Scalable cache

Requests for objects are received from one or more clients in a system comprised of a plurality of nodes. One of the requests is sent from one of the clients. The request is received from a first node of said plurality of nodes by a second node of said plurality of nodes. A requested object is returned from the second node of the plurality of nodes using one of a plurality of protocols. The method may be applied to a scalable and highly available cache array. The cache array may enhance the performance and throughput of Web servers connected to a network such as the Internet. A network dispatcher may send requests to a cache node of a cache array. The cache node selected by the network dispatcher may either serve the request, handoff the request to another cache node of a cache array, or communicate via one of a variety of protocols with another cache node of the cache array to cooperatively serve the request. A network dispatcher, operating in a special mode, may also function as a content based router. Thus, it is also possible for a network dispatcher to route requests using a combination of content-based and non-content-based routing in order to further improve system performance.


The present invention relates in general to a caching system. In particular, the present invention relates to a scalable and highly available cache in computer networks. Furthermore, the present invention relates to an array of caches used in a client/server environment such as, in particular, the World Wide Web.


Caching is commonly used for improving performance on computer systems. Once an object is stored in a cache, subsequent requests for the cached object may be satisfied by the cache. Satisfying requests for an object from a cache may incur less overhead than regenerating or retrieving the object from a remote location. Slow performance coupled with a growing demand for Web services, may cause Web servers to become inefficient or unusable.

Caching offers a methodology for dealing with growing demands for greater throughput for Web and Proxy servers. Systems of clients and servers on the World Wide Web, for example, may use caching to improve performance. In some instances, Web server applications may perform slowly and inefficiently without the benefit of a cache. Without the benefit of a caching scheme, Web servers may become a system bottleneck. The underlying operating system running on a Web server, for example, may have performance problems impeding the throughput of the Web server. One technique for improving the performance of Web servers is to store frequently requested data (e.g. Web pages) in a cache. Retrieving data from the cache may require less overhead than retrieving the data from the Web server.


Requests for objects are received from one or more clients in a system comprised of a plurality of nodes. One of the requests is sent from one of the clients. The request is received from a first node of said plurality of nodes by a second node of said plurality of nodes. A requested object is returned from the second node of the plurality of nodes using one of a plurality of protocols.


The invention is best understood from the following detailed description when read in connection with the accompanying figures. It is emphasized that, according to common practice, the various features of the figures are not to scale. On the contrary, the dimensions of the various features are arbitrarily expanded or reduced for clarity. Included are the following figures:





) is a block diagram is of an exemplary computer network system in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;





) is a flowchart diagram of a method for retrieving a requested object in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 2

is a block diagram which illustrates a method for retrieving a requested object in case of a cache member hit and a cache array hit in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 3

is a block diagram which illustrates a method for retrieving a requested object in case of a cache member hit and a cache array miss in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention;




FIG. 7

are block diagrams which illustrate a method for retrieving a requested object in case of a cache member miss in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention; and

FIG. 8

is a block diagram which illustrates a method for retrieving a requested object in the case of content based routing in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention.


Glossary of Terms

While dictionary meanings are also implied by terms used herein, the following definitions may also be helpful.


A client computer which typically issues commands and/or requests to one or more servers which perform the task associated with the command and/or request.


A server is a computer which performs a task at the command and/or request of one or more client computers.

World Wide Web (Web)

An Internet service that links documents by providing hyperlinks from server to server. Users may “jump” from document to document by clicking on highlighted words or phrases of interest (hypertext links), click on graphics such as applets or image maps, fill in forms, and enter URLs. User's may “jump” from document to document no matter where the documents are stored on the Internet. Internet Web servers support clients and provide information. Users “browse the Web” using Web client programs. The web may be considered as the Internet with resources addressed by URLs using HTTP protocols to transfer information between computers. HTML (among other formats) may be used to display information corresponding to URLs and provide point-and-click interface to other URLs.

Universal Resource Locator (URL)

An address for a resource on the Internet. URLs are used by Web browsers to locate Internet resources. A URL specifies the protocol to be used in accessing the resource (such as http: for a World Wide Web page or ftp: for an FTP site), the name of the server on which the resource resides (such as //, and, optionally, the path to a resource (such as an HTML document or a file on that server).

