Securing RF transactions using a transactions counter

A system and method for securing a Radio Frequency (RF) transaction using a RF identification device (RFID) transaction device is provided. The RFID transaction device includes a transactions counter for tallying the number of transactions attempted or completed with the RFID transactions device. The counter may be incremented by any predetermined amount, which may be predefined for a particular transaction device counter. The counter value is provided to an account issuer for use in determining if the counter value has exceeded a predetermined value correlative to the maximum number of transactions which may be completed using a transaction device.

This invention generally relates to a system and method for securing a Radio Frequency (RF) transaction using a RF operable device, and more particularly, to securing a RF transaction using a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) device including a transactions counter.


Like barcode and voice data entry, RFID is a contactless information acquisition technology. RFID systems are wireless, and are usually extremely effective in hostile environments where conventional acquisition methods fail. RFID has established itself in a wide range of markets, such as, for example, the high-speed reading of railway containers, tracking moving objects such as livestock or automobiles, and retail inventory applications. As such, RFID technology has become a primary focus in automated data collection, identification and analysis systems worldwide.

Of late, companies are increasingly embodying RFID data acquisition technology in a fob or tag for use in completing financial transactions. A typical fob includes a transponder and is ordinarily a self-contained device which may be contained on any portable form factor. In some instances, a battery may be included with the fob to power the transponder, in which case the internal circuitry of the fob (including the transponder) may draw its operating power from the battery power source. Alternatively, the fob may exist independent of an internal power source. In this instance the internal circuitry of the fob (including the transponder) may gain its operating power directly from an RF interrogation signal. U.S. Pat. No. 5,053,774, issued to Schuermann, describes a typical transponder RF interrogation system which may be found in the prior art. The Schuermann patent describes in general the powering technology surrounding conventional transponder structures. U.S. Pat. No. 4,739,328 discusses a method by which a conventional transponder may respond to a RF interrogation signal. Other typical modulation techniques which may be used include, for example, ISO/IEC 14443 and the like.

In the conventional fob powering technologies used, the fob is typically activated upon presenting the fob in an interrogation signal. In this regard, the fob may be activated irrespective of whether the user desires such activation. Alternatively, the fob may have an internal power source such that interrogation by the reader to activate the fob is not required.

One of the more visible uses of the RFID technology is found in the introduction of Exxon/Mobil's Speedpass® and Shell's EasyPay® products. These products use transponders placed in a fob or tag which enables automatic identification of the user when the fob is presented at a Point of Sale (POS) device. Fob identification data is typically passed to a third-party server database, where the identification data is referenced to a customer (e.g., user) credit or debit account. In an exemplary processing method, the server seeks authorization for the transaction by passing the transaction and account data to an authorizing entity, such as for example an “acquirer” or account issuer. Once the server receives authorization from the authorizing entity, the authorizing entity sends clearance to the point of sale device for completion of the transaction.

Minimizing fraud transactions in the RFID environment is typically important to the account issuer to lessen the loss associated with fraudulent RFID transaction device usage. One conventional method for securing RFID transactions involves requiring the device user to provide a secondary form of identification during transaction completion. For example, the RFID transaction device user may be asked to enter a personal identification number (PIN) into a keypad. The PIN may then be verified against a number associated with the user or the RFID transaction device, where the associated number is stored in an account issuer database. If the PIN number provided by the device user matches the associated number, then the transaction may be cleared for completion.

One problem with the conventional method of securing an RFID transaction is that the time for completing the transaction is increased. This is true since the RFID device user must delay the transaction to provide the alternate identification. As can be seen, this defeats one real advantage of the RFID transaction device, which is to permit expedient completion of a transaction since the account information may be passed to a reader without merchant involvement.

As such, a need exists for a method of securing RFID transaction which does not increase the time needed to complete a transaction, and which method may be used without device user intervention.


Described herein is a system and method for securing RFID transactions which addresses the problems found in conventional transaction securing methods. The securing method described herein includes providing a RFID device including a transaction counter which may generate an indicia corresponding to the number of transactions conducted using a particular RFID transaction device. These features and other advantages of the system and method, as well as the structure and operation of various exemplary embodiments of the system and method, are described below.


The accompanying drawings, wherein like numerals depict like elements, illustrate exemplary embodiments of the present invention, and together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the invention. In the drawings:

FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary RFID-based system depicting exemplary components for use in RFID transaction completion in accordance with the present invention; and

FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary method for securing a RFID transaction using a counter-generated indicia in accordance with the present invention.


The present invention may be described herein in terms of functional block components, screen shots, optional selections and various processing steps. Such functional blocks may be realized by any number of hardware and/or software components configured to perform to specified functions. For example, the present invention may employ various integrated circuit components (e.g., memory elements, processing elements, logic elements, look-up tables, and the like), which may carry out a variety of functions under the control of one or more microprocessors or other control devices. Similarly, the software elements of the present invention may be implemented with any programming or scripting language such as C, C++, Java, COBOL, assembler, PERL, extensible markup language (XML), JavaCard and MULTOS with the various algorithms being implemented with any combination of data structures, objects, processes, routines or other programming elements. Further, it should be noted that the present invention may employ any number of conventional techniques for data transmission, signaling, data processing, network control, and the like. For a basic introduction on cryptography, review a text written by Bruce Schneier entitled “Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C,” published by John Wiley & Sons (second edition, 1996), herein incorporated by reference.

In addition, many applications of the present invention could be formulated. The exemplary network disclosed herein may include any system for exchanging data or transacting business, such as the internet, an intranet, an extranet, WAN, LAN, satellite communications, and/or the like. It is noted that the network may be implemented as other types of networks, such as an interactive television network (ITN).

Further still, the terms “Internet” or “network” may refer to the Internet, any replacement, competitor or successor to the Internet, or any public or private inter-network, intranet or extranet that is based upon open or proprietary protocols. Specific information related to the protocols, standards, and application software utilized in connection with the Internet may not be discussed herein. For further information regarding such details, see, for example, Dilip Naik, “Internet Standards and Protocols” (1998); “Java 2 Complete”, various authors, (Sybex 1999); Deborah Ray and Eric Ray, “Mastering HTML 4.0” (1997); Loshin, “TCP/IP Clearly Explained” (1997). All of these texts are hereby incorporated by reference.

By communicating, a signal may travel to/from one component to another. The components may be directly connected to each other or may be connected through one or more other devices or components. The various coupling components for the devices can include but are not limited to the Internet, a wireless network, a conventional wire cable, an optical cable or connection through air, water, or any other medium that conducts signals, and any other coupling device or medium.

Where required, the system user may interact with the system via any input device such as, a keypad, keyboard, mouse, kiosk, personal digital assistant, handheld computer (e.g., Palm Pilot®, Blackberry®), cellular phone and/or the like. Similarly, the invention could be used in conjunction with any type of personal computer, network computer, work station, minicomputer, mainframe, or the like, running any operating system such as any version of Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 95, MacOS, OS/2, BeOS, Linux, UNIX, Solaris, or the like. Moreover, although the invention may frequently be described as being implemented with TCP/IP communications protocol, it should be understood that the invention could also be implemented using SNA, IPX, Appletalk, IPte, NetBIOS, OSI or any number of communications protocols. Moreover, the system contemplates the use, sale, or distribution of any goods, services or information over any network having similar functionality described herein.

A variety of conventional communications media and protocols may be used for data links providing physical connections between the various system components. For example, the data links may be an Internet Service Provider (ISP) configured to facilitate communications over a local loop as is typically used in connection with standard modem communication, cable modem, dish networks, ISDN, Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL), or any wireless communication media. In addition, the merchant system including the POS device 106 and host network 108 may reside on a local area network which interfaces to a remote network (not shown) for remote authorization of an intended transaction. The POS 106 may communicate with the remote network via a leased line, such as a T1, D3 line, or the like. Such communications lines are described in a variety of texts, such as, “Understanding Data Communications,”by Gilbert Held, which is incorporated herein by reference.

