"Analysis of Volatile Organic Chemicals in Water Using the Ion Trap Detector.TM. (ITD.TM.)," by Jerry Thoma, Environmental Health Laboratories. |
Volatile Organics Analysis: Building a State-of-the-Art Purge and Trap GC/Ms System, Reproduced from Alltech Environmental Update. |
A Fully Automated Purge-and-Trap System for Analyzing Volatile Organics in Drinking Water, by J. S. Ho, P. Hodakievic, and T. A. Bellar. |
The Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds from EPA Method 524.2 using Purge-and-Trap Capillary Gas Chromatography, ECD, and FID. |
The analysis of volatile organics in drinking water with an OI 4460A purge and trap and an HP GC/Ms system, by Linda Doherty. |
The Analysis of Volatile Organics in Drinking Water with OI 4460A Purge and Trap and an HP GC/MS System. |
New 105m, Fused Silica HOCOL.TM. Column Provides Maximum Resolution of Volatile Compounds in Drinking Water, Reproduced from The Supelco Reporter, vol. IX, No. 4. |
An Automated Purge-and-Trap System for Analyzing Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, by Allen K. Vickers. |
Determination of Volatile Organics in Drinking Water with USEPA Method 524,2 and the the Ion Trap Detector. |
Determination of Purgeable Halocarbons and Aromatics by Photoionization Hall Electrolytic Conductivity Detectors Connected in Series. |