
  • Patent Application
  • 20160164847
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    December 03, 2015
    8 years ago
  • Date Published
    June 09, 2016
    8 years ago
A process for the processing of user inquiries in a data network saves user data anonymized at first in an independent process with an independent third-party vendor, which can then be accessed by the use of several incremental encryption and anonymization routines in such a way that, on the one hand the provider is not involved in the data exchange and in other respects even the independent third-party vendor does not have access to the user data at any time, albeit with the result that anonymized customer data, especially information about age, sex and partial postal code, can be kept ready in a database for the mobile end device being used.

1. Field of the Invention

The invention relates to a process for the user-related answering of customer inquiries in data networks. In desktop operation this is already possible by the fact that many websites work with so-called cookies, i.e. a file for temporary archiving of information, which as the case may be permit inferences about the user. Hereby, however, only indirect conclusions about the person of the user are possible, for example by the evaluation of the behavior of the user.

2. Description of the Related Art

A comparable technology exists in the so-called mobile Internet, which is used by the customers via mobile radio end devices, i.e. especially by smartphones, and which if used at all, is available to only a very limited extent. Although data about the user are usually in the possession of the mobile radio provider, the transmittal or processing of these data is not permissible for reasons of data protection. A transmittal of these data is then possible if the transmittal of these data takes place in exclusively anonymized form and an access to the clear text data of the user is not possible under any circumstances.


The task of the invention is therefore to provide a process permissible according to data protection law that makes it possible to evaluate anonymized customer data. In this way third-party vendors will be put into the position to undertake a customer-specific answering of customer inquiries and/or to present advertising in selective, customer-specific manner.

This task is accomplished by a process with the features according to the invention. Advantageous improvements of the invention are set forth below.

According to the invention, this task is accomplished by the installation of a so-called matching request. In connection with this matching request, the call to a mobile website or the start of a special app is used by a mobile end device to recognize the tracking device ID of the mobile end device or alternatively to allocate a quasi device ID to the inquiring device. This tracking device ID or quasi device ID is supplemented with the help of the responsible provider or mobile radio provider by the so-called IMSI, i.e. by the respective SIM card number of the respective mobile end device. Alternatively, a comparable ID can be used for the identification of the user. Independently thereof, in an upstream, decoupled process, the customer data records of the provider or mobile radio provider, encrypted in anonymized form, for example comprising age, sex and the first three digits of the postal code of the customer's domicile, were filed in combination with the IMSI or another ID in a separate database, preferably by an independent third-party vendor. Furthermore, these anonymized customer data can then be merged with the anonymized tracking device ID or quasi device ID in the course of the matching request and saved in combination with one another in a further database. These data are then ready for the call, for example by customers, in order to check whether an advertising offer could be of interest precisely for the user of the respective mobile end device. In order to keep the data current, it may be practical to repeat the matching request explained in the foregoing from time to time.

The correspondingly processed user inquiry can then be answered in person-related manner by the operator or provider of the (mobile) website or app called by the user, without disclosing the actual identity of the inquiring customer to the website provider.

In advantageous configuration, the matching request can be initialized at predetermined time intervals by means of a software installed on the mobile end device.

In Specific configuration of the invention, the anonymization of the tracking device ID or quasi device ID takes place by a hash routine.

The anonymization of the IMSI or of another ID also takes place by means of a hash routine.

In a further step for the anonymization of the customer data, the hashed IMSI or ID hashed in other manner is then additionally encrypted by means of an asymmetric routine.

In the already mentioned decoupled process for the saving of selected user data, preferably by an independent third-party vendor, a selected part of the customer data in the possession of the provider, especially the anonymized customer data, preferably comprising age, sex and the first three digits of the postal code, in combination with an anonymized IMSI or other ID, are first communicated by a provider, wherein the IMSI or ID are likewise anonymized by a hash routine.

Finally these anonymized and encrypted user data generated from the selected user data delivered by the provider are saved in a database, preferably of the third-party vendor. In some mobile end devices, especially smartphones, the tracking device ID is already anonymized, i.e. hashed, on the device side. In these cases the process according to the invention does not have to anonymize, once again, the tracking device ID communicated by the end devices of the respective mobile radio customer. In this case the further process runs by using the anonymized tracking device ID predetermined on the device side.

