88 and for Lead where F=30/1.01=29.7. The diffusing medium is acting as a powerful flux enhancer, due to multiple traversals.
In addition, the energy spectrum of neutrons is preferably matched to the largest values of the capture cross-section of the relevant isotope. The energy spectrum of a bare source is not optimal because its energy is generally too high to produce an effective capture rate. Therefore, an energy matching (moderation) must be performed before utilisation. Examples already given in which the interesting cross-sections lay in the resonance region are the cases of Iodine activation and the production of 99Mo(99mTc) from a Molybdenum target. As already pointed out, in this case the transparent, diffusing material must have in addition a large atomic number. The energy E of the neutrons is then progressively shifted in a multitude of small steps by a large number of multiple, elastic collisions (as already pointed out, below a few hundred keV and in a transparent medium, the only dominant process is elastic scattering). The minimum emerging kinetic energy T′ min (i.e. for a maximum energy loss) of a neutron of energy T0 in collision with a nucleus of atomic number A is given by
which evidently suggests the largest possible A to minimise the rate of energy loss. For large A, isotropic scattering is an excellent approximation. The average, logarithmic energy decrement ξ is then
The logarithmic energy decrement for Lead is very small ξ=9.54×10−3. The average number ncoll of collisions to slow down from 0.5 MeV to 0.025 eV (thermal energies) os mcoll=lm (0.5 MeV/0.025 eV)/ξ=1.76×103. The elastic cross-section, away from the resonances, is about constant down to thermal energies and large (σsc=11 b). The total path length lcoll to accumulate ncoll collisions is then the enormous path of 53.4 meters. The actual displacement is of course much shorter, since the process is diffusive. As a consequence of the property that neutrons loose at each step a constant fraction of their energy, the energy spectrum, generated by a high energy neutron injected in the diffuser is flat when plotted in the variable dE/E=d(log(E)). Neutrons scan progressively the full energy interval down to thermal energies, “seeking” for large values of the capture cross-section of the added impurities due to strong resonances. This method is evidently profitable provided that strong resonances exist elsewhere than at thermal energies. It is a fortunate circumstance that this is the case for several of the isotopes of practical interest.
If a small amount of impurity to be activated is added to the transparent medium, it will capture some neutrons. In general the absorbing cross-section has a complicated behaviour and it varies rapidly as a function of the neutron energy, due to the presence of resonances.
We introduce the survival probability Psurv(E1,E2), defined as the probability that the neutron moderated through the energy interval E1→E2 is not captured. The probability that a neutron does not get captured while in the energy interval between. E and E+dE is [1−(Σabs/Σabs+Σsc))(dE/Eξ)] where Σsc and Σabs are respectively the macroscopic elastic scattering and absorption cross-sections. Such probability is defined for a large number of neutrons in which the actual succession of energies is averaged. Combining the (independent) probabilities that it survives capture in each of the infinitesimal intervals, Psurv(E1,E2) is equal to the product over the energy range:
where NPb and Nimp are the number of nuclei per unit volume for Lead and the added impurity, respectively, and in the good approximation that the elastic scattering on Lead is dominant and approximately constant, namely Σsc≈σscPbNPb=const>>Σabs. The resonance integrals Ires (E1,E2) for Lead and the added impurity are defined as
The (small) probability of absorption in the same energy interval is given by
which exhibits the separate contributions to capture of the diffusing medium and of the added impurity, weighted according to their respective resonance integrals. The value of the normalizing cross-section in the denominator is σscPbξ=0.105 b, to be compared with the integral over the resonances Ires=150 b for 127I, Ires=310 b for 99Tc and Ires=0.115 b for natural Lead.
For instance, in the case of the 99Tc Waste Transmutation, the capture probability will be enhanced over the fractional atomic concentration of the impurity N Nimp/NPb by a factor (310 b)/(0.105 b)=2.95×103. In order to reach equal capture probabilities, in 99Tc and Lead, the diffused impurity atomic concentration needed is only Nimp/Npb=(0.115 b)/(310 b)=3.70×10−4, namely 1.76×10−4 by weight.
The resonance integral as a function of the energy interval for the main elements of Table 1 and relevant to the application as Waste Transmuter is given in
For instance, the Iodine preparation for medical analysis to be irradiated in the Activator is likely to be a specific chemical compound with a variety of other elements in it (see Tables 7 and 8). In compounds made of several elements, a simple generalisation of Formula [10] indicates that the capture probabilities will be proportional to the values of the resonance integrals given in Appendix 1, weighted according to the atomic concentrations of each element.
The compound to be exposed in the mentioned example is most likely Sodium Iodide (NaI). Fortunately, the Na resonance integral, Ires=0.26 b is much smaller than the one of Iodine, Ires=150 b. The activation (24Na) of Sodium will therefore be only 1.73×10−3 of the one of Iodine. The additional dose given to the patient is completely negligible. In addition, the half-lives of the two compounds, the wanted 128I and the unwanted 24Na, are 24.99 m and 14.96 h, respectively, i.e. in the ratio 2.78×10−2. The activity of the latter will then be 1.73×10−3×2.78×10−2=4.83×10−5 that of the former, of no effect for the measuring devices.
In the case of Molybdenum (98Mo, Ires=7.0 b), in the form of a salt, for instance Na2MoO4, some captures occur in 23Na, leading to the unstable 24Na. The resonance integral of 23Na is more significant than in the previous example, since the 98Mo resonance integral is smaller (Ires=6.54 b), and it may constitute a problem, though the half-life of 24Na is of 14.96 h, i.e. shorter than the one of 99Mo. However, in the separation of the decay product 99mTc, the Na is generally retained. Some care must be exercised in order to ensure that a sufficiently small amount of 24Na is ending up in the patient, as a leakage through the dissolution process and subsequent preparation of the clinical sample. If the irradiated sample is either metallic Mo or MoO3, such a problem does not arise, at the cost however of some additional chemical handling at the end of the exposure.
Other most likely elements in chemical compounds are Carbon (Ires=0.0016 b) (this is valid both for the leading isotope 12C and the tiny, natural concentration (1.1%) of 13C ; the small, natural concentration of 13C produces through capture radioactive 14C, though in very small amounts since its resonance integral is small), Oxygen (Ires=0.0004 b), Nitrogen (Ires=0.85 b) and Hydrogen (Ires=0.150 b). Small amounts of captures in these elements fortunately with small Ires—are harmless. In particular, 14N produces 15N, 12C produces 13C and Hydrogen produces Deuterium, which are all stable elements. The Deuterium contamination in natural Hydrogen (0.015%) can produce Tritium, but fortunately the resonance integral of Deuterium is extremely small, Ires=2.3×10−4 b. The small isotopic concentration (0.37%) of 15N in natural Nitrogen has a extremely small resonance integral, and is β-decaying to 16O with a half-life of 7.13 s, too short to reach the patient.
