Optical system and method for composing color images from chromatically non-compensated optics


  • Patent Grant
  • 6590612
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, March 18, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, July 8, 2003
    21 years ago
An image processing system for optical systems including microscopes which separately captures (grabs) different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum as emitted from an object as separate images. Each of the separate images are individually focused and then aligned with the other images to produce a composite image. In one embodiment, the different portions correspond to red, green, and blue and the composite image is displayed to the user on as a monitor without any need for an eyepiece.


The present invention relates to image processing systems for microscopes or other optical systems and, more particularly, to image processing systems which compose color images from low-cost optical systems using multiple wavelength illumination.


Traditional high performance wide-field microscopes


as shown in

FIG. 1

, achieve a high resolution color image of a specimen (object)


with a wide field of view of the object information


. Also, by means of a beam splitter


, the image






is fed simultaneously to both a video camera


and to an eyepiece


. The focusing




is often performed using a manual focus controller


. However, autofocus controllers


which use the digital image context or additional optics can also be employed to send focusing commands


through a selector


to control the focusing mechanism



With such microscopes, a user can look: (1) through the eyepiece


; (2) at a video monitor


connected to the camera


; or (3) at a computer monitor


connected through a frame grabber


and an image processor


to the camera


. However, looking through an eyepiece strains the eyes, neck, and shoulders of the user. In addition, when two or more persons wish to view an image simultaneously, viewing the image through a monitor




is clearly superior. Therefore, a high quality image on a monitor screen is preferable. Further, a computer


, in addition to grabbing, storing, processing and presenting images, can use the output


from a camera


for image analysis.

However, the complexity and cost of such traditional high performance wide-field microscope systems is considerable. For example, such traditional microscopes provide illumination


using a white light source


such as a filament bulb. Such bulbs are not energy efficient. In addition, the color temperature of the bulb, which affects the color balance in the image, changes as the bulb ages.

Another costly requirement of traditional microscopes is that to get a good quality electronic image, one usually employs a relatively expensive three-chip RGB (red, green, blue) camera


. Such a camera has internal prisms and filters to separate colors, one color for each of three black and white sensors. However, maintaining the relative positions and orientations of the prisms, filters and sensors during the lifetime of the camera is complex.

Also, for traditional microscopes, the most complex component is the objective (lens)


between the bulb


and the camera


. Since the bulb provides white light, a traditional objective


is usually color compensated to supply an image for an eyepiece. In other words, the objective


has to produce reasonably sharp images


for the whole spectrum of interest at the same time. This spectrum is typically the entire visible spectrum.

To achieve the requirements for a microscope, the color compensated wide field objective


of a traditional microscope


is a compromise to achieve: (1) color compensation; (2) wide field of view; (3) magnification of 50-100 times; and (4) a numerical aperture which typically is 0.9 for a dry (air immersion) objective and 1.3 for an oil immersion objective.

To provide the compromise for a variety of conditions, traditional microscope systems are often equipped with a number of different objectives, for example, to adapt to the thickness of an optional glass cover slip or to provide overview images using a low magnifying objective. Such different objectives require the individual lens elements to be aligned with tight tolerances.

Also, even with the best possible objectives for visual light, some details of the image remain just beyond visibility. Therefore, a common image processing step is ‘image sharpening’ of captured images


performed by an image processor


. For example, by amplifying the higher spatial frequencies in an image, small details and edges become enhanced in the sharpened image


. Selection of such frequency dependent amplification for the sharpening filter can be optimized if the characteristics of the objective are known. However, the objective characteristics are wavelength dependent, and therefore, ideally, each wavelength should have a respective sharpening filter.

Unfortunately, such separate sharpening filters are difficult to achieve with an RGB camera because each color component of the camera responds to light with a spectrum width of typically +/−50 nanometers which causes overlap between the colors. Thus, for example, the green component may respond to light with wavelengths extending from approximately 500 to 600 nanometers. Accordingly, once a sensor of the camera


has been exposed to white light, each wavelength's contribution to the blurring of the image caused by the objective can not be determined and therefore the characteristics for a sharpening filter optimized for a wavelength can not be determined. Thus, a sharpening filter for such a system can only be a compromise.

