Recombinant plant expressing non-competitively binding BT insecticidal crystal proteins

Plants made resistant to insects by transforming their nuclear genome with two or more DNA sequences, each encoding a different non-competitively binding B. thuringiensis protoxin or insecticidal part thereof, preferably the toxin thereof.

This invention relates to plant cells and plants, the genomes of which are transformed to contain at least two genes, each coding for a different non-competitively binding

Bacillus thuringiensis



” or “Bt”) insecticidal crystal protein (“ICP”) for a specific target insect species, preferably belonging to the order of Lepidoptera or Coleoptera. Such transformed plants have advantages over plants transformed with a single

B. thuringiensis

ICP gene, especially with respect to the prevention of resistance development in the target insect species against the at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICPs, expressed in such plants.

This invention also relates to a process for the production of such transgenic plants, taking into account the competitive and non-competitive binding properties of the at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICPs in the target insect species' midgut. Simultaneous expression in plants of the at least two genes, each coding for a different non-competitively binding

B. thuringiensis

ICP in plants, is particularly useful to prevent or delay resistance development of insects against the at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICPs expressed in the plants.

This invention further relates to a process for the construction of novel plant expression vectors and to the novel plant expression vectors themselves, which contain the at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes encoding the at least two non-competitively binding

B. thuringiensis

ICPs. Such vectors allow integration and coordinate expression of the at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes in plants.


Since the development and the widespread use of chemical insecticides, the occurrence of resistant insect strains has been an important problem. Development of insecticide resistance is a phenomenon dependent on biochemical, physiological, genetic and ecological mechanisms. Currently, insect resistance has been reported against all major classes of chemical insecticides including chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates, carbamates, and pyrethroid compounds (Brattsten et al., 1986).

In contrast to the rapid development of insect resistance to synthetic insecticides, development of insect resistance to bacterial insecticides such as

B. thuringiensis

sprays has evolved slowly despite many years of use (Brattsten et al., 1986). The spore forming gram-positive bacterium B. thuringiensis produces a parasporal crystal which is composed of crystal proteins (ICPs) having insecticidal activity. Important factors decreasing the probability of emergence of resistant insect strains in the field against

B. thuringiensis

sprays are: firstly the short half-life of

B. thuringiensis

sprays after foliar application; secondly the fact that commercial

B. thuringiensis

preparations often consist of a mixture of several insecticidal factors including spores, ICPs and eventually beta-exotoxins (Shields, 1987); and thirdly the transitory nature of plant-pest interactions. Many successful field trials have shown that commercial preparations of a

B. thuringiensis

containing its spore-crystal complex, effectively control lepidopterous pests in agriculture and forestry (Krieg and Langenbruch, 1981).

B. thuringiensis

is at present the most widely used pathogen for microbial control of insect pests.

Various laboratory studies, in which selection against

B. thuringiensis

was applied over several generations of insects, have confirmed that resistance against

B. thuringiensis

is seldom obtained. However, it should be emphasized that the laboratory conditions represented rather low selection pressure conditions.

For example, Goldman et al. (1986) have applied selection with

B. thuringiensis israelensis

toxin over 14 generations of

Aedes aegypti

and found only a marginal decrease in sensitivity. The lack of any observable trend toward decreasing susceptibility in the selected strains may be a reflection of the low selection pressure (LC


) carried out over a limited number of generations. However, it should be pointed out that Georghiou et al. (In: Insecticide Resistance in Mosquitoes: Research on new chemicals and techniques for management. In “Mosquito Control Research, Annual Report 1983, University of California.”) with

Culex guinguefasciatus

obtained an 11-fold increase in resistance to

B. thuringiensis israelensis

after 32 generations at LC


selection presssure.

McGaughey (1985) reported that the grain storage pest

Plodia interpunctella

developed resistance to the spore-crystal complex of

B. thuringiensis

; after 15 generations of selection with the Indian meal moth,

Plodia interpunctella,

using a commercial

B. thuringiensis

HD-1 preparation (“Dipel”, Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, Ill. 60064, USA), a 100-fold decrease in

B. thuringiensis

sensitivity was reported. Each of the colonies was cultured for several generations on a diet treated with a constant

B. thuringiensis

dosage which was expected to produce 70-90% larval mortality. Under these high selection presssure conditions, insect resistance to

B. thuringiensis

increased rapidly. More recently, development of resistance against

B. thuringiensis

is also reported for the almond moth,

Cadra cautella

(McGaughey and Beeman, 1988). Resistance was stable when selection was discontinued and was inherited as a recessive trait (McGaughey and Beeman, 1988). The mechanism of insect resistance to

B. thuringiensis

toxins of

Plodia interpunctella


Cadra cautella

has not been elucidated.

The main cause of

B. thuringiensis

resistance development in both reported cases involving grain storage was the environmental conditions prevailing during the grain storage. Under the conditions in both cases, the environment was relatively stable, so

B. thuringiensis

degradation was slow and permitted successive generations of the pest to breed in the continuous presence of the microbial insecticide. The speed at which Plodia developed resistance to

B. thuringiensis

in one study suggests that it could do so within one single storage season in the bins of treated grain.

Although insect resistance development against

B. thuringiensis

has mostly been observed in laboratory and pilot scale studies, very recent indications of

B. thuringiensis

resistance development in

Plutella xlostella

populations in the (cabbage) field have been reported (Kirsch and Schmutterer, 1988). A number of factors have led to a continuous exposure of

P. xlostella


B. thuringiensis

in a relatively small geographic area. This and the short generation cycle of

P. xylostella

have seemingly led to an enormous selection pressure resulting in decreased susceptibility and increased resistance to

B. thuringiensis.

A procedure for expressing a

B. thuringiensis

ICP gene in plants in order to render the plants insect-resistant (European patent publication (“EP”) 0193259 [which is incorporated herein by reference]; Vaeck et al., 1987; Barton et al., 1987; Fischhoff et al., 1987) provides an entirely new approach to insect control in agriculture which is at the same time safe, environmentally attractive and cost-effective. An important determinant for the success of this approach will be whether insects will be able to develop resistance to

B. thuringiensis

ICPs expressed in transgenic plants (Vaeck et al., 1987; Barton et al., 1987; Fischhoff et al., 1987). In contrast with a foliar application, after which

B. thuringiensis

ICPs are rapidly degraded, the transgenic plants will exert a continuous selection pressure. It is clear from laboratory selection experiments that a continuous selection pressure has led to adaptation to

B. thuringiensis

and its components in several insect species. In this regard, it should be pointed out that the conditions in the laboratory which resulted in the development of insect-resistance to

B. thuringiensis

are very similar to the situation with transgenic plants which produce

B. thuringiensis

ICPs and provide a continuous selection pressure on insect populations feeding on the plants. Mathematical models of selection pressure predict that, if engineered insect-resistant plants become a permanent part of their environment, resistance development in insects will emerge rapidly (Gould, 1988). Thus, the chances for the development of insect resistance to

B. thuringiensis

in transgenic plants may be considerably increased as compared to the field application of

B. thuringiensis

sprays. A

Heliothis virescens

strain has been reported that is 20 times more resistant to

B. thuringiensis

HD-1 ICP produced by transgenic

Pseudomonas fluorescens

and 6 times more resistant to the pure ICP (Stone et al., 1989). Furthermore, the monetary and human costs of resistance are difficult to assess, but loss of pesticide effectiveness invariably entails increased application frequencies and dosages and, finally, more expensive replacement compounds as new pesticides become more difficult to discover and develop.

Therefore, it would be desirable to develop means for delaying or even preventing the evolution of resistance to

B. thuringiensis.

B. thuringiensis

strains, active against Lepidoptera (Dulmage et al., 1981), Diptera (Goldberg and Margalit, 1977) and Coleoptera (Krieg et al., 1983), have been described. It has become clear that there is a substantial heterogeneity among ICPs from different strains active against Lepidoptera, as well as among ICPs from strains active against Coleoptera (Hofte and Whiteley, 1989). An overview of the different

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes, that have been characterized, is given in Table 2 (which follows the Examples herein).

Most of the anti-Lepidopteran

B. thuringiensis

(e.g., Bt3, Bt2, Bt73, Bt14, Bt15, Bt4, Bt18) ICP genes encode 130 to 140 kDa protoxins which dissolve in the alkaline environment of an insect's midgut and are proteolytically activated into an active toxin of 60-65 kDa. These ICPs are related and can be recognized as members of the same family based on sequence homologies. The sequence divergence however is substantial, and the insecticidal spectrum, among the order Lepidoptera, may be substantially different (Höfte et al., 1988).

The P2 toxin gene and the cry B2 gene are different from the above-mentioned genes in that they do not encode high molecular weight protoxins but rather toxins of around 70 kDa (Donovan et al., 1988 and Widner and Whiteley, 1989, respectively).

It has recently become clear that heterogeneity exists also in the anti-Coleopteran toxin gene family. Whereas several previously reported toxin gene sequences from different

B. thuringiensis

isolates with anti-Coleopteran activity were identical (EP 0149162 and 0202739), the sequences and structure of bt21 and bt22 are substantially divergent (European patent application (“EPA”) 89400428.2).

While the insecticidal spectra of

B. thuringiensis

ICPs are different, the major pathway of their toxic action is believed to be common. All

B. thuringiensis

ICPs, for which the mechanism of action has been studied in any detail, interact with the midgut epithelium of sensitive species and cause lysis of the epithelial cells (Knowles and Ellar, 1986) due to the fact that the permeability characteristics of the brush border membrane and the osmotic balance over this membrane are perturbed. In the pathway of toxic action of

B. thuringiensis

ICPs, the binding of the toxin to receptor sites on the brush border membrane of these cells is an important feature (Hofmann et al., 1988b). The toxin binding sites in the midgut can be regarded as an ICP-receptor since toxin is bound in a saturable way and with high affinity (Hofmann et al., 1988a).

Although this outline of the mode of action of

B. thuringiensis

ICPs is generally accepted, it remains a matter of discussion what the essential determinant(s) are for the differences in their insecticidal spectra. Haider et al. (1986) emphasize the importance of specific proteases in the insect midgut. Hofmann et al. (1988b) indicate that receptor binding is a prerequisite for toxic activity and describe that

Pieris brassicae

has two distinct receptor populations for two toxins. Other authors have suggested that differences in the environment of the midgut (e.g., pH of the midgut) might be crucial.


In accordance with this invention, a plant is provided having, stably integrated into its genome, at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes encoding at least two non-competitively binding insecticidal

B. thuringiensis

ICPs, preferably the active toxins thereof, against a specific target insect, preferably against a Lepidoptera or Coleoptera. Such a plant is characterized by the simultaneous expression of the at least two non-competitively binding

B. thuringiensis


Also in accordance with this invention, at least two ICP genes, particularly two genes or parts thereof coding for two non-competitively binding anti-Lepidopteran or anti-Coleopteran

B. thuringiensis

ICPs, are cloned into a plant expression vector. Plant cells transformed with this vector are characterized by the simultaneous expression of the at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes. The resulting transformed plant cell can be used to produce a transformed plant in which the plant cells: 1. contain the at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes or parts thereof encoding at least two non-competitively binding anti-Lepidopteran or anti-Coleopteran

B. thuringiensis

ICPs as a stable insert into their genome; and 2. express the genes simultaneously, thereby conferring on the plant improved resistance to at least one target species of insect, so as to prevent or delay development of resistance to

B. thuringiensis

of the at least one target species of insect feeding on the transformed plant.

Further in accordance with this invention, plant expression vectors are provided which allow integration and simultaneous expression of at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes in a plant cell and which comprise one or more chimeric genes, each containing in the same transcriptional unit: a promoter which functions in the plant cell to direct the synthesis of mRNA encoded by one of the ICP genes; one or more different ICP genes, each encoding a non-competitively binding

B. thuringiensis

ICP; preferably a marker gene; a 3′ non-translated DNA sequence which functions in the plant cell for 3′ end formation and the addition of polyadenylate nucleotides to the 3′end of the mRNA; and optionally a DNA sequence encoding a protease-sensitive protein part between any two ICP genes.


FIG. 1

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt2 toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicles as a function of the concentration of competitor.

FIG. 2

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt3 toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicles as a function of the concentration of competitor.

FIG. 3

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt73 toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicles as a function of the concentration of competitor.

FIG. 4

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt2 toxins to

H. virescens

brush border membrane vesicles as a function of the concentration of competitor.

FIG. 5

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt3 toxins to

H. virescens

brush border membrane vesicles as a function of the concentration of competitor.

FIG. 6

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt73 toxins to

H. virescens

brush border membrane vesicles as a function of the concentration of competitor.

FIG. 7

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt2 toxins to

P. brassicae

brush border membrane vesicles

FIG. 8

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt14 toxins to

P. brassicae

brush border membrane vesicles

FIG. 9

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt2 toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicles

FIG. 10

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt15 toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicles

FIG. 11

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt2 toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicles

FIG. 12

shows the binding of


I-labeled Bt18 toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicles.

FIG. 13

shows the nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of the open reading frame of the bt4 gene, isolated from HD-68.

FIG. 14

shows the nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of the open reading frame of the bt15 gene, isolated from HD-110.





C schematically show (a) the construction of pVE29; (b) the construction of pVE35; and (c) the construction of pTHW88.





E schematically show (a) the construction of pHW44; (b) the construction of pHW67; (c) the construction of pHW71; (d) the construction of pTHW94; and (e) restriction map of the pTHW94 vector.

FIG. 17

schematically shows the construction of a hybrid bt2-bt gene with a C-terminal bt2 gene fragment (bt860) encoding the toxic core of the Bt2 protoxin in frame with a C-terminal truncated bt14 gene fragment encoding the toxic core of the Bt14 protoxin.



As used herein, “

B. thuringiensis

ICP” (or “ICP”) should be understood as an intact protein or a part thereof which has insecticidal activity and which can be produced in nature by

B. thuringiensis.

An ICP can be a protoxin, as well as an active toxin or another insecticidal truncated part of a protoxin which need not be crystalline and which need not be a naturally occurring protein. In this regard, an ICP can be a chimaeric toxin encoded by the combination of two variable regions of two different ICP genes as disclosed in EP 0228838.

As used herein, “protoxin” should be understood as the primary translation product of a full-length gene encoding an ICP.

As used herein, “toxin”, “toxic core” or “active toxin” should all be understood as a part of a protoxin which can be obtained by protease (e.g., by trypsin) cleavage and has insecticidal activity.

As used herein, “gene” should be understood as a full-length DNA sequence encoding a protein (e.g., such as is found in nature), as well as a truncated fragment thereof encoding at least the active part (i.e., toxin) of the protein encoded by the full-length DNA sequence, preferably encoding just the active part of the protein encoded by the full-length DNA sequence. A gene can be naturally occurring or synthetic.

As used herein, “truncated

B. thuringiensis

gene” should be understood as a fragment of a full-length

B. thuringiensis

gene which still encodes at least the toxic part of the

B. thuringiensis

ICP, preferentially the toxin.

As used herein, “marker gene” should be understood as a gene encoding a selectable marker (e.g., encoding antibiotic resistance) or a screenable marker (e.g., encoding a gene product which allows the quantitative analysis of transgenic plants).

Two ICPs are said to be “competitively binding ICPs” for a target insect species when one ICP competes for all ICP receptors of the other ICP, which receptors are present in the brush border membrane of the midgut of the target insect species.

Two ICPs are said to be “non-competitively binding ICPs” when, for at least one target insect species, the first ICP has at least one receptor for which the second ICP does not compete and the second ICP has at least one receptor for which the first ICP does not compete, which receptors are present in the brush border membrane of the midgut of the target insect species.

A “receptor” should be understood as a molecule, to which a ligand (here a

B. thuringiensis

ICP, preferably a toxin) can bind with high affinity (typically a dissociation constant (Kd) between 10-11 and



M) and saturability. A determination of whether two ICPs are competitively or non-competitively binding ICPs can be made by determining whether: 1. a first ICP competes for all of the receptors of a second ICP when all the binding sites of the second ICP with an affinity in the range of about 10


to 10


M can be saturated with the first ICP in concentrations of the first ICP of about 10


M or less (e.g., down to about 10


M); and 2. the second ICP competes for the all of the receptors of the first ICP when all the binding sites of the first ICP with an affinity in the range of about 10





M can be saturated with the second ICP in concentrations of the second ICP of about 10


M or less.

General Procedures

This section describes in broad terms general procedures for the evaluation and exploitation of at least two

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes for prevention of the development, in a target insect, of a resistance to the

B. thuringiensis

ICPs expressed in transgenic plants of this invention. A non-exhaustive list of consecutive steps in the general procedure follows, after which are described particular Examples that are based on this methodology and that illustrate this invention.

In accordance with this invention, specific

B. thuringiensis

ICPs can be isolated in a conventional manner from the respective strains such as are listed in Table 2 (which follows the Examples). The ICPs can be used to prepare monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies specific for these ICPs in a conventional manner (Höfte et al., 1988).

The ICP genes can each be isolated from their respective strains in a conventional manner. Preferably, the ICP genes are each identified by: digesting total DNA from their respective strains with suitable restriction enzyme(s); size fractionating the DNA fragments, so produced, into DNA fractions of 5 to 10 Kb; ligating such fractions to suitable cloning vectors (e.g., pEcoR251, deposited at the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellculturen (“DSM”), Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany, under accession number no. 4711 on July 13, 1988); transforming


with the cloning vectors; and screening the clones with a suitable DNA probe. The DNA probe can be constructed from a highly conserved region which is commonly present in different

B. thuringiensis

genes which encode crystal protoxins against Coleoptera or Lepidoptera, such as on the basis of an N-terminal amino acid sequence determined by gas-phase sequencing of the purified proteins (EPA 88402115.5).

Alternatively, the desired fragments, prepared from total DNA of the respective strains, can be ligated in suitable expression vectors (e.g., a pUC vector (Yanisch-Perron et al., 1985) with the insert under the control of the lac promoter) and transformed in

E. coli

, and the clones can then be screened by conventional colony immunoprobing methods (French et al., 1986) for expression of the toxins with monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies raised against the toxins produced by the strains.

