Not Applicable.
Attached with this patent application is a CD-ROM. A file named NADO.jar contains the JAVA byte code that implements an embodiment of NADO cryptography.
The present invention relates broadly to cryptographic methods and devices, and in particular to stream cipher and block cipher methods used in these methods and devices. This invention is also applicable in other fields, such as pseudo-random number generators, used by algorithms that require random numbers. Cryptographic devices and methods are generally used to encrypt and decrypt information transmitted through communication and transmission systems. However, they also may be used to encrypt passive data stored on a computer or another physical device such as a tape drive. Typically, the message is encrypted by a sending agent using a unique key, and the encrypted message, called ciphertext, is transmitted to a receiving agent. Using the same unique key, the receiving agent applies a decryption device or method to the ciphertext. The output of this decryption device or method is the same message that the sending agent gathered before encrypting and sending it.
In the references, section X, [SCHNEIER] provides a description of many of the cryptographic systems mentioned here.
U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,218,582 and 4,405,829 are examples of public-key encryption systems. U.S. Pat. No. 4,218,582 has been shown to be insecure. U.S. Pat. No. 4,405,829 (RSA) is based on number theory. RSA relies on the fact that no one currently knows of a computationally effective way to factor the product of two extremely large unknown prime numbers. While RSA is believed to be secure, it is too slow for computationally demanding encryption applications unless specialized hardware is built to execute its algorithms. Even in hardware, RSA is a few orders of magnitude slower than DES, which is a private-key system. Consequently, RSA is most useful for distributing private keys, utilized by private-key encryption systems, and for implementing protocols. As aptly stated in [SCHNEIER], public-key cryptography is best for key management and a myriad of protocols. Symmetric private-key cryptography is best for encrypting data.
DES is a commercial block cipher private-key cryptographic system. DES is commonly used by commercial banks, financial institutions and other unclassified government agencies. “DES has been traditionally used by banks and other financial institutions for protecting the transmission of the funds and other transactions requiring high security.”, [NYTIMES]. In 1998, Paul Kocher demonstrated a hardware device that cracked a DES encrypted message in 56 hours. The cost of building the hardware device was less than 250,000 U.S. dollars.
Overall, up to this point in time, the use of non-autonomous dynamical systems applied to cryptography has not been proposed. (See subsections VI.D, VI.E, VI.G, and VI.I) While permutations have been utilized in cryptography for at least 75 years, [SCHNEIER, pp. 11–13], usually one or two permutations are used and these permutations stay fixed for a given key. (See U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,255,811; 4,316,055; 5,001,753; 5,297,207; 5,511,123). Using a sequence of permutations with different lengths to reorder a sequence of information or states has not been proposed. (See subsection VI.C.) The use of permutations to generate a non-autonomous dynamical system is new; and the use of inverse permutations to transpose elements of the permutation is also new. (See subsection VI.I.) Similarly, up to this point in time, creating a non-autonomous dynamical system, using n by n matrix multiplication on n by 1 matrices has not been proposed as an encryption process. (See subsections VI.E and VI.G.) Lastly, the creation of a Perturbator to break up periodic behavior in any kind of dynamical system, in particular any encryption process, is new. (See subsections VI.F and VI.H.)
Non-autonomous dynamical orbit (NADO) cryptography is a process for encrypting and decrypting information. The underlying process is a fast stream-like cipher that may be implemented efficiently in analog or digital hardware or software. The NADO process makes use of four novel concepts in cryptography: (1) A sequence of permutations which scrambles and spreads out the encrypted information; (2) A state generator built with a non-autonomous dynamical system to generate an unpredictable sequence of states; (3) One or more perturbators which over time change both the non-autonomous dynamical system and the sequence of permutations in a non-periodic way. (4) The use of the key to build the non-autonomous system and sequence of permutations.
NADO uses a symmetric private key to generate the mathematical systems in (1), (2), and (3). Furthermore, NADO composes these mathematical systems in a unique way, creating an astronomical number of possibilities to check in a brute-force attack. The composition of these systems makes NADO unbreakable to a brute-force attack with current computer technology.
One of the important advantages over previous methods is the difficulty of breaking this encryption method. The number of calculations required to crack the cipher is astronomical. At the same time, the executable code that implements NADO requires a small amount of computer memory. A second advantage is that without using any type of specialized hardware nor any type of data compression, the encryption processes of NADO execute much faster, as a function of the difficulty of cracking NADO. Its security and speed enable applications such as real-time encryption of wireless transmissions, demanding real-time military software, real-time embedded systems, commercial real-time networking, and real-time internet applications. A third advantage is that NADO requires smaller key sizes and enables variable-sized keys. A fourth advantage is that statistical tests on NADO-encrypted data show that plain-text attacks are as difficult as brute-force attacks.
Lastly, it can be mathematically shown that a broad class of current encryption algorithms generate a sequence of states that exhibit eventual periodicity. (See subsection VI.I.) It is possible that someone could propose a method of using this eventual periodicity to decode a message encrypted by these kinds of encryption algorithms—even for extremely large periods. NADO presents a new notion called a Perturbator to break up this eventual periodicity.
Further objects and advantages of NADO will become apparent from the attached software and ensuing description.
In this section, subsection A presents the general cryptographic process. Subsections B, C, D, and F explain definitions and concepts needed to discuss particular embodiments of the cryptographic process. Subsections E, F, G, H, I, J present embodiments of the NADO cryptographic process. Subsection J shows how to build instantiations of NADO from the key. Subsection K summarizes key distribution. Subsections L and M describe the JAVA byte code that executes two embodiments of NADO.