Accordingly, traditional microscopes fail to provide a low cost system having a computer which generates high performance digital microscope images without filament bulbs and three-chip cameras. Such traditional microscopes also fail to permit the use of a simple objective which is suitable for wavelength tailored image sharpening filters.


This invention provides a novel design for a low-cost system for digital image microscopy. The system has a performance comparable to that of a much more expensive traditional microscope. Also, the invention can be used to improve the performance of an existing microscope system.

One object of the invention is to generate high quality microscope images on a computer screen to obviate any need of the user to look through the eyepiece. Accordingly, the invention does not provide a direct optical path from the specimen to a user's eyes, but instead lets the images pass through a camera and an image processing computer.

Another object of the invention is to provide an optical system having: (1) an objective which receives electromagnetic radiation from an object, modifies the electromagnetic radiation, and emits the modified electromagnetic radiation as an image of the object; (2) a focusing mechanism which controls the movement of the objective along at least one path to modify the image; (3) one or more cameras which detect separate images for each of a plurality of frequency bands of the modified electromagnetic radiation of the image emitted by the objective; and (4) an automatic focus controller which, in accordance with the detected images: (a) provides control parameters to the focusing mechanism; and (b) determines for each of the frequency bands, an optimal image which corresponds to an optimal focus of the objective for that frequency band. The images can be detected/captured at different times. Also, the camera can be one or more black and white cameras.

A further object of the invention is to provide an automatic focus controller having: (1) a filter calculator for receiving the detected images as image signals and for generating filtered image signals such that noise components of the image signals have been reduced, the noise components being reduced by increasing energy contributions from parts of the image signals which contribute a relatively larger proportion to image components than the noise components and by decreasing energy contributions from other parts of the image signals which contribute a relatively larger portion to the noise components than to the image components; (2) an energy calculator for receiving the filtered image signals and determining energy levels of the filtered image signals; and (3) a control calculator for receiving the energy levels and for generating the control parameters in accordance with the energy levels.

An additional object of the invention is to provide a registration controller which aligns a plurality of optimal images. This registration controller can also have: (1) a transformer for receiving a first optimal image and a transformation, and for generating a transformed image, the transformation capable of translating, rotating, and/or magnifying the first optimal image; (2) a compositor for combining a second optimal image and the transformed image to generate a composite image; (3) an energy calculator for receiving the composite image and for determining an energy level of the composite image; and (4) a transformation generator for receiving the energy level and for generating the transformation in accordance with the energy level such that the transformation selected corresponds to a focus for the composite image.

A further object of the invention is to provide one or more image sharpening filters, each filter optimized for a particular frequency band.

Another object of the invention is to provide a source of electromagnetic radiation capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation in different frequency bands and of selectively emitting electromagnetic radiation from only one of the frequency bands. This source can include a plurality of separate sources, each separate source corresponding to one or more of the different frequency bands.

An additional object of the invention is to select: (1) one or more of the frequency bands to produce a response only from respective portions of the object; and/or (2) at least three of the frequency bands to correspond to red, green, and blue color components of visible light.

A further object of the invention is to provide an objective which: (1) lacks significant color compensation; (2) is selected such that the optimal focus for each frequency band occurs at a different position along the path of the objective; (3) provides optimal focus positions which are monotonically related to the frequency bands; and/or (4) is moved in a single unidirectional movement of the objective along the path to reveal the optimal focus for each of the frequency bands.

Also, an object of the invention is to provide a converter for transforming each n by 1 pixel of a composite image using a weight matrix to generate a respective 3 by 1 pixel for an RGB image, where n is the number of frequency bands. Additionally, the RGB image can be generated to simulate cameras which are different than the camera or cameras employed in the optical system.