Another element which could be present is Phosphorus. Its resonance integral is extremely small, Ires=0.0712 b. It leads to the 14.26 d isotope 32P, which is a pure β-emitter, with <Eβ>=695 keV and no γ-emission.
Finally, we mention the case of Chlorine. Captures in 35Cl (75.77%, Ires=12.7 b) lead to the very long-lived 36Cl (τ1/2=3.01×105 y, β-, no γ) element which is completely harmless, and 37Cl (24.23%, Ires≈2.47 mb) has an extremely low production cross-section for 38Cl (τ1/2=37.24 m).
Other chemicals which may be deemed necessary must be separately examined in view of their capture probability and the possibility of introducing harmful radioactive isotopes in the patient.
The above formulae are only very approximately valid, and give only the qualitative features of the, phenomena. For instance, in such linear approximation, each element is contributing, so to say, independently. However, if a resonance is strong enough to absorb a major fraction of neutrons, it may “shield” other resonances occurring at lower energy. Then, the element which has a dominating resonance group at higher energies can void the captures of the elements “downstream”. This effect may be very important. The lethargy is modified by the elastic part of the resonance. The flux is locally decreased (dip) due to the shorter path needed to make the collision. Finally, the complexity of the geometry of a realistic device cannot be easily accounted for anlytically.
In practice, computer simulations with the appropriate time evolution, are the only valid methods to predict with precision the performance of the device. These calculations use a Montecarlo method and the actual cross-sections for the interactions of particles inside the medium to simulate the propagation of the neutrons in the actual geometry of the Transmuter. A complete simulation programme has been developed in which the best known nuclear cross-sections have been used to follow the evolution of initially injected neutrons in a medium made of the appropriate mixture of isotopes and a definite geometrical configuration. Thermalization is taken into account, introducing the Maxwellian distribution of velocity for the target nuclei. Cross-sections from Nuclear Data bases have been used, and secondary decays have been included. A large number of neutrons are thus followed in their fate inside the device. The validity of the programme has been verified by comparing its predictions with a large number of different experimental data. These simulations have been found in excellent agreement (to better than the present uncertainties, of the order of ±15%) with experimental results obtained at the CERN-PS (Experiment TARC-P211).
We consider first the application of the Transmuter as Activator. In Table 3, we exemplify some of the results of such computer simulations, normalised to 1013 neutrons produced by the source (23 MeV protons on a thick Beryllium target) and injected in the Activator with the geometry described in Table 6. We have chosen a Molybdenum salt Na2MoO4 (other salts may be used instead, for instance derived from the Molybdic Phosphoric Acid H7[P(Mo2O7)6] nH2O; see Paragraph 5.3 herebelow for more details) in order to evaluate the effects of the other chemical elements and their activation.
Out of the injected neutrons, 91.5% are captured inside the device and 8.5% escape. These neutrons are absorbed in the surrounding shielding materials. The bulk of the captures occur in the Iron box (36.0%) and in the Lead (46.8%). Most of these captures produce stable elements, with the exception of captures in 54Fe (2.40%) which give origin to 55Fe with a half-life of 2.73 years and in 208Pb (0.43%) which produces 209Pb, which decays with a half-life of 3.25 hours into the stable 209Bi. The captures in the graphite Moderator are small (0.51%) and produce a tiny amount of 14C through captures of the natural isotope 13C (3.25×10−4).
Therefore, the activation of the structures is modest and leads to no specific problem even after long exposures. As expected, the activation of a complex chemical sample produces several undesirable, unstable elements which will be reviewed in more detail later on for specific examples.
The energy spectrum of the neutrons captured in 98Mo is shown as a solid line (left-hand ordinate scale) in
The phenomenology of the neutron capture process is nicely visualised by the behaviour of the energy spectrum near a strong resonant absorption (
Finally, we briefly discuss the application as a Waste Transmuter. The computer programme has been used to describe the time evolution of the neutron fluxes and of the element compositions in the EA (see C. Rubbia, “A High Gain Energy Amplifier Operated with Fast Neutrons”, AIP Conference, Proceedings 346, International Conference on Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technologies and Applications, Las Vegas, July 1994) The coupling between these two, models is essential to understand the operation of the Waste Transmutation, coupled with the EA.
The EA is cooled with molten Lead, which surrounds the core. In this otherwise empty volume, the conditions described for the Transmuter develop naturally. This is evidenced by the neutron spectrum shown in
The capture lines corresponding to the leading 99Tc resonances are prominent, corresponding to a strong absorption as indicated by the large drop of the flux in the resonance crossing. This is better evidenced in
The programme can be used to study both the time evolution of the burning inside the EA and the subsequent reactions in the Transmuter. This is evidenced in
The decay constant for transmutation of 99Tc is about 82.1 GWatt day/ton, corresponding to less than 3 years for the nominal EA power (1.0 GWatt, thermal). These curves evidence the feasibility of complete elimination of Technetium in the periphery of an EA with a reasonable time constant. More detailed configurations and actual rates of transmutation will be discussed later on.
Incidentally, we also remark that if the materials to be transmuted were directly inserted in the core, the transmutation rate would be much smaller, since there the neutron flux is concentrated at energies in which the captures by the long-lived FF's have a very tiny cross-section.
The size and the kind of the neutron source are clearly related to the application. We consider first the case of the Activator.
The main parameter is the angularly integrated neutron production rate S0, since the actual angular distribution at the source is quickly made isotropic by the Lead Diffuser (see Chapter 4 herebelow for more details). Likewise, the energy spectrum of the initially produced neutrons is relatively unimportant since, as already explained, the inelastic processes in the Diffuser quickly damp the neutron energy down to about 1 MeV, where the lethargic slow-down of the neutrons is taking over. Therefore, the neutron capture efficiency for activation η and, more generally, the geometry of the Activator are relatively independent of the details of the realisation of the source.
In the case of the activation of natural Iodine, it is likely that a small sample—of the order of a fraction of a gram—must be activated for each exposure to a level requiring a cyclotron or similar accelerator with a neutron production rate of few times 1013 neutrons over the full solid angle. This can be obtained with an energy of the order of 10 to 30 MeV and a beam current of the order of mA's, which is also suited for production of isotopes for PET examinations. Therefore, a combined facility may be envisioned.
In the case of a large industrial production of radio-nuclides, like for instance 99Mo (99mTc), 131I or of Fissium from Uranium fissions it may be worth considering similar currents but higher proton energies, in the region of a few hundred MeV, with a correspondingly larger S0. Activation, which is proportional to S0, can then be performed within much smaller samples, which is, as will be seen, a considerable advantage especially in the case of portable 99Mo (99mTc) dispensers.
At the other end of the scale, the production of small activation with a simple device using a neutron-emitting radioactive source is worth mentioning, since it might be of interest for applications which require a very weak source (<<mCie) of radio-isotopes, but at low cost and operational simplicity.
