Richard D. Baxter, “Miniature Hybrid Preamplifier for CdTe Detectors”, pp. 493-497, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. NS-23, No. 1, Feb. 1976. |
C.L. Colton and J.G. Hardy, “Evaluation of a Sterilizable Radiation Probe as an Aid to the Surgical Treatment of Osteoid-Osteoma”, pp. 1019-1021, J. Bone and Joint Surg., vol. 65-A No. 7, Sep. 1983. |
E.P. Szypryt, J.G. Hardy, & C.L. Colton, “An Improved Technique Of Intra-Operative Bone Scanning”, pp. 643-646, J. Bone and Joint Surg., vol. 68-B, No. 4, Aug. 1986. |
Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc., “Gamma Guidance System from RMD”, 2 pages, (a Product Bulletin Published by RMD Inc., in Oct. 1997). |
Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc., “Nuclear Instruments by RMD”, 2 pages, (a Product Bulletin Published by RMD Inc., in 1981). NOTE: the month need not be specified as 1981 is much earlier than the US filing date of Oct. 23, 1998. |
Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc., “Technetium, 14MM Surgical Probe System from RMD”, 1 page, (a Product Bulletin Published by RMD Inc., in 1996). NOTE: the month need not be specified as 1996 is much earlier than the US filing date of Oct. 23, 1998. |
Rik Pijpers et al., “Sentinel Node Biopsy in Melanoma Patients: Dynamic Lymphoscintigraphy Followed by Intraoperative Gamma Probe and Vital Dye Guidance.” pp. 788-792, World J. Surg., Oct. 21, 1997. NOTE: The attached copy (pp. 1-13) is of the original article, submitted to the World J. Surg. |
“Build a Personal Radiation Monitor,” Popular Electronics, by John Steidley, Martin Nakashian and Gerald Entine, Jan. 1980, pp. 39-46. |
“Use of a Cadmium Telluride Detector in a New Tiny Personal Radiation Chirper” by Michael A. Wolf, C. John Umbarger andGerald Entine, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. NS-26, No. 1, Feb. 1979. |
“Radiation Detector Probes for Tumor Localization Using Tumor-Seeking Radioactive Tracers” by J. M. Woolfenden H. B. Barber, American Journal Roentgenology article (153:35-39) Dept. of Radiology, University of Arizona, Tucson 85724, Jul. 1989. |
“Performance Comparison of Surgical Gamma Probes. ” A. van Lingen, et al, from the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Abstract Book Supplement, vol. 38, p 208p-209p, May 1997. |
“New Product Release, Nuclear Surgical Probe” by Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc., one page, Jan. 1985. |
“A Surgical Imaging Probe for Tumor Dection.” N. E. Hartsough, et al, From the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 30, #5, p 891, May 1989. |
Cover page of brochure entitled 83rd annual Clinical Congress with handwriting at the bottom, which indicates that the Radiation Monitoring Device, Inc. (RMD) Gamma Guidance System featured in the RMD booth #501 was shown at the 83rd annual Clinical Congress on Oct. 12-17, 1997. |