
  • Patent Application
  • 20220378818
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    August 21, 2020
    4 years ago
  • Date Published
    December 01, 2022
    a year ago
The present invention provides an oligonucleotide comprising the sequence 5′-GGAACAGTTCGTCCATGGC-3′ (SEQ ID NO:2) for use in the treatment of an inflammatory bowel disease in a human subject via topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration.

The present application includes a Sequence Listing in electronic format. The Sequence Listing is provided as a file entitled Sequence_Listing_63CZ-312123-US, created Jun. 16, 2022, which is 1 kilobyte in size. The information in the electronic format of the Sequence Listing is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.


The present invention relates to new therapies for treating inflammatory bowel diseases, for instance active ulcerative colitis (UC), with an oligonucleotide, especially cobitolimod.


Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the rectal and colonic mucosa, affecting the innermost lining in the first stage. The disease is recurrent, with both active and inactive stages that differ in pathology, symptoms and treatment. The underlying cause of UC is not understood, nor is it known what triggers the disease to recur between its inactive and active forms (Irvine, E. J. (2008) Inflamm Bowel Dis 14(4): 554-565). Symptoms of active UC include progressive loose stools with blood and increased frequency of bowel movements. Active mucosal inflammation is diagnosed by endoscopy.

The stools contain pus, mucous and blood and are often associated with abdominal cramping with urgency to evacuate (tenesmi). Diarrhoea may have an insidious onset or, more rarely, start quite suddenly. In severe cases the symptoms may include fever and general malaise. In severe stages, deep inflammation of the bowel wall may develop with abdominal tenderness, tachycardia, fever and risk of bowel perforation. Furthermore, patients with UC may suffer extra intestinal manifestations such as arthralgia and arthritis, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum and inflammation in the eyes. In the case of remission or inactive UC, patients are usually free of bowel symptoms.

The extent of inflamed and damaged mucosa differs among patients with UC. UC that affects only the rectum is termed ulcerative proctitis. The condition is referred to as distal or left sided colitis when inflammatory changes are present in the left side of the colon up to the splenic flexure. In extensive UC the transverse colon is also affected, and pancolitis designates a disease involving the entire colon.

Active mucosal inflammation is diagnosed by endoscopy and is characterized by a loss of vascular patterning, oedema, petechia, spontaneous bleeding and fibrinous exudates. The endoscopic picture is that of continuous inflammation, starting in the rectum and extending proximally to a variable extent into the colon. Biopsies obtained at endoscopy and subjected to histological examination help to diagnose the condition. Infectious causes, including Clostridium difficile, camphylobacter, Salmonella and Shigella, may mimic UC and can be excluded by stool cultures.

The medical management of UC is divided into treatment of active disease and maintenance of remission.

The treatment of patients with active UC aims to reduce inflammation and promote colon healing and mucosal recovery. In milder cases the disease may be controlled with conventional drugs including sulphasalazine, 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) (Sutherland, L., F. Martin, S. Greer, M. Robinson, N. Greenberger, F. Saibil, T. Martin, J. Sparr, E. Prokipchuk and L. Borgn (1987) Gastroenterology 92: 1894-1898) and glucocorticosteroids (GCS) (Domenech, E., M. Manosa and E. Cabre (2014). Dig Dis 32(4): 320-327).

GCS are generally used to treat disease flare-ups and are not recommended for maintenance of remission since there are significant side effects in long-term use, and the possible development of steroid dependent disease. Glucocorticoid drugs act non-selectively, so in the long run they may impair many healthy anabolic processes. As a result, maintenance treatment with systemic GCS is not advised (Prantera, C. and S. Marconi (2013) Therap Adv Gastroenterol 6(2): 137-156).

For patients who become refractory to GCS and suffer from severe or moderately severe attacks of UC, the addition of immunomodulatory agents such as cyclosporine, 6-mercaptopurine and azathioprine may be used. However, immunomodulators are slow-acting and the induction of remission in these patients is often temporary (Khan, K. J., M. C. Dubinsky, A. C. Ford, T. A. Ullman, N. J. Talley and P. Moayyedi (2011) Am J Gastroenterol 106(4): 630-642).

Further treatment options for UC include biologic agents (Fausel, R. and A. Afzali (2015) Ther Clin Risk Manag 11: 63-73). The three TNF-α inhibitors currently approved for the treatment of moderate to severe UC are infliximab, adalimumab, and golimumab. All three carry potential risks associated with their use, and should be avoided in certain patients, e.g. those with uncontrolled infections, advanced heart failure, neurologic conditions and in patients with a history of malignancy, due to a potential risk of accelerating the growth of a tumour. Other potential adverse effects of TNF-α inhibitor therapy include neutropenia, hepatotoxicity, serum sickness, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, rash including psoriasiform rash, induction of autoimmunity, and injection or infusion site reactions, including anaphylaxis, convulsions, and hypotension.

All three TNF-α inhibitor agents and their related biosimilar/derivative counterparts may be used to induce and maintain clinical response and remission in patients with UC. Combination therapy with azathioprine is also used for inducing remission. However, more than 50% of patients receiving TNF-α inhibitor agents fail to respond to induction dosing, or lose response to the TNF-α inhibitor agents over time (Fausel, R. and A. Afzali (2015) Ther Clin Risk Manag 11: 63-73).

Vedolizumab, a α4β7 integrin inhibitor, tofacitinib, a JAK inhibitor, and ustekinumab, an anti-IL12/IL23 monoclonal antibody, have been approved for the treatment of UC. In the GEMINI 1 trial, vedolizumab was found to be more effective than placebo for inducing and maintaining clinical response, clinical remission, and mucosal healing (Feagan, B. G., P. Rutgeerts, B. E. Sands, S. Hanauer, J. F. Colombel, W. J. Sandborn, G. Van Assche, J. Axler, H. J. Kim, S. Danese, I. Fox, C. Milch, S. Sankoh, T. Wyant, J. Xu, A. Parikh and G. S. Group (2013). “Vedolizumab as induction and maintenance therapy for ulcerative colitis.” N Engl J Med 369(8): 699-710.).

Ulcerative colitis patients, who are chronically active and refractory to known treatments pose a serious medical challenge and often the only remaining course of action is colectomy. A total colectomy is a potentially curative option in severe UC, but is a life-changing operation that entails risks as complications, such as pouch failure, pouchitis, pelvic sepsis, infertility in women, and nocturnal faecal soiling, may follow. Therefore, surgery is usually reserved for patients with severe refractory disease, surgical or other emergencies, or patients with colorectal dysplasia or cancer.

An emergent third line treatment for UC is cobitolimod (Kappaproct/DIMS0150), a modified single strand deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-based synthetic oligonucleotide of 19 bases in length. Cobitolimod has the sequence 5′-G*G*A*ACAGTTCGTCCAT*G*G*C-3′ (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein the CG dinucleotide is unmethylated.

Cobitolimod functions as an immunomodulatory agent by targeting the Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) present in immune cells. These immune cells (i.e., B-cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cell (pDCs) reside in high abundance in mucosal surfaces, such as colonic and nasal mucosa. The immune system is the key mediator of the changes of UC. The mucosa of the colon and rectum of patients with UC is chronically inflamed and contains active immune cells. Cobitolimod may be topically administered in the region of inflammation, which places the drug in close contact with a high number of intended target cells, ensuring that the drug will reach an area rich in TLR9 expressing cells. The activation of these cells by cobitolimod induces various cytokines, such as type I interferons and interleukin 10 (IL-10) which are classical anti-inflammatory cytokines and are believed to be important factors for the clinical effect of cobitolimod.

The clinical efficacy of cobitolimod has been demonstrated in the “COLLECT” clinical trial, which involved the administration to patients of 30 mg doses of cobitolimod, at 4 week intervals. The details of that clinical trials were published in Journal of Crohns and Colitis (Atreya et al. J Crohns Colitis, 2016 May 20) and are summarised in reference Example 1. Overall, data on cobitolimod support a positive benefit-risk assessment for patients with chronic active UC. Cobitolimod is safe and well tolerated and has been shown to be effective to induce clinical response and remission in patients with chronic active UC, as well as symptomatic and endoscopic remission in patients with treatment refractory, moderate to severe chronic active UC.

The COLLECT study involved the topical administration of cobitolimod by a spray catheter device, administered during an endoscopy. This is an invasive medical procedure which is necessarily carried out by a medical professional. Further, before the topical administration of the cobitolimod to the patients, the colon of each patient was cleaned to remove faecal matter. That was done to enable the cobitolimod to reach the intestinal epithelial cells within the colon and to enable the endoscopist to view the colonic mucosa. Thus, it is well known in the art that oligonucleotides such as cobitolimod bind to organic matter such as faeces. It was therefore thought necessary to remove any faecal coating and other faecal material from the colon to enable the cobitolimod to reach the target intestinal epithelial cells within the colon.

As noted above, ulcerative colitis patients, who are chronically active and refractory to known treatments pose a serious medical challenge and often the only remaining course of action is colectomy. For this reason, patients will tolerate medical intervention which requires both colonic cleaning to remove faecal matter and topical administration via spray catheter, despite the inconvenience and discomfort involved in such invasive procedures. However, it would be therapeutically desirable to provide a topical treatment for ulcerative colitis patients which does not require colonic cleaning to remove faecal matter and which, preferably, can be self-administered by the patient.


It has now surprisingly been found that despite its known propensity to bind to faecal matter, cobitolimod has efficacy against inflammatory bowel diseases such as UC when administered to patients which have not been subjected to colonic cleaning. Further, it has surprisingly been found that it is possible to administer cobitolimod via an enema device which is suitable for self administration. Thus, it is not necessary to administer the active ingredient using a spray catheter device during an endoscopy.

The present invention therefore provides an oligonucleotide comprising the sequence 5′-GGAACAGTTCGTCCATGGC-3′ (SEQ ID NO:2) for use in the treatment of an inflammatory bowel disease in a human subject via topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration.

Preferably, said topical administration is effected via an enema which is suitable for self administration by the patient. Typically, the enema has an elongate tip configured so as to enable insertion into the rectum. Typically, said tip is from 4 to 15 cm long, typically from 4 to 10 cm long, preferably 5 to 6 cm long. Thus, typically the cobitolimod is administered via a method which involves the insertion into the rectum only of an elongate enema tip which is from 4 to 15 cm long, preferably from 4 to 10 cm long.

Preferably, the treatment of the inflammatory bowel disease comprises the administration of individual doses of from 150 mg to 350 mg of said oligonucleotide to the subject on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart. The increase in efficacy of the drug at 250 mg is more than would have been expected from the previous clinical studies carried out at much lower doses.

The present invention also provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising an oligonucleotide as defined herein, together with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, for use in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease as defined herein in a human subject as defined herein, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration. Typically, individual administrations of said composition are administered to the subject on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart, and wherein each administration of the composition delivers an amount of the oligonucleotide as defined herein.

The present invention also provides a method of treating inflammatory bowel disease as defined herein, in a human subject as defined herein, comprising administering to said subject an oligonucleotide as defined herein or a composition as defined herein, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration. Typically, individual administrations of said oligonucleotide or composition are administered to the patient on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart, and wherein each administration of the oligonucleotide or composition delivers an amount of the oligonucleotide as defined herein.

In preferred embodiments, the oligonucleotide has the sequence 5′-G*G*A*ACAGTTCGTCCAT*G*G*C-3′ (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein the CG dinucleotide is unmethylated. Thus, in preferred embodiments, the oligonucleotide is cobitolimod.


FIG. 1 shows the results from a placebo-controlled clinical trial of the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting blood in stool=zero (maximum patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week following administration of an oligonucleotide of the invention, or placebo (added to standard of care (S.o.C.)).

FIG. 2 shows the results from a placebo-controlled clinical trial of the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting weekly stool frequency <18 (summary of patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week following administration of an oligonucleotide of the invention, or placebo (added to standard of care (S.o.C.)).

FIG. 3 shows the results from a placebo-controlled clinical trial of the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting weekly stool frequency <35 (summary of patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week following administration of an oligonucleotide of the invention, or placebo (added to standard of care (S.o.C.)).

FIG. 4 shows the results from a placebo-controlled clinical trial of the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting daily stool frequency <3 (mean daily patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week following administration of an oligonucleotide of the invention, or placebo (added to standard of care (S.o.C.)).