In the already mentioned upstream decoupled process, the IMSI or another ID of the user are first encrypted by means of a first hash routine and in combination with the anonymized customer data are communicated to the preferably independent third-party vendor or other operator of a database, which then hashes, once again, the already hashed IMSI or ID hashed in other manner by means of a second secret hash routine and then encrypts it by means of an asymmetric routine and then files it in a database.

In a last step of the matching request, the tracking device ID or quasi device ID are then merged with the anonymized customer data in a further database and in a last step the corresponding IMSI or other ID are irreversibly deleted.

Then these data, i.e. the tracking device ID or quasi device ID, in combination with the anonymized customer data, are ready for calling. They can be reported directly on request or else indirectly in the form of a score, i.e. the value of the degree of agreement of the customer attributes with a certain product or on a defined service.


The invention will be explained hereinafter on the basis of an exemplary embodiment illustrated in more detail in the drawing:

The sole FIGURE shows, in a process flow diagram, a preferred sequence of the process according to the invention for the processing of user inquiries.


Independently of the process to be explained hereinafter for the processing of user inquiries, the process considered here as exemplary first requires in advance a cooperation of an independent third-party vendor (21) with a provider (22) for the compliance with requirements of data protection law. On the basis of other statutory requirements, the process can also be realized without the intermediary of an independent third-party vendor.

Furthermore, it is required in advance that the provider (22) maintain a user database (20), wherein, among other possibilities, the user data are indexed by the SIM cards acquired by the respective user from the respective provider (22), wherein the SIM cards are indexed in turn by the SIM card number, the so-called IMSI. The customer data comprise, among other possibilities, information about the address, the sex and the age of the customers in question as well as an entire series of further data such as, for example, his or her bank relationship, the complete name, etc. On the basis of the cooperation of the provider (22) with the independent third-party vendor (21), the provider (22) communicates, in a data transfer 0.1, a defined selection of the user data, in this case age, the first three digits of the postal code and the sex of the user, in combination with an IMSI encrypted by a hash routine, so that under no circumstances is recourse to the user data possible on the basis of these data or else a special user cannot be identified by the third-party vendor (21) on the basis of these data.

The third-party vendor (21) in turn hashes and encrypts the IMSIs of all user data records obtained in this way in a step 02. By the route of a data transfer 0.3, this hashed and encrypted IMSI is then filed, in combination with the likewise anonymized user data, comprising the age, the sex and the first three digits of the postal code of the customer, in an independent database (27) of the third-party vendor (21) and kept in readiness there.

If a user, independently of the decoupled process described in the foregoing, now calls a mobile website or app with his or her mobile end device (24) in the course of the so-called matching request, this inquiry is forwarded to a defined gateway (25), to which a server (26) of the third-party vendor (21) is connected, and, in fact in combination with the device code of the mobile end device, the so-called tracking device ID. For the case that the tracking device ID is not already output in encrypted form by the end device (24), the tracking device ID is first hashed in a step 1 by means of the server (26) connected. to the gateway (25) and then a data transfer of the inquiry of the user is communicated in combination with the encrypted tracking device ID in a step 2. By means of the server (26), the SIM card number, i.e. the so-called IMSI, is then extracted from the data packet that contains the encrypted tracking device ID and is encrypted by means of a hash routine (step 3). Such an extraction can take place, for example, via the normal billing process of a data provider. At the same time, a relationship of the customer with the individual data packet is established in order to bill him or her.

In a further data transfer (step 4), the hashed IMSI, in combination with the hashed tracking device ID, is then transmitted to a further process of the server (26), in the course of which the communicated IMSI is then hashed yet one more time in a further hash routine (step 5).

In a further processing step (step 6), both the doubly hashed IMSI and the hashed tracking device ID are then encrypted yet one more time by means of an asymmetric encryption routine and then these data are transmitted to the third-party vendor (21) for further processing. The third-party vendor (21) then decrypts the IMSI (step 7) on the basis of the key known to it. On the basis of the IMSI now existing in decrypted but hashed form, an inquiry is then started (step 8) in the database (27) of the third-party vendor (21).