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

The markup language used for documents on the World Wide Web. HTML is an application of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) that uses tags to mark elements, such as text and graphics, in a document to indicate how Web browsers should display these elements to the user and should respond to user actions such as activation of a link by means of a key press or mouse click. HTML is a device-independent representation of content on Web servers. Web servers may deliver content (including hyperlinks) to clients in HTML with confidence that the client will choose an appropriate presentation.

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The client/server protocol used to access information on the World Wide Web. HTTP is an example of a stateless protocol. In other words, every request from a client to a server is treated independently. Clients send requests to servers and servers respond using this protocol.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

A connectionless protocol within TCP/IP that corresponds to the transport layer in the ISO/OSI model. UDP converts data messages generated by an application into packets to be sent via IP but may not verify that messages have been delivered correctly. Therefore, UDP may be more efficient than TCP, so it may be used for various purposes, including SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol); the reliability may depend on the application that generates the message.


An intermediary device on a communications network that expedites message delivery. On a single network linking many computers through a mesh of possible connections, a router receives transmitted messages and forwards them to their correct destinations over the most efficient available route. On an interconnected set of local area networks (LANs) using the same communications protocols, a router serves the somewhat different function of acting as a link between LANs, enabling messages to be sent from one to another.

Web Browser

A client application that enables a user to view HTML (or other) documents on the World Wide Web, another network, or the user's computer; follow the hyperlinks among them; and transfer files.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets to be sent via IP, and the reassembly and verification of the complete messages from packets received by IP. TCP corresponds to the transport layer in the ISO/OSI model.

Internet Protocol (IP)

The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets, the routing of the packets from sender to destination network and station, and the reassembly of the packets into the original data messages at the destination. IP corresponds to the network layer in the ISO/OSI model.


A protocol developed by the Department of Defense for communications between computers. It is built into the UNIX system and has become the de facto standard for data transmission over networks, including the Internet.

Proxy Server

A component that manages Internet traffic to and from a local area network (LAN) and can provide other features, such as document caching and access control. A proxy server can improve performance by supplying frequently requested data, such as a popular Web page, and can filter and discard requests that the owner does not consider appropriate, such as requests for unauthorized access to proprietary files.


A special memory subsystem in which frequently used data values are duplicated for quick access.


An object is data that may be stored in a cache, server, or client.





) illustrates an exemplary computer network system including: Clients




, and


, network


, network dispatcher


, cache array


, and server cluster


. Cache array


includes cache nodes






, and


. Server cluster


includes servers (“back-end” servers)






, and


. Client computers




, and


issue requests for objects such as, for example, Web pages.





) is a flowchart diagram of a method for retrieving a requested object in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. In step


a client, for example client


, requests an object which may be stored (or generated or fetched by) a server, for example server


. In step


the request for an object is received via a network, for example network


, by a network dispatcher, for example network dispatcher


. In step


network dispatcher


routes the request for the object to one cache node, for example cache node


. In step


a determination is made whether cache node


receiving the request for the object from network dispatcher


in step


, is a primary owner of the object. If cache node


, receiving the request for the object from network dispatcher


in step


, is the primary owner, then cache node


may service the client's request in step


. Otherwise, in step


cache node


and the primary owner may either function as a proxy (e.g. through an HTTP or a UDP interface) to service the request and retrieve the requested object or cache node


may handoff the request to the primary owner. In steps




primary owner retrieves the requested object either from cache memory or by communicating with server


. Note that one of ordinary skill in the art may modify the invention such that more than one cache node may be a primary owner of an object.





, and


may be workstations, personal computers, or other computers connected to the Internet. For example, a user using a personal computer at home may request to retrieve and view a Web page by inputting a corresponding URL using a Web browser. The requested Web page, addressed by the URL, may belong to a server accessible through Web services on the Internet.

