Provided herein are methods of treating a cardiomyopathy in a subject by administering directly to, or expressing locally in, a weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of myocardial tissue of the subject an amount of SDF-1 effective to cause functional improvement in at least one of the following parameters: left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, cardiac function, 6-minute walk test, or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification. Methods of treating subjects with advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy are further disclosed herein.

This application relates to SDF-1 delivery methods and compositions for treating a cardiomyopathy and to the use of SDF-1 delivery methods and compositions for treating an ischemic cardiomyopathy. Methods of treating subjects having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy are also provided herein.


Ischemia is a condition wherein the blood flow is completely obstructed or considerably reduced in localized parts of the body, resulting in anoxia, reduced supply of substrates and accumulation of metabolites. Although the extent of ischemia depends on the acuteness of vascular obstruction, its duration, tissue sensitivity to it, and developmental extent of collateral vessels, dysfunction usually occurs in ischemic organs or tissues, and prolonged ischemia results in atrophy, denaturation, apoptosis, and necrosis of affected tissues.

In ischemic cardiomyopathies, which are diseases that affect the coronary artery and cause myocardial ischemia, the extent of ischemic myocardial cell injury proceeds from reversible cell damage to irreversible cell damage with increasing time of the coronary artery obstruction.

Critical limb ischemia (CLI) represents the most advanced stage of atherosclerotic, lower extremity peripheral vascular disease (PVD) and is associated with high rates of cardiovascular morbidity, mortality, and major amputation. The incidence of CLI is estimated to be 125,000 to 250,000 patients per year in the United States and is expected to grow as the population ages. PVD prevalence increases dramatically with age and affects approximately 20% of Americans age 65 and older. The current standard of care for individuals with CLI includes lower extremity revascularization, either through open peripheral surgical procedures, endovascular techniques, or lower extremity amputation (i.e., if revascularization has failed or is not feasible). The 1-year mortality rate of patients with CLI is 25% and may be as high as 45% in those who have undergone amputation. Despite advanced techniques in vascular and surgical procedures, a considerable proportion of patients with CLI are not suitable for revascularization. Of these patients, only 20 to 30 percent of CLI patients are undergoing treatment, 30% will require major amputation and 23% will die within 3 months.

Gene therapy strategies to open blocked vessels or stimulate angiogenesis are under active investigation. In a trial of 6 patients with CLI who were scheduled to undergo major amputation, patients were assigned to receive NV1FGF, a non-viral gene therapy expressing fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1), 3 to 5 days prior to amputation. NV1FGF was administered at 8 intramuscular sites with doses of 0.4 to 4 mg. This trial documented FGF1 transgene expression at all doses up to 3 cm from the injection sites, and that disseminated plasmid into blood vessel was rapidly degraded. In the phase II double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial conducted in the USA (TALISMAN202), 71 patients with CLI were assigned to receive placebo or 1 of 5 treatment regimens of 2 to 16 mg of NV1FGF delivered via 8 intramuscular injections in the affected leg. This trial showed that up to 16 mg of intramuscular NV1FGF was safe and well tolerated. The primary endpoint of TcPO2 was increased over baseline in both NV1FGF- and placebo-treated patients, but there was improvement in ulcer healing in the NV1FGF-treated patients. Similarly, Nikol et al. demonstrated in a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled study of 125 patients that NV1FGF significantly reduced (two-fold) the risk of all amputations, major limb amputations, and there was a trend towards decreased risk of death. These clinical trials demonstrate a safety window of naked plasmid DNA therapies similar to those in our proposed clinical study.


This application relates to a method of treating a cardiomyopathy in a subject. The cardiomyopathy can include, for example, cardiomyopathies associated with a pulmonary embolus, a venous thrombosis, a myocardial infarction, a transient ischemic attack, a peripheral vascular disorder, atherosclerosis, and/or other myocardial injury or vascular disease. The method includes administering directly to or expressing locally in a weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of myocardial tissue of the subject an amount of SDF-1 effective to cause functional improvement in at least one of the following parameters: left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, cardiac function, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification.

In an aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to cause functional improvement in at least one of left ventricular end systolic volume, left ventricular ejection fraction, wall motion score index, left ventricular end diastolic length, left ventricular end systolic length, left ventricular end diastolic area, left ventricular end systolic area, left ventricular end diastolic volume, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification. In another aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume. In a further aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular ejection fraction.

In some aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%. In other aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 15%. In still further aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%, improve left ventricular ejection fraction by at least about 10%, improve wall motion score index by at least about 5%, improve six minute walk distance at least about 30 meters, and improve NYHA class by at least 1 class. In a further aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular ejection fraction by at least about 10%.

In another aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to substantially improve vasculogenesis of the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region by at least about 20% based on vessel density or measured by myocardial perfusion imaging (e.g., SPECT or PET) with an improvement in summed rest score, summed stress score, and/or summed difference score of at least about 10%. The SDF-1 can be administered by injecting a solution comprising SDF-1 expressing plasmid in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region and expressing SDF-1 from the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region. The SDF-1 can be expressed from the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region at an amount effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume.

In an aspect of the application, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in multiple injections of the solution with each injection comprising about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml of SDF-1 plasmid solution. In one example, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in at least about 10 injections. Each injection administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region can have a volume of at least about 0.2 ml. The SDF-1 can be expressed in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region for greater than about three days.

In an example application, each injection of solution comprising SDF-1 expressing plasmid can have an injection volume of at least about 0.2 ml and an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml. In another aspect of the application, at least one functional parameter of the of the heart can be improved by injecting the SDF-1 plasmid into the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the heart at an injection volume per site of at least about 0.2 ml, in at least about 10 injection sites, and at an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml.

In a further example, the amount of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve at least one functional parameter of the heart is greater than about 4 mg. The volume of solution of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve at least one functional parameter of the heart is at least about 10 ml.

In another aspect of the application, the subject to which the SDF-1 is administered can be a large mammal, such as a human or pig. The SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the subject by catheterization, such as intra-coronary catheterization or endoventricular catheterization. The myocardial tissue of the subject can be imaged to define the area of weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region prior to administration of the SDF-1 plasmid, and the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region defined by the imaging. The imaging can include at least one of echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, coronary angiogram, electroanatomical mapping, or fluoroscopy.

The application also relates to a method of treating a myocardial infarction in a large mammal by administering SDF-1 plasmid to the peri-infarct region of the myocardium of the mammal by catheterization, such as intra-coronary catheterization or endo-ventricular catheterization. The SDF-1 administered by catheterization can be expressed from the peri-infarct region at an amount effective to cause functional improvement in at least one of the following parameters: left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, cardiac function, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification.

In an aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to cause functional improvement in at least one of left ventricular end systolic volume, left ventricular ejection fraction, wall motion score index, left ventricular end diastolic length, left ventricular end systolic length, left ventricular end diastolic area, left ventricular end systolic area, left ventricular end diastolic volume, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification.

In another aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume. In a further aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular ejection fraction.

In some aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%. In other aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 15%. In still further aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%, improve left ventricular ejection fraction by at least about 10%, improve wall motion score index by about 5%, improve six minute walk distance at least about 30 meters, or improve NYHA class by at least 1 class. In a further aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular ejection fraction by at least about 10%.

In another aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to substantially improve vasculogenesis of the peri-infarct region by at least about 20% based on vessel density.

In an aspect of the application, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in multiple injections of the solution with each injection comprising about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml of SDF-1 plasmid/solution. In one example, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in at least about 10 injections. Each injection administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region can have a volume of at least about 0.2 ml. The SDF-1 can be expressed in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region for greater than about three days.

In an example application, each injection of solution comprising SDF-1 expressing plasmid can have an injection volume of at least about 0.2 ml and an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml. In another aspect of the application, at least one functional parameter of the of the heart can be improved by injecting the SDF-1 plasmid into the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the heart at an injection volume per site of at least about 0.2 ml, in at least about 10 injection sites, and at an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml.

In a further example, the amount of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve at least one functional parameter of the heart is greater than about 4 mg. The volume of solution of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve at least one functional parameter of the heart is at least about 10 ml.

The application further relates to a method of improving left ventricular end systolic volume in a large mammal after myocardial infarction. The method includes administering SDF-1 plasmid to the peri-infarct region of the mammal by endo-ventricular catheterization. The SDF-1 can be expressed from the peri-infarct region at an amount effective to cause functional improvement in left ventricular end systolic volume.

In some aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%. In other aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 15%. In still further aspects of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%, improve left ventricular ejection fraction by at least about 10%, improve wall motion score index by about 5%, improve six minute walk distance at least about 30 meters, or improve NYHA class by at least 1 class.

In an aspect of the application, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in multiple injections of the solution with each injection comprising about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml of SDF-1 plasmid/solution. In one example, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in at least about 10 injections. Each injection administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region can have a volume of at least about 0.2 ml. The SDF-1 can be expressed in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region for greater than about three days.

In an example application, each injection of solution comprising SDF-1 expressing plasmid can have an injection volume of at least about 0.2 ml and an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml. In another aspect of the application, left ventricular end systolic volume of the of the heart can be improved can be improved at about 10% by injecting the SDF-1 plasmid into the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the heart at an injection volume per site of at least about 0.2 ml, in at least about 10 injection sites, and at an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml.

In a further example, the amount of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve left ventricular end systolic volume is greater than about 4 mg. The volume of solution of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve left ventricular end systolic volume of the heart is at least about 10 ml.

This application additionally relates to a method of treating critical limb ischemia in a subject. The method includes administering ACRX-100 (also known as JVS-100), the sterile biological product (composed of a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6, the naked DNA plasmid encoding human SDF-1 cDNA, and 5% dextrose) by direct injection into the ischemic limb. Preferably, the injections are made directly into the muscle tissue, for example, into the upper leg (quadriceps muscles) and/or lower leg (primarily gastrocnemius muscle) using multiple injection sites. The sequence of this plasmid is shown below:

Sequence of Plasmid used in ACRX-100 (aka JVS-100)

(SEQ ID NO: 6)





















































The disclosure provided herein also relates to methods of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy by administering a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 to the subject. In some embodiments advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy in a subject is indicated by an end systolic volume of about 151 ml. In some embodiments advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy in a subject is indicated by an end systolic volume of at least about 151 ml. In some aspects, the method comprises identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's end systolic volume, and administering a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's end systolic volume is about 151 ml. In some aspects, the method comprises identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's end systolic volume, and administering a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's end systolic volume is at least about 151 ml. The method includes administering directly to or expressing locally in a weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of myocardial tissue of the subject an amount of SDF-1 effective to cause improvement in at least one of the following parameters: left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, cardiac function, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification.

In one aspect of the disclosed methods, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to cause improvement in at least one of left ventricular end systolic volume, left ventricular ejection fraction, wall motion score index, left ventricular end diastolic length, left ventricular end systolic length, left ventricular end diastolic area, left ventricular end systolic area, left ventricular end diastolic volume, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification. In another aspect, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume. In a further aspect of the methods disclosed herein, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular ejection fraction.

In some aspects of the described methods, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%. In other aspects of the described methods, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 15%. In still further aspects of the described methods, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%, improve left ventricular ejection fraction by at least about 10%, improve wall motion score index by at least about 5%, improve six minute walk distance at least about 30 meters, and improve NYHA class by at least 1 class. In a further aspect of the described methods, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to improve left ventricular ejection fraction by at least about 10%.

In another aspect of the described methods, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region is effective to substantially improve vasculogenesis of the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region by at least about 20% based on vessel density or measured by myocardial perfusion imaging (e.g., SPECT or PET) with an improvement in summed rest score, summed stress score, and/or summed difference score of at least about 10%. The SDF-1 can be administered by injecting a solution comprising SDF-1 expressing plasmid in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region and expressing SDF-1 from the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region. The SDF-1 can be expressed from the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region at an amount effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume.

In one aspect of the described methods, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in multiple injections of the solution with each injection comprising about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml of SDF-1 plasmid solution. In one aspect, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in at least about 10 injections. Each injection administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region can have a volume of at least about 0.2 ml. The SDF-1 can be expressed in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region for greater than about three days.

In an example described methods, each injection of solution comprising an SDF-1 expressing plasmid can have an injection volume of at least about 0.2 ml and an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml. In another aspect of the described methods, at least one functional parameter of the of the heart can be improved by injecting the SDF-1 plasmid into the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the heart at an injection volume per site of at least about 0.2 ml, in at least about 10 injection sites, and at an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml.

In a further example, the amount of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve at least one functional parameter of the heart is greater than 15 mg. In some aspects, the amount of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infart region that can improve at least one functional paramert of the heart is from about 25 mg to about 35 mg. The volume of solution of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve at least one functional parameter of the heart is at least about 10 ml.

In another aspect of the application, the subject to which the SDF-1 is administered can be a large mammal, such as a human or pig. The SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the subject by catheterization, such as intra-coronary catheterization or endoventricular catheterization. The myocardial tissue of the subject can be imaged to define the area of weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region prior to administration of the SDF-1 plasmid, and the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region defined by the imaging. The imaging can include at least one of echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, coronary angiogram, electroanatomical mapping, or fluoroscopy.


The foregoing and other features of the application will become apparent to those skilled in the art to which the application relates upon reading the following description with reference to the accompanying drawings.

FIG. 1 is a chart illustrating luciferase expression for varying amounts and volume of DNA in a porcine model;

FIG. 2 is a chart illustrating % change of left ventricular end systolic volume for various amounts of SDF-1 plasmid using a porcine model of congestive heart failure 30 days following SDF-1 injection;

FIG. 3 is a chart illustrating % change of left ventricular ejection fraction for various amounts of SDF-1 plasmid using a porcine model of congestive heart failure 30 days following SDF-1 injection;

FIG. 4 is a chart illustrating % change in wall motion score index for various amounts of SDF-1 plasmid using a porcine model of congestive heart failure 30 days following SDF-1 injection;

FIG. 5 is a chart illustrating % change of left ventricular end systolic volume for various amounts of SDF-1 plasmid using a porcine model of congestive heart failure 90 days following SDF-1 injection; and

FIG. 6 is a chart illustrating % change of vessel density for various amounts of SDF-1 plasmid using a porcine model of congestive heart failure 30 days following SDF-1 injection.

FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of an SDF-1 plasmid vector.

FIG. 8 is an image showing plasmid expression over a substantial portion of a porcine heart.

FIG. 9 is a chart illustrating left ventricular end systolic volume at baseline and 30 days post-initial injection. All groups show similar increases in left ventricular end systolic volume at 30 days. N=3 for all data points. Data presented as mean±SEM.

FIG. 10 is a chart illustrating left ventricular ejection fraction at baseline and 30 days post-initial injection. All groups show lack of improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction. N=3 for all data points. Data presented as mean±SEM.

FIG. 11 is an image of luciferase expression in ischemic rat leg 3 day post-injection (A) and a chart of time course of ACRX-100 vector expression in a rodent HLI model (B).

FIG. 12 is an image of the bioluminescence of rabbit hindlimb muscle 3 days post-injection with ACL-01110L luciferase plasmid DNA.

FIG. 13 is a chart of ACL-01110L dosing parameters in rabbit hindlimb.

FIG. 14 is an example of angiograms and scoring of ischemic hindlimb of rabbit at baseline (A and C) and 30 days post-injection with ACRX-100 (B and D).

FIG. 15 is a chart of the percent change in angiographic score 30 and 60 days post-injection with ACRX-100, normalized to control per group.

FIG. 16 is a chart of ACRX-100 biodistribution post-cardiac injection.

FIG. 17 is a chart of the relationship between SDF-1 and CXCR4 expression after ischemic injury. CXCR4 is the primary receptor for SDF-1.

FIG. 18, comprising FIG. 18A-18H, are charts of: A) change in cardiac volume; B) change in LVEF; C) change in NTproBNP levels; D) composite end-point; E) change in MLHFQ (QoL); F) change in 6MWD; G) change in NYHA class in patients 4 months after treatment with placebo or 30 mg JVS-100; and H) change in cardiac volume, change in LVEF, change in NTproBNP levels, and, composite end-point in patients 4 months and 12 months after treatment with placebo or 30 mg JVS-100.

FIG. 19 is a chart representing the change in parameter baseline at 4 months relative to placebo.

FIG. 20 is a scatter plot representing Δ ESV vs. baseline in a GLP-pig study.

FIG. 21, comprising FIG. 21A-21B, are charts representing the impact of baseline ESV on porcine response to JVS-100 treatment. A) no ESV cut-off and B) ESV greater than 57 ml.

FIG. 22, comprising FIG. 22A-22C, are charts representing JVS-100 efficiency for pigs with baseline ESV greater than 57 ml after 60 days. A) % change LVESV (relative to control); B) % change WMSI (relative to control); and C) % change LVEF (relative to control).

FIG. 23 is a scatter plot representing AESV v. baseline in STOP-HF study.

FIG. 24 shows charts representing: A) change in volume (ml)—change in LVESV (left) and LVEDV (right); B) change in LVESV as a function of baseline LVESV; C) change in LVEF; and E) change NTproBNP stratified by baseline ESV. Median baseline ESV 151 ml; n=11-14 patients per group.

FIG. 25 is a scatter plot representing baseline ESV (x-axis) vs. EDD (y-axis).

FIG. 26 provides charts depicting: change in volume (ml)—change in LVESV; change in LVESV; change in LVEF; and change in NTproBNP in patients with reduced EF (EF<26%), for both the 4 month and 12 month points following treatment.

FIG. 27 provide charts depicting: change in volume (ml)—change in LVESV; change in LVESV; change in LVEF; and change in NTproBNP in patients with reduced EF and elevated NTProBNP (EF<29%, NTProBNP>774 pg/ml), for both the 4 month and 12 month points following treatment.

FIG. 28 provide charts depicting: change in volume (ml)—change in LVESV; change in LVESV; change in LVEF; and change in NTproBNP in patients with reduced EF and elevated NTProBNP (EF≦35%, NTProBNP≧500 pg/ml), for both the 4 month and 12 month points following treatment


Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as is commonly understood by one of skill in the art to which the application(s) belong. All patents, patent applications, published applications and publications, Genbank sequences, websites and other published materials referred to throughout the entire disclosure herein, unless noted otherwise, are incorporated by reference in their entirety. In the event that there are a plurality of definitions for terms herein, those in this section prevail. Unless otherwise defined, all technical terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this application belongs. Commonly understood definitions of molecular biology terms can be found in, for example, Rieger et al., Glossary of Genetics: Classical and Molecular, 5th edition, SpringerVerlag: New York, 1991; and Lewin, Genes V, Oxford University Press: New York, 1994.

Methods involving conventional molecular biology techniques are described herein. Such techniques are generally known in the art and are described in detail in methodology treatises, such as Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed., vol. 1-3, ed. Sambrook et al., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., 1989; and Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, ed. Ausubel et al., Greene Publishing and Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1992 (with periodic updates). Methods for chemical synthesis of nucleic acids are discussed, for example, in Beaucage and Carruthers, Tetra. Letts. 22:1859-1862, 1981, and Matteucci et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103:3185, 1981. Chemical synthesis of nucleic acids can be performed, for example, on commercial automated oligonucleotide synthesizers. Immunological methods (e.g., preparation of antigen-specific antibodies, immunoprecipitation, and immunoblotting) are described, e.g. in Current Protocols in Immunology, ed. Coligan et al., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991; and Methods of Immunological Analysis, ed. Masseyeff et al., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992. Conventional methods of gene transfer and gene therapy can also be adapted for use in the application. See, e.g., Gene Therapy: Principles and Applications, ed. T. Blackenstein, Springer Verlag, 1999; Gene Therapy Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine), ed. P. D. Robbins, Humana Press, 1997; and Retro-vectors for Human Gene Therapy, ed. C. P. Hodgson, Springer Verlag, 1996.

Where reference is made to a URL or other such identifier or address, it understood that such identifiers can change and particular information on the internet can come and go, but equivalent information can be found by searching the internet. Reference thereto evidences the availability and public dissemination of such information.

As used herein, ACRX-100 is the sterile biological product composed of a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6, the naked DNA plasmid encoding human SDF-1 cDNA, and 5% dextrose. (ACRX-100 may also be referred to as JVS-100 in the application).