A transaction device identifier, as used herein, may include any identifier for a transaction device which may be correlated to a user transaction account (e.g., credit, charge debit, checking, savings, reward, loyalty, or the like) maintained by a transaction account provider (e.g., payment authorization center). A typical transaction account identifier (e.g., account number) may be correlated to a credit or debit account, loyalty account, or rewards account maintained and serviced by such entities as American Express, Visa and/or MasterCard or the like.

To facilitate understanding, the present invention may be described with respect to a credit account. However, it should be noted that the invention is not so limited and other accounts permitting an exchange of goods and services for an account data value is contemplated to be within the scope of the present invention.

A transaction device identifier may be, for example, a sixteen-digit credit card number, although each credit provider has its own numbering system, such as the fifteen-digit numbering system used by American Express. Each company's credit card numbers comply with that company's standardized format such that the company using a sixteen-digit format will generally use four spaced sets of numbers, as represented by the number “0000 0000 0000 0000.” In a typical example, the first five to seven digits are reserved for processing purposes and identify the issuing bank, card type and, etc. In this example, the last sixteenth digit is used as a sum check for the sixteen-digit number. The intermediary eight-to-ten digits are used to uniquely identify the customer. The account number stored as Track 1 and Track 2 data as defined in ISO/IEC 7813, and further may be made unique to the RFID transaction device.

In one exemplary embodiment, the transaction device identifier may include a unique RFID transaction device serial number and user identification number, as well as specific application applets. The transaction device identifier may be stored on a transaction device database located on the transaction device. The transaction device database may be configured to store multiple account numbers issued to the RFID transaction device user by the same or different account providing institutions. In addition, where the device identifier corresponds to a loyalty or rewards account, the RFID transaction device database may be configured to store the attendant loyalty or rewards points data.

The databases discussed herein may be any type of database, such as relational, hierarchical, object-oriented, and/or the like. Common database products that may be used to implement the databases include DB2 by IBM (White Plains, N.Y.), any of the database products available from Oracle Corporation (Redwood Shores, Calif.), Microsoft Access or MSSQL by Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, Wash.), or any other database product. Databases may be organized in any suitable manner, including as data tables or lookup tables. Association of certain data may be accomplished through any data association technique known and practiced in the art. For example, the association may be accomplished either manually or automatically. Automatic association techniques may include, for example, a database search, a database merge, GREP, AGREP, SQL, and/or the like. The association step may be accomplished by a database merge function, for example, using a “key field” in each of the manufacturer and retailer data tables. A “key field” partitions the database according to the high-level class of objects defined by the key field. For example, a certain class may be designated as a key field in both the first data table and the second data table, and the two data tables may then be merged on the basis of the class data in the key field. In this embodiment, the data corresponding to the key field in each of the merged data tables is preferably the same. However, data tables having similar, though not identical, data in the key fields may also be merged by using AGREP, for example.

In addition to the above, the transaction device identifier may be associated with any secondary form of identification configured to allow the consumer to interact or communicate with a payment system. For example, the transaction device identifier may be associated with, for example, an authorization/access code, personal identification number (PIN), Internet code, digital certificate, biometric data, and/or other secondary identification data used to verify a transaction device user identity.

It should be further noted that conventional components of RFID transaction devices may not be discussed herein for brevity. For instance, one skilled in the art will appreciate that the RFID transaction device and the RFID reader disclosed herein include traditional transponders, antennas, protocol sequence controllers, modulators/demodulators and the like, necessary for proper RFID data transmission. As such, those components are contemplated to be included in the scope of the invention.

It should be noted that the transfer of information in accordance with this invention, may be done in a format recognizable by a merchant system or account issuer. In that regard, by way of example, the information may be transmitted in magnetic stripe or multi-track magnetic stripe format. Because of the proliferation of devices using magnetic stripe format, the standards for coding information in magnetic stripe format were standardized by the International Standards Organization (ISO).

Typically, magnetic stripe information is formatted in three tracks. Certain industry information must be maintained on certain portion of the tracks, while other portions of the tracks may have open data fields. The contents of each track and the formatting of the information provided to each track is controlled by ISO standard ISO/IEC 7811. For example, the information must typically be encoded in binary. Track 1 is usually encoded with user information (name) in alphanumeric format. Track 2 is typically comprised of discretionary and non-discretionary data fields. In one example, the non-discretionary field may comprise 19 characters and the discretionary field may comprise 13 characters. Track 3 is typically reserved for financial transactions and includes enciphered versions of the user's personal identification number, country code, currently units amount authorized per cycle, subsidiary accounts, and restrictions.

As such, where information is provided in accordance with this invention, it may be provided in magnetic stripe format track. For example, the counter values, authentication tags and encrypted identifiers, described herein, may be forwarded encoded in all or a portion of a data stream representing data encoded in, for example, track 2 or track 3 format.

Further still, various components may be described herein in terms of their “validity.” In this context, a “valid” component is one which is authorized for use in completing a transaction request in accordance with the present invention. Contrarily, an “invalid” component is one which is not authorized for transaction completion. In addition, an invalid component may be one which is not recognized as being permitted for use on the secure RF system described herein.

FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary secure RFID transaction system 100 in accordance with the present invention, wherein exemplary components for use in completing a RF transaction are depicted. In general, system 100 may include a RFID transaction device 102 in RF communication with a RFID reader 104 for transmitting data there between. The RFID reader 104 may be in further communication with a merchant point of sale (POS) device 106 for providing to the POS 106 data received from the RFID transaction device 102. The POS 106 may be in further communication with an acquirer 110 or an account issuer 112 via a network 108 for transmitting transaction request data and receiving authorization concerning transaction completion.

Although the point of interaction device (POS) is described herein with respect to a merchant point of sale (POS) device, the invention is not to be so limited. Indeed, a merchant POS device is used herein by way of example, and the point of interaction device may be any device capable of receiving transaction device account data. In this regard, the POS may be any point of interaction device enabling the user to complete a transaction using a transaction device 102. The POS device 106 may receive RFID transaction device 102 information and provide the information to host network 108 for processing.

As used herein, an “acquirer” may be a third-party entity including various databases and processors for facilitating the routing of a payment request to an appropriate account issuer 112. The acquirer 112 may route the payment request to the account issuer in accordance with a routing number provided by the RFID transaction device 102, where the routing number corresponds to the account issuer 112. The “routing number” in this context may be a unique network address or any similar device for locating an account issuer 112 on a network 108. Traditional means of routing the payment request in accordance with the routing number are well understood. As such, the process for using a routing number to provide payment request will not be discussed herein for brevity.

In addition, the account issuer 112 (“account provider”) may be any entity which provides a transaction account useful for facilitating completion of a transaction request. The transaction account may be any credit, debit, loyalty, direct debit, checking, or savings, or the like. The term “issuer” or “account provider” may refer to any entity facilitating payment of a transaction using a transaction device, and which includes systems permitting payment using at least one of a preloaded and non-preloaded transaction device. Typical issuers may be American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and the like. In the preloaded value processing context, an exchange value (e.g., money, rewards points, barter points, etc.) may be stored in a preloaded value database (not shown) for use in completing a requested transaction. The preloaded value database and thus the exchange value may not be stored on the transaction device itself, but may be stored remotely, such as, for example, at the account issuer 112 location. Further, the preloaded value database may be debited the amount of the transaction requiring the value to be replenished. The preloaded value may be any conventional value (e.g., monetary, rewards points, barter points, etc.) which may be exchanged for goods or services. In that regard, the preloaded value may have any configuration as determined by the issuer system 112.