Another object of the invention is to provide a method for operating an optical system having the steps of: (1) illuminating an object with electromagnetic radiation from a source; (2) modifying electromagnetic radiation from the object through an objective to form an image of the object; (3) controlling the movement of the objective along at least one path to modify the image; (4) detecting separate images for each of a plurality of frequency bands of the electromagnetic radiation; (5) providing control parameters for controlling the movement of the objective; and (6) determining from the detected images for each of the frequency bands, an optimal image which corresponds to an optimal focus of the objective for that frequency band. This method can also include steps of: (1) moving the objective only in one direction to reveal the optimal focus for each of the frequency bands; (2) sharpening one or more of the optimal images using a filter optimized for the respective frequency band; and/or (3) aligning two or more of the optimal images which each other.

These objects and other objects, advantages and features of the invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon consideration of the following description of the invention.


FIG. 1

is a block diagram illustrating a traditional wide-field microscope system with optional modules including an RGB video camera, a video monitor, a computer, an auto-focus controller and a computer monitor;

FIG. 2

is a block diagram illustrating one embodiment of the present invention in which the red, green and blue color components of an RGB camera are grabbed at different instants of time and are aligned using an image registration controller; and

FIG. 3

is a block diagram illustrating another embodiment of the present invention in which the light source is divided into several spectra of smaller widths and which employs a simple objective and a black and white camera.


FIG. 2

shows a traditional microscope system that has been modified in accordance with this invention. In particular, the beam splitter


and the eyepiece



FIG. 1

have been removed which makes the system smaller and reduces the cost of production. Also, the reduced number of optical components in the optical path improves the image quality. For reasons explained below, in this embodiment, an image store


and an image registration controller


have been added to operate with or on the computer


controlling the system.

For a traditional microscope having a good color compensated objective like the Olympus “UplanFl 100x/1.30 Oil”, the different color components of an image from an RGB camera have slightly different vertical positions of optimal focus; in particular, the position for the blue color component is further offset from the other color components, green and red. Nevertheless, all the colors of an image from a traditional microscope are viewed simultaneously through the eyepiece


or the camera



In contrast to the simultaneous viewing of a traditional microscope system


, the optical system


according to one embodiment of this invention, grabs (views) each of the three color components


as separate images sequentially through the frame grabber


. Each of the grabbed color component images


can be stored separately in image store


in accordance with a synchronization signal


from the autofocus controller



Although the optical system


of this embodiment of the invention uses illumination


from a white light source


the time separated grabbing of each of the RGB components


with automatic refocusing between grabs allows for an optical system


having a computer solution, as opposed to an optical solution, for reasonable color compensation. In

FIG. 2

, the width of each color's frequency spectrum is determined by the wavelength dependent response of the color components of the RGB camera


. A typical 3-chip RGB camera has color components with bandwidths that are approximately +/−50 nanometers wide.

Because each frame grab requires an auto-focus step by the autofocus controller


, a quick and noise-insensitive image content auto-focus procedure is employed by the autofocus controller


for each of the grabbed color component images


. In particular, while other auto-focus procedures can be used, one embodiment of this invention uses an auto-focus procedure that requires a single one-directional scan of the vertical position of the objective for storing each color component image at the optimal focus.

Pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/212,720, filed Dec. 16, 1998, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,341,180, incorporated herein by this reference, relates to such a one-directional auto-focus search used in one embodiment of this invention. In that application, an auto-focus procedure which exploits the fact that at the optimal focus positions, the response in the spatial frequency spectrum is most clearly seen at the low and middle spatial frequencies, while the response at higher spatial frequencies are usually hidden in noise. By treating the response as a signal plus noise and by filtering the image with an optimal Wiener filter to remove the higher spatial frequencies, a focus function with an improved signal (focus response) to noise ratio is achieved. That patent application also discusses using an approximate linear digital convolution filter instead of the optimal Wiener filter to provide for quicker calculations. The approximate filter can be a linear array having only three non-zero elements, for example [1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,1,]. Because neither the optimal Weiner filter nor the approximate filter require curve-fitting, that is, a procedure using positions on both sides of the optimal focus position, a highly repeatable or hysterisis free objective positioning mechanism is not required. Instead, the optical system only needs to retain in the image store


the image having the highest value of the focus function as encountered during a one-directional scan. Thus, by selecting the RGB camera, the optical system, the direction of the vertical scan, and the order in which the color components are focused and grabbed, the optimal focus for each of the optimal color component images appear one after another with negligible overlap. The result is a swift grab of all the color components.