The term “about” when used in reference to numerical ranges, cutoffs, or specific values is used to indicate that the recited values may vary by up to as much as 10% from the listed value. As many of the numerical values used herein are experimentally determined, it should be understood by those skilled in the art that such determinations can, and often times, will vary among different experiments. The values used herein should not be considered unduly limiting by virtue of this inherent variation. The term “about” is used to encompass variations of this sort up to, or equaling 10%.

As used herein, “nucleic acid” refers to a polynucleotide containing at least two covalently linked nucleotide or nucleotide analog subunits. A nucleic acid can be a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a ribonucleic acid (RNA), or an analog of DNA or RNA.

Nucleotide analogs are commercially available and methods of preparing polynucleotides containing such nucleotide analogs are known (Lin et al. (1994) Nucl. Acids Res. 22:5220-5234; Jellinek et al. (1995) Biochemistry 34: 11363-11372; Pagratis et al. (1997) Nature Biotechnol. 15:68-73). The nucleic acid can be single-stranded, double-stranded, or a mixture thereof. For purposes herein, unless specified otherwise, the nucleic acid is doublestranded, or it is apparent from the context.

As used herein, “DNA” is meant to include all types and sizes of DNA molecules including eDNA, plasmids and DNA including modified nucleotides and nucleotide analogs.

As used herein, “nucleotides” include nucleoside mono-, di-, and triphosphates. Nucleotides also include modified nucleotides, such as, but are not limited to, phosphorothioate nucleotides and deazapurine nucleotides and other nucleotide analogs.

As used herein, the term “subject” or “patient” refers to animals. Included are higher organisms, such as mammals and birds, including humans, primates, rodents, cattle, pigs, rabbits, goats, sheep, mice, rats, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, horses, chicken and others.

As used herein “large mammal” refers to mammals having a typical adult weight of at least 10 kg. Such large mammals can include, for example, humans, primates, dogs, pigs, cattle and is meant to exclude smaller mammals, such as mice, rats, guinea pigs, and other rodents.

As used herein, “administering to a subject” is a procedure by which one or more delivery agents and/or nucleic acid molecules, together or separately, are introduced into or applied onto a subject such that target cells which are present in the subject are eventually contacted with the agent and/or the nucleic acid molecules.

As used herein, “delivery,” which is used interchangeably with “transduction,” refers to the process by which exogenous nucleic acid molecules are transferred into a cell such that they are located inside the cell. Delivery of nucleic acids is a distinct process from expression of nucleic acids.

As used herein, a “multiple cloning site (MCS)” is a nucleic acid region in a plasmid that contains multiple restriction enzyme sites, any of which can be used in conjunction with standard recombinant technology to digest the vector. “Restriction enzyme digestion” refers to catalytic cleavage of a nucleic acid molecule with an enzyme that functions only at specific locations in a nucleic acid molecule. Many of these restriction enzymes are commercially available. Use of such enzymes is widely understood by those of skill in the art. Frequently, a vector is linearized or fragmented using a restriction enzyme that cuts within the MCS to enable exogenous sequences to be ligated to the vector.

As used herein, “origin of replication” (often termed “ori”), is a specific nucleic acid sequence at which replication is initiated. Alternatively, an autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) can be employed if the host cell is yeast.

As used herein, “selectable or screenable markers” confer an identifiable change to a cell permitting easy identification of cells containing an expression vector. Generally, a selectable marker is one that confers a property that allows for selection. A positive selectable marker is one in which the presence of the marker allows for its selection, while a negative selectable marker is one in which its presence prevents its selection. An example of a positive selectable marker is a drug resistance marker.

Usually the inclusion of a drug selection marker aids in the cloning and identification of transformants, for example, genes that confer resistance to neomycin. puromycin, hygromycin, DHFR, GPT, zeocin and histidinol are useful selectable markers. In addition to markers conferring a phenotype that allows for the discrimination of transformants based on the implementation of conditions, other types of markers including screenable markers such as GFP. whose basis is calorimetric analysis, are also contemplated.

Alternatively, screenable enzymes such as herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk) or chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) may be utilized. One of skill in the art would also know how to employ immunologic markers, possibly in conjunction with FACS analysis.

The marker used is not believed to be important, so long as it is capable of being expressed simultaneously with the nucleic acid encoding a gene product. Further examples of selectable and screenable markers are well known to one of skill in the art.

The term “transfection” is used to refer to the uptake of foreign DNA by a cell. A cell has been “transfected” when exogenous DNA has been introduced inside the cell membrane. A number of transfection techniques are generally known in the art. See, e.g., Graham et al., Virology 52:456 (1973); Sambrook et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (1989); Davis et al., Basic Methods in Molecular Biology (1986); Chu et al., Gene 13:197 (1981). Such techniques can be used to introduce one or more exogenous DNA moieties, such as a nucleotide integration vector and other nucleic acid molecules, into suitable host cells. The term captures chemical, electrical, and viral-mediated transfection procedures.

As used herein, “expression” refers to the process by which nucleic acid is translated into peptides or is transcribed into RNA, which, for example, can be translated into peptides, polypeptides or proteins. If the nucleic acid is derived from genomic DNA, expression may, if an appropriate eukaryotic host cell or organism is selected, include splicing of the mRNA. For heterologous nucleic acid to be expressed in a host cell, it must initially be delivered into the cell and then, once in the cell, ultimately reside in the nucleus.

As used herein, “genetic therapy” involves the transfer of heterologous DNA to cells of a mammal, particularly a human, with a disorder or conditions for which therapy or diagnosis is sought. The DNA is introduced into the selected target cells in a manner such that the heterologous DNA is expressed and a therapeutic product encoded thereby is produced. Alternatively, the heterologous DNA may in some manner mediate expression of DNA that encodes the therapeutic product; it may encode a product, such as a peptide or RNA that in some manner mediates, directly or indirectly, expression of a therapeutic product. Genetic therapy may also be used to deliver nucleic acid encoding a gene product to replace a defective gene or supplement a gene product produced by the mammal or the cell in which it is introduced. The introduced nucleic acid may encode a therapeutic compound, such as a growth factor inhibitor thereof, or a tumor necrosis factor or inhibitor thereof, such as a receptor therefore, that is not normally produced in the mammalian host or that is not produced in therapeutically effective amounts or at a therapeutically useful time. The heterologous DNA encoding the therapeutic product may be modified prior to introduction into the cells of the afflicted host in order to enhance or otherwise alter the product or expression thereof.

As used herein, “heterologous nucleic acid sequence” is typically DNA that encodes RNA and proteins that are not normally produced in vivo by the cell in which it is expressed or that mediates or encodes mediators that alter expression of endogenous DNA by affecting transcription, translation, or other regulatable biochemical processes. A heterologous nucleic acid sequence may also be referred to as foreign DNA. Any DNA that one of skill in the art would recognize or consider as heterologous or foreign to the cell in which it is expressed is herein encompassed by heterologous DNA. Examples of heterologous DNA include, but are not limited to, DNA that encodes traceable marker proteins, such as a protein that confers drug resistance, DNA that encodes therapeutically effective substances, such as anti-cancer agents, enzymes and hormones, and DNA that encodes other types of proteins, such as antibodies. Antibodies that are encoded by heterologous DNA may be secreted or expressed on the surface of the cell in which the heterologous DNA has been introduced.

As used herein the term “cardiomyopathy” refers to the deterioration of the function of the myocardium (i.e., the actual heart muscle) for any reason. Subjects with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia, sudden cardiac death, or hospitalization or death due to heart failure.

As used herein, the term “ischemic cardiomyopathy” is a weakness in the muscle of the heart due to inadequate oxygen delivery to the myocardium with coronary artery disease being the most common cause.

As used herein the term “ischemic cardiac disease” refers to any condition in which heart muscle is damaged or works inefficiently because of an absence or relative deficiency of its blood supply; most often caused by atherosclerosis, it includes angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, chronic ischemic heart disease, and sudden death.

As used herein the term “myocardial infarction” refers to the damaging or death of an area of the heart muscle (myocardium) resulting from a blocked blood supply to that area.

As used herein the term “advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy” can refer to ischemic cardiomyopathies wherein the end systolic volume (ESV) is equal to or greater than about 151 ml. Alternatively or additionally, “advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy” can refer to ischemic cardiomyopathies wherein left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is less than 35%, or less than 30%. Alternatively or additionally, “advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy” can refer to ischemic cardiomyopathies wherein the subject has NTProBNP levels greater than 500 pg/ml. Advanced ischemic cardiomyopathies include advanced heart failure.

As used herein the term “6-minute walk test” or “6MWT” refers to a test that measures the distance that a patient can quickly walk on a flat, hard surface in a period of 6 minutes (the 6MWD). It evaluates the global and integrated responses of all the systems involved during exercise, including the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems, systemic circulation, peripheral circulation, blood, neuromuscular units, and muscle metabolism. It does not provide specific information on the function of each of the different organs and systems involved in exercise or the mechanism of exercise limitation, as is possible with maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The self-paced 6MWT assesses the submaximal level of functional capacity. (See for example, AM J Respir Crit Care Med, Vol. 166. Pp 111-117 (2002))

As used herein “New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification” refers to a classification for the extent of heart failure. It places patients in one of four categories based on how much they are limited during physical activity; the limitations/symptoms are in regards to normal breathing and varying degrees in shortness of breath and or angina pain:



No symptoms and no limitation in ordinary physical activity,

e.g. shortness of breath when walking, climbing stairs etc.

Mild symptoms (mild shortness of breath and/or angina) and

slight limitation during ordinary activity.

Marked limitation in activity due to symptoms, even during

less-than-ordinary activity, e.g. walking short

distances (20-100 m). Comfortable only at rest.

Severe limitations. Experiences symptoms even while at

rest. Mostly bedbound patients.

This application relates to compositions and methods of treating a cardiomyopathy in a subject that results in reduced and/or impaired myocardial function. The cardiomyopathy treated by the compositions and methods herein can include cardiomyopathies associated with a pulmonary embolus, a venous thrombosis, a myocardial infarction, a transient ischemic attack, a peripheral vascular disorder, atherosclerosis, ischemic cardiac disease and/or other myocardial injury or vascular disease. The method of treating the cardiomyopathy can include locally administering (or locally delivering) to weakened myocardial tissue, ischemic myocardial tissue, and/or apoptotic myocardial tissue, such as the peri-infarct region of a heart following myocardial infarction, an amount of stromal-cell derived factor-1 (SDF-1) that is effective to cause functional improvement in at least one of the following parameters: left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, cardiac function, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification.

It was found using a porcine model of heart failure that mimics heart failure in a human that functional improvement of ischemic myocardial tissue is dependent on the amount, dose, and/or delivery of SDF-1 administered to the ischemic myocardial tissue and that the amount, dose, and/or delivery of SDF-1 to the ischemic myocardial tissue can be optimized so that myocardial functional parameters, such as left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, or cardiac function are substantially improved. As discussed below, in some aspects, the amount, concentration, and volume of SDF-1 administered to the ischemic myocardial tissue can be controlled and/or optimized to substantially improve the functional parameters (e.g., left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, cardiac function, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), and/or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification) while mitigating adverse side effects.

In one example, the SDF-1 can be administered directly or locally to a weakened region, an ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of myocardial tissue of a large mammal (e.g., pig or human) in which there is a deterioration or worsening of a functional parameter of the heart, such as left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, or cardiac function as a result of an ischemic cardiomyopathy, such as a myocardial infarction. The deterioration or worsening of the functional parameter can include, for example, an increase in left ventricular end systolic volume, decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction, increase in wall motion score index, increase in left ventricular end diastolic length, increase in left ventricular end systolic length, increase in left ventricular end diastolic area (e.g., mitral valve level and papillary muscle insertion level), increase in left ventricular end systolic area (e.g., mitral valve level and papillary muscle insertion level), or increase in left ventricular end diastolic volume as measured using, for example, using echocardiography.

In an aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue of the large mammal can be an amount effective to improve at least one functional parameter of the myocardium, such as a decrease in left ventricular end systolic volume, increase in left ventricular ejection fraction, decrease in wall motion score index, decrease in left ventricular end diastolic length, decrease in left ventricular end systolic length, decrease in left ventricular end diastolic area (e.g., mitral valve level and papillary muscle insertion level), decrease in left ventricular end systolic area (e.g., mitral valve level and papillary muscle insertion level), or decrease in left ventricular end diastolic volume measured using, for example, using echocardiography as well as improve the subject's 6-minute walk test (6MWT) or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification.

In another aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue of the large mammal with a cardiomyopathy is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume in the mammal by at least about 10%, and more specifically at least about 15%, after 30 days following administration as measured by echocardiography. The percent improvement is relative to each subject treated and is based on the respective parameter measured prior to or at the time of therapeutic intervention or treatment.

In a further aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue of the large mammal with a cardiomyopathy is effective to improve left ventricular end systolic volume by at least about 10%, improve left ventricular ejection fraction by at least about 10%, and improve wall motion score index by about 5%, after 30 days following administration as measured by echocardiography.

In a still further aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue of the large mammal with a cardiomyopathy is effective to improve vasculogenesis of the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region by at least 20% based on vessel density or an increase in cardiac perfusion measured by SPECT imaging. A 20% improvement in vasculogenesis has been shown to be clinically significant (Losordo Circulation 2002; 105:2012).

In a still further aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 administered to the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue of the large mammal with a cardiomyopathy is effective to improve six minute walk distance at least about 30 meters or improve NYHA class by at least 1 class.

The SDF-1 described herein can be administered to the weakened region, the ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue following tissue injury (e.g., myocardial infarction) to about hours, days, weeks, or months after onset of down-regulation of SDF-1. The period of time that the SDF-1 is administered to the cells can comprise from about immediately after onset of the cardiomyopathy (e.g., myocardial infarction) to about days, weeks, or months after the onset of the ischemic disorder or tissue injury.

SDF-1 in accordance with the application that is administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or a peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue peri-infarct region can have an amino acid sequence that is substantially similar to a native mammalian SDF-1 amino acid sequence. The amino acid sequence of a number of different mammalian SDF-1 protein are known including human, mouse, and rat. The human and rat SDF-1 amino acid sequences are at least about 92% identical (e.g., about 97% identical). SDF-1 can comprise two isoforms. SDF-1 alpha and SDF-1 beta, both of which are referred to herein as SDF-1 unless identified otherwise.

The SDF-1 can have an amino acid sequence substantially identical to SEQ ID NO: 1. The SDF-1 that is over-expressed can also have an amino acid sequence substantially similar to one of the foregoing mammalian SDF-1 proteins. For example, the SDF-1 that is over-expressed can have an amino acid sequence substantially similar to SEQ ID NO: 2.

SEQ ID NO: 2, which substantially comprises SEQ ID NO: 1, is the amino acid sequence for human SDF-1 and is identified by GenBank Accession No. NP954637. The SDF-1 that is over-expressed can also have an amino acid sequence that is substantially identical to SEQ ID NO: 3. SEQ ID NO: 3 includes the amino acid sequences for rat SDF and is identified by GenBank Accession No. AAF01066.

The SDF-1 in accordance with the application can also be a variant of mammalian SDF-1, such as a fragment, analog and derivative of mammalian SDF-1. Such variants include, for example, a polypeptide encoded by a naturally occurring allelic variant of native SDF-1 gene (i.e., a naturally occurring nucleic acid that encodes a naturally occurring mammalian SDF-1 polypeptide), a polypeptide encoded by an alternative splice form of a native SDF-1 gene, a polypeptide encoded by a homolog or ortholog of a native SDF-1 gene, and a polypeptide encoded by a non-naturally occurring variant of a native SDF-1 gene.

SDF-1 variants have a peptide sequence that differs from a native SDF-1 polypeptide in one or more amino acids. The peptide sequence of such variants can feature a deletion, addition, or substitution of one or more amino acids of a SDF-1 variant. Amino acid insertions are preferably of about 1 to 4 contiguous amino acids, and deletions are preferably of about 1 to 10 contiguous amino acids. Variant SDF-1 polypeptides substantially maintain a native SDF-1 functional activity. Examples of SDF-1 polypeptide variants can be made by expressing nucleic acid molecules that feature silent or conservative changes. One example of an SDF-1 variant is listed in U.S. Pat. No. 7,405,195, which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety.

SDF-1 polypeptide fragments corresponding to one or more particular motifs and/or domains or to arbitrary sizes, are within the scope of this application. Isolated peptidyl portions of SDF-1 can be obtained by screening peptides recombinantly produced from the corresponding fragment of the nucleic acid encoding such peptides. For example, an SDF-1 polypeptide may be arbitrarily divided into fragments of desired length with no overlap of the fragments, or preferably divided into overlapping fragments of a desired length. The fragments can be produced recombinantly and tested to identify those peptidyl fragments, which can function as agonists of native CXCR-4 polypeptides.

Variants of SDF-1 polypeptides can also include recombinant forms of the SDF-1 polypeptides. Recombinant polypeptides in some embodiments, in addition to SDF-1 polypeptides, are encoded by a nucleic acid that can have at least 70% sequence identity with the nucleic acid sequence of a gene encoding a mammalian SDF-1.

SDF-1 variants can include agonistic forms of the protein that constitutively express the functional activities of native SDF-1. Other SDF-1 variants can include those that are resistant to proteolytic cleavage, as for example, due to mutations, which alter protease target sequences. Whether a change in the amino acid sequence of a peptide results in a variant having one or more functional activities of a native SDF-1 can be readily determined by testing the variant for a native SDF-1 functional activity.

The SDF-1 nucleic acid that encodes the SDF-1 protein can be a native or nonnative nucleic acid and be in the form of RNA or in the form of DNA (e.g., eDNA, genomic DNA, and synthetic DNA). The DNA can be double-stranded or single-stranded, and if single-stranded may be the coding (sense) strand or non-coding (anti-sense) strand. The nucleic acid coding sequence that encodes SDF-1 may be substantially similar to a nucleotide sequence of the SDF-1 gene, such as nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 4 and SEQ ID NO: 5. SEQ ID NO: 4 and SEQ ID NO: 5 comprise, respectively, the nucleic acid sequences for human SDF-1 and rat SDF-1 and are substantially similar to the nucleic sequences of GenBank Accession No. NM 199168 and GenBank Accession No. AF 189724.

The nucleic acid coding sequence for SDF-1 can also be a different coding sequence which, as a result of the redundancy or degeneracy of the genetic code, encodes the same polypeptide as SEQ ID NO: 1, SEQ ID NO: 2, and SEQ ID NO: 3.

Other nucleic acid molecules that encode SDF-1 are variants of a native SDF-1, such as those that encode fragments, analogs and derivatives of native SDF-1. Such variants may be, for example, a naturally occurring allelic variant of a native SDF-1 gene, a homolog or ortholog of a native SDF-1 gene, or a non-naturally occurring variant of a native SDF-1 gene. These variants have a nucleotide sequence that differs from a native SDF-1 gene in one or more bases. For example, the nucleotide sequence of such variants can feature a deletion, addition, or substitution of one or more nucleotides of a native SDF-1 gene. Nucleic acid insertions are preferably of about 1 to 10 contiguous nucleotides, and deletions are preferably of about 1 to 10 contiguous nucleotides.

In other applications, variant SDF-1 displaying substantial changes in structure can be generated by making nucleotide substitutions that cause less than conservative changes in the encoded polypeptide. Examples of such nucleotide substitutions are those that cause changes in (a) the structure of the polypeptide backbone; (b) the charge or hydrophobicity of the polypeptide; or (c) the bulk of an amino acid side chain. Nucleotide substitutions generally expected to produce the greatest changes in protein properties are those that cause non-conservative changes in codons. Examples of codon changes that are likely to cause major changes in protein structure are those that cause substitution of (a) a hydrophilic residue e.g., serine or threonine), for (or by) a hydrophobic residue (e.g., leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, valine or alanine); (b) a cysteine or proline for (or by) any other residue; (c) a residue having an electropositive side chain (e. g., lysine, arginine, or histidine), for (or by) an electronegative residue (e.g., glutamine or aspartine); or (d) a residue having a bulky side chain (e.g., phenylalanine), for (or by) one not having a side chain, (e.g., glycine).