A. Cryptographic Process
In this patent, information that has not been encrypted is called a message: Please wire £50,000 to account 349-921118. Information that has been encrypted is called ciphertext: +,−3y=0z14.* 5A,0QxR4ce;iu-j″:9b?2P-)1X[0t.
There are two ways to implement the cryptographic process.
Method A Encryption:
The expression [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, . . . , dn, . . . ] represents a message.
Method A Decryption:
The expression [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, . . . , cn, . . . ] represents ciphertext (encrypted message).
Method B Encryption:
The expression [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, . . . , dn, . . . ] represents a message.
Method B Decryption:
The expression [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, . . . , cn, . . . ] represents ciphertext (encrypted message).
Comments on Method A
There is an alternative way of decrypting in method A.
Comments on Step iv.
In step iv of methods A and B, there are many ways to implement both the function that encrypts the message element with the corresponding state element, and the inverse function that decrypts the ciphertext element with the corresponding state element.
Let ƒ denote the function used to encrypt message element d with state element s. Then the encrypted (ciphertext) element is c=ƒ(d, s). When decrypting ciphertext element c with state s, then the inverse of ƒ is used, denoted as ƒ−1. In this case, the decrypted element is ƒ−1(c, s). Observe that ƒ−1(ƒ(d, s), s)=d must hold so that the receiver can decrypt the encrypted message. ƒ−1(ƒ(d, s), s)=d is just a mathematical way of representing a simple idea: The sender encrypts a message; after the receiver decrypts this encrypted message, the receiver is able to read and understand the message.
The function ƒ should have the following two properties:
There are three preferred implementations of ƒ. First, the binary operator Exclusive-OR, denoted by ⊕, is the most preferable on digital computers because it and its inverse are extremely fast. (The Exclusive-OR function is its own inverse.) ⊕ is a binary operator obeying the following rules: 1⊕0=1. 0⊕1=1. 0⊕0=0. 1⊕1=0. If the state s and d are represented by more than one bit, then the bitwise Exclusive-OR function is defined by applying ⊕ to corresponding bits. As an example, suppose the message element d=[10110000], and the state s=[00101110]. In this case, ⊕(d, s)=[1⊕0, 0⊕0, 1⊕1, 1⊕0, 0⊕1, 0⊕1, 0⊕1, 0⊕0]=[10011110].
Second, suppose L is the number of distinct values that message element d or state s can be assigned. One can define ƒ(d, s)=(d+s) modulo L, and the inverse ƒ−1(c, s)=(c−s) modulo L. Vice versa also works: ƒ(d, s)=(d−s) modulo L, and ƒ−1(c, s)=(c+s) modulo L.
When K is a non-negative integer, K modulo n means divide K by n and the answer is the remainder. 29 modulo 8 equals 5 because 5 is the remainder when you divide 29 by 8. When K is a negative integer, the definition changes. Add the smallest positive multiple of n that makes the sum of K and this multiple greater than or equal to 0. More precisely, K modulo n equals K+c*n, where c is the smallest positive integer such that (K+c*n)≧0. As an example, −263 modulo 256 equals −263+(2*256)=249. Another example, −26 modulo 8 equals −26+(4*8)=6.
Third, defining ƒ as a particular permutation is fast and its inverse is fast too. The next subsection covers permutations.
B. The First Mathematical System
Step ii of method A applies a sequence of permutations when encrypting a message, and step iii of method B applies a sequence of inverse permutations when decrypting ciphertext. In method A, while encrypting the message, the purpose is to scramble the order of the message. In method B, while encrypting the message, the purpose is to scramble the order of a sequence of states.
In method A, when decrypting the ciphertext, the purpose is to unscramble the order of a sequence of ciphertext elements. In method B, when decrypting the ciphertext, the purpose is to unscramble the order of a sequence of states.
Let the symbol S denote a set. S can be a finite or infinite set. A permutation is a function σ: S→S that sends elements of S to elements of S, is 1 to 1, and is onto. 1 to 1 means that no two distinct elements from S get mapped by σ to the same element. More formally, if s1, s2 are any two distinct element from S, in other words s1≠s2, then σ(s1)≠σ(s2). Onto means that if you choose any element τ from S, you can find an element s so that σ maps s to τ. In other words, for any element τ from S, there is some element s in S satifying σ(s)=τ. In the context of cryptography, the properties 1 to 1, and onto are useful because they help assure that a sequence of a message or states that have been scrambled by a permutation(s) can be unscrambled by the inverse permutation(s).
The identity permutation is the permutation that sends every element to itself. Formally, i: S→S. For every element s in S, i(s)=s. As an example, choose S to be the numbers 0 thru 4, inclusive. The identity i sends every element to itself means that i(0)=0, i(1)=1, i(2)=2, i(3)=3, and i(4)=4.
A finite permutation is a permutation on a finite set. Any finite permutation can be represented as a finite sequence of numbers. The word ‘sequence’ means that the order of the numbers matters. The sequence [0, 1] is not the same sequence as (1, 0]. Square brackets [ ] represent a sequence.
The sequence, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], represents the identity permutation on S. This sequence is interpreted as a permutation in the following way. The number 0 is at the beginning of the sequence, so i(0)=0. The next number in the sequence is 1, so i(1)=1. The number 2 follows 1 in the sequence, so i(2)=2. The number 3 follows 2 in the sequence, so i(3)=3. Finally, 4 follows 3 in the sequence, so i(4)=4.