Cache array


may be one or more network nodes. Each node included in cache array


may be one or more processors. Each processor of each node of cache array


may include a set of one or more cache members (cache nodes) which may form a single cache space and a single cache image. In other words, a client may view a cache array as a single image. For example, a client may access cache array


via an address associated with network dispatcher


, but each node of cache array


may have an independent IP address. Internally a cache array may combine the resources of individual cache members. For example, cache space of cache members may be combined to scale the memory space available for caching. Further, the individual throughput of cache members may also be combined to scale the available throughput. Cache members






, and


may each be addressable, internal to cache array


, by a distinct address (e.g. an IP address). Cache nodes (members)






, and


may be implemented, for example, by a router. A router such as, for example, an IBM 22XX family router may be used.

Network dispatcher


may be implemented, for example, on a TCP router. When network dispatcher


receives a request from a client such as, for example, client


, network dispatcher may route the request to a cache node of cache array


without “looking” at the request. Network dispatcher


may be, for example, a service of a router node used to route client requests for Web pages (or other objects) to cache array


. Network dispatcher


may obtain availability as well as load information about cache nodes






, and


of cache array


. Network dispatcher


may also route and transmit requests for objects to a selected cache node, based on the availability of cache nodes and/or load information (see, for example, G. Hunt et al., “Network Dispatcher: a connection router for scalable Internet Services,” in Proceedings of the 7


International World Wide Web Conference, April 1998).

A correspondence may be formed between cache nodes and requested objects. A requested object may correspond to a cache node which is a primary owner of the requested object as well as to other cache nodes. For example, Internet addresses expressed by URLs may be partitioned amongst Web cache nodes. For each URL, one Web cache node may be assigned as a primary owner. One or more Web cache nodes in addition to a primary owner may also correspond to a single URL. The URLs may be partitioned amongst Web cache nodes using, for example, a hashing function. In other words, a hashing function may be used to form a correspondence between cache nodes and requested objects.

When client




, or


issues a request to retrieve an object (i.e. a target object), the request is routed and transmitted by network dispatcher


to a first cache of cache array


. A first-cache selected by network dispatcher


may or may not correspond to the requested object. In other words, the requested object may or may not be assigned to the first cache. If the first cache selected by network dispatcher


corresponds to the requested object (i.e. it is the primary owner of the requested object) and the requested object is stored in the first cache, then the first cache may service the request. If the first cache selected by network dispatcher


corresponds to the requested object (i.e. it is the primary owner of the requested object) and the requested object is not stored on the first cache, then the first cache may retrieve the requested object from an appropriate server






, or


of server cluster



For example, suppose a user, using a Web browser on a client, requests to retrieve and view a Web page. The requested Web page may be addressed by a URL and stored in a server connected to a network. Network dispatcher


selects a first cache node of cache array


. Network dispatcher


routes the request for the Web page to the first cache node. If the requested Web page is stored in the first cache node, then the first cache node may retrieve the Web page from cache memory, and return the Web page to the client. If the first cache node is the primary owner of the requested Web page, but the Web page is not stored in the first cache node, then the first cache node may access the appropriate server, addressed by the URL, retrieve the Web page from the server, and return the Web page to the client.

If, however, the first cache selected by network dispatcher


does not correspond to the requested object (i.e. it is not the primary owner of the requested object), then the first cache may transmit the request to a second cache which does correspond to the requested object (i.e. the second cache is the primary owner of the requested object). The first cache and the second cache may communicate to service the request and retrieve the requested object. Alternatively, the first cache may handoff the request to the second cache. In the case of a handoff the request may be transmitted from the first cache to the second cache of cache array


along with information relating to a TCP connection (e.g. sequence numbers, IP addresses, and TCP ports).

A decision on whether the first cache and the second cache will communicate to service a request, or whether the first cache will handoff the request to the second cache may be made, for example, based on the size of the requested object.

For example, the following recipe may be followed:

1. If the size of the requested object is less than a threshold size, then the second cache transmits the requested object to the first cache. The second cache retrieves the requested object either from cache memory or by communicating with an appropriate server. The first cache may then service the request by transmitting the requested object to a requesting client.