The isolated

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes can then be sequenced in a conventional manner using well-known procedures (e.g., Maxam and Gilbert, 1980).

At present, several ICP genes have been cloned from different subspecies of

B. thuringiensis

(Table 2). The nucleotide sequences from several of these

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes have been reported. Whereas several sequences are identical or nearly identical and represent the same gene or slight variants of the same gene, several sequences display substantial heterogeneity and show the existence of different

B. thuringiensis

ICP gene classes. Several lines of evidence suggest that all these genes specify a family of related insecticidal proteins. Analysis of the distribution of

B. thuringiensis

ICPs in different

B. thuringiensis

strains by determining the protein composition of their crystals, by immunodetection using polyclonal antisera or monoclonals against purified crystals, or by using gene-specific probes, shows that subspecies of

B. thuringiensis

might contain up to three related

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes belonging to different classes (Kronstad et al., 1983).

To express the isolated and characterized gene in a heterologous host for purification and characterization of the recombinant protein, the preferred organism is

Escherichia coli.

A number of expression vectors for enhanced expression of heterologous genes in

E. coli

have been described (e.g., Remaut et al., 1981). Usually the gene is cloned under control of a strong regulatable promoter, such as the lambda pL or pR promoters (e.g., Botterman and Zabeau, 1987), the lac promoter (e.g., Fuller, 1982) or the tac promoter (e.g., De Boer et al., 1983), and provided with suitable translation initiation sites (e.g., Stanssens et al, 1985 and 1987). Gene cassettes of the

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes can be generated by site-directed mutagenesis, for example-according to the procedure described by Stanssens et al. (1985 and 1987). This allows cassettes to be made comprising, for example, a truncated ICP gene fragment encoding the toxic core (i.e., toxin) of an ICP or a hybrid gene encoding the toxic core and a selectable marker according to the procedures described in EPA 88402241.9.

The cells of an

E. coli

culture, which has been induced to produce a recombinant ICP, are harvested. The method used to induce the cells to produce the recombinant ICP depends on the choice of the promoter. For example, the lac promoter (Fuller, 1982) is induced by isopropyl-B-D-thiogalacto-pyranoside (“PTG”); the pL promoter is induced by temperature shock (Bernard et al., 1979). The recombinant ICP is usually deposited in the cells as insoluble inclusions (Hsuing and Becker, 1988). The cells are lysed to liberate the inclusions. The bulk of

E. coli

proteins is removed in subsequent washing steps. A semi-purified protoxin pellet is obtained, from which the protoxin can be dissolved in alkaline buffer (e.g., Na




, pH 10). The procedure for the ICP Bt2, which is also applicable to other recombinant toxins, has been described by Höfte et al., 1986.

In accordance with this invention, the binding of various ICPs to ICP receptors on the brush border membrane of the columnar midgut epithelial cells of various insect species has been investigated. The brush border membrane is the primary target of each ICP, and membrane vesicles, preferentially derived from the brush border membrane, can be obtained according to Wolfersberger et al., 1987.

The binding to ICP receptors of one or more ICPs (e.g., ICP A, ICP B, etc.) can be characterized by the following steps (Hofmann et al, 1988b):

1. ICP A is labelled with a suitable marker (usually a radioisotope such as



2. Brush border membranes are incubated with a small amount (preferably less than 10


M) of labelled ICP A together with different concentrations of non-labelled ICP A (preferably from less than 10


to 10



3. For all concentrations tested the amount of labelled ICP A bound to the brush border membranes is measured.

4. Mathematical analysis of these data allows one to calculate various characteristics of the ICP receptor such as the magnitude of the population of binding sites (Scatchard, 1949).

5. Competition by other toxins (e.g. ICP B) is preferably studied by incubating the same amount of labelled ICP A with brush border membranes in combination with different amounts of ICP B (preferentially from 10


to 10


M; and subsequently, steps 3 and 4 are repeated.

By this procedure, it has been found, for example, that Bt3 toxin, Bt2 toxin and Bt73 toxin are competitively binding anti-Lepidopteran ICPs for

Manduca sexta


Heliothis virescens

(See example 6 which follows). Various other combinations of toxins have been found to be non-competitively binding anti-Lepidopteran or anti-Coleopteran toxins (example 6).

Although the concept of competitivity versus non-competitivity of ICP binding does not have any practical importance by itself, the observation of the non-competitivity of two

B. thuringiensis

ICPs, active against the same target insect, can be put to very significant practical use. This is because a combination of two non-competitively binding

B. thuringiensis

IePs can be used to prevent development, by a target insect, of resistance against such

B. thuringienis


A selection experiment with

M. sexta,

using Bt2 toxin, Bt18 toxin, and a mixture of Bt2 and Bt18 toxins, has shown that Bt2 and Bt18 are two non-competitively binding anti-Lepidopteran toxins. After 20 generations of selection, a very pronounced reduction in ICP sensitivity was observed in the selection experiments with Bt2 or Bt18 alone (>100 times). The reduction in sensitivity in the selection experiment with a Bt2-Bt18 mixture was only marginal (3 times). This demonstrates the unexpected practical advantage of a simultaneous use of two non-competitively binding ICPs in a situation which models the high selection pressure which will exist with the use of transgenic plants transformed with ICP genes. In this regard, the two resistant strains showed a specific loss in receptor sites for either the Bt2 or Bt18 toxin. In each case, receptor sites for the toxin, which was not used for selection, were not affected or their concentration even increased. Thus, the Bt2 selected strain retained its Bt18 receptors, and the Bt18 selected strain developed an increased number of Bt2 receptors. Indeed, the Bt18 selected strain showed an increased sensitivity for Bt2 along with its increased Bt2 receptor concentration. No significant changes in receptor sites were found in the strain selected against the combined toxins. These findings are described in detail in Example 7 which follows.

A similar mechanism of resistance to Bt has been observed with respect to a strain of diamondback moth,

Plutella xylostella.

This strain had developed resistance in the field to Dipel which is a commercial formulation of the Bt HD-1 strain. Crystals of Dipel comprise a mixture of several BtICPs, similar to the Bt2, Bt3 and Bt73 proteins which are competitively-binding ICPs. As shown by both insect bioassays and competitive binding studies using Bt2 and Bt15, the Dipel-resistant diamondback moth strain is resistant to Bt2 protoxin and toxin but maintains full sensitivity to Bt15 protoxin and toxin. This finding is relevant to other combinations of non-competitively binding anti-Lepidopteran or Coleopteran ICPs which are expected to have the same beneficial effect against their common target insects.

Hence, a combination of non-competitively binding ICPs, when directly expressed in a transgenic plant, offers the substantial advantage of reducing the chances of development of insect resistance against the ICPs expressed in the plant. There may be additional benefits because the combined spectrum of two toxins may be broader than the spectrum of a single ICP expressed in a plant (See Examples 8, 9 and 10 which follow).

If, among two competitively binding ICPs, one has a larger binding site population than the other against a given target insect, it will be most advantageous to use the one with the larger population of binding sites to control the target pest in combination with the most suitable non-competitively binding

B. thuringiensis

ICP. For example, as seen from Example 6, it is preferred to use Bt73 against

Heliothis virescens,

rather than Bt2 or Bt3, and it is preferred to use Bt3 against

Manduca sexta

rather than Bt2 or Bt73. The selected gene can then be combined with the best suitable non-competitively binding ICP.

Previously, plant transformations involved the introduction of a marker gene together with a single ICP gene, within the same plasmid, in the plant genome (e.g., Vaeck et al., 1987; Fischoff et al., 1987). Such chimeric ICP genes usually comprised either all or part of an ICP gene, preferably a truncated ICP gene fragment encoding the toxic core, fused to a selectable marker gene, such as the neo gene coding for neomycin phosphotransferase. The chimeric ICP gene was placed between the T-DNA border repeats for Agrobacterium Ti-plasmid mediated transformation (EP 0193259).

This invention involves the combined expression of two or even more

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes in transgenic plants. The insecticidally effective

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes, encoding two non-competitively binding ICPs for a target insect species, preferably encoding the respective truncated ICP genes, are inserted in a plant cell genome, preferably in its nuclear genome, so that the inserted genes are downstream of, and under the control of, a promoter which can direct the expression of the genes in the plant cell. This is preferably accomplished by inserting, in the plant cell genome, one or more chimaeric genes, each containing in the same transcriptional unit: at least one ICP gene; preferably a marker gene; and optionally a DNA sequence encoding a protease (e.g., trypsin)-sensitive or -cleavable protein part intercalated in frame between any two ICP genes in the chimaeric gene. Each chimaeric gene also contains at least one promoter which can direct expression of its ICP gene in the plant cell.

The selection of suitable promoters for the chimaeric genes of this invention is not critical. Preferred promoters for such chimaeric genes include: the strong constitutive 35S promoter obtained from the cauliflower mosaic virus, isolates CM 1841 (Gardner et al., 1981), CabbB-S (Franck et al., 1980) and CabbB-JI (Hull and Howell, 1987); the promoter of the nopaline synthetase gene (“PNOS”) of the Ti-plasmid (Herrera-Estrella, 1983); the promoter of the octopine synthase gene (“POCS” [De Greve et al., 1982]); and the wound-inducible TR1 ′ promoter and the TR2′ promoter which drive the expression of the 1′ and 2′ genes, respectively, of the T-DNA (Velten et al., 1984). Alternatively, a promoter can be utilized which is specific for one or more tissues or organs of the plant, whereby the inserted genes are expressed only in cells of the specific tissue(s) or organ(s). Examples of such promoters are a stem-specific promoter such as the AdoMet-synthetase promoter (Peleman et al., 1989), a tuber-specific promoter (Rocha-Sosa et al., 1989), and a seed-specific promoter such as the 2S promoter (Krebbers et al., 1988). The ICP genes could also be selectively expressed in the leaves of a plant (e.g., potato) by placing the genes under the control of a light-inducible promoter such as the promoter of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit gene of the plant itself or of another plant such as pea as disclosed in EP 0193259. Another alternative is to use a promoter whose expression is inducible (e.g., by temperature or chemical factors).

A 3′ non-translated DNA sequence, which functions in plant cells for 3′ end formation and the polyadenylation of the 3′ end of the mRNA sequence encoded by the at least one ICP gene in the plant cell, also forms part of each such chimeric gene. The selection of a suitable 3′ non-translated DNA sequence is not critical. Examples are the 3′ untranslated end of the octopine synthase gene, the nopaline synthase gene or the T-DNA gene 7 (Velten and Schell, 1985).

The selection of marker genes for the chimaeric genes of this invention also is not critical, and any conventional DNA sequence can be used which encodes a protein or polypeptide which renders plant cells, expressing the DNA sequence, readily distinguishable from plant cells not expressing the DNA sequence (EP 0:344029). The marker gene can be under the control of its own promoter and have its own 3′ non-translated DNA sequence as disclosed above, provided the marker gene is in the same genetic locus as the ICP gene(s) which it identifies. The marker gene can be, for example: a herbicide resistance gene such as the sfr or sfrv genes (EPA 87400141); a gene encoding a modified target enzyme for a herbicide having a lower affinity for the herbicide than the natural (non-modified) target enzyme, such as a modified 5-EPSP as a target for glyphosate (U.S. Pat. No. 4,535,060; EP 0218571) or a modified glutamine synthetase as a target for a glutamine synthetase inhibitor (EP 0240972); or an antibiotic resistance gene, such as a neo gene (PCT —publication WO 84/02913; EP 0193259).


A. tumefaciens

Ti vector-mediated plant transformation methodology, all chimeric genes of this invention can be inserted into plant cell genomes after the chimaeric genes have been placed between the T-DNA border repeats of suitable disarmed Ti-plasmid vectors (Deblaere et al., 1988). This transformation can be carried out in a conventional manner, for example as described in EP 0116718, PCT publication WO 84/02913 and EPA 87400544.0. The chimeric genes can also be in non-specific plasmid vectors which can be used for direct gene transfer (e.g., as described by Pazkowski et; al., 1984; De La Pena et al., 1986). Different conventional procedures can be followed to obtain a combined expression of two


ICP genes in transgenic plants as summarized below.

I Chimeric gene constructs whereby two or more ICP genes and a marker gene are transferred to the plant genome as a single piece of DNA and lead to the insertion in a single locus in the genome

Ia The genes can be engineered in different transcriptional units each under control of a distinct promoter

To express two or more ICP genes and a marker gene as separate transcriptional units, several promoter fragments directing expression in plant cells can be used as described above. All combinations of the promoters mentioned above in the chimaeric constructs for one ICP gene are possible. Examples of such individual chimeric constructs are described for the bt2 gene in EP 0193259, for the bt13 gene in EPA 88402115.5 and for the bt18 gene in EPA 88402241.9. The ICP gene in each chimeric gene of this invention can be the intact ICP gene or preferably an insecticidally-effective part of the intact ICP gene, especially a truncated gene fragment encoding the toxic core of the ICP. The individual chimeric genes are cloned in the same plasmid vector according to standard procedures (e.g., EP 0193259).

Ib Two genes (e.g., either an ICP and a marker gene or two ICP genes) or more can be combined in the same transcriptional unit

To express two or more ICP genes in the same transcriptional unit, the following cases can be distinguished:

In a first case, hybrid genes in which the coding region of one gene is in frame fused with the coding region of another gene can be placed under the control of a single promoter. Fusions can be made between either an ICP and a marker gene or between two ICP genes. An example of an ICP gene-marker gene fusion has been described in EP 0193259 (i.e., a hybrid truncated bt2-neo gene encoding a Bt2 toxin-NPTII fusion protein).

Another possibility is the fusion of two ICP genes. Between each gene encoding an ICP which still is insecticidally active (i.e., a toxic part of the protoxin), a gene fragment encoding a protease (e.g., trypsin)—sensitive protein part should be included, such as a gene fragment encoding a part of the N-terminal or C-terminal amino acid sequence of one of the ICPs which is removed or cleaved upon activation by the midgut enzymes of the target insect species.

In a second case, the coding regions of the two respective ICP genes can be combined in dicistronic units placed under the control of a promoter. The coding regions of the two ICP genes are placed after each other with an intergenic sequence of defined length. A single messenger RNA molecule is generated, leading to the translation into two separate gene products. Based on a modified scanning model (Kozak, 1987), the concept of reinitiation of translation has been accepted provided that a termination codon in frame with the upstream ATG precedes the downstream ATG. Experimental data also demonstrated that the plant translational machinery is able to synthesize several polypeptides from a polycistronic mRNA (Angenon et al., 1989).

II Chimeric constructs with one or more ICP genes that are transferred to the genome of a plant already transformed with a one or more ICP genes

Several genes can be introduced into a plant cell during sequential transformation steps (retransformation), provided that an alternative system to select transformants is available for the second round of transformation. This retransformation leads to the combined expression of ICP genes which are introduced at multiple loci in the genome. Preferably, two different selectable marker genes are used in the two consecutive transformation steps. The first marker is used for selection of transformed cells in the first transformation, while the second marker is used for selection of transformants in the second round of transformation. Sequential transformation steps using kanamycin and hygromycin have been described, for example by Sandler et al. (1988) and Delauney et al. (1988).

III Chimeric constructs with one or more ICP genes, that are separately transferred to the nuclear genome of separate plants in independent transformation events and are subsequently combined in a single plant genome through crosses.

The first plant should be a plant transformed with a first ICP gene or an F1 plant derived herefrom through selfing (preferably an F1 plant which is homozygous for the ICP gene). The second plant should be a plant transformed with a second ICP gene or an Fl plant derived herefrom through selfing (preferably an F1 plant which is homozygous for the second ICP gene). Selection methods can be applied to the plants obtained from this cross in order to select those plants having the two ICP genes present in their genome (e.g., Southern blotting) and expressing the two ICPs (e.g., separate ELISA detection of the immunologically different ICPs). This is a useful strategy to produce hybrid varieties from two parental lines, each transformed with a different ICP gene, as well as to produce inbred lines containing two different ICP genes through crossing of two independent transformants (or their F1 selfed offspring) from the same inbred line.

IV Chimeric constructs with one or more ICP genes separately transferred to the genome of a single plant in the same transformation experiment leading to the insertion of the respective chimeric genes at multiple loci.

Cotransformation involves the simultaneous transformation of a plant with two different expression vectors, one containing a first ICP gene, the second containing a second ICP gene. Along with each ICP gene, a different marker gene can be used, and selection can be made with the two markers simultaneously. Alternatively, a single marker can be used, and a sufficiently large number of selected plants can be screened in order to find those plants having the two ICP genes (e.g., by Southern blotting) and expressing the two proteins (e.g., by means of ELISA). Cotransformation with more than one T-DNA can be accomplished by using simultaneously two different strains of Agrobacterium, each with a different Ti-plasmid (Depicker et al., 1985) or with one strain of Agrobacterium containing two T-DNAs on separate plasmids (de Framond et al., 1986). Direct gene transfer, using a mixture of two plasmids, can also be employed to cotransform plant cells with a selectable and a non-selectable gene (Schocher et al., 1986).

The transgenic plant obtained can be used in further plant breeding schemes. The transformed plant can be selfed to obtain a plant which is homozygous for the inserted genes. If the plant is an inbred line, this homozygous plant can be used to produce seeds directly or as a parental line for a hybrid variety. The gene can also be crossed into open pollinated populations or other inbred lines of the same plant using conventional plant breeding approaches.

Of course other plant transformation methods can be used and are within the scope of the invention as long as they result is a plant which expresses two or more non-competitively binding ICPs. In this regard, this invention is not limited to the use of Agrobacterium Ti-plasmids for transforming plant cells with genes encoding non-competitively binding ICPs. Other known methods for plant cell transformations, such as electroporation or by the use of a vector system based on plant viruses or pollen, can be used for transforming monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants in order to obtain plants which express two non-competitively binding ICPs. Furthermore, DNA sequences encoding two non-competitively binding ICPs other than those disclosed herein can be used for transforming plants. Also, each of the ICP genes, described herein, can be encoded by equivalent DNA sequences, taking into consideration the degeneracy of the genetic code. Also, equivalent ICPs with only a few amino acids changed, such as would be obtained through mutations in the ICP gene, can also be used, provided they encode a protein with essentially the same characteristics (e.g., insecticidal activity and receptor binding).