As a different example, choose S to be the numbers 0 thru 7, inclusive. Choose λ=[1, 5, 3, 6, 7, 2, 4, 0]. The number 1 is at the beginning of the sequence, so λ(0)=1. The next number in the sequence is 5, so λ(1)=5. The number 3 follows 5, so λ(2)=3. Similarly, λ(3)=6, λ(4)=7, λ(5)=2, λ(6)=4, and λ(7)=0.
There is a simple way to check that λ is 1 to 1 and onto. Check that all 8 numbers are in the sequence, and make sure none of these numbers occurs in the sequence more than once.
If σ is a permutation, then the inverse of σ is denoted σ−1. When you apply σ and then apply σ−1, or vice versa, this composite function is the identity map. Formally, σ∘σ−1=σ−1∘σ=i. In other words, the function σ∘σ−1 sends every element to itself, and the function σ−1∘σ maps every element to itself.
The inverse of λ, denoted λ−1, is represented by the sequence, [7, 0, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3, 4]. The following analysis verifies that this sequence defines the inverse of lambda. From the sequence, λ−1(0)=7, λ−1(1)=0, λ−1(2)=5, λ−1(3)=2, λ−1(4)=6, λ−1(5)=1, λ−1(6)=3, and λ−1(7)=4. Next, check that λ∘λ−1(0)=λ(7)=0, λ∘λ−1(1)=λ(0)=1, λ∘λ−1(2)=λ(5)=2, λ∘λ−1(3)=λ(2)=3, λ∘λ−1(4)=λ(6)=4, λ∘λ−1(5)=λ(1)=5, λ∘λ−1(6)=λ(3)=6, λ∘λ−1(7)=λ(4)=7.
This paragraph defines two different operations on a permutation. A transposition is an operation that swaps two elements in a permutation. Let σ=[1, 0, 2, 6, 7, 5, 3, 4] be the initial permutation. Transpose 2 and 5 in σ. After the transposition, σ=[1, 0, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4]. A rotation is an operation that rotates the elements in a permutation. Let σ=[1, 0, 2, 6, 7, 5, 3, 4] be the initial permutation. After a rotation, the new permutation is σ=[4, 1, 0, 2, 6, 7, 5, 3].
Any permutation can be constructed efficiently using transpositions. The following example illustrates how to build λ starting with the identity permutation and using only transpositions. The identity permutation on 8 elements is represented by the sequence: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
It took only 7 transpositions to change the identity permutation to the permutation λ. Starting with the identity permutation, it takes at most 8 transpositions to generate any of the possible permutations. There are a total of 8! possible permutations, where 8! is a shorthand method of representing the first 8 numbers multiplied times each other: 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8=40320.
In cryptography applications, we recommend permutations of size greater than 46 because 47! is greater than 1059. 1059 is an overwhelming number of possibilities to check with current computers and will be in the foreseeable future. For a permutation of size 256, the number of possible permutations is greater than 10506. In the future, as the speed of computers improves, one should increase the size of the permutations used to make brute-force attacks impractical.
If S has n elements, it takes at most n transpositions to construct any permutation on S. The general procedure for constructing any of the n! permutations is similar to the steps already mentioned. Start with the identity permutation, and then execute n transpositions.
This procedure is shown for a permutation of length 32. Initialize σ equal to the identity permutation:
Continue these steps for another 28 transpositions to build a random permutation on 32 elements. This method of constructing an arbitrary permutation is important because it prevents an intruder from trying to guess the permutation. A potential intruder can not eliminate permutations that may be unreachable by some other algorithm that constructs a permutation. In our case, the intruder must check on average
possibilities. Further, transpositions can be executed very quickly on a digital computer. A permutation σ of size 256 requires only 256 memory swaps, and about 2*256=512 bytes of memory to store σ and the inverse of σ. On the other hand, a brute force attack requires checking more than 10506 permutations because
This transposition method is able to generate an astronomical number of possibilities to check, using very little computation (256 memory swaps), and a small amount of memory.
C. Permuting Information and States
This section explains the method of using permutations to change the order of a sequence of information or a sequence of states.
Let D=[d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12] be a sequence of a message with 13 elements. Each message element, di, represents ni bits, where ni≧1. Define the permutation λ of length 4 to be [2, 0, 3, 1]. This means that λ(0)=2, λ(1)=0, λ(2)=3, and λ(3)=1. Define the permutation a of length 6 to be σ=[4, 2, 0, 5, 3, 1]. This means that σ(0)=4, σ(1)=2, σ(2)=0, σ(3)=5, σ(4)=3, and σ(5)=1. Define γ=[2, 0, 1]. Then γ(0)=2, γ(1)=0, and γ(2)=1.
Apply λ to permute the first 4 elements of D, apply σ to permute the next 6 elements of D, and apply γ to permute the last 3 elements of D. The new permuted message sequence is: [dλ(0), dλ(0), dλ(2), dλ(3), dσ(0)+4, dσ(1)+4, dσ(2)+4, dσ(3)+4, dσ(4)+4, dσ(5)+4, dγ(0)+10, dγ(1)+10, dγ(2)+10], which equals [d2, d0, d3, d1, d8, d6, d4, d9, d7, d5, d12, d10, d11].
This paragraph provides further details on how to apply σ to the subsequence, [d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9], of the message sequence D. Applying σ creates a new permuted subsequence [d8, d6, d4, d9, d7, d5]. The 0th element of the permuted subsequence is d8 because σ(0)+4=8. The first element of the permuted subsequence is d6 because σ(1)+4=6. The second element of the permuted subsequence is d4 because σ(2)+4=4. The third element of the permuted subsequence is d9 because σ(3)+4=9. The fourth element of the permuted subsequence is d7 because σ(4)+4=7. The fifth element of the permuted subsequence is d5 because σ(5)+4=5. Notice that 4 is added each time because 4 is the sum of the lengths of the previous permutations applied to D. In this particular case, λ is the only previous permutation applied to D and λ's length is 4 so the sum is 4.