FIG. 5 shows the results from a placebo-controlled clinical trial of the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting daily stool frequency <4 (mean daily patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week following administration of an oligonucleotide of the invention, or placebo (added to standard of care (S.o.C.)).

FIG. 6 shows the results from a placebo-controlled clinical trial of the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting daily stool frequency <5 (mean daily patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week following administration of an oligonucleotide of the invention, or placebo (added to standard of care (S.o.C.)).

FIG. 7 shows the weight loss results in mice in a DSS-induced colitis mouse model over 10 days.

FIG. 8 shows the results for disease activity index (DAI) in a DSS-induced colitis mouse model over 10 days.

FIG. 9 shows the results for endoscopic colitis grading in a DSS-induced colitis mouse model over 10 days.

FIG. 10 shows flow cytometry analysis showing percentage of IL17+, RORγT+, and IL17+ROR γT+ cells in the CD4+ T cell subset of the Lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMCs) isolated from mouse colon specimens in a DSS induced colitis mouse model at day 10.

FIG. 11 shows flow cytometry analysis of the Myeloid derived suppressor cell (MDSC CD11+Gr1+) population isolated from the mouse colon specimens in a DSS induced colitis mouse model at day 10.

FIG. 12 shows clinical remission at week 6 in patients who received rectal enemas of cobitolimod 31 mg, 125 mg, or 250 mg at weeks 0 and 3, cobitolimod 125 mg at weeks 0, 1, 2, and 3, or placebo. Clinical remission was defined as Mayo subscores of rectal bleeding 0, stool frequency≤1 (with ≥1-point decrease from baseline), and endoscopy ≤1 (excluding friability). *One-sided p-value<0⋅10 demonstrates statistically significant result.

FIG. 13 shows the adjusted odds ratio with 80% confidence intervals for primary endpoints at week 6 with placebo as comparator. Clinical remission=Mayo subscores of rectal bleeding 0, stool frequency ≤1 (with ≥1-point decrease from baseline), and endoscopy ≤1 (modified to exclude friability). NRI=non-responder imputation. OD=observed data. OR=odds ratio. PGA=Physician's Global Assessment. PMI=placebo multiple imputation. PPS=per protocol set.


All patents, patent applications, and publications cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.

As used herein, the term “subject” refers to a human subject/patient. The terms “subject” and “patient” are used interchangeably herein.

As used herein, the term inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a group of inflammatory conditions of the colon and the gastrointestinal tract. The major types of IBD are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease. The main difference between UC and Crohn's disease is the location and nature of the inflammatory changes. Crohn's disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, from mouth to anus, while UC is restricted to the colon and the rectum. In some cases, a definitive diagnosis of either Crohn's disease or UC cannot be made due to idiosyncrasies in the presentation. In these cases a diagnosis of indeterminate colitis may be made. Other forms of IBD include, but are not limited to, collagenous colitis, lymphocytic colitis, ischaemic colitis, diversion colitis, Behçet's disease and indeterminate colitis.

Typically, the inflammatory bowel disease is ulcerative colitis (UC).

The disease ulcerative colitis (UC) is well known to one skilled in the art. Ulcerative colitis treated in accordance with the present invention may involve treatment of ulcerative proctitis, distal or left sided colitis, extensive colitis, pancolitis and pouchitis.

Patients with UC typically present with a spectrum of disease severity ranging from remission to severely active. Clinical assessment can be used to classify UC patients into 4 disease activity subgroups as defined in D'Haens, Gastroenterology 2007; 132: 763-786, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference: (1) remission (≤2 or 3 stools/day, without the presence of blood and/or pus in the stools, with no systemic symptoms); (2) mildly active disease (3 or 4 stools/day and/or presence of blood and/or pus in the stools less than daily, with no systemic symptoms of fever or weight loss); (3) moderately active disease (>4 stools/day and/or daily presence of blood and/or pus) with minimal systemic symptoms; and (4) severely active disease (>6 bloody stools/day, and evidence of toxicity, as demonstrated by fever, tachycardia, anemia, or an erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR).

Typically, the patient is suffering from moderate to severe UC. Preferably, the patient is suffering from moderate to severe UC as defined above.

As used herein, the words “treatment” and “treating” are to be understood as embracing treatment and/or amelioration and/or prevention of or reduction in aggravation/worsening of symptoms of a disease or condition as well as treatment of the cause of the disease or condition, and may include reversing, reducing, or arresting the symptoms, clinical signs, and underlying pathology of a condition in a manner to improve or stabilise a subject's condition.

In particular in the context of ulcerative colitis, “treating” typically refers to inducing response or remission in a patient having active ulcerative colitis. Thus, typically, the oligonucleotide is for inducing response or remission of active ulcerative colitis in a patient. Inducing response means improving the condition of a patient by e.g. reducing and/or arresting the symptoms and clinical signs of the active disease. Inducing remission means transitioning a patient from a state where they are considered to be in an active stage of the disease to a state where they are considered to be in remission.

Induction of response or remission in UC patients is typically assessed by one or more of endoscopy, histology, patient recorded outcomes and quality of life outcomes. Thus, reference to induction of response or remission includes induction of one or more of endoscopic remission, endoscopic response, histological remission, histological response, response or remission as determined by physician or by patient recorded outcomes, and response or remission as determined by quality of life. This can typically be assessed by reference to one or more standard indices.

Typically, ulcerative colitis is chronic active ulcerative colitis.

As used herein, the term “chronic active ulcerative colitis” refers to patients with ulcerative colitis that is both active and chronic. Active ulcerative colitis is typically as defined herein, i.e. the patient is not in remission. Chronic ulcerative colitis refers to a disease characterized by a chronic inflammation of the rectal and colonic mucosa.

Preferably, reference herein to “treating” refers to inducing response or remission in a patient having chronic active ulcerative colitis. Thus, typically, the oligonucleotide is for inducing response or remission of chronic active ulcerative colitis in a patient.

Induction of response or remission in UC patients may be determined in accordance with one or more standard disease indices. Typical disease indices include but not limited to the ones mentioned below; (i) disease activity determined by clinical and biochemical disease activity, (ii) disease activity determined by endoscopic disease activity, (iii) disease activity determined by composite clinical and endoscopic disease activity indices, (iv) quality of life, (v) histologic disease activity. These indices are discussed in D'Haens (ibid).

Indices based on disease activity determined by clinical and biochemical disease activity include the Truelove and Witts Severity Index; Powell-Tuck (St. Mark's) Index; Clinical Activity (Rachmilewitz) Index; Activity (Seo) Index; Physician Global Assessment; Lichtiger (Modified Truelove and Witts Severity) Index; Investigators Global Evaluation; Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index; Improvement Based on Individual Symptom Scores; Ulcerative Colitis Clinical Score; and Patient-defined remission. These indices are discussed in D'Haens (ibid).

Indices based on disease activity determined by endoscopic disease activity include the Truelove and Witts Sigmoidoscopic Assessment; Baron score; Powell-Tuck Sigmoidoscopic Assessment; Endoscopic (Rachmilewitz Endoscopic) Index; Sigmoidoscopic Index; Sigmoidoscopic Inflammation Grade Score; Mayo Score Flexible Proctosigmoidoscopy Assessment; Sutherland Mucosal Appearance Assessment; and Modified Baron Score. These indices are discussed in D'Haens (ibid).

Indices based on disease activity determined by composite clinical and endoscopic disease activity indices include the Mayo Score (Mayo Clinic Score/Disease Activity Index); Modified Mayo Score and Sutherland Index (Disease Activity Index/UC Disease Activity Index). Mayo Score and Sutherland Index are discussed in D'Haens (ibid).

Indices based on quality of life include the Rating Form of IBD Patient Concerns; and the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ). These indices are discussed in D'Haens (ibid).

Indices based on histologic disease activity include those discussed in D'Haens (ibid) such as Geboes Index and Riley Index and further indices such as Nancy Index and Robarts Index.

Preferred indices for assessing UC patients include the Clinical Activity (Rachmilewitz) Index, Mayo Score and Modified Mayo Score.

The Clinical Activity (Rachmilewitz) Index is an index taking into account 7 variables: number of stools, blood in stools, investigator's global assessment of symptomatic state, abdominal pain or cramps, temperature due to colitis, extraintestinal manifestations, and laboratory findings. This is discussed further in D'Haens (ibid) and Rachmilewitz D., BMJ 1989; 298: 82-86, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference. Determination of the Clinical Activity (Rachmilewitz) Index produces a score for a patient ranging from 0 to 29 points (higher scores meaning more severe disease).

Clinical remission may be considered as a Clinical Activity (Rachmilewitz) Index score ≤4 points. Response as determined by the Clinical Activity (Rachmilewitz) Index means the patient has a lower score after treatment than before treatment.

The Mayo Score is an index taking into account 4 items: stool frequency, rectal bleeding, findings of lower GI endoscopy, and Physician's Global Assessment (PGA). This is discussed further in D'Haens (ibid) and Schroeder K W et al, N Engl J Med 1987; 317: 1625-1629, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference. Determination of the Mayo Score produces a score ranging from 0 to 12 points (higher scores meaning more severe disease). In addition to the four specific items, a patient's functional assessment is also measured that is not meant to be included in the 12-point index calculation but should be used as a measure of general well-being when determining the PGA score.

Mayo scoring for each of the 4 items is determined as set out in the Table below.




No blood
Normal or
Normal or

number of
inactive disease

stools for


this patient

1 to 2 stools
Streaks of
Mild disease

more than
blood with

stool less


than half of

vascular pattern,

the time

mild friability)

3 to 4 stools

more than
blood with
disease (marked

stool most

erythema, lack of

of the time

vascular pattern,



5 or more
Blood alone
Severe disease

stools more

than normal



bEach patient serves as his or her own control to establish the degree of abnormality of the stool frequency.

cThe daily bleeding score represents the most severe day of bleeding

dThe physician's global assessment acknowledges the 3 other criteria, the patient's daily record of abdominal discomfort and general sense of well-being, and other observations, such as physical findings and the patient's performance status.

Remission according to the Mayo Score may be defined as complete resolution of (1) stool frequency (normal stool frequency), (2) rectal bleeding (no rectal bleeding), (3) patient's functional assessment score (generally well), (4) endoscopy findings (normal), and a PGA score of 0. Response as determined by Mayo Score typically requires improvement (a minimum 1-point decrease from baseline) in the PGA score and improvement in at least one other clinical assessment (stool frequency, rectal bleeding, patient's functional assessment, endoscopy findings) and no worsening in any other clinical assessment.

Alternatively, clinical remission may be defined as a Mayo Score of 0 and clinical improvement (response) as a decrease from baseline in the Mayo Score ≥3 points.

Alternatively, clinical remission may be defined as a Mayo Score of 0 and clinical improvement (response) as a decrease from baseline in the Mayo Score ≥3 points (or a decrease of ≥2 points if the baseline Mayo Score was ≤3 points).

Alternatively, remission as determined by Mayo Score may be defined as requiring subscores of 0 for both sigmoidoscopy and rectal bleeding and a score of 0 or 1 for stool frequency and PGA subscores. Response may be defined as a decrease from baseline in the Mayo Score ≥3 points; clinical response may be defined as a decrease from baseline in the Mayo Score (without the endoscopy subscore, also known as a Partial Mayo Score) ≥2 points, and endoscopic response may be defined as a decrease from baseline in the endoscopic subscore ≥1 point.

Alternatively, clinical remission may be defined as a total Mayo score of ≤2 points with no individual subscore >1 point, clinical response may be defined as a decrease from baseline in the total Mayo score ≥3 points and ≥30% and a decrease in the rectal bleeding subscore ≥1 point or an absolute rectal bleeding subscore of 0 or 1, and mucosal healing may be defined as an absolute endoscopy subscore of 0 or 1.

In one embodiment, patients having active ulcerative colitis have a Mayo Score >2. Patients who are in a remission phase of ulcerative colitis typically have a Mayo Score ≤2.

Modified Mayo Score is related to the Mayo Score, which is defined above. Modified Mayo Score differs from Mayo Score in that the Colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy scoring takes less account of friability. Thus, the scoring table for the Modified Mayo Score is as set out below.