The procedure of grabbing a color component and refocusing provides sharper color components from the RGB camera


. However, because the color component images




are grabbed and stored at different times and at different focus positions, the color component images




when used together should be translated, rotated and magnified with respect to one another. If the color component images


are only used separately such adjustment may not be needed. However, for example, a gray scale image or a presentation of color images


to a user, alignment (registration) of the color component images is typically necessary. Such an alignment can be troublesome since different color components respond differently to different types of details in the object.

Pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/212,730, filed Dec. 16, 1998, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,268,611 incorporated herein by this reference, relates to a robust feature-free similarity criterion for registering two dissimilar images, that is, images which do not have identical details, used in one embodiment of this invention. A similarity criterion is globally optimal when the images are best aligned. A feature-free similarity criterion does not depend on extracting special image details (features) prior to the registration. This similarity criterion consists of measuring the focus of an image composed by the two images to be registered, for example, by adding pixel-wise the two input images. By having one of the images as a reference and by transforming the other one relative to the reference image, the similarity criterion is evaluated and optimized over a number of combinations of transform parameters to determine the optimal focus which corresponds to the optimal alignment of the images.

While one embodiment of the invention applies this registration procedure to the color component images


in registration controller


, other registration procedures can be employed. One reason that registration is needed is that the 3-chip camera


itself, due to for example vibration, shock, temperature changes, temperature gradients and aging, has components which are out of alignment and, thus, movement of the objective produces images which are not precisely aligned.

By removing the beam splitter


and the eyepiece


, and at the same time adding procedures and controllers for auto-focus and registration of dissimilar images, a smaller, lower cost, more reliable and higher performance optical system


is provided by this invention.

In the modified system of

FIG. 2

, the color compensation benefits of a traditional color compensated objective


are not required because each color component is separately focused. Accordingly, a less color compensated objective


can be employed. Such an objective also reduces the overlap of the focus peaks of the different colors when scanning in the vertical direction. For example, in one embodiment of the invention a GELTECH 350140 lens is used. This lens is a non-color compensated single lens having a focus depth of a magnitude of 1 micrometer while the center of the optimal focus position monotonically changes 5-10 micrometers for each 50 nanometer change in illumination wavelength.

Another embodiment of this invention exploits the fact that an optical system yields sharp images over a wide range of wavelengths if only a limited spectral width is received by the objective at a time. According to this embodiment the spectrum of the illumination


is controlled. Such an optical system


is shown in FIG.


. It operates mainly in the same way as the system in

FIG. 2

except, among other differences: (1) the color control is in the illumination


provided by the light source


instead of a camera; (2) more than three color component images




can be observed; and (3) multiple narrow spectra of the color component images




allow for a more wavelength tailored and therefore more efficient sharpening filter.


FIG. 3

, the light source


is color separated over time. A number of narrow spectrum illumination sources


such as light emitting diodes (LEDs), laser diodes, and/or filtered bulbs, are lit one at a time and electronically switched on and off under control of the computer/microprocessor


. In one embodiment, the switching is determined by a signal


from the autofocus controller


. The color separation can also be achieved with, for example, one bulb and a filter wheel. The light


, illuminates the object


, resulting in a spectrally narrow light response


which contains object information. The light


emitted from the objective


is as spectrally narrow as the light


from the illumination source


. Accordingly, the objective


is not required to be color compensated and can have a simple construction. Thus, in one embodiment of

FIG. 3

, a GELTECH 350140 lens, which is non-color compensated, was used with good results.

Although fluorescence in the object


can broaden, duplicate, or shift the spectral light response, the camera or cameras


will still detect the image


provided that the camera or cameras


can detect the frequency band caused by the fluorescence. Also, to obtain an optimal focus for the fluorescent contribution to the image one or more additional auto-focus steps can be required if the fluorescent response is at different frequency band(s) than the other frequency bands being detected.