Naturally occurring allelic variants of a native SDF-1 gene are nucleic acids isolated from mammalian tissue that have at least 70% sequence identity with a native SDF-1 gene, and encode polypeptides having structural similarity to a native SDF-1 polypeptide.

Homologs of a native SDF-1 gene are nucleic acids isolated from other species that have at least 70% sequence identity with the native gene, and encode polypeptides having structural similarity to a native SDF-1 polypeptide. Public and/or proprietary nucleic acid databases can be searched to identify other nucleic acid molecules having a high percent (e.g., 70% or more) sequence identity to a native SDF-1 gene.

Non-naturally occurring SDF-1 gene variants are nucleic acids that do not occur in nature (e.g., are made by the hand of man), have at least 70% sequence identity with a native SDF-1 gene, and encode polypeptides having structural similarity to a native SDF-1 polypeptide. Examples of non-naturally occurring SDF-1 gene variants are those that encode a fragment of a native SDF-1 protein, those that hybridize to a native SDF-1 gene or a complement of to a native SDF-1 gene under stringent conditions, and those that share at least 65% sequence identity with a native SDF-1 gene or a complement of a native SDF-1 gene.

Nucleic acids encoding fragments of a native SDF-1 gene in some embodiments are those that encode amino acid residues of native SDF-1. Shorter oligonucleotides that encode or hybridize with nucleic acids that encode fragments of native SDF-1 can be used as probes, primers, or antisense molecules. Longer polynucleotides that encode or hybridize with nucleic acids that encode fragments of a native SDF-1 can also be used in various aspects of the application. Nucleic acids encoding fragments of a native SDF-1 can be made by enzymatic digestion (e.g., using a restriction enzyme) or chemical degradation of the full-length native SDF-1 gene or variants thereof.

Nucleic acids that hybridize under stringent conditions to one of the foregoing nucleic acids can also be used herein. For example, such nucleic acids can be those that hybridize to one of the foregoing nucleic acids under low stringency conditions, moderate stringency conditions, or high stringency conditions.

Nucleic acid molecules encoding a SDF-1 fusion protein may also be used in some embodiments. Such nucleic acids can be made by preparing a construct (e.g., an expression vector) that expresses a SDF-1 fusion protein when introduced into a suitable target cell. For example, such a construct can be made by ligating a first polynucleotide encoding a SDF-1 protein fused in frame with a second polynucleotide encoding another protein such that expression of the construct in a suitable expression system yields a fusion protein.

The nucleic acids encoding SDF-1 can be modified at the base moiety, sugar moiety, or phosphate backbone, for example, to improve stability of the molecule, hybridization, etc. The nucleic acids described herein may additionally include other appended groups such as peptides (e.g., for targeting target cell receptors in vivo), or agents facilitating transport across the cell membrane, hybridization-triggered cleavage. To this end, the nucleic acids may be conjugated to another molecule, (e.g., a peptide), hybridization triggered cross-linking agent, transport agent, hybridization-triggered cleavage agent, etc.

The SDF-1 can be delivered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue by administering an SDF-1 protein to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region, or by introducing an agent into cells of the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue that causes, increases, and/or upregulates expression of SDF-1 (i.e., SDF-1 agent). The SDF-1 protein expressed from the cells can be an expression product of a genetically modified cell.

The agent that causes, increases, and/or upregulates expression of SDF-1 can comprise natural or synthetic nucleic acids as described herein that are incorporated into recombinant nucleic acid constructs, typically DNA constructs, capable of introduction into and replication in the cells of the myocardial tissue. Such a construct can include a replication system and sequences that are capable of transcription and translation of a polypeptide-encoding sequence in a given cell.

One method of introducing the agent into a target cell involves using gene therapy. Gene therapy in some embodiments of the application can be used to express SDF-1 protein from a cell of the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue in vivo.

In an aspect of the application, the gene therapy can use a vector including a nucleotide encoding an SDF-1 protein. A “vector” (sometimes referred to as gene delivery or gene transfer “vehicle”) refers to a macromolecule or complex of molecules comprising a polynucleotide to be delivered to a target cell, either in vitro or in vivo. The polynucleotide to be delivered may comprise a coding sequence of interest in gene therapy. Vectors include, for example, viral vectors (such as adenoviruses (‘Ad’), adeno-associated viruses (AAV), and retroviruses), non-viral vectors, liposomes, and other lipid-containing complexes, and other macromolecular complexes capable of mediating delivery of a polynucleotide to a target cell.

Vectors can also comprise other components or functionalities that further modulate gene delivery and/or gene expression, or that otherwise provide beneficial properties to the targeted cells. Such other components include, for example, components that influence binding or targeting to cells (including components that mediate cell-type or tissue-specific binding); components that influence uptake of the vector nucleic acid by the cell; components that influence localization of the polynucleotide within the cell after uptake (such as agents mediating nuclear localization); and components that influence expression of the polynucleotide. Such components also might include markers, such as detectable and/or selectable markers that can be used to detect or select for cells that have taken up and are expressing the nucleic acid delivered by the vector. Such components can be provided as a natural feature of the vector (such as the use of certain viral vectors which have components or functionalities mediating binding and uptake), or vectors can be modified to provide such functionalities.

Selectable markers can be positive, negative or bifunctional. Positive selectable markers allow selection for cells carrying the marker, whereas negative selectable markers allow cells carrying the marker to be selectively eliminated. A variety of such marker genes have been described, including bifunctional (i.e., positive/negative) markers (see, e.g., Lupton, S., WO 92/08796, published May 29, 1992; and Lupton, S., WO 94/28143, published Dec. 8, 1994). Such marker genes can provide an added measure of control that can be advantageous in gene therapy contexts. A large variety of such vectors are known in the art and are generally available.

Vectors for use herein include viral vectors, lipid based vectors and other nonviral vectors that are capable of delivering a nucleotide to the cells of weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue. The vector can be a targeted vector, especially a targeted vector that preferentially binds to the cells of weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue. Viral vectors for use in the methods herein can include those that exhibit low toxicity to the cells of weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue and induce production of therapeutically useful quantities of SDF-1 protein in a tissue-specific manner.

Examples of viral vectors are those derived from adenovirus (Ad) or adeno-associated virus (AAV). Both human and non-human viral vectors can be used and the recombinant viral vector can be replication-defective in humans. Where the vector is an adenovirus, the vector can comprise a polynucleotide having a promoter operably linked to a gene encoding the SDF-1 protein and is replication-defective in humans.

Other viral vectors that can be used in accordance with method of the application include herpes simplex virus (HSV)-based vectors. HSV vectors deleted of one or more immediate early genes (IE) are advantageous because they are generally non-cytotoxic, persist in a state similar to latency in the target cell, and afford efficient target cell transduction. Recombinant HSV vectors can incorporate approximately 30 kb of heterologous nucleic acid.

Retroviruses, such as C-type retroviruses and lentiviruses, might also be used in some embodiments of the application. For example, retroviral vectors may be based on murine leukemia virus (MLV). See, e.g., Hu and Pathak, Pharmacal. Rev. 52:493-511, 2000 and Pong et al., Crit. Rev. Ther. Drug Carrier Syst. 17:1-60, 2000. MLV-based vectors may contain up to 8 kb of heterologous (therapeutic) DNA in place of the viral genes. The heterologous DNA may include a tissue-specific promoter and an SDF-1 nucleic acid. In methods of delivery to cells proximate the wound, it may also encode a ligand to a tissue specific receptor.

Additional retroviral vectors that might be used are replication-defective lentivirus-based vectors, including human immunodeficiency (HIV)-based vectors. See, e.g., Vigna and Naldini, J. Gene Med. 5:308-316, 2000 and Miyoshi et al., J. Viral. 72:8150-8157, 1998. Lentiviral vectors are advantageous in that they are capable of infecting both actively dividing and non-dividing cells. They are also highly efficient at transducing human epithelial cells.

Lentiviral vectors for use in the methods herein may be derived from human and non-human (including SIV) lentiviruses. Examples of lentiviral vectors include nucleic acid sequences required for vector propagation as well as a tissue-specific promoter operably linked to a SDF-1 gene. These former may include the viral LTRs, a primer binding site, a polypurine tract, att sites, and an encapsidation site.

A lentiviral vector may be packaged into any suitable lentiviral capsid. The substitution of one particle protein with another from a different virus is referred to as “pseudotyping”. The vector capsid may contain viral envelope proteins from other viruses, including murine leukemia virus (MLV) or vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). The use of the VSV G-protein yields a high vector titer and results in greater stability of the vector virus particles.

Alphavirus-based vectors, such as those made from semliki forest virus (SFV) and sindbis virus (SIN) might also be used herein. Use of alphaviruses is described in Lundstrom, K., Intervirology 43:247-257, 2000 and Perri et al., Journal of Virology 74:9802-9807, 2000.

Recombinant, replication-defective alphavirus vectors are advantageous because they are capable of high-level heterologous (therapeutic) gene expression, and can infect a wide target cell range. Alphavirus replicons may be targeted to specific cell types by displaying on their virion surface a functional heterologous ligand or binding domain that would allow selective binding to target cells expressing a cognate binding partner.

Alphavirus replicons may establish latency, and therefore long-term heterologous nucleic acid expression in a target cell. The replicons may also exhibit transient heterologous nucleic acid expression in the target cell.

In many of the viral vectors compatible with methods of the application, more than one promoter can be included in the vector to allow more than one heterologous gene to be expressed by the vector. Further, the vector can comprise a sequence which encodes a signal peptide or other moiety which facilitates the expression of a SDF-1 gene product from the target cell.

To combine advantageous properties of two viral vector systems, hybrid viral vectors may be used to deliver a SDF-1 nucleic acid to a target tissue. Standard techniques for the construction of hybrid vectors are well-known to those skilled in the art. Such techniques can be found, for example, in Sambrook, et al., In Molecular Cloning: A laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. or any number of laboratory manuals that discuss recombinant DNA technology. Double-stranded AAV genomes in adenoviral capsids containing a combination of AAV and adenoviral ITRs may be used to transduce cells. In another variation, an AAV vector may be placed into a “gutless”, “helper-dependent” or “high-capacity” adenoviral vector. Adenovirus/AAV hybrid vectors are discussed in Lieber et al., J. Viral. 73:9314-9324, 1999. Retrovirus/adenovirus hybrid vectors are discussed in Zheng et al., Nature Biotechnol. 18:176-186, 2000. Retroviral genomes contained within an adenovirus may integrate within the target cell genome and effect stable SDF-1 gene expression.

Other nucleotide sequence elements which facilitate expression of the SDF-1 gene and cloning of the vector are further contemplated. For example, the presence of enhancers upstream of the promoter or terminators downstream of the coding region, for example, can facilitate expression.

In accordance with another aspect of the application, a tissue-specific promoter, can be fused to a SDF-1 gene. By fusing such tissue specific promoter within the adenoviral construct, transgene expression is limited to a particular tissue. The efficacy of gene expression and degree of specificity provided by tissue specific promoters can be determined, using the recombinant adenoviral system described herein.

In addition to viral vector-based methods, non-viral methods may also be used to introduce a SDF-1 nucleic acid into a target cell. A review of non-viral methods of gene delivery is provided in Nishikawa and Huang, Human Gene Ther. 12:861-870, 2001. An example of a non-viral gene delivery method according to the invention employs plasmid DNA to introduce a SDF-1 nucleic acid into a cell. Plasmid-based gene delivery methods are generally known in the art. In one example, the plasmid vector can have a structure as shown schematically in FIG. 7. The plasmid vector of FIG. 7 includes a CMV enhancer and CMV promoter upstream of an SDF-la cDNA (RNA) sequence.

Optionally, synthetic gene transfer molecules can be designed to form multimolecular aggregates with plasmid SDF-1 DNA. These aggregates can be designed to bind to cells of weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue. Cationic amphiphiles, including lipopolyamines and cationic lipids, may be used to provide receptor-independent SDF-1 nucleic acid transfer into target cells (e.g., cardiomyocytes). In addition, preformed cationic liposomes or cationic lipids may be mixed with plasmid DNA to generate cell-transfecting complexes. Methods involving cationic lipid formulations are reviewed in Feigner et al., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 772:126-139, 1995 and Lasic and Templeton, Adv. Drug Delivery Rev. 20:221-266, 1996. For gene delivery, DNA may also be coupled to an amphipathic cationic peptide (Fominaya et al., J. Gene Med. 2:455-464, 2000).

Methods that involve both viral and non-viral based components may be used herein. For example, an Epstein Barr virus (EBV)-based plasmid for therapeutic gene delivery is described in Cui et al., Gene Therapy 8:1508-1513, 2001. Additionally, a method involving a DNA/ligand/polycationic adjunct coupled to an adenovirus is described in Curiel, D. T., Nat. Immun. 13:141-164, 1994.

Additionally, the SDF-1 nucleic acid can be introduced into the target cell by transfecting the target cells using electroporation techniques. Electroporation techniques are well known and can be used to facilitate transfection of cells using plasmid DNA.

Vectors that encode the expression of SDF-1 can be delivered to the target cell in the form of an injectable preparation containing a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, such as saline, as necessary. Other pharmaceutical carriers, formulations and dosages can also be used in accordance with the present invention.

In one aspect of the invention, the vector can comprise an SDF-1 plasmid, such as for example in FIG. 7. In preferred embodiments, the SDF plasmid comprises a nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6. SDF-1 plasmid can be delivered to cells of the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue by direct injection of the SDF-1 plasmid vector into the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue at an amount effective to improve at least one myocardial functional parameters, such as left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, or cardiac function as well as improve the subject's 6-minute walk test (6MWT) or New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification. By injecting the vector directly into or about the periphery of the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue, it is possible to target the vector transfection rather effectively, and to minimize loss of the recombinant vectors. This type of injection enables local transfection of a desired number of cells, especially about the weakened region, ischemic region, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue, thereby maximizing therapeutic efficacy of gene transfer, and minimizing the possibility of an inflammatory response to viral proteins.

In an aspect of the application, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in multiple injections of a solution of SDF-1 expressing plasmid DNA with each injection comprising about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml of SDF-1 plasmid/solution. In one example, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in at least about 10 injections, at least about 15 injections, or at least about 20 injections. Multiple injections of the SDF-1 plasmid to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region allows a greater area and/or number of cells of the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region to be treated.

Each injection administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region can have a volume of at least about 0.2 ml. The total volume of solution that includes the amount of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve at least one functional parameter of the heart is at least about 10 ml.

In one example, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region in at least about 10 injections. Each injection administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region can have a volume of at least about 0.2 ml. The SDF-1 can be expressed in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region for greater than about three days.

For example, each injection of solution including SDF-1 expressing plasmid can have an injection volume of at least about 0.2 ml and an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml. In another aspect of the application, at least one functional parameter of the of the heart can be improved by injecting the SDF-1 plasmid into the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the heart at an injection volume per site of at least about 0.2 ml, in at least about 10 injection sites, and at an SDF-1 plasmid concentration per injection of about 0.33 mg/ml to about 5 mg/ml.

It was found in a porcine model of congestive heart failure that injections of a solution of SDF-1 plasmid having concentration of less about 0.33 mg/ml or greater than about 5 mg/ml and an injection volume per injection site less than about 0.2 ml to a porcine model of heart failure resulted in little if any functional improvement of the left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, or cardiac function of the treated heart.

In another aspect of the application, the amount of SDF-1 plasmid administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region that can improve at least one functional parameter of the heart is greater than about 4 mg and less than about 100 mg per therapeutic intervention. The amount of SDF-1 plasmid administered by therapeutic intervention herein refers to the total SDF-1 plasmid administered to the subject during a therapeutic procedure designed to affect or elicit a therapeutic effect. This can include the total SDF-1 plasmid administered in single injection for a particular therapeutic intervention or the total SDF-1 plasmid that is administered by multiple injections for a therapeutic intervention. It was found in a porcine model of congestive heart failure that administration of about 4 mg SDF-1 plasmid DNA via direct injection of the SDF-1 plasmid to the heart resulted in no functional improvement of the left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension, or cardiac function of the treated heart. Moreover, administration of about 100 mg of SDF-1 plasmid DNA via direct injection of the SDF-1 plasmid to the heart resulted in no functional improvement of the left ventricular volume, left ventricular area, left ventricular dimension. or cardiac function of the treated heart.

In some aspects of the application, the SDF-1 can be expressed at a therapeutically effective amount or dose in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region after transfection with the SDF-1 plasmid vector for greater than about three days. Expression of SDF-1 at a therapeutically effective dose or amount for greater three days can provide a therapeutic effect to weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region. Advantageously, the SDF-1 can be expressed in the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region after transfection with the SDF-1 plasmid vector at a therapeutically effective amount for less than about 90 days to mitigate potentially chronic and/or cytotoxic effects that may inhibit the therapeutic efficacy of the administration of the SDF-1 to the subject.

It will be appreciated that the amount, volume, concentration, and/or dosage of SDF-1 plasmid that is administered to any one animal or human depends on many factors, including the subject's size, body surface area, age, the particular composition to be administered, sex, time and route of administration, general health, and other drugs being administered concurrently. Specific variations of the above noted amounts, volumes, concentrations, and/or dosages of SDF-1 plasmid can readily be determined by one skilled in the art using the experimental methods described below.

In another aspect of the application, the SDF-1 plasmid can be administered by direct injection using catheterization, such as endo-ventricular catheterization or intra-myocardial catheterization. In one example, a deflectable guide catheter device can be advanced to a left ventricle retrograde across the aortic valve. Once the device is positioned in the left ventricle. SDF-1 plasmid can be injected into the peri-infarct region (both septal and lateral aspect) area of the left ventricle. Typically, 1.0 ml of SDF-1 plasmid solution can be injection over a period of time of about 60 seconds. The subject being treated can receive at least about 10 injection (e.g., about 15 to about 20 injections in total).

The myocardial tissue of the subject can be imaged prior to administration of the SDF-1 plasmid to define the area of weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region prior to administration of the SDF-1 plasmid. Defining the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region by imaging allows for more accurate intervention and targeting of the SDF-1 plasmid to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region. The imaging technique used to define the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue can include any known cardia-imaging technique. Such imaging techniques can include, for example, at least one of echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, coronary angiogram, electroanatomical mapping, or fluoroscopy. It will be appreciated that other imaging techniques that can define the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region can also be used.

Optionally, other agents besides SDF-1 nucleic acids (e.g., SDF-1 plasmids) can be introduced into the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue to promote expression of SDF-1 from cells of the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region. For example, agents that increase the transcription of a gene encoding SDF-1 increase the translation of an mRNA encoding SDF-1, and/or those that decrease the degradation of an mRNA encoding SDF-1 could be used to increase SDF-1 protein levels.

Increasing the rate of transcription from a gene within a cell can be accomplished by introducing an exogenous promoter upstream of the gene encoding SDF-1. Enhancer elements, which facilitate expression of a heterologous gene, may also be employed.

Other agents can include other proteins, chemokines, and cytokines, that when administered to the target cells can upregulate expression of SDF-1 by the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue. Such agents can include, for example: insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, which was shown to upregulate expression of SDF-1 when administered to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) (Circ. Res. 2008 Nov. 21; 103(11):1300-98); sonic hedgehog (Shh), which was shown to upregulate expression of SDF-1 when administered to adult fibroblasts (Nature Medicine, Volume 11, Number 11, November 23); transforming growth factor β (TGF-β); which was shown to upregulate expression of SDF-1 when administered to human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMCs); IL-1β, PDGF, VEGF, TNF-a, and PTH, which are shown to upregulate expression of SDF-1, when administered to primary human osteoblasts (HOBs) mixed marrow stromal cells (BMSCs), and human osteoblast-like cell lines (Bone, 2006, April; 38(4): 497-508); thymosin β4, which was shown to upregulate expression when administered to bone marrow cells (BMCs) (Curr. Pharm. Des. 2007; 13(31):3245-51; and hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-1), which was shown to upregulate expression of SDF-1 when administered to bone marrow derived progenitor cells (Cardiovasc. Res. 2008, E. Pub.). These agents can be used to treat specific cardiomyopathies where such cells capable of upregulating expression of SDF-1 with respect to the specific cytokine are present or administered.