The overall neutron yield from a thick Be target bombarded with a beam of protons of energy Ep=23 MeV is reported in the literature (see H. J. Brede et al, Nucl. Instr. & Methods, A274, (332), 1989 and references therein). Integration over the angular distribution (M. A. Lone et al, Nucl. Instr. & Methods 143, (331), 1977 ; see also M. A. Lone et al, Nucl. Instr. & Methods 189, (515), 1981) gives the total neutron yield S0=1.66×1014 n/sec/mA (for energies greater than 0.4 MeV′, corresponding to a neutron flux φ(r)=0.654×1012 cm−2 s mA−1 at r=20 cm from the source, according to the formula φ(r)≈S0/(4πDr), which exhibits the Lead enhancement factor (D=1.01 cm). It is also noted that the flux is fallina like the inverse of the distance (1/r), i.e. more slowly than in empty space where the flux is proportional to the solid angle from the source (1/r2) . Already for a current of 10 mA, which can be generated by modern cyclotrons, our system leads to the remarkable flux φ(r)=6.5×12 cm−2.s−1, typical of a Reactor.
Other target materials can be used, in particular 7Li, with comparable yields. However, in view of the lower melting point, Lithium targets are more complicated. A summary of yields for different beams and (thick) targets is given in Table 4.
The neutron yield is a growing function of the proton kinetic energy Ep. Fitting of measurements at different energies leads to the simple empirical formula S0(Ep)=4.476×1011×Ep1.8866 valid for neutrons of energy greater than 0.4 MeV. For instance, for a proton kinetic energy Ep=50 (15) MeV, the neutron yield is increased (decreased) by a factor 4.33 (0.45) when compared to Ep=23 MeV. Since the beam power E0 for a current ip is ipEp, the neutron yield for a given beam power is rising proportionally to E00.886.
Neutrons can be produced also with other incident particles, in particular deuterons and alpha particles. For a given incident energy, the forward neutron yield of deuterons is substantially higher than for protons, but as relevant in our application, the angle integrated flux is comparable to the one of protons, as shown in Table 4. For instance, at Ed=23 MeV, the integrated, yield is S0=1.96×1014 n/sec/mA. The yield for incident α-particles is substantially lower. In view of the associated simplicity and their high neutron yield, proton beams seem to be optimal for the present application.
An important technical element is the beam power to be dissipated in the target. The many different types of targets which are commonly used in association with particle beams of the characteristics considered here are generally applicable to our case. The effective beam area is typically of the order of several squared, centimetres. We note that the target thickness required to stop the beam is relatively small, i.e. of the order of 4 mm for Ep=25 MeV. The thermal conductivity of Beryllium is large (k=2.18−1.° C.−1) and its melting point conveniently high (1278° C.). Over the thickness L chosen equal to the particle range, the temperature drop ΔT due to conductivity, for a surface power density q due to the beam (W/cm2), is given by ΔT=qL/2k, neglecting the variation of the ionisation losses due to the Bragg peak (including this small effect will actually improve the situation since the energy losses are largest at the end of range, which is closer to the cooling region). Setting q=5×103 W/cm2 and L=0.4 cm, we find ΔT=458° C., which is adequate. Cooling of the face of the target opposite to the beam can be performed in a variety of ways. Assuming water circulation (it has been verified that the presence of the water coolant has negligible effects on the neutronics of the device), the required water mass flow w is w=Wbeam/ΔTcρc, where Wbeam is the beam power (Watt), ΔTc is the allowed temperature change of the coolant and ρc (4.18 Joules/cm3/° C.) the heat capacity of the water coolant. Setting Wbeam=25 kWatt (1 mA @ 25 MeV), ΔTc=70° C., we find w=0.085 litre/sec, which is a modest value.
For higher beam powers, it is convenient to tilt the target face with respect to the beam direction. If φ is the incidence angle of the beam on the target plane (φ=90° for normal incidence), the actual target thickness is reduced by a factor L×sinφ, and the beam surface power density by a factor q×sinφ, with consequent advantages in the target heat conductivity and cooling surface.
Two types of standard neutron sources appear interesting. In the first type of sources, the neutrons are produced by the (α,n) reaction on Beryllium mixed as powder with a pure α-emitter, like for instance 241Am, 238Pu, 244Cm and so on. The main disadvantage of this source is the small neutron yield, typically 2.1×106 neutrons/s for 1 Curie of α-source. Therefore, a pure α-emitter of as much as 500 Cie is required to achieve the flux of 109 n/sec. The decay heat generated by such a source is 17.8 Watt.
Another attractive type of source is an Actinide with high probability of spontaneous fission, like for instance 252Cf, which is an α-emitter with 3.1% probability of spontaneous fission, thus generating 0.031×2.8=0.087 fission neutrons at each disintegration. The above-quoted flux is then obtained with a much smaller source, of 109/(3.7×1010×0.087)=0.311 Cie. The half-life of the source is 2.64 years. For instance, a 10 Cie source of 252Cf produces 3.2×1010 neutrons/s, which has sufficient intensity to produce 0.01 GBq samples of 99mTc with a natural Molybdenum activator of 20 gram. In some diagnostic applications (see Table 9), smaller activities may be sufficient.
Intermediate between the performance of the Accelerators and of the sources are the D-T high voltage columns, which produce 14 MeV neutrons at some 300 keV, with the reaction (d,n) on a Tritium-enriched target.
Much higher neutron fluxes are possible with proton beams of high energy impinging a Spallation target. High energy protons will simply be absorbed in the Lead Buffer Layer, which will also act as spallation target. In view of the large power deposited by the beam on a relatively large volume of the spallation target, appropriate design is required. For highbeam powers E0, the best arrangement is the one of liquid metal target. This technology and. associated geometry will be discussed later on. The spallation neutron yield produced by a high energy proton in a Lead Block of the indicated size is listed in Table 5, as a function of the incident proton kinetic energy Ep.
The neutron multiplicity n0, defined as the average number of neutrons produced for each incident proton of kinetic energy Ep, is a rapidly rising function of the proton energy, which can be fitted above 100 MeV with an approximate empirical formula n03.717×10−5×Ep2+3.396×10−3×Ep with Ep in MeV. The integrated specific neutron yield S0 is a correspondingly fast rising function of Ep, of the order of 1.12×1016 n/sec/mA at Ep=200 MeV. At this energy, a beam current ip of the order of ip=2.68 mA is required for a neutron yield of the order of S0=3.0×1016 n/sec.
It is therefore possible to achieve fluxes which are at least two orders of magnitude higher than the ones of the intermediate energy accelerator. The neutron flux φ at r=30 cm from the centre, where the activation sample is normally located, is of the order of 0.78×1014 n/cm2/sec, quite comparable with the flux of a large Power Reactor. Taking into account the fact that the capture process is greatly enhanced by resonance crossing (see Formula [10]), it is evident that our method becomes largely competitive with Reactor-driven activation. This is in particular valid for 99Mo (99mTc), which is plagued by a very small capture cross-section of 140 mb for thermal (reactor) neutrons, and for which the alternative but much more complicated extraction from the 235U-fission fragments from a Reactor is currently used.