2. If the size of the requested object is greater than a threshold size, then the first and second caches may coordinate to handoff the request:

(i) the TCP connection is handed-off from the first cache to the second cache;

(ii) network dispatcher


is informed that the request will be serviced by the second cache (note that network dispatcher


may also be informed that further requests for an object are to be transmitted to the second cache);

(iii) the second cache retrieves the requested object either from cache memory or by communicating with an appropriate server, and transmits the requested object to a requesting client.

Note that the threshold size may be adjusted or varied dynamically.

In this type of exemplary coordination the second cache may have stored information fields useful for performing a TCP handoff (takeover) and/or an HTTP handoff (takeover). A first cache, initially receiving a request from network dispatcher


, may wait until a second cache (primary owner of the requested object) transmits the requested object to the first cache, or informs the first cache that the second cache will service the request. Thus, the type of exemplary coordination described above may be driven by a primary owner of a requested object.

A cache member hit occurs when network dispatcher


forwards a connection request to a first cache which is the primary owner of a requested object. If, for example, network dispatcher


use a round-robin arrangement, the probability that a particular cache member will be selected may be uniformly distributed (i.e. probability 1/n, in the case of n cache members). In addition, network dispatcher


may access the addressing information (e.g. URL) associated with the requested object, but at a substantial overhead cost. Thus, network dispatcher


may access sufficient information to identify cache array


associated with server cluster


, and then choose a cache member randomly. If load and availability information is provided to network dispatcher


, the likelihood of selecting a particular cache may be weighted. In other words, if one cache is loaded, it may be selected less often, and the remaining cache members may be selected more often.

A cache array hit occurs when cache array


is able to service a request for an object from the cache space of one of cache member








. It is thus possible for a cache member hit to occur and cache array miss to occur simultaneously. For example, network dispatcher


may select a cache member which is the primary owner of the requested object, but the primary owner of the requested object does not have the requested object in cache memory. Hence, in case of a cache member hit and cache array miss, the primary owner retrieves the requested object from a server.

Further, a cache member miss and cache array hit may occur simultaneously. For example, network dispatcher


may select a cache member which is not the primary owner of a requested object, but the primary owner of the requested object, a cache member of cache array


, does have the requested object in cache memory.

Therefore, the following four cases may occur:

1. Cache member hit, cache array hit

2. Cache member hit, cache array miss

3. Cache member miss, cache array hit

4. Cache member miss, cache array miss

In addition, different communication protocols may be used to retrieve a requested object. Different protocols may be used depending on whether a first cache and a second cache communicate to service a request, or whether a first cache handsoff a request to a second cache. For example, an HTTP interface (where a first cache may act as an HTTP proxy), a UDP based request, or a handoff may be used.

The following eight cases may occur:

1. Cache member hit, cache array hit.

2. Cache member hit, cache array miss.

3. Cache member miss, cache array hits,

3.1. object retrieved using HTTP,

3.2. object retrieved using UDP, or

3.3. object retrieved via a request handoff.

4. Cache member miss,. cache array miss,

4.1. object retrieved using HTTP,

4.2. object retrieved using UDP, or

4.3. object retrieved via a request handoff.

Cache Member Hit

FIGS. 2 and 3

are block diagrams which illustrate a method for retrieving a requested object in case of a cache member hit in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Client


issues a request to retrieve an object via network


. The requested object is stored on or may be generated or fetched by one of servers




of server cluster


. The request issued by client


is forwarded via network


to network dispatcher


. Network dispatcher


then selects a first cache, for example, cache member


of cache array


. Supposing that first cache


selected by network dispatcher


is the primary owner of the requested object, a cache member hit occurs.

FIG. 2

illustrates the case where first cache


has the requested object in cache memory (cache array hit). In this case, first cache


may retrieve the requested object from cache memory and transmit the requested object to client


via network



FIG. 3

illustrates the case where first cache


does not have the requested object in cache memory (cache array miss). In this case, first cache


may first retrieve the requested object from server


, and then transmit the requested object to client


via network


. System performance (e.g. overhead and throughput) for the case of cache member hit and cache array miss may decrease compared with the case of cache member hit and cache array hit.