On the basis of the decrypted but hashed IMSI a data comparison can then be made in the database (27) of the third-party vendor (21), wherein at the same time the anonymized user data can be identified (step 9) on the basis of the decrypted IMSI in the database (27).

From this database (27), the anonymized user data, comprising the first three digits of the postal code, the age and the sex of the user, can then be accordingly retrieved (step 10) and then linked with the existing tracking device ID (step 11). These data are then filed in combination with one another in a further database (28). The IMSI, which is then no longer needed, is then irreversibly deleted (step 12) on the part of the third-party vendor (21). The hashed tracking device ID can then either be communicated directly in combination with the user inquiry to the provider of the mobile website or app or first to a fourth-party vendor, which then forwards these data to a provider, i.e. for example the operator of the website called by the user (step 13).

Alternatively, instead of the user data described in detail by way of example in the foregoing, it would also be possible, by evaluation of the data of the further database (28), to calculate a score determined on the basis of these data, i.e. for example a value from 1-100, which indicates how well a particular offer based on these user data matches the respective user.

In the foregoing, therefore, a process for enhancement of user inquiries by anonymized, person-related data has been described which permits the provider of mobile websites or apps to answer user inquiries in customer-specific manner, but in such a way that the actual user identity is not disclosed to any of the parties involved at any time, or that it could be determined only by complex processes. The process described in the foregoing therefore satisfies the requirements of data protection law, since none of the parties involved, especially therefore the described third-party or fourth-party vendors, comes into possession of person-relevant data at any time and conversely the processing and answering of user inquiries take place in a way completely decoupled from the mobile radio provider (22), which therefore cannot make inferences of any kind about the behavior of the user.


  • 01 Data transfer of the hashed IMSI and anonymized customer data

  • 02 Hashing and encryption of the IMSI

  • 03 Transfer of encrypted hashed IMSI and anonymized customer data

  • 1 Hashing of the tracking device ID

  • 2 Data transfer of the hashed tracking device ID

  • 3 Extraction of the IMSI via the data packet that contains the tracking device ID and the subsequent hashing of the IMSI

  • 4 Data transfer of the hashed IMSI and of the hashed tracking device ID

  • 5 Further hashing of the already hashed IMSI

  • 6 Encryption of the doubly hashed IMSI and of the hashed tracking device ID

  • 7 Decryption of the IMSI (which remain hashed)

  • 8 Database inquiry on the basis of the decrypted but hashed IMSI

  • 9 Data comparison on the basis of the decrypted but hashed IMSI

  • 10 Retrieval of the anonymized user data from the database of the third-party vendor

  • 11 Merging of the tracking device with the anonymized user data

  • 12 Deletion of the anonymized IMSI by the third-party vendor

  • 13 Encrypted communication of the hashed tracking device ID in combination with the anonymized customer data