Evidently, these currents and energies are appropriate for an industrial implantation for large scale production of radio-isotopes, and in particular of 99Mo (99mTc), for which a large market exists. The activated Molybdenum (half-life of 65 hours), as described later on, is transported to the point of use (Hospital) with the help of an Alumina container, from which the 99mTc is extracted whenever needed.
An industrial Accelerator capable of producing a beam energy of the order of several mA at an energy of the order of 150 to 200 may consist in a compact cyclotron of modest size (radius=few meters) fed with a High Voltage column of about 250 keV, as suggested by P. Mandrillon. Negative ions (H−) are accelerated instead of protons, since the extraction can be easily performed with a stripper. An alternative Accelerator design, proposed by LINAC SYSTEMS (2167 N. Highway 77 Waxahachie, Tex. 75165, USA), foresees a compact (average gradient 2 MeV/m) LINAC which is capable of currents of the order of 10 to 15 mA at energies in excess of 100 MeV.
As already pointed out, the considerable beam power to be dissipated in the Spallation-Target diffuser suggests the possibility of using molten Lead (melting point 327° C.) or a eutectic Lead-Bismuth (melting point 125° C.) target. The operation is facilitated by the fact that the energy of the beam, because of its higher proton energy and range, is distributed over a considerable length. The liquid flow and the corresponding cooling can be realised with the help of natural convection alone. Power in excess of 1 MWatt can be easily dissipated in the flowing, molten metal. The operating temperature is of the order of 400° C., temperature at which corrosion problems are minimal. The beam penetrates the molten liquid environment through a window. In order to avoid damage to the window due to the beam, the beam spot at the position of the window is appropriately enlarged, typically over a diameter of some 10 cm.
The neutron yields S0 achievable by proton Accelerators and different targets for a 1 mA proton current are summarised in
We refer to the configuration for simultaneous elimination of the TRU waste and of the. Transmutation of long-lived FF's according to the previously described scenario (Paragraph 1.4). The source is preferably an Energy Amplifier (EA), although a Fast Breeder (FB) configuration may also be employed.
In this scenario, the transmutations of both offending kinds of waste must be performed concurrently, namely at rates which are predetermined by the composition of the waste which has to be decontaminated. As already pointed out in paragraph 1.5, this implies that the product of the fraction αt of the fission neutrons which are made available for transmutation and of the fraction αf of these neutrons which are actually captured in the impurity, be of the order of αt×αf=0.106. In practice it is possible to “leak out” of the order of 20 to 25% of the neutrons of the core, without affecting appreciably the TRU incineration process which demands a sub-critical multiplication constant of the order of k=0.96 to 0.98.
Similar considerations apply to a Fast Breeder, though the requirement of full criticality may be more demanding in terms of neutrons destined to the Core. This implies that αf≧0.5, which is a large number, but, as we shall see, achievable with the present method.
The practical realisation of the activation device is schematically illustrated in
(1) In the case of
(2) The Activation Region 4 surrounds the Buffer Layer. In such a region—again best realised with Lead because of its small D value and high neutron transparency—are embedded the samples to be activated, for instance inside narrow, thin tubes. Samples must be easily introduced and extracted from the block with a suitable tool, such as a pantograph tool. These samples must be finely distributed over the whole volume of the Activation Region in order
The sample holders may need structural supports. For this purpose, low-activation, neutron-transparent materials like for instance Steel, Zircalloy or Carbon compounds or, preferably, some more Lead should be used. The thickness of the Activation layer 4 may be application-dependent. Typically, it may be a layer of thickness r1 in the 5-10 cm range, concentric to the Buffer Layer 3. Since the scattering length in Lead is very short, the conditions of absorption by the resonance do not propagate appreciably from the point of occurrence. The absorption of neutrons at the (strong) resonances of the sample is a “local” phenomenon.
(3) The device must be as compact as possible. If the outer volume were to be completed only with diffusing Lead, because of its small lethargy it would become rather bulky and require many hundreds of tons of material. Furthermore, since the energy losses occur in very small steps and the resonance integral is not negligible, this lengthy process would produce a significant depletion in the flux due to resonant self-absorption in the Lead itself. On the other hand, as pointed out, the activation of the wanted sample is a local condition which does not immediately propagate in the whole device. Therefore, one can introduce a Moderation Region 6 made of a thin (Δr in the 5-10 cm range, d=2.25 g/cm3) region made for instance with Carbon (Graphite) immediately beyond the Activation Volume 4, preferably preceded by a thin (r2 of the order of a few centimetres, i.e. r2>D) Lead Buffer Layer 5. The presence of the Moderation Region 6, acting both as a “reflector” and as an “energy moderator” has very beneficial effects on the energy spectrum in the Activation Volume.
(4) The Moderation Region is followed by a Lead Reflector 7, and the whole device is enclosed in a thick Iron Box (not shown) to guarantee mechanical stiffness and shield the remaining neutrons. Additional, absorbing material, like concrete or similar materials, possibly loaded with Boron to efficiently capture the few escaping neutrons may be used to ensure full radio-protection of the device.
The actual dimensions of a typical device are listed in Table 6, with reference to some specific activation tasks. In practice, some of the parts may be fixed and some others may be changed according to the application which is selected. The neutron spectra in the various parts of the Activator, plotted in the variable dn/d(log(E)) are shown in
In order to exemplify our method, the performance of the Activator for medical isotope production is briefly summarised.
As already pointed out, transmutation rates are largely independent of the chemical binding and isotopic composition of the materials inserted in the Activator. They are also almost independent on the source geometry and on the process used for the neutron production, provided that the initial neutron energy is sufficiently high (>0.4 MeV). The asymptotic activation, in GBq/gram, of the activation material as a function of the neutron yield from the source is shown in
The main radio-isotopes used in Medicine and the corresponding domains of application are listed in Tables 7, 8 and 9. We shortly review these applications, in the light of the new possibilities offered by the Activator.
A main change which becomes possible is the systematic replacement in the Iodine applications related to diagnosis with the much short-lived 128I, with the following main advantages:
The decay scheme of the 128I has a 7% electron capture probability with K-shell soft photons, which makes it similar to 123I (which has also a γ-line at 159 keV (83.3%)). The rest is a β-γ transition with <Eβ>=737 keV and with a γ-line at 442.9 keV (16.9%). It is also similar to 131I (with 131Xe (11.9 d)), which has a γ-line at 364.8 keV (81.2%) and <Eβ>=182 keV. Therefore, these three elements have all similar diagnostics potentials, for which the γ-lines are relevant. Table 7 summarises the diagnosis data relative to Iodine radio-isotopes. The variety of products used and the general applicability of the Pre-activation method are to be emphasised.
131I production
131I production
131I production
The main Therapy applications of Iodine compounds are listed in Table 8. Doses are much higher and the shortness of the. 128I will require correspondingly larger activities of the injected sample. Therefore, 131I produced by Te activation in general seems more appropriate.