The SDF-1 protein or agent, which causes increases, and/or upregulates expression of SDF-1, can be administered to the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue neat or in a pharmaceutical composition. The pharmaceutical composition can provide localized release of the SDF-1 or agent to the cells of the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region being treated. Pharmaceutical compositions in accordance with the application will generally include an amount of SDF-1 or agent admixed with an acceptable pharmaceutical diluent or excipient, such as a sterile aqueous solution, to give a range of final concentrations, depending on the intended use. The techniques of preparation are generally well known in the art as exemplified by Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16th Ed. Mack Publishing Company, 1980, incorporated herein by reference. Moreover, for human administration, preparations should meet sterility, pyrogenicity, general safety and purity standards as required by FDA Office of Biological Standards.

The pharmaceutical composition can be in a unit dosage injectable form (e.g., solution, suspension, and/or emulsion). Examples of pharmaceutical formulations that can be used for injection include sterile aqueous solutions or dispersions and sterile powders for reconstitution into sterile injectable solutions or dispersions. The carrier can be a solvent or dispersing medium containing, for example, water, ethanol, polyol (e.g., glycerol, propylene glycol, liquid polyethylene glycol, and the like), dextrose, saline, or phosphatebuffered saline, suitable mixtures thereof and vegetable oils.

Proper fluidity can be maintained, for example, by the use of a coating, such as lecithin, by the maintenance of the required particle size in the case of dispersion and by the use of surfactants. Nonaqueous vehicles such a cottonseed oil, sesame oil, olive oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, or peanut oil and esters, such as isopropyl myristate, may also be used as solvent systems for compound compositions.

Additionally, various additives, which enhance the stability, sterility, and isotonicity of the compositions, including antimicrobial preservatives, antioxidants, chelating agents, and buffers, can be added. Prevention of the action of microorganisms can be ensured by various antibacterial and antifungal agents, for example, parabens, chlorobutanol, phenol, sorbic acid, and the like. In many cases, it will be desirable to include isotonic agents, for example, sugars, sodium chloride, and the like. Prolonged absorption of the injectable pharmaceutical form can be brought about by the use of agents delaying absorption, for example, aluminum monostearate and gelatin. According to methods described herein, however, any vehicle, diluent, or additive used would have to be compatible with the compounds.

Sterile injectable solutions can be prepared by incorporating the compounds utilized in practicing the methods described herein in the required amount of the appropriate solvent with various amounts of the other ingredients, as desired.

Pharmaceutical “slow release” capsules or “sustained release” compositions or preparations may be used and are generally applicable. Slow release formulations are generally designed to give a constant drug level over an extended period and may be used to deliver the SDF-1 or agent. The slow release formulations are typically implanted in the vicinity of the weakened, ischemic, and/or peri-infarct region of the myocardial tissue.

Examples of sustained-release preparations include semipermeable matrices of solid hydrophobic polymers containing the SDF-1 or agent, which matrices are in the form of shaped articles, e.g., films or microcapsule. Examples of sustained-release matrices include polyesters; hydrogels, for example, poly(2-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate) or poly(vinylalcohol); polylactides, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 3,773,919; copolymers of L-glutamic acid and γ ethyl-L-glutamate; non-degradable ethylene-vinyl acetate; degradable lactic acid-glycolic acid copolymers, such as the LUPRON DEPOT (injectable microspheres composed of lactic acid-glycolic acid copolymer and leuprolide acetate); and poly-D-(−)-3-hydroxybutyric acid.

While polymers, such as ethylene-vinyl acetate and lactic acid-glycolic acid enable release of molecules for over 100 days, certain hydrogels release proteins for shorter time periods. When encapsulated, SDF-1 or the agent can remain in the body for a long time, and may denature or aggregate as a result of exposure to moisture at 37° C., thus reducing biological activity and/or changing immunogenicity. Rational strategies are available for stabilization depending on the mechanism involved. For example, if the aggregation mechanism involves intermolecular S—S bond formation through thio-disulfide interchange, stabilization is achieved by modifying sulfhydryl residues, lyophilizing from acidic solutions, controlling moisture content, using appropriate additives, developing specific polymer matrix compositions, and the like.

In certain embodiments, liposomes and/or nanoparticles may also be employed with the SDF-1 or agent. The formation and use of liposomes is generally known to those of skill in the art, as summarized below.

Liposomes are formed from phospholipids that are dispersed in an aqueous medium and spontaneously form multilamellar concentric bilayer vesicles (also termed multilamellar vesicles (MLVs). MLVs generally have diameters of from 25 nm to 4 μm. Sonication of MLV s results in the formation of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV s) with diameters in the range of 200 to 500 Å, containing an aqueous solution in the core.

Phospholipids can form a variety of structures other than liposomes when dispersed in water, depending on the molar ratio of lipid to water. At low ratios, the liposome is the preferred structure. The physical characteristics of liposomes depend on pH, ionic strength and the presence of divalent cations. Liposomes can show low permeability to ionic and polar substances, but at elevated temperatures undergo a phase transition which markedly alters their permeability. The phase transition involves a change from a closely packed, ordered structure, known as the gel state, to a loosely packed, less-ordered structure, known as the fluid state. This occurs at a characteristic phase-transition temperature and results in an increase in permeability to ions, sugars and drugs.

Liposomes interact with cells via four different mechanisms: Endocytosis by phagocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial system such as macrophages and neutrophils; adsorption to the cell surface, either by nonspecific weak hydrophobic or electrostatic forces, or by specific interactions with cell-surface components; fusion with the plasma cell membrane by insertion of the lipid bilayer of the liposome into the plasma membrane, with simultaneous release of liposomal contents into the cytoplasm; and by transfer of liposomal lipids to cellular or subcellular membranes, or vice versa, without any association of the liposome contents. Varying the liposome formulation can alter which mechanism is operative, although more than one may operate at the same time.

Nanocapsules can generally entrap compounds in a stable and reproducible way. To avoid side effects due to intracellular polymeric overloading, such ultrafine particles (sized around 0.1 μm) should be designed using polymers able to be degraded in vivo. Biodegradable polyalkyl-cyanoacrylate nanoparticles that meet these requirements are contemplated for use in the methods, and such particles are easily made.

For preparing pharmaceutical compositions from the compounds of the application, pharmaceutically acceptable carriers can be in any form (e.g., solids, liquids, gels, etc.). A solid carrier can be one or more substances, which may also act as diluents, flavoring agents, binders, preservatives, and/or an encapsulating material.

Critical Limb Ischemia

This application additionally relates to a method of treating critical limb ischemia in a subject. The method includes administering, JVS-100 by direct intramuscular injection to the upper leg (quadriceps muscles) and lower leg (primarily gastrocnemius muscle) using multiple injection sites. JVS-100 is the sterile biological product, composed of the naked DNA plasmid encoding human SDF-1 cDNA (a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6) and 5% dextrose.

Critical limb ischemia (CLI) represents the most advanced stage of atherosclerotic, lower extremity peripheral vascular disease (PVD) and is associated with high rates of cardiovascular morbidity, mortality, and major amputation. The incidence of CLI is estimated to be 125,000 to 250,000 patients per year in the United States and is expected to grow as the population ages. PVD prevalence increases dramatically with age and affects approximately 20% of Americans age 65 and older. The current standard of care for individuals with CLI includes lower extremity revascularization, either through open peripheral surgical procedures, endovascular techniques, or lower extremity amputation (i.e. if revascularization has failed or is not feasible). The 1-year mortality rate of patients with CLI is 25% and may be as high as 45% in those who have undergone amputation. Despite advanced techniques in vascular and surgical procedures, a considerable proportion of patients with CLI are not suitable for revascularization. Of these patients, 30% will require major amputation and 23% will die within 3 months. Strategies to open blocked vessels or stimulate angiogenesis are under active investigation.

Therapeutic angiogenesis, first evaluated by Dr. Jeffrey Isner in a 71 year-old patient with severe PVD and toe gangrene in 1994, is a strategy for the treatment of CLI that utilizes angiogenic or vasculogenic growth factors. Genes to encode these growth factors are injected into ischemic tissue to promote neovascularization in an attempt to increase perfusion to ischemic tissues through various mechanisms of action. In this study, human plasmid phVEGF 165 was applied by balloon angioplasty to the distal popliteal artery. Functional and angiographic parameters improved within 12 weeks, and spider angiomata and edema developed unilaterally in the affected limb, suggesting the treatment had a local angiogenic effect. This pioneer experiment suggested that experimental CLI therapies that attempt to increase expression of angiogenic growth factors in ischemic tissue may be beneficial to provide patients with poor surgical outcomes the angiogenic potential to restore function and preserve the limb. Recent studies have demonstrated that chemokines that stimulate angiogenesis may be a critical component of therapies directed at retaining and restoring function in the limbs of patients with critical limb ischemia.

Non-viral gene delivery, or the application of naked plasmid DNA to express a therapeutic protein at a specific site, is a simple delivery method that has been tested clinically in ischemic patients for over 15 years. The safety profile of non-viral gene delivery is also attractive when compared to viral vector therapy delivery because it does not produce a significant inflammatory response elicited by viral vector delivery. A substantial body of literature, both preclinical and clinical, has demonstrated that non-viral delivery of therapeutic genes is safe and effective in disease models such as critical limb ischemia, cardiac myopathy and wound healing.

In particular, plasmid DNA encoding fibroblast growth factor (FGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and have been used to treat patients with CLI in attempts to increase collateral blood flow to areas compromised by poor or damaged vasculature. Importantly, clinical use of non-viral FGF and VEGF gene therapy has been shown to be safe with no significant safety concerns reported to date. In several Phase I and II studies, patients with unreconstructable severe PVD with rest pain or tissue necrosis underwent treatment with intramuscular injection of non-viral FGF (NV1FGF). Increasing single (up to 16 mg) and repeated (2× up to 8 mg) doses of NV1FGF were injected into the ischemic thigh and calf using naked plasmid DNA. NV1FGF was well tolerated, and after 6-month follow up of 38 patients, a significant reduction in pain scale and ischemic ulcer size, as well as increase in TcPO2 compared to baseline values was observed. Large-scale phase III trials examining the use of naked plasmid DNA to treat CLI, such as the multicenter double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating efficacy and safety of NV1FGF in CLI patients with skin lesions the TAMARIS trial, are underway, which will include 490 patients assigned to placebo or intramuscular injection of NV1FGF.

These non-viral gene therapies have shown no safety concerns to date and NV1FGF appears to provide benefit in subjects with CLI based on Phase II clinical data. This, coupled with our previous preclinical work with ACRX-100 treatment of ischemic heart failure which has demonstrated improvement in vasculogenesis and cardiac function with no safety issues, led us to hypothesize that ACRX-100 will be safe, improve vasculogenesis and ultimately provide clinical benefit in Critical Limb Ischemia patients.

It has been determined that SDF-1 is upregulated in multiple tissues after injury and is expressed for a period of 4-5 days. Multiple groups have demonstrated the therapeutic potential of SDF-1 therapy in a broad range of diseases, including: ischemic myopathy, peripheral vascular disease, wound healing, critical limb ischemia, and diabetes. SDF-1 is a strong chemoattractant of stem cells and progenitor cells that promote tissue preservation and blood vessel development. Together, these reports point to a conserved pathway and mechanism of action through which SDF-1 may promote repair and restore function after tissue injury. This led the inventors to develop ACRX-100 (a non-viral, naked DNA plasmid encoding SDF-1 in dextrose solution) for treatment of ischemic cardiovascular disease. In a GLP safety and toxicology study, ACRX-100 demonstrated functional benefit up to 30 mg and safety up to 100 mg in a porcine model of heart failure. The inventors are currently enrolling a multi-center, open-label, dose-escalation Phase I clinical trial using ACRX-100 to treat patients with ischemic heart failure.

The inventors' studies demonstrated that ACRX-100 significantly increased vasculogenesis in the heart, consistent with studies from several groups. These studies suggest re-establishing stem cell homing to chronically damaged tissue in critical limb ischemia may reinitiate tissue repair and potentially improve blood flow. The company has gone on to show that direct intramuscular injections of ACRX-100 into an ischemic hindlimb of a rabbit promoted revascularization of the tissue compared to control treated animals, suggesting that ACRX-100 is a promising therapeutic candidate for treating patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI). The incidence of CLI is estimated to be 125,000 to 250,000 patients per year in the United States and is expected to grow as the population ages. The current standard of care for CLI patients includes lower extremity revascularization, either through open peripheral surgical procedures, endovascular techniques, or lower extremity amputation (i.e., if revascularization has failed or is not feasible). The 1-year mortality rate of patients with CLI is 25% and may be as high as 45% in those who have undergone amputation. Despite advanced techniques in vascular and surgical procedures, a considerable proportion of patients with CLI are not suitable for revascularization.

The plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 comprises naked DNA plasmid encoding human SDF-1 cDNA. ACRX-100 is the sterile biological product, composed of a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 and 5% dextrose.

The plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 is a naked DNA plasmid designed to express human SDF-1 in mammalian tissue. The plasmid backbone consists of the ColE1 origin and the kanamycin resistance marker. SDF-1 transgene expression is driven by the CMV enhancer/promoter, CMV-intron A and the RU5 translational enhancer. Efficient polyadenylation is ensured by the incorporation of the bovine growth hormone polyA signal sequence. This is the same plasmid and formulation used for the treatment of patients with heart failure. The inventors are developing ACRX-100 for the treatment of patients with critical limb ischemia. ACRX-100 is formulated for direct intramuscular injection. The planned dosing regimen is comprised of single or multiple dose administration to the upper leg (quadriceps muscles) and lower leg (primarily gastrocnemius muscle) using multiple injection sites.

SDF-1 (a.k.a. CXCL2) is a naturally-occurring chemokine that is rapidly upregulated in response to tissue injury. SDF-1 induction stimulates a number of protective anti-inflammatory pathways, causes the down regulation of pro-inflammatory mediators (such as MMP-9 and IL-8), and can protect cells from apoptosis by inhibiting caspase-mediated activation of Akt. Furthermore, SDF-1 is a strong chemoattractant of endogenous organ specific and bone marrow derived stem cells and progenitor cells to the site of tissue damage, which promotes tissue preservation and blood vessel development. Previous studies have demonstrated that SDF-1 expression is increased at the site of an injury, but expression lasts for less than a week, and therefore the induced stem cell homing response quickly fades. This short duration of SDF-1 expression reduces the potential for tissue repair but suggests that therapeutic interventions that prolong or re-introduce the ability of SDF-1 to stimulate the stem cell homing process may be beneficial for patients that have damaged tissue. Based on this hypothesis, Dr. Penn's laboratory demonstrated that re-introducing SDF-1 by injecting cardiac fibroblasts overexpressing SDF-1 months after MI resulted in re-establishment of the homing of bone marrow derived and endogenous organ specific stem cells to the heart, growth of new blood vessels within the injured tissue, and a >80% increase in heart function. Skeletal myoblasts overexpressing SDF-1 injected eight weeks post-MI also significantly improved cardiac function. Furthermore, SDF-1 improved cardiac function by enhancing recruitment of circulating stem cells to injured tissue and causing formation of new blood vessels to increase perfusion to the injured region. These effects, along with substantial preservation of myocardium, were demonstrated when SDF-1 overexpressing MSCs were delivered to rats following acute MI leading to a 240% increase in cardiac function. This biologic response has been conserved in a number of organ systems in response to ischemic injury.

The benefit of SDF-1 treatment observed by the inventors has been validated by recent work in other independent laboratories. SDF-1 has improved cardiac function in ischemic cardiomyopathy when it has been delivered by: nanofiber-embedded protein in post-acute MI rats, recombinant protein via a fibrin patch in post-MI mice, or direct intramyocardial injection of protein in post-acute MI mice. SDF-1-encoding plasmid injected into the MI border zone has been shown to attract circulating stem cells to the MI border region. Similarly, regenerative cell therapy that uses myoblasts, or muscle stem cells, that are grown from a patient's own muscle and genetically engineered to overexpress SDF-1 have demonstrated pre-clinical efficacy for treating heart failure and are being tested on patients in clinical trials to repair ischemically damaged tissue and increase function in the REGEN trial. Taken together, these published data from multiple laboratories demonstrate that, independent of the delivery method, overexpression of SDF-1 provides functional benefit in diseases of ischemic etiology.

Re-stimulating SDF-1 expression in ischemic muscle has a high therapeutic potential for treatment of CLI by regenerating vasculature damaged by poor blood flow. This provides an opportunity to repair and retain function in degenerating limbs. Re-growth of blood vessel architecture has been shown to improve limb salvage rates in a number of clinical trials using VEGF or stem cells. Yamaguchi et al. reported that local delivery of SDF-1 protein enhanced neovascularization of an ischemic hindlimb after administration of EPCs. suggesting that SDF-1 augments EPC-induced vasculogenesis. Similarly, Hiasa et al. demonstrated that SDF-1 gene transfer enhanced ischemia-induced vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in vivo through a VEGF/eNOS-related pathway.

These observations were recently confirmed in analyses of skeletal muscle acquired from patients undergoing peri-genicular amputation for chronic CLI. Expression of SDF-1 and its receptor, CXCR4, was increased in skeletal muscle fibers and microvessels, respectively. This suggests that the SDF-1/CXCR4 repair axis has been chronically upregulated in ischemic leg muscles in an attempt to stimulate microvessel growth for natural healing, but is insufficient at such low levels. By using ACRX-100 gene therapy to amplify the signal, we may be able to synergistically build on the healing process already started in the damaged tissue. Thus, ACRX-100 represents a novel chemokine therapy for next generation therapeutic neovascularization.

Summary of Master Cell Bank and Bulk Plasmid Production

The manufacturing of drug substance used for the heart failure Phase I clinical trial was accomplished at a scale of 300 L using dedicated reagents and materials. For our proposed Phase I/II CLI trials, we will be able to leverage our experience gained by utilizing our qualified Master Cell Bank and streamline drug product manufacture using pre-established quality testing services. All media are prepared with common animal-free ingredients and sterile USP-grade water or better quality. All buffers for bacterial lysis are released for manufacturing based on the respective certificates of analysis. Large-scale lysis is accomplished via a bubble device, without use of RNase. All chromatographic buffers are manufactured at Aldevron with USP-grade or equivalent reagents and released after meeting internal specifications. All aseptic processing are performed in environmentally-controlled clean rooms. The clean room facility consists of an anteroom (Class 10,000, ISO 7) for gowning with two doors and a pass-through window to the main clean room (Class 10,000); inside is a class 1000 (ISO 6) room with a class-100 (ISO 5) biosafety hood for final fill/finish. Procedures are in place for use and maintenance, cleaning (after every batch), and Environmental Monitoring. The bulk plasmid solution is filter-sterilized, the concentration adjusted as necessary, and stored at −75+5° C. for final dispensing into drug product vials.

The final step in manufacture is aseptic dilution of sterile solutions into sterile bulk containers. Therefore, for early development, the drug substance was specified to be sterile.

Summary of Drug Product Manufacture

The bulk plasmid is transferred into a class ISO 6 clean room that houses an ISO 5 biological-safety cabinet (BSC). All contact materials are pre-sterilized, and pyrogen free, disposable items that have been released for use based on manufacturer's certificate of analysis. Processing occurs in the BSC. The bulk plasmid solution was first diluted to the final target concentration with USP Dextrose (5%) for injection. After mixing, the sterile plasmid solution is then manually pipetted into the final pre-sterilized serum vials. Product is stored frozen at −75+5° C. A comprehensive list of media components and downstream reagents, along with quality information, will be provided in the IND.


Stability studies have demonstrated that pre-clinical lots of ACRX-100 are stable at −20° C. for up to a year from manufacture. Clinical grade ACRX-100 (Lots 24370D-F) are currently under accelerated (5±3° C.) and standard (−20±4° C.) stability (Table 1) and results are expected to exceed preclinical stability findings. Results will be reported in the IND. The following tests will be performed as part of the stability program: appearance, identity (agarose gel electrophoresis), concentration (A260/A280), homogeneity (densitometry), potency, and pH. Sterility testing will be performed at release, six months, and annually thereafter.