No blood
Normal or
Normal or

number of
no disease
inactive disease

stools for

this patient

1 to 2 stools
Streaks of
Mild disease

more than
blood with

stool less


than half of

vascular pattern)

the time

3 to 4 stools
Moderate disease

more than
blood with
(marked erythema,

stool most

lack of vascular pattern,

of the time

friability, erosions)

5 or more
Blood alone
Severe disease

stools more

than normal

bleeding, ulceration)

bEach patient serves as his or her own control to establish the degree of abnormality of the stool frequency.

cThe daily bleeding score represents the most severe day of bleeding

dThe physician's global assessment acknowledges the 3 other criteria, the patient's daily record of abdominal discomfort and general sense of well-being, and other observations, such as physical findings and the patient's performance status.

Remission and response values for the Modified Mayo Score are as set out above for the Mayo Score. Modified Mayo Score is typically assessed in accordance with the FDA's draft guidance document “Ulcerative Colitis: Clinical Trial Endpoints Guidance for Industry” found at http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidan ces/UCM515143.pdf

Alternatively, Modified Mayo Score may differ from Mayo Score in that the Colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy scoring takes less account of friability and also in that Physician's Global Assessment is not determinative. Thus, the scoring table for the Modified Mayo Score may also be as follows.




No blood
Normal or inactive disease

number of

stools for this


1 to 2 stools
Streaks of
Mild disease (erythema,

more than
blood with
decreased vascular pattern)

stool less

than half the


3 to 4 stools
Moderate disease (marked

more than
blood with
erythema, lack of vascular

stool most of
pattern, friability, erosions)

the time

5 or more
Blood alone
Severe disease (spontaneous

stools more
bleeding, ulceration)

than normal

bEach patient serves as his or her own control to establish the degree of abnormality of the stool frequency.

cThe daily bleeding score represents the most severe day of bleeding

Remission and response values for this alternative Modified Mayo Score are typically as set out above for the Mayo Score. Alternatively, remission may be defined in accordance with this alternative Modified Mayo Score by sub-scores of i) rectal bleeding of 0, ii) stool frequency of 0 or 1 (with at least one point decrease from Baseline, Week 0), and iii) endoscopy score of 0 or 1 (excluding friability).

Induction of remission of UC may be in accordance with the criteria set out in S. P. L. Travis, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2011; 34: 113-124, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference, i.e. complete cessation of rectal bleeding, urgency and increased stool frequency, preferably confirmed by endoscopic mucosal healing.

Alternatively, induction of response or remission may be in accordance with the criteria set out in E. F. Stange, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis (2008) 2, 1-23; S. P. L. Travis, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis (2008) 2, 24-62; K Geboes, Gut 2000; 47: 404-409; the entirety of which are incorporated herein by reference.

Induction of response or remission in Crohn's disease patients may be determined in accordance with one or more standard disease indices. Typical indices include the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI). The CDAI is discussed in Love, “Pharmacotherapy for Moderate to Severe Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Evolving Strategies”, Am J Manag Care. 2016; 22:S39-S50; Peyrin-Biroulet et al “Defining disease severity in inflammatory bowel diseases: current and future directions” Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015; pii: S1542-3565(15)00787-00789. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2015.06.001; and Ungar et al “Advances in the development of new biologics in inflammatory bowel disease”, Annals of Gastroenterology (2016) 29, 243-248. Alternative indices for assessing Crohn's disease patients include the Harvey-Bradshaw index and the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire.

CDAI is a composite score taking into account a large number of symptoms associated with Crohn's disease, including number of liquid or soft stools; abdominal pain; general well being; presence of complications (the presence of joint pains (arthralgia) or frank arthritis; inflammation of the iris or uveitis; presence of erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, or aphthous ulcers; anal fissures, fistulae or abscesses; other fistulae; fever during the previous week); use of lomotil or opiates for diarrhea; presence of an abdominal mass; hematocrit value; and percentage deviation from standard weight. Clinical remission according to the CDAI is typically indicated by a score of <150.

The subject treated in accordance with the present invention is typically refractory or responds insufficiently or is intolerant to anti-inflammatory therapy and/or demonstrates or has previously demonstrated an inadequate response, loss of response, or intolerance to at least one immunomodulator, TNF-α inhibitor or anti-integrin. Thus, typically, the subject has previously received or is currently receiving anti-inflammatory therapy, preferably anti-inflammatory therapy for UC and/or immunomodulatory, TNF-α inhibitor or anti-integrin therapy, preferably such therapy for UC. Anti-inflammatory therapies for UC are discussed herein and typically include GCS, sulfasalazine and 5-ASA.

Immunomodulators, TNF-α inhibitors and anti-integrins are discussed herein and typically include azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine and biologicals including the TNF-α inhibitors infliximab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, golimumab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, adalimumab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, Non-TNF biologics include ustekinumab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, tofacitinib and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, and anti-integrins vedolizumab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof.

A refractory disease or disease that responds insufficiently to therapy is typically a disease where signs and symptoms of active disease persist despite a history of at least one course of therapy, anti-inflammatory therapy in the context of the present invention. Typically in the context of treatment of UC, signs and symptoms of active disease persist despite a history of two or more courses of anti-inflammatory therapy. A typical course of treatment with anti-inflammatory therapy for UC would be well understood by a person skilled in the art, and would typically involve a sufficient number of doses at sufficient dosage to induce remission in a typical patient.

Intolerance to therapy, anti-inflammatory therapy in the context of the present invention, means that the therapy has caused side effects in the subject that are not tolerated, e.g. that typically lead to discontinuation of therapy.

Typically, the subject has previously received or is currently receiving Aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), preferably 5-ASA therapy for UC.

Typically, the subject has previously received or is currently receiving oral Glucocorticosteroids (GCS), preferably oral GCS therapy for UC.

Typically, the subject who is refractory or responds insufficiently or is intolerant to anti-inflammatory therapy shows or has previously shown an inadequate response to, or loss of response to (i.e. is refractory to) or intolerance of rectal, oral, and/or parenteral GCS treatment (including no GCS treatment due to earlier side effect).

Typically, the subject who is refractory or responds insufficiently or is intolerant to anti-inflammatory therapy has a history of or current status of an inadequate response (e.g. steroid refractory) to, OR steroid dependency, OR loss of response to, OR intolerance of GCS treatment. The steroids/GCS will typically have been received by the subject in the course of treating ulcerative colitis.

Steroid-refractory typically refers to a subject lacking a meaningful clinical response, i.e. showing signs and symptoms of persistently active ulcerative colitis, despite a history of at least one course of steroid treatment, for instance an induction regimen that included a dose equivalent to prednisone 40-60 mg daily over a period of 30 days for oral administration or over a period of 7 to 10 days for intravenous (IV) administration.

Steroid dependence typically refers to a patient who is either unable to reduce steroids below the equivalent of prednisolone 10 mg/d within 3 months of starting steroids, without recurrent active ulcerative colitis, or who has a relapse within 3 months of stopping steroids.

Intolerance of GCS treatment typically means the subject has experienced side effects not tolerated by the subject following GCS treatment, such as but not limited to Cushing's syndrome, osteopenia/osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, insomnia, or infection.

An inadequate response, or loss of response to an immunomodulator typically means signs and symptoms of active ulcerative colitis persist despite previous treatment with at least one immunomodulator, for instance one 8 Week regimen of oral azathioprine (≥1.5 mg/kg) or 6-mercaptopurine (≥0.75 mg/kg).

Intolerance to an immunomodulator typically means the subject has experienced nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, pancreatitis, liver function test (LFT) abnormalities, lymphopenia, Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT) genetic mutation, or infection or other side effects after receiving an immunomodulator.

An inadequate response, or loss of response to a TNF-α inhibitor means signs and symptoms of active ulcerative colitis persist despite previous treatment with at least one TNF-α inhibitor, such as 4-Week induction regimen (or doses as recommended according to the current labels) of infliximab (5 mg/kg (IV), 2 doses at least 2 weeks apart) or a biosimilar or derivative thereof; golimumab (200/100 mg (SC), 2 doses at least 2 weeks apart) or a biosimilar or derivative thereof; or adalimumab (160/80 mg (SC), 2 doses at least 2 weeks apart) or a biosimilar or derivative thereof or recurrence of symptoms during maintenance dosing following prior clinical benefit.

Intolerance to a TNF-α inhibitor means an infusion-related reaction, demyelination, congestive heart failure, infection or other side effects following receipt of a TNF-α inhibitor.

An inadequate response, or loss of response to an anti-integrin means signs and symptoms of active ulcerative colitis persist despite previous treatment with an anti-integrin, for instance at least 10 weeks regimen of vedolizumab 300 mg (IV) or a biosimilar or derivative thereof, or as recommended in the current label, or recurrence of symptoms during maintenance dosing following prior clinical benefit.

An inadequate response or loss of response to a biologic immunomodulator may also means signs and symptoms of active ulcerative colitis persist despite previous treatment with them, e.g. tofacitinib, a JAK inhibitor, and ustekinumab, an anti-IL12/IL23 monoclonal antibody.

Typically, the subject has been diagnosed with left sided ulcerative colitis, i.e. distal colitis, including proctosigmoiditis.

Typically, said subject is elective for colectomy.

As used herein, the term “colectomy” refers to surgical resection of any extent of the large intestine (colon). Herein, colectomy includes, but is not limited to, right hemicolectomy, left hemicolectomy, extended hemicolectomy, transverse colectomy, sigmoidectomy, proctosigmoidectomy, Hartmann operation, “double-barrel” or Mikulicz colostomy, total colectomy (also known as Lane's Operation), total procto-colectomy and subtotal colectomy. As used herein, the phrase “elective for colectomy” refers to a subject who may choose to undergo the procedure of non-emergency colectomy based on physician and surgeon assessment. Subjects elective for colectomy may be, but are not limited to, subjects refractory to available therapy (for ulcerative colitis) or intolerant of available therapy (for ulcerative colitis). This differs from emergency colectomy, which is an acute intervention for subjects with acute illnesses or injuries and who require immediate medical attention. The phrase also includes subjects that are elected for colectomy.

As used herein, the term “oligonucleotide” refers to a polynucleoside formed from a plurality of linked individual nucleoside units. Such oligonucleotides can be obtained from existing nucleic acid sources, including genomic DNA or cDNA, plasmids, vectors, or bacterial DNA, but are preferably produced by synthetic methods. The nucleoside residues can be coupled to each other by any of the numerous known internucleoside linkages. Such internucleoside linkages include, without limitation, the natural internucleoside phosphodiester bond or indeed modified internucleosides such as, but not limited to, phosphorothioate, phosphorodithioate, alkylphosphonate, alkylphosphonothioate, phosphotriester, phosphoramidate, siloxane, carbonate, carboalkoxy, acetamidate, carbamate, morpholino, borano, thioether, bridged phosphoramidate, bridged methylene phosphonate, bridged phosphorothioate, and sulfone internucleoside linkages. The term “oligonucleotide” also encompasses polynucleosides having one or more stereospecific internucleoside linkages (e. g., (Rp)- or (Sp)-phosphorothioate, alkylphosphonate, or phosphotriester linkages). As used herein, the terms “oligonucleotide” and “dinucleotide” are expressly intended to include polynucleosides and dinucleosides having any such internucleoside linkage, whether or not the linkage comprises a phosphate group. In certain preferred embodiments, these internucleoside linkages may be phosphodiester, phosphorothioate, or phosphorodithioate linkages, or combinations thereof.

The term “oligonucleotide” also encompasses polynucleosides having additional substituents including, without limitation, protein groups, lipophilic groups, intercalating agents, diamines, folic acid, cholesterol and adamantane. The term “oligonucleotide” also encompasses any other nucleobase containing polymer, including, without limitation, peptide nucleic acids (PNA), peptide nucleic acids with phosphate groups (PHONA), locked nucleic acids (LNA), morpholino-backbone oligonucleotides, and oligonucleotides having backbone sections with alkyl linkers or amino linkers. The alkyl linker may be branched or unbranched, substituted or unsubstituted, and chirally pure or a racemic mixture.

The oligonucleotides of the invention can include naturally occurring nucleosides, modified nucleosides, or mixtures thereof. As used herein, the term “modified nucleoside” is a nucleoside that includes a modified heterocyclic base, a modified sugar moiety, or a combination thereof. In some embodiments, the modified nucleoside is a non-natural pyrimidine or purine nucleoside, as herein described. In some embodiments, the modified nucleoside is a 2′-substituted ribonucleoside, an arabinonucleoside or a 2′-deoxy-2′-substituted-arabinoside.