The dominant use of radio-isotopes in Medicine is presently concentrated on the use of 99mTc, as shown in Table 9. As already discussed, our activation method can produce large amounts of 98Mo activation, and therefore all these procedures can be in general performed with the proposed Activator.
The activation method may be used to produce as well several other products. The activation reaction by neutron capture cannot be easily used to produce a variety of isotopes, amongst which 67Ga, 111In, 81Kr, 82Rb and 201Tl, and the short-lived positron emitters for PET scans, for which charged particle activation are preferable. The general availability of a particle accelerator could however foresee their production as well, but with conventional methods.
The performance of the device is of course determined is by the choice of the accelerator. We assume two schematic configurations:
(1) a “local” production of radio-isotopes within the premises of a Hospital, in which presumably the Accelerator is also used to produce PET isotopes by direct irradiation or other therapy programmes. The Activator is used to produce 128I and 99Mo (99mTc)
(2) a “regional”, industrial scale production of radio-isotopes, to be transported and used in the appropriate form at different Hospitals, located relatively near the activation plant. The transport time excludes the use of 128I, and 131I is to be used instead. We remark that for Thyroid therapy, rather than diagnosis, a large dose (up to 10 Gbq, see Table 8) must be given to the patient, and therefore the use of 131I has less counter-indications than in the case of diagnosis, where obviously the dose must be minimal and for which, as already pointed out, the use of 128I, is preferable. In addition, we have considered the production of 99Mo (99mTc) which can be transported in a Alumina dispenser, following the standard procedure used today. The amount of initial 99Mo activation required is of the order of 10 to 100 Gbq. In order to limit the mass of Molybdenum and hence the one of the Alumina in the transport, the activation density must be as large as possible. It is therefore assumed that a larger Accelerator is used and that neutrons are produced by the spallation process on Lead or eutectic Pb/Bi mixture. These complications are acceptable in view of the larger, “factory”-type scale of the operation and the larger amounts of radio-isotopes to be produced. The Accelerator is a compact cyclotron or a LINAC with 200 (150) MeV protons and the nominal current of 2.68 (5.35) mA, resulting in an integrated neutron yield, S0=3.0×1016 n/sec. The beam power to be dissipated in the molten metal target is 537 (802) kWatt. The Activator has the geometry described in Table 6, but with a significantly enlarged Buffer Layer to allow for the installation of the spallation Target. With the help of an appropriate insertion tool such as a pantograph tool, as in the previous case, several different targets can be inserted in the device.
Since the fraction of the neutrons used for the activation is extremely small, many samples can be simultaneously irradiated in the Activator.
The target is made either of isotopically enriched 98Mo or, if this is not available, of Natural Molybdenum containing 24.13% of 98Mo, in a chemical form discussed later on. The short-lived 99Mo (r1/2=65.94 h) is activated, in turn decaying into 99mTc. The Mo must be very pure. In particular, it must not contain Rhenium, which complicates the extraction of Molybdenum, since Rhenium has chemical properties similar to those of Technetium. In general, the presence of impurities may lead to unwanted radio-nuclides. The yield of 99Mo according to Table 3 and for a constant irradiation of 1 gram of 98Mo (4 g of Natural Mo) for a time t is 1.66×10−6×[1-exp(−t/95.35 h)]×S0 GBq, where S0 is the neutron yield of the source. For a continuous exposure of 100 hours, 1.07×10−6×S0 GBq/gr of 99Mo are activated.
The extraction of Technetium (1 GBq of 99mTc corresponds to 5.13 ng of metal) out of Molybdenum matrix is a relatively simple process, vastly documented in the literature (see, for instance, A. K. Lavrukhina and A. A. Pozdnyakov, “Analytical Chemistry of Technetium, Promethium; Astatine and Francium”, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Israel Program for Scientific Trenslations, Jerusalem 1969; and also R. D. Peacock, “The chemistry of Technetium and Rhenium” Elsevier Publishing Company, 1966).
Though it is not part of the activation procedure, for completeness we briefly mention the separation on organic sorbents, especially Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) which is widely used. An efficient process of extracting micro-amounts of 99mTc from irradiated Molybdenum has been discussed by Mixheev N. B., Garhy M. and Moustafa Z., Atompraxis, Vol 10 (264), 1964. These authors propose that Molybdenum be sorbed by Al2O3 as anion H4[P(Mo2O7)6]3−. The exchange capacity is about 8 gr/100 gr of Al2O3.
According to this last method, the irradiated Molybdenum in the form of Sodium phosphomolybdate is converted into the complex salt K3H4[P(Mo2O7)6]nH2O by the reaction with KCl at pH 1.5 to 2.0. The precipitate is dissolved in 0.01 N HCl at 50° C. and the solution obtained is passed through a column filled with Al2O3 which has been washed by 0.1 N HCl. The phosphomolybdate colours the sorbent yellow.
To elute the 99mTc, an isotonic NaCl solution is used. When 40 ml (figures refer to a 10.5 cm×0.5 cm column filled with 20 gr of Al2O3 ) of the elutent are passed, about 70 to 80% of the 99mTc is eluted from the column. The purity of the element is 99.9%. To elute the Molybdenum from the column, 10 to 20 ml of 0.1 N NaOH are used. The recovered Molybdenum can be re-injected in the Activator. Evidently, columns of different sizes can be used, depending on the specific activity required, and taking into account the exchange capacity.
In order to limit to a minimum the handling of radioactive products, it is convenient to insert directly in the Activator the complex salt K3H4[P(Mo2O7)6]nH2O. In this way, after irradiation, the activated compound can be simply inserted in the 99mTc dispenser, without chemical handling. After the activity of the 99Mo has decayed below useful level, the salt is recovered (eluted) with 0.1 N NaOH, resulting in Sodium phospho-molybdate, which is regenerated with the above-mentioned reaction with KCl at pH 1.5 to 2, thus closing the cycle. Therefore, the target material can be reused indefinitely.
An obvious drawback of using complex compounds in the Activator is the possible creation of spurious elements. The main radio-contaminants produced in the salt K3H4[P(Mo2O7)6]nH2O are 32P (δ=0.00968, τ1/2=14.26 d) and 42K(δ=0.0381, τ1/2=12.36 h), where δ is defined as the activity with respect to 99mTc in the sample after a long (asymptotic) irradiation and for a natural Molybdenum target. These small contaminants are not expected to be appreciably eluted in the 99mTc sample. If the highest purity is needed, obviously it would be best to use either metallic Molybdenum or oxide, MoO3. The compound can be in transformed into the complex salt after irradiation, using the previously described procedure to extract 99mTc or, alternatively, the extraction of 99mTc can be performed directly from the irradiated sample, for instance using an inorganic sorbent, such as Aluminium oxide as in the previous example. The procedures are described in W. D. Tucker, M. W. Green and A. P. Murrenhoff, Atompraxis, Vol 8 (163), 1962, for metallic Mo, and in K. E. Scheer and W. Maier-Borst, Nucl. Medicine Vol. 3 (214), 1964 for MoO3.