In general, during operation of secure system 100, the RFID reader 104 may provide an interrogation signal to transaction device 102 for powering the device 102 and receiving transaction device related data. The interrogation signal may be received at the transaction device antenna 120 and may be further provided to a transponder (not shown). In response, the transaction device processor 114 may retrieve a transaction device identifier from transaction device database 116 for providing to the RFID reader to complete a transaction request. Typically, the transaction device identifier may be encrypted prior to providing the device identifier to a modulator/demodulator (not shown) for providing the identifier to the RFID reader 104.

It should be noted that the RFID reader 104 and the RFID transaction device 102 may engage in mutual authentication prior to transferring any transaction device 102 data to the reader 104. For a detailed explanation of a suitable mutual authentication process for use with the invention, please refer to commonly owned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/340,352, entitled “System and Method for Incenting Payment Using Radio Frequency Identification in Contact and Contactless Transactions,” filed Jan. 10, 2003, incorporated by reference in its entirety.

In accordance with the present invention, a RF transaction using a RFID transaction device is secured by limiting the number of transactions which may be performed with a particular transaction device. Once the maximum transactions value is reached, the transaction device may automatically disable itself against further usage. Alternatively, the account issuer 112 may flag the transaction account correlating to the transaction device such that the account issuer system automatically prevents completion of transactions using the transaction device.

As such, the RFID transaction device 102 in accordance with the present invention further includes a transaction counter 118 for recording and reporting the number of transactions performed with a particular transaction device 102. The counter 118 may be any device capable of being initiated with a beginning value and incrementing that value by a predetermined amount when the transaction device is presented for completion of a transaction. The counter 118 may be a discrete electronic device on the transponder, or may be software or code based counter as if found in the art.

The initial counter value may be any value from which other similar values may be measured. The value may take any form, such as, alpha, numeric, a formation of symbols, or any combination thereof.

To facilitate understanding, the following description discusses all values to be in numeric units (0, 1, 2, 3 . . . n). Thus, the counter values, the value amount to be incremented, the total transactions counted value, and the maximum transactions value, are all whole numbers.

It should be noted that the account issuer 112 may preset the initial counter value at any initial value as desired. The account issuer 112 may also predetermine the value amount to be incremented by the counter when the transaction device is used to complete a transaction. Further, the account issuer 112 may assign different values to be incremented for each distinct transaction device 102. Further still, the account issuer may determine the maximum transactions value, which may be particular to each individual transaction device 102 issued by the account issuer 112. Where a maximum transactions value is equaled by the counter 118 value, the system 100 prevents the usage of the transaction device 102 to complete additional transactions. The usage of the transaction device 102 may be prevented by account issuer 112 where the account issuer flags the transaction account corresponding to the transaction device 102, thereby preventing authorization for using the account to complete transactions. Alternatively, the transaction device 102 may self-disable. For example, the counter 118 may provide the transaction device processor 114 a signal to which the processor 114 is responsive for preventing the transfer of transaction device 102 identifier.

For example, the account issuer 112 may preset the initial counter value at 5 units and the counter value to be incremented at 10 units per transaction. The account issuer 112 may determine that transaction device 102 may be used to complete a total transaction value of 20 transactions. Since the counter 118 increments the counter value by the value to be incremented (e.g., 10 units) for each transaction, then for a total of 20 transactions permitted, the maximum transactions value will be 205 units. Once the counter value equals 205 units, then the operation of the transaction device 102 is disabled.

The operation of the exemplary embodiment described above, may be understood with reference to FIG. 1 and to the method of securing a RF transaction described in FIG. 2. The operation may begin when the transaction device 102 is presented for completion of a transaction. The transaction device may be placed in an interrogation field generated by a RFID reader 104 (step 202). The RFID reader 104 may interrogate the RFID transaction device 102 enabling device 102 operation. In response, the RFID transaction device 102 may retrieve the transaction device 102 identifier, the account issuer 112 routing number and encrypted transaction device identifier from database 116 for providing to RFID reader 104 (step 204).

Once the RFID transaction device 102 detects the interrogation signal provided by the RFID reader 104, the counter 118 may increment its counter value (step 206). The counter 118 value may be incremented by an amount predetermined by the account issuer 112 (e.g., value amount to be incremented). The resulting counter 118 value after incrementing is the total transactions counted value.

Upon determining the total transactions counted value, the RFID transaction device 102 may provide the total transactions counted value, the encrypted transaction device 102 identifier, and the account issuer 112 routing number to the RFID reader 104 via RF transmission (step 208). The RFID reader 104 may, in turn, convert the transaction device 102 identifier, routing number, and total transactions counted value into merchant POS recognizable format and forward the converted information to the merchant POS 106 (step 210). The merchant system including the POS 106 may then provide a transaction request to an acquirer 110 via network 106. The transaction request may include the information received from the transaction device 102 along with information (e.g. amount, number of product, product/service identifier) concerning the transaction requested to be completed (step 216).

The acquirer 110 may receive the transaction request and forward the transaction request to the appropriate account issuer 112 in accordance with the routing number provided (step 218). The account issuer may then identify that a transaction request is being provided that relates to a transaction device. For example, the merchant POS 106 may provide a code appended to the transaction request specially configured for identifying a transaction device transaction which may be recognized by the account issuer 112. Alternatively, the transaction device identifier, or a portion thereof, may be identified by the account issuer 112 as originating with a RFID transaction device 102.

In one exemplary embodiment, the account issuer 112 receives the transaction device 102 and checks to see if the transaction device identifier corresponds to a valid transaction account maintained on the account issuer 112 system (step 220). For example, the account issuer 112 may receive the encrypted transaction device identifier and locate the corresponding decryption key relating to the transaction account. If the encrypted ID is invalid, such as, for example, when the account issuer 112 is unable to locate the corresponding decryption key, the account issuer 112 may provide a “Transaction Invalid” message to the POS 106 (step 228). The transaction device 102 user may then be permitted to provide an alternate means of satisfying the transaction, or the transaction is ended (step 230).

If the RFID transaction device encrypted identifier corresponding decryption key is located, the encrypted identifier is considered “valid” and the account issuer 112 may then use the corresponding decryption key to “unlock” or locate the transaction device account correlative to the transaction device 102. The account provider 112 may then retrieve all information relating to the usage limits which have been predetermined by the account issuer 112. The account issuer 112 may be able to determine if a particular transaction device 102 has reached its limit of available transactions.

For example, account issuer 112 may check to see if the total transactions counted value equals or exceeds the maximum transactions allowed (step 224). If the maximum transactions allowed have been reached then the counter value is met or exceeded, and the transaction is considered “invalid.” As such, the account issuer 112 may then provide a “Transaction Invalid” message to the POS 106 (step 228). In addition, the account issuer 112 may determine whether the total transactions counted value is the next expected value. If not, then the transaction is considered “invalid” and the account issuer 112 may also provide a “Transaction Invalid” message to the POS 106 (step 228). The transaction device 102 user may then be permitted to provide alternate means of completing the transaction (step 226) or the transaction is ended.

Alternatively, where the total transactions counted value does not exceed or meet the maximum transactions allowed value, the counter value is considered valid and a “Transaction Valid” message is sent to the merchant POS 106 (step 230). The merchant may then complete the transaction under business as usual standards as are employed by the merchant.

In accordance with the various embodiments described, the present invention addresses the problem of securing a RF transaction completed by a RFID transaction device. The invention provides a system and method for an account issuer to determine if the RFID transaction device is a valid device for completing a transaction on a RF transaction system. The account issuer can determine whether the transaction device is valid by verifying the transaction device counter, and encryption identifier. It should be noted, however, that the present invention contemplates various arrangements wherein the transaction device may be validated.