Stability Conditions and Time Points

for Clinical Trial Lots 24370D-F

Test Intervals (months)

Storage Conditions

−20° C. ± 4° C.

 5° C. ± 3° C.


X = All conditions, save sterility Y = Sterility

Non-Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology of ACRX-100

“Chemokine pharmaceuticals” have recently attracted substantial interest due to their ability to stimulate and recruit stem cells to sites of tissue injury. ACRX-100 is a gene therapy agent that delivers the human chemokine SDF-1 via gene expression in human cells. The active protein produced by ACRX-100, SDF-1, has been shown to improve cardiac function in temporally remote ischemically-damaged myocardium and improve the healing rate of wounded epithelia by recruiting CXCR4-positive stem cells. SDF-1 has shown pro-angiogenic activity in patients with acute CLI and is down-regulated in patients with chronic CLI, suggesting that therapies directed at renewing SDF-1 expression in chronic CLI may augment vasculogenesis via recruitment of bone-marrow derived cells to the adult vasculature.

The plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6, formulated in the drug product ACRX-100, has been tested in animal models of ischemic cardiovascular disease and hind limb ischemia. ACRX-100 was tested via intra-cardiac administration in a porcine model of heart failure for efficacy, safety and biodistribution, and a No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) of 100 mg was established. The identical formulation of ACRX-100, administered at doses lower than those used in nonclinical and clinical studies of heart failure, is currently being evaluated to determine the potential therapeutic benefit provided in CLI. A single dose efficacy, toxicology and biodistribution study with ACRX-100 has been conducted in hindlimb ischemic rabbits. This study demonstrated that ACRX-100 has therapeutic potential for the treatment of critical limb ischemia and that intramuscular injection of ACRX-100 into the ischemic hindlimbs of rabbits did not produce any signs of toxicity or histopathologic changes. Additionally, the a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 plasmid was essentially cleared from all organs but the ischemic limb at 60 days post-therapy after a single dose. A repeat-dose efficacy and safety (toxicology and biodistribution) study is planned in the rabbit model of hindlimb ischemia to support up to 3 doses of ACRX-100 in patients with CLI.

Advanced Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

Described herein are methods of treating advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy in a subject by administering a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1.

In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an end systolic volume of at least about 151 ml. In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an end systolic volume of about 151 ml.

In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises:

identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition;

determining the subject's end systolic volume; and

administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's end systolic volume is at least about 151 ml.

In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises:

identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition;

determining the subject's end systolic volume; and

administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's end systolic volume is about 151 ml.

The methods of treating advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy include administering to the subject a plasmid encoding SDF-1. In some embodiment, the plasmid encoding SDF-1 comprises a polynucleotide having the sequence of SEQ ID NO:6. In other embodiments, the methods of treating advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy including administering to the subject JVS-100.

The amount of plasmid encoding SDF-1 that is administered to the subject depends on many factors including, but not limited to, the subject's size, body surface area, age, the particular composition to be administered, sex, time and route of administration, general health, and other drugs being administered concurrently. In some embodiments, the amount of plasmid encoding SDF-1 administered to the subject is greater than about 15 mg. In other embodiments, the amount of plasmid encoding SDF-administered to the subject is from about 25 mg to about 35 mg of said plasmid. In some embodiments the amount of plasmid encoding SDF-1 administered to the subject is about 25 mg, about 26 mg, about 27 mg, about 28 mg, about 29 mg, about 30 mg, about 31 mg, about 32 mg, about 33 mg, about 34 mg, or about 35 mg. In yet other embodiments, the amount of plasmid encoding SDF-1 administered to the subject is greater than 35 mg.

Advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy can be determined by the subject's end systolic volume (ESV). In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy occurs when a subject's end systolic volume is equal to or greater than about 151 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy occurs when a subject's end systolic volume is at least about 151 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy occurs when a subject's end systolic volume is at least 151 ml. In other embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy occurs when a subject's end systolic volume is about 151 ml. In some embodiments, the advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is advanced heart failure. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 90 ml and 275 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 90 ml and 255 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 90 ml and 235 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 90 ml and 215 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 90 ml and 175 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 90 ml and 160 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 110 ml and 275 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 130 ml and 275 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 150 ml and 275 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 110 ml and 255 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 130 ml and 235 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 150 ml and 215 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 140 ml and 220 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 140 ml and 200 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 140 ml and 190 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 140 ml and 180 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 145 ml and 155 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 160 ml and 200 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 170 ml and 200 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 150 ml and 185 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 150 ml and 175 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 150 ml and 170 ml. In some embodiments, advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is considered to be present when a subject's end systolic volume is within a range between 150 ml and 160 ml.

The described methods of treating advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy in a subject by administering a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1. My also be carried out by measuring the subject's left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and determining if the measurement is indicative of advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy.

In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an LVEF of less than 45 ml. In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an LVEF of less than 40 ml. In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an LVEF of less than 37 ml. In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an LVEF of less than 35 ml. In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an LVEF of less than 33 ml. In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an LVEF of less than 30 ml. In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an LVEF of less than 27 ml. In one embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy comprises administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1, wherein said subject has an LVEF of less than 25 ml.

In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is carried out by identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's LVEF, and administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's LVEF is less than 45 ml. In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is carried out by identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's LVEF, and administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's LVEF is less than 40 ml. In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is carried out by identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's LVEF, and administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's LVEF is less than 37 ml. In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is carried out by identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's LVEF, and administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's LVEF is less than 35 ml. In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is carried out by identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's LVEF, and administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's LVEF is less than 33 ml. In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is carried out by identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's LVEF, and administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's LVEF is less than 30 ml. In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is carried out by identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's LVEF, and administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's LVEF is less than 27 ml. In another embodiment, the method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is carried out by identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition, determining the subject's LVEF, and administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's LVEF is less than 25 ml.

The plasmid encoding SDF-1 can be administered by any of the numerous techniques and routes of administration described throughout the application. For example, in some embodiments, the plasmid encoding SDF-1 can be administered via direct injection. In certain embodiments, the plasmid encoding SDF-1 can be administered via endoventricular injection. In other embodiments, the plasmid encoding SDF-1 can be administered via a catheter. In yet other embodiments, the plasmid encoding SDF-1 can be administered via retrograde infusion.

The methods of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy can further comprise evaluating the subject's cardiac output, cardiac biomarker expression, or both. Cardiac outputs that can be evaluated include, but are not limited to, left ventricular end systolic volume, left ventricular ejection fraction, wall motion score index, left ventricular end diastolic length, left ventricular end systolic length, left ventricular end diastolic area, left ventricular end systolic area, left ventricular end diastolic volume, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification, or any combination thereof. Thus, in some embodiments, evaluating the subject's cardiac output comprises evaluating a six-minute walk distance. In some embodiments, evaluating the subject's cardiac output comprises evaluating the subject's cardiac volume.

Biomarker levels that can be evaluated include, but are not limited to, NTproBNP, Galectin-3, or any combination thereof. Thus, in some embodiments, evaluating the subject's biomarker expression includes evaluating a level of NTproBNP. In other embodiments, evaluating the subject's biomarker expression includes evaluating a level of Galectin-3. In yet other embodiments, evaluating the subject's biomarker expression includes evaluating a level of both NTproBNP and Galectin-3.

As stated previously, the term “subject” is used herein to refer to animals that can be treated by the therapeutic methods described herein or into which the large DNA molecules can be introduced. Thus, in some embodiments, the subject may be a mammal or a human having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy.

The following examples are for the purpose of illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the claims, which are appended hereto.

Example 1

Stromal cell-derived factor-1 or SDF-1 is a naturally-occurring chemokine whose expression is rapidly upregulated in response to tissue injury. SDF-1 induction stimulates a number of protective anti-inflammatory pathways, causes the down regulation of proinflammatory mediators (such as MMP-9 and IL-8), and can protect cells from apoptosis. Furthermore, SDF-1 is a strong chemoattractant of organ specific and bone marrow derived stem cells and progenitor cells to the site of tissue damage, which promotes tissue preservation and blood vessel development. Based on observations that increased expression of SDF-1 led to improved cardiac function in ischemic animal models, we focused on developing a non-viral, naked-DNA SDF-1-encoding plasmid for treatment of ischemic cardiovascular disease. During the course of development, the plasmid was optimized based on cell culture and small animal study results described below. The plasmid a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 was selected based on its ability to express transgenes in cardiac tissue and to consistently improve cardiac function in pre-clinical animal models of ischemic cardiomyopathy. SDF-1 transgene expression in a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 is driven by the CMV enhancer/promoter, CMV intron A, and the RU5 translational enhancer. The drug product, JVS-100 (formerly ACRX-100), is composed of plasmid a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 in 5% dextrose.

Initial studies in a rat model of heart failure demonstrated that ACL-01110S (an SDF-1 expressing precursor to a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6) improved cardiac function after injection of the plasmid directly into the infarct border zone of the rat hearts four weeks following an MI. Benefits were sustained for at least 8-10 weeks post-injection and correlated with increased vasculogenesis in the ACL-01110S treated animals. ACL-01110S was modified to optimize its expression profile.

Plasmid Dose-Dependent Expression in a Rat Model of MI

To determine the plasmid dose per injection that would provide maximal expression in rat cardiac tissue, escalating doses (10, 50, 100, 500 μg) of the ACL-00011L luciferase plasmid were injected into infarcted rat hearts. Lewis rats were subjected to a median sternotomy and the left anterior descending artery (LAD) was permanently ligated, and injected peri-MI at one site with 100 μl ACL-00011L plasmid in PBS. Whole body luciferase expression was measured in each dose cohort (n=3) by non-invasive bioluminescent imaging (Xenogen, Hopkinton, Mass.) at baseline and at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days post-injection. The peak expression increased up to a dose of 100 μg and saturated at higher doses. Based on this dose-response curve, a dose of 100 μg was determined to be sufficient for maximal plasmid expression in rat hearts. ACL-00011L expressed the luciferase gene from a vector backbone equivalent to that used in construction of ACL-00011 S, which expresses SDF-1.

Comparison of Cardiac Vector Expression in a Rat Model of Ischemic Heart Failure

The luciferase expressing equivalents of several SDF-1 plasmid candidates were tested for expression in cardiac tissue in a rat model of myocardial infarct (MI). Plasmid candidates differed in the promoters driving expression and presence of enhancer elements. Lewis rats were subjected to a median sternotomy and the left anterior descending artery (LAD) was permanently ligated and the chest was closed. Four weeks later, the chest was reopened, and the luciferase expressing plasmids was directly injected (100 μg in 100 μl per injection) into 4 peri-Myocardial infarction sites. At 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 days post-injection (and every 3-4 days following), rats were anesthetized, injected with luciferin and imaged with a whole-body Xenogen Luciferase imaging system.

The two CMV driven plasmids tested, ACL-00011L and ACL-01110L yielded detectable luciferase expression within 24 hours of injection with an initial peak of expression at 2 days post-injection.

ACL-01110L peak expression was 7 times greater than ACL-00011L and expression was approximately 10 days longer (lasting up to 16 days post injection). In contrast, ACL-00021L (αMHC driven plasmid) showed no initial peak, but expressed at a low-level through day 25 post-injection. These results support previous studies demonstrating that CMV driven plasmids can be used for localized, transient protein expression in the heart and that the timeframe of therapeutic protein expression can be modulated through the inclusion of enhancer elements.

Efficacy of SDF-1 Plasmids in Rat Model of MI

SDF-1-encoding plasmids were tested in a rat model of MI to determine if functional cardiac benefit could be achieved. Lewis rats were subjected to a median sternotomy and the LAD was permanently ligated immediately distal to the first bifurcation. Four weeks later, the chest was reopened, and one of three SDF-1 expressing plasmids (ACL-01110S, ACL-00011S, or ACL-00021S) or saline was injected (100 μg per 100 μl injection) into 4 peri-MI sites.

At baseline (pre-injection), and 2, 4, and 8 weeks post-injection, rats were anesthetized and imaged with M-mode echocardiography. LVEF, fractional shortening, and LV dimensions were measured by a trained sonographer who was blinded to randomization.

A strong trend in improvement in cardiac function was observed with both CMV driven plasmids, ACL-01110S and ACL-00011S. compared to saline controls. ACL-01110S elicited a statistically significant increase in fractional shortening at four weeks that was sustained 8 weeks after injection. In contrast, no difference in function was observed between αMHC driven plasmid ACL-00021S and saline. Furthermore, compared to control, the ACL-01110S and the ACL-00011S-treated animals had significant increases in large vessel density (ACL-01110S: 21±1.8 vessels/mm2; ACL-0001 S: 17±1.5 vessels/mm2; saline: 6±0.7 vessels/mm2, p<0.001 for both vs. saline) and reduced infarct size (ACL-01110S: 16.9±2.8%; ACL-00011S: 17.8±2.6%; saline: 23.8±4.5%). Importantly, treatment with ACL-01110S demonstrated the largest improvement in cardiac function and vasculogenesis, and caused the largest reduction in infarct size.

In summary, in a rat model of ischemic heart failure, both SDF-1-encoding plasmids driven by a CMV promoter provided functional cardiac benefit, increased vasculogenesis, and reduction in infarct size compared to saline treatment. In all parameterstested, ACL-01110S provided the most significant benefit.

Transfection Efficiency of a Plasmid Having the Nucleotide Sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 and ACL-01010Sk in H9C2 Cells

In vitro transfection of H9C2 myocardial cells without transfection reagents (i.e., -naked plasmid DNA was added to cells in culture) were used to estimate in vivo transfection efficiencies of GFP versions of the inventors lead plasmid vectors, a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 and ACL-01010Sk. H9C2 cells were cultured in vitro and various amounts of pDNA (0.5 μg, 2.0 μg, 4.0 μg, 5.0 μg) were added in 5% dextrose. The GFP vectors were constructed from the backbones of the plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 (ACL-01110G) or ACL-01010Sk (ACL-01010G). At Day 3 post-transfection, GFP fluorescence was assessed by FACS to estimate transfection efficiency. The transfection efficiencies for the ACL-01110G and ACL-01010G vectors in 5% dextrose ranged from 1.08-3.01%. At each amount of pDNA tested, both vectors had similar in vitro transfection efficiencies. We conclude that the 1-3% transfection efficiency observed in this study is in line with findings from previous studies demonstrating a similar level of in vivo transfection efficiency. Specifically, JVS-100 will transfect a limited but sufficient number of cardiac cells to produce therapeutic amounts of SDF-1.

Example 2
Expression of Plasmid in Porcine Myocardium

A porcine occlusion/reperfusion MI model of the left anterior descending artery (LAD) was selected as an appropriate large animal model to test the efficacy and safety of ACRX-100. In this model, 4 weeks recovery is given between MI and treatment to allow time for additional cardiac remodeling and to simulate chronic ischemic heart failure.

Surgical Procedure

Yorkshire pigs were anesthetized and heparinized to an activated clotting time (ACT) of ≧300 seconds, and positioned in dorsal recumbency. To determine the contour of the LV, left ventriculography was performed in both the Anterior-Posterior and Lateral views.

Delivery of Luciferase Plasmid into Porcine Myocardium

A deflectable guide catheter device was advanced to the left ventricle retrograde across the aortic valve, the guide wire was removed, and an LV endocardial needle injection catheter was entered through the guide catheter into the LV cavity. Luciferase plasmid was injected at 4 sites at a given volume and concentration into either the septal or lateral wall of the heart. Five combinations of plasmid concentration (0.5, 2, or 4 mg/ml) and site injection volumes (0.2, 0.5, 1.0 ml) were tested. Plasmid at 0.5 mg/ml was buffered in USP Dextrose, all others were buffered in USP Phosphate Buffered Saline. For each injection, the needle was inserted into the endocardium, and the gene solution was injected at a rate of 0.8-1.5 ml/minute. Following injection, the needle was held in place for 15 seconds and then withdrawn. After injections were completed, all instrumentation was removed, the incision was closed, and the animal was allowed to recover.

Harvesting of Myocardial Tissue

On Day 3 post injection, the animals were submitted to necropsy. Following euthanasia, the heart was removed, weighed, and perfused with Lactate Ringers Solution until clear of blood. The LV was opened and the injection sites identified. A 1 cm square cube of tissue was taken around each injection site. Four (4) cubes harvested from the posterior wall remote from any injection sites served as negative controls. The tissue samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −20 to −70° C.

Assessment of Luciferase Expression

The tissue samples were thawed and placed in a 5 ml glass tube. Lysis buffer (0.5-1.0 ml) was added and tissue was disrupted using Polytron homogenization (model PT 1200) on ice. Tissue homogenate was centrifuged and protein concentration of the supernatant was determined for each tissue sample using the Bio-rad Detergent-Compatible (DC) protein assay and a standard curve of known amounts of bovine serum albumin (BSA). Tissue sample homogenate (1-10 μl) was assayed using the Luciferase assay kit (Promega).

The results of the experiment are shown in FIG. 1. The data shows that expression of the vector increases with increasing injection volume and increasing concentration of DNA.

Example 3
Improvement in Cardiac Function by SDF-1 Plasmid Treatment in Porcine Model of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
Induction of Myocardial Infarction

Yorkshire pigs were anesthetized and heparinized to an activated clotting time (ACT) of ≧250 seconds, and positioned in dorsal recumbency. A balloon catheter was introduced by advancing it through a guide catheter to the LAD to below the first major bifurcation of the LAD. The balloon was then inflated to a pressure sufficient to ensure complete occlusion of the artery, and left inflated in the artery for 90-120 minutes. Complete balloon inflation and deflation was verified with fluoroscopy. The balloon was then removed, the incision was closed, and the animal was allowed to recover.

Enrollment Criteria

One month post-MI, cardiac function in each pig was assessed by echocardiography. If the LVEF was less than 40% and the LVESV was greater than 56.7 ml, the pig was enrolled in the study.

Surgical Procedure

Each enrolled pig was anesthetized and heparinized to an activated clotting time (ACT) of ≧300 seconds, and positioned in dorsal recumbency. To determine the contour of the LV, left ventriculography was performed in both the Anterior-Posterior and Lateral views.

Delivery of SDF-1 Plasmid Having the Nucleotide Sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 into Myocardium

Each pig was randomized to one of 3 sacrifice points: 3 days, 30 days, or 90 days post-treatment, and to one of four treatment groups: control (20 injections, buffer only), low (15 injections, 0.5 mg/ml), mid (15 injections, 2.0 mg/ml), or high (20 injections, 5.0 mg/ml). All plasmid was buffered in USP Dextrose. The injection procedure is described below.

A deflectable guide catheter device was advanced to the left ventricle retrograde across the aortic valve, the guide wire was removed, and an LV endocardial needle injection catheter was entered through the guide catheter into the LV cavity. SDF-1 plasmid or buffer at randomized dose was loaded into 1 ml syringes that were connected to the catheter. Each injection volume was 1.0 ml. For each injection, the needle was inserted into the endocardium, and the solution was injected over 60 seconds. Following injection, the needle was held in place for 15 seconds and then withdrawn. After injections were completed, all instrumentation was removed, the incision was closed, and the animal was allowed to recover.

At sacrifice, samples of tissues from the heart and other major organs were excised and flash frozen for PCR and histopathological analysis.

Assessment of Cardiac Function

Each animal had cardiac function assessed by standard 2-dimensional echocardiography at day 0, 30, 60, and 90 post-injection (or until sacrifice). Measurements of left ventricular volume, area, and wall motion score were made by an independent core laboratory. The efficacy parameters measured are shown below in Table 1.


Echocardiographic Parameters



End Systolic Volume measured in parasternal long-axis view

End Diastolic Volume measured in parasternal long-axis view


Average of all readable wall motion scores based on ASE 17

segment model and scoring system of 0-5.

The impact of SDF-1 plasmid on functional improvement is shown in FIGS. 2-5. FIGS. 2-4 show that the low and mid doses of SDF-1 plasmid improve LVESV, LVEF, and Wall Motion Score Index at 30 days post-injection compared to control; whereas, the high dose does not show benefit. FIG. 5 demonstrates that the cardiac benefit in the low and mid dose is sustained to 90 days, as both show a marked attenuation in pathological remodeling, that is, a smaller increase in LVESV, compared to control.