The following Examples illustrate the invention. Those skilled in the art will, however, recognize that other combinations of two or more non-competitively binding

B. thuringiensis

ICP genes can be used to transform plants in accordance with this invention in order to prevent the development, in a target insect, of resistance to

B. thuringiensis

ICPs expressed in the transformed plants. Unless otherwise indicated, all procedures for making and manipulating DNA were carried out by the standardized procedures described in Maniatis et al,

Molecular Cloning—A Laboratory Manual

, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (1982).


Collection of genes

The collection of anti-Lepidopteran and anti-Coleopteran Bt genes encoding ICPs, which are the subject of the Examples, is described in Table 2 (following the Examples). References for the respective genes are indicated in Table 2. The origin, the isolation and characterization of the Bt genes, which have not been published, are described below. Bt strains, such as strains HD-1, HD-68, HD-110, and HD-73, are publicly available from the Agricultural Research Culture Collection, Northern Regional Research Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Peoria, Ill. 61604, U.S.A.


gene: From

B. thuringiensis



HD-1, the ICP was cloned. Characterization of this gene revealed an open reading frame of 3528 bp which encodes a protoxin of 133 kDa. This gene was identical to the one described by Schnepf et al. (1985).


gene: From

B. thuringiensis

var HD-73. The ICP gene was cloned as described by Adang et al. (1985).


gene: A genomic library was prepared from total DNA of strain

B. thuringiensis aizawai

HD-68. Using the 1.1 kb internal HindIII fragment of the bt2 gene as a probe, a gene designated bt4 was isolated. Characterization of this gene revealed an open reading frame of 3495 bp which encodes a protoxin of 132 kDa and a trypsin activated toxin fragment of 60 kDa. This (insect controlling protein) gene differs from previously identified genes and was also found in several other strains of subspecies aizawai and entomocidus including HD-110.

FIG. 13

shows the nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of the open reading frame (“ORF”) of the bt4 gene extending from nucleotide 264 to nucleotide 3761.

bt14 and bt15

genes: A genomic library was prepared from total DNA of strain

B. thuringiensis



HD-110 by partial Sau3A digest of the total DNA and cloning in the vector pEcoR251 (deposited at DSM under accession number 4711). Using monoclonal antibodies (Höfte et al., 1988), at least three structurally distinct ICPs were identified in crystals of

B. thuringiensis entomocidus

HD-110. These monoclonal antibodies were-used to clone the three different ICP genes from this

B. thuringiensis

strain. One of these genes is the bt4 gene as described above.

 The second gene was called “bt15”.

FIG. 14

shows the nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of the ORF of the bt15 gene, isolated from HD-110, extending from nucleotide 234 to nucleotide 3803. The Shine and Dalgarno sequence, preceding the initiation codon is underlined. This gene has an open reading frame of 3567 bp which encodes a protoxin of 135 kDa and a 63 kDa toxin fragment. A similar gene has been described by Honee et al. 1988, isolated from

B. thuringiensis entomocidus

60.5. The bt15 gene differs from the published sequence at three positions: an Ala codon (GCA) is present instead of an Arg codon (CGA) at position 925 and a consecution of a Thr-His codon (ACGCAT) is present instead of a Thr-Asp codon (ACCGAT) at position 1400. (The numbers of the positions are according to Honnee et al., 1988). Another similar gene has been described in EP 0295156, isolated from

B. thuringiensis aizawai

7-29 and


6-01. The bt15 gene is different from this published nucleotide sequence at three different places: 1) a Glu codon (GAA) instead of an Ala codon (GCA) at(position. 700; 2) the sequence (SEQ ID NO:1) TGG, CCA, GCG, CCA instead of (SEQ ID NO:2) TGC, CAG, CGC, CAC, CAT at position 1456 and 3) an Arg codon (CGT) instead of an Ala codon (GCG) at position 2654. (The numbers of the positions are according to EP 0295156).

 The third gene isolated was called “bt14”. It has an open reading frame of 3621 bp which encodes a 137 kDa protoxin and a 66 kDa activated toxin fragment. A similar gene has been cloned from


HD-2 (Brizzard and Whiteley, 1988). The bt14 gene differs from the published nucleotide sequence by two nucleotide substitutions: a T instead of a C at position 126, and a C instead of a T at position 448 (the numbers of the positions are according to Brizzard and Whiteley, 1988). In the first case, the Ile codon (ATT or ATC) is conserved whereas in the second case the Tyr codon (TAT) is converted to a His codon (CAC).


gene: The bt2 gene was cloned as described in EP 0193259.


gene: Cloning of the bt18 gene was performed as described in EPA 88402241.9.


gene: The bt13 gene was cloned as described in EPA 88402115.5.

bt21 and bt22

genes: These genes, encoding Coleopteran-active ICPs, were cloned as described in EPA 89400428.2.


Construction of gene cassettes and expression of Bt genes in


1) bt2, bt18: the construction of bt2 and bt18 gene cassettes has been previously described in EPA 86300291.1 and 88402241.9, respectively. Basically, they comprise a truncated gene encoding the toxic core and a hybrid gene comprising the truncated gene fused in frame to the N-terminus of the neo gene. The gene cassettes are used to transform

E. coli

to express the Bt2 and Bt18 ICP toxins.

2) bt14, bt15: as described in EPA 88402241.9, gene cassettes for the bt14 and bt15 genes were constructed in order to express the genes in


and in plants.

First, a NcoI site was introduced at the N-terminus of the genes by site-directed mutagenesis.

In the case of the bt15 gene, the conversion of the TT nucleotides, immediately in front of the ATG codon, into CC yielded a NcoI site overlapping with the ATG initiation codon. This site was introduced using the pMa/c vectors for site-directed mutagenesis (Stanssens et al., 1987) and a 28-mer oligonucleotide with the following sequence (SEQ ID NO:3):


This yielded the plasmid pVE29 carrying the N-terminal fragment of the bt15 gene with a NcoI site at the ATG initiation codon.

According to Brizzard and Whiteley (1988), the initiation codon of the bt14 gene is a TTG codon. Thus, a NcoI site was created in a like manner at this codon for site directed mutagenesis using a 34-mer oligonucleotide with the following sequence (SEQ ID NO:4):


In this case the sequence of the intitiation codon was converted from ATATTGA to ACCATGG. This yielded the plasmid pHW44 carrying the N-terminal fragment of the bt14 gene with a NcoI site at the initiation codon.

In a second step, the genes were reconstructed by ligating the N-terminal gene fragments with a suitable C-terminal gene fragment, yielding a bt15 gene and bt14 gene with a NcoI site at the ATG initiation codon.

To express the bt14 and bt15 genes encoding the protoxin in

E. coli

, the following constructs were made: pOH50 containing the bt15 gene under the control of the lac promoter; and pHW67 containing the bt14 gene under the control of the tac promoter. Induction of a culture of the

E. coli

strain WK6 carrying the respective plasmids with IPTG yielded an overproduced protein (Fuller, 1982).

The active toxic fragments of the Bt15 and Bt14 protoxins comprise 63 and 60 kDa trypsin digest products respectively. Instead of expressing the whole bt15 or bt14 gene, it is also possible to express a toxin-encoding gene fragment or derivative thereof in plants. To this end, truncated bt14 and bt15 gene fragments were constructed. In order to be able to select transgenic plants producing the ICP gene products, hybrid genes of the truncated gene fragments were also made with the neo gene encoding a selectable marker as described in EP 0193259.

By comparison of the nucleotide sequence of the bt4, bt14 and bt15 genes, respectively, with the bt2 and bt18 genes, respectively, the BclI site could be identified as a suitable site localized downstream of the coding sequence encoding the toxin gene fragment. To construct a truncated gene fragment and a hybrid gene of the truncated gene fragment with the neo gene, the filled BclI site was ligated to the filled EcoRI site of pLKM91 (Höfte et al., 1986) and the filled HindIII site of pLK94 respectively (Botterman and Zabeau, 1987). pLKM91 carries a 5′ truncated neo gene fragment which codes for an enzymatically active C-terminal gene fragment of the neo gene, and pLK94 contains translation stop codons in three reading frames. This yielded the following plasmids which are then used to transform

E. coli

to express the ICP genes: pHW71 carrying a truncated bt14-neo hybrid gene; pHW72 carrying a truncated bt14 gene; pVE34 carrying a truncated bt15-neo hybrid gene; and pVE35 carrying a truncated bt15 gene.

In a similar way as described for the bt14 and bt15 genes, gene cassettes are constructed for the bt3 and bt4 genes which are then expressed in



Purification of recombinant ICPs

The ICPs expressed in

E. coli

in Example 2 are purified by the method (described for recombinant Bt2 protoxin) by Höfte et al. (1986).


Purification of toxins

Solubilized protoxins of Bt2, Bt3, Bt73, Bt4, Bt14, Bt15, Bt18, Bt13, Bt21 and Bt22 (in Na




50 mM, DTT 10 mM pH=10) are dialyzed against 0.5% (NH






at pH 8 and treated with trypsin (trypsin/protoxin=½ w/w) for 2 h at 37° C. The activated toxin is chromatographically purified (Mono-Q column on FPLC) as described by Hofmann et al.(1988b).


Determination of the insecticidal spectrum

The ICP protoxins and toxins of Examples 3 and 4 are evaluated for their insecticidal activity. Each protoxin is dissolved in alkaline buffer containing a reducing agent (Na




50 mM, DTT 10 mM pH=10), and each toxin is used as soluble protein directly from FPLC. Protein concentrations are determined. Subsequently, dilutions of the resulting protoxin or toxin solution are prepared in PBS buffer pH=7.4 containing 0.15 M NaCl and 0.1% bovine serum albumin (“BSA”).

The artificial medium for insect culture, described by Bell and Joachim (1976) for

Manduca sexta,

is poured in appropriate receptacles and allowed to solidify. Subsequently a quantity of the (pro)toxin dilutions is applied on this medium, and the water is allowed to evaporate under a laminar flow. This results in a medium with a certain quantity (in the range of 0.1 to 10000 ng/cm2) of toxin coated on its surface. For example, for the Bt2 toxin, typical dilutions for a toxicity test on

Manduca sexta

are 1, 5, 25, 125 and 625 ng/cm2. First instar larvae of

Manduca sexta

are then applied on the coated medium, and growth and mortality are assessed after 6 days. Mortality increases with dosage. Dose response data is analysed in probit analysis (Finney, 1962), and the data are best summarized by an LD


value which is the amount of toxin which kills 50% of the insects. The LD


for Bt2 toxin against

Manduca sexta

is around 20 ng/cm2.

Similar assays are carried out for other insect species using a suitable diet or by applying the ICPs on leaves for insects, for which no artificial diet is used.


Binding studies


All protoxins and their toxic fragments were purified according to the methods described for the Bt2 protoxin and toxin in Höfte et al. (1986) and EP 0193259. The activated and purified toxins are further referred to as the Bt2, Bt3, Bt73, Bt4, Bt14, Bt15, Bt18, Bt13, Bt21 and Bt22 toxins.

By way of example for the Bt73 toxin, it has been shown that

B. thuringiensis



HD73 produces a protein of 133 kDa encoded by a 6.6 kb type gene. A culture of this strain was grown as described by Mahillon and Delcour (1984). The autolysed culture was spun down (20 minutes at 4500 rpm in a HB4 rotor) and washed with a buffer containing 20 mM Tris, 100 mM NaCl and 0.05% Triton X-100, pH 8. The final pellet was resuspended in this buffer (4 ml buffer for 100 ml culture). This solution was then layered onto a linear Urograffin gradient (60-70%) which was centrifuged in a SW 28 rotor for 90 minutes at 18000 rpm. Crystals were collected and stored at −20° C. until further use. Activation was performed according to Höfte et al. (1986). The purified toxin is further referred to as the Bt73 toxin.

Iodination of ICPs

Iodination of Bt2, Bt3, and Bt73 toxins was performed using the Chloramin-T method (Hunter and Greenwood, 1962). 1 mCi


I-NaI and 20 to 37.5 ug Chloramin-T in NaCl/P


were added to 50 ug of purified toxin. After gentle shaking for 60 seconds, the reaction was stopped by adding 53 ug of potassium metabisulfite in H


0. The whole mixture was loaded on a PD 10 Sephadex G-25M gelfiltration column to remove free iodine. A subsequent run on a Biogel P-60 column was carried out in order to increase the purity.

Alternatively, toxins were labeled using the Iodogen method. Iodogen (Pierce) was dissolved in chloroform at 0.1 mg/ml. 100 ul of this solution was pipetted into a disposable glass vessel and dried under a stream of nitrogen gas. The vessel was rinsed with Tris buffer (20 mM Tris, pH 8.65 with 0.15 M NaCl). 50 ug of toxin (in Tris buffer) was incubated with 1 mCi of


I-NaI in the tube for 10 minutes. The reaction was then stopped by the addition of 1 M NaI (one fourth of the sample volume). The sample was immediately loaded onto a PD10 Sephadex G-25M column and later on a Biogel P-60 column to remove free iodine and possible degradation products.

Other toxins were iodinated using one of the above mentioned procedures.

Determination of specific activity of iodinated toxin

Specific activity of iodinated Bt2, Bt3, and Bt73 toxin samples was determined using a “sandwich” ELISA technique according to Voller, Bidwell and Barlett (1976). Primary antibody was a polyclonal antiserum raised against Bt2 toxin, and the secondary antibody was a monoclonal antibody 4D6.

The conjugate used was alkaline phosphatase coupled to anti-mouse IgG. The reaction intensity of a standard dilution series of unlabeled toxin and dilutions of the iodinated toxin sample (in NaCl/P


- 0.1% BSA) was measured. Linear regression calculations yielded the protein content of the radioactive toxin sample. The samples with the highest specific activities were used in the binding assays. Specific activities were 59400, 33000 and 19800 Ci/mole (on reference date) for Bt73 toxin (labeled according to Iodogen procedure), Bt2 toxin (Chloramin-T method) and Bt3 toxin (Iodogen method) respectively.

Specific activities of other toxins were determined using a similar approach. Specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for each of these toxins were raised and applied in ELISA.

Preparation of brush border membrane vesicles

Brush border membrane vesicles (“BBMV”) from

Manduca sexta, Heliothis virescens, Plutella xylostella, Phthorimaea operculella, Spodoptera exigua, Spodoptera littoralis, Plodia interpunctella, Mamestra brassicae, Pieris brassicae


Leptinotarsa decemlineata

were prepared according to the method of Wolfersberger et al. (1987). This is a differential centrifugation method that makes use of the higher density of negative electrostatic charges on luminal than on basolateral membranes to separate these fractions.

Binding assay

Duplicate samples of


I-labeled toxin, either alone or in combination with varying amounts of unlabeled toxin, were incubated at the appropriate temperature with brush border membrane vesicles in a total volume of 100 ul of Tris buffer (Tris 10 mM, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.4). All buffers contained 0.1% BSA. The incubation temperature was 20 C. Ultrafiltration through Whatman GF/F glass fiber filters was used to separate bound from free toxin. Each filter was rapidly washed with 5 ml of ice-cold buffer (NaCl/P


- 0.1% BSA). The radioactivity of the filter was measured in a gammacounter (1275 Minigamma, LKB). Binding data were analyzed using the LIGAND computer program. This program calculates the bound concentration of ligand as a function of the total concentration of ligand, given the affinity (Ka or its inverse Kd=1/Ka, the dissociation constant) and the total concentration of receptors or binding site concentration (R,).

Determination of protein concentration

Protein concentrations of purified Bt2, Bt3, Bt73 and Bt15 toxins were calculated from the OD at 280 nm (measured with a Uvikon 810 P, Kontron Instruments spectrofotometer). The protein content of solutions of other toxins and of brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) as measured according to Bradford (1976).

Binding of Bt2, Bt3 and Bt73 toxins to BBMV of

Manduca sexta


Heliothis virescens:

an example of 3 competitively binding Lepidopteran ICPs.

Bt2, Bt3 and Bt73 toxins are toxic to both

Manduca sexta


Heliothis virescens:

LC50 values for

Manduca sexta

are respectively 17.70, 20.20 and 9.00 ng/cm2; for

Heliothis virescens

the LC50's are 7.16, 90.00 and 1.60 ng/cm2.

Labelled toxin, either Bt3 (0.8 nM) or Bt2 (1.05 nM) or Bt73 (1.05 nM), was incubated with BBMV in a volume of 0.1 ml. BBMV protein concentrations were 100 ug/ml for

M. sexta

and for Bt2-

H. virescens,

for Bt3-

H. virescens

150 and for Bt73-

H. virescens

50 ug/ml. The labelled toxin was combined with varying amounts of an unlabeled toxin (competitor). After a 30 min. incubation, bound and free toxins were separated through filtration.





show the percentages binding of respectively labelled Bt2, Bt3 and Bt73 toxins as a function of the concentration of competitor for

Manduca sexta.





show these data for

Heliothis virescens.

The amount bound in the absence of competitor is always taken as 100% binding. FIGS.




show the binding of


I-labeled toxins to

M. sexta







) and

H. virescens







) brush border membrane vesicles. Vesicles were incubated with labeled toxin [in FIGS.






I-Bt2-toxin (1.05 nM); in FIGS.






I-Bt3-toxin (0.8 nM); in FIGS.






I-Bt73-toxin (1.05 nM)] in the presence of increasing concentrations of Bt2 toxin (*), Bt3 toxin (&Circlesolid;) or Bt73 toxin (▴). Binding is expressed as percentage of the amount bound upon incubation with labeled toxin alone. On

M. sexta

vesicles, these amounts were 1820, 601 and 2383 cpm, and on

H. virescens

vesicles 1775, 472 and 6608 cpm for


I-Bt2-, Bt3- and Bt73-toxin, respectively. Non-specific binding was not substracted. Data were analyzed with the LIGAND computer program. Each point is the mean of a duplicate sample.