The preceding detailed description of exemplary embodiments of the invention makes reference to the accompanying drawings, which show the exemplary embodiment by way of illustration. While these exemplary embodiments are described in sufficient detail to enable those skilled in the art to practice the invention, it should be understood that other embodiments may be realized and that logical and mechanical changes may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. For example, the RFID reader may include an RFID reader encrypted identifier stored in the reader database, which may be validated by the account issuer in similar manner as with the transaction device encrypted identifier. Moreover, the counter may increment the total transactions counted value by the predetermined incremental value at the completion of a successful transaction. In addition, the steps recited in any of the method or process claims may be executed in any order and are not limited to the order presented. Further, the present invention may be practiced using one or more servers, as necessary. Thus, the preceding detailed description is presented for purposes of illustration only and not of limitation, and the scope of the invention is defined by the preceding description, and with respect to the attached claims.

  • 1. A method comprising: receiving a financial transaction request from an RF transaction device at an RF reader of a merchant system, wherein said financial transaction request comprises a transactions counted value that indicates a number of financial transactions performed with said RF transaction device;transmitting said financial transaction request to a transaction processor;receiving a denial message from said transaction processor in response to said transactions counted value exceeding a maximum transactions value; anddenying, by said merchant system, said financial transaction request in response to said transactions counted value exceeding said maximum transactions value.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said financial transaction request further comprises at least one of an RF transaction device authentication tag, an account issuer routing number, or an encrypted transaction device identifier.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising transmitting an interrogation signal to said RF transaction device.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising disabling said RF transaction device in response to said transactions counted value exceeding said maximum transactions value.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, further comprising: presetting said transactions counted value to an initial count value;setting an increment value for said transactions counted value; andsetting said maximum transactions value.
  • 6. A radio frequency identification (RFID) reader comprising: a transponder for receiving a financial transaction request from an RF transaction device at said RFID reader associated with a merchant system, wherein said financial transaction request comprises a transactions counted value that indicates a number of financial transactions performed with said RF transaction device; anda network device for transmitting said financial transaction request to a transaction processor, receiving a denial message from said transaction processor in response to said transactions counted value exceeding a maximum transactions value, and denying said financial transaction request in response to said transactions counted value exceeding said maximum transactions value.
  • 7. The RFID reader of claim 6, further comprising: means for receiving at least one of a transaction device authentication tag or an encrypted transaction device identifier from said RF transaction device; andmeans for decrypting said encrypted transaction device identifier to authenticate said RF transaction device.
  • 8. A transaction processor comprising: means for receiving a financial transaction request at said transaction processor from an RF transaction reader, wherein said financial transaction request is initiated by an RF transaction device, and wherein said financial transaction request comprises a transactions counted value that indicates a number of financial transactions performed with said RF transaction device; andmeans for denying said financial transaction request in response to said transactions counted value exceeding a maximum transactions value.
  • 9. The transaction processor of claim 8, wherein said financial transaction request further comprises at least one of an RFID reader authentication tag, an RF transaction device authentication tag, or an encrypted transaction device identifier.
  • 10. The transaction processor of claim 8, further comprising means for validating said RF transaction device in accordance with said RF transaction device authentication tag.
  • 11. The transaction processor of claim 8, further comprising means for evaluating validity of said RFID reader in accordance with said RFID reader authentication tag.
  • 12. A method comprising: transmitting a financial transaction request from a Radio Frequency (RF) transaction device to an RFID reader, wherein said financial transaction request comprises a transactions counted value that indicates a number of financial transactions performed with said RF transaction device, wherein said financial transaction request is transmitted to a transaction processor, wherein said RFID reader receives a denial message from said transaction processor in response to said transactions counted value exceeding a maximum transactions value, and wherein said financial transaction request is denied in response to said transactions counted value exceeding said maximum transactions value; andincrementing, at said RF transaction device, said transaction counted value.
  • 13. The method of claim 12, further comprising incrementing said transactions counted value by a predetermined value.
  • 14. The method of claim 12, further comprising incrementing said transactions counted value in response to at least one of receiving an interrogation signal, transmitting data, or completing an RF transaction.
  • 15. A Radio Frequency (RF) transaction device comprising: means for transmitting a financial transaction request from said RF transaction device to an RF Identification (RFID) reader, said financial transaction request comprising a transactions counted value that indicates a number of financial transactions performed with said RF transaction device, wherein said financial transaction request is transmitted to a transaction processor, wherein said RFID reader receives a denial message from said transaction processor in response to said transactions counted value exceeding a maximum transactions value, wherein said financial transaction request is denied in response to said transactions counted value exceeding said maximum transactions value; andmeans for incrementing, at said RF transaction device, said transactions counted value.

This application ('545 application) is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/192,488, entitled “SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PAYMENT USING RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION IN CONTACT AND CONTACTLESS TRANSACTIONS,” filed on Jul. 9, 2002, and now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 7,239,226 on Jul. 3, 2007. The '488 application is a non-provisional of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/304,216, filed Jul. 10, 2001. The '545 application is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/340,352, entitled “SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR INCENTING PAYMENT USING RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION IN CONTACT AND CONTACTLESS TRANSACTIONS,” filed Jan. 10, 2003. The '352 application is a non-provisional of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/396,577, filed Jul. 16, 2002. All of the foregoing applications are incorporated herein by reference.