In the alternative (1) of local production of 99mTc (point 2 in
The alternative (2) of a portable dispenser (point 3 in
The short life of the 128I (τ1/2=24.99 m) precludes the transport, so that only the accelerator option (1) is retained (point 1 in
Calculations have been performed also in the case of 127I activation. While the capture probabilities in the body of the Activator (Pb, Fe etc.) are, as expected, unchanged, the capture efficiency in 127I leading to 128I is η=2.62×10−5 g−1. The energy spectrum of the captured neutrons (solid line, left-hand ordinate scale) and the integrated capture probability (dotted line, right-hand ordinate scale) are shown in
Captures in the other elements of the compound must be taken into account. In particular, if Sodium Iodide (NaI) is used, the resonance integral for production of 24Na, a β-emitter (the decay is accompanied by two strong γ-lines (100%) at 1368.6 keV and 2754 keV) with a half-life of 14.95 hours is very small, Ires=0.26 compared with the value Ires=148 for Iodine. Calculations give capture efficiencies in NaI of η=1.62×10−7 g−1 for 24Na activation, and of η=2.218×10−5 g−1 for 128I activation, normalised for 1 gram of the NaI compound. The number of activated Na atoms are therefore more than two orders of magnitude less than the Iodine activation, with negligible consequences for the overall dose to the patient. Taking into account the ratio of lifetimes, the counting rate from 128I is enhanced by an additional factor 36. Therefore, the spurious effects in the measurements due to the presence of the 24Na are also negligible. Most likely it is so also for the other compounds of Table 7.
We have considered the case of production of 131I (τ1/2=8.04 d), which is an isotope used widely in thyroid therapy. The activating reaction is neutron capture by 130Te which is a relatively abundant isotope of Tellurium (33.87%), but having a small resonance integral, Ires=0.26 b, with the following reactions:
About 10% of captures lead to the isomeric state 131*Te. The smallness of the resonance integral leads to a small capture probability. Fortunately, the Tellurium is a relatively cheap element (20$/lb), and it permits a simple extraction process for the Iodine produced. Therefore, relatively large amounts of target material can be used. The illustrative extraction method envisaged consists of a simple pyro-metallurgical process in which the ingot of activated element is melted to some 500° C. (melting point 449° C.), either in a crucible or by a simple electron beam device. The Iodine produced is volatised as an element, since the Tellurium Iodide (TeI4) decomposes at such temperatures. The evaporated Iodine is then easily condensed (melting point 113.5° C.), and thus recovered. This process may be repeated indefinitely, if the ingot is recast to the appropriate shape.
Large amounts of 131I (τ1/2=8.04 d) are for instance used in therapy of Thyroid diseases. The activation process proceeds through the neutron capture of an isotope of natural Tellurium, 130Te (33.87%, Ires=0.259 b) . As already pointed out, the relatively small value of the cross-section requires relatively large amounts of target. Since the compound is relatively long-lived, it does not need to be produced locally. Therefore, we consider the accelerator option (2) (point 4 in
We assume an exposure carried out during 12 days with a 10 kg target of natural Tellurium in metallic form, inserted in the form of 32 (cast) cylinders, each 50 cm long and of 0.56 cm radius (50 cm3). The remainder of the activator volume is filled with metallic Lead, in which the holes for the target have beer made. The resulting activated radio-nuclides are listed in Table 11.
In addition to the two obvious isotopes 131Te and 131mTe which are the father nuclei of 131I, a number of Tellurium isotopes are produced due to the use of a natural Tellurium target. These activated products remain in the target material during the extraction process. Particularly strong is the decay of 127Te, though with a relatively short half-life of 9.35 hours. The target material will however remain activated for a relatively long time, due to the presence of 121mTe and 123mTe, with half-life of 154 days and 120 days, respectively. These residual activities may pile up in subsequent irradiations, but with no appreciable consequence. The extracted Iodine is essentially pure 131I, with a very small contamination of the short-lived 130I with a half-life of 12.36 hours, which will be rapidly further reduced by natural decay. In addition, there will be about 6 times as many nuclei of stable 127I produced and a negligibly small contamination of 129I (half-life 1.57×107 years). The tiny contamination of 131mXe will be easily separated during the Iodine extraction process. The last isotope in Table 11 is due to the short-lived activation of the Lead of the Activator volume and will not be extracted with the Target material. The total activity at discharge of the essentially pure 131I is 7355.42 Gbq (200 Cie).
As already described, the extraction procedure is performed by volatilising the Iodine content in the target, by melting the metal at about 500° C. In view of the high volatility of Iodine, the extraction should be essentially complete. Tellurium iodide (TeI4) formation is inhibited, since it decomposes at such temperatures. The Iodine is then condensed, while the contamination of Xenon (28.02 Gbq) is separated out and stored until it decays. The extraction process may take of the order of 4-6 hours. After extraction, the metal can be cast again into cylinders, ready for the next exposure. Allowing for a total preparation and handling time of the order of 3 days (surviving fraction 84%), the final sample of 131I will have a nominal activity of the order of 6150 GBq.
Assuming instead accelerator option (1) and a 32 kg Tellurium target, the final production rate of 100 Gbq is obtained under the same procedure conditions as above.
Only a very small fraction of the neutrons are captured in the Activator target. Therefore, if deemed necessary, it would be possible to increase considerably the yield by using a correspondingly larger mass of Tellurium target.
The Interstitial Radiation therapy, known also as brachy-therapy, is the direct radioactive seed implant into the tumour. This technique allows the delivery of a highly concentrated and confined dose of radiation directly in the organ to be treated. Neighbouring organs are spared excessive radiation exposure. The radioactive source is usually a low-energy (20 to 30 keV) pure internal conversion (IC) γ-emitter. The lifetime should be long enough to ensure a large tissue dose, but short enough to permit the micro-capsule containing the radioactive product to remain inside the body permanently (capsules must be made of a material compatible with the body tissues). Typical sources used are 125I (τ1/2=60.14 d, <Eγ>=27 keV) and 103Pd (τ1/2=16.97 d, <Eγ>=20 keV). For 103Pd, the target can be metallic Rh irradiated with intermediate energy protons (≈20 MeV). The cross-section has a broad maximum of about 0.5 barn around 10 MeV. The yield of 103Pd at 23 MeV and thick target (0.75 g/cm2) is 5.20×10−4 for one incident proton, corresponding to an activation rate of 132.75 GBq/mA/day. However, the power dissipated in the target is large, 19.6 kWatt/mA. Therefore, if a maximum current of 200 μA is used (4 kwatt in the target), the production rate is the rather modest figure of 26.55 GBq/day (0.717 Cie/day), much smaller than the figures given here for 125I and neutron capture (≈600 Cie/day for scenario (2)). Accordingly, 103Pd may be better produced in the conventional way, with (p,n) reaction on 103Rh (the commercial product is known as Theraseed®-Pd103 and it is used in the therapy of cancer of the prostate).