This paragraph provides further details on how to apply γ to the subsequence, [d10, d11, d12], of the message sequence D. Applying γ creates a new permuted subsequence [d12, d10, d11]. The 0th element of the permuted subsequence is d12 because γ(0)+10=12. The first element of the permuted subsequence is d10 because γ(1)+10=10. The second element of the permuted subsequence is d11 because γ(2)+10=11. Notice that 10 is added each time because 10 is the sum of the lengths of the previous permutations, λ and σ, applied to D.
In a similar way, use λ, σ, and γ to permute the sequence of states: S=[s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12]. After applying λ, σ, and γ, the permuted sequence is [s2, s0, s3, s1, s8, s6, s4, s9, s7, s5, s12, s10, s11].
In general, let D be a sequence of a message [d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, . . . dn−1] with n message elements. Choose any sequence of permutations [σ1, σ2, . . . σk], where σ1 is a permutation of length m1, σ2 is a permutation of length m2, and so forth up to, σk is a permutation of length k, and all the lengths sum to n. In other words, m1+m2+m3+ . . . +mk=n. Permute the message sequence D with this sequence of permutations so that the new permuted message sequence is [dσ
Similarly, let S be a sequence of states [s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, . . . sn−1] with n elements. Choose any sequence of permutations [σ1, σ2, . . . σk], where σ1 is a permutation of length m1, σ2 is a permutation of length m2, and so forth, σk is a permutation of length k, and all the lengths sum to n. In other words, m1+m2+m3+ . . . +mk=n. Permute this sequence of states S so that the new permuted sequence is [sσ
D. The Second Mathematical System
The second system is a state generator. This system iterates a dynamical system to create this sequence of states. An iterative autonomous dynamical system is created by a function f: X→X, where X is a set, [ROBINSON]. When a function ƒ and an initial orbit point x are chosen, the iteration of ƒ on x creates a sequence of states: [x, ƒ(x), ƒ∘ƒ(x), ƒ∘ƒ∘ƒ(x), . . . ]. This sequence of states is called the orbit of a with the function ƒ. It is also possible to create a sequence of states using a sequence of functions [ƒ1, ƒ2, ƒ3, ƒ4, . . . ], rather than a single function. The iteration of this collection on an initial orbit point x creates a sequence of states: [x, ƒ1(x), ƒ2∘ƒ1(x), ƒ3∘ƒ2∘ƒ1(x), ƒ4∘ƒ3∘ƒ2∘ƒ1(x), . . . ]. As the system is iterated, if the function applied sometimes changes, then this is an iterative non-autonomous dynamical system, [FISKE]. An iterative autonomous dynamical system is a special case of a non-autonomous dynamical system. If all the ƒi represent the same function, then this is the definition of an autonomous dynamical system.
A smooth dynamical system is created by a vector field on a manifold, [SPIVAK]. If the vector field does not change over time, then it is a smooth autonomous dynamical system. If the vector field changes smoothly over time, then it is a smooth non-autonomous dynamical system. In a smooth dynamical system, one creates a sequence of unpredictable states by sampling the coordinates of the trajectory at successive time intervals: t0<t1<t2< . . .
E. Iterative Systems with Matrices Over F2
This subsection explains how to construct a discrete non-autonomous dynamical system, using matrices over the finite field F2. F2 is the finite field with two elements: 0 and 1. There are two operations for the finite field F2, addition and multiplication represented by + and *, respectively. The complete rules for addition are: 0+0=0. 0+1=1. 1+0=1. 1+1=0. The complete rules for multiplication are: 0*0=0. 0*1=0. 1*0=0. 1*1=1.
Matrices whose entries lie in F2 can be created. The dot product is defined with matrices that have only one row or one column. Choose the matrix V=(1 0 1). V has 1 row and 3 columns, and is called a 1 by 3 matrix.
Choose the matrix 3 by 1,
The dot product between v and w is a number in F2. The computation of the dot product consists of steps i. thru iv.
In the more general case, v is a 1 by n matrix and w is a n by 1 matrix.
Choose V=(v1 v2 v3 . . . vn), and
The dot product between V and W is (v1*w1)+(v2*w2)+(v3*w3)++(vn*wn).
Next, matrix multiplication is defined in terms of the dot product. Choose a 3 by 3 matrix,
Choose a 3 by 1 matrix,
Matrix multiplication A*B is computed by calculating a distinct dot product between each row of matrix A, and the 3 by 1 matrix B.
The first row of
is 1 because this matrix entry is computed by calculating the dot product between the first row of A and the matrix B. The first row of A is (1 0 1). This dot product computation is (1*1)+(0*1)+(1*0)=1. The second row of
is 0 because this matrix entry is computed by calculating the dot product between the second row of A and the matrix B. The second row of A is (0 0 1). This dot product computation is (0*1)+(0*1)+(1*0)=0. The third row of
is 1 because this matrix entry is computed by calculating the dot product between the third row of A and the matrix B. The third row of A is (0 1 0). This dot product computation is (0*1)+(1*1)+(0*0)=1.