As used herein, the term “a hybrid oligonucleotide” is an oligonucleotide having more than one type of nucleoside.

Herein, the term “oligonucleotide” includes hybrid and chimeric oligonucleotides. A “chimeric oligonucleotide” is an oligonucleotide having more than one type of internucleoside linkage within its sequence structure. One preferred example of such a chimeric oligonucleotide is a chimeric oligonucleotide comprising a phosphorothioate, phosphodiester or phosphorodithioate region and non-ionic linkages such as alkylphosphonate or alkylphosphonothioate linkages (U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,635,377 and 5,366,878). Herein, the term “oligonucleotide” also includes circularized variants and circular oligonucleotides.

Preferably, the oligonucleotide comprises at least one naturally occurring phosphodiester, or one modified phosphorothioate, or phosphorodithioate internucleoside linkage, however preferred linkages or indeed backbone modifications including, without limitation, methylphosphonates, methylphosphonothioates, phosphotriesters, phosphothiotriesters, phosphorothioates, phosphorodithioates, triester prodrugs, sulfones, sulfonamides, sulfamates, formacetal, N-methylhydroxylamine, 2′ OMe (OxyMethyl group at 2′position), carbonate, carbamate, morpholino, boranophosphonate, phosphoramidates, especially primary amino-phosphoramidates, N3 phosphoramidates and N5 phosphoramidates, and stereospecific linkages (e. g., (Rp)- or (Sp)-phosphorothioate, alkylphosphonate, or phosphotriester linkages) are also envisaged.

The sugar moiety of the nucleoside can be a non-naturally occurring sugar moiety. Herein, a “naturally occurring sugar moiety” is a sugar moiety that occurs naturally as part of a nucleic acid, e. g., ribose and 2′-deoxyribose, and a “non-naturally occurring sugar moiety” is any sugar that does not occur naturally as part of a nucleic acid, but which can be used in the backbone for an oligonucleotide, for example but not limited to hexose. Arabinose and arabinose derivatives are examples of preferred sugar moieties.

Modified or substituted oligonucleotides are often preferred over native forms because of desirable properties such as, for example, enhanced cellular uptake, enhanced affinity for nucleic acid target and increased stability in the presence of nucleases. An oligonucleotide is usually comprised of more than ten (10) and up to one hundred (100) or more deoxyribonucleotides or ribonucelotides, although preferably between about eight (8) and about forty (40), most preferably between about eight (8) and about twenty (20). The exact size will depend on many factors, which in turn depends on the ultimate function or use of the oligonucleotide. The oligonucleotide may be generated in any manner, including chemical synthesis, DNA replication, reverse transcription, or a combination thereof.

The oligonucleotide for use in the present invention comprises the sequence 5′-GGAACAGTTCGTCCATGGC-3′ (SEQ ID NO:2). Typically, at least one CG dinucleotide is unmethylated.

Typically, at least one nucleotide in said oligonucleotide has a backbone modification. Typically, at least one nucleotide in said oligonucleotide has a phosphate backbone modification. The backbone modification is typically a phosphorothioate or a phosphorodithioate modification.

Phosphorothioate linkages can be illustrated with asterisks (*) in a sequence, e.g. in the sequence:

5′-G*G*A*ACAGTTCGTCCAT*G*G*C-3′ (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein the CG dinucleotide is unmethylated.

Preferably, said oligonucleotide has the sequence

5′-G*G*A*ACAGTTCGTCCAT*G*G*C-3′ (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein the CG dinucleotide is unmethylated. Thus, preferably said oligonucleotide is cobitolimod.

The present invention therefore preferably provides cobitolimod for use in the treatment of active ulcerative colitis as defined herein in a human subject as defined herein, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration. Typically, individual doses of an amount as defined herein of cobitolimod are administered to the subject on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart.

As used herein, reference to a subject “which has not been subjected to colonic cleaning” is intended to define a subject which has not been subject to colonic cleaning in a time period prior to the administration of the oligonucleotide to reduce the amount of faecal matter in the colon treated with the oligonucleotide. Thus, typically the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning for 1 hour prior to the treatment with the oligonucleotide, typically for 4 hours prior to the treatment with the oligonucleotide, preferably for 8 hours prior to the treatment with the oligonucleotide, more preferably for 12 hours prior to the treatment with the oligonucleotide, more preferably for 24 hours prior to the treatment with the oligonucleotide, most preferably for 48 hours prior to the treatment with the oligonucleotide.

Typically, said colonic cleaning can be effected by any method known in the art, for example administration of a laxative.

Typically, said subject has luminal faecal material. Typically, said subject has faecal material which coats or is proximal to the colonic epithelial cells treated with the oligonucleotide. Said subject may have faecal material in the lumen which is not directly in contact with the colonic epithelial cells treated with the oligonucleotide. Said subject may have faecal material in the lumen which is coats or is proximal to the colonic epithelial cells treated with the oligonucleotide and faecal material in the lumen which is not directly in contact with the colonic epithelial cells treated with the oligonucleotide. More preferably, the amount of said faecal material is the normal amount which would be expected in a patient which had never been subjected to colonic cleaning.

In the therapies of the present invention, individual doses of from 150 mg to 350 mg of said oligonucleotide, preferably cobitolimod, are typically administered. Typically, the same dosage of oligonucleotide is administered in each individual dose/administration, but different dosages may also be used.

Usually, individual doses of greater than 100 mg up to 350 mg of said oligonucleotide, preferably cobitolimod, are administered.

Typically, from 175 mg to 325 mg of said oligonucleotide, preferably cobitolimod, are administered in each dose/administration, preferably from 200 mg to 300 mg, more preferably from 210 to 290, still more preferably from 220 to 280, yet more preferably from 230 to 270, even more preferably from 240 to 260, even more preferably from 245 to 255, even more preferably from 249 to 251 mg.

Preferably, about 250 mg of said oligonucleotide, preferably cobitolimod, is administered. Thus, about 250 mg of said oligonucleotide, preferably cobitolimod, is administered on each of the at least two occasions.

In the context of dosage of an active agent, “about” as used herein means +/−10/6, typically +/−5%, preferably +/−1%.

More preferably, 250 mg of said oligonucleotide, preferably cobitolimod, is administered.

In the therapies of the present invention, individual doses (of an amount as specified herein) of said oligonucleotide are preferably administered to the patient on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart. This means that the patient does not receive any additional oligonucleotide between the specified doses/administrations three weeks apart. In the three week window between specified doses/administrations three weeks apart, the patient does not receive an oligonucleotide as defined herein, but may receive one or more additional therapeutic agents for the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

When doses of said oligonucleotide are administered to the patient on more than two occasions, then typically each occasion is three weeks after the previous occasion. Typically, doses (of an amount as specified herein) of said oligonucleotide are administered to the patient on, for instance, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 separate occasions, each occasion being three weeks after the previous occasion. Typically, doses of said oligonucleotide are administered to the patient until that patient is in remission, as defined above. In some embodiments, individual doses are administered to the subject on only two separate occasions, the separate occasions being 3 weeks apart.

It should be understood that reference to administration on at least two separate occasions, where said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart, refers to a single treatment regime for inducing remission. Thus, following a course of treatment in accordance with the present invention, further treatment with the oligonucleotide is not ruled out in the future, e.g. following relapse to an active disease state after remission.

In the context of a patient receiving only two doses, a first dose would be delivered at day zero, and a second dose would be delivered three weeks after that. In the context of a patient receiving three doses, a first dose would be delivered at day zero, a second dose would be delivered three weeks after that, and a third dose would be delivered a further three weeks after that, i.e. six weeks from day zero.

As used herein, the term “3 weeks apart” means in certain embodiments administration of the doses exactly 21 days apart, i.e. a first dose is administered on day zero and a further dose is administered on day twenty one. However, it will be appreciated that minor variations from this are still within the scope of the present invention. Such minor variations may be unavoidable due to e.g. illness of the patient or unavailability of the drug. Thus, as used herein “3 weeks apart” means administration 14-28 days apart, typically 18-24 days apart, alternatively 19-23 days apart, or 20-22 days apart.

Thus, in certain embodiments the present invention provides an oligonucleotide, as defined herein, for use in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, as defined herein, in a human subject, as defined herein, wherein individual doses of an amount as defined herein of said oligonucleotide are administered to the patient on at least two, for instance two, separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 18-24 days apart, 19-23 days apart, or 20-22 days apart.

The drugs for use in the present invention may be administered as monotherapy treatment for the indication or with other drug(s) as adjunct therapy for the indication, as described in more detail below. In the case of adjunct (or “add-on”) therapy, the drugs for use in the present invention may be administered simultaneously, separately or sequentially with the other drug(s), for example in fixed dose combination or in separate doses.

As used herein, the term “add-on” refers to administering of said oligonucleotide in addition to a current therapy or drug regime, without discontinuing the current therapy or drug regime.

Thus, the oligonucleotide may be administered as a monotherapy, or in combination with one or more additional therapeutic agents for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Typically, the oligonucleotide may be administered as a monotherapy, or in combination with one or more additional therapeutic agents for the treatment of ulcerative colitis chosen from immunomodulatory drugs, anti-TNF therapy drugs or other suitable drugs for treating ulcerative colitis.

Examples of such drugs suitable for use in combination with said oligonucleotide include, but are not limited to GCS or derivatives; prednisolone, Decortin, anti-TNF or derivative; infliximab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, adalimumab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, golimumab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, anti-integrin or derivatives; vedolizumab and biosimilars and derivatives thereof, natural IFN-β, thiopurine or derivatives; azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, 5-ASA, sulphasalazine, methotrexate, cylclosporine, and equivalents thereof.

Typically, the subject receiving said oligonucleotide also receives one or more other drugs chosen from GCS, Decortin, 5-ASA, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, sulphasalazine, methotrexate, prednisolone and equivalents thereof or derivatives.

Preferably, the subject receiving said oligonucleotide also receives one or more other drugs chosen from GCS, 5-ASA, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, sulphasalazine and methotrexate.

More preferably, the subject receiving said oligonucleotide also receives one or more other drugs chosen from oral GCS, oral 5-ASA, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, and oral methotrexate.

In some embodiments, the subject receiving said oligonucleotide also receives one or more steroid drugs, for example corticosteroids and glucocorticosteroids.

For purposes of the invention, the terms “in combination with” and “add-on” mean in the course of treating the same disease in the same patient, and include administering the oligonucleotide and one or more additional therapeutic agents in any order, including simultaneous administration, as well as temporally spaced order of up to several months apart.

Typically, said oligonucleotide is administered topically, such as topically to the mucous membrane.

Typically, said oligonucleotide is administered intracolonically. Intracolonical administration is typically effected rectally. Intracolonical administration is typically effected using an enema or catheter. Intracolonical administration may involve administration by a rectal enema. Intracolonical administration may be topical, for example performed during colonoscopy with the aid of a spraying catheter, or other suitable medical equipment, inserted though the colonoscope's biopsy channel.

The oligonucleotide may be administered in the form of a pharmaceutical composition comprising the oligonucleotide as defined herein together with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers. As used herein, the term “carrier” encompasses any excipient, diluent, filler, salt, buffer, water, stabilizer, solubilizer, lipid, or other material well known in the art for use in pharmaceutical formulations. It will be understood that the characteristics of the carrier will depend on the route of administration for a particular application.

As used herein, the term “pharmaceutically acceptable” refers to a material that does not interfere with the effectiveness of the immunomodulatory oligonucleotide and is compatible with a biological system such as a cell, cell culture, tissue, organ, or organism. Preferably, the biological system is a living organism, such as a vertebrate.

Typically, the composition is a solution of the oligonucleotide in a liquid carrier.

Typically, the carrier is water, preferably sterile water. Thus, typically the composition comprises the oligonucleotide as defined herein and water.

Preferably, the carrier is water.

The oligonucleotide has been found to be advantageously stable in water, and it is therefore possible to administer the oligonucleotide as a composition consisting essentially of the oligonucleotide as defined herein and water. The composition may consist of the oligonucleotide as defined herein and water.