: shows the binding of


I Bt2 toxin to

M. sexta




: shows the binding of


I Bt3 toxin to

M. sexta




: shows the binding of


I Bt73 toxin to

M. sexta




: shows the binding of


I Bt2 toxin to

H. virescens




: shows the binding of


I Bt3 toxin to





: shows the binding of


I Bt73 toxin to



The conclusions from FIGS.




are that Bt2 and Bt3, Bt3 and Bt73, and Bt2 and Bt73 are competitively-binding ICP's both for

Manduca sexta

and for

Heliothis virescens.

Indeed Bt3 competes for the entire population of receptor sites of Bt2 in

Manduca sexta



): the % labelled Bt2 bound in the presence of 100 nM Bt3 is equal to the % Bt2 bound with 100 nM of Bt2 itself. The opposite is not true: in the presence of 100 nM Bt2 the % of labelled Bt3 is not reduced to the same level as with 100 nM of Bt3 (FIG.



A similar reasoning is followed to observe competitivity of other toxin combinations: Bt3 competes for the entire population of receptor sites of Bt73 (

FIG. 3

) in

M. sexta;

the opposite is not true (FIG.


); Bt2 and Bt73 compete for the entire population of each other's binding sites in

M. sexta







Heliothis virescens

: Bt2 competes for the entire population of receptor sites of Bt3 (FIG.


); Bt73 competes for the entire population of receptor sites of Bt3 (FIG.


); Bt73 competes for the entire population of receptor sites of Bt2 (FIG.


); but the opposite statements are not true (







The same data can be used in mathematical analysis (e.g., Scatchard analysis according to Scatchard, 1949; analysis with the LIGAND computer program according to Munson and Rodbard, 1980) to calculate the dissociation constant (Kd) of the toxin-receptor complex and the concentration of binding sites (Rt); the results of these calculations using the LIGAND computer program were the following:



Kd=0.4 nM Rt=3.4 pmol/mg vesicle protein


M. sexta:

Kd=1.5 nM Rt=9.8 pmol/mg vesicle protein


M. sexta:

Kd=0.6 nM Rt=4.0 pmol/mg vesicle protein


H. virescens:

Kd=0.6 nM Rt=9.7 pmol/mg vesicle protein


H. virescens:

Kd=1.2 nM Rt=3.7 pmol/mg vesicle protein


H. virescens:

Kd=0.8 nM Rt=19.5 pmol/mg vesicle protein

These data demonstrate the high affinity receptor binding of the toxins (Kds in the range of 10


to 10



Binding of Bt2 and Bt14 toxins to BBMV of

P. brassicae, Plutella xylostella


Phthorimaea opercullella:

an example two non-competitively binding Lepidopteran ICPs

Bt2 and Bt14 toxins are toxic to

P. brassicae


P. xylostella

(p.x.) and

P. operculella

(p.o.) as seen from the table below.



of Toxins














values of solubilized purified Bt2 and Bt14 toxins for P.x. are expressed as ng protein spotted per cm


of artificial diet. LC


values for P.b. are expressed as ug


toxin per ml solution into which leaf discs, fed to first instar Pb larvae, were dipped. For P.o., LC


values are expressed in ug/ml into which potato chips were dipped prior to feeding.

Labelled Bt2 toxin (1.05 nM) or Bt14 toxin (1.4 nM) was incubated with BBMV from

P. brassicae

(100 ug protein/ml) in a volume of 0.1 ml in combination with varying amounts of unlabelled Bt2 or Bt14. After a 30 min. incubation period at 22° C., the bound and free toxins were separated.

FIGS. 7 and 8

show the binding of


I-labeled toxins to

P. brassicae

brush border membrane vesicles. Vesicles were incubated with labeled toxin [in FIG.




I-Bt2-toxin (1.05 nM); in FIG.




I-Bt14-toxin (1.4 nM)] in the presence of increasing concentrations of Bt2 toxin (∘) or Bt14 toxin (&Circlesolid;). Binding is expressed as percentage of the amount bound upon incubation with labeled toxin alone. Non-specific binding was not substracted. Data were analyzed with the LIGAND computer program. Each point is the mean of a duplicate sample.

FIG. 7

shows the binding of labelled Bt2 toxin to

P. brassicae

BBMV, and

FIG. 8

shows the binding of labelled Bt14 toxin to

P. brassicae


The competition data demonstrate the presence of high affinity binding sites both for Bt2 and Bt14, as well as the almost complete absence of competition of Bt14 for the Bt2 binding sites and of Bt14 for the Bt2 binding sites. This demonstrates that Bt2 and Bt14 are non-competitively binding toxins. Hence they are useful to prevent the development of

Pieris brassicae

resistance against

B. thuringiensis

ICP's expressed in Brassica sp.

Calculated Kd and Rt values were from these experiments were:

Bt2: Kd=2.8 nM, Rt=12.9 pmol/mg vesicle protein

Bt14: Kd=8.4 nM, Rt=21.4 pmol/mg vesicle protein.

Binding of Bt2 and Bt15 toxins to BBMV of

M.sexta, M.brassicae, P. xylostella



: an example of two non-competitively binding Lepidopteran ICPs

Bt2 and Bt15 toxins are both toxic to


(LC50's of 20 and ill ng/cm2, respectively). They also show activity against

M. brassicae, P. xylostella


P. interpunctella.

Labelled Bt2 (1.05 nM) or Bt15 (0.7 nM) was incubated with BBMV from


(100 ug protein/ ml) in a volume of 0.1 ml in combination with varying amounts of unlabelled Bt2 or Bt15. After a 30 min. incubation period at 22° C., the bound and free toxins were separated.





show the binding of


I-labeled toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicles. Vesicles were incubated with labeled toxin [in FIG.




I-Bt2-toxin (1.05 nM); in FIG.




I-Bt15-toxin (0.7 nM))] in the presence of increasing concentrations of Bt2-toxin (∘) or Bt15-toxin (&Circlesolid;). Binding is expressed as percentage of the amount bound upon incubation with labeled toxin alone. Non-specific binding was not substracted. Data were analyzed with the LIGAND computer program. Each point is the mean of a duplicate sample.

FIG. 9

shows the data for binding of labelled Bt2, and

FIG. 10

shows the binding of labelled Bt15.

The competition data demonstrate the presence of high affinity binding sites for both Bt2 and Bt15, as well as the complete absence of competition of Bt15 for the Bt2 binding sites and of Bt2 for the Bt15 binding sites. This demonstrates that Bt2 and Bt15 are non-competitively binding toxins. Hence the combination of Bt2 and Bt15 is useful to prevent the development of resistance of



B. thuringiensis

ICP's expressed in tobacco or other crops in which Manduca p,. are a pest. Calculated Kd and Rt values are:

Bt2: Kd=0.4 nM, Rt=3.4 pmol/mg vesicle protein

Bt15: Kd=0.3 nM Kd2=2.9 nM, Rt1=5.9 and Rt2=6.7 pmol/mg vesicle protein (2 distinct high affinity receptor sites are present).

Similar studies were performed for

M. brassicae, S. littoralis


P. interpunctella.

Although LD50, Kd and Rt values differed substantially, the essential observation that Bt2 and Bt15 are both toxic and are non-competitively binding toxins was confirmed in these three insect species. Thus, it is also a useful toxin combination to prevent resistance of

M. brassicae

to ICP's or to prevent resistance of Spodoptera species against ICP's expressed in any of the crop plants in which Spodoptera species are a pest.

Binding of Bt2 and Bt4 toxins to BBMV of

M. sexta

: an example of two non-competitively binding Lepidopteran ICPs

Both Bt2 and Bt4 toxins are toxic to

Manduca sexta.

LD50 values are 20 and 5.4. ng/cm2, respectively. No mutual competition of Bt2 for binding of labelled Bt4 and of Bt4 for binding of labelled Bt2 was observed, demonstrating that Bt2 and Bt4 are non-competitively binding toxins.

Binding of Bt15 and Bt18 toxins to BBMV of

S. littoralis:

an example of two non-competitively binding Lepidopteran ICPs

Both Bt15 and Bt18 toxins are toxic to

S. littoralis.

LD 50 values are 93 and 88 ng toxin/cm


, respectively. Labelled Bt15 (0.7 nM) or Bt18 (0.9 nM) was incubated with 100 ug of vesicle protein from

S. littoralis

in combination with varying amounts of unlabelled Bt15 or Bt18 toxin. After a 45 min. incubation period, bound and free toxins were separated. Binding data demonstrate high affinity binding for both Bt15 and Bt18 to

S. littoralis

BBMV. As seen from

FIGS. 11 and 12

, the entire population of receptor sites of Bt15 was not saturable with Bt18, nor was the entire population of receptor sites of Bt18 saturable with Bt15.

Binding of Bt13 and Bt22 toxins to BBMV of

L. decemlineata

: an example of two non-competitively binding Coleopteran ICPs.

Both Bt13 and Bt22 toxins are toxic to

L. decemlineata.

LD 50 values are 0.8 and 1.1 ug toxin/ml respectively. Labelled Bt13 (1 nM) or Bt22 (0.7 nM) was incubated with 100 ug of vesicle protein/ml from

S. littoralis

in combination with varying amounts of unlabelled Bt13 or Bt22 toxin. After a 45 min. incubation period, bound and free toxins were separated. Binding data demonstrate high affinity binding for both Bt13 and Bt22 to

S. littoralis

BBMV. The entire population of receptor sites of Bt13 was not saturable with Bt22. Nor was the entire population of receptor sites of Bt22 saturable with Bt13.

Binding of Bt2 and Bt18 toxins to BBMV of

M. sexta:

an example of two non-competitively binding Lepidopteran ICPs.

Both Bt2 and Bt18 toxins are toxic to M. sexta, and LD 50 values are 20 to 73 ng toxin/cm


respectively. Labelled Bt2 (1.05 nM) or Bt18 (0.7 nM) was incubated with 100 ug/ml of vesicle protein from

M. sexta

in combination with varying amounts of unlabelled Bt2 or Bt18 toxin. After a 45 min. incubation period, bound and free toxins were separated. Binding data (FIGS.




) demonstrate high affinity binding for both Bt2 and Bt18 to

M. sexta

BBMV. The entire population of receptor sites of Bt2 was not saturable with Bt18. Nor was the entire population of receptor sites of Bt18 saturable with Bt2. Calculated Kd and Rt values are:

Bt2: Kd=0.4 nM, Rt=3.4 pmol/mg vesicle protein.

Bt18: Kd1=0.04 nM, Rt1=2.2 pmoles/mg vesicle protein and Kd2=168 nM Rt2=194 pmoles/mg vesicle protein (2 distinct receptor sites for Bt18 are present).

A list of non-competitively binding anti-Lepidopteran ICP combinations and anti-Coleopteran ICP combinations is given below, together with their common target insect species in which non-competitivity has been demonstrated:

Bt2-Bt15 (

Manduca sexta, Plutella xylostella, Pieris brassicae, Mamestra brassicae, Plodia interpunctella


Bt2-Bt18 (

Manduca sexta, Spodoptera littoralis


Bt2-Bt14 (

Pieris brassicae, Plutella xylostella, Phthorimaea operculella


Bt2-Bt4 (

Manduca sexta


Bt15-Bt18 (

Manduca sexta, Spodoptera littoralis


Bt14-Bt15 (

Pieris brassicae


Bt15-Bt4 (

Manduca sexta, Spodoptera exigua


Bt18-Bt4 (

Manduca sexta, Spodoptera littoralis


Bt18-Bt14 (

Pieris brassicae


Bt18-Bt4 (

Manduca sexta


Bt13-Bt21 (

Leptinotarsa decemlineata


Bt13-Bt22 (

Leptinotarsa decemlineata


Bt21-Bt22 (

Leptinotarsa decemlineata


Of course, this list of specific non-competitively binding ICP combinations for specific target insect pests is not exhaustive, and it is believed that other such ICP combinations, including combinations for yet-to-be discovered ICPs, will be found using a similar approach for any target insect species. Likewise, the foregoing list of target insect pests also is not exhaustive, and it is believed that other target insects pests (as well as the plants that are to be transformed to prevent their attack by such pests), against which the specific combinations of ICPs can be used (e.g., the combination of the Bt2 and Bt14 ICPs in Brassica to prevent resistance of

Pieris brassicae

against the ICPs expressed in the plant), will be found using a similar approach.


Selection for resistance of

Manduca sexta

(tobacco hornworm)

A selection experiment involves exposing a large number of larvae to a concentration of a toxin in a diet killing (e.g., 50-90%) of the larvae. The surviving larvae are again exposed to toxin concentrations killing a similar proportion of the larvae, and this process is continued for several generations. The sensitivity of the larvae to the toxin is investigated after each four generations of selection.

Selections for 20 generations of

M. sexta

were performed with Bt2 toxin alone, with Bt18 toxin alone and with a ¼ (by weight) Bt2/Bt18 mixture. LC50 values of the reference strain for Bt2, Bt18 and the ¼ Bt2/Bt18 mixture respectively were the following: 20 ng/cm2, 73 ng/cm2 and 62 ng/cm2 of diet.

Selection was initiated at concentrations killing around 75% of the larvae. After 4 generations of selection, survival increased in both the Bt2 and the Bt18 selection to around 70%, no such increase was observed in the selection with the combination of Bt2 and Bt18. Dosages were again increased to calculated LC75 values. This was repeated every 4 generations. The selection process was thus continued to the 20th generation. Final results were the following (LC50 of the 20th generation):

Bt2 selection: LC50 was 6400 ug/g (320 times decreased sensitivity)

Bt18 selection: LC50 was 15100 ug/g (207 times decreased sensitivity)

Bt2/Bt18 selection: LC50 was 181 ug/g (3 times decreased sensitivity).

Thus the decrease in sensitivity was about 100 times slower in the combined selection experiment.

Receptor binding in the three selected

M. sexta

strains was investigated with Bt2 and Bt18 and compared to those of the reference

M. sexta

strain (non-selected strain). Binding characteristics of the reference strain for the Bt2 and BT18 toxins were:

Bt2: Kd=0.4 nM, Rt=3.4 pmol/mg vesicle protein

Bt18: Kd1=0.04 nM, Rt1=2.2 pmoles/mg vesicle protein and Kd2=168 n, Rt2=194 pmoles/mg vesicle protein (2 distinct receptor sites for Bt18 are present).

FIGS. 11 and 12

show the binding of


I-labeled toxins to

M. sexta

brush border membrane vesicle. Vesicles were incubated with labeled toxin [in FIG.




I-Bt2-toxin (1.05 nM); in FIG.




I-Bt18-toxin (0.7 nM)] in the presence of increasing concentrations of Bt2-toxin (∘) or Bt18-toxin (&Circlesolid;). Binding is expressed as percentage of the amount bound upon incubation with labeled toxin alone. Non-specific binding was not substracted. Data were analyzed with the LIGAND computer program. Each point is the mean of a duplicate sample.

The Bt2 selected strain showed no detectable high affinity binding of Bt2 whereas its Bt18 binding characteristics remained close to the reference strain. (Bt18: Kd1=0.03 nM, Rt1=2.8 pmoles/mg vesicle protein and Kd2=199 nM, Rt2=109 pmoles/mg vesicle protein; 2 distinct receptor sites for Bt18 are still present).

The Bt18 selected strain lost the high affinity receptor site for Bt18. The lower affinity site for Bt18 was still present in lower concentration than in the reference strain (Kd=189 nM, Rt=43 nM). Bt2 binding site concentration increased markedly compared to the reference strain (Kd=0.4 nM, Rt=20.8 pmoles/mg vesicle protein). This strain had a Bt2 sensitivity of LC


=4 ng/cm


. Thus, its sensitivity for Bt2 had increased as compared to the reference strain (LC


=20 ng/cm



The Bt2/Bt18 selected strain showed a slight but statistically non-significant decrease in Bt18 binding site concentration. (Bt2: Kd=0.4 nM, Rt=3.4 pmol/mg vesicle protein, Bt18: Kd1=0.04 nM, Rt=1.0 pmoles/mg vesicle protein and Kd2=168 nM, Rt2=194 pmoles/mg vesicle protein; 2 distinct receptor sites for Bt18 are present). These data demonstrate that, in the two selection lines where resistance occurred, the mechanism was situated at the receptor level. Changes in receptor site are shown to be the most likely mechanism of resistance to

B. thuringiensis



Mechanism of resistance of the diamondback moth to the microbial insecticide

Bacillus thuringiensis.

The mechanism of development of insect resistance to ICPs has been investigated in a

P. xylostella

strain (“PxR”). This insect strain has developed a high level of resistance in the field against Dipel. Crystals of Dipel preparations contain a mixture of ICPs such as Bt3, Bt2 and Bt73 ICPs; in Example 6, it has been shown that these toxins are competitively binding ICPs.

Resistance to Dipel was confirmed by the toxicity data for the sensitive strain (“PxS”) and for the Dipel-resistant strain (“PxR”). High levels of resistance are also observed for the Bt2 protoxin and toxin as shown in the following table



of Strains











data are expressed as ng protein spotted per cm


of artificial diet.

However, insect toxicity data show that there is no resistance to the Bt15 protoxin and Bt15 toxin; this ICP is not present in Dipel crystals. To investigate whether a change in toxin-membrane binding was responsible for resistance, receptor binding studies were performed with


I-labeled Bt2 toxin and Bt15 toxin, with BBMV derived from larvae midguts of the PxR and PxS strains. The results are summarized in Table 1, below.


Binding characteristics of Bt2 and Bt15 toxins to brush border

membrane vehicles from sensitive and resistant

P. xylostella.

Rt (pmol/



Kd (nM)

mg protein)

Bt2 toxin





no binding detectable

Bt15 toxin







Table 1 shows that there was high-affinity saturable binding of the Bt2 toxin to midgut membranes of the PxS strain, but the PxR strain showed no detectable level of Bt2 toxin binding. With the Bt15 toxin, there was significant binding to BBMW of both the PxR and PxS strains, and values are not significantly different for the two strains.