In general, multiply an n by n matrix
by an n by 1 matrix
The result is an n by 1 matrix
The number in the first row of C equals the dot product between the first row of A and the matrix B. In other words, c11=(a11*b11)+(a12*b21)+(a13*b31)+ . . . +(a1n*bn1) Similarly, the number in the second row of C equals the dot product between the second row of A and the matrix B. In other words, c21=(a21*b11)+(a22*b21)+(a23*b31)+ . . . +(a2n*bn1) The ith row of C equals the dot product between the ith row of A and the matrix B. In other words, ci1=(ai1*b11)+(ai2*b21)+(ai3*b31)+ . . . +(ain*bn1)
Choose A to be a n by n matrix over F2. Let Xn be the set of all n by 1 matrices over F2. The matrix A creates a function A: Xn→Xn using matrix multiplication.
Choose s to be a n by 1 matrix lying in Xn. s is called the initial orbit point. Define A(s)=A*s. As described in subsection D, if A remains changed as the dynamical system is iterated, then A creates a discrete autonomous dynamical system. The orbit of s with respect to A is [s, A*s, A*A*s, A*A*A*s, . . . ]. The n by 1 matrices in the orbit, s, A*s, A*A*s, and so on, are called orbit points. A is called the iterating matrix.
As the dynamical system is iterated, if the matrix A changes occasionally, then this creates a discrete non-autonomous dynamical system. There are some important goals when changing the iterating matrix.
There are many ways to accomplish these objectives:
There are also a number of ways to decide when to change the matrix. The matrix can be changed after each iteration, or it can be remain unchanged for a number of iterations and then can be changed. If the matrix remains unchanged for a few iterations, this helps reduce computational time.
The next example illustrates changing the matrix in a non-periodic way. Initialize A and s0. The subscript denotes the iterate number.
After the first and second iterate,
the states are
Swap s2 with the first row of A. After the swap, the new values of A and s2 are
After the 3rd iterate,
Swap the 3rd and the 7th rows of A. After the swap,
After the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th iterates with no changes made to A,
where s4=A*s3, s5=A*s4, s6=A*s5, and s7=A*s6.
After flipping the 5th row of s7 from 1 to 0,
After the 8th iterate,
Continue to generate states s9, s10, . . . indefinitely, changing A or si in a non-periodic way.
F. Perturbator
A Perturbator is a new notion. A general Perturbator is any process that changes some dynamical system in a non-periodic way. The Perturbator described in this section is designed to change A or si in a non-periodic way; execute fast; and use a small amount of memory.
Use part of the private key to initialize the integer variables: n, θ, δ, M and c. We prefer to initialize n=0, and the other variables so that M≧θ≧c≧0 and δ>0. The execution of the Perturbator consists of the steps below.
The computer executes the steps of the Perturbator, after each iteration of the computation si+1=A*si.
G. Iterative Systems with Matrices Over Any Ring
All of the methods in the previous section, also hold for any collection of matrices whose entries lie in a mathematical ring. In the previous section, the entries in the matrix were in F2 for clarity. A ring R is any set of elements having the binary operations + and * with the following properties.
Below are some examples of rings whose elements can be in a matrix.
Note: Ri is neither isomorphic to Z4, nor isomorphic to Z2×Z2.
H. Changing a Dynamical System with a Perturbator
In the Perturbator discussed in section, one can substitute the step, Set M to the next prime number p, for the step Add 1 to M. Further, initialize M to some arbitrary prime number. These substitutions create a different implementation of a Perturbator. An important idea is that if M is changed to a value it has never been assigned, then the dynamical system can be perturbed in a non-periodic way. This idea enables a more general Perturbator that perturbs an arbitrary dynamical system in a non-periodic way. Below are the steps of this more general Perturbator that are executed after each iteration of the dynamical system.
The most general method is to use a distinct dynamical system P: Y→Y as the Perturbator. As stated in the section that introduces dynamical systems, let ƒ: X→X be any initial function that needs to be transformed into a non-autonomous dynamical system. Initialize D to a subset of Y. The execution steps are:
I. Non-autonomous Systems Using Permutations
The goal here is to create a sequence of states using a sequence of permutations. Choose an initial permutation σ with length L. Initialize the state number variable i to 0. Initialize variables k and j to two natural numbers lying in the set {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , (L−1)}. Steps A thru E are executed inside of a loop. The number of times the loop is executed determines the number of states generated in the sequence. The system described below generates a sequence of states, [s0, s1, s2, . . . ].
In current technology, data written to and read from streams is often in bytes. A byte represents 28=256 distinct values. Thus, steps A thru E are illustrated on a permutation of length 256. Choose σ as:
[44, 248, 189, 104, 187, 201, 127, 226, 220, 136, 155, 237, 86, 144, 166, 27, 152, 204, 150, 202, 114, 157, 67, 245, 172, 22, 89, 167, 214, 145, 42, 191, 57, 77, 186, 251, 31, 161, 221, 111, 250, 51, 117, 205, 0, 48, 79, 165, 76, 209, 181, 151, 198, 78, 200, 129, 179, 49, 230, 3, 102, 222, 146, 203, 30, 227, 70, 196, 140, 109, 177, 63, 32, 75, 228, 178, 253, 43, 10, 105, 38, 128, 11, 174, 23, 215, 25, 223, 110, 182, 137, 216, 176, 229, 141, 163, 212, 94, 143, 193, 219, 88, 133, 218, 197, 180, 90, 171, 255, 84, 95, 81, 124, 185, 108, 121, 247, 194, 87, 40, 9, 41, 238, 92, 131, 168, 184, 115, 2, 14, 54, 103, 17, 122, 26, 192, 246, 4, 208, 225, 71, 119, 126, 118, 33, 130, 183, 46, 101, 159, 224, 1, 125, 142, 107, 217, 37, 234, 242, 15, 35, 239, 211, 236, 65, 154, 16, 5, 34, 98, 61, 156, 53, 6, 59, 100, 162, 116, 206, 68, 169, 85, 58, 113, 45, 62, 148, 106, 243, 249, 7, 55, 147, 66, 91, 233, 39, 36, 47, 190, 252, 29, 235, 82, 96, 60, 188, 97, 18, 213, 24, 153, 240, 158, 195, 139, 232, 72, 120, 93, 135, 210, 199, 164, 149, 99, 160, 134, 13, 19, 83, 52, 132, 175, 231, 123, 241, 28, 207, 73, 112, 64, 50, 12, 80, 74, 20, 56, 8, 173, 254, 138, 244, 170, 69, 21]. Executing steps A thru E in a loop ten times, the first ten states are: [s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9]=[224, 104, 158, 8, 149, 5, 133, 0, 21, 198].