Assessment of Vasculogenesis

Animals that were sacrificed at 30 days were assessed for vessel density in the left ventricle using 7 to 9 tissue samples harvested from each formalin-fixed heart. Genomic DNA was extracted and efficiently purified from formalin-fixed tissue sample using a mini-column purification procedure (Qiagen). Samples from SDF-1 treated and control animals were tested for presence of plasmid DNA by quantitative PCR. Three to five tissue samples found to contain copies of plasmid DNA at least 4-fold above background (except in control animals) for each animal were used to prepare slides and immunostained with isolectin. Cross-sections were identified and vessels counted in 20-40 random fields per tissue. The vessels per field were converted to vessels/mm2 and were averaged for each animal. For each dose, data is reported as the average vessels/mm2 from all animals receiving that dose.

FIG. 6 shows that both doses that provided functional benefit also significantly increase vessel density at 30 days compared to control. In contrast, the high dose, which did not improve function, did not substantially increase vessel density. This data provides a putative biologic mechanism by which SDF-1 plasmid is improving cardiac function in ischemic cardiomyopathy.

Biodistribution Data

JVS-100 distribution in cardiac and non-cardiac tissues was measured 3, 30 and 90 days after injection in the pivotal efficacy and toxicology study in the pig model of MI. In cardiac tissue, at each time point, average JVS-100 plasmid concentration increased with dose. At each dose, JVS-100 clearance was observed at 3, 30 and 90 days following injection with approximately 99.999999% cleared from cardiac tissue at Day 90. JVS-100 was distributed to non-cardiac organs with relatively high blood flow (e.g. heart, kidney, liver, and lung) with the highest concentrations noted 3 days following injection. JVS-100 was present primarily in the kidney, consistent with renal clearance of the plasmid. There were low levels of persistence at 30 days and JVS-100 was essentially undetectable in non-cardiac tissues at 90 days.


Treatment with JVS-100 resulted in significantly increased blood vessel formation and improved heart function in pigs with ischemic heart failure following a single endomyocardial injection of 7.5 and 30 mg. The highest dose of JVS-100 tested (100 mg) showed a trend in increased blood vessel formation but did not show improved heart function. None of the doses of JVS-100 were associated with signs of toxicity, adverse effects on clinical pathology parameters or histopathology. JVS-100 was distributed primarily to the heart with approximately 99.999999% cleared from cardiac tissue at 90 days following treatment. JVS-100 was distributed to non-cardiac organs with relatively high blood flow (e.g., heart, kidney, liver, and lung) with the highest concentrations in the kidneys 3 days following injection. JVS-100 was essentially undetectable in the body 90 days after injection with only negligible amounts of the administered dose found in non-cardiac tissues. Based on these findings the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) for JVS-100 in the pig model of MI was 100 mg administered by endomyocardial injection.

Example 4
Porcine Exploratory Study: LUC Injections by Transarterial Injection in Chronic MI Pigs

One pig with a previous LAD occlusion/reperfusion MI and an EF>40%, was injected with a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 with a Transarterial catheter. Two injections in the LAD and 2 in the LCX were performed with an injection volume of 2.5 ml and a total injection time of 125-130 sec. One additional injection in the LCX of 3.0 ml with a total injection time of 150 sec was performed with contrast mixed with the plasmid.

Sacrifice and Tissue Collection

Three days following the injections, the animal was euthanized. After euthanasia, the heart was removed, drained of blood, placed on an ice cold cutting board and further dissected by the necropsy technician or pathologist. The non-injected myocardium from the septum was obtained via opening the right ventricle. The right ventricle was trimmed from the heart and placed in cold cardioplegia. New scalpel blades were used for each of the sections.

Next, the left ventricle was opened and the entire left ventricle was excised by slicing into 6 sections cutting from apex to base. The LV was evenly divided into 3 slices. Following excision, each section was able to lay flat. Each section (3 LV sections, 1 RV section, and 1 pectoral muscle) was placed in separate labeled containers with cold cardioplegia on wet ice, and transported for luciferase analysis.

Luciferase Imaging

All collected tissues were immersed in luciferin and imaged with a Xenogen imaging system to determine plasmid expression.


A representative image of the heart is shown in FIG. 8. The colored spots denote areas of luciferase expression. These spots showed Relative Light Units (RLUs) of greater than 106 units, more than 2 orders of magnitude above background. This data demonstrated that the catheter delivered plasmid sufficient to generate substantial plasmid expression over a significant portion of the heart.

Example 5
Clinical Study Example

Ascending doses of JVS-100 are administered to treat HF in subjects with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Safety is tracked at each dose by documenting all adverse events (AEs), with the primary safety endpoint being the number of major cardiac AEs at 30 days. In each cohort, subjects will receive a single dose of JVS-100. In all cohorts, therapy efficacy is evaluated by measuring the impact on cardiac function via standard echocardiography measurements, cardiac perfusion via Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) imaging, New York Heart Association (NYHA) class, six minute walk distance, and quality of life.

All subjects have a known history of systolic dysfunction, prior MI, and no current cancer verified by up to date age appropriate cancer screening. All subjects are screened with a physician visit, and a cardiac echocardiogram. Further baseline testing such as SPECT perfusion imaging, is performed. Each subject receives fifteen (15) 1 ml injections of JVS-100 delivered by an endocardial needle catheter to sites within the infarct border zone. Three cohorts (A, B, C) will be studied. As shown in Table 2, dose will be escalated by increasing the amount of DNA per injection site while holding number of injection sites constant at 15 and injection volume at 1 ml. Subjects are monitored for approximately 18 hours post-injection and have scheduled visits at 3 and 7 days post-injection to ensure that there are no safety concerns. The patient remains in the hospital for 18 hours after the injection to ensure all required blood collections (i.e., cardiac enzymes, plasma SDF-1 protein levels) are performed. All subjects have follow-up at 30 days (I month), 120 days (4 months), and 360 days (12 months) to assess safety and cardiac function. The primary safety endpoint are major adverse cardiac events (MACE) within 1 month post-therapy delivery. AEs will be tracked for each subject throughout the study. The following safety and efficacy endpoints will be measured:


    • Number of Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) at 30 days post-injection

    • Adverse Events throughout the 12 month follow-up period

    • Blood lab Analysis (Cardiac Enzymes, CBC, ANA)

    • SDF-1 Plasma Levels

    • Physical assessment

    • Echocardiography

    • AICD monitoring

    • ECG


    • Change from baseline in LVESV, LVEDV, LVEF, and wall motion score index

    • Change from baseline in NYHA classification and quality of life

    • Change from baseline in perfusion as determined by SPECT imaging

    • Change from baseline in Six Minute Walk Test distance


Clinical Dosing Schedule

# of
Amount of
# Injection
Total Dose

of DNA

Cohort A
0.33 mg 
1.0 ml
 5 mg

Cohort B
1.0 mg
1.0 ml
15 mg

Cohort C
2.0 mg
1.0 ml
30 mg

Based on preclinical data, delivery of JVS-100 is expected to elicit an improvement of cardiac function and symptoms at 4 months that sustains to 12 months. At 4 months following JVS-100 injection, compared to baseline values, an improvement in six minute walk distance of about greater than 30 meters, an improvement in quality of life score of about 10%, and/or an improvement of approximately 1 NYHA class are anticipated. Similarly, we expect a relative improvement in LVESV, LVEF, and/or WMSI of approximately 10% compared to baseline values.

Example 6
Evaluation of Cardiac Function by Echocardiography in Chronic Heart Failure Pigs after Treatment with a Plasmid Having the Nucleotide Sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 or ACL-01010Sk

The purpose of this study is to compare functional cardiac response to SDF-1 plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 with ACL-01010Sk after endomyocardial catheter delivery in a porcine model of ischemic heart failure.

This study compared efficacy of a plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6 and ACL-01010Sk in improving function in a porcine ischemic heart failure model. In this study, the plasmids were delivered by an endoventricular needle injection catheter. Efficacy was assessed by measuring the impact of the therapy on cardiac remodeling (i.e., left ventricular volumes) and function (i.e., left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)) via echocardiography.


Briefly, male Yorkshire pigs were given myocardial infarctions by LAD occlusion via balloon angioplasty for 90 minutes. Pigs having an ejection fraction<40% as measured by M-mode echocardiography 30 days post-infarct were enrolled. Pigs were randomized to one of 3 groups to be injected with either Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS, control), the plasmid having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:6, or ACL-01010Sk in PBS using an endoventricular needle injection catheter delivery system (Table 3).


Initial Study Design: SDF-1 Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure in Pigs

Amount of

#of Pigs
Total DNA

200 μl

200 μl
400 μg
4 mg

a plasmid
200 μl
400 μg
4 mg

having the


sequence of


Echocardiograms were recorded prior to injection and at 30 and 60 days post-injection. Table 4 below defines the variables as they are referred to in this report.


Definition of variables

Variable Name

End Systolic Volume measured in parasternal long-axis


End Diastolic Volume measured in parasternal long-axis




The baseline echocardiographic characteristics at time of initial injection (Day 30 post-MI) for all enrolled animals in this report (n=9) as reported by the echocardiography core laboratory, are provided in Table 5 below.


Baseline characteristics


Value Group 1
Value Group 2
Baseline Value Group 3

 78 ± 18 ml
 67 ± 2 ml
 86 ± 31 ml

132 ± 30 ml
114 ± 11 ml
130 ± 36 ml

41 ± 1%
41 ± 5%
34 ± 10%

Table 5 shows the LVESV, LVEF and LVEDV at 0 and 30 days post-initial injection. Control PBS animals demonstrated an increase in LVESV and LVEDV and no improvement in LVEF consistent with this heart failure model. The treatment groups did not reduce cardiac volumes or increase LVEF compared to control. Similar results were obtained at 60 days post-initial injection.

Example 7

A strategy to augment stem cell homing to the peri-infarct region by catheter-based transendocardial delivery of SDF-1 in a porcine model of myocardial infarction was investigated to determine if it would improve left ventricular perfusion and function. The catheter-based approach has been used successfully for cell transplantation and delivery of angiogenic growth factors in humans.

Female German landrace pigs (30 kg) were used. After an overnight fast, animals were anesthetized and intubated.

A 7 French sheath was placed in the femoral artery with the animal in a supine position. An over-the-wire balloon was advanced to the distal LAD. The balloon was inflated with 2 atm and agarose beads were injected slowly over 1 min via the balloon catheter into the distal LAD. After 1 minute the balloon was deflated and the occlusion of the distal LAD was documented by angiography. After induction of myocardial infarction animals were monitored for 3-4 h until rhythm and blood pressure was stable. The arterial sheath was removed, carprofen (4 mg/kg) was administered intramuscularly and the animals were weaned from the respirator. Two weeks after myocardial infarction animals were anesthetized. Electromechanical mapping of the left ventricle was performed via an 8F femoral sheath with the animal in the supine position. After a complete map of the left ventricle had been obtained, human SDF-1 (Peprotec, Rocky-Hill, N.J.) was delivered by 18 injections (5 μg in 100 ml saline) into the infarct and periinfarct region via an injection catheter. 5 μg per injection were used to adjust for the reported efficiency of the catheter injection. Injections were performed slowly over 20 s and only when the catheter's tip was perpendicular to the left ventricular wall, when loop stability was <2 mm and when needle protrusion into the myocardium provoked ectopic ventricular extra beats. Control animals underwent an identical procedure with sham injections. Echocardiography excluded postinterventional pericardial effusion.

Twenty (20) animals completed the study protocol: 8 control animals and 12 SDF-1 treated animals. For myocardial perfusion imaging only 6 control animals could be evaluated due to technical problems. Infarct location was anteroseptal in all animals.

Infarct size in percent of the left ventricle as determined by tetrazolium staining was 8.9±2.6% in the control group and 8.9±1.2% in the SDF-1 group. Left ventricular muscle volume was similar in both groups (83±14 ml versus 95±10 ml, p=ns). Immunofluorescence staining revealed significantly more vWF-positive vessels in the peri-infarctarea in SDF-1 treated animals than in control animals (349±17/mm2 vs. 276±21/mm2, p<0.05). A profound loss of collagen in the peri-infarct area was observed in SDF-1 treated animals as compared to control animals (32±5% vs. 61±6%, p<0.005). The number of inflammatory cells (neutrophils and macrophages) within the peri-infarct area was similar in both groups (332±51/mm2 vs. 303±55/mm2, p=ns). Global myocardial perfusion did not change from baseline to follow-up SPECT and there was no difference between groups. Final infarct size was similar in both groups and compared well to the results of tetrazolium staining. Segmental analysis of myocardial perfusion revealed decreased tracer uptake in apical and anteroseptal segments with significant differences between myocardial segments. However, tracer uptake at baseline and follow-up were nearly identical in control and SDF-1 treated animals. There were no differences in end diastolic and end systolic volumes between groups. However, stroke volume increased in control animals and decreased slightly in SDF-1 treated animals. The difference between both groups was significant.

Similarly, ejection fraction increased in control animals and decreased in SDF-1 treated animals. The difference between groups showed a strong trend (p=0.05). Local shortening, another parameter of ventricular mechanical function, did not change in control animals. However, local shortening decreased significantly in SDF-1 treated animals, resulting in a significant difference between groups. There were no significant differences in unipolar voltage within and between groups. Significant correlations between baseline ejection fraction and stroke volume and baseline local shortening (EF and LS: r=0.71, SV and LS: r=0.59) were noted. Similar results were obtained for follow-up values (EF and LS: r=0.49, SV and LS: r=0.46). The change in local shortening correlated significantly with the change in ejection fraction (r=0.52) and stroke volume (r=0.46). There was neither a correlation between local shortening and end diastolic volume (baseline r=−0.03, follow-up r=0.12) nor between ejection fraction and end diastolic volume (baseline r=−0.04. follow-up r=0.05). Segmental analysis of EEM data showed decreased unipolar voltage and local shortening in the anteroseptal segments with significant differences between myocardial segments at baseline. The distribution of unipolar voltage values in myocardial segments was similar in both groups at baseline and at follow-up. Segmental local shortening did not change in the control group. However, it decreased in the SDF-1 group, mainly due to a decrease in the lateral and posterior segment of the left ventricle. There was a significant interaction between assignment to SDF-1 and follow-up vs. baseline.

The study described above demonstrated that a single application of SDF-1 protein was insufficient to produce functional cardiac benefit.

Example 8
ACRX-100 Vector Time-Course Expression in a Rat Model of Hindlimb Ischemia

The purpose of this study was to establish the duration of ACRX-100 vector expression after direct intramuscular injection in a rodent model of hindlimb ischemia.


ACRX-100 Lot #25637 was manufactured by Aldevron, LLC (Fargo, N. Dak.). Male Lewis rats were anesthetized and a longitudinal incision in the medial thigh from the inguinal ligament to the knee joint, exposing the femoral artery, which was ligated and removed. Animals were allowed to recover for 10 days, then anesthetized and directly injected with 1.0, 2.0 or 4 mg/ml of ACL-01110L (vector backbone with luciferase cDNA) in 0.2 ml at 4 sites along the hindlimb. Vector expression was routinely measured for luciferase expression at days 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, and 14 using a cooled couple device camera from Xenogen Imaging Systems. The animals were anesthetized using 2% isofluorane and luciferin was injected intraperitoneally at a concentration of 125 mg/kg of the animal. After 10 minutes, real time images were obtained during a 1 minute exposure to determine the whole body chemiluminescence of luciferase expression. Data was measured as total flux (pixels/second).


Similar to previous studies, CMV driven plasmid ACL-01110L had a peak expression on Day 3 (FIG. 11). Minimal expression was seen after day 14.


ACRX-100 expression in ischemic rat hindlimbs peaked at day 3, and was expressed for up to 14 days, consistent with expression patterns measured in rat cardiac tissue and previously published studies of vector expression driven by the CMV-promoter. This data suggests that for future studies evaluating efficacy of repeat doses of ACRX-100, a 2 week interval between dosing is reasonable. This dosing interval also correlates with dosing regimens reported in several clinical trials using CMV-based vectors driving therapeutic gene expression (FGF, HGF, VEGF, HIF1) using naked plasmid DNA to treat ischemic diseases.

Example 9
In Vivo Characterization of ACRX-100 Dosing in Rabbit Hindllimb

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of injection volume, pDNA concentration, and formulation on ACRX-100 pDNA expression 3 days after direct injection into rabbit hindlimb muscle.


Male New Zealand white rabbits of 3.0-4.0 kg, were anesthetized and injected with luciferase plasmid ACL-01110L. An incision was made in the medial thigh from the inguinal ligament to the knee joint to expose the femoral artery. Four or eight injections of 0.5-1.0 ml plasmid ACL-01110L in 5% dextrose were injected at 0.1 ml per second into the adductor (2 injections), gracilis (1 injection) and semitendinous (1 injection) muscles in each rabbit leg. Injections were categorized into 6 groups according to FIG. 13. Each injection site was identified with a nylon suture for future identification and the wound was suture closed. Each hindlimb was wrapped with a compression bandage for approximately 15 minutes. Three days post-injection, animals were sacrificed and the hindlimb muscles comprising the injection site were removed, soaked in luciferin (15 mg/ml) for 7 minutes and bioluminescence imaged using the IVIS Xenogen machine (FIG. 12). Total flux (pixels per second) was assessed after a 1 minute exposure.


Macroscopic evaluation of injection sites revealed no inflammation and plasmid DNA was well-tolerated in all animals at all doses. As shown in FIG. 13, expression was observed at all doses delivered, with expression increasing as a function of pDNA concentration. Expression appeared to plateau at a concentration of 2 mg/ml and a total DNA dose of 4 mg (Groups 4-6). Higher volume or number of injection sites did not increase expression, suggesting that pDNA concentration is an important factor in adequate muscle cell transfection.


This study demonstrated that a luciferase version of the ACRX-100 vector is capable of expressing gene product in rabbit hindlimb muscles in sufficient quantities for detection 3 days post-injection. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that naked plasmid DNA expression in rabbit hind limb increases with pDNA concentration, up to 2 mg/ml. This study suggests that 4-8 injection sites, using 0.5-1.0 ml per injection at 0.5-2.0 mg/ml pDNA should produce SDF-1 in the rabbit hindlimb.

Example 10
Completed Efficacy, Safety and Biodistribution Studies of ACRX-100

The efficacy, safety and biodistribution of ACRX-100 were previously determined in a GLP Porcine Efficacy, Toxicity and Biodistribution Study after direct catheter-mediated cardiac injection in a pig heart failure model (summarized in Example 3). ACRX-100 demonstrated an acceptable safety profile at doses up to 100 mg after direct injection into ischemic pig hearts. This study is considered supportive of the planned clinical studies in CLI but does not mimic the specific clinical indication being studied.

The definitive nonclinical assessment of the efficacy, safety and biodistribution of ACRX-100 supporting the Phase 1 clinical trial in CLI patients is a rabbit model of hindlimb ischemia. This model provides an experimental setting that simulates the proposed Phase 1 clinical trial in CLI patients. A safety and efficacy study examining the toxicology and biodistribution of escalating singles doses of ACRX-100 was conducted in a rabbit HLI model and is summarized below. Based on these results, we are proposing to assess the repeat dose efficacy, toxicology and biodistribution of ACRX-100 in the rabbit model, outlined in section 6.3 of the Pre-IND submission.

Single Dose Safety and Efficacy of ACRX-100 in Rabbit HLI

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy, safety and biodistribution after a single dose of the test article, ACRX-100, in a rabbit model of hind limb ischemia.


New Zealand white rabbits (n=5/group; 2-3 males/females per group) underwent a unilateral femoral artery ligation and 10-days post ligation received 4, 8 or 16 mg ACRX-100 or 4 mg of control (luciferase) plasmid via 8 direct intramuscular 0.5 ml injections to the ischemic limb (Table 6).