A composition consisting essentially of components refers to a composition comprising the components of which it consists essentially as well as other components, provided that the other components do not materially affect the essential characteristics of the composition. Typically, a composition consisting essentially of certain components will comprise greater than or equal to 95 wt % (relative to the total weight of the composition) of those components or greater than or equal to 99 wt % (relative to the total weight of the composition) of those components.

Thus, a composition consisting essentially of the oligonucleotide as defined herein and water comprises greater than or equal to 95 wt % of oligonucleotide and water (relative to the total weight of the composition) or greater than or equal to 99 wt % of oligonucleotide and water (relative to the total weight of the composition).

The concentration of an oligonucleotide in a pharmaceutical composition will vary depending on several factors, including the dosage of the oligonucleotide to be administered. Typical concentrations of oligonucleotides in compositions that are solutions are 1 mg/ml to 20 mg/ml, preferably 4 to 10 mg/ml, in some cases 10 to 20 mg/ml, preferably 4.8 mg/ml to 5.2 mg/ml, more preferably about 5.0 mg/ml.

Preferably, the present invention provides cobitolimod for use in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, as defined herein, in a human subject, as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration, preferably wherein individual doses of about 250 mg of cobitolimod are administered to the patient on only two separate occasions, said separate occasions being 3 weeks apart.

Alternatively, the present invention provides cobitolimod for use in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, as defined herein, in a human subject, as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration, preferably wherein individual doses of about 250 mg of cobitolimod are administered to the patient on two or more separate occasions 3 weeks apart until the subject is in remission, typically remission as determined by an index as defined herein.

More preferably the present invention provides cobitolimod for use in the treatment of active ulcerative colitis, as defined herein, in a human subject, as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration wherein individual doses of about 250 mg of cobitolimod are administered to the patient on only two separate occasions, said separate occasions being 3 weeks apart, wherein cobitolimod is administered in the form of a pharmaceutical composition comprising cobitolimod and water.

More preferably the present invention provides cobitolimod for use in the treatment of active ulcerative colitis, as defined herein, in a human subject, as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration, wherein individual doses of about 250 mg of cobitolimod are administered to the patient on only two separate occasions, said separate occasions being 3 weeks apart, wherein cobitolimod is administered intracolonically or rectally.

More preferably the present invention provides cobitolimod for use in the treatment of active ulcerative colitis, as defined herein, in a human subject, as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration, wherein individual doses of about 250 mg of cobitolimod are administered to the patient on only two separate occasions, said separate occasions being 3 weeks apart, wherein cobitolimod is administered intracolonically or rectally in the form of a pharmaceutical composition comprising cobitolimod and water.

Even more preferably the present invention provides cobitolimod for use in the treatment of chronic active ulcerative colitis, as defined herein, in a human subject, as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration, wherein individual doses of about 250 mg of cobitolimod are administered to the patient on only two separate occasions, said separate occasions being 3 weeks apart, wherein cobitolimod is administered intracolonically or rectally in the form of a pharmaceutical composition comprising cobitolimod and water.

The present invention also provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising an oligonucleotide as defined herein, together with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, for use in the treatment of an inflammatory bowel disease as defined herein in a human subject as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration, wherein individual administrations of said composition are administered to the subject on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart, and wherein each administration of the composition delivers an amount of the oligonucleotide as defined herein.

Preferred features of the oligonucleotide for use as defined above are also preferred features of the composition for use.

The present invention also provides use of an oligonucleotide as defined herein, or a pharmaceutical composition as defined herein, in the manufacture of a medicament for use in treating an inflammatory bowel disease as defined herein, in a human subject as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration, preferably wherein individual administrations of said oligonucleotide or composition are administered to the patient on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart, and wherein each administration of the oligonucleotide or composition delivers an amount of the oligonucleotide as defined herein.

Preferred features of the oligonucleotide for use as defined above are also preferred features of the use of the oligonucleotide or composition.

The present invention also provides a method of treating an inflammatory bowel disease as defined herein, in a human subject as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration comprising administering to said subject an oligonucleotide as defined herein or a composition as defined herein, preferably wherein individual administrations of said oligonucleotide or composition are administered to the patient on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart, and wherein each administration of the oligonucleotide or composition delivers an amount of the oligonucleotide as defined herein.

The present invention also provides a method of treating an inflammatory bowel disease as defined herein, in a human subject as defined herein, by topical administration to the colon, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration which method comprises:

(a) selecting a patient as defined herein; and

(b) administering to said patient an oligonucleotide as defined herein or a composition as defined herein, wherein individual administrations of said oligonucleotide or composition are administered to the patient on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart, and wherein each administration of the oligonucleotide or composition delivers an amount of the oligonucleotide as defined herein.

Preferred features of the oligonucleotide for use as defined above are also preferred features of the claimed method.

The following non-limiting Examples illustrate the invention.

Example 1—Clinical Trial Study

A randomised double-blind, placebo controlled, trial assesses the efficacy and safety of topical cobitolimod in moderate to severe active ulcerative colitis patients in accordance with established methods.

Methods: Men and women are selected for trial according to standard inclusion criteria in the field including the following:

    • 1. Male or female ≥18 years of age
    • 2. Established diagnosis of UC, with minimum time from diagnosis of ≥3 months
    • 3. Moderately to severely active left sided UC (disease should extend 15 cm or more above the anal verge and not beyond the splenic flexure) determined by a Modified Mayo score (excluding the friability at grade 1 for the endoscopic sub score) of 6 to 12 with an endoscopic sub score ≥2 assessed by central reading of endoscopy performed at screening visit 1b (Day −7 to −10-screening visit), and no other individual sub score <1
    • 4. Current oral 5-ASA/SP use or a history of oral 5-ASA/SP use
    • 5. Current GCS use or history of GCS dependency, refractory, or intolerance, including no GCS treatment due to earlier side-effects (only one of the GCS criteria have to be fulfilled, see definition in European Crohn's and Colitis organisation (ECCO) guidelines)
    • 6. Demonstrated an inadequate response, loss of response, or intolerance to at least one of the following agents:
      • Immunomodulators, e.g. cyclosporine, methotrexate, AZA/6-MP, tacrolimus
        • For example, signs and symptoms of persistently active disease despite previous treatment with at least one 8 week regimen of oral AZA (≥1.5 mg/kg) or 6-MP (≥0.75 mg/kg) or lower doses prompted by intolerance or thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) deficiency or
        • For example, previous intolerance (including, but not limited to, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, pancreatitis, liver function test (LFT) abnormalities, lymphopenia, TPMT genetic mutation, infection) to at least one immunomodulator
      • TNF-α inhibitors and/or anti-integrins:
        • Signs and symptoms of persistently active disease despite previous treatment with at least one induction regimen with 2 doses at least 2 weeks apart (or doses as recommended according to the current labels) of for e.g.:
          • Infliximab 5 mg/kg (intravenous (IV)) or
          • Golimumab 200/100 mg (subcutaneous (SC)) or
          • Adalimumab 160/80 mg (SC) or
          • Vedolizumab 300 mg (IV) or
        • History of intolerance (including but not limited to infusion-related reaction, demyelination, congestive heart failure, infection)

Recurrence of symptoms during maintenance dosing with any of the above medications following prior clinical benefit, (secondary failure) [discontinuation despite clinical benefit does not qualify]

    • 7. Allowed to receive a therapeutic dose of following UC drugs during the study:
      • a) Oral GCS therapy (520 mg prednisone or equivalent/daily) providing that the dose has been stable for 2 weeks prior to visit 1a (Day −14)
      • b) Oral MMX Budesonide therapy (9 mg/daily) initiated at least 8 weeks before visit 1 a
      • c) Oral 5-ASA/SP compounds, providing that the dose has been stable for 2 weeks prior to visit 1a and initiated at least 8 weeks before visit 1a
      • d) AZA/6-MP providing that the dose has been stable for 8 weeks prior to visit 1b and been initiated at least 3 months before visit 1a
    • 8. Ability to understand the treatment, willingness to comply with all study requirements and ability to provide informed consent

Patients may be excluded from trial in accordance with known exclusion criteria in the field including the following:

    • 1. Suspicion of differential diagnosis such as; Crohn's enterocolitis, ischaemic colitis, radiation colitis, indeterminate colitis, infectious colitis, diverticular disease, associated colitis, microscopic colitis, massive pseudopolyposis or non-passable stenosis
    • 2. Acute fulminant UC and/or signs of systemic toxicity
    • 3. UC limited to the rectum (disease which extend <15 cm above the anal verge)
    • 4. History of malignancy, except for:
      • Treated (cured) basal cell or squamous cell in situ carcinoma
      • Treated (cured) cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or carcinoma in situ of the cervix with no evidence of recurrence within the previous 5 years prior to the screening visit 1a
    • 5. History or presence of any clinically significant disorder that, in opinion of the investigator, could impact on patient's possibility to adhere to the protocol and protocol procedures or would confound the study result or compromise patient safety
    • 6. Concomitant treatment with cyclosporine, methotrexate, tacrolimus, TNF-α inhibitors, anti-integrins or similar immunosuppressants and immunomodulators at enrolment. Any prior treatment with such drugs must have been discontinued at least 8 weeks prior to visit 1a or have non-measurable serum concentration levels
    • 7. Treatment with rectal GCS, 5-ASA/SP or tacrolimus within 2 Weeks before visit 1b
    • 8. Long term treatment with antibiotics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) within two weeks prior to visit 1a (one short treatment regime for antibiotics and occasional use of NSAIDS are allowed)
    • 9. Serious active infection
    • 10. Gastrointestinal infections including positive Clostridium difficile stool assay
    • 11. Currently receiving parenteral nutrition or blood transfusions
    • 12. Females who are lactating or have a positive serum pregnancy test during the screening period
    • 13. Women of childbearing potential not using reliable contraceptive methods (reliable methods are barrier protection, hormonal contraception, intra-uterine device or abstinence) throughout the duration of the study
    • 14. Concurrent participation in another clinical study with investigational therapy or previous use of investigational therapy within 5 half-lives and within at least 30 days after last treatment of the experimental product prior to enrolment
    • 15. Previous exposure to cobitolimod

Patients selected for trial are randomised to treatment sequences comprising cobitolimod or placebo according to the study arms set out below. Cobitolimod or placebo was administered topically to the colon via rectal enema which is suitable for self-administration. Unlike in the COLLECT study, no special steps were taken to ensure the colon was clean prior to enema administration.

Study arms:

    • Two 31 mg doses of cobitolimod at weeks 0 and 3 (placebo at weeks 1 and 2);
    • Two 125 mg doses of cobitolimod at weeks 0 and 3 (placebo at weeks 1 and 2);
    • Two 250 mg doses of cobitolimod at weeks 0 and 3 (placebo at weeks 1 and 2);
    • Four 125 mg doses of cobitolimod at weeks 0, 1, 2 and 3.

The primary outcome measure was established as follows:

    • Proportion of patients in clinical remission at week 6 as defined by Modified Mayo subscores satisfying all of the following three criteria: i) rectal bleeding of 0, ii) stool frequency of 0 or 1 (with at least one point decrease from baseline), iii) endoscopy score of 0 or 1 (excluding friability)

The secondary outcome measures are as follows:

    • Proportion of patients with induction of symptomatic remission, at Week 4 or 6, defined by the Mayo subscores, i) rectal bleeding of 0, ii) stool frequency of 0 or 1 (with at least one point decrease from Baseline)
    • Proportion of patients with absence of rectal bleeding at Week 4 or 6 defined by the Mayo subscore rectal bleeding of 0
    • Proportion of patients with normal or enhanced stool frequency at Week 4 or 6 defined by the Mayo sub score stool frequency of 0 or 1 (with at least one point decrease from Baseline)
    • Endoscopic remission at week 6 defined by the Modified Mayo endoscopic subscore of 0 or 1
    • Proportion of patients in clinical response at Week 6 defined as a clinical remission or a three point and ≥30% decrease from Baseline
    • Proportion of patients with histological remission at week 6 as defined by the Nancy histological index
    • Proportion of patients with histological response at Week 6 as defined by the Nancy histological index score
    • Proportion of patients with reduced defecation urgency score
    • Mean change in faecal calprotectin at Week 1, 2, 3, and 6 compared to Week 0
    • Mean change in each of the inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire (IBDQ) sub domains at Week 6 compared to Week 0

Primary Efficacy Analysis: Analysis of Clinical Remission at Week 6


2 × 31 mg
2 × 125 mg
2 × 250 mg
4 × 125 mg

(N = 40)
(N = 43)
(N = 42)
(N = 42)
(N = 44)

n (%)
5 (12.5)
2 (4.7)
9 (21.4)
4 (9.5)
3 (6.8)

n (%)
28 (70.0) 
39 (90.7)
26 (61.9) 
35 (83.3)
36 (81.8)

n (%)
7 (17.5)
2 (4.7)
7 (16.7)
3 (7.1)
 5 (11.4)


Treatment with two doses of 250 mg cobitolimod three weeks apart in patients suffering from moderate to severe ulcerative colitis leads to a higher percentage of patients in clinical remission at week 6 compared to placebo. The percentage of patients receiving two doses of 250 mg cobitolimod in remission at week 6 was also higher than the percentage of patients in remission for the other dosage regimes (2×31 mg, 2×125 mg and 4×125 mg). In particular, the percentage of patients in remission who received two doses of 250 mg cobitolimod was higher than for the patients who received four doses of 125 mg cobitolimod. This is a surprising outcome in that it shows that administration of the same total amount of active ingredient via a reduced number of higher doses provides an improved clinical outcome.