Production of 125I can be done with neutron capture of 124Xe and the reaction chain
The resonance integral of 124Xe is very large Ires=2950 b, and an acceptable capture rate can be realised also with a gaseous target. The capture efficiency ηv=6.40×10−4/litre in pure 124Xe at n.p.t. In view of the small fraction of 124Xe in natural Xenon, (0.1%), isotopic separation is very beneficial in order to ensure a good, efficiency, also taking into account that the target can be used indefinitely. The calculated neutron spectrum and the capture energy distribution are shown in
If natural Xenon is directly activated, the capture efficiency leading to 125I is ηv=1.81×10−6/litre of Xe at n.p.t. The value is about a factor 3 larger than the one of pure 124Xe, once corrected for the fractional content (0.1%), since the self-shielding of the very strong resonances in 124Xe plays a more important role in the pure compound. The other isotopes in natural Xenon do not produce appreciable amounts of short-lived radioactive isotopes other than Xenon, and therefore do not contaminate the production of Iodine. Since the Xenon is an inert gas, the extraction of Iodine is immediate, because it condenses on the walls of the container. If natural Xenon is used, roughly the same amount of stable Cesium is produced, which is probably extracted with the Iodine. The Cesium is actually slightly contaminated with 137Cs which has a half-life of 30.1 years and a negligible activity. Such a contaminant is not present in the case of isotopically-enriched Xenon.
In view of the large capture efficiency, the amount of activated 125I can be quite substantial. For instance, in the scenario (2) of the regional accelerator supplying 3.0×1016 n/sec, the production rate of 125I is of 6.0 Cie/day/litre of target with pure 124Xe at n.p.t. A 100 litre Activator at n.p.t will then produce as much as 600 Cie/day of 125I.
A considerable number and variety of radio-isotopes are extracted from the fission fragments resulting from the fission of Uranium in a Reactor. The word “Fissium” is used herein to designate the group of elements which are the products of 235U fissions.
The present Activator can be loaded with a small amount of Uranium, either natural or preferably enriched of 235U. Obviously, the target material can be recycled indefinitely. This material can be of the form of metallic Uranium or other compound, for instance Oxide, depending on the requirements of the subsequent extraction chemistry. In this way, practical amounts of Fissium can be produced, far away from criticality conditions and using initially a small sample.
A possible scenario is briefly illustrated. We assume that the target is a small amount of Uranium enriched to 20% of 235U. The actual geometry used in the calculation was based on a finely subdivided metallic target arrangement for a total mass of about 30 kg. This mass has been chosen in order to ensure the correct representation of the resonance shielding, which is important in the case of Uranium. Typical capture efficiencies for truly infinitesimal amounts of Uranium are about a factor 2 larger than what is quoted in Table 13. The 20% enrichment is set by the requirements of the Non-Proliferation Agreement which limit to 20% the allowed enrichment in order to avoid the possibility of realising a critical mass. Incidentally, the amount of Plutonium which can be produced by this method is negligibly small.
The target must be enclosed in a tight envelope to ensure that there is no leak of Fissium products during the exposure. The efficiencies for capture η and Fissium production (fission) ηf referred to 1 kg of enriched compound are listed in Table 13. Fissions produce additional neutrons which enter in the general neutron economy. The neutron fraction produced is about +1.04% for each kilogram of enriched Uranium, which is very small. Thus, even in the most extreme conditions, of target loading, the device remains vastly non-critical.
Assuming that a specific element is present in the Fissium with an atomic fraction λ and that the exposure time texp and the necessary reprocessing time trep are both equal to one half-life of such compound, the initial activity for 1 kg of activated sample is given by 2.5×10−10 S0ληf (Gbq/kg). More generally, for arbitrary times, the activity of the extracted compound at the end of the reprocessing period is given by Equation [2].
In the scenario (2) of the regional accelerator supplying S0=3.0×1016 n/sec, the production rate for a compound with λ=0.04, texp=trep=τ1/2 and the parameters of Table 6, is 1150 GBq/kg (31.2 Cie/kg) of target.
The most important radio-nuclides out of Fissium have been calculated with the geometry of Table 6 and are listed in Table 12. The conditions are the ones of scenario (1). Figures for scenario (2) are about two orders of magnitude larger. The exposure time has been arbitrarily set to 10 days, followed by 1 day of cool-down. The target was 20%-enriched metallic Uranium of a mass of 33 kg. Only elements with final activity larger than 1 Gbq are shown. It is interesting to compare the 99Mo production from Fissium with the one by direct activation from 98Mo (Paragraph 5.3). The asymptotic yield from 20%-enriched Uranium is calculated to be 51.3 Gbq/kg of target for scenario (1) activation. The same activation will be obtained with 288 grams of 98Mo. Therefore, we achieve comparable yields.
Natural Silicon is made of the three isotopes 28Si (92.23%, Ires=0.0641 b), 29Si(4.46%, Ires=0.0543 b) and 30Si (3.1%, Ires=0697 b). The only isotope leading to an unstable element by neutron capture is the 30Si, which produces 31Si, in turn decaying with τ1/2=157 m to 331P, the only isotope of natural Phosphorus. The Montecarlo-calculated capture efficiencies of the isotopes for 1 kg of natural Si are η=2.353×10−4 kg−1 for 28Si, η=8.166×10−6 kg−1 for 29Si and η=1.733×10−5 kg−1 for the interesting isotope 30Si. Assuming scenario (2) of the regional accelerator with S0=3.0×1016 n/s, the atomic P implantation rate is 2.573×1014 s−1, corresponding to 1 p.p.b. (equivalent to an implanted density of donors of 5×1013 cm−3) implanted every 10.7 hours. No harmful isotope is apparently produced, and therefore the implantation process is “clean”, once the 30Si has decayed away. If higher implantation yields are needed, in view of the special, industrial nature of the process, a stronger accelerator (current and energy) may be used.
A similar procedure can be applied to Germanium crystals. The leading captures occur in the 70Ge isotope (20%), producing the acceptor 71Ga (via 71Ge). A smaller rate of captures also occurs for 74Ge (36%), producing the donor 75As (via 75Ge). Hence, acceptor doping dominates.
The waste transmuter operation is exemplified according to the previously-described scenarios, and in the framework of an EA. As already pointed out, these considerations apply easily also to the case where the “leaky” neutron source is a Fast Breeder reactor core.
The General Layout of an EA operated in conjunction with the Waste transmuter is shown in simplified
It consists of a large, robust Steel Tank 20 filled with molten Lead 21, or with a Lead/Bismuth eutectic mixture. The heat produced is, dissipated by natural convection or with the help of pumps, through heat exchangers installed on the top (not shown in figure).
The proton beam which is used to activate the nuclear cascades in the Energy Amplifier Core 22 is brought through an evacuated pipe 23, and it traverses the Beam Window 24 before interacting with the molten Lead in the Spallation Region 25.