Cache Member Miss—HTTP Interface

FIGS. 4 and 5

are block diagrams which illustrate a method for retrieving a requested object in case of a cache member miss in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Client


issues a request to retrieve an object via network


. The requested object is stored on or may be generated or fetched by one of servers




of server cluster


. The request issued by client


is forwarded via network


to network dispatcher


. Network dispatcher


then selects a first cache, for example, cache member


of cache array


. Supposing that first cache


selected by network dispatcher


is not the primary owner of the requested object, a cache member miss occurs. Note that in case network dispatcher


randomly selects (with uniform distribution) a first member of cache array


(with n cache members), the probability of a cache member miss is (n−1)÷n.

FIG. 4

illustrates the case where a second cache, for example, cache member


, is the primary owner of the requested object, and cache member


has the requested object in cache memory (cache array hit). In this case, first cache


may accept a connection with client


. First cache


may then identify second cache


and establish an HTTP interface. First cache


and second cache


may communicate to retrieve the requested object via an HTTP interface. Second cache


may retrieve the requested object from cache memory and transmit the requested object to first cache


. First cache


may then transmit the requested object to client


via network



FIG. 5

illustrates the case where second cache


does not have the requested object in cache memory (cache array miss). In this case, second cache


may first retrieve the requested object from server


, and then transmit the requested object to first cache


. First cache


may then transmit the requested object to client


via network



Cache Member Miss—UDP Interface

FIG. 4

illustrates the case where a second cache, for example, cache member


, is the primary owner of the requested object, and cache member


has the requested object in cache memory (cache array hit). In this case, first cache


may accept a connection with client


. First cache


may then identify second cache


and establish an UDP interface. First cache


and second cache


may communicate to retrieve the requested object via an UDP interface. Second cache


may retrieve the requested object from cache memory and transmit the requested object to first cache


. First cache


may then transmit the requested object to client


via network



FIG. 5

illustrates the case where second cache


does not have the requested object in cache memory (cache array miss). In this case, second cache


may first retrieve the requested object from server


, and then transmit the requested object to first cache


. First cache


may then transmit the requested object to client


via network



A UDP interface may have better performance than an HTTP interface because a UDP interface may avoid a TCP connection having concomitant overhead.

Cache Member Miss—Handoff Interface

FIGS. 6 and 7

are block diagrams which illustrate a method for retrieving a requested object in case of a cache member miss in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Client


issues a request to retrieve an object via network


. The requested object is stored on or may be generated or fetched by one of servers




of server cluster


. The request issued by client


is forwarded via network


to network dispatcher


. Network dispatcher


then selects a first cache, for example, cache member


of cache array


. Supposing that first cache


selected by network dispatcher


is not the primary owner of the requested object, a cache member miss occurs.

FIG. 6

illustrates the case where a second cache, for example, cache member


, is the primary owner of the requested object, and cache member


has the requested object in cache memory (cache array hit). In this case, first cache


performs a handoff of the request (e.g. along with a TCP connection) to second cache


. Second cache


may then retrieve the requested object from cache memory and transmit the requested object to client



FIG. 7

illustrates the case where second cache


does not have the requested object in cache memory (cache array miss). In this case, first cache


performs a handoff of the request (e.g. along with a TCP connection) to second cache


. Second cache


may first retrieve the requested object from server


, and then transmit the requested object to client



Cache array


may be equipped with several features which support a handoff interface. First, all cache members of cache array


may be addressed using one cluster address (e.g. one IP address). Thus, first cache


and second cache


may both accept requests corresponding to the cluster address, and respond to client


. Second, a mechanism such as, for example, a TCP kernel extension, may be provided to allow a handoff from first cache


(using one TCP stack) to second cache


(using a second TCP stack). During the handoff, a UDP interface between first cache


and second cache


may be used to transfer connection information. The use of a UDP interface may help to improve performance. Third, along with TCP interface capabilities an additional mechanism for handing-off HTTP requests from first cache


to second cache


may be implemented. Fourth, network dispatcher


may be used to support TCP handoffs. When a TCP/HTTP connection is handed-off from first cache


to second cache


, it may be desirable to ensure that the connection flow (from client to server) passes through second cache


(the new owner of the connection). Either first cache


or second cache


may direct network dispatcher


to update its information so that subsequent packets are sent to second cache


, instead of first cache



Overhead for a handoff interface may be higher than in the case of a UDP interface. In the case of a UDP or HTTP interface, however, performance may substantially decrease with increasing object size. Unlike the case of a UDP or HTTP interface, performance for a handoff interface may be less sensitive to increases in object size. The sensitivity of performance for a handoff interface to an increase in object size may be similar to the sensitivity of performance to an increase in object size for the case of a cache member hit. Therefore, performance may be improved by using a handoff interface for relatively large objects, and a UDP, HTTP, or other interface for relatively small objects.