The results also demonstrate that, surprisingly, clinical efficacy can be obtained without removal of faecal material from the colon and/or colonic epithelial cells. Further, clinical efficacy can be achieved by administration from an enema device which is suitable for self-administration.

Reference Example 1—Clinical Trial Results Showing Optimum Dosing Frequency

In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 131 patients with moderate-to-severe active ulcerative colitis were randomized to receive two single doses of cobitolimod/Kappaproct (30 mg) or placebo administered topically during lower GI endoscopy at baseline and week 4.

Patients in the treatment group and placebo group monitored the maximum amount of blood in their stool by week (as none, a little, or a lot), weekly stool frequency (as <18, 18-35, 36-60 or 61+) and daily stool frequency (as <1, 1-1.99, 2-2.99, 3-3.99, 4-4.99, 5-5.99, 6-6.99, 7-7.99 or 8+) using an e-diary for twelve weeks.

Results were collated and the treatment delta for the treatment group over the placebo group calculated. From these results, it can be seen that there is a particularly high treatment delta 3 weeks after initial administration.

The results for the treatment group and the placebo group are represented in the following figures:

FIG. 1 shows the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting blood in stool=zero (maximum patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week.

FIG. 2 shows the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting weekly stool frequency <18 (summary of patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week.

FIG. 3 shows the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting weekly stool frequency <35 (summary of patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week.

FIG. 4 shows the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting daily stool frequency <3 (mean daily patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week.

FIG. 5 shows the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting daily stool frequency <4 (mean daily patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week.

FIG. 6 shows the proportion of the treatment and placebo groups reporting daily stool frequency <5 (mean daily patient reported outcome during 7 days) by week.

Treatment deltas for the various clinical outcomes assessed in the trial are given in the Tables below.


maximum blood in stool reported weekly by e-diary data (delta in favour of treatment is shown for patients with no blood in stool)






A lot




A lot






A lot


cobitolimod None


A lot


Delta in favour

of cobitolimod


weekly stools frequency (delta in favour of treatment)






Mean daily stool frequency (delta in favour of treatment)







symptomatic remission: blood in stool = 0 and weekly stool frequency <35

Blood in stool = 0 and weekly stool frequency <35


















Delta in

favor of


Example 2—Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS) Induced Colitis Mouse Model
Materials and Methods

Mice: Balb/c mice were obtained from Charles River Laboratories, Research Models and Services (Sulzfeld, Germany). Eight week old female Balb/c mice were used for the experiments and were kept in individually ventilated cages in compliance to the Animal Welfare Act. Water and food were available ad libitum.

DSS induced colitis: 3% (w/v) Dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) (MP Biomedicals, Illkirch, France) was administrated for 10 days to the drinking water of 8 week old female Balb/c mice. An additional control group of three mice which were completely untreated was also part of the experimental set up. Food uptake and bodyweight were monitored on days 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10.

Rectal administration of cobitolimod: 40 μg, 84 μg, 1000 μg or 1560 μg cobitolimod per mouse was rectally administered twice (on days 4 and 8). The respective concentration of cobitolimod was diluted with sterile water and 100 μl per mouse was used for rectal administration. A dose of 1000 μg in mice is approximately equivalent to a 250 mg dose in a human (see “Guidance for Industry—Estimating the Maximum Safe Starting Dose in Initial Clinical Trials for Therapeutics in Adult Health Volunteers”, US Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, July 2005). The results observed in this mouse model could be considered predictive of the effects observed in humans administered with individual doses of 150 mg to 350 mg of cobitolimod on two separate occasions, 3 weeks apart. The dose of 84 μg in mice is broadly equivalent to a dose of 30 mg in humans.

Sterile water without cobitolimod was rectally applied to a control group of seven mice (placebo). Mice from different treated groups were randomly mixed per cage before initiation of the experiment to ensure comparable experimental conditions.

Evaluation of DSS induced colitis: Loss of bodyweight was monitored on the days 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10. The Disease Activity Index (DAI) is the combined score of body weight loss compared to initial body weight, stool consistency, and visible blood in feces. The maximum score per mouse is 12. The DAI was assessed on the days 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10. Additionally, colon inflammation was studied in vivo using the Coloview endoscopic system consisting of a miniature endoscope (scope 1.9 mm outer diameter), a xenon light source, a triple chip camera and an air pump (all from Karl Storz, Tutzingen, Germany) to achieve regulated inflation of the mouse colon. For endoscopy mice were anesthetized with 4% of isoflurane in 100% oxygen at a rate of 0.2-0.5 L/mins, 2% isoflurane was used for maintenance. The endoscopic colitis grading consists of the five parameters: thickening of the colon, change of the normal vascular pattern, presence of fibrin, mucosal granularity and stool consistency. Endoscopic grading was performed for each parameter (score 0-3) leading to an accumulative score between 0-15. Endoscopic grading was analyzed on days 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10.


FIG. 7 shows the change in body weight of the mice in the various treatment groups over the course of the experiment. Four days after initiation of DSS treatment all DSS treated groups started to lose weight in a comparable way. Rectal application of cobitolimod at day 4 resulted in a significantly smaller reduction in body weight at day 6 in mice treated with 84 μg cobitolimod (*P=0.0472) and 1000 μg cobitolimod (*p=0.0122) compared to placebo treated mice. At day 7, weight loss was more significantly reduced in the mice group treated with 1000 μg cobitolimod (**P=0.0012) compared to the mice treated with 84 μg (*P=0.0122) cobitolimod and thereafter the weight loss in both groups continued to be significantly less than that in the placebo treated group up until day 10 (end of the experiment). The mouse group treated with 40 μg cobitolimod also showed a small reduction in weight loss from day 7, however this reduction was not significant. The group of mice which were treated with 1560 μg cobitolimod showed an increase in weight loss compared to placebo treated mice. At the end of the experiment on day 10, all cobitolimod treated groups show reduced weight loss compared to the placebo treated group, apart from the group treated with 1560 μg cobitolimod which showed similar weight loss to that of the placebo treated group. The body weight of mice which were completely untreated (no DSS, no cobitolimod/placebo) did not change throughout the experiment (FIG. 7).

FIG. 8 shows the change in disease activity index (DAI) of the mice in the various treatment groups over the course of the experiment. The DAI data reveal that rectal application of cobitolimod ameliorates DSS induced colitis. All cobitolimod treated mice show similar changes in the DAI except for 40 μg cobitolimod treated mice. The mice group treated with 40 μg cobitolimod did not exhibit a significant reduction in DAI compared to the placebo control. Mice treated with the 84 μg and 1000 μg cobitolimod exhibit reduced DAI compared to the placebo group from day 6 onwards. The dosage showing a significant reduction (*P=0.0216) in DAI at the earliest time point (day 6) was the 1000 μg cobitolimod treated group. Mice treated with 84 μg and 1000 μg cobitolimod showed a significant reduction in DAI at days 8 and 10 (***P=0.0006). The group treated with 1560 μg cobitolimod showed a reduced DAI at day 7 and at days 8 and 10 the reduction was significant (**P=0.0023 and ***P=0.0006, respectively). The DAI of mice which were completely untreated (no DSS, no rectal application) did not change throughout the experiment (FIG. 8).

FIG. 9 shows the change in endoscopic colitis grading of the mice in the various treatment groups over the course of the experiment. The endoscopic colitis grading is consistent with the results for weight loss and DAI. All mice treated with cobitolimod developed fewer signs of DSS induced colitis compared to the placebo treated group. The endoscopic colitis grading compared to the placebo group reduced after the first application of cobitolimod until the end of the experiment for all cobitolimod treated groups. The reduction was significant (**P≤0.01) from day 7 for all cobitolimod treated groups except for 40 μg cobitolimod treated group. The dosage showing a significant reduction (*P=0.0408) in endoscopic colitis grading at the earliest time point (day 6) was the 1000 μg cobitolimod treated group (FIG. 9).


Taken together, these results show that cobitolimod treatment ameliorated DSS-induced colitis, by significantly reducing the weight loss, disease activity index and endoscopic colitis grade of the cobitolimod-treated mice. In the mice that were administered 1000 μg of cobitolimod at days 4 and 8, significant improvements for weight loss, DAI and endoscopic colitis grading were achieved. In particular, improvements in DAI and endoscopic colitis grading were observed at an earlier timepoint for the 1000 μg dose than for the other cobitolimod doses.

Example 3—Flow Cytometry Results for Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS) Induced Colitis Mouse Model
Materials and Methods

Mice: Balb/c mice were obtained from Charles River Laboratories, Research Models and Services (Sulzfeld, Germany). Eight week old female Balb/c mice were used for the experiments and were kept in individually ventilated cages in compliance to the Animal Welfare Act. Water and food were available ad libitum.

DSS induced colitis: 3% (w/v) Dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) (MP Biomedicals, Illkirch, France) was administrated for 10 days to the drinking water of 8 week old female Balb/c mice. An additional control group of three mice which were completely untreated was also part of the experimental set up.

Rectal administration of cobitolimod: 40 μg, 84 μg, 500 μg or 1560 μg cobitolimod per mouse was administered rectally twice (on days 4 and 8). The respective concentration of cobitolimod was diluted with sterile water and 100 μl per mouse was used for rectal administration. A dose of 500 μg in mice is approximately a 125 mg human equivalent dose (HED—see “Guidance for Industry—Estimating the Maximum Safe Starting Dose in Initial Clinical Trials for Therapeutics in Adult Health Volunteers”, US Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, July 2005). The dose of 84 μg in mice is broadly equivalent to a dose of 30 mg in humans.

Sterile water without cobitolimod was additionally rectally applied to a control group of 30 seven mice (placebo). Mice from different treated groups were randomly mixed per cage before initiation of the experiment to ensure comparable experimental conditions.

Flow cytometry: Mice were sacrificed via cervical dislocation on day 10 and colon specimens were taken for flow cytometry analysis. Lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMCs) from gut specimens were isolated using the lamina propria kit (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany). Prior to intracellular staining, cells were treated with a stimulation cocktail containing PMA, Golgi-Stop and Ionomycin (eBioscience, Frankfurt, Germany) for 4 hours at 37° C. Cells were fixed and permeabilized using a transcription factor buffer set (BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany). Cells were stained for CD4 (BD Pharmingen, Franklin, USA), IL17A (Biolegend, San Diego, USA), RoryT (BD Pharmingen, Franklin, USA), and respective isotype controls. For myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), isolated LPMCs were extracellularly stained for CD11b (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany) and Gr-1 (BD Pharmingen, Franklin, USA). Flow cytometry analysis was performed with FACS Calibur (BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany). Cells were analyzed using the FlowJo single cell analysis software (Version 10.1r5, TreeStar Ashland, USA).

Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis was performed using Graph Pad Prism (Graph Pad Software Version 6.05, La Jolla, Calif.). After testing for normal distribution with the Shapiro Wilk normality test, significant differences between samples were calculated using the unpaired Student's t test or the Mann-Whitney U-rank test (*P≤0.05; **P:≤0.01; ***P≤0.001).