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4450535 dePommery et al. May 1984 A
4453074 Weinstein Jun 1984 A
4475308 Heise et al. Oct 1984 A
4504084 Jauch Mar 1985 A
4507652 Vogt et al. Mar 1985 A
D280214 Opel Aug 1985 S
4538059 Rudland Aug 1985 A
4547002 Colgate, Jr. Oct 1985 A
4558211 Berstein Dec 1985 A
4563024 Blyth Jan 1986 A
4581523 Okuno Apr 1986 A
4582985 Lofberg Apr 1986 A
4583766 Wessel Apr 1986 A
4589686 McGrew May 1986 A
4593936 Opel Jun 1986 A
4597814 Colgate, Jr. Jul 1986 A
4639765 d'Hont Jan 1987 A
4641017 Lopata Feb 1987 A
4643452 Chang Feb 1987 A
4656463 Anders et al. Apr 1987 A
4663518 Borror et al. May 1987 A
4672021 Blumel et al. Jun 1987 A
4684795 Colgate, Jr. Aug 1987 A
4692394 Drexler Sep 1987 A
4694148 Diekemper et al. Sep 1987 A
4697073 Hara Sep 1987 A
4697363 Gamm Oct 1987 A
4700055 Kashkashian, Jr. Oct 1987 A
4711690 Haghiri-Tehrani Dec 1987 A
4717221 McGrew Jan 1988 A
4725719 Oncken et al. Feb 1988 A
4736094 Yoshida Apr 1988 A
4739328 Koelle et al. Apr 1988 A
4744497 O'Neal May 1988 A
4747147 Sparrow May 1988 A
4768811 Oshikoshi et al. Sep 1988 A
4779898 Berning et al. Oct 1988 A
4794142 Alberts et al. Dec 1988 A
4795894 Sugimoto et al. Jan 1989 A
4801790 Solo Jan 1989 A
4816653 Anderl et al. Mar 1989 A
4829690 Andros May 1989 A
4837422 Dethloff et al. Jun 1989 A
4839504 Nakano Jun 1989 A
4841570 Cooper Jun 1989 A
4849617 Ueda Jul 1989 A
4852911 Hoppe Aug 1989 A
4853525 Vogt et al. Aug 1989 A
4863819 Drexler et al. Sep 1989 A
4868849 Tamaoki Sep 1989 A
4884507 Levy Dec 1989 A
4889366 Fabbiani Dec 1989 A
4897533 Lyszczarz Jan 1990 A
4897947 Kass-Pious Feb 1990 A
4910521 Mellon Mar 1990 A
4917292 Drexler Apr 1990 A
4918432 Pauley et al. Apr 1990 A
D307979 Purvis May 1990 S
4937963 Barnes Jul 1990 A
D310386 Michels et al. Sep 1990 S
4961142 Elliott et al. Oct 1990 A
4984270 LaBounty Jan 1991 A
4993068 Piosenka et al. Feb 1991 A
4998753 Wichael Mar 1991 A
5004899 Ueda Apr 1991 A
5010243 Fukushima et al. Apr 1991 A
5015830 Masuzawa et al. May 1991 A
5016274 Micali et al. May 1991 A
5023782 Lutz et al. Jun 1991 A
5023908 Weiss Jun 1991 A
5025372 Burton et al. Jun 1991 A
5052328 Eppenbach Oct 1991 A
5053774 Schuermann et al. Oct 1991 A
5096228 Rinderknecht Mar 1992 A
5099226 Andrews Mar 1992 A
5101200 Swett Mar 1992 A
5106125 Antes Apr 1992 A
5111033 Fujita et al. May 1992 A
5125356 Galante Jun 1992 A
5142383 Mallik Aug 1992 A
5171039 Dusek Dec 1992 A
5175416 Mansvelt et al. Dec 1992 A
5180902 Schick et al. Jan 1993 A
5192947 Neustein Mar 1993 A
5193114 Moseley Mar 1993 A
5197140 Balmer Mar 1993 A
5198647 Mizuta Mar 1993 A
5202826 McCarthy Apr 1993 A
5206488 Teicher Apr 1993 A
5208110 Smith et al. May 1993 A
5212777 Gove et al. May 1993 A
5217844 Fukushima et al. Jun 1993 A
5221838 Gutman et al. Jun 1993 A
5222282 Sukonnik et al. Jun 1993 A
5226989 Sukonnik Jul 1993 A
5234624 Bauer et al. Aug 1993 A
5239654 Ing-Simmons et al. Aug 1993 A
5245329 Gokcebay Sep 1993 A
5247304 d'Hont Sep 1993 A
5251937 Ojster Oct 1993 A
5256473 Kotani et al. Oct 1993 A
5257656 McLeroy Nov 1993 A
5259649 Shomron Nov 1993 A
5272326 Fujita et al. Dec 1993 A
5274392 d'Hont et al. Dec 1993 A
5276311 Hennige Jan 1994 A
5279019 Knickle Jan 1994 A
5285100 Byatt Feb 1994 A
5300764 Hoshino et al. Apr 1994 A
5304789 Lob et al. Apr 1994 A
5305002 Holodak et al. Apr 1994 A
5308121 Gunn May 1994 A
5311679 Birch, Sr. May 1994 A
5321751 Ray et al. Jun 1994 A
5326964 Risser Jul 1994 A
5329617 Asal Jul 1994 A
5331138 Saroya Jul 1994 A
5339447 Balmer Aug 1994 A
5349357 Schurmann et al. Sep 1994 A
5351052 d'Hont et al. Sep 1994 A
5351142 Cueli Sep 1994 A
5355411 MacDonald Oct 1994 A
5359522 Ryan Oct 1994 A
5365551 Snodgrass et al. Nov 1994 A
5371896 Gove et al. Dec 1994 A
5373303 d'Hont Dec 1994 A
5383687 Suess et al. Jan 1995 A
5397881 Mannik Mar 1995 A
5407893 Koshizuka et al. Apr 1995 A
5408243 d'Hont Apr 1995 A
5410142 Tsuboi et al. Apr 1995 A
5410649 Gove Apr 1995 A
5412192 Hoss May 1995 A
5428363 d'Hont Jun 1995 A
5438184 Roberts et al. Aug 1995 A
5453601 d'Hont et al. Sep 1995 A
5453747 d'Hont et al. Sep 1995 A
5461217 Claus Oct 1995 A
5461219 Cronvall Oct 1995 A
5471592 Gove et al. Nov 1995 A
5477038 Levine et al. Dec 1995 A
5477040 Lalonde Dec 1995 A
5478629 Norman Dec 1995 A
5479530 Nair et al. Dec 1995 A
5485510 Colbert Jan 1996 A
5488376 Hurta et al. Jan 1996 A
5489411 Jha et al. Feb 1996 A
5489908 Orthmann et al. Feb 1996 A
5490079 Sharpe et al. Feb 1996 A
5491483 d'Hont Feb 1996 A
5491484 Schuermann Feb 1996 A
5491715 Flaxl Feb 1996 A
5493312 Knebelkamp Feb 1996 A
5497121 d'Hont Mar 1996 A
5500513 Langhans et al. Mar 1996 A
5500651 Schuermann Mar 1996 A
5503434 Gunn Apr 1996 A
5504808 Hamrick, Jr. Apr 1996 A
5506395 Eppley Apr 1996 A
5513272 Bogosian, Jr. Apr 1996 A
5513525 Schurmann May 1996 A
5514860 Berson May 1996 A
5516153 Kaule May 1996 A
5518810 Nishihara et al. May 1996 A
5519381 Marsh et al. May 1996 A
5520230 Sumner, III May 1996 A
5521966 Friedes et al. May 1996 A
5522083 Gove et al. May 1996 A
5525992 Froschermeier Jun 1996 A
5525994 Hurta et al. Jun 1996 A
5528222 Moskowitz et al. Jun 1996 A
5530232 Taylor Jun 1996 A
5533656 Bonaldi Jul 1996 A
5534857 Laing et al. Jul 1996 A
5537314 Kanter Jul 1996 A
5539825 Akiyama Jul 1996 A
5541582 Wagner et al. Jul 1996 A
5541604 Meier Jul 1996 A
5543798 Schuermann Aug 1996 A
5544246 Mandelbaum et al. Aug 1996 A
5548291 Meier et al. Aug 1996 A
5550536 Flaxl Aug 1996 A