Cache Member Miss—a Mixed Model

The type of interface used (e.g. UDP or handoff) may be chosen based on the size of a requested object. A size threshold may be determined such that improved performance may result by using one type of interface (e.g. UDP) for an object which is smaller than the size threshold, and another type of interface (e.g. handoff) for an object which is larger than the size threshold. A size threshold may be determined, for example, from measuring the throughput of a given computer network and system.

For example, a UDP interface may be chosen for requested objects which are smaller than 2 Kbytes, and a handoff interface may be chosen for requested objects which are larger than 2 Kbytes. Referring, for example, to FIG.




), suppose client


requests an object which is stored on or may be generated or fetched by server


. Suppose further that cache member


is the primary owner of the requested object. The following exemplary recipe may be applied:

1. First cache, say cache member


, selected by network dispatcher


, may send second cache


a request and, for example, TCP connection information.

2. Second cache


may determine the size of the requested object. The size of the requested object may be determined either from cache memory or by contacting server


in case the object is not in cache memory.

3. If the size of the requested object is less than a size threshold, second cache


may transmit the requested object to first cache


. First cache


may then transmit the requested object to client



4. If the size of the requested object is greater than a size threshold, a handoff, for example a TCP/HTTP handoff, between first cache


and second cache


may be performed. Second cache


may then retrieve the requested object either from cache memory or from server


, and transmit the requested object to client



Content Based Routing

In this case, network dispatcher


of FIG.




), may function as content based router


of FIG.


. In particular, a network dispatcher such as, for example, network dispatcher



FIGS. 2-7

operating in a special mode, may function as content based router


. Addresses for requested objects (e.g. URLs) may be partitioned amongst cache nodes






, and


of cache array


using, for example, a hashing function. In other words, a hashing function may be used to form a correspondence between cache nodes and requested objects. The address of a requested object may be hashed. The output of the hashing function may be a cache node associated with one or more servers which may generate or fetch a requested object or on which a requested object is stored. In other words, the output of the hashing function may be a cache member that is the primary owner of a requested object. This is not necessarily to imply that there is a special relationship between a cache node and a server. Although, optionally, one such relationship may exist.

When a client, such as clients




, and


, requests the retrieval of an object, content based router


may perform a handoff of the request along with, for example, TCP connection information, to a cache node selected by content based router


. The cache node selected by content based router


is the primary owner of the requested object. The selected cache node may then retrieve the requested object either from cache memory or from a server with which it is associated, and transmit the requested object to a requesting client via network



As a network dispatcher, operating in a special mode, may function as a content based router, it is possible for a network dispatcher to route requests using a combination of content-based and non-content-based routing. When content-based routing is used, network dispatcher


operating as content based router


may examine a request sent by a client to determine which cache node is a primary owner of a requested object. As content based routing avoids cache member misses, content based routing may reduce processor cycles spent by the cache array. Content based routing, however, may increase consumption of processor cycles by network dispatcher


operating as content based router


. More processor cycles may be consumed by network dispatcher


operating in content based routing mode because network dispatcher


establishes a connection with a client.

It may be advantageous to use content based router


, as long as it does not become a system bottleneck. For example, a content based router implemented by an IBM 2216 router may not become a bottleneck as long as fewer than 10K requests/sec are made. If, however, more than 10K requests/sec are made (statically or dynamically) then it may be advantageous for an IBM 2216 router to act as a network dispatcher. Alternatively, a content based router having an integrated cache may be used. At relatively low and intermediate system loads, a content based router may serve requests using an integrated cache. At relatively high system loads such a router may resume the functionality of a network dispatcher.