  • 20 User database of the provider

  • 21 Independent third-party vendor

  • 22 Provider

  • 24 Mobile end device

  • 25 Gateway

  • 26 Server

  • 27 Database of the third-party vendor

  • 28 Further database

  • 1. Process for the user-related answering of customer inquiries in data networks with the following steps: integration of a software module within mobile networks or an app of an Internet provider or of an end-device software,wherein this software module, upon call to a mobile website or upon start of an app by a user, communicates a request to a defined server address within the data network of a provider,wherein this first request mentioned in the further matching request comprises a saved quasi device ID or an anonymized tracking device ID of the end device (24) used for the call to the mobile website or app,wherein the so-called IMSI, i.e. the respective SIM card number of the mobile end device, or another ID suitable for the identification of the user, is determined and then anonymized by means of the provider, for example a mobile radio provider or a DSL provider, connected to this server address, via the data packet of the quasi device ID or of the tracking device IDand then the matching request is supplemented by the anonymized IMSI or other ID by means of the server (26) connected to this server address andwherein, independently of this matching request, in a decoupled upstream process, the provider (22) responsible for the respective end device (24), has communicated, preferably to an independent third-party vendor (21), customer data records, comprising an anonymized IMSI or other ID in combination with the anonymized customer data belonging thereto, especially comprising age, sex and the first three digits of the postal code, which were then further anonymized and encrypted and filed in a database (27) within this upstream process,so that then, in connection with the matching request of the user, on the basis of the anonymized IMSI or another ID provided on the server side, preferably by the third-party vendor (21), the anonymized and encrypted customer data, especially comprising the data for age, sex and the first three digits of the postal code of the respective user in the database (27), can be identified and retrieved by the server (26), andcan be merged with the tracking device ID of the end device (24) used by the user andfinally the call to the mobile website, supplemented by the anonymized customer data in combination with the anonymized tracking device ID, is communicated by the provider, third-party vendor (21) or a fourth-party vendor to the provider of the called website and/or is saved in a further database (28) for the processing of later inquiries.
  • 2. Process according to claim 1, wherein, upon each further request, on the basis of the respective tracking device ID or quasi device ID communicated with this request, the data record corresponding to this tracking device ID or quasi device ID can be accessed in the further database (28) by means of the mobile end device (24).
  • 3. Process according to claim 1, wherein the call of the user to the mobile website takes place via mobile app, in which the software module is already integrated and on the user side initializes the matching request to the defined server address.
  • 4. Process according to claim 1, wherein, in the course of the matching request, the anonymization of the tracking device ID or quasi device ID takes place by a hash routine, which is executed either by the server (26) connected to the defined server address or by the mobile app.
  • 5. Process according to claim 3, wherein, in the course of the matching request, the anonymization of the IMSI or other ID of the inquiring user takes place preferably by the independent third-party vendor (21), by means of a further hash routine.
  • 6. Process according to claim 3, wherein, in the course of the matching request, the IMSI or other ID is additionally encrypted, preferably by the independent third-party vendor (21), by means of an asymmetric routine.
  • 7. Process according to claim 3, wherein, in the course of the matching request, the anonymization of the profile data of the respective user also takes place by means of an additional hash routine, preferably by the independent third-party vendor (21).
  • 8. Process according to claim 1, wherein, if the tracking device ID or quasi device ID of the mobile end device (24) used by the respective user is already anonymized on the device side, i.e. is preferably hashed, no additional anonymization of the tracking device ID or quasi device ID takes place on the server side in the course of the matching request.
  • 9. Process according to claim 1, wherein the respective provider (22), in the decoupled upstream process, encrypts the IMSI or other ID of the inquiring user by means of a first hash routine and in combination with the anonymized profile data communicates it to the independent third-party vendor (21) or other operator of the database (27), which then hashes, once again, the already hashed IMSI or other ID by means of a second secret hash routine and then encrypts it by means of an asymmetric routine and then saves it in the database (27) of the server (26) connected to the said server address.
  • 10. Process according to claim 9, wherein, in the course of the matching request, the independent third party or other party supplements the tracking device ID or quasi device ID of the respective user by the anonymized saved customer data in such a way that the doubly hashed and encrypted IMSI or other ID is first decrypted by use of the key used in the second encryption and thus converted to an unencrypted but still doubly hashed IMSI or other ID and then encrypts it yet again by means of a second key, wherein the anonymized customer data of the respective user are then identified on the basis of this encrypted and doubly hashed ID in the database (27) connected to the server (26) and are retrieved from this database (27) for the supplementation of the tracking device ID or quasi device ID, wherein the correspondingly processed IMSI or the other ID is then irreversibly deleted in a last step.
  • 11. Process according to claim 1, wherein the anonymized customer data filed in the database (28) in combination with the tracking device ID or quasi device ID of the respective mobile end device (24) are automatically communicated together in the case of later request or upon inquiry from Internet providers can be automatically communicated as a score, for example representing the degree of the agreement of the anonymized customer data with a specific offer.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
10 2014 117 796.7 Dec 2014 DE national

Applicant claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 of German Application No. 10 2014 117 796.7 filed Dec. 3, 2014, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.