The image


emerging from the objective


impinges on a black and white camera


resulting in a black and white image


, which is grabbed in a frame grabber


. A black and white camera


can be used because, in this embodiment, the illumination source


performs color separation. Also, the camera


can be analog or digital. The frame grabber information (an image signal)


is provided to the autofocus controller


. The position of the objective


is determined by the focusing mechanism


which is controlled through selector


from the autofocus controller


, or from a manual focus controller


. The objective


scans along the z-axis of the optical system


so that the image


corresponding to the optimal focus position for that image can be determined and stored in image store


by means of a storage synchronization signal


from the autofocus controller


. After optimizing the focus for a given color component image


, the next color component image is selected and the procedure repeats until all the desired component images have been grabbed and stored.

The registration of the color component images


can begin as soon as the first two color component images have been grabbed. The registration controller


registers each of the ‘n’ image components into an ‘n’ component registered image


. In the image processor


, one or more wavelength dependent sharpening filters can be applied to each of the color components of the registered image


. Since this filtering is applied to separate colors, that is, the narrow color components (frequency bands), rather than a full color RGB image, the sharpening filters can be selected to be more precise and efficient.

Because different frequency bands can be selected from the source




, the number of frequency bands and therefore, frequency responses can be greater than the three typical responses of red, green, and blue. For example, an image detected from a frequency band corresponding to the 525 nanometer wavelength can be optimally focused and sharpened and a frequency band corresponding to the 565 nanometer wavelength can be optimally focused and sharpened. Since both of these frequency bands correspond to the color green, these optimal images can be combined to express the color green.

If a color image


is to be presented to an operator on the computer monitor


, the sharpened color component images


should be transformed into the usual RGB format. This transformation can be achieved, for example, with pixel-wise linear combinations by multiplying each ‘n’ by 1 pixel vector of the registered image


with a 3 by ‘n’ weight matrix in a weight matrix calculator


, resulting in one 3 by 1 RGB vector for each pixel. The weights can be adjusted by trial and error or calculated in order to make the resulting image behave much like a specific combination of an RGB camera and light source.

The weight matrix also permits simulation of different cameras than the camera or cameras


used by the optical system. The conversion is done by multiplication of each pixel of each optimal image with corresponding constants. Each constant is the response in the sensor to be simulated divided by the response in the sensor of the camera


. The simulated responses are color dependent and can be measured or derived from a data sheet. Then, the frequency bands corresponding to each of the colors (red, green, or blue), converted or unconverted, are added together. For example, the pixels for a 525 wavelength frequency band and a 565 wavelength frequency band would be added to together to form the green component of the RGB image


. In order not to cause an overflow in a possible integer representation of the outgoing RGB image, the sum for each pixel can be scaled by the weight matrix calculator


. The complete procedure of multiplying, adding, and scaling can be implemented using a single weight matrix.

With the optical system


illustrated in

FIG. 2

, the object


yields at least a response from each visible wavelength in either the red, green, or the blue component to the camera


. In the partitioned illumination system,


, however, the number of color components as well as their dominant wavelengths and spectral widths must be selected to provide a total spectrum that is sufficient to obtain a response from at least the interesting wavelengths of the actual application. Indeed, a good choice of light sources provides better color discrimination than from white light illuminated RGB systems




because some wavelengths in the white light illumination or any wide spectrum illumination, do not carry any information about the object


. Thus, the photons from these wavelengths expose the camera sensors without contributing any information. Therefore, in the worst case, a white light optical system can require that the sensor integration time be kept short to avoid saturating a camera sensor.

Another aspect of one embodiment of the invention provides for the amalgamation of adjoining and/or overlapping optimal images captured from different portions of the object to obtain a wider view of the object using techniques known in the art. This aspect is particularly useful for objectives which have a small field of view.

Also, while the embodiments of this invention have been described as including a frame grabber




, a frame grabber is not required if an image store




can accept a detected image directly from the camera(s)




or if the camera(s) can store at least one image.

While this invention has been described in terms of specific embodiments, this invention, including this disclosure and appended claims, is not so limited and is to be construed in accordance with the full spirit and scope of the invention including alternatives and modifications made apparent to those skilled in the art.