These data show that resistance in

P. xylostella

is due to an alteration in toxin-membrane binding. Resistance to the Bt2 toxin and the sensitivity toward the Bt15 toxin of the PxR strain is reflected by the binding characteristics shown in Table 1.

Hence, when different non-competitively binding ICPs (i.e., Bt2 and Bt15) are available with activity against the same insect species (e.g.,

P. xylostella

), resistance to one ICP(Bt2) does not imply resistance against other ICPs (such as Bt15). Thus, ICPs with different binding properties can be used in combination to delay development of insect resistance to ICPs.


Separate transfer of two ICP genes within individual transcriptional units to the genome of plant cells

Two procedures are envisaged for obtaining the combined expression of two ICP genes, such as the bt2 and bt15 genes in transgenic plants, such as tomato plants. These procedures are based on the transfer of two chimeric ICP genes, not linked within the same DNA fragment, to the genome of a plant of interest.

A first procedure is based on sequential transformation steps in which a plant, already transformed with a first chimeric ICP gene, is retransformed in order to introduce a second ICP gene. The sequential transformation makes use of two different selectable marker genes, such as the resistance genes for kanamycin (“km”) and phosphinotricin acetyl transferase (“PPT”), which confers resistance to phoshinotricin. The use of both these selectable markers has been described in De Block et al. (1987).

The second procedure is based on the cotransformation of two chimeric ICP genes on different plasmids in a single step. The integration of both ICP genes can be selected by making use of the two selectable markers conferring resistance to Km and PPT, linked with the respective ICP genes.

For either procedure, a Ti-plasmid vector is used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of each chimeric ICP gene into plant cells.

Plasmid pGSH163, described in EP 0193259, contains the following chimeric genes between the T-DNA border repeats: a gene fragment encoding the toxin part of the bt2 gene under the control of the TR2′ promoter and the neo gene under control of the TR1′ promoter. The 3′ ends of the T-DNA gene 7 and octopine synthase respectively provide information for the 3′ end formation of transcripts.

A chimeric bt15 gene containing a gene fragment encoding the toxin of the Bt15 ICP under the control of the TR2′ promoter, was constructed in the following way (FIG.


). pOH50 consists of pUC18 with the whole bt15 gene under the control of the lac promoter. A HindIII-BglII fragment was cloned in pMa5-8 yielding pJB3. By site-directed mutagenesis, a NcoI site was created at the initiation codon to yield pVE29. A fragment containing the truncated gene fragment of the bt15 gene, with a translational stop codon, was obtained by isolation of BclI-ClaI from pOH50 and cloning in pLK91, yielding pHW38. The whole toxin gene fragment was reconstructed under the control of the tac promoter, yielding pVE35, by ligation of a ClaI-PstI fragment from pHW38, a NcoI-ClaI fragment from pVE29 and a NcoI-PstI fragment from pOH48. A truncated bt15 gene fragment with a NcoI site at the initiation codon was obtained from pVE35 as a 1980 NcoI-BamHI fragment and cloned in pGSJ141, digested with ClaI and BamHI. pGSJ141 has been described in EPA 88402115.5. Ligation of the filled ClaI site to the filled NcoI site yielded a chimeric TR2′—truncated bt15—3′g7 construct (pTVE47). As a selectable marker in this plasmid, the bar gene encoding phosphinothricin acetyl transferase and conferring resistance to PPT was used. A chimeric bar gene containing the bar gene under the control of the 35S promoter and followed by the 3′ end of the octopine synthase was introduced in pTVE47. From pDE110, a 35S-bar-3′ocs fragment was obtained as a StuI-HindIII fragment and was cloned in pTVE47 digested with PstI and HindIII. This yielded the plasmid pTHW88 (

FIG. 15

) which contains the truncated bt15 gene under the control of the TR2′ promoter and the bar gene under the control of the 35S promoter between the T-DNA border repeats. Plasmid pGSH163 is cointegration type Ti-plasmid vector, whereas pTHW88 is a binary type Ti-plasmid vector as described in EPA 0193259.

Both plasmids were mobilized in the

A. tumefaciens

strain C58C1Rif (pGV2260) according to Deblaere et al. (1988). In the sequential transformation procedure, tomato was transformed according to De Block et al. (1987) with the

A. tumefaciens

strain C58C1Rif carrying pGS1163 resulting from the cointegration of pGSH163 and pGV2260. Individual transformants were selected for kanamycin resistance, and regenerated plants were characterized for expression of the truncated bt2 gene according to Vaeck et al. (1987). One representative transformant was subsequently retransformed with the

A. tumefaciens

strain C58C1Rif (pGV2260 and pTHW88), and transformants were selected for PPT resistance. Using this cotransformation procedure, the respective Agrobacteria strains, carrying the cointegrate vector pGS1163 and the binary vector pTHW88, were used for transformation of tomato. Individual plants were selected for resistance to Km and PPT.

Schematically shown in

FIG. 15


a) construction of pVE29: bt15 N-terminal gene fragment with NcoI site introduced at ATG initiation codon.

b) construction of pVE35: bt15 C-terminal truncated gene fragment under control of the tac promoter.

c) construction of pTHW88: binary T-DNA vector with a chimeric bt15 gene and a chimeric bar gene within the T-DNA border repeats.

In both cases, co-expression of the two ICP genes in the individual transformants was evaluated by insect toxicity tests as described in EP 0193259 and by biochemical means. Specific RNA probes allowed the quantitive analysis of the transcript levels; monoclonal antibodies cross-reacting with the respective gene products allowed the quantitative analysis of the respective gene products in ELISA tests (EP 0193259); and specific DNA probes allowed the characterization of the genomic integrations of the bt2 and bt15 genes in the transformants. It was found that the transformed tomato plants simultaneously expressed both the bt2 gene (8.1 ng/mg) and the bt15 gene (7.6 ng/mg) as measured by ELISA, which would prevent or delay development of resistance of

M. sexta

to the insecticidal effects of the Bt2 and Bt15 toxins, being expressed.

These procedures also could be applied when one or both ICP genes are part of a hybrid gene. For example, the same strategy as described above could be followed with the plasmid vectors pGSH152, containing a chimeric truncated bt2-neo hybrid gene under control of the TR2′ promoter, and pTHW88 in suitable Agrobacterium strains.


Separate transfer of two ICP genes to the nuclear genome of separate plants in independent transformation events and subsequent combination in a single plant through crossing.

Tobacco plants have been transformed with either the bt18 gene or the bt15 gene by applying the same cloning strategies as described in EP 0358557 and EP 193259, respectively. For both genes, the plants were transformed with plant expression vectors containing either the truncated bt18 or bt15 gene, which just encode the Bt18 or Bt15 toxin, respectively.

The mortality rate of

Spodoptera littoralis

larvae feeding on the transformed plants is significantly higher than the mortality rate of larvae fed on untransformed plants.

The bt18-transformed plant, which is homozygous for the bt18 gene, is then crossed with the bt15—transformed plant, which is homozygous for the bt15 gene. After selfing, a plant homozygous for both genes is obtained.

The resulting tobacco plants, expressing both the bt18 and bt15 genes, delay significantly development of resistance by

S. littoralis

to either the Bt18 or Bt15 toxin expressed by the plants.


Transfer of two chimeric ICP genes linked within the same DNA to the genome of plant cells

The strategy used is based on the organization of two independent chimeric ICP genes between the T-DNA border repeats of a single vector. Binding studies indicated that the Bt2 and Bt14 toxins are two non-competitively binding ICPs with insecticidal activity towards

Pieris brassicae.

For expression in plants, both the bt2 and bt14 genes can be co-expressed to prevent insect resistance development. For the design of a plasmid vector with each ICP gene under the control of a separate promoter, two possibilities can be envisaged: 1) three chimeric constructs carrying the truncated bt2 and bt14 genes and a selectable marker, respectively; or 2) a hybrid of a truncated gene fragment (bt2 or bt14) and the neo gene can be used in combination with a truncated bt14 or bt2 gene.

This Example describes the construction of the vector pTHW94 for plant transformations carrying the following chimeric ICP genes between the T-DNA border repeats: a truncated bt2 gene fragment under the control of the TR2′ promoter and a hybrid truncated bt14-neo gene under the control of the TR1′ promoter. The 3′ end of the T-DNA gene 7 and octopine synthase, respectively, provide information for proper 3′ end formation. pTHW94 has been deposited at the DSM under accession no. 5514 on August 28, 1989.

Schematically shown in

FIG. 16

are the:

a) construction of pHW44: bt14 N-terminal gene fragment with NcoI site introduced at ATG initiation codon.

b) construction of pHW67: reconstruction of the bt14 gene under the control of the tac promoter.

c) construction of pHW71: construction of a hybrid truncated bt14-neo gene under the control of the tac promoter.

d) construction of pTHW94: binary T-DNA vector with a chimeric bt14 gene and a chimeric bt2 gene within the T-DNA border repeats.

The pTHW94 vector is mobilized into the Agrobacterium strain C58C1Rif (pMP90) which is used to transform

Brassica napus

according to the procedure described by De Block et al. (1989). Transformants are selected on Km, and regenerated plants are found to express both ICP gene products in insect toxicity tests and biochemical tests.


Expression of two ICP genes in a hybrid construct

In order to obtain a combined and simultaneous expression of two ICP genes, truncated gene fragments encoding the toxic parts of two different ICPs can be fused in a proper reading frame and placed, as a hybrid gene, under the control of the same promoter in a chimaeric gene construct. Toxic cores from certain ICPs can be liberated from their protoxins by protease activation at the N- and/or C-terminal end. Thus, hybrid genes can be designed with one or more regions encoding protease cleavage site(s) at the fusion point(s) of two or more ICP genes.

The simultaneous co-expression of the bt2 and bt14 genes is obtained by constructing a hybrid gene composed of a truncated bt14 gene fragment fused to a truncated bt2 gene fragment. Schematically shown in

FIG. 17

is the construction of such a hybrid bt2-bt14 gene with a C-terminal bt2 gene fragment (bt860) encoding the toxic core of the Bt2 protoxin in frame with a C-terminal truncated bt14 gene fragment encoding the toxic core of the Bt14 protoxin. The BclI site in the bt2 gene, localized downstream of the trypsin cleavage site, is fused in frame with the NcoI site introduced at the N-terminal end of the truncated bt14 gene fragment. To this end, the plasmids pLBKm860 (EP 0193259) and pHW67 are used. pLBKm860 contains a hybrid bt2-neo gene under control of the lambda P


promoter. The bt2 gene moiety in the hybrid gene is a C-terminal truncated bt2 gene fragment, indicated as bt860 (in

FIG. 17

) (see also Vaeck et al, 1987). The construction of pHW67 is described in FIG.


. pHW67 contains a C-terminal truncated bt14 gene fragment (bt14tox) with a NcoI site at the ATG initiation codon, a translation stop codon located at the BclI site of the intact bt14 gene and a BamHI site downstream of the whole gene fragment. To fuse both gene fragments in the proper reading frame, the BclI and NcoI ends of the respective plasmids are treated with Klenow DNA polymerase and S1 nuclease as indicated in FIG.


. The resulting plasmid pJB100 contains the hybrid bt860-bt14tox gene under control of the lambda P


promoter and directs the expression in

E. coli

of a fusion protein with the expected mobility on SDS-PAGE.

Crude extracts of the

E. coli

strain show the toxicity of the fusion protein, expressed by the strain, against

P. brassicae.

It has also been confirmed by N-terminal amino acid sequence analyses of the fusion protein produced by the

E. coli

strain that the N-terminal amino acids from the Bt14 protoxin are processed upon activation. The bt2-bt14 hybrid gene product has thus two potential protease cleavage sites.

Subsequently, this hybrid gene is inserted into a vector for plant transformations and placed under control of a suitable promoter and transferred to the genome of brassica (EP 0193259) where both the bt2 and bt14 genes are expressed in insect toxicity tests.





MW (kDa)