For simplicity, we display a common Lead volume for the Spallation Region and the rest of the device. This solution is perfectly acceptable, but it may be otherwise advisable to separate the circulation of the Lead of the Spallation Region from the one for rest of the unit. This alternative if, of course, of no relevance to the operation of the Transmuter.
The Core, in analogy with standard practice in Reactors, comprises a large number of steel-cladded pins, inside which the Fuel is-inserted as Oxide, or possibly in metallic Form. The fuel material includes a fertile element, such as 232Th, which breeds a fissile element, such as 233U, after having absorbed a neutron. The subsequent fission of the fissile element exposed to the fast neutron flux in turn yields further neutrons. That breeding-and-fission process remains sub-critical (see WO 95/12203).
The fuel pins, typically 1.3 m long, are uniformly spread inside a Fuel Assembly 26, also made out of Steel, generally of hexagonal shape, with typically 20 cm flat-to-flat distance. Each Fuel Assembly may contain several hundreds of pins.
Molten Lead circulates upwards inside the Fuel Assemblies and cools effectively the Pins, removing the heat produced by the nuclear processes. The typical speed of the coolant is 1 m/s and the temperature rise of about 150 to 200° C.
The high-energy neutrons Spallation neutrons from the Spallation Region drift into the core and initiate the multiplicative, sub-critical, breeding-and-fission process which is advantageously used (i) to Transmute Actinides in the core region and (ii) to produce the leaking neutrons used for the Waste transmutation in the Transmuter.
The Transmuter Volume 27, 29 surrounds the core as closely as possible to make an effective use of the leaking neutrons. We have used for simplicity also for the Transmuter region the same hexagonal lattice 28 used for the Core. However, in order to reduce interactions in the supporting structures, these must be as light as possible. This is simplified by the light weight of the load to be transmuted (few hundred of kilograms). Though not a necessity, the same type of assemblies would permit to make use of the same tooling (pantograph) to extract both the fuel and Transmuter assemblies. The transmuter sections above and below the Core region 29 could be combined assemblies in which both Fuel and Transmuter are held together. A Buffer Region 30 should in principle be inserted between the Core and the Transmuter Volume.
The Transmuter assemblies 28 are essentially filled with the circulating molten Lead, except the finely-distributed metallic 99Tc which can be in a variety of forms, for instance wires or sheets. Since 99Tc transforms itself into Ruthenium, which is also a metal, it may be left in direct contact with the molten Lead or enclosed in fine steel tubes, like the fuel. The engineering of the sample holder are of course to be defined according to the need and to the applications. In particular, different holders are required for Iodine, which is a vapour at the operating temperature of the EA (a chemical compound could be used instead, like for instance NaI which has higher melting point of 661° C. and a boiling point of 1304° C.), and it must be contained for instance in thin steel cladding. No appreciable heat is produced in the transmutation process, and it can be easily dissipated away by the molten Lead flow, even if its speed can be greatly reduced in the Transmuter sections.
99Tc, Iodine and/or Selenium holders can be combined in a single assembly, because the strong resonances of 99Tc occur at energies which are well below the ones of the other elements, as evidenced in
The performance of the Waste Transmuter is exemplified in the case of the 99Tc. Other elements of Table 1 which have been selected for transmutation in the scenario described in Chapter 1 give quite similar behaviours.
We list in Table 14 the typical neutron balance of an EA operated as a TRU incinerator. The EA is initially filled with a mixture of Thorium and TRU's from the waste of a LWR, either in the form of Oxides (MOX) or of metals. Concentrations are adjusted in order to reach the wanted value of the multiplication coefficient k.
It is a fortunate circumstance that an appropriate cancellation occurs between the increases of reactivity due to the 233U breeding from the Thorium and the losses of reactivity due to the emergence of FF's captures, reduction of the core active mass and diminishing stockpile of TRU's. Such an equilibrium permits to extend the burning to more than 100 GWatt day/t of fuel without external interventions and the simple adjustment of the produced power with the help of the Accelerator beam. In practice, this means 2 to 3 years of unperturbed operation. At the end of this cycle, the fuel is regenerated, by extracting the most neutron-capturing FF's and the Bred. Uranium and adding to the remaining Actinides an appropriate amount of LWR waste,in order to achieve the wanted value of k. The procedure is repeated indefinitely, until the LWR waste is exhausted. After a few cycles, an “asymptotic” mixture sets in, resultant of the equilibrium condition between the various reactions in the core. Such a mixture has excellent fission probability for fast neutrons, which ensures that the process can be continued in principle indefinitely.
In order to evaluate the transmutation capacity of the Waste Transmuter, the transmutation volume 27 (
During the successive cycles of TRU's elimination, the rate of elimination is reduced, since the TRU's having the smallest fission cross-sections accumulate, so that more neutrons are required to achieve a successful fission. Instead, the 99Tc transmutation rate is essentially constant, since it is related to the fraction of neutrons which escape the core. Integrated over many cycles, as necessary to eliminate completely the TRU's, we find [99Tc/TRU]transm=0.1284, which is amply sufficient to eliminate both the 99Tc of the Waste and the one accumulated in the meantime because of the fissions of the TRU'S.
The initial concentration of 99Tc has been chosen such as to match the needed performance. In order to see the dependence on this parameter, we have varied it over a wide interval.
It should also be pointed out that the high energy spectrum, as apparent in
The fractional transmutation rate after 100 GWatt day/ton, which is a reasonable cycle time for the EA, is displayed in
Finally, the fraction of the neutron leaked out of the vessel as a function of the 99Tc concentration is displayed in
A general analysis of which kind of radio-nuclides could be produced with the neutron Activator has been performed. Target elements must be natural elements which are optionally selected with an isotopic enrichment, though costly. The neutron capture process leads to a daughter element which is unstable, with a reasonable lifetime, conservatively chosen to be between one minute and one year. In turn, the next daughter element can be either stable or unstable. If it is stable, the process is defined as “activation” of the sample. Since a second isotopic separation is unrealistic, the activated compound must be used directly. A practical example of this is the 128I activation from: a natural Iodine compound (127I→128I). If, instead, the first daughter element decays into another unstable (the same time window has been used) chemical species, which can be separated with an appropriate technique, the present method may constitute a way to produce pure, separated radio-nuclides for practical applications. As practical example, one may refer to the chain 98Mo→99Mo→99mTc.
The suitability of a given production/decay chain to our proposed method depends on the size of the neutron capture cross-section. Two quantities are relevant: the resonance integral Ires, which is related to the use of a high A diffusing medium such as Lead, and the thermal capture cross-section which suggests the use of a low A diffuser such as Graphite. Another relevant parameter is the fractional content of the father nuclear species in the natural compound, which is relevant to the possible need of isotopic preparation of the target sample.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 09446144 | Mar 2000 | US |
Child | 10985323 | Nov 2004 | US |