  • 1. An optical system comprising:an objective which receives electromagnetic radiation from an object, modifies the electromagnetic radiation, and emits the modified electromagnetic radiation as an image of the object; a focusing mechanism which controls the movement of the objective along at least one path to modify the image; one or more cameras which detect separate images for each of a plurality of frequency bands of the modified electromagnetic radiation of the image emitted by the objective; and an automatic focus controller which, in accordance with the detected images: (1) provides control parameters to the focusing mechanism; and (2) determines for each of the frequency bands, an optimal image which corresponds to an optimal focus of the objective for that frequency band.
  • 2. The optical system of claim 1, wherein the automatic focus controller further comprises:a filter calculator for receiving the detected images as image signals and for generating filtered image signals such that noise components of the image signals have been reduced, the noise components being reduced by increasing energy contributions from parts of the image signals which contribute a relatively larger proportion to image components than the noise components and by decreasing energy contributions from other parts of the image signals which contribute a relatively larger portion to the noise components than to the image components; an energy calculator for receiving the filtered image signals and determining energy levels of the filtered image signals; and a control calculator for receiving the energy levels and for generating the control parameters in accordance with the energy levels.
  • 3. The optical system of claim 1, further comprising:a registration controller which aligns a plurality of optimal images.
  • 4. The optical system of claim 3, wherein the registration controller further comprises:a transformer for receiving a first optimal image and a transformation, and for generating a transformed image, the transformation capable of translating, rotating, and/or magnifying the first optimal image; a compositor for combining a second optimal image and the transformed image to generate a composite image; an energy calculator for receiving the composite image and for determining an energy level of the composite image; and a transformation generator for receiving the energy level and for generating the transformation in accordance with the energy level such that the transformation selected corresponds to a focus for the composite image.
  • 5. The optical system of claim 1, further comprising:a source of electromagnetic radiation capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation in different frequency bands and of selectively emitting electromagnetic radiation from only one of the frequency bands.
  • 6. The optical system of claim 5, wherein the source further comprises:a plurality of separate sources, each separate source corresponding to one or more of the different frequency bands.
  • 7. The optical system of claim 1, wherein:one or more of the frequency bands produce a response only from respective portions of the object.
  • 8. The optical system of claim 1, wherein:the objective lacks significant color compensation.
  • 9. The optical system of claim 1, wherein:one or more of the images are detected at different times.
  • 10. The optical system of claim 1, wherein:the objective is selected such that the optimal focus for each frequency band occurs at a different position along the path of the objective.
  • 11. The optical system of claim 1, wherein:the objective provides optimal focus positions which are monotonically related to the frequency bands.
  • 12. The optical system of claim 1, wherein:a single unidirectional movement of the objective along the path reveals the optimal focus for each of the frequency bands.
  • 13. The optical system of claim 1, further comprising:one or more image sharpening filters, each filter optimized for a particular frequency band.
  • 14. The optical system of claim 1, wherein the camera comprises:a single black and white camera.
  • 15. The optical system of claim 1, wherein at least three of the frequency bands correspond to red, green, and blue color components of visible light.
  • 16. The optical system of claim 1, further comprising:a converter for transforming each n by 1 pixel of a composite image using a weight matrix to generate a respective 3 by 1 pixel for an RGB image, where n is the number of frequency bands.
  • 17. A method for operating an optical system comprising the steps of:illuminating an object with electromagnetic radiation from a source; modifying electromagnetic radiation from the object through an objective to form an image of the object; controlling the movement of the objective along at least one path to modify the image; detecting separate images for each of a plurality of frequency bands of the electromagnetic radiation; providing control parameters for controlling the movement of the objective; and determining from the detected images for each of the frequency bands, an optimal image which corresponds to an optimal focus of the objective for that frequency band.
  • 18. The method of claim 17, wherein the step of controlling the movement of the objective, further comprises the step of:moving the objective only in one direction to reveal the optimal focus for each of the frequency bands.
  • 19. The method of claim 17, further comprising the step of:sharpening one or more of the optimal images using a filter optimized for the respective frequency band.
  • 20. The method of claim 17, further comprising the step of:aligning two or more of the optimal images with each other.
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