of encoded



Bt strain






HD-1 kurstaki




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al, 1988






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Bacillus thuringiensis

tggccagcgc ca 12




Bacillus thuringiensis

tgccagcgcc accat 15




Bacillus thuringiensis

cggaggtatt ccatggagga aaataatc 28




Bacillus thuringiensis

cctatttgaa gccatggtaa ctcctccttt tatg 34




Bacillus thuringiensis



ggatctgttt taatataagg gatttgtgcc cttctcgtta tattctttta ttagccccaa 60
aaactagtgc aactaaatat ttttataatt acactgatta aatactttat ttttgggagt 120
aagatttatg ctgaaatgta ataaaattcg ttccattttc tgtattttct cataaaatgt 180
ttcatatgct ttaaattgta gtaaagaaaa acagtacaaa cttaaaagga ctttagtaat 240
ttaataaaaa aaggggatag ttt atg gaa ata aat aat caa aac caa tgt gtg 293
Met Glu Ile Asn Asn Gln Asn Gln Cys Val
1 5 10
cct tac aat tgt tta agt aat cct aag gag ata ata tta ggc gag gaa 341
Pro Tyr Asn Cys Leu Ser Asn Pro Lys Glu Ile Ile Leu Gly Glu Glu
15 20 25
agg cta gaa aca ggg aat act gta gca gac att tca tta ggg ctt att 389
Arg Leu Glu Thr Gly Asn Thr Val Ala Asp Ile Ser Leu Gly Leu Ile
30 35 40
aat ttt cta tat tct aat ttt gta cca gga gga gga ttt ata gta ggt 437
Asn Phe Leu Tyr Ser Asn Phe Val Pro Gly Gly Gly Phe Ile Val Gly
45 50 55
tta cta gaa tta ata tgg gga ttt ata ggg cct tcg caa tgg gat att 485
Leu Leu Glu Leu Ile Trp Gly Phe Ile Gly Pro Ser Gln Trp Asp Ile
60 65 70
ttt tta gct caa att gag caa ttg att agt caa aga ata gaa gaa ttt 533
Phe Leu Ala Gln Ile Glu Gln Leu Ile Ser Gln Arg Ile Glu Glu Phe
75 80 85 90
gct agg aat cag gca att tca aga ttg gag ggg cta agc aat ctt tat 581
Ala Arg Asn Gln Ala Ile Ser Arg Leu Glu Gly Leu Ser Asn Leu Tyr
95 100 105
aag gtc tat gtt aga gcg ttt agc gac tgg gag aaa gat cct act aat 629
Lys Val Tyr Val Arg Ala Phe Ser Asp Trp Glu Lys Asp Pro Thr Asn
110 115 120
cct gct tta agg gaa gaa atg cgt ata caa ttt aat gac atg aat agt 677
Pro Ala Leu Arg Glu Glu Met Arg Ile Gln Phe Asn Asp Met Asn Ser
125 130 135
gct ctc ata acg gct att cca ctt ttt aga gtt caa aat tat gaa gtt 725
Ala Leu Ile Thr Ala Ile Pro Leu Phe Arg Val Gln Asn Tyr Glu Val
140 145 150
gct ctt tta tct gta tat gtt caa gcc gca aac tta cat tta tct att 773
Ala Leu Leu Ser Val Tyr Val Gln Ala Ala Asn Leu His Leu Ser Ile
155 160 165 170
tta agg gat gtt tca gtt ttc gga gaa aga tgg gga tat gat aca gcg 821
Leu Arg Asp Val Ser Val Phe Gly Glu Arg Trp Gly Tyr Asp Thr Ala
175 180 185
act atc aat aat cgc tat agt gat ctg act agc ctt att cat gtt tat 869
Thr Ile Asn Asn Arg Tyr Ser Asp Leu Thr Ser Leu Ile His Val Tyr
190 195 200
act aac cat tgt gtg gat acg tat aat cag gga tta agg cgt ttg gaa 917
Thr Asn His Cys Val Asp Thr Tyr Asn Gln Gly Leu Arg Arg Leu Glu
205 210 215
ggt cgt ttt ctt agc gat tgg att gta tat aat cgt ttc cgg aga caa 965
Gly Arg Phe Leu Ser Asp Trp Ile Val Tyr Asn Arg Phe Arg Arg Gln
220 225 230
ttg aca att tca gta tta gat att gtt gcg ttt ttt cca aat tat gat 1013
Leu Thr Ile Ser Val Leu Asp Ile Val Ala Phe Phe Pro Asn Tyr Asp
235 240 245 250
att aga aca tat cca att caa aca gct act cag cta acg agg gaa gtc 1061
Ile Arg Thr Tyr Pro Ile Gln Thr Ala Thr Gln Leu Thr Arg Glu Val
255 260 265
tat ctg gat tta cct ttt att aat caa aat ctt tct cct gca gca agc 1109
Tyr Leu Asp Leu Pro Phe Ile Asn Gln Asn Leu Ser Pro Ala Ala Ser
270 275 280
tat cca acc ttt tca gct gct gaa agt gct ata att aga agt cct cat 1157
Tyr Pro Thr Phe Ser Ala Ala Glu Ser Ala Ile Ile Arg Ser Pro His
285 290 295
tta gta gac ttt tta aat agc ttt acc att tat aca gat agt ctg gca 1205
Leu Val Asp Phe Leu Asn Ser Phe Thr Ile Tyr Thr Asp Ser Leu Ala
300 305 310
cgt tat gca tat tgg gga ggg cac ttg gta aat tct ttc cgc aca gga 1253
Arg Tyr Ala Tyr Trp Gly Gly His Leu Val Asn Ser Phe Arg Thr Gly
315 320 325 330
acc act act aat ttg ata aga tcc cct tta tat gga agg gaa gga aat 1301
Thr Thr Thr Asn Leu Ile Arg Ser Pro Leu Tyr Gly Arg Glu Gly Asn
335 340 345
aca gag cgc ccc gta act att acc gca tca cct agc gta cca ata ttt 1349
Thr Glu Arg Pro Val Thr Ile Thr Ala Ser Pro Ser Val Pro Ile Phe
350 355 360
aga aca ctt tca tat att aca ggc ctt gac aat tca aat cct gta gct 1397
Arg Thr Leu Ser Tyr Ile Thr Gly Leu Asp Asn Ser Asn Pro Val Ala
365 370 375
gga atc gag gga gtg gaa ttc caa aat act ata agt aga agt atc tat 1445
Gly Ile Glu Gly Val Glu Phe Gln Asn Thr Ile Ser Arg Ser Ile Tyr
380 385 390
cgt aaa agc ggt cca ata gat tct ttt agt gaa tta cca cct caa gat 1493
Arg Lys Ser Gly Pro Ile Asp Ser Phe Ser Glu Leu Pro Pro Gln Asp
395 400 405 410
gcc agc gta tct cct gca att ggg tat agt cac cgt tta tgc cat gca 1541
Ala Ser Val Ser Pro Ala Ile Gly Tyr Ser His Arg Leu Cys His Ala
415 420 425
aca ttt tta gaa cgg att agt gga cca aga ata gca ggc acc gta ttt 1589
Thr Phe Leu Glu Arg Ile Ser Gly Pro Arg Ile Ala Gly Thr Val Phe
430 435 440
tct tgg aca cac cgt agt gcc agc cct act aat gaa gta agt cca tct 1637
Ser Trp Thr His Arg Ser Ala Ser Pro Thr Asn Glu Val Ser Pro Ser
445 450 455
aga att aca caa att cca tgg gta aag gcg cat act ctt gca tct ggt 1685
Arg Ile Thr Gln Ile Pro Trp Val Lys Ala His Thr Leu Ala Ser Gly
460 465 470
gcc tcc gtc att aaa ggt cct gga ttt aca ggt gga gat att ctg act 1733
Ala Ser Val Ile Lys Gly Pro Gly Phe Thr Gly Gly Asp Ile Leu Thr
475 480 485 490
agg aat agt atg ggc gag ctg ggg acc tta cga gta acc ttc aca gga 1781
Arg Asn Ser Met Gly Glu Leu Gly Thr Leu Arg Val Thr Phe Thr Gly
495 500 505
aga tta cca caa agt tat tat ata cgt ttc cgt tat gct tcg gta gca 1829
Arg Leu Pro Gln Ser Tyr Tyr Ile Arg Phe Arg Tyr Ala Ser Val Ala
510 515 520
aat agg agt ggt aca ttt aga tat tca cag cca cct tcg tat gga att 1877
Asn Arg Ser Gly Thr Phe Arg Tyr Ser Gln Pro Pro Ser Tyr Gly Ile
525 530 535
tca ttt cca aaa act atg gac gca ggt gaa cca cta aca tct cgt tcg 1925
Ser Phe Pro Lys Thr Met Asp Ala Gly Glu Pro Leu Thr Ser Arg Ser
540 545 550
ttc gct cat aca aca ctc ttc act cca ata acc ttt tca cga gct caa 1973
Phe Ala His Thr Thr Leu Phe Thr Pro Ile Thr Phe Ser Arg Ala Gln
555 560 565 570
gaa gaa ttt gat cta tac atc caa tcg ggt gtt tat ata gat cga att 2021
Glu Glu Phe Asp Leu Tyr Ile Gln Ser Gly Val Tyr Ile Asp Arg Ile
575 580 585
gaa ttt ata ccg gtt act gca aca ttt gag gca gaa tat gat tta gaa 2069
Glu Phe Ile Pro Val Thr Ala Thr Phe Glu Ala Glu Tyr Asp Leu Glu
590 595 600
aga gcg caa aag gtg gtg aat gcc ctg ttt acg tct aca aac caa cta 2117
Arg Ala Gln Lys Val Val Asn Ala Leu Phe Thr Ser Thr Asn Gln Leu
605 610 615
ggg cta aaa aca gat gtg acg gat tat cat att gat cag gta tcc aat 2165
Gly Leu Lys Thr Asp Val Thr Asp Tyr His Ile Asp Gln Val Ser Asn
620 625 630
cta gtt gcg tgt tta tcg gat gaa ttt tgt ctg gat gaa aag aga gaa 2213
Leu Val Ala Cys Leu Ser Asp Glu Phe Cys Leu Asp Glu Lys Arg Glu
635 640 645 650
ttg tcc gag aaa gtt aaa cat gca aag cga ctc agt gat gag cgg aat 2261
Leu Ser Glu Lys Val Lys His Ala Lys Arg Leu Ser Asp Glu Arg Asn
655 660 665
tta ctt caa gat cca aac ttc aga ggg atc aat agg caa cca gac cgt 2309
Leu Leu Gln Asp Pro Asn Phe Arg Gly Ile Asn Arg Gln Pro Asp Arg
670 675 680
ggc tgg aga gga agt acg gat att act atc caa gga gga gat gac gta 2357
Gly Trp Arg Gly Ser Thr Asp Ile Thr Ile Gln Gly Gly Asp Asp Val
685 690 695
ttc aaa gag aat tac gtt acg cta ccg ggt acc ttt gat gag tgc tat 2405
Phe Lys Glu Asn Tyr Val Thr Leu Pro Gly Thr Phe Asp Glu Cys Tyr
700 705 710
cca acg tat tta tat caa aaa ata gat gag tcg aaa tta aaa gcc tat 2453
Pro Thr Tyr Leu Tyr Gln Lys Ile Asp Glu Ser Lys Leu Lys Ala Tyr
715 720 725 730
acc cgt tat caa tta aga ggg tat atc gaa gat agt caa gac tta gaa 2501
Thr Arg Tyr Gln Leu Arg Gly Tyr Ile Glu Asp Ser Gln Asp Leu Glu
735 740 745
atc tat tta att cgt tac aat gca aaa cac gaa ata gta aat gta cca 2549
Ile Tyr Leu Ile Arg Tyr Asn Ala Lys His Glu Ile Val Asn Val Pro
750 755 760
ggt aca gga agt tta tgg cct ctt tct gta gaa aat caa att gga cct 2597
Gly Thr Gly Ser Leu Trp Pro Leu Ser Val Glu Asn Gln Ile Gly Pro
765 770 775
tgt gga gaa ccg aat cga tgc gcg cca cac ctt gaa tgg aat cct gat 2645
Cys Gly Glu Pro Asn Arg Cys Ala Pro His Leu Glu Trp Asn Pro Asp
780 785 790
tta cac tgt tcc tgc aga gac ggg gaa aaa tgt gca cat cat tct cat 2693
Leu His Cys Ser Cys Arg Asp Gly Glu Lys Cys Ala His His Ser His
795 800 805 810
cat ttc tct ttg gac att gat gtt gga tgt aca gac tta aat gag gac 2741
His Phe Ser Leu Asp Ile Asp Val Gly Cys Thr Asp Leu Asn Glu Asp
815 820 825
tta ggt gta tgg gtg ata ttc aag att aag acg caa gat ggc cac gca 2789
Leu Gly Val Trp Val Ile Phe Lys Ile Lys Thr Gln Asp Gly His Ala
830 835 840
cga cta ggg aat cta gag ttt ctc gaa gag aaa cca tta tta gga gaa 2837
Arg Leu Gly Asn Leu Glu Phe Leu Glu Glu Lys Pro Leu Leu Gly Glu
845 850 855
gca cta gct cgt gtg aaa aga gcg gag aaa aaa tgg aga gac aaa cgc 2885
Ala Leu Ala Arg Val Lys Arg Ala Glu Lys Lys Trp Arg Asp Lys Arg
860 865 870
gaa aca tta caa ttg gaa aca act atc gtt tat aaa gag gca aaa gaa 2933
Glu Thr Leu Gln Leu Glu Thr Thr Ile Val Tyr Lys Glu Ala Lys Glu
875 880 885 890
tct gta gat gct tta ttt gta aac tct caa tat gat aga tta caa gcg 2981
Ser Val Asp Ala Leu Phe Val Asn Ser Gln Tyr Asp Arg Leu Gln Ala
895 900 905
gat acg aac atc gcg atg att cat gcg gca gat aaa cgc gtt cat aga 3029
Asp Thr Asn Ile Ala Met Ile His Ala Ala Asp Lys Arg Val His Arg
910 915 920
att cga gaa gcg tat ctg ccg gag ctg tct gtg att ccg ggt gtc aat 3077
Ile Arg Glu Ala Tyr Leu Pro Glu Leu Ser Val Ile Pro Gly Val Asn
925 930 935
gcg gct att ttt gaa gaa tta gaa gag cgt att ttc act gca ttt tcc 3125
Ala Ala Ile Phe Glu Glu Leu Glu Glu Arg Ile Phe Thr Ala Phe Ser
940 945 950
cta tat gat gcg aga aat att att aaa aat ggc gat ttc aat aat ggc 3173
Leu Tyr Asp Ala Arg Asn Ile Ile Lys Asn Gly Asp Phe Asn Asn Gly
955 960 965 970
tta tta tgc tgg aac gtg aaa ggg cat gta gag gta gaa gaa caa aac 3221
Leu Leu Cys Trp Asn Val Lys Gly His Val Glu Val Glu Glu Gln Asn
975 980 985
aat cac cgt tca gtc ctg gtt atc cca gaa tgg gag gca gaa gtg tca 3269
Asn His Arg Ser Val Leu Val Ile Pro Glu Trp Glu Ala Glu Val Ser
990 995 1000
caa gag gtt cgt gtc tgt cca ggt cgt ggc tat atc ctt cgt gtt aca 3317
Gln Glu Val Arg Val Cys Pro Gly Arg Gly Tyr Ile Leu Arg Val Thr
1005 1010 1015
gcg tac aaa gag gga tat gga gaa ggt tgc gta acg atc cat gag atc 3365
Ala Tyr Lys Glu Gly Tyr Gly Glu Gly Cys Val Thr Ile His Glu Ile
1020 1025 1030
gag aac aat aca gac gaa ctg aaa ttc aac aac tgt gta gaa gag gaa 3413
Glu Asn Asn Thr Asp Glu Leu Lys Phe Asn Asn Cys Val Glu Glu Glu
1035 1040 1045 1050
gta tat cca aac aac acg gta acg tgt att aat tat act gcg act caa 3461
Val Tyr Pro Asn Asn Thr Val Thr Cys Ile Asn Tyr Thr Ala Thr Gln
1055 1060 1065
gaa gaa tat gag ggt acg tac act tct cgt aat cga gga tat gac gaa 3509
Glu Glu Tyr Glu Gly Thr Tyr Thr Ser Arg Asn Arg Gly Tyr Asp Glu
1070 1075 1080
gcc tat ggt aat aac cct tcc gta cca gct gat tat gcg tca gtc tat 3557
Ala Tyr Gly Asn Asn Pro Ser Val Pro Ala Asp Tyr Ala Ser Val Tyr
1085 1090 1095
gaa gaa aaa tcg tat aca gat aga cga aga gag aat cct tgt gaa tct 3605
Glu Glu Lys Ser Tyr Thr Asp Arg Arg Arg Glu Asn Pro Cys Glu Ser
1100 1105 1110
aac aga gga tat gga gat tac aca cca cta cca gct ggt tat gta aca 3653
Asn Arg Gly Tyr Gly Asp Tyr Thr Pro Leu Pro Ala Gly Tyr Val Thr
1115 1120 1125 1130
aag gaa tta gag tac ttc cca gag acc gat aag gta tgg att gag att 3701
Lys Glu Leu Glu Tyr Phe Pro Glu Thr Asp Lys Val Trp Ile Glu Ile
1135 1140 1145
gga gaa aca gaa gga aca ttc atc gtg gac agc gtg gaa tta ctc ctt 3749
Gly Glu Thr Glu Gly Thr Phe Ile Val Asp Ser Val Glu Leu Leu Leu
1150 1155 1160
atg gag gaa tag gaccatccga gtatagcagt ttaataaata ttaattaaaa 3801
Met Glu Glu
tagtagtcta acttccgttc caattaaata agtaaattac agttgtaaaa aaaaacgaac 3861
attactcttc aaagagcgat gtccgttttt tatatggtgt gt 3903




Bacillus thuringiensis

Met Glu Ile Asn Asn Gln Asn Gln Cys Val Pro Tyr Asn Cys Leu Ser
1 5 10 15
Asn Pro Lys Glu Ile Ile Leu Gly Glu Glu Arg Leu Glu Thr Gly Asn
20 25 30
Thr Val Ala Asp Ile Ser Leu Gly Leu Ile Asn Phe Leu Tyr Ser Asn
35 40 45
Phe Val Pro Gly Gly Gly Phe Ile Val Gly Leu Leu Glu Leu Ile Trp
50 55 60
Gly Phe Ile Gly Pro Ser Gln Trp Asp Ile Phe Leu Ala Gln Ile Glu
65 70 75 80
Gln Leu Ile Ser Gln Arg Ile Glu Glu Phe Ala Arg Asn Gln Ala Ile
85 90 95
Ser Arg Leu Glu Gly Leu Ser Asn Leu Tyr Lys Val Tyr Val Arg Ala
100 105 110
Phe Ser Asp Trp Glu Lys Asp Pro Thr Asn Pro Ala Leu Arg Glu Glu
115 120 125
Met Arg Ile Gln Phe Asn Asp Met Asn Ser Ala Leu Ile Thr Ala Ile
130 135 140
Pro Leu Phe Arg Val Gln Asn Tyr Glu Val Ala Leu Leu Ser Val Tyr
145 150 155 160
Val Gln Ala Ala Asn Leu His Leu Ser Ile Leu Arg Asp Val Ser Val
165 170 175
Phe Gly Glu Arg Trp Gly Tyr Asp Thr Ala Thr Ile Asn Asn Arg Tyr
180 185 190
Ser Asp Leu Thr Ser Leu Ile His Val Tyr Thr Asn His Cys Val Asp
195 200 205
Thr Tyr Asn Gln Gly Leu Arg Arg Leu Glu Gly Arg Phe Leu Ser Asp
210 215 220
Trp Ile Val Tyr Asn Arg Phe Arg Arg Gln Leu Thr Ile Ser Val Leu
225 230 235 240
Asp Ile Val Ala Phe Phe Pro Asn Tyr Asp Ile Arg Thr Tyr Pro Ile
245 250 255
Gln Thr Ala Thr Gln Leu Thr Arg Glu Val Tyr Leu Asp Leu Pro Phe
260 265 270
Ile Asn Gln Asn Leu Ser Pro Ala Ala Ser Tyr Pro Thr Phe Ser Ala
275 280 285
Ala Glu Ser Ala Ile Ile Arg Ser Pro His Leu Val Asp Phe Leu Asn
290 295 300
Ser Phe Thr Ile Tyr Thr Asp Ser Leu Ala Arg Tyr Ala Tyr Trp Gly
305 310 315 320
Gly His Leu Val Asn Ser Phe Arg Thr Gly Thr Thr Thr Asn Leu Ile
325 330 335
Arg Ser Pro Leu Tyr Gly Arg Glu Gly Asn Thr Glu Arg Pro Val Thr
340 345 350
Ile Thr Ala Ser Pro Ser Val Pro Ile Phe Arg Thr Leu Ser Tyr Ile
355 360 365
Thr Gly Leu Asp Asn Ser Asn Pro Val Ala Gly Ile Glu Gly Val Glu
370 375 380
Phe Gln Asn Thr Ile Ser Arg Ser Ile Tyr Arg Lys Ser Gly Pro Ile
385 390 395 400
Asp Ser Phe Ser Glu Leu Pro Pro Gln Asp Ala Ser Val Ser Pro Ala
405 410 415
Ile Gly Tyr Ser His Arg Leu Cys His Ala Thr Phe Leu Glu Arg Ile
420 425 430
Ser Gly Pro Arg Ile Ala Gly Thr Val Phe Ser Trp Thr His Arg Ser
435 440 445
Ala Ser Pro Thr Asn Glu Val Ser Pro Ser Arg Ile Thr Gln Ile Pro
450 455 460
Trp Val Lys Ala His Thr Leu Ala Ser Gly Ala Ser Val Ile Lys Gly
465 470 475 480
Pro Gly Phe Thr Gly Gly Asp Ile Leu Thr Arg Asn Ser Met Gly Glu
485 490 495
Leu Gly Thr Leu Arg Val Thr Phe Thr Gly Arg Leu Pro Gln Ser Tyr
500 505 510
Tyr Ile Arg Phe Arg Tyr Ala Ser Val Ala Asn Arg Ser Gly Thr Phe
515 520 525
Arg Tyr Ser Gln Pro Pro Ser Tyr Gly Ile Ser Phe Pro Lys Thr Met
530 535 540
Asp Ala Gly Glu Pro Leu Thr Ser Arg Ser Phe Ala His Thr Thr Leu
545 550 555 560
Phe Thr Pro Ile Thr Phe Ser Arg Ala Gln Glu Glu Phe Asp Leu Tyr
565 570 575
Ile Gln Ser Gly Val Tyr Ile Asp Arg Ile Glu Phe Ile Pro Val Thr
580 585 590
Ala Thr Phe Glu Ala Glu Tyr Asp Leu Glu Arg Ala Gln Lys Val Val
595 600 605
Asn Ala Leu Phe Thr Ser Thr Asn Gln Leu Gly Leu Lys Thr Asp Val
610 615 620
Thr Asp Tyr His Ile Asp Gln Val Ser Asn Leu Val Ala Cys Leu Ser
625 630 635 640
Asp Glu Phe Cys Leu Asp Glu Lys Arg Glu Leu Ser Glu Lys Val Lys
645 650 655
His Ala Lys Arg Leu Ser Asp Glu Arg Asn Leu Leu Gln Asp Pro Asn
660 665 670
Phe Arg Gly Ile Asn Arg Gln Pro Asp Arg Gly Trp Arg Gly Ser Thr
675 680 685
Asp Ile Thr Ile Gln Gly Gly Asp Asp Val Phe Lys Glu Asn Tyr Val
690 695 700
Thr Leu Pro Gly Thr Phe Asp Glu Cys Tyr Pro Thr Tyr Leu Tyr Gln
705 710 715 720
Lys Ile Asp Glu Ser Lys Leu Lys Ala Tyr Thr Arg Tyr Gln Leu Arg
725 730 735
Gly Tyr Ile Glu Asp Ser Gln Asp Leu Glu Ile Tyr Leu Ile Arg Tyr
740 745 750
Asn Ala Lys His Glu Ile Val Asn Val Pro Gly Thr Gly Ser Leu Trp
755 760 765
Pro Leu Ser Val Glu Asn Gln Ile Gly Pro Cys Gly Glu Pro Asn Arg
770 775 780
Cys Ala Pro His Leu Glu Trp Asn Pro Asp Leu His Cys Ser Cys Arg
785 790 795 800
Asp Gly Glu Lys Cys Ala His His Ser His His Phe Ser Leu Asp Ile
805 810 815
Asp Val Gly Cys Thr Asp Leu Asn Glu Asp Leu Gly Val Trp Val Ile
820 825 830
Phe Lys Ile Lys Thr Gln Asp Gly His Ala Arg Leu Gly Asn Leu Glu
835 840 845
Phe Leu Glu Glu Lys Pro Leu Leu Gly Glu Ala Leu Ala Arg Val Lys
850 855 860
Arg Ala Glu Lys Lys Trp Arg Asp Lys Arg Glu Thr Leu Gln Leu Glu
865 870 875 880
Thr Thr Ile Val Tyr Lys Glu Ala Lys Glu Ser Val Asp Ala Leu Phe
885 890 895
Val Asn Ser Gln Tyr Asp Arg Leu Gln Ala Asp Thr Asn Ile Ala Met
900 905 910
Ile His Ala Ala Asp Lys Arg Val His Arg Ile Arg Glu Ala Tyr Leu
915 920 925
Pro Glu Leu Ser Val Ile Pro Gly Val Asn Ala Ala Ile Phe Glu Glu
930 935 940
Leu Glu Glu Arg Ile Phe Thr Ala Phe Ser Leu Tyr Asp Ala Arg Asn
945 950 955 960
Ile Ile Lys Asn Gly Asp Phe Asn Asn Gly Leu Leu Cys Trp Asn Val
965 970 975
Lys Gly His Val Glu Val Glu Glu Gln Asn Asn His Arg Ser Val Leu
980 985 990
Val Ile Pro Glu Trp Glu Ala Glu Val Ser Gln Glu Val Arg Val Cys
995 1000 1005
Pro Gly Arg Gly Tyr Ile Leu Arg Val Thr Ala Tyr Lys Glu Gly Tyr
1010 1015 1020
Gly Glu Gly Cys Val Thr Ile His Glu Ile Glu Asn Asn Thr Asp Glu
025 1030 1035 1040
Leu Lys Phe Asn Asn Cys Val Glu Glu Glu Val Tyr Pro Asn Asn Thr
1045 1050 1055
Val Thr Cys Ile Asn Tyr Thr Ala Thr Gln Glu Glu Tyr Glu Gly Thr
1060 1065 1070
Tyr Thr Ser Arg Asn Arg Gly Tyr Asp Glu Ala Tyr Gly Asn Asn Pro
1075 1080 1085
Ser Val Pro Ala Asp Tyr Ala Ser Val Tyr Glu Glu Lys Ser Tyr Thr
1090 1095 1100
Asp Arg Arg Arg Glu Asn Pro Cys Glu Ser Asn Arg Gly Tyr Gly Asp
105 1110 1115 1120
Tyr Thr Pro Leu Pro Ala Gly Tyr Val Thr Lys Glu Leu Glu Tyr Phe
1125 1130 1135
Pro Glu Thr Asp Lys Val Trp Ile Glu Ile Gly Glu Thr Glu Gly Thr
1140 1145 1150
Phe Ile Val Asp Ser Val Glu Leu Leu Leu Met Glu Glu
1155 1160 1165