For example, an IBM 2216 router is capable of routing approximately 15,000 requests per second as a network dispatcher. An IBM 2216 router acting as a cache node is capable of serving approximately 5,000 objects per second at nearly 100% cache rate. An IBM 2216 router acting as a content based router with handoff is able to serve approximately 5,000/0.5=10,000 requests a second.

In a variation of the above exemplary embodiments of the present invention illustrated, for example, in

FIGS. 2-7

, a certain percentage of requests routed by network dispatcher


to cache array


may be performed in content-based routing mode. Content-based routing may incurs less overhead on cache array


but more overhead at network dispatcher


. The percentage of requests for which content-based routing is used may be selected to balance utilization of network dispatcher and cache array resources. A further variation may be to increase a percentage of requests which are routed using content-based routing mode in response to cache array


becoming a bottleneck. In response to network dispatcher


becoming a bottleneck, however, the percentage of requests which are routed using content-based routing mode may be decreased.

Note that, optionally, the functionality of a network dispatcher, such as, for example network dispatcher


of FIG.




), may be integrated into a cache node.

One of ordinary skill in the art may conceive of adaptations of the above exemplary embodiments. For example, a client request need not be directed by a first node to a primary owner of a partition to which a requested object belongs. If a primary owner is overloaded, a request may be sent to a second node. A second node may return a requested object to a first node, or a second node may return a requested object directly to a client using handoff. Optionally, a request may be handed-off to a server node.

Although illustrated and described herein with reference to certain exemplary embodiments, the present invention is nevertheless not intended to be limited to the details shown. Rather, various modifications may be made in the details within the scope and range of equivalents of the claims and without departing from the spirit of the invention.