5550548 Schuermann Aug 1996 A
5552789 Schuermann Sep 1996 A
5555877 Lockwood et al. Sep 1996 A
5557279 d'Hont Sep 1996 A
5557516 Hogan Sep 1996 A
5559504 Itsumi et al. Sep 1996 A
5559887 Davis et al. Sep 1996 A
5561430 Knebelkamp Oct 1996 A
5563582 d'Hont Oct 1996 A
5569187 Kaiser Oct 1996 A
5569897 Masuda Oct 1996 A
5572226 Tuttle Nov 1996 A
5572815 Kovner Nov 1996 A
5575094 Leake et al. Nov 1996 A
5577109 Stimson et al. Nov 1996 A
5577120 Penzias Nov 1996 A
5577121 Davis et al. Nov 1996 A
5577609 Hexter Nov 1996 A
5578808 Taylor Nov 1996 A
5581630 Bonneau, Jr. Dec 1996 A
5585787 Wallerstein Dec 1996 A
5590038 Pitroda Dec 1996 A
5590197 Chen et al. Dec 1996 A
5592150 d'Hont Jan 1997 A
5592405 Gove et al. Jan 1997 A
5592767 Treske Jan 1997 A
5594227 Deo Jan 1997 A
5594233 Kenneth et al. Jan 1997 A
5594448 d'Hont Jan 1997 A
5597534 Kaiser Jan 1997 A
5600175 Orthmann Feb 1997 A
5602538 Orthmann et al. Feb 1997 A
5602918 Chen et al. Feb 1997 A
5602919 Hurta et al. Feb 1997 A
5604342 Fujioka Feb 1997 A
5604801 Dolan et al. Feb 1997 A
5606520 Gove et al. Feb 1997 A
5606594 Register et al. Feb 1997 A
5607522 McDonnell Mar 1997 A
5608203 Finkelstein et al. Mar 1997 A
5608406 Eberth et al. Mar 1997 A
5608778 Partridge, III Mar 1997 A
5611965 Shouji et al. Mar 1997 A
5613001 Bakhoum Mar 1997 A
5613131 Moss et al. Mar 1997 A
5613146 Gove et al. Mar 1997 A
5614703 Martin et al. Mar 1997 A
5619207 d'Hont Apr 1997 A
5621199 Calari et al. Apr 1997 A
5621396 Flaxl Apr 1997 A
5621411 Hagl et al. Apr 1997 A
5621412 Sharpe et al. Apr 1997 A
5625366 d'Hont Apr 1997 A
5625370 d'Hont Apr 1997 A
5625695 M'Raihi et al. Apr 1997 A
5629981 Nerlikar May 1997 A
5638080 Orthmann et al. Jun 1997 A
5640002 Ruppert et al. Jun 1997 A
5641050 Smith et al. Jun 1997 A
5646607 Schurmann et al. Jul 1997 A
5649118 Carlisle et al. Jul 1997 A
5657388 Weiss Aug 1997 A
5660319 Falcone et al. Aug 1997 A
5665439 Andersen et al. Sep 1997 A
5668876 Falk et al. Sep 1997 A
5673106 Thompson Sep 1997 A
D384971 Kawan Oct 1997 S
5675342 Sharpe Oct 1997 A
5677953 Dolphin Oct 1997 A
5686920 Hurta et al. Nov 1997 A
5689100 Carrithers Nov 1997 A
5691731 vanErven Nov 1997 A
5692132 Hogan Nov 1997 A
5694596 Campbell Dec 1997 A
5696913 Gove et al. Dec 1997 A
5697649 Dames et al. Dec 1997 A
5698837 Furuta Dec 1997 A
5699528 Hogan Dec 1997 A
5700037 Keller Dec 1997 A
5701127 Sharpe Dec 1997 A
5704046 Hogan Dec 1997 A
5705101 Oi et al. Jan 1998 A
5705798 Tarbox Jan 1998 A
5705852 Orihara et al. Jan 1998 A
5710421 Kokubu Jan 1998 A
5715399 Bezos Feb 1998 A
5720500 Okazaki et al. Feb 1998 A
5721781 Deo et al. Feb 1998 A
5724424 Gifford Mar 1998 A
5725098 Seifert et al. Mar 1998 A
5727140 Ohtomo et al. Mar 1998 A
5727696 Valiulis Mar 1998 A
5729053 Orthmann Mar 1998 A
5729236 Flaxl Mar 1998 A
5731957 Brennan Mar 1998 A
5732579 d'Hont et al. Mar 1998 A
5734838 Robinson et al. Mar 1998 A
5737439 Lapsley et al. Apr 1998 A
5739512 Toganazzini Apr 1998 A
5742756 Dillaway et al. Apr 1998 A
5742845 Wagner Apr 1998 A
5748137 d'Hont May 1998 A
5748737 Daggar May 1998 A
5757917 Rose et al. May 1998 A
5758195 Balmer May 1998 A
5761306 Lewis Jun 1998 A
5761493 Blakeley et al. Jun 1998 A
5764789 Pare, Jr. et al. Jun 1998 A
5768385 Simon Jun 1998 A
5768609 Gove et al. Jun 1998 A
5769457 Warther Jun 1998 A
5770843 Rose et al. Jun 1998 A
5773812 Kreft Jun 1998 A
5774882 Keen et al. Jun 1998 A
5777903 Piosenka Jul 1998 A
5778067 Jones et al. Jul 1998 A
5778069 Thomlinson Jul 1998 A
5778173 Apte Jul 1998 A
5785680 Niezink et al. Jul 1998 A
5786587 Colgate, Jr. Jul 1998 A
5789733 Jachimowicz et al. Aug 1998 A
5791474 Hansen Aug 1998 A
5792337 Padovani et al. Aug 1998 A
5793324 Aslanidis et al. Aug 1998 A
5794095 Thompson Aug 1998 A
5796831 Paradinas et al. Aug 1998 A
5797060 Thompson Aug 1998 A
5797085 Buek et al. Aug 1998 A
5797133 Jones et al. Aug 1998 A
5798709 Flaxl Aug 1998 A
5799087 Rosen Aug 1998 A
5806045 Biorge et al. Sep 1998 A
5808758 Solmsdorf Sep 1998 A
5809142 Hurta et al. Sep 1998 A
5809288 Balmer Sep 1998 A
5809633 Mundigl et al. Sep 1998 A
5815252 Price-Francis Sep 1998 A
5815657 Williams et al. Sep 1998 A
5823359 Harris et al. Oct 1998 A
5825007 Jesadanont Oct 1998 A
5825302 Stafford Oct 1998 A
5826077 Blakeley et al. Oct 1998 A
5826241 Stein et al. Oct 1998 A
5826242 Montulli Oct 1998 A
5826243 Musmanno et al. Oct 1998 A
5828044 Jun et al. Oct 1998 A
5834756 Gutman et al. Nov 1998 A
5835894 Adcock et al. Nov 1998 A
5838257 Lambropoulos Nov 1998 A
5838720 Morelli Nov 1998 A
5838812 Pare et al. Nov 1998 A
5841364 Hagl et al. Nov 1998 A
5842088 Thompson Nov 1998 A
5844218 Kawan et al. Dec 1998 A
5844230 Lalonde Dec 1998 A
5845267 Ronen Dec 1998 A
5851149 Xidos et al. Dec 1998 A
5852812 Reeder Dec 1998 A
5854891 Postlewaite et al. Dec 1998 A
5856048 Tahara et al. Jan 1999 A
5857079 Claus et al. Jan 1999 A
5857152 Everett Jan 1999 A
5857709 Chock Jan 1999 A
5858006 Van der AA et al. Jan 1999 A
5859419 Wynn Jan 1999 A
5859587 Alicot et al. Jan 1999 A
5859779 Giordano et al. Jan 1999 A
5862325 Reed et al. Jan 1999 A
5864306 Dwyer et al. Jan 1999 A
5864323 Berthon Jan 1999 A
5864830 Armetta et al. Jan 1999 A
5865470 Thompson Feb 1999 A
5867100 d'Hont Feb 1999 A
5869822 Meadows et al. Feb 1999 A
5870031 Kaiser et al. Feb 1999 A
5870915 d'Hont Feb 1999 A
5875432 Sehr Feb 1999 A
D406861 Leedy, Jr. Mar 1999 S
5878138 Yacobi Mar 1999 A
5878141 Daly et al. Mar 1999 A