Study Design of Safety and Efficacy of ACRX-100 in a rabbit model of HLI

Table 6. Study design of Safety and Efficacy of ACRX-100 in a rabbit model of HLI




Assessment (Day


0.5 ml
0.5 mg
0, 30,

(4 mg



4 mg
0.5 ml
0.5 mg
0, 30,


8 mg
0.5 ml
1.0 mg
0, 30,


16 mg 
0.5 ml
2.0 mg
0, 30,


Safety endpoints were evaluated at 60 days post-injection and included histopathology and biodistribution from the Hind limb (Injection sites), Opposing Hind limb, Heart, Lung, Liver, Brain, Spleen, Lymph nodes, Kidney, and Ovaries. Gross and microscopic examination of fixed hematoxylin and eosin-stained paraffin sections was performed on sections of tissues as indicated. Clinical pathology was assessed in all groups at 60 days post-injection. Efficacy was measured by % change in angiographic score compared to control at 30 and 60 days post-treatment. Gastrocnemius muscles were excised and assessed for weight differences 60 days post-injection. Biodistribution was assessed in the Lung, Liver, Spleen, Lymph Node, Kidney, Brain, Testes, and Ovaries from animals in Groups 1 and 4.

Angiogram Analysis

As shown in FIG. 14, angiograms were obtained on Day 0 (pre-injection), 30 (±2), and 60 (±2) days post-injection and recorded in a digital format. FIGS. 14A and 14C shows angiograms and scoring of ischemic hindlimb of rabbit at baseline, and FIGS. 14B and 14D shows the same at 30 days post-injection with 1 mg/mL of ACRX-100. The outline in FIG. 14A and FIG. 14B indicate approximate scoring grid. Quantitative angiographic analysis of collateral vessel development in the ischemic limb was performed with a grid overlay composed of 5 mm diameter squares arranged in rows. The total number of grid intersections in the medial thigh area, as well as the total number of intersections crossed by a contrast opacified artery, was counted in a single blinded fashion. An angiographic score was calculated for each film as the ratio of grid intersections crossed by opacified arteries divided by the total number of grid intersections in the medial thigh.


The results of the angiographic data found all animals to be similar on the day of dosing. In the control animals there was a trend toward a decrease in vascular density over the 60 day post dose period. ACRX-100 treated animals showed improved blood flow at both time points in the 1 mg/mL (Group 2) and 2 mg/mL (Group 3) groups compared to vector injected control animals, which showed decreased blood flow. Importantly, improvement in the low and mid dose groups was observed at 30 days with significant (p<0.05) benefit in the mid dose group sustained at 60 days (FIG. 15). Improvement was also observed in the Group 4 (4 mg/ml) animals 60 days post-injection. A similar trend towards increased vasculogenesis was observed in the 5 mg/ml animals in the porcine heart failure study.


All animals survived to the scheduled necropsy with the exception of a Group 1 animal (505). Animal 505 died during the 30 day follow up angiogram. The animal was submitted to necropsy. The cause of death was considered to be anesthetic related and not a result of test article administration.

Animal Observations

Clinical findings were limited to observation of scabbed areas and sparse hair in many of the animals. These findings are common observations in animals undergoing this procedure. In addition, inappetence, decreased activity, and few or absent feces was noted in one Group 2 animal (510) and self mutilation of the hindlimb was noted in two Group 4 animals (519 and 520). The observation of self mutilation in animals 519 and 520 was most likely a result of a loss of sensation from the injury in the hind limbs of these animals.

Over the course of the study, the animals initially lost weight during the first 3-4 weeks post injury. By the end of the study, animals were returning to baseline bodyweights. The body weight loss is considered to be a result of the multiple surgical procedures.


There were no test article-related macroscopic findings in either sex. The few macroscopic observations were considered incidental and unrelated to treatment.


Several sections of skeletal muscle were examined from injections sites of the hind limb normal region, hindlimb ischemic region, and non-injection site opposing limb. Tissue sections were examined using Hemotoxylin and Eosin and Masson's Trichrome staining. The tissues sections collected from the ischemic region variably and inconsistently contained areas of ischemia. The areas of ischemia were characterized primarily by minimal to moderate fibrosis and minimal to mild new capillary formation (neovascularization) and to a lesser extent subacute/chronic inflammation, hemorrhage, and myofiber degeneration/necrosis and/or myofiber regeneration. Often the areas of fibrosis and neovascularization followed along fascial planes of the muscle. Occasionally foreign material (suture material) was observed and was often surrounded by a minimal granulomatous inflammatory response. Rare myofiber mineralization was also observed.

There were no test article-related microscopic findings in the remaining tissues examined microscopically (brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung, ovaries, and spleen). The few remaining microscopic observations were either, common background findings in rabbits, or incidental, and were therefore considered unrelated to treatment.

Hematology and Coagulation

There were no biologically relevant differences among hematology and coagulation parameters between any of the treatment groups in either sex at 60 days post-injection.

Clinical Chemistry

Phosphorus was sequentially decreased in the ACRX-100 Groups 2, 3, and 4 relative to the LUC Plasmid control Group 1 in both males (6 to 36%) and females (7 to 30%). There were also mild increases in calcium in the ACRX-100 Group 3 and 4 relative to the LUC Plasmid control group in both males (4 to 7%) and females (7 to 9%). All mean and individual values for both calcium and phosphorus always remained within expected historical controls ranges. None of these changes were considered adverse. To better evaluate the veracity of these observations we will assess these values in the repeat dosing safety and efficacy study described in section 6.3. No other alterations among chemistry parameters were observed in either sex.


In this rabbit CLI study, biodistribution was assessed by quantitative PCR at 60 days post-injection in Group 1 (1 mg/mL luciferase plasmid) and Group 4 (4 mg/mL ACRX-100) animals. The results are shown in Table 7 below. As expected, no ACRX-100 vector was detected in tissue from any control group. In the high dose group, ACRX-100 was detected almost exclusively at the injection sites, with only trace amounts of ACRX-100 were detected in non-injected organs. The clearance rate of ACRX-100 plasmid DNA observed in rabbit hindlimb 60 days post-injection (Table 7) is consistent with the clearance of ACRX-100 from injected cardiac sites observed in the porcine heart failure safety study (Table 3. FIG. 16). Additionally, persistence levels were lower in the rabbit CLI study, as the highest copy number detected in this study at 60 days post-injection (133,360 copies/μg host DNA) was less than the highest copy number detected in the cardiovascular study at 90 days (>1×106 copies/μg host DNA). This data suggests ACRX-100 is being cleared from both injected and non-injected organs in the rabbit similar to what was demonstrated in the porcine heart failure study, in fact, persistence in the injected site in the current rabbit study is less than what was observed in the porcine heart failure model.


Biodistribution of ACRX-100 in HLI rabbit tissues 60 days post-injection

Copies of SDF-1 plasmid DNA detected per microgram of DNA

from tissue or in DNA from equivalent of 10 μL of blood

Injection site normal tissue
Injection site ischemic region






























LLOD = Lower than Limit of Detection.


All animals groups injected with ACRX-100 demonstrated an increase in ischemic hindlimb blood flow 60 days post-injection. Animals injected with a single intramuscular dose of 1 mg/mL (low dose) or 2 mg/mL (mid dose) ACRX-100 showed improved blood flow at 30 and 60 days after injection compared to vector injected control animals, which showed decreased blood flow. Importantly, benefits were observed at 30 days with significant (p<0.05) benefits sustained at 60 days. These data are consistent with results from the porcine heart failure studies where ACRX-100 injections (0.5-5.0 mg/mL) resulted in increased vasculogenesis. Our data suggest that, independent of total ACRX-100 delivered to the target tissue, the concentration of product delivered per injection significantly influences vasculogenesis response. These results indicate that patients with CLI may benefit from a single dose of ACRX-100.

Our data suggests ACRX-100 is being cleared from both injected and non-injected organs in the rabbit similar to what was demonstrated in the porcine heart failure study. Since the clearance of ACRX-100 was consistent with the cardiovascular study, we submit that the remaining biodistribution findings of the porcine heart failure safety study hold for the CLI study as well. Namely, any expression of ACRX-100 at the end of study is minimal, sub-therapeutic and the potential for integration is less than the spontaneous mutation rate.

Example 11
Proposed Repeat Dose Safety and Efficacy Study of ACRX-100 in Rabbit Model of Hindlimb Ischemia

The proposed new study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of repeat doses of ACRX-100 in the same rabbit model of hindlimb ischemia described in example 10. As discussed below, 3 intramuscular doses of ACRX-100 will be administered to support up to 3 treatments in patients with CLI.

Safety and Efficacy of ACRX-100 Repeat Dosing in Rabbit HLI

The purpose of this study will be to determine the safety and efficacy of repeat dosing of ACRX-100 in a rabbit model of hindlimb ischemia.


All non-viral gene therapies currently under clinical investigation for critical limb ischemia deliver their non-viral therapies in repeat doses (HGF, PDGF), including NV1FGF which has demonstrated efficacy in a Phase II study. To date, our preclinical safety and efficacy studies have demonstrated that ACRX-100 is safe up to 100 mg after a single cardiac dosing (20 injection sites) or 16 mg hindlimb dosing (8 injection sites). Therefore, we propose to deliver ACRX-100 in repeat doses at 0, 2 and 4 weeks as part of our Phase 1 trial in CLI patients. Repeat dosing of ACRX-100 could provide additional benefit compared to a single dose. CXCR4, the receptor for SDF-1, is upregulated indefinitely following injury; whereas, SDF-1 is upregulated only transiently after an acute ischemic event (FIG. 17) or in response to an injection procedure. Delivering SDF-1 at multiple later time points following injury capitalizes on increased localized expression of CXCR4 expression in injured tissue and increases stem cell homing to the site of SDF-1 expression. In CLI, repeat injections have the potential to synergistically increase vasculogenesis, collateral vessel growth and wound healing in the ischemic limb. The safety profile observed after 100 mg injection into a pig heart suggests that dosing regimens of lower amounts will share similar safety results.

To assess the preclinical safety and efficacy of ACRX-100 repeat dosing in the same model of rabbit hindlimb ischemia used in the study above, we propose the protocol detailed below. The repeat dosing schedule will be identical to that of the proposed repeat dosing cohorts in the Phase I/II trial in all aspects except injection volume (described in Example 12). In the rabbit, 0.5 mL will be used instead of 1 mL in the human due to the larger area of skeletal muscle in the human thigh/calf compared to the rabbit hind limb.


New Zealand white rabbits (n=5/group of males and females) will undergo unilateral femoral artery ligation (day −10) identical to what was performed in Example 10, above. Ten days post-ligation (Day 0), each animal will receive 3 doses (15 days apart) of 1 mg/mL of control luciferase plasmid (Groups 1 and 2) or ACRX-100 (Groups 3 and 4) delivered via 16 direct intramuscular injections to the ischemic limb of 0.5 mL each (Table 8). Safety endpoints will be evaluated at 3 (day 33) and 30 days (day 60) post-final injection, including histopathology (gross and normal) and biodistribution from the Hind limb (Injection sites), Opposing Hind limb. Heart, Lung, Liver. Brain. Spleen, Lymph nodes, Kidney, and Ovaries. Gross and microscopic examination of fixed hematoxylin and eosin-stained paraffin sections will be performed on sections of tissues. Clinical chemistry and pathology will be assessed for all groups prior to hindlimb ischemia (day −10), prior to each dosing (day 0, 15, 30), 3 days post dosing (day 3, 18, 33), 7 days post-final dosing (day 37), and at 30 days post-final dosing (day 60) or until sacrifice. Cageside observations will occur twice daily, and detailed clinical examinations will occur weekly. Efficacy will be measured by % change in angiographic score from baseline compared to control at 30 (all cohorts) and 60 (Cohorts 2 and 4) days post-first injection.

Samples for biodistribution will be collected from the Lung, Liver, Spleen, Lymph Node, Kidney, Brain, Testes, and Ovaries, and assessed via qPCR at two sacrifice points: 3 days post-final dosing (day 33) and 30 days post-final dosing (day 60).

The 60 day duration post-first treatment of ACRX-100 in the study was chosen to align the efficacy time points with the single treatment study reported in Example 10. Because this time point is 30 days post-final dosing, the biodistribution results are expected to have copies of ACRX-100 present at the injection sites (on the order of 103-105 copies/μg host DNA) and limited numbers (<103 copies/μg host DNA) based on findings from the heart failure porcine safety and efficacy study reported in Example 8. The results of this proposed study will be reported in the IND. Assuming that the safety results of this study are similar to what was found in the porcine heart failure safety and efficacy study, the study above should justify repeat dosing of ACRX-100 in patients with CLI.


Proposed Repeat Dose Study Design

Table 8. Proposed Repeat Dose Study Design




8 mg
0.5 ml
1 mg/ml
0.5 mg
Day 0, 15,
Day 33

(2 male,


at day 0,

2 female)

day 30


Day 60

(2 male,

at day 0,

2 female)

day 30,

day 60


Day 33

(2 male,

at day 0,

3 female)

day 30


Day 60

(3 male,

at day 0,

2 female)

day 30,

day 60

Safety Assessments in ALL Cohorts:

Ante-mortem: Clinical observations, pathology, chemistry

Post-mortem: Histopathology and Biodistribution

Example 12
Proposed Clinical Study

The inventors have completed studies indicating that ACRX-100 is both safe and efficacious in preclinical models of heart failure and CLI. The results of these completed and proposed preclinical studies support our proposed Phase I/II clinical trial assessing the safety and efficacy of ACRX-100 treatment of patients with CLI.

The 66 patient combined, proposed Phase I/II study will investigate the safety and initial efficacy of using ACRX-100 to treat Rutherford Class 5 CLI patients. Safety will be monitored in each group by documenting all adverse events (AEs) and measuring standard blood laboratory values (e.g. complete blood count, plasma SDF-1 levels), with the primary safety endpoint being the number of major AEs at 30 days (Groups 1 and 2) or 60 days (Groups 3, 4 and 5) post-enrollment.

In the Phase I portion of the study (Groups 1-4), patients will receive 8 or 16 injections in the upper and lower leg of either a single dosing (Groups 1 and 2) or repeat dosing sessions over 4 weeks (Groups 3 and 4) of ACRX-100 (Table 9). Dose escalation involves doubling the number of injections from 8 injections (Group 1) to 16 injections (Group 2), moving from a single dosing (Group 2) to 3 repeat dosing sessions (Group 3), and doubling the number of injections per dosing from 8 (Group 3) to 16 (Group 4). Under the assumption that repeat dosing will be more efficacious than a single dose, Groups 3 and 4 will be randomized 2:1 to receive either treatment or placebo (5% dextrose injection) to test preliminary efficacy; Groups 1 and 2 will receive active drug only. In all groups, efficacy will be evaluated over twelve months post-first dosing by assessing the following endpoints: 1) major amputations, 2) incidence of complete wound closure, 3) survival, changes from baseline in: 4) rate of change of index ulcer healing, 5) transcutaneous oxygen (TcPO2), and 6) rest pain.

In the Phase II portion of the trial (Group 5), 30 patients will be randomized 2:1 to receive either ACRX-100 (at the more efficacious dose regimen from Group 3 or 4) or vehicle (5% dextrose solution) (Table 9). Safety and efficacy will be measured by the same endpoints as Phase I with the primary efficacy endpoint being major amputation free-survival. All dose escalations in Phase I and commencement of the Phase II portion of the study will only occur following DSMC review as described below.

If the Phase I/II trial results indicate that ACRX-100 is effective in improving CLI, with the recommendation of the DSMC, patients initially randomized to control groups may be offered ACRX-100 treatment at no cost to the patient under the following conditions:

1. The patient completes the trial follow-up schedule.

2. The site Principal Investigator determines the patient may still benefit from the treatment.

If treated, the patient will be followed with a schedule consisting of (at minimum) the described safety endpoints.


Proposed Phase I/II Clinical Dosing Regimen

# Inj.
Open-label or


 8 mg
1 ml
1 mg/ml
1 mg
Day 0

16 mg

Day 0

 8 mg

Day 0, 14,
Randomized 2:1

(10 treated, 5 control)

16 mg

Day 0, 14,
Randomized 2:1

(10 treated, 5 control)

Best dose from Group 3 and 4
Randomized 2:1

(20 treated, 10


All enrolled patients will receive normal standard of care for CLI, including pharmacologic (pain medication) and wound treatment (debridement, infection control with antibiotics, etc.) as necessary. However, per inclusion/exclusion criteria, the patient will not be treated by surgical or interventional techniques, as enrolled patients must be poor candidates for revascularization, and must not have had a revascularization procedure within 6 weeks prior to enrollment. One reason they are poor candidates for revascularization is that the ischemia is caused by blockages in multiple arteries that cannot all be reopened or bypassed. This makes pro-angiogenic therapies such as ACRX-100 attractive because they have the potential to create new blood vessels originating from vessels throughout the ischemic leg which can restore blood flow to a large area and thereby improve symptoms, limb function, and outcomes.

In the absence of therapy, these patients have a poor prognosis. CLI patients who are poor candidates for revascularization (also termed patients with “unreconstructable disease”) have a 40% chance of amputation within 6 months. Furthermore, they have a 25% mortality rate at one year, including a 3-5 time increase in the risk of cardiovascular death compared to those without CLI.

A synopsis of the proposed Phase I/II study is provided in Table 11. Sixty-six (66) patients with non-healing ulcers (Rutherford Class 5) will be enrolled consecutively at up to 15 clinical centers. Each patient will receive direct intramuscular injections of ACRX-100 and followed for 12 months post-initial dosing. ACRX-100 will be delivered using a 27 gauge needle with injections spanning the thigh above the knee and the lower leg. Safety and efficacy endpoints will be collected as outlined in Table 11. In the open label portion (Groups 1 and 2), descriptive statistics will be used to compare continuous efficacy variables across dosing groups. Safety parameters will be collected and assessed qualitatively or summarized quantitatively by descriptive statistics where appropriate. In the randomized portion of the study (Groups 3-5), either ACRX-100 or vehicle control will be delivered by the same techniques as in Phase I at 8 or 16 injection sites at 0, 2 and 4 weeks post-enrollment. Statistics comparing each treatment group to the control group will be performed for all efficacy variables with statistical significance defined as a p-value less than 0.05.

The logistics of the study are as follows. Prior to enrollment, all patients must grant written informed consent to participate in the study. Patients will be screened within 2 weeks prior to planned first injection of ACRX-100 with testing to determine study eligibility, including ABI and Rutherford class (Table 11). Further safety testing (CMP, PT/PTT) and establishment of baseline values for efficacy endpoints (TcPO2, quality of life, ulcer size) will be performed during the screening period. The subject will be considered enrolled when he or she enters the clinic in preparation for the injection procedure. In the open-label portion (Groups 1 and 2), consecutive patients will be enrolled, and all will receive ACRX-100 treatment. In the randomized portion (Groups 3-5), each patient will be randomized and the clinical center notified of the randomization prior to the injection procedure. All patients will have follow-up at 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks, 3 months, 6 and 12 months post-first injection to assess safety and efficacy (Table 11). For Groups 1-4, each of the first 3 patient enrollments will be separated by at least 7 days. After the final dosing of the last patient in Groups 1-4, all safety data collected during the 7 days following each subject's dosing with ACRX-100 will be reviewed by an independent DSMC. The DSMC will be responsible for safety oversight, adjudication of adverse events, and review of any subject data that meets stopping rules. The committee will consist of a Medical Monitor (non-voting) and at least 3 other members. The DSMC must recommend escalation to the next dose in the Phase 1 portion of the study, and commencement of the Phase II study.

Prior to submission of the CLI IND, the national Principal Investigator and the Medical Monitor will develop a list of stopping rules which, if any are met, will require temporarily halting trial enrollment pending DSMC data review.

Justification of Proposed Clinical Dosing

The clinical doses proposed are based on the results of the nonclinical single dose safety and efficacy study (see Example 11). As shown in Table 10 below, the proposed human starting dose is 1 mg/mL DNA per injection site at 1 mL (8 mg total). This starting dose was based on the results of the single dose rabbit safety and efficacy CLI study. The starting human dose has the same concentration and number of injections of an effective dose in the single dose rabbit study (1 mg/mL in 0.5 mL at 8 sites, 4 mg total). Furthermore, the starting human dose is one half of the maximum total DNA dose tested in the single dose rabbit study (4 mg/mL in 0.5 mL at 8 sites, 16 mg total). The higher volume/site used in the Phase I study, 1.0 mL, is twice the volume of 0.5 mL in the nonclinical study because the human lower limb is much larger in muscle weight compared to the rabbit hind limb.