FIG. 10 shows the results of intracellular staining of LPMCs in colon samples harvested from the mice on day 10. Classically, IBD was thought to be primarily mediated by Th1 cells in CD or Th2 cells in UC, but it is now known that Th17 cells and their related cytokines are crucial mediators in both conditions. Th17 cells massively infiltrate the inflamed intestine of IBD patients, where they produce IL17A and other cytokines, triggering and amplifying the inflammatory process (Gilvez J., Role of Th17 Cells in the Pathogenesis of Human IBD. ISRN Inflamm. 2014 Mar. 25; 2014:928461). It has been shown that the levels of IL17/Th17 were significantly higher in serum/colon of UC patients compared with healthy control subjects (Gong, Y., et al., The Th17/Treg immune balance in ulcerative colitis patients with two different chinese syndromes: dampness-heat in large intestine and spleen and kidney yang deficiency syndrome. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015: p. 264317). Therefore, reduction of Th17 and IL17 is an important step to improve clinical end points in IBD patients.

The colonic LPMCs were stained for the presence of Th17 cells and transcription factor retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor gamma t (RORγt, the transcription factor that regulates Th17 differentiation). As expected, the Th17 (RORγt*, IL17+), RORγt+, and IL17+ cell populations were increased in mice suffering from colitis (DSS treated) as compared to healthy animals (controls, no DSS). This increase was significantly dampened after cobitolimod treatment compared to water treatment. Flow cytometry analysis of LPMCs isolated from mouse colon specimens taken at the end of the experiment on day 10 revealed significantly reduced levels of RoryT+IL17+, RoryT+ and IL17+ T-cells in cobitolimod treated mice compared to placebo treated mice. The reduction of CD4+IL17+ cells was more pronounced in the 500 μg cobitolimod treated group than in the other groups (FIG. 10).

FIG. 11 shows flow cytometry analysis showing the percentage of Myeloid derived suppressor cells (CD11+Gr1+) present in the Lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMCs) isolated from mouse colons on day 10.

Myeloid cells are the most abundant and heterogeneous population of leukocytes. They are rapidly recruited from the blood to areas of inflammation and perform a number of important biological functions. Chronic inflammatory conditions contribute to generation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). These pathologically activated cells are increasingly recognized as important players in cancer and IBD. The role of MDSCs in IBD is still controversial, however it has been shown that MDSCs induced by intestinal inflammation conditions might be involved in Th17 generation and IL17 production and establishing the pro-inflammatory environment thereby playing a role in the pathogenesis of IBD (reviewed in Yeon-Jeong Kim., et al., Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Intest. Res. 2015: 13(2): 105-111). Therefore, reduction of MDSCs can contribute to the treatment of intestinal inflammation in IBD patients.

Further analysis revealed elevated levels of Gr1+CD11b+ MDSCs in placebo treated mice compared to cobitolimod treated mice. Mice treated with 500 μg cobitolimod significantly (*P≤0.05) down regulated the level of Gr1+CD11b+ MDSCs (FIG. 11). The reduction in Gr1+CD11b+ MDSC population was most pronounced for the mice administered 500 μg of cobitolimod.


These results show that cobitolimod treatment significantly reduced the pro-inflammatory IL17+ mucosal T-cells and the Gr1+CD11b+ MDSC population in the colons of mice in the DSS-induced colitis model. The mice administered with 500 μg cobitolimod showed the most promising results in the samples taken from the colons (reduction in IL17+ CD4+ cells and Gr1+CD11b+ MDSC population). Surprisingly, the reduction in IL17+ CD4+ cells for the 500 μg dose is greater than that for the 84 μg and 1560 μg doses, suggesting that dosages between these values are most effective in modulating the immune response in IBD. This finding also suggests that, in humans, a dosage regime of from 150 mg to 350 mg of cobitolimod on at least two separate occasions 3 weeks apart would be better able to modulate the immune response than other higher and lower doses, and would therefore be more effective for treating IBD.

Example 4—a Randomised, Double-Blind, Five-Arm, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Dose-Ranging Phase 2b Study
Study Design

The study was a randomised, double-blind, five-arm, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-ranging phase 2b study, conducted at 91 centres in 12 countries (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, and Ukraine). Institutional review boards or ethics committees approved the protocol in accordance with national guidelines for each country. All patients provided written informed consent before enrolment, and the study was conducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidelines and Declaration of Helsinki Principles. Case report form data were captured electronically in the DataLabs® database system. Data quality checks were applied using electronic verification methods. An audit trail tracked all database changes.


Eligible patients were aged ≥18 years with UC (diagnosed ≥3 months) extending ≥15 cm above the anal verge and not beyond the splenic flexure, with a full Mayo score of 6 to 12, including an endoscopic subscore (modified to exclude friability from grade 1) of ≥2, and no individual subscore <1. A single reader centrally read the endoscopic subscore and disease extent.

Patients had current or previous use of oral 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA)/sulphasalazine (SP); current use of glucocorticosteroids (GCS) or history of GCS dependency, refractoriness or intolerance; and previous inadequate response, loss of response, or intolerance to immunomodulators, TNF-inhibitors, or anti-integrin therapy. Patients treated with cyclosporine, methotrexate, tacrolimus, TNF-inhibitors, or vedolizumab within eight weeks before enrolment (patients with unmeasurable serum levels of TNF-inhibitors or vedolizumab were permitted), or with rectal GCS, 5-ASA/SP, or tacrolimus therapy within two weeks before enrolment, were excluded, as were patients who received antibiotics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as part of a long-term regimen within two weeks before enrolment. Concomitant treatment with oral GCS (with stable daily dose ≤20 mg prednisone or equivalent for two weeks before screening), oral budesonide multimatrix (9 mg daily for ≥8 weeks before screening), oral 5-ASA/SP (initiated 28 weeks before screening and dose stable for two weeks), and azathioprine/6-MP (initiated ≥3 months before screening and dose stable for eight weeks) with unchanged dose during the study was permitted.

Randomisation and Masking

Patients were randomised into five treatment arms (1:1:1:1:1) according to a computer-generated randomisation schedule and central procedure: cobitolimod 2×31 mg, 2×125 mg, 2×250 mg, 4×125 mg, or placebo. Once patients were deemed eligible to participate, investigators obtained a unique patient identification number through an interactive voice response system. Patients, investigators, and sponsors (including personnel administering the interventions, assessing outcomes, and analysing data) were blinded to treatment assignment. Randomisation was stratified for concomitant GCS use and previous TNF-inhibitor exposure, using a block size of ten.

Active study drug was administered at baseline (week 0) and week 3 (cobitolimod 2×31 mg, 2×125 mg, and 2×250 mg groups), or at weeks 0, 1, 2 and 3 (4×125 mg group). To maintain blinding, placebo was administered at weeks 1 and 2 in the cobitolimod 2×31 mg, 2×125 mg, and 2×250 mg groups, and at weeks 0, 1, 2, and 3 in the placebo group. The active treatment product and placebo had identical appearance, viscosity, smell, and packaging/labelling.


Study treatments were administered by study staff at each centre via rectal enema (50 mL solution of active study drug in sterile water, or 50 mL sterile water as placebo) with the patient in a lying left-sided position; the patient remained recumbent for 30 minutes afterwards. Patients received cobitolimod 31 mg (0⋅62 mg/mL), 125 mg (2⋅5 mg/mL), 250 mg (5 mg/mL), or placebo at weeks 0, 1, 2 and 3. No colonic cleaning was performed prior to administration of the enema.

Patients attended two screening visits (the second within one week of the first, and including full colonoscopy), randomisation (week 0, within ten days of endoscopy), and follow-up visits at weeks 1, 2, 3, 6, and 10 for study drug administration and/or efficacy/safety assessment. At the screening colonoscopy two biopsies were taken from the most inflamed area in each bowel segment investigated (ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon, and rectum). Patients recorded stool frequency and blood in stool according to Mayo subscores in daily e-Diaries from first screening visit to week 10. Calculations of full Mayo score for eligibility used e-Diary data from the screening period. For Mayo rectal bleeding and stool frequency subscores for the primary endpoint assessment, the most recent three consecutive days within one week prior to the week 0 and 6 visits, excluding the assessment two days before the week 6 sigmoidoscopy, were used; the stool frequency subscore was calculated as the mean daily stool frequency and rectal bleeding as the worst outcome within these days.

Patients completed a defecation urgency assessment (component of the Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index [SCCAI]—see D'Haens G, Sandborn W, Feagan B, et al. A review of activity indices and efficacy end points for clinical trials of medical therapy in adults with ulcerative colitis, Gastroenterology 2007; 132: 763-86, and Walmsley R S, Ayres R C, Pounder R E, Allan R N, A simple clinical colitis activity index, Gut 1998; 43: 29-32) at week 0 and at each follow-up visit, and the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) at weeks 0, 3, and 6. Physician's Global Assessment (PGA) was evaluated at screening and weeks 6 and 10. Stool for faecal calprotectin analysis was collected at screening, week 0, and each follow-up visit. Flexible sigmoidoscopy was performed at week 6, with biopsy samples taken from the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum. Endoscopy videos (from screening and week 6) were centrally assessed by a single reader blinded to site and treatment. One pathologist, blinded to site, treatment, and clinical data, centrally read the histology.


The primary endpoint was clinical remission at week 6, defined by the Mayo subscores of rectal bleeding 0, stool frequency ≤1 (with ≥1-point decrease from baseline), and endoscopy ≤1 (modified to exclude friability).

Safety was assessed through analysis of adverse events, physical examination, monitoring of vital signs, electrocardiogram, and clinical laboratory evaluation. Adverse event information was collected at each study visit through to the end of follow-up (week 10).

Statistical Analysis

The set of statistical analyses was designed to detect the most efficacious dose group compared to placebo. The sample size calculation was based on the assumption to detect a difference between one treatment group versus placebo, using a one-sided test of the null hypothesis that there is no difference in the primary endpoint between each active treatment arm and placebo, with a type-I error level of 0⋅1. Assuming a 10% remission rate for placebo, and to detect a target difference between any active treatment arm versus placebo of 25 percentage points (delta) for the proportion of patients in clinical remission at week 6, a group size of 35 patients per treatment arm was estimated to provide 90% power. Inclusion of 43 patients per arm would allow for a 20% drop-out rate. Smaller differences than the target difference, down to 10% delta, are still considered as clinically meaningful.

For exploratory, dose-ranging studies such as this, the focus is not on confirming efficacy, but on finding the most efficacious dose (compared with placebo) for further development. As such, use of a one-sided test with 0.1 type-1 error rate (i.e p<0.10 considered as statistically significant) is appropriate to provide high statistical power to detect a targeted effect size while maintaining an acceptable sample size. For exploratory (in contrast to confirmatory) trials there is also no need for adjustment for multiplicity. This approach is in accordance with regulatory requirements and common practice for phase 2 dose-finding trials.

Primary endpoint analyses were conducted with four pairwise comparisons between active treatment arms versus placebo on the full analysis set (FAS) based on intention-to-treat principles; the FAS was defined as all randomised patients who received at least one dose of the study medication. Missing values were replaced using the non-responder imputation (NRI) method, which represents no clinical remission in the patient's outcome of the primary endpoint. Two additional analyses were performed on the FAS, using placebo multiple imputation (PMI) method for patients with missing data and using the observed data method. Use of the PMI method for sensitivity analysis of the primary endpoint is considered a less biased method for imputing missing data (see 21 EMA. Guideline on missing data in confirmatory clinical trials. 2010. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/guideline-missing-data-confirmatory-clinical-trials_en.pdf (accessed May 5, 2020)). Compared to the study protocol, analysis of the primary endpoint using last observation carried forward (LOCF) was excluded since it would be identical to using the NRI method (all subjects would have the status ‘no remission’ at baseline). Analysis of the primary endpoint was also performed on the protocol set (PPS), defined as all FAS patients without major protocol deviations or protocol deviations which could affect the primary endpoint; this analysis used observed data only.

The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) test was used to analyse differences between each active treatment arm and placebo in terms of odds ratios (ORs) for the primary endpoint and the other categorical efficacy endpoints, adjusted for the stratification factors used at randomisation (current use of GCS [yes/no], and prior use of TNF-inhibitors [yes/no]). The null hypothesis tested was OR=1, i.e. no difference between the active treatment arm and placebo. Results were presented descriptively with the number and proportion of subjects, together with the OR.