5878215 Kling et al. Mar 1999 A
5878337 Joao et al. Mar 1999 A
5878403 DeFrancesco et al. Mar 1999 A
5880675 Trautner Mar 1999 A
5881272 Balmer Mar 1999 A
5883377 Chapin, Jr. Mar 1999 A
5883810 Franklin et al. Mar 1999 A
5884271 Pitroda Mar 1999 A
5884280 Yoshioka et al. Mar 1999 A
5884292 Baker et al. Mar 1999 A
5884310 Brichta et al. Mar 1999 A
5886333 Miyake Mar 1999 A
5887266 Heinonen et al. Mar 1999 A
5889941 Tushie et al. Mar 1999 A
5890137 Koreeda Mar 1999 A
D408054 Leedy, Jr. Apr 1999 S
5892211 Davis et al. Apr 1999 A
5897622 Blinn et al. Apr 1999 A
5898783 Rohrbach Apr 1999 A
5898838 Wagner Apr 1999 A
5900954 Katz et al. May 1999 A
5901239 Kamei May 1999 A
5903830 Joao et al. May 1999 A
5903875 Kohara May 1999 A
5903880 Biffar May 1999 A
5905798 Nerlikar et al. May 1999 A
5905908 Wagner May 1999 A
5907620 Klemba et al. May 1999 A
5909492 Payne et al. Jun 1999 A
5912446 Wong et al. Jun 1999 A
5912678 Saxena et al. Jun 1999 A
5913203 Wong Jun 1999 A
5914472 Foladare et al. Jun 1999 A
5915016 Savalle et al. Jun 1999 A
5915023 Bernstein Jun 1999 A
5915973 Hoehn-Sarie et al. Jun 1999 A
5917168 Nakamura et al. Jun 1999 A
5917913 Wang Jun 1999 A
5917925 Moore Jun 1999 A
5918216 Miksovsky et al. Jun 1999 A
5920058 Weber et al. Jul 1999 A
5920628 Indeck et al. Jul 1999 A
5920629 Rosen Jul 1999 A
5920847 Kolling et al. Jul 1999 A
5923734 Taskett Jul 1999 A
5923884 Peyret et al. Jul 1999 A
5924080 Johnson Jul 1999 A
5924624 Martin Jul 1999 A
5928788 Riedl Jul 1999 A
5929801 Aslanidis et al. Jul 1999 A
5930767 Reber et al. Jul 1999 A
5930777 Barber Jul 1999 A
5931917 Nguyen et al. Aug 1999 A
5932870 Berson Aug 1999 A
5933328 Wallace et al. Aug 1999 A
5933624 Balmer Aug 1999 A
5936226 Aucsmith Aug 1999 A
5936227 Truggelmann et al. Aug 1999 A
5938010 Osterbye Aug 1999 A
5942761 Tuli Aug 1999 A
5943624 Fox et al. Aug 1999 A
5945653 Walker et al. Aug 1999 A
5948116 Aslanidis et al. Sep 1999 A
5949044 Walker et al. Sep 1999 A
5949335 Maynard Sep 1999 A
5949876 Ginter et al. Sep 1999 A
5950174 Brendzel Sep 1999 A
5950179 Buchanan Sep 1999 A
5953512 Cai et al. Sep 1999 A
5953710 Fleming Sep 1999 A
5955717 Vanstone Sep 1999 A
5955951 Wischerop et al. Sep 1999 A
5955969 d'Hont Sep 1999 A
5956024 Strickland et al. Sep 1999 A
5956693 Geerlings Sep 1999 A
5956699 Wong et al. Sep 1999 A
5958004 Helland et al. Sep 1999 A
5960411 Hartman et al. Sep 1999 A
5960416 Block Sep 1999 A
5963915 Kirsch Oct 1999 A
5963924 Williams et al. Oct 1999 A
5966697 Fergerson et al. Oct 1999 A
5968570 Paulucci Oct 1999 A
5969318 Mackenthun Oct 1999 A
5970148 Meier Oct 1999 A
5970470 Walker Oct 1999 A
5970471 Hill Oct 1999 A
5970472 Allsop et al. Oct 1999 A
5970473 Gerszberg et al. Oct 1999 A
5970475 Barnes et al. Oct 1999 A
5971276 Sano et al. Oct 1999 A
5973475 Combaluzier Oct 1999 A
5974238 Chase, Jr. Oct 1999 A
RE36365 Levine et al. Nov 1999 E
5978348 Tamura Nov 1999 A
5978840 Nguyen et al. Nov 1999 A
5979757 Tracy et al. Nov 1999 A
5979942 Ivicic Nov 1999 A
5982293 Everett et al. Nov 1999 A
5983200 Slotznick Nov 1999 A
5983207 Turk et al. Nov 1999 A
5983208 Haller Nov 1999 A
5984180 Albrecht Nov 1999 A
5987140 Rowney et al. Nov 1999 A
5987155 Dunn et al. Nov 1999 A
5987498 Athing et al. Nov 1999 A
5988497 Wallace Nov 1999 A
5988510 Tuttle Nov 1999 A
5989950 Wu Nov 1999 A
5991413 Arditti et al. Nov 1999 A
5991608 Leyten Nov 1999 A
5991748 Taskett Nov 1999 A
5991750 Watson Nov 1999 A
5995014 DiMaria Nov 1999 A
5996076 Rowney et al. Nov 1999 A
5999914 Blinn et al. Dec 1999 A
6000832 Franklin et al. Dec 1999 A
6002438 Hocevar et al. Dec 1999 A
6002767 Kramer Dec 1999 A
6003014 Lee et al. Dec 1999 A
6005942 Chan et al. Dec 1999 A
6006216 Griffin et al. Dec 1999 A
6006988 Behrmann et al. Dec 1999 A
6009412 Storey Dec 1999 A
6011487 Plocher Jan 2000 A
6012039 Hoffman et al. Jan 2000 A
6012049 Kawan Jan 2000 A
6012143 Tanaka Jan 2000 A
6012636 Smith Jan 2000 A
6014634 Scroggie et al. Jan 2000 A
6014635 Harris et al. Jan 2000 A
6014636 Reeder Jan 2000 A
6014645 Cunningham Jan 2000 A
6014646 Vallee et al. Jan 2000 A
6014648 Brennan Jan 2000 A
6014650 Zampese Jan 2000 A
6014748 Tushie et al. Jan 2000 A
6016476 Maes et al. Jan 2000 A
6016482 Molinari et al. Jan 2000 A
6016484 Williams et al. Jan 2000 A
6018717 Lee et al. Jan 2000 A
6018718 Walker et al. Jan 2000 A
RE36580 Bogosian, Jr. Feb 2000 E
6021943 Chastain Feb 2000 A
6023510 Epstein Feb 2000 A
6024286 Bradley et al. Feb 2000 A
6024385 Goda Feb 2000 A
6025283 Roberts Feb 2000 A
6027028 Pieterse et al. Feb 2000 A
6029147 Horadan et al. Feb 2000 A
6029149 Dykstra et al. Feb 2000 A
6029150 Kravitz Feb 2000 A
6029175 Chow Feb 2000 A
6029890 Austin Feb 2000 A
6029892 Miyake Feb 2000 A
6032136 Brake, Jr. et al. Feb 2000 A
6032866 Knighton et al. Mar 2000 A
6036100 Asami Mar 2000 A
6038292 Thomas Mar 2000 A
6038551 Barlow et al. Mar 2000 A
6038584 Balmer Mar 2000 A
6041308 Walker et al. Mar 2000 A
6041410 Hsu et al. Mar 2000 A
6041412 Timson et al. Mar 2000 A
6044360 Picciallo Mar 2000 A
6044388 DeBellis et al. Mar 2000 A
6047888 Dethloff Apr 2000 A
6050494 Song et al. Apr 2000 A
6050605 Mikelionis et al. Apr 2000 A
6052675 Checchio Apr 2000 A
6058418 Kobata May 2000 A
6060815 Nysen May 2000 A
6061344 Wood, Jr. May 2000 A
6061789 Hauser et al. May 2000 A
6064320 d'Hont et al. May 2000 A
6064751 Smithies et al. May 2000 A
6064981 Barni et al. May 2000 A
6065675 Teicher May 2000 A
6068184 Barnett May 2000 A
6068193 Kreft May 2000 A