Bacillus thuringiensis



aatagaatct caaatctcga tgactgctta gtctttttaa tactgtctac ttgacagggg 60
taggaacata atcggtcaat tttaaatatg gggcatatat tgatatttta taaaatttgt 120
tacgtttttt gtattttttc ataagatgtg tcatatgtat taaatcgtgg taatgaaaaa 180
cagtatcaaa ctatcagaac tttggtagtt taataaaaaa acggaggtat ttt atg 236
gag gaa aat aat caa aat caa tgc ata cct tac aat tgt tta agt aat 284
Glu Glu Asn Asn Gln Asn Gln Cys Ile Pro Tyr Asn Cys Leu Ser Asn
5 10 15
cct gaa gaa gta ctt ttg gat gga gaa cgg ata tca act ggt aat tca 332
Pro Glu Glu Val Leu Leu Asp Gly Glu Arg Ile Ser Thr Gly Asn Ser
20 25 30
tca att gat att tct ctg tca ctt gtt cag ttt atg gta tct aac ttt 380
Ser Ile Asp Ile Ser Leu Ser Leu Val Gln Phe Met Val Ser Asn Phe
35 40 45
gta cca ggg gga gga ttt tta gtt gga tta ata gat ttt gta tgg gga 428
Val Pro Gly Gly Gly Phe Leu Val Gly Leu Ile Asp Phe Val Trp Gly
50 55 60 65
ata gtt ggc cct tct caa tgg gat gca ttt cta gta caa att gaa caa 476
Ile Val Gly Pro Ser Gln Trp Asp Ala Phe Leu Val Gln Ile Glu Gln
70 75 80
tta att aat gaa aga ata gct gaa ttt gct agg aat gct gct att gct 524
Leu Ile Asn Glu Arg Ile Ala Glu Phe Ala Arg Asn Ala Ala Ile Ala
85 90 95
aat tta gaa gga tta gaa aac aat tta aat ata tat gtg gaa gca ttt 572
Asn Leu Glu Gly Leu Glu Asn Asn Leu Asn Ile Tyr Val Glu Ala Phe
100 105 110
aaa gaa tgg gaa gaa gat cct aat aat cca gaa acc agg acc aga gta 620
Lys Glu Trp Glu Glu Asp Pro Asn Asn Pro Glu Thr Arg Thr Arg Val
115 120 125
att gat cgc ttt cgt ata ctt gat ggg cta ctt gaa agg gac att cct 668
Ile Asp Arg Phe Arg Ile Leu Asp Gly Leu Leu Glu Arg Asp Ile Pro
130 135 140 145
tcg ttt cga att tct gga ttt gaa gta ccc ctt tta tcc gtt tat gct 716
Ser Phe Arg Ile Ser Gly Phe Glu Val Pro Leu Leu Ser Val Tyr Ala
150 155 160
caa gcg gcc aat ctg cat cta gct ata tta aga gat tct gta att ttt 764
Gln Ala Ala Asn Leu His Leu Ala Ile Leu Arg Asp Ser Val Ile Phe
165 170 175
gga gaa aga tgg gga ttg aca acg ata aat gtc aat gaa aac tat aat 812
Gly Glu Arg Trp Gly Leu Thr Thr Ile Asn Val Asn Glu Asn Tyr Asn
180 185 190
aga cta att agg cat att gat gaa tat gct gat cac tgt gca aat acg 860
Arg Leu Ile Arg His Ile Asp Glu Tyr Ala Asp His Cys Ala Asn Thr
195 200 205
tat aat cgg gga tta aat aat tta ccg aaa tct acg tat caa gat tgg 908
Tyr Asn Arg Gly Leu Asn Asn Leu Pro Lys Ser Thr Tyr Gln Asp Trp
210 215 220 225
ata aca tat aat cga tta cgg aga gac tta aca ttg act gta tta gat 956
Ile Thr Tyr Asn Arg Leu Arg Arg Asp Leu Thr Leu Thr Val Leu Asp
230 235 240
atc gcc gct ttc ttt cca aac tat gac aat agg aga tat cca att cag 1004
Ile Ala Ala Phe Phe Pro Asn Tyr Asp Asn Arg Arg Tyr Pro Ile Gln
245 250 255
cca gtt ggt caa cta aca agg gaa gtt tat acg gac cca tta att aat 1052
Pro Val Gly Gln Leu Thr Arg Glu Val Tyr Thr Asp Pro Leu Ile Asn
260 265 270
ttt aat cca cag tta cag tct gta gct caa tta cct act ttt aac gtt 1100
Phe Asn Pro Gln Leu Gln Ser Val Ala Gln Leu Pro Thr Phe Asn Val
275 280 285
atg gag agc agc gca att aga aat cct cat tta ttt gat ata ttg aat 1148
Met Glu Ser Ser Ala Ile Arg Asn Pro His Leu Phe Asp Ile Leu Asn
290 295 300 305
aat ctt aca atc ttt acg gat tgg ttt agt gtt gga cgc aat ttt tat 1196
Asn Leu Thr Ile Phe Thr Asp Trp Phe Ser Val Gly Arg Asn Phe Tyr
310 315 320
tgg gga gga cat cga gta ata tct agc ctt ata gga ggt ggt aac ata 1244
Trp Gly Gly His Arg Val Ile Ser Ser Leu Ile Gly Gly Gly Asn Ile
325 330 335
aca tct cct ata tat gga aga gag gcg aac cag gag cct cca aga tcc 1292
Thr Ser Pro Ile Tyr Gly Arg Glu Ala Asn Gln Glu Pro Pro Arg Ser
340 345 350
ttt act ttt aat gga ccg gta ttt agg act tta tca aat cct act tta 1340
Phe Thr Phe Asn Gly Pro Val Phe Arg Thr Leu Ser Asn Pro Thr Leu
355 360 365
cga tta tta cag caa cct tgg cca gcg cca cca ttt aat tta cgt ggt 1388
Arg Leu Leu Gln Gln Pro Trp Pro Ala Pro Pro Phe Asn Leu Arg Gly
370 375 380 385
gtt gaa gga gta gaa ttt tct aca cct aca aat agc ttt acg tat cga 1436
Val Glu Gly Val Glu Phe Ser Thr Pro Thr Asn Ser Phe Thr Tyr Arg
390 395 400
gga aga ggt acg gtt gat tct tta act gaa tta ccg cct gag gat aat 1484
Gly Arg Gly Thr Val Asp Ser Leu Thr Glu Leu Pro Pro Glu Asp Asn
405 410 415
agt gtg cca cct cgc gaa gga tat agt cat cgt tta tgt cat gca act 1532
Ser Val Pro Pro Arg Glu Gly Tyr Ser His Arg Leu Cys His Ala Thr
420 425 430
ttt gtt caa aga tct gga aca cct ttt tta aca act ggt gta gta ttt 1580
Phe Val Gln Arg Ser Gly Thr Pro Phe Leu Thr Thr Gly Val Val Phe
435 440 445
tct tgg acg cat cgt agt gca act ctt aca aat aca att gat cca gag 1628
Ser Trp Thr His Arg Ser Ala Thr Leu Thr Asn Thr Ile Asp Pro Glu
450 455 460 465
aga att aat caa ata cct tta gtg aaa gga ttt aga gtt tgg ggg ggc 1676
Arg Ile Asn Gln Ile Pro Leu Val Lys Gly Phe Arg Val Trp Gly Gly
470 475 480
acc tct gtc att aca gga cca gga ttt aca gga ggg gat atc ctt cga 1724
Thr Ser Val Ile Thr Gly Pro Gly Phe Thr Gly Gly Asp Ile Leu Arg
485 490 495
aga aat acc ttt ggt gat ttt gta tct cta caa gtc aat att aat tca 1772
Arg Asn Thr Phe Gly Asp Phe Val Ser Leu Gln Val Asn Ile Asn Ser
500 505 510
cca att acc caa aga tac cgt tta aga ttt cgt tac gct tcc agt agg 1820
Pro Ile Thr Gln Arg Tyr Arg Leu Arg Phe Arg Tyr Ala Ser Ser Arg
515 520 525
gat gca cga gtt ata gta tta aca gga gcg gca tcc aca gga gtg gga 1868
Asp Ala Arg Val Ile Val Leu Thr Gly Ala Ala Ser Thr Gly Val Gly
530 535 540 545
ggc caa gtt agt gta aat atg cct ctt cag aaa act atg gaa ata ggg 1916
Gly Gln Val Ser Val Asn Met Pro Leu Gln Lys Thr Met Glu Ile Gly
550 555 560
gag aac tta aca tct aga aca ttt aga tat acc gat ttt agt aat cct 1964
Glu Asn Leu Thr Ser Arg Thr Phe Arg Tyr Thr Asp Phe Ser Asn Pro
565 570 575
ttt tca ttt aga gct aat cca gat ata att ggg ata agt gaa caa cct 2012
Phe Ser Phe Arg Ala Asn Pro Asp Ile Ile Gly Ile Ser Glu Gln Pro
580 585 590
cta ttt ggt gca ggt tct att agt agc ggt gaa ctt tat ata gat aaa 2060
Leu Phe Gly Ala Gly Ser Ile Ser Ser Gly Glu Leu Tyr Ile Asp Lys
595 600 605
att gaa att att cta gca gat gca aca ttt gaa gca gaa tct gat tta 2108
Ile Glu Ile Ile Leu Ala Asp Ala Thr Phe Glu Ala Glu Ser Asp Leu
610 615 620 625
gaa aga gca caa aag gcg gtg aat gcc ctg ttt act tct tcc aat caa 2156
Glu Arg Ala Gln Lys Ala Val Asn Ala Leu Phe Thr Ser Ser Asn Gln
630 635 640
atc ggg tta aaa acc gat gtg acg gat tat cat att gat caa gta tcc 2204
Ile Gly Leu Lys Thr Asp Val Thr Asp Tyr His Ile Asp Gln Val Ser
645 650 655
aat tta gtg gat tgt tta tca gat gaa ttt tgt ctg gat gaa aag cga 2252
Asn Leu Val Asp Cys Leu Ser Asp Glu Phe Cys Leu Asp Glu Lys Arg
660 665 670
gaa ttg tcc gag aaa gtc aaa cat gcg aag cga ctc agt gat gag cgg 2300
Glu Leu Ser Glu Lys Val Lys His Ala Lys Arg Leu Ser Asp Glu Arg
675 680 685
aat tta ctt caa gat cca aac ttc aga ggg atc aat aga caa cca gac 2348
Asn Leu Leu Gln Asp Pro Asn Phe Arg Gly Ile Asn Arg Gln Pro Asp
690 695 700 705
cgt ggc tgg aga gga agt aca gat att acc atc caa gga gga gat gac 2396
Arg Gly Trp Arg Gly Ser Thr Asp Ile Thr Ile Gln Gly Gly Asp Asp
710 715 720
gta ttc aaa gag aat tac gtc aca cta ccg ggt acc gtt gat gag tgc 2444
Val Phe Lys Glu Asn Tyr Val Thr Leu Pro Gly Thr Val Asp Glu Cys
725 730 735
tat cca acg tat tta tat cag aaa ata gat gag tcg aaa tta aaa gct 2492
Tyr Pro Thr Tyr Leu Tyr Gln Lys Ile Asp Glu Ser Lys Leu Lys Ala
740 745 750
tat acc cgt tat gaa tta aga ggg tat atc gaa gat agt caa gac tta 2540
Tyr Thr Arg Tyr Glu Leu Arg Gly Tyr Ile Glu Asp Ser Gln Asp Leu
755 760 765
gaa atc tat ttg atc cgt tac aat gca aaa cac gaa ata gta aat gtg 2588
Glu Ile Tyr Leu Ile Arg Tyr Asn Ala Lys His Glu Ile Val Asn Val
770 775 780 785
cca ggc acg ggt tcc tta tgg ccg ctt tca gcc caa agt cca atc gga 2636
Pro Gly Thr Gly Ser Leu Trp Pro Leu Ser Ala Gln Ser Pro Ile Gly
790 795 800
aag tgt gga gaa ccg aat cga tgc gcg cca cac ctt gaa tgg aat cct 2684
Lys Cys Gly Glu Pro Asn Arg Cys Ala Pro His Leu Glu Trp Asn Pro
805 810 815
gat cta gat tgt tcc tgc aga gac ggg gaa aaa tgt gca cat cat tcc 2732
Asp Leu Asp Cys Ser Cys Arg Asp Gly Glu Lys Cys Ala His His Ser
820 825 830
cat cat ttc acc ttg gat att gat gtt gga tgt aca gac tta aat gag 2780
His His Phe Thr Leu Asp Ile Asp Val Gly Cys Thr Asp Leu Asn Glu
835 840 845
gac tta ggt gta tgg gtg ata ttc aag att aag acg caa gat ggc cat 2828
Asp Leu Gly Val Trp Val Ile Phe Lys Ile Lys Thr Gln Asp Gly His
850 855 860 865
gca aga cta ggg aat cta gag ttt ctc gaa gag aaa cca tta tta ggg 2876
Ala Arg Leu Gly Asn Leu Glu Phe Leu Glu Glu Lys Pro Leu Leu Gly
870 875 880
gaa gca cta gct cgt gtg aaa aga gcg gag aag aag tgg aga gac aaa 2924
Glu Ala Leu Ala Arg Val Lys Arg Ala Glu Lys Lys Trp Arg Asp Lys
885 890 895
cga gag aaa ctg cag ttg gaa aca aat att gtt tat aaa gag gca aaa 2972
Arg Glu Lys Leu Gln Leu Glu Thr Asn Ile Val Tyr Lys Glu Ala Lys
900 905 910
gaa tct gta gat gct tta ttt gta aac tct caa tat gat aga tta caa 3020
Glu Ser Val Asp Ala Leu Phe Val Asn Ser Gln Tyr Asp Arg Leu Gln
915 920 925
gtg gat acg aac atc gcg atg att cat gcg gca gat aaa cgc gtt cat 3068
Val Asp Thr Asn Ile Ala Met Ile His Ala Ala Asp Lys Arg Val His
930 935 940 945
aga atc cgg gaa gcg tat ctg cca gag ttg tct gtg att cca ggt gtc 3116
Arg Ile Arg Glu Ala Tyr Leu Pro Glu Leu Ser Val Ile Pro Gly Val
950 955 960
aat gcg gcc att ttc gaa gaa tta gag gga cgt att ttt aca gcg tat 3164
Asn Ala Ala Ile Phe Glu Glu Leu Glu Gly Arg Ile Phe Thr Ala Tyr
965 970 975
tcc tta tat gat gcg aga aat gtc att aaa aat ggc gat ttc aat aat 3212
Ser Leu Tyr Asp Ala Arg Asn Val Ile Lys Asn Gly Asp Phe Asn Asn
980 985 990
ggc tta tta tgc tgg aac gtg aaa ggt cat gta gat gta gaa gag caa 3260
Gly Leu Leu Cys Trp Asn Val Lys Gly His Val Asp Val Glu Glu Gln
995 1000 1005
aac aac cac cgt tcg gtc ctt gtt atc cca gaa tgg gag gca gaa gtg 3308
Asn Asn His Arg Ser Val Leu Val Ile Pro Glu Trp Glu Ala Glu Val
1010 1015 1020 1025
tca caa gag gtt cgt gtc tgt cca ggt cgt ggc tat atc ctt cgt gtc 3356
Ser Gln Glu Val Arg Val Cys Pro Gly Arg Gly Tyr Ile Leu Arg Val
1030 1035 1040
aca gca tat aaa gag gga tat gga gag ggc tgc gta acg atc cat gag 3404
Thr Ala Tyr Lys Glu Gly Tyr Gly Glu Gly Cys Val Thr Ile His Glu
1045 1050 1055
atc gaa gac aat aca gac gaa ctg aaa ttc agc aac tgt gta gaa gag 3452
Ile Glu Asp Asn Thr Asp Glu Leu Lys Phe Ser Asn Cys Val Glu Glu
1060 1065 1070
gaa gta tat cca aac aac aca gta acg tgt aat aat tat act ggg act 3500
Glu Val Tyr Pro Asn Asn Thr Val Thr Cys Asn Asn Tyr Thr Gly Thr
1075 1080 1085
caa gaa gaa tat gag ggt acg tac act tct cgt aat caa gga tat gac 3548
Gln Glu Glu Tyr Glu Gly Thr Tyr Thr Ser Arg Asn Gln Gly Tyr Asp
1090 1095 1100 1105
gaa gcc tat ggt aat aac cct tcc gta cca gct gat tac gct tca gtc 3596
Glu Ala Tyr Gly Asn Asn Pro Ser Val Pro Ala Asp Tyr Ala Ser Val
1110 1115 1120
tat gaa gaa aaa tcg tat aca gat gga cga aga gag aat cct tgt gaa 3644
Tyr Glu Glu Lys Ser Tyr Thr Asp Gly Arg Arg Glu Asn Pro Cys Glu
1125 1130 1135
tct aac aga ggc tat ggg gat tac aca cca cta ccg gct ggt tat gta 3692
Ser Asn Arg Gly Tyr Gly Asp Tyr Thr Pro Leu Pro Ala Gly Tyr Val
1140 1145 1150
aca aag gat tta gag tac ttc cca gag acc gat aag gta tgg att gag 3740
Thr Lys Asp Leu Glu Tyr Phe Pro Glu Thr Asp Lys Val Trp Ile Glu
1155 1160 1165
atc gga gaa aca gaa gga aca ttc atc gtg gat agc gtg gaa tta ctc 3788
Ile Gly Glu Thr Glu Gly Thr Phe Ile Val Asp Ser Val Glu Leu Leu
1170 1175 1180 1185
ctt atg gag gaa taa gatacgttat aaaatgtaac gtatgcaaat aaagaatgat 3843
Leu Met Glu Glu
tactgaccta tattaacaga taaataagaa aatttttata cgaataaaaa acggacatca 3903
ctcttaagag aatgatgtcc 3923