Steps A thru E are described in more detail to show how the states are generated. Initialize j=143 and k=255.
At step A, k is set equal to 0 because 255+1 modulo 256 equals 0.
At step B, j is set equal to (143+σ−1(0)) modulo 256. Since σ(44)=0, σ−1(0)=44. Thus, after step B, j=187.
At step C, σ((σ(0)+σ(187)) modulo 256)=σ((44+106) modulo 256)=σ(150)=224 so state s0=224.
At step D, add 1 to i, so i=1.
At step E, the simplest way to understand this step is to recognize that for any number m the σ−1(m)th entry in σ is m. With this in mind, since k=0 and j=187, swap 0 and 187. The two entries swapped are shown in bold. After this transposition, the new value of σ is:
[44, 248, 189, 104, 0, 201, 127, 226, 220, 136, 155, 237, 86, 144, 166, 27, 152, 204, 150, 202, 114, 157, 67, 245, 172, 22, 89, 167, 214, 145, 42, 191, 57, 77, 186, 251, 31, 161, 221, 111, 250, 51, 117, 205, 187, 48, 79, 165, 76, 209, 181, 151, 198, 78, 200, 129, 179, 49, 230, 3, 102, 222, 146, 203, 30, 227, 70, 196, 140, 109, 177, 63, 32, 75, 228, 178, 253, 43, 10, 105, 38, 128, 11, 174, 23, 215, 25, 223, 110, 182, 137, 216, 176, 229, 141, 163, 212, 94, 143, 193, 219, 88, 133, 218, 197, 180, 90, 171, 255, 84, 95, 81, 124, 185, 108, 121, 247, 194, 87, 40, 9, 41, 238, 92, 131, 168, 184, 115, 2, 14, 54, 103, 17, 122, 26, 192, 246, 4, 208, 225, 71, 119, 126, 118, 33, 130, 183, 46, 101, 159, 224, 1, 125, 142, 107, 217, 37, 234, 242, 15, 35, 239, 211, 236, 65, 154, 16, 5, 34, 98, 61, 156, 53, 6, 59, 100, 162, 116, 206, 68, 169, 85, 58, 113, 45, 62, 148, 106, 243, 249, 7, 55, 147, 66, 91, 233, 39, 36, 47, 190, 252, 29, 235, 82, 96, 60, 188, 97, 18, 213, 24, 153, 240, 158, 195, 139, 232, 72, 120, 93, 135, 210, 199, 164, 149, 99, 160, 134, 13, 19, 83, 52, 132, 175, 231, 123, 241, 28, 207, 73, 112, 64, 50, 12, 80, 74, 20, 56, 8, 173, 254, 138, 244, 170, 69, 21].
These steps A thru E can be executed as many times as needed to create a sequence of states. Further, the order in which steps A thru E are executed can also be changed.
If smaller keys are the primary goal in the encryption system, use the same steps A thru E on a permutation with a smaller length. For example if σ has length 64, then each state si generated in step C is a number ranging from 0 to 63. This state si can be used to encrypt 6 bits of a message because 64=26.
This paragraph presents the concept of eventual periodicity. A sequence of states [s0, s1, s2, . . . ] is eventually periodic if there are two positive integers k and n such that for each integer j between 0 and n−1 inclusive sk+j=sk+j+mn for every integer m≧0. This sequence eventually has a period of n and that k is the threshold for this eventual periodicity.
As an example, the sequence [2, 7, 4, 3, 5, 1, 3, 5, 1, 3, 5, 1, . . . ] is eventually periodic because it eventually starts to repeat 3, 5, 1, 3, 5, 1, 3, 5, 1, . . . . It has a threshold k=3 and period n=3. As another example, the sequence [1, 0, 4, 3, 5, 7, 8, 2, 1, 7, 8, 2, 1, 7, 8, 2, 1, . . . ] is eventually periodic with k=5 and period n=4.
It can be mathematically shown that a broad class of current encryption algorithms generate a sequence of states that is eventually periodic. Some members of the cryptographic community believe that the encrypted message is not vulnerable if the threshold k or the period n are sufficiently large. However, there are methods in the field of dynamical systems to develop predictive models of this type of behavior. In the future, it is possible that someone could propose a method of using this eventual periodicity to decode an encrypted message even for extremely large periods.
There is a simple computationally efficient way to break up eventual periodicity. Use a Perturbator to change a in a non-periodic way. As stated before, in the Perturbator section, initialize the integer variables: n, θ, δ, M and c. We prefer to initialize n=0, and initialize the other variables so that M>θ≧c≧0 and δ>0. Our software implementation of a Perturbator consists of the following steps.
In the step, Change σ, there are two preferred ways to do this. The first way is to transpose two elements of σ when execution speed is more important. A second way is to rotate σ. The file NADO.jar changes σ using a rotation.
