The proposed invention generally relates to sports equipment storage devices, more specifically to a simplified ball holder of one continuously contoured structure to accept a nested storage of a variety of ball shapes and sizes while providing means for attachment to walls or poles.
Storing a wide assortment of basketballs, soccer balls, kickballs, volley bails and the like is often problematic. Round balls tend to roll aimlessly about closets, garages and play areas when unattended or restrained from movement and, therefore, readily become a hazard rolling about the floor area. Also during practice sessions., often more than one ball are required for different drill sessions. The bail holder readily can supply more than ball because the balls are nested in one holder. During regulation games it often happens that a badly thrown or kicked ball may end up in the audience, never to be seen again. The ball holder readily supplies another ball to be put into play.
Previous ball holding devices may dedicate themselves to store a limited variety of bails by including features to contain and secure specific sizes and shapes of particular balls. Some storage devices become excessively large and bulky while attempting to accommodate additional storage features for related sports equipment other than balls. Previous devices often limit their attachment to flat surfaces such as household walls, without concern for other forms of attachment also previous devices may include multiple piece parts that often defeat simplicity and are difficult to clean and include protruding features that may cause accidental injury to the unwary.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,454,105 describes a ball bracket of multiple pieces, namely, a flat mounting plate and protruding tongs to surround and secure a specific sized ball. With the device dedicated to clinch and secure one specific sized ball. Another ball size might require alteration and adjustment of the device for acceptance of a different ball. The device includes a flat, rigid mounting plate sufficient for attachment to a flat vertical surface. This disclosed device has no specific features for adapting to a rounded surface such as a round pole.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,203,462 describes a sport equipment rack for multiple balls and related sport activities This device does not offer the simplicity and limited size for holding a single ball and is intended as a wall mounted station for assorted equipment.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,355,795 Describes a sport equipment support rack that likewise includes additional features dedicated to items other balls while becoming a larger utilitarian device requiring increased space for the intended mounting to a wall. This device lacks simplicity and becomes cumbersome while using unnecessary space.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,813,550 describes a storage rack of threaded pegs secured to a wall mounting plate this invention does not address the function of storing variously sized balls.
The ball holder or retainer of the present invention has specific design features which distinguishes it from prior devices. These features allow for the use of the ball holder to nest variously sized balls without required bracket adjustment. Further, the device limited space, is easy to clean and does not include any protruding parts to threaten accidental injury and likewise may be made from flexible material to accept incidental impact.
The rod of the invention can be made of metal that can easily be bent or from a plastic material hat can be formed under heat or the ball retainer can be formed by injection molding The device includes features to provide for mounting to conventional poles as well as flat surfaces. Further, the device is convenient, simple and inexpensive. The present invention provides a ball retainer for holding various sizes and shapes of sports related balls. The retainer includes a single piece member or rod that contours to form nesting support for random sized balls and provides means for supporting the device to either a flat or a curved surface