Bacillus thuringiensis

Met Glu Glu Asn Asn Gln Asn Gln Cys Ile Pro Tyr Asn Cys Leu Ser
1 5 10 15
Asn Pro Glu Glu Val Leu Leu Asp Gly Glu Arg Ile Ser Thr Gly Asn
20 25 30
Ser Ser Ile Asp Ile Ser Leu Ser Leu Val Gln Phe Met Val Ser Asn
35 40 45
Phe Val Pro Gly Gly Gly Phe Leu Val Gly Leu Ile Asp Phe Val Trp
50 55 60
Gly Ile Val Gly Pro Ser Gln Trp Asp Ala Phe Leu Val Gln Ile Glu
65 70 75 80
Gln Leu Ile Asn Glu Arg Ile Ala Glu Phe Ala Arg Asn Ala Ala Ile
85 90 95
Ala Asn Leu Glu Gly Leu Glu Asn Asn Leu Asn Ile Tyr Val Glu Ala
100 105 110
Phe Lys Glu Trp Glu Glu Asp Pro Asn Asn Pro Glu Thr Arg Thr Arg
115 120 125
Val Ile Asp Arg Phe Arg Ile Leu Asp Gly Leu Leu Glu Arg Asp Ile
130 135 140
Pro Ser Phe Arg Ile Ser Gly Phe Glu Val Pro Leu Leu Ser Val Tyr
145 150 155 160
Ala Gln Ala Ala Asn Leu His Leu Ala Ile Leu Arg Asp Ser Val Ile
165 170 175
Phe Gly Glu Arg Trp Gly Leu Thr Thr Ile Asn Val Asn Glu Asn Tyr
180 185 190
Asn Arg Leu Ile Arg His Ile Asp Glu Tyr Ala Asp His Cys Ala Asn
195 200 205
Thr Tyr Asn Arg Gly Leu Asn Asn Leu Pro Lys Ser Thr Tyr Gln Asp
210 215 220
Trp Ile Thr Tyr Asn Arg Leu Arg Arg Asp Leu Thr Leu Thr Val Leu
225 230 235 240
Asp Ile Ala Ala Phe Phe Pro Asn Tyr Asp Asn Arg Arg Tyr Pro Ile
245 250 255
Gln Pro Val Gly Gln Leu Thr Arg Glu Val Tyr Thr Asp Pro Leu Ile
260 265 270
Asn Phe Asn Pro Gln Leu Gln Ser Val Ala Gln Leu Pro Thr Phe Asn
275 280 285
Val Met Glu Ser Ser Ala Ile Arg Asn Pro His Leu Phe Asp Ile Leu
290 295 300
Asn Asn Leu Thr Ile Phe Thr Asp Trp Phe Ser Val Gly Arg Asn Phe
305 310 315 320
Tyr Trp Gly Gly His Arg Val Ile Ser Ser Leu Ile Gly Gly Gly Asn
325 330 335
Ile Thr Ser Pro Ile Tyr Gly Arg Glu Ala Asn Gln Glu Pro Pro Arg
340 345 350
Ser Phe Thr Phe Asn Gly Pro Val Phe Arg Thr Leu Ser Asn Pro Thr
355 360 365
Leu Arg Leu Leu Gln Gln Pro Trp Pro Ala Pro Pro Phe Asn Leu Arg
370 375 380
Gly Val Glu Gly Val Glu Phe Ser Thr Pro Thr Asn Ser Phe Thr Tyr
385 390 395 400
Arg Gly Arg Gly Thr Val Asp Ser Leu Thr Glu Leu Pro Pro Glu Asp
405 410 415
Asn Ser Val Pro Pro Arg Glu Gly Tyr Ser His Arg Leu Cys His Ala
420 425 430
Thr Phe Val Gln Arg Ser Gly Thr Pro Phe Leu Thr Thr Gly Val Val
435 440 445
Phe Ser Trp Thr His Arg Ser Ala Thr Leu Thr Asn Thr Ile Asp Pro
450 455 460
Glu Arg Ile Asn Gln Ile Pro Leu Val Lys Gly Phe Arg Val Trp Gly
465 470 475 480
Gly Thr Ser Val Ile Thr Gly Pro Gly Phe Thr Gly Gly Asp Ile Leu
485 490 495
Arg Arg Asn Thr Phe Gly Asp Phe Val Ser Leu Gln Val Asn Ile Asn
500 505 510
Ser Pro Ile Thr Gln Arg Tyr Arg Leu Arg Phe Arg Tyr Ala Ser Ser
515 520 525
Arg Asp Ala Arg Val Ile Val Leu Thr Gly Ala Ala Ser Thr Gly Val
530 535 540
Gly Gly Gln Val Ser Val Asn Met Pro Leu Gln Lys Thr Met Glu Ile
545 550 555 560
Gly Glu Asn Leu Thr Ser Arg Thr Phe Arg Tyr Thr Asp Phe Ser Asn
565 570 575
Pro Phe Ser Phe Arg Ala Asn Pro Asp Ile Ile Gly Ile Ser Glu Gln
580 585 590
Pro Leu Phe Gly Ala Gly Ser Ile Ser Ser Gly Glu Leu Tyr Ile Asp
595 600 605
Lys Ile Glu Ile Ile Leu Ala Asp Ala Thr Phe Glu Ala Glu Ser Asp
610 615 620
Leu Glu Arg Ala Gln Lys Ala Val Asn Ala Leu Phe Thr Ser Ser Asn
625 630 635 640
Gln Ile Gly Leu Lys Thr Asp Val Thr Asp Tyr His Ile Asp Gln Val
645 650 655
Ser Asn Leu Val Asp Cys Leu Ser Asp Glu Phe Cys Leu Asp Glu Lys
660 665 670
Arg Glu Leu Ser Glu Lys Val Lys His Ala Lys Arg Leu Ser Asp Glu
675 680 685
Arg Asn Leu Leu Gln Asp Pro Asn Phe Arg Gly Ile Asn Arg Gln Pro
690 695 700
Asp Arg Gly Trp Arg Gly Ser Thr Asp Ile Thr Ile Gln Gly Gly Asp
705 710 715 720
Asp Val Phe Lys Glu Asn Tyr Val Thr Leu Pro Gly Thr Val Asp Glu
725 730 735
Cys Tyr Pro Thr Tyr Leu Tyr Gln Lys Ile Asp Glu Ser Lys Leu Lys
740 745 750
Ala Tyr Thr Arg Tyr Glu Leu Arg Gly Tyr Ile Glu Asp Ser Gln Asp
755 760 765
Leu Glu Ile Tyr Leu Ile Arg Tyr Asn Ala Lys His Glu Ile Val Asn
770 775 780
Val Pro Gly Thr Gly Ser Leu Trp Pro Leu Ser Ala Gln Ser Pro Ile
785 790 795 800
Gly Lys Cys Gly Glu Pro Asn Arg Cys Ala Pro His Leu Glu Trp Asn
805 810 815
Pro Asp Leu Asp Cys Ser Cys Arg Asp Gly Glu Lys Cys Ala His His
820 825 830
Ser His His Phe Thr Leu Asp Ile Asp Val Gly Cys Thr Asp Leu Asn
835 840 845
Glu Asp Leu Gly Val Trp Val Ile Phe Lys Ile Lys Thr Gln Asp Gly
850 855 860
His Ala Arg Leu Gly Asn Leu Glu Phe Leu Glu Glu Lys Pro Leu Leu
865 870 875 880
Gly Glu Ala Leu Ala Arg Val Lys Arg Ala Glu Lys Lys Trp Arg Asp
885 890 895
Lys Arg Glu Lys Leu Gln Leu Glu Thr Asn Ile Val Tyr Lys Glu Ala
900 905 910
Lys Glu Ser Val Asp Ala Leu Phe Val Asn Ser Gln Tyr Asp Arg Leu
915 920 925
Gln Val Asp Thr Asn Ile Ala Met Ile His Ala Ala Asp Lys Arg Val
930 935 940
His Arg Ile Arg Glu Ala Tyr Leu Pro Glu Leu Ser Val Ile Pro Gly
945 950 955 960
Val Asn Ala Ala Ile Phe Glu Glu Leu Glu Gly Arg Ile Phe Thr Ala
965 970 975
Tyr Ser Leu Tyr Asp Ala Arg Asn Val Ile Lys Asn Gly Asp Phe Asn
980 985 990
Asn Gly Leu Leu Cys Trp Asn Val Lys Gly His Val Asp Val Glu Glu
995 1000 1005
Gln Asn Asn His Arg Ser Val Leu Val Ile Pro Glu Trp Glu Ala Glu
1010 1015 1020
Val Ser Gln Glu Val Arg Val Cys Pro Gly Arg Gly Tyr Ile Leu Arg
025 1030 1035 1040
Val Thr Ala Tyr Lys Glu Gly Tyr Gly Glu Gly Cys Val Thr Ile His
1045 1050 1055
Glu Ile Glu Asp Asn Thr Asp Glu Leu Lys Phe Ser Asn Cys Val Glu
1060 1065 1070
Glu Glu Val Tyr Pro Asn Asn Thr Val Thr Cys Asn Asn Tyr Thr Gly
1075 1080 1085
Thr Gln Glu Glu Tyr Glu Gly Thr Tyr Thr Ser Arg Asn Gln Gly Tyr
1090 1095 1100
Asp Glu Ala Tyr Gly Asn Asn Pro Ser Val Pro Ala Asp Tyr Ala Ser
105 1110 1115 1120
Val Tyr Glu Glu Lys Ser Tyr Thr Asp Gly Arg Arg Glu Asn Pro Cys
1125 1130 1135
Glu Ser Asn Arg Gly Tyr Gly Asp Tyr Thr Pro Leu Pro Ala Gly Tyr
1140 1145 1150
Val Thr Lys Asp Leu Glu Tyr Phe Pro Glu Thr Asp Lys Val Trp Ile
1155 1160 1165
Glu Ile Gly Glu Thr Glu Gly Thr Phe Ile Val Asp Ser Val Glu Leu
1170 1175 1180
Leu Leu Met Glu Glu

  • 1. A method for producing a plant with increased insect resistance, comprising the steps of:expressing in a plant chimeric genes encoding different Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, wherein said Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, are insecticidal to the same target insect and bind without competition to different binding sites in the gut membranes of said target insect as can be determined by in vitro binding assays with brush border membrane vesicles.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said Bacillus thuringiensis proteins are insecticidal to a Lepidopteran insect.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein said Bacillus thuringiensis proteins are insecticidal to a Coleopteran insect.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein said Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, are selected from the group consisting of:the Bt3 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt2 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt73 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt14 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt15 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt14 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt18 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt13 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt21 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the Bt22 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; the P2 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof; and the CryB2 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein a first protein of said different Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, is a Bacillus thuringiensis protein, or an insecticidal portion thereof, with a larger population of binding sites for said target insect compared to other Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, binding competitively to the gut membranes of said target insect.
  • 6. The method of claim 4, wherein a first protein of said different Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, is a Bacillus thuringiensis protein, or an insecticidal portion thereof, with a larger population of binding sites for said target insect compared to other Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, binding competitively to the gut membranes of said target insect.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, wherein the target insect is Heliothis virescens, and where the first protein is the Bt73 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof.
  • 8. The method of claim 6, wherein the target insect is Manduca sexta and where the first protein is the Bt3 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof.
  • 9. The method of claim 1, wherein said chimeric genes comprise native DNA coding sequences.
  • 10. The method of claim 1, wherein said chimeric genes comprise synthetic DNA coding sequences.
  • 11. The method of claim 4, wherein said chimeric genes comprise native DNA coding sequences.
  • 12. The method of claim 4, wherein said chimeric genes comprise synthetic DNA coding sequences.
  • 13. The method of claim 5, wherein said chimeric genes comprise native DNA coding sequences.
  • 14. The method of claim 5, wherein said chimeric genes comprise synthetic DNA coding sequences.
  • 15. The method of claim 1, wherein one of said different Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, is not a naturally occurring protein.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, wherein one of said different Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof, is a chimeric toxin, encoded by a chimeric gene comprising two variable regions of two different Bacillus thuringiensis genes.
  • 17. A method for producing a plant with increased resistance to a target insect pest species, comprising expressing in cells of a plant two genes encoding Bacillus thuringiensis proteins, or insecticidal portions thereof,wherein said proteins comprise a first protein and a second protein and said second protein is chosen using the following procedure: a) obtaining a strain of said target insect pest species that developed resistance to said first protein or an insecticidal portion thereof, b) carrying out insect bioassays and competitive binding studies using said first protein and a second protein or an insecticidal portion thereof, c) selecting a second protein, or an insecticidal portion thereof, that remains fully insecticidal to said resistant insect strain and binds to a different binding site in the target insect gut membranes compared to the first protein, or an insecticidal portion thereof.
  • 18. The method of claim 17, wherein said target insect is Plutella xylostella and said first protein is a Bt2 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof, and said second protein is a Bt15 protein or an insecticidal portion thereof.
  • 19. A plant obtained by the method of claim 1.
  • 20. A plant obtained by the method of claim 2.
  • 21. A plant obtained by the method of claim 3.
  • 22. A plant obtained by the method of claim 4.
  • 23. A plant obtained by the method of claim 5.
  • 24. A plant obtained by the method of claim 9.
  • 25. A plant obtained by the method of claim 10.
  • 26. A plant obtained by the method of claim 11.
  • 27. A plant obtained by the method of claim 12.
  • 28. A plant obtained by the method of claim 13.
  • 29. A plant obtained by the method of claim 14.
  • 30. A plant obtained by the method of claim 17.
  • 31. A plant obtained by the method of claim 17.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
89401499 May 1989 GB

This application is a divisional of application Ser. No. 08/465,609, filed Jun. 5, 1995 (U.S. Pat. No. 5,866,784), which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/173,274, filed Dec. 23, 1993 (abandoned), which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 07/640,400, filed Jan. 22, 1991 (abandoned), which is a 371 of PCT/EP/90/00905, filed May 30, 1990.

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5500365 Fischhoff et al. Mar 1996
5866784 Van Mellaert et al. Feb 1999
5908970 Van Mellaert et al. Jun 1999
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Continuations (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/173274 Dec 1993 US
Child 08/465609 US
Parent 07/640400 US
Child 08/173274 US