Human and Animal Doses of ACRX-100




Single Dose

in Rabbit
Tested in
Dose Tested

in Rabbit
Model (IND

# 14203)

Conc (mg/mL)

Dose Vol (mL)

Number of Sites

Total DNA Dose


The proposed CLI Phase 1 doses are also supported by the data from the porcine preclinical GLP safety and efficacy heart failure study described in Example 3, above. The proposed Phase 1 CLI starting dose of 8 mg total DNA provides a greater than 10-fold margin of safety relative to the NOAEL of 100 mg found in the heart failure porcine safety study. The maximum amount of ACRX-100 proposed in the Phase 1 CLI study (16 mg×3 doses) is less than half the amount of total DNA (100 mg) defined as the NOAEL for a single dose in the efficacy and safety heart failure porcine study.

Lastly, the volume per injection to be used in the Phase 1 CLI trial (1 ml) is consistent with the volume used in the porcine heart failure study and in several published CLI clinical studies.

Following the successful completion of the Phase I/II study, either a follow-on Phase II study or a pivotal Phase III study will be designed to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of ACRX-100 at one or multiple doses in the target population of Rutherford Class 5 patients with CLI.


Phase I/II Study Synopsis

Table 11. Phase I/II Study Synopsis

Protocol Title:
A Phase I/II Study to Evaluate the Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of ACRX-100

Administered by Direct Intramuscular Injection to Cohorts of Adults with Critical Limb


Study Phase:

Primary: To investigate the safety and tolerability of single and repeat doses of

ACRX-100 delivered via direct intramuscular injections to subjects with CLI

Secondary: To investigate the preliminary efficacy of single and repeat doses of

ACRX-100 delivered via direct intramuscular injections to subjects with CLI

Sample Size:
66 (n = 36 Phase 1, n = 30 Phase 2)

Major Inclusion Criteria:

 Men and women 45 years of age or older

 Non-healing ulcers (Rutherford category 5) with absence of wound infection

 ABI of 0.4 or less

 Ankle systolic pressure of 70 mmHg or less, or toe systolic pressure of 50 mmHg

 or less

 Poor option for surgery, angioplasty or stent placement

 Those diabetic subjects who are on optimal diabetes medication, with HbA1c <8%

Major Exclusion Criteria:

 Life expectancy of less than one year

 Previous major amputation on the leg to be treated or planned major amputation

 within the first month following enrollment

 Evidence of osteomyelitis

 Revascularization with angiography evidence of improved flow in the leg to be

 treated within 6 weeks prior to enrollment

 NYHA Class IV heart failure

 Uncontrolled blood pressure defined as SBP ≧180 mmHg or DBP ≧110 mmHg

 despite adequate antihypertensive treatment at time of screening or enrollment.

 Known Buerger's disease

 Significant hepatic disease (defined as >3-fold elevation in ALT/AST), HBV or

 HCV carriers

 Active proliferative retinopathy

 Immunodeficient states (e.g. known HIV positivity, or organ transplant recipient)

 or subject receiving immunosuppressive medication

 History of malignant neoplasm (except curable non-melanoma skin malignancies)

 Pregnant or lactating women or patients of childbearing potential not protected by

 an effective method of birth control

 Presence of any other condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, might

 compromise any aspect of the trial

 Heart angioplasty with or without stent or CABG within 3 months prior to


 Major adverse cardiovascular event within 3 months prior to enrollment

 Previous treatment with angiogenic growth factors or with stem cell therapy within

 1 year

Study Design
The study will be enrolled in five sequential groups with dosing and randomization


In Groups 1 and 2 (n = 3 each), each eligible consented subject will be assigned

consecutively into the open enrolling cohort. Within each cohort, all patient enrollments

will be separated by at least 7 days. After the final dosing of the last patient in each cohort,

all available safety data collected during the 7 days following each subject's treatment with

ACRX-100 will be reviewed by an independent Data Safety Monitoring Committee

(DSMC). The DSMC must recommend escalation to the next dose.

In Groups 3 and 4 (n = 15 each), patients will be randomized 2:1 to receive either ACRX-

100 or vehicle control. In each group, the first three patient enrollments will be separated

by at least 7 days. After the final dosing of the last patient in each cohort, all safety data

collected during the 7 days following each subject's treatment with ACRX-100 will be

reviewed by an independent Data Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC). The DSMC

must recommend escalation to the next dose (following Group 3) or commencement of the

Phase II portion of the study (following Group 4).

In Group 5 (the Phase II portion of the study), 30 patients will be randomized 2:1 to

receive repeat treatments of either ACRX-100 or vehicle (5% dextrose solution) at 0, 2

and 4 weeks post-enrollment.

Study Methods
Study methods are outlined in Table. Each patient will be assessed at Day 0, 7, 14, 28, 35,

90, 180 and 360 for safety and efficacy.

Study Product
ACRX-100 or matching placebo

ACRX-100 (Groups 1-5) or vehicle (Groups 3-5) will be delivered with a 27 gauge needle

and syringe at either 8 or 16 intramuscular injections (per treatment) spanning the thigh

above the knee and the lower leg.

Safety and
Phase 1 Primary Safety: Major adverse events at 30 days post-injection

Phase 2 Primary Efficacy: Major amputation free survival at 12 months

Secondary endpoints:

See Table for a complete listing.

Groups 1 and 2: Descriptive parametric statistics (mean and standard deviation) or non-

parametric statistics (median and inter-quartile range) will be used to compare continuous

efficacy variables across dosing groups. Safety parameters will be collected and assessed

qualitatively or summarized quantitatively by descriptive statistics where appropriate. The

data from each efficacy parameter will be assessed at each time point as either raw values

or calculated as change from baseline for each patient.

Groups 3-5: Descriptive parametric statistics (mean and standard deviation) or non-

parametric statistics (median and inter-quartile range) will be used to compare continuous

efficacy variables between control and each dosing group. The data from each efficacy

parameter will be assessed at each time point as either raw values or calculated as change

from baseline for each patient. A p-value of less than 0.05 will be considered significant.

Safety parameters will be collected and assessed qualitatively or summarized quantitatively

by descriptive statistics where appropriate.

Study Duration
Each patient will be followed for 12 months (360 days) after initial ACRX-100 treatment.

Study Centers
This study will be conducted at up to 15 clinical centers.


Follow-up schedule for Phase I/II CLI Clinical Trial


Follow-up Visits

Study Time Point

Day −1

Day 0

Day −14
24 hours
(up to 4
Day 7
Day 14
Day 28
Day 35
3 months
6 months
12 months

of injection
hours post
(7 ± 1
(14 ± 1
(28 ± 1
(35 ± 2
(90 ± 7
(180 ± 14
(360 ± 14

Day −1










B/C (3

ml blood



test (3

ml blood




Panel (CMP)

(3 ml blood


Coagulation Tests


and INR

(3 ml blood


X (post-






Vital signs





prior to





12 lead
Prior to







Levels (4 ml


blood drawn)



15 min, 3

hrs, Prior



Prior to



Count (3 ml

blood drawn)


Prior to



Draw for





(3 ml)






Dose of




Quality of





analog of














Index (TBI)








Total Blood

Drawn (ml)
(18 if


Example 13
Treatment of Subjects with JVS-100: STOP-HF 4 Month Data Collection

Four-month top-line safety and efficacy data was collected from 93 patients previously treated with placebo, 15 mg, or 30 mg JVS-100 as described previously herein. The patients represent symptomatic, ischemic high-risk heart failure population. The patients are on average approximately 11 years post their first myocardial infarction and have chronically remodeled hearts. Table 13 shows the patient profiles for the study.


Patient profiles used in STOP-HF studies.

Patient Profiles

Phase I (n = 17)

Age (yr)
66 ± 9
65 ± 9

Previous MI (yr)
 7 ± 7
11 ± 9

Gender (% Male)


6 Min. Walk (m)
290 ± 91
296 ± 89

QoL Score
 54 ± 21
 51 ± 19

LVESV (ml)
109 ± 35
168 ± 67

LVEF (%)
32.5 ± 5.5
28.5 ± 7.6

 2851 ± 4085
 1120 ± 1083

12.9 ± 6.0

The 4-month baseline characteristics are summarized in Table 14 and in FIG. 18A-18G and FIG. 19.


STOP-HF Baseline Characteristics.

STOP-HF Patient Profiles

15 mg
30 mg
All JVS-400




6 Min. Walk (m)
284 ± 98
295 ± 96
308 ± 72
301 ± 84

QoL Score
 56 ± 17
 49 ± 18
 47 ± 22
 48 ± 20

LVESV (ml)**
159 ± 62
158 ± 61
174 ± 73
165 ± 67

LVEDV (ml)**
226 ± 72
216 ± 65
238 ± 84
226 ± 75

LVEF (%)**
30 ± 7
28 ± 8
28 ± 7
28 ± 8

 1260 ± 1373
 1144 ± 1005
 952 ± 802
1051 ± 910

12.5 ± 5.5
13.0 ± 7.2
13.3 ± 5.3
13.1 ± 6.3

*Note only 1 patient in study was class IV at baseline. Subject not identified to maintain blinding.

**Echos with contrast reported. Placebo (n = 30) 15 mg (n = 29) 30 mg (n = 25) All JVS-100 (n = 54).

FIG. 18H includes charts of: change in cardiac volume; change in LVEF; change in NTproBNP levels; composite end-point; in patients 4 months and 12 months after treatment with placebo or 30 mg JVS-100.

Composite score of 6MWD and QoL was computed using the following equation:












30 meters is a clinically significant improvement in 6MWD

10 points is a clinical meaningful improvement in MLWHF QoL.

This strategy presevers power and gives added weight to patients who have concordant responses amongst both parameters. Each point measures a clinical meaningful “unit” benefit. A score>2 suggests patients are doing significantly better than baseline.

Example 14
Impact of Baseline ESV on Porcine Response to JVS-100 Treatment

During a precursor GLP porcine study, it was observed that maximum therapeutic effect occurred in pigs with the most remodeling as measured by end systolic volume (ESV). See FIGS. 20-22.

Example 15
Treatment of Advanced Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

A scatter plot from STOP-HF patients showing change in ESV relative to baseline (FIG. 23) looked similar to the scatter plot created for the precursor porcine study (FIG. 20). Therefore, it was investigated whether patients with more advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy (as measured by baseline ESV) would demonstrate greater response to JVS-100 compared to patients with less advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy (ESV less than 151 ml). The results are summarized in Table 15 and FIG. 24.


STOP-HF patient profiles below and above median LVESV (151 ml)

STOP-HF Patient Profiles

Below median

Above median



(<151 ml)

(>151 ml)

30 mg
30 mg


6 Min. Walk (m)

QoL Score

LVESV (ml)

LVEDV (ml)

LVEF (%)



Other objective measures were evaluated to determine if a correlation exists between heart failure risk, as measured by increased LVEF, and the assessed objective measure. Objective measures assessed included ΔLVESV, ΔLVEDV, ΔLVEF, and ΔNTproBNP. As shown in Table 16, a trend in improvement in objective measures was observed as heart failure risk increased. Furthermore, as the heart failure risk increases, as measured by baseline LVESV cutoff (ml), the statistical significance of ΔLVESV values increased, lending credence to the observation that JVS-100 treatment has a significant impact in more sever cases of heart failure (see Table 17).


Trends in Improvements in Objective Measures as Heart

Failure Risk (as Measured by LVEF) Increases



EF (%)

No cutoff

(SD 22-42)

(SD 29-45)




EF (%)
NP p-value

No cutoff

(SD 7.7)

(SD 525-951)



*BL-4 m change; Median baseline LVEF (contrast) = 29%


Benefit of JVS-100 on LVESV as Heart Failure Risk Increases


Baseline LVESV Cutoff (ml)
(BL-4m, 30 mg-Placebo)










Means and sample sizes are not provided to protect sponsor remaining blind to patient allocation.

Studies were conducted to measure whether a correlation exists between baseline ESV and LVEDD. As shown below in Table 18 and in FIG. 25, a strong correlation exists between baseline ESV and LVEDD. For example, if the LVEDD>5.5 cm is considered as a potential inclusion criterion for treatment with JVS-100, it maps the ESV>144 ml population with high positive (64%) and negative (75%) predictive value.


Correlation Between Baseline ESV and LVEDD

EDD >=5.5 cm
EDD <5.5 cm

ESV >=144 ml

ESV <144 ml





EDD >=6 cm
EDD <6 cm

ESV >=144 ml

ESV <144 ml





Studies were performed to determine whether a correlation exists between EF and NTproBNP in patients having an ESV greater than 151 ml. Table 19 shows the results of NTproBNP≧250, EF≦35, 6MWd≦450, and no QOL. Table 20 shows the results of EF≦30. Table 21 shows the results of NTproBNP≧250, EF≦30, 6MWd≦450, and no QOL. As shown in Tables 19-21, EF and NTproBNP are predictive of severe (ESV>151 ml) heart failure.


EF and NTproBNP are Predictive of Severe (ESV >151 ml) Heart Failure

# patients


Number of patients included in analysis
 84 (100%)

Number of patients that meet inclusion
58 (69%)

Number of patients with high ESV
36 (62%)


EF and NTproBNP are Predictive of Severe (ESV >151 ml) Heart Failure

# patients


Number of patients included in analysis
 84 (100%)

Number of patients that meet inclusion
48 (57%)

Number of patients with high ESV
34 (71%)


EF and NTproBNP are Predictive of Severe (ESV >151 ml) Heart Failure

# patients


Number of patients included in analysis
 84 (100%)

Number of patients that meet inclusion
40 (47%)

Number of patients with high ESV
32 (80%)

Population enrichment is a strategy used in therapeutic clinical development where a high-risk population most likely to benefit from a therapy is targeted to minimize the clinical trial size required to demonstrate therapeutic benefit. Population enrichment is particularly relevant in cardiovascular therapy clinical development. Importantly, reduced LVEF is correlated with higher heart failure mortality rates28 and several studies have demonstrated that LVEF improvements result in better clinical outcomes for patients with advanced heart failure15, 29, 30 Consistent with these findings, initial porcine studies performed with JVS-100 suggested that therapeutic effects were most pronounced in pigs that presented with more significant cardiac damage31. For these reasons, STOP-HF sub-analyses were performed in order to evaluate the impact of JVS-100 on patients with reduced LVEF. The results are summarized in Table 22 and FIGS. 26-27.

Specifically, analyses of the patients were pre-specified with an LVEF that fell within the lowest tertile of the clinical study, which included any patient with a baseline LVEF of <26%. The 31 patients in the study that fell within this sub-group, presented with significantly worse cardiac structure, function and biomarkers relative to the full STOP-HF population (Table 3). Patients with an LVEF<=25 are considered to have severe heart failure with two-year heart failure hospitalization or mortality rates of up to 40%24


Baseline Characteristics of STOP-HF Subgroups

with Advanced Heart Failure

First tertile
LVEF < median (29%)

NTproBNP > median

Full Study
(774 pg/ml)

Patients (n)

LVESV (ml)
167 ± 66
210 ± 67
211 ± 73

LVEDV (ml)
228 ± 74
266 ± 81
263 ± 87

LVEF (%)
28 ± 7
19 ± 5
20 ± 5

 1121 ± 1083
 1505 ± 1131
1818 ± 967


6MWD (m)
295 ± 89
301 ± 97
313 ± 89

QoL Score
 50 ± 19
 52 ± 18
 50 ± 18

For this population, at 12-months post-treatment the 30 mg group showed an 11% median improvement for LVEF relative to placebo (FIG. 26), which was statistically significant (p=0.01). Consistent with these findings, a clinically meaningful improvement in LVESV (−34 ml; p=0.12) and NTproBNP (−784 p/L; p=0.23) was observed at 12-months for the 30 mg cohort relative to placebo. The 30 mg cohort also demonstrated a clinically meaningful improvement in Composite Score (2.5), compared to a less pronounced Composite Score improvement (1.2) in the placebo treated group.

The consistency of therapeutic benefit in advanced heart failure patients was demonstrated in a second sub-analysis, those with LVEF<median for the study (29%) and above the median NTproBNP (774 pg/ml). Again, there were clinically meaningful improvements in the 30 mg dose group versus placebo in LVEF (8%, p=0.02), LVESV (−16 ml, p=0.21), NTproBNP (−691 pg/ml) and composite score (1.1) at 12 months. Importantly, the improvements in cardiac structure and function observed for this advanced heart failure population are in addition to those already provided through optimal medical therapy The magnitude of these benefits is of the magnitude that have historically translated to improved mortality outcomes in larger appropriately powered outcome studies (Table 23).


Relationship of STOP-HF Clinical Benefit to Those

Observed in Heart Failure Outcome Trials



(Δ Relative to Placebo)



Metoprolol CR







Bi-V Pacing

EF < 26%

Low EF and High


Studies were also conducted to examine the benefit of JVS-100 in a well-defined population for future clinical trials. JVS-100 has shown clinically meaningful benefit in a subgroup of patients with elevated NTproBNP levels and reduced LVEF. This represents a well-defined, easily-identifiable, clinical population whose hearts closely resembled those of the low LVEF patients that responded most markedly to JVS-100 therapy (see Table 24, below).


Baseline Characteristics of Population

(LVEF < 35% and NTproBNP > 500 pg/ml)

LVEF ≦ 35%

NTproBNP ≧ 500
First tertile

LVEF (<26%)


167 ± 66
183 ± 66
210 ± 67

228 ± 74
241 ± 75
266 ± 81

28 ± 7
25 ± 6
19 ± 5

 1121 ± 1083
 1599 ± 1148
 1505 ± 1131

295 ± 89
288 ± 93
301 ± 97

QoL Score
 50 ± 19
 47 ± 18
 52 ± 18

FIG. 28 provide charts depicting: change in LVESV; change in LVEF; and change in NTproBNP in patients with reduced EF and elevated NTProBNP (EF≦35%, NTProBNP≧500 pg/ml), for both the 4 month and 12 month points following treatment. Advanced heart failure is defined as patients with reduced LVEF (≦35%) and elevated NTproBNP (≧500 pg/ml).

From the above description of the application, those skilled in the art will perceive improvements, changes and modifications. Such improvements, changes and modifications within the skill of the art are intended to be covered by the appended claims. All patents, patent applications and publications cited herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety.

Selected Sequences Disclosed:



























































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  • 1. A method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy, the method comprising administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is indicated by the subject having an end systolic volume of about 151 ml.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is indicated by the subject having a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of less than 35%.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is indicated by the subject having a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of less than 30%.
  • 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is indicated by the subject having NTProBNP levels greater than 500 pg/ml.
  • 6. A method of treating a subject having advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy, the method comprising: identifying a subject having an ischemic heart condition;determining the subject's end systolic volume; andadministering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a plasmid encoding SDF-1 if the subject's end systolic volume is indicative of advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy.
  • 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein the subject's end systolic volume is about 151 ml.
  • 8. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the plasmid encoding SDF-1 comprises a polynucleotide having the sequence of SEQ ID NO:6.
  • 9. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the amount of plasmid encoding SDF-1 administered to the subject is from about 25 mg to about 35 mg of said plasmid.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the amount of plasmid encoding SDF-1 administered to the subject is about 30 mg of said plasmid.
  • 11. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the plasmid encoding SDF-1 is administered via direct injection.
  • 12. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the plasmid encoding SDF-1 is administered via endoventricular injection.
  • 13. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the plasmid encoding SDF-1 is administered via a catheter.
  • 14. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the plasmid encoding SDF-1 is administered via retrograde infusion.
  • 15. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, further comprising evaluating the subject's cardiac output, biomarker expression, or both.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, wherein evaluating the subject's cardiac output comprises evaluating the subject's cardiac volume.
  • 17. The method of claim 15, wherein evaluating the subject's cardiac output comprises evaluating a six-minute walk distance.
  • 18. The method of claim 17, wherein evaluating the subject's biomarker expression comprises evaluating a level of NTproBNP.
  • 19. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the subject is human.
  • 20. The method of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the advanced ischemic cardiomyopathy is advanced heart failure.

This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/985,344, filed Apr. 28, 2014, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.

PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/US2015/028030 4/28/2015 WO 00
Provisional Applications (1)
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61985344 Apr 2014 US