The primary endpoint was presented by the OR with the corresponding two-sided 80% confidence interval (CI), and the one-sided p-value. A one-sided p-value of <0⋅1 was considered to have met the primary or secondary efficacy objectives for treatment comparison. No adjustment for multiplicity was done. An OR >1⋅0 indicates efficacy in favour of the active treatment group against placebo. For the primary endpoint a two-sided test was also performed to obtain the two-sided p-value and its corresponding 95% CI, where the one-sided test showed a p-value<0⋅1.

Safety analyses were based on the safety analysis set (all patients who received at least one dose of active study drug or placebo). Safety data (blinded to treatment group) were reviewed six times during the study by an independent Data Safety Monitoring Board. Analyses were performed using SAS® Version 9⋅3 or higher.


Of 383 patients screened, 213 were enrolled and randomised to receive cobitolimod 2×31 mg (n=41), 2×125 mg (n=43), 4×125 mg (n=43), 2×250 mg (n=42), or 4× placebo (n=44). In total, 211 (99⋅1%) randomised patients received at least one dose of study treatment, 193 (90⋅6%) completed week 6, and 190 (89⋅2%) completed the week 10 study visit. All 211 treated patients were included in the full analysis and safety sets and were assessed for the primary endpoint. In total 37 patients did not fulfil requirements for the PPS.

Treatment groups at baseline were similar with respect to age, ethnicity, body-mass index, and disease characteristics. 79 (37⋅4%) patients used concomitant steroids during the study (mean dose at randomisation: prednisolone or equivalent 14⋅6 mg/day, budesonide multimatrix 8⋅2 mg/day) and 41 (19⋅4%) used thiopurines. Overall, 48 (22⋅7%) patients had previously used TNF-inhibitors and 15 (7⋅1%) had used vedolizumab.

The rate of clinical remission at week 6 was highest in the cobitolimod 2×250 mg group, for which the difference compared with placebo was statistically significant (i.e. p<0.1) using the NRI method (21⋅4% vs 6⋅8%; OR 3⋅8 [80% CI 1⋅53, 9⋅47], one-sided p=0⋅0247 [two-sided p=0.0495])) (Table 1; FIGS. 12 and 13). Sensitivity analyses for the primary endpoint using alternative approaches to missing data in the FAS were consistent with the primary analysis (FIG. 13); these confirmed a statistically significant difference for the cobitolimod 2×250 mg group compared with placebo using the PMI method (OR 3⋅6 [80% CI 1⋅44, 8⋅95], one-sided p=0⋅0368) and observed data (OR 4⋅2 [80% CI 1⋅65, 10⋅51], p=0⋅0197). Using observed data in the PPS, again the rate of clinical remission in the cobitolimod 2×250 mg group was statistically significant versus placebo (23⋅5% vs 8⋅6%; OR 3⋅4 [80% CI 1⋅34, 8⋅73], p=0⋅0400).


Clinical remission (primary endpoint) at week 6 for cobitolimod dose groups compared with placebo (full analysis set).

Cobitolimod 2 × 31 mg
Cobitolimod 2 × 125 mg
Cobitolimod 4 × 125 mg
Cobitolimod 2 × 50 mg






n/N (%)

2 · 0
0 · 1806
0 · 7
0 · 6649
1 · 4
0 · 3279
3 · 8
0 · 0247* §

(12 · 5%)
(0 · 75,

(4 · 7%)
(0 · 20,

(9 · 5%)
(0 · 52,

(21 · 4%)
(1 · 53,

(6 · 8%)

5 · 47)

2 · 24)

3 · 88)

9 · 47)

Delta vs
5 · 7%

−2 · 1%

2 · 7%

14 · 6%


Data are presented using observed data, except where indicated. OR is calculated using the Cochran-Mantel-Haensze test, adjusted for stratifications factors.

CI = confidence interval.

NRI = non-responder imputation.

OD = observed data.

OR = odds ratio.

PMI = placebo multiple imputation.

*One-sided p-value < 0-10 demonstrates statistically significant result.

†Using NRI for missing data for presentation of outcome percentages and calculation of OR.

§ The treatment difference for the primary endpoint was also statistically significant using two-sided testing, p = 0-0495).

Overall, 39⋅8% patients experienced one or more adverse events. Rates of adverse events with cobitolimod were similar to those observed with placebo, and were similar across cobitolimod dose groups.


In these patients with treatment-refractory, moderately to severely active, left-sided colitis, the rate of clinical remission at week 6 was higher among those who received two topical administrations of cobitolimod 250 mg than with placebo, with a statistically significant (based on one-sided p<0.10) treatment difference of approximately 15%. The finding was consistent across the full analysis and per protocol populations, and in two additional sensitivity analyses using different approaches to handling of missing data. These data show the cobitolimod 2×250 mg regimen to be an effective therapeutic approach. Although the observed difference was below the sample-size targeted delta of 25%, it is above the 10% difference considered clinically meaningful for clinical remission in UC. Based on the observed OR (3.8) and 80% CI (1.5-9.5), with 80% confidence we can rule out a lack of difference (OR=1), but cannot exclude a larger true difference than observed, including the possibility of a 25% delta.

The primary endpoint of clinical remission at week 6 was therefore met for the 250 mg dose administered twice in this very specific population of patients with moderate-to-severe, left-sided colitis, with an eligibility requirement for active left-sided colonic disease, confirmed by central reading of a full colonoscopy. To our knowledge, this is the first study conducted specifically in left-sided colitis using centrally read endoscopy (for eligibility and outcomes). Clinical remission was defined according to Mayo subscores, modified to exclude friability from an endoscopic subscore of grade 1 and with removal of the PGA component, in accordance with current regulatory guidance (see FDA. Ulcerative colitis: clinical trial endpoints guidance for industry. 2016. https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/ulcerative-colitis-clinical-trial-endpoints-guidance-industry (accessed May 5, 2020) and EMA. Guideline on the development of new medicinal products for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. 2018. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/guideline-development-new-medicinal-products-treatment-ulcerative-colitis-revision-1_en.pdf (accessed May 5, 2020)). Remission was assessed at week 6 in contrast to most other UC trials that have used a later time-point of 8 to 12 weeks for evaluation of remission (see Sands B E, Sandborn W J, Panaccione R, et al. Ustekinumab as induction and maintenance therapy for ulcerative colitis. New Eng J Med 2019; 381: 1201-14; Sandborn W J, Su C, Sands B E, et al. Tofacitinib as induction and maintenance therapy for ulcerative colitis. New Engl J Med 2017; 376: 1723-36; Reinisch W, Sandborn W J, Hommes D W, et al. Adalimumab for induction of clinical remission in moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis: results of a randomised controlled trial. Gut 2011; 60: 780-7; Sandborn W J, Ferrante M, Bhandari B R, et al. Efficacy and safety of mirikizumab in a randomized phase 2 study of patients with ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterology 2020; 158: 537-49). To our knowledge only a few other studies in moderate-to-severe UC have evaluated a primary endpoint as early as week 6 (see Feagan B G, Rutgeerts P, Sands B E, et al. Vedolizumab as induction and maintenance therapy for ulcerative colitis. New Eng J Med 2013; 369: 699-710; Sandborn W J, Feagan B G, Marano C, et al. Subcutaneous golimumab induces clinical response and remission in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterology 2014; 146: 85-95). The primary analysis used NRI, usually considered to be the most conservative method for handling missing data, with the assumption that no patients with missing data had met the criteria for the primary and secondary outcomes.

The findings provide further support for a local immunomodulatory effect of cobitolimod in the colonic mucosa, through the distinct and innovative mechanism of TLR9 activation. We believe this is the first time a DNA oligonucleotide-based therapy in UC has shown a statistically significant effect on a primary study endpoint. These data expand findings of previous studies in which UC patients with every extent of active disease (excluding proctitis) received lower doses of cobitolimod.

In conclusion, cobitolimod administered topically as two doses of 250 mg demonstrated efficacy for induction of clinical remission at week 6 in patients with moderately to severely active left-sided UC when administered as an enema without the patient's colon being cleaned prior to administration. Cobitolimod was well tolerated, with no safety concerns identified.

  • 1. A method of treating an inflammatory bowel disease in a human subject comprising administering to said subject an oligonucleotide comprising the sequence 5′-GGAACAGTTCGTCCATGGC-3′ (SEQ ID NO:2), wherein said oligonucleotide is administered via topical administration to the colon, and wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning prior to said administration.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein said topical administration is effected via an enema which is suitable for self administration by the patient.
  • 3. The method according to claim 2, wherein said enema has an elongate tip configured so as to enable insertion into the rectum, preferably wherein said elongate tip is from 4 to 10 cm long.
  • 4. (canceled)
  • 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein the subject has not been subjected to colonic cleaning for 48 hours prior to the treatment with the oligonucleotide, preferably for 24 hours prior to the treatment with the oligonucleotide.
  • 6. The method according to claim 1, wherein said inflammatory bowel disease is ulcerative colitis.
  • 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein the subject has been diagnosed with left sided ulcerative colitis.
  • 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein individual doses of from 150 mg to 350 mg of said oligonucleotide are administered to the subject on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart.
  • 9. The method according to claim 1, wherein the subject is refractory or responds insufficiently or is intolerant to an anti-inflammatory therapy, and/or wherein said subject is elective for colectomy.
  • 10. (canceled)
  • 11. The method according to claim 1, wherein at least one CG dinucleotide is unmethylated.
  • 12. The method according to claim 1, wherein at least one nucleotide in said oligonucleotide has a backbone modification.
  • 13. The method according to claim 12, wherein said backbone modification is a phosphate backbone modification represented by a phosphorothioate or a phosphorodithioate modification, preferably wherein said backbone modification is located in the 5′- and/or the 3′-end of said oligonucleotide.
  • 14. The method according to claim 1, wherein said oligonucleotide has the sequence 5′-GGAACAGTTCGTCCATGGC-3′ (SEQ ID NO:2), wherein the CG dinucleotide is unmethylated.
  • 15. The method according to claim 1, wherein said oligonucleotide has the sequence 5′-G*G*A*ACAGTTCGTCCAT*G*G*C-3′ (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein the CG dinucleotide is unmethylated, wherein * represents a phosphorothioate modification, preferably wherein said oligonucleotide is cobitolimod.
  • 16. The method according to claim 8, wherein individual doses of 240 mg to 260 mg of said oligonucleotide are administered, preferably wherein individual doses of about 250 mg of said oligonucleotide are administered.
  • 17. (canceled)
  • 18. The method according to claim 1, wherein individual doses of said oligonucleotide are administered to the subject on only two separate occasions 3 weeks apart.
  • 19. The method according to claim 1, wherein individual doses of said oligonucleotide are administered to the subject on two or more separate occasions 3 weeks apart until the subject is in remission.
  • 20. The method according to claim 1, wherein the subject receives one or more additional therapeutic agents for the treatment of an inflammatory bowel disease, typically ulcerative colitis.
  • 21. The method according to claim 1, wherein the oligonucleotide is cobitolimod, and individual doses of about 250 mg of cobitolimod are administered to the subject on only two separate occasions 3 weeks apart.
  • 22. A method of treating an inflammatory bowel disease in a human subject comprising administering to said subject a pharmaceutical composition comprising an oligonucleotide comprising the sequence 5′-GAACAGTTCGTCCATGGC-3′ (SEQ ID NO:2), together with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers preferably wherein individual administrations of said composition are administered to the subject on at least two separate occasions, wherein said separate occasions are 3 weeks apart, and preferably wherein each administration of the composition delivers an amount of the oligonucleotide of from 150 mg to 350 mg.
  • 23. The method according to claim 22, wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable carrier is a buffer or water, and/or wherein the pharmaceutical composition consists essentially of (a) said oligonucleotide and (b) a buffer or water.
  • 24. (canceled)
  • 25. (canceled)
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
1912191.2 Aug 2019 GB national

The present application is a U.S. national phase application under 35 U.S.C. § 371 of International Application No. PCT/EP2020/073566, filed on Aug. 21, 2020 and published as WO 2021/037764 A1 on Mar. 4, 2021, which claims priority to GB Application No. 1912191.2, filed on Aug. 24, 2019. The content of each of these related applications is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/EP2020/073566 8/21/2020 WO