Below is a summary of the preferred method to generate a sequence of states, [s0, s1, s2, . . . ], using a non-autonomous system built from permutations.
Any reordering of the steps A thru F inside the do-while loop will work as well to generate a sequence of states. Further, step E can be removed, if the Perturbator in step F uses transpositions to change σ, σ changes frequently, and the Perturbator changes σ in a non-periodic way.
An alternative is to use more than one permutation to generate an unpredictable sequence of states. As an example, initialize two distinct permutations σ1, σ2 of length L. Initialize non-negative integers j1, j2, and k. Set i equal to 0.
The previous method with two permutations, approximately doubles the memory use and approximately doubles the speed. The spirit of this method can be extended to 3 or more permutations, when speed is a higher priority than memory usage.
J. Building NADO with a Key
A NADO key is a collection of integers, or a sequence of bits interpreted as a collection of integers. NADO uses one integer for the initial orbit point. NADO uses 3 positive integers and 1 non-negative integer for the initialization of θ, δ, M and c in the Perturbator, described in subsections VI.F and VI.H.
To generate a permutation σ, first initialize σ to the identity permutation, where n is the size of σ. A part of the NADO key can be a sequence of non-negative integers, denoted as k0, k1, . . . , km. In the case when the following three conditions hold:
If the above three conditions do not hold, then execute the following steps to initialize σ. Initialize r and q to 1.
An n by n matrix over F2 is initialized by the key as follows. First, a permutation-based non-autonomous dynamical system is initialized as described above. Then this system is iterated to build the matrix. This system's state after each iteration is 1 byte, which represents a sequence of 8 ones and zeros. This sequence of ones and zeros is stored in the n by n matrix over F2.
The part of the key that is used to build the matrix is contained in the array of integers, int[ ] values. The two dimensional array matrix[i][k] represents the n by n matrix over F2. The method call PermutationOrbitor.create(256, values) creates a non-autonomous dynamical system, using a sequence of permutations of size 256. The method call po.state( ) returns the system's state. The section of JAVA code below illustrates this in more detail:
This method of initializing an n by n matrix is highly effective at generating an unpredictable sequence of ones and zeros even with an extremely small, poor key. As an example, using only 4 small integers, values[0]=1, values[1]=2, values[2]=1, and values[3]=1, the code in NADO.jar generates the 32 by 32 matrix:
In NADO.jar, the non-autonomous system used in the encryption and decryption process depends on the key. In particular, from the key the parities of integers are determined. If the sum of the parities modulo 2 is 1, then the non-autonomous system is generated by a 32 by 32 matrix with entries in F2. If the sum modulo 2 is 0, then it is generated by a non-autonomous system of permutations of size 256, as described in subsection VI.I.
Keep in mind that in the general NADO cryptographic process, there is the choice of implementing one or more non-autonomous dynamical systems. If the choice is to implement only one, then, for example, an implementation might only use a 64 by 64 matrix with entries in F2 to generate the non-autonomous system. In this case, even if the key changes, this implementation would still use a 64 by 64 matrix with entries in F2. As a different example, an implementation might only use a non-autonomous system of permutations. In this case, even if the key changes, this implementation would still use a non-autonomous system of permutations.
K. Key Distribution
NADO uses a symmetric private key. There are different ways to distribute the key.
i. The sender uses an excellent random number generator to build the private key for NADO. At the beginning of the conversation or data exchange, the sending agent sends the NADO private key to the receiving agent using a public-private key system. After the private key has been sent, the public-private key system is no longer needed. [SCHNEIER] describes a number of protocols that describe how to exchange keys using public-private key methods. Some of these protocols for key exchange using a public-private key method are: Interlock, Dass, Denning-Sacco, Woo-Lam.
This technique greatly enhances the speed at which two parties can communicate in a secure way, as NADO encrypts and decrypts at a much faster rate then public-private key cryptographic methods. (See subsection N.)
ii. In applications where the number of potential recipients of an encrypted transmission is small and the recipients are known beforehand, the sending and receiving agents can agree to have the private key transmitted in a secure way. A courier may hand-carry the key. There are also a number of automated ways described in [SCHNEIER]: Wide-Mouth tog, Yahalom, Needhan-Schroeder, Otway-Rees, Kerberos, Neuman-Stubblebine.
Method i. is superior when the number of potential recipients of an encrypted transmission is large and potential recipients are unknown. These applications include:
Method ii. is preferred for military applications and specialized banking applications, when there are a small number of people communicating, and there is a high degree of confidence that the private key will not be intercepted and stolen.
L. Instructions on the Use of NADO.jar
On the CD-ROM, the file NADO.jar contains JAVA byte code that executes on a JAVA virtual machine. A JAVA virtual machine should be installed, and the system variable CLASSPATH should contain the directory path that NADO.jar is in. The main class in NADO.jar is NADO.class. NADO.class enables four different commands by calling four static methods: buildKey, encrypt, decrypt, and main.
Using arrays of integers as input, the first static method allows the user to create an object NADOKey which stores the NADO private key.
public static NADOKey buildKey(int[ ] ai0, int[ ] ai1, int[ ] ai2, int[ ] ai3)
The four arguments ai0, ai1, ai2, and ai3 store arrays of integers used to initialize the perturbator, the sequence of permutations, the orbit point, and the non-autonomous dynamical system. NADO.class assumes that these arrays of integers have already been generated elsewhere by a random generator, and distributed securely. The object NADOKey returned by method buildKey can be used as an argument by the next two methods encrypt and decrypt.