  • 1. In a system adapted to receive request for objects from one or more clients, said system comprised of a plurality of cache nodes, a method for retrieving a requested object of said objects, said method comprising the steps of:(a) sending one of said requests from one of said clients; (b) receiving said request at a network dispatcher; (c) forwarding said request from said network dispatcher to a cache node, selected by said network dispatcher, of a cache array, wherein one cache node of said cache array is a primary owner of said requested object; and (d) returning said requested object from a servicing cache node of said cache array using one of a plurality of protocols, wherein said one of the plurality of protocols is selected by the cache array based on the size of said requested object.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said one node receives said request from said one of said clients.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein said one node receives said request from another of said plurality of nodes.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein in response to the size of said requested object being less than a predetermined size the requested object is returned from another cache node to said one node and subsequently from said one node to said one of said clients.
  • 5. The method of claim 4, wherein said requested object is returned from said one node to at least a further node of said plurality of nodes before being returned to said one of said clients.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein in response to the size of said requested object being greater than a predetermined size the requested object is returned from another cache node to said one of said clients without first passing through said one node.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, wherein said requested object is returned from said another node to at least a further node of said plurality of nodes before being returned to said one of said clients.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, wherein one of said plurality of nodes functions as a back-end server.
  • 9. The method of claim 8, further comprising the step of sending said request to the back-end server in response to said cache array not having a cached copy of said requested object.
  • 10. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of partitioning the ownership of one of said objects across one of said plurality of nodes.
  • 11. The method of claim 10, wherein another node is said primary owner of said requested object and is selected as the servicing node.
  • 12. The method of claim 10, wherein any one of said objects has at most one owner.
  • 13. The method of claim 10, wherein any one of said objects has multiple owners.
  • 14. The method of claim 1, wherein the one of the plurality of protocols is one of HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), and Handoff interface.
  • 15. The method of claim 1, wherein one of said plurality of nodes functions as a back-end server.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, further comprising the step of sending said request to the back-end server in response to said cache array not having a cached copy of said requested object.
  • 17. A method of retrieving a requested object, said method comprising the steps of:(a) transmitting a request for the requested object to a cache array comprising a plurality of caches including a first cache and having a single cache image; (b) determining whether the first cache corresponds to the requested object; (c) identifying a second cache in the cache array corresponding to the requested object; and (d) retrieving the requested object via the second cache using one of a plurality of protocols, wherein said one of the plurality of protocols is selected by the cache array based on the size of said requested object.
  • 18. The method according to claim 17, wherein the requested object is retrieved by transmitting the requested object from the second cache to the first cache and from the first cache to a client.
  • 19. The method according to claim 17, wherein the request for the requested object is forwarded from the first cache to the second cache.
  • 20. The method according to claim 19, wherein the requested object is retrieved by transmitting the requested object from the second cache to a client.
  • 21. The method according to claim 20, further comprising the steps of:determining whether the requested object is not stored in the second cache; and retrieving the requested object from a server associated with the second cache.
  • 22. The method according to claim 17, wherein steps (c) and (d) are performed if in step (b) it is determined that the first cache does not correspond to the requested object.
  • 23. The method according to claim 17, wherein the one of the plurality of protocols is one of HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), and Handoff interface.
  • 24. A method of retrieving a target object of a plurality of objects, the target object requested by a client, said method comprising the steps of:(a) assigning each of the plurality of objects to at least one of a plurality of nodes; (b) assigning at least one of a plurality of caches to each of the plurality of nodes; (c) transmitting a request for the target object to a first node of the plurality of nodes; (d) determining if the target object is assigned to the first node; and (e) if the target object is not assigned to the first node (i) transmitting the request to a second node of the plurality of nodes, the target object being assigned to the second node, and (ii) retrieving the target object from a cache of the plurality of caches assigned to the second node if the target object is stored in the cache assigned to the second node using one of a plurality of protocols, wherein said one of the plurality of protocols is selected by the cache array based on the size of said requested object.
  • 25. The method according to claim 24, wherein step (ii) is performed by communicating via at least one of the plurality of protocols.
  • 26. The method according to claim 25, further comprising the step of if the target object is not assigned to the first node and if the size of the target object is smaller than a predetermined object size, transmitting the target object from the second node to the first node, and transmitting the target object from the first node to the client.
  • 27. The method according to claim 25, further comprising the step of if the target object is not assigned to the first node and if the size of the target object is larger than a predetermined object size, transmitting the target object from the second node to the client.
  • 28. The method according to claim 25, wherein a first protocol of the plurality of protocols is executed between the first node and the second node, and a second protocol of the plurality of protocols is executed between the first node and the client.
  • 29. The method according to claim 25, wherein a first protocol of the plurality of protocols is executed between the second node and the client.
  • 30. The method according to claim 24, further comprising the step ofif the target object is assigned to the first node, retrieving the target object from a cache of the plurality of caches assigned to the first node if the target object is stored in the cache assigned to the first node.
  • 31. The method according to claim 30, further comprising the step ofretrieving the target object from a server corresponding to the first node if the target object is not stored in the cache assigned to the first node.
  • 32. The method according to claim 24, wherein step (e) the target object is retrieved from a server corresponding to the second node if the target object is not stored in the cache assigned to the second node.
  • 33. An article of manufacture comprising a computer usable medium having computer readable code means embodied therein for receiving a request for an object, said system comprised of a plurality of cache nodes, the computer readable program code means in said article of manufacture comprising computer readable program code means for causing a computer to effect:(a) sending one of said requests from one of said clients; (b) receiving said request at a network dispatcher; (c) forwarding said request from said network dispatcher to a cache node, selected by said network dispatcher, of a cache array, wherein one cache node of said cache array is a primary owner of said requested object; and (d) returning said requested object from a servicing cache node of said cache array using one of a plurality of protocols, wherein said one of the plurality of protocols is selected by the cache array based on the size of said requested object.
  • 34. A program storage device readable by machine, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executable by the machine to perform method steps for retrieving a requested object of a plurality of objects in a system adapted to receive requests for said objects from one or more clients, said system comprised of a plurality of cache nodes, said method steps comprising:(a) sending one of said requests from one of said clients; (b) receiving said request at a network dispatcher; (c) forwarding said request from said network dispatcher to a cache node, selected by said network dispatcher, of a cache array, wherein one cache node of said cache array is a primary owner of said requested object; and (d) returning said requested object from a servicing cache node of said cache array using one of a plurality of protocols, wherein said one of the plurality of protocols is selected by the cache array based on the size of said requested object.
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