The second static method enables a user to read a message coming from Input-Stream plain, encrypt this message using the argument ky, and write the ciphertext to OutputStream cipher.
public static void encrypt(InputStream plain, OutputStream cipher, NADOKey ky)
The third static method enables a user to read ciphertext coming from InputStream cipher, decrypt the ciphertext using the argument ky, and write the message to Output-Stream decipher.
public static void decrypt(InputStream cipher, OutputStream decipher, NADOKey ky)
Because of the generality of the JAVA classes InputStream and OutputStream, the methods buildKey, encrypt and decrypt in NADO.jar enable a wide variety of encryption/decryption applications.
The fourth static method main enables the user to encrypt and decrypt files from the command line. main expects the files 032.txt, M32.txt, P.txt, and N.txt to be in the same directory as NADO.jar. 032.txt stores a single integer, and M32.txt, P.txt, and N.txt store integers that make up the NADO key. The encrypted and decrypted files should lie in the subdirectory/text. As an example, the command java NADO E plain1.txt reads the message in the file plain1.txt and writes the ciphertext to the file cipher32_plain1.txt. The command java NADO D cipher32_plain1.txt reads the encrypted file cipher32_plain1.txt, decrypts it, and writes the resulting message to plain1.txt. These commands must be typed in from the same directory as NADO.jar.
On the CD-ROM, there are two files cipher32_plain1.txt and cipher32_plain2.txt in the subdirectory/text. These two files were encrypted by NADO.jar.
M. Performance of NADO.jar
NADO.jar is fast enough to execute real-time encryption and decryption on wireless devices such as cell phones and other consumer products; to execute real-time encryption/decryption of data in military applications such as theatre missile defense; and to perform real-time encryption for high speed networking applications.
NADO.jar encrypts and decrypts uncompressed information at a speed ranging from 180,000 to 210,000 bytes per second, on a laptop computer running an Intel 150 Mhz Pentium x86 Family5 Model4 microprocessor. On a laptop computer running an Intel 996 Mhz Pentium III microprocessor, NADO.jar encrypts and decrypts uncompressed information at a speeding ranging from 2,200,000 to 2,400,000 bytes per second.
These speeds do not measure the amount of time to read from the input file and write to the output file because hard drive speeds vary considerably. Furthermore, in some cryptography applications, reading and writing to a file does not occur. Currently, cell phones and some handheld computers do not have a hard drive. Current cell phone technology requires a speed of 20,000 bits per second to perform real-time encryption, which is equivalent to 2,500 bytes per second (1 byte=8 bits). At these speeds, NADO easily enables real-time encryption and decryption on cell phones and wireless PDAs. NADO.jar uses 10,241 bytes of memory, so it can run on devices such as PDAs, cell phones, and small embedded military applications. Since NADO implementations in C or assembly code will be far more efficient, a C or assembly code implementation of NADO should take up less than 5,000 bytes of memory, and execute 10 to 100 times faster than the speeds stated here.
This section describes alternative embodiments of NADO.
Alternative 1. In cases where speed and a smaller key size is important, this alternative uses only a sequence of permutations to change the order of the message. This process is outlined in subsection VI.A, step ii of method A and step iii of method B. This process is described in detail in subsection VI.C. As shown in subsection VI.C., each permutation in the sequence may have a different length.
Alternative 2. This alternative is an extension of alternative 1. In addition to a sequence of permutations to reorder the message, it also uses a Perturbator to change the sequence of permutations in a non-periodic way.
Alternative 3. This alternative uses only a non-autonomous dynamical system to create a sequence of unpredictable states. This process is introduced in subsection VI.D. This process is covered in detail in subsections VI.E, VI.G, and VI.I.
Alternative 4. This alternative is an extension of alternative 3. In addition to a non-autonomous dynamical system to create a sequence of unpredictable states, it uses a Perturbator to change the non-autonomous system in a non-periodic way.
Alternative 5. This alternative is an extension of alternatives 1 and 3. It uses a sequence of permutations to reorder the message or states, and a non-autonomous dynamical system to create a sequence of unpredictable states, but does not use Perturbators.
Alternative 6. This alternative uses part of the cryptographic process to generate pseudo-random numbers. As introduced in section VI.D and discussed in detail in sections VI.E, VI.G, and VI.I, NADO generates a sequence of unpredictable states: [si
Alternative 7. As explained in alternative 6, pseudo-random numbers can be generated. These pseudo-random numbers can be used to build keys in a distinct encryption/decryption system. This distinct encryption/decryption device could be implemented with the DES algorithm, or some other well-known encryption algorithm, or even the NADO encryption/decryption process. Thus, NADO can be used to generate keys.
The process for encrypting and decrypting information makes use of three novel processes in cryptography: (1) A sequence of permutations which scrambles and spreads out the encrypted message; (2) A non-autonomous dynamical system to generate an unpredictable sequence of states; (3) One or more perturbators which perturb both the non-autonomous dynamical system and the sequence of permutations in a non-periodic way. As discussed in section VII, there are alternative embodiments that use particular combinations of (1), (2), and (3).
While NADO has been described in complete detail, and two implementations are demonstrated in JAVA byte code, NADO is not to be limited to such details, since many changes and modifications may be made to NADO without departing, from the spirit and scope thereof. Persons of ordinary skill in the art may implement the invention in various ways and configurations that embody the subject matter encompassed literally and by equivalents in the following claims. Hence, NADO is described to cover any and all modifications and forms which may come within the language and scope of the claims.
This application claims the benefit of Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/424,299 filed Nov. 6, 2002.
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Number | Date | Country | |
20040228480 A1 | Nov 2004 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60424299 | Nov 2002 | US |