6070003 Gove et al. May 2000 A
6070150 Remington et al. May 2000 A
6070154 Tavor et al. May 2000 A
6072870 Nguyen et al. Jun 2000 A
6073112 Geerlings Jun 2000 A
6073236 Kusakabe et al. Jun 2000 A
6073840 Marion Jun 2000 A
6076078 Camp et al. Jun 2000 A
6076296 Schaeffer Jun 2000 A
6078888 Johnson, Jr. Jun 2000 A
6078906 Huberman Jun 2000 A
6078908 Schmitz Jun 2000 A
6081790 Rosen Jun 2000 A
RE36788 Mansvelt et al. Jul 2000 E
6082422 Kaminski Jul 2000 A
6084967 Kennedy et al. Jul 2000 A
6085976 Sehr Jul 2000 A
6086971 Haas et al. Jul 2000 A
6088683 Jalili Jul 2000 A
6088686 Walker et al. Jul 2000 A
6088717 Reed et al. Jul 2000 A
6088755 Kobayashi et al. Jul 2000 A
6088797 Rosen Jul 2000 A
6089611 Blank Jul 2000 A
6091835 Smithies et al. Jul 2000 A
6092057 Zimmerman et al. Jul 2000 A
6092198 Lanzy et al. Jul 2000 A
6095413 Tetro et al. Aug 2000 A
6095567 Buell Aug 2000 A
6098053 Slater Aug 2000 A
6098879 Terranova Aug 2000 A
6099043 Story Aug 2000 A
6100804 Brady et al. Aug 2000 A
6101174 Langston Aug 2000 A
6101477 Hohle et al. Aug 2000 A
6102162 Teicher Aug 2000 A
6102672 Woollenweber Aug 2000 A
6104311 Lastinger Aug 2000 A
6104922 Baumann Aug 2000 A
6105008 Davis et al. Aug 2000 A
6105013 Curry et al. Aug 2000 A
6105865 Hardesty Aug 2000 A
6107920 Eberhardt et al. Aug 2000 A
6108641 Kenna et al. Aug 2000 A
6109525 Blomqvist et al. Aug 2000 A
6112152 Tuttle Aug 2000 A
6112191 Burke Aug 2000 A
6112984 Snavely Sep 2000 A
6115040 Bladow et al. Sep 2000 A
6115360 Quay et al. Sep 2000 A
6115458 Taskett Sep 2000 A
6116423 Troxtell, Jr. et al. Sep 2000 A
6116505 Withrow Sep 2000 A
6116655 Thouin et al. Sep 2000 A
6116736 Stark et al. Sep 2000 A
6118189 Flaxl Sep 2000 A
6120461 Smyth Sep 2000 A
6121544 Petsinger Sep 2000 A
6122625 Rosen Sep 2000 A
6123223 Watkins Sep 2000 A
6125352 Franklin et al. Sep 2000 A
D432939 Hooglander Oct 2000 S
6128604 Sakamaki et al. Oct 2000 A
6129274 Suzuki Oct 2000 A
6130623 MacLellan et al. Oct 2000 A
6133834 Eberth et al. Oct 2000 A
6138913 Cyr et al. Oct 2000 A
6138917 Chapin, Jr. Oct 2000 A
6141651 Riley et al. Oct 2000 A
6141752 Dancs et al. Oct 2000 A
6144916 Wood et al. Nov 2000 A
6144948 Walker et al. Nov 2000 A
6148093 McConnell et al. Nov 2000 A
6148484 Andreae, Jr. Nov 2000 A
6154879 Pare et al. Nov 2000 A
6155168 Sakamoto Dec 2000 A
6157824 Bailey Dec 2000 A
6163771 Walker et al. Dec 2000 A
6167236 Kaiser et al. Dec 2000 A
6168083 Berger et al. Jan 2001 B1
6171138 Lefebvre et al. Jan 2001 B1
6173269 Solokl et al. Jan 2001 B1
6173272 Thomas et al. Jan 2001 B1
6173897 Halpern Jan 2001 B1
6173898 Mande Jan 2001 B1
6173899 Rozin Jan 2001 B1
6177859 Tuttle et al. Jan 2001 B1
6177860 Cromer et al. Jan 2001 B1
6179205 Sloan Jan 2001 B1
6179206 Matsumori Jan 2001 B1
6181287 Beigel Jan 2001 B1
6182895 Albrecht Feb 2001 B1
6184788 Middlemiss et al. Feb 2001 B1
6185307 Johnson, Jr. Feb 2001 B1
6188994 Egendorf Feb 2001 B1
6189779 Verdicchio et al. Feb 2001 B1
6189787 Dorf Feb 2001 B1
6192255 Lewis et al. Feb 2001 B1
6195006 Bowers et al. Feb 2001 B1
6196465 Awano Mar 2001 B1
6197396 Haas et al. Mar 2001 B1
6198728 Hulyalkar et al. Mar 2001 B1
6198762 Krasnov Mar 2001 B1
6198875 Edenson et al. Mar 2001 B1
6199079 Gupta et al. Mar 2001 B1
6199762 Hohle Mar 2001 B1
6200272 Linden Mar 2001 B1
6202927 Bashan et al. Mar 2001 B1
6205151 Quay et al. Mar 2001 B1
6206293 Gutman et al. Mar 2001 B1
6213390 Oneda Apr 2001 B1
6213391 Lewis Apr 2001 B1
6215437 Schurmann et al. Apr 2001 B1
6216219 Cai et al. Apr 2001 B1
6219439 Burger Apr 2001 B1
6219639 Bakis et al. Apr 2001 B1
6220510 Everett et al. Apr 2001 B1
6222914 McMullin Apr 2001 B1
D442627 Webb et al. May 2001 S
D442629 Webb et al. May 2001 S
6223977 Hill May 2001 B1
6223984 Renner et al. May 2001 B1
6224109 Yang May 2001 B1
6226382 M'Raihi et al. May 2001 B1
6227424 Roegner May 2001 B1
6227447 Campisano May 2001 B1
6230270 Laczko, Sr. May 2001 B1
6232917 Baumer et al. May 2001 B1
6233348 Fujii et al. May 2001 B1
6233683 Chan et al. May 2001 B1
6237848 Everett May 2001 B1
6239675 Flaxl May 2001 B1
6240187 Lewis May 2001 B1
6240989 Masoud Jun 2001 B1
6247030 Suzuki Jun 2001 B1
6248199 Smulson Jun 2001 B1
6248314 Nakashimada et al. Jun 2001 B1
6250554 Leo et al. Jun 2001 B1
6250557 Forslund et al. Jun 2001 B1
6255031 Yao et al. Jul 2001 B1
6257486 Teicher et al. Jul 2001 B1
6259769 Page Jul 2001 B1
6260026 Tomida et al. Jul 2001 B1
6260088 Gove et al. Jul 2001 B1
6263316 Khan et al. Jul 2001 B1
6263446 Kausik et al. Jul 2001 B1
6264106 Bridgelall Jul 2001 B1
6265977 Vega et al. Jul 2001 B1
6266754 Laczko, Sr. et al. Jul 2001 B1
6267292 Walker et al. Jul 2001 B1
6268788 Gray Jul 2001 B1
6269348 Pare, Jr. et al. Jul 2001 B1
6273335 Sloan Aug 2001 B1
6277232 Wang et al. Aug 2001 B1
6282522 Davis et al. Aug 2001 B1
D447515 Faenza, Jr. et al. Sep 2001 S
6286763 Reynolds et al. Sep 2001 B1
6289324 Kawan Sep 2001 B1
6290137 Kiekhaefer Sep 2001 B1
6293462 Gangi Sep 2001 B1
6296188 Kiekhaefer Oct 2001 B1
6297727 Nelson, Jr. Oct 2001 B1
6304223 Hilton et al. Oct 2001 B1
6307956 Black Oct 2001 B1
6309098 Wong Oct 2001 B1
6315193 Hogan Nov 2001 B1
6315195 Ramacchandran Nov 2001 B1
6315206 Hansen et al. Nov 2001 B1
6317721 Hurta et al. Nov 2001 B1
6317750 Tortolani et al. Nov 2001 B1
6317755 Rakers et al. Nov 2001 B1
6318636 Reynolds et al. Nov 2001 B1
6323566 Meier Nov 2001 B1
6325285 Baratelli Dec 2001 B1
6325293 Moreno Dec 2001 B1
6326934 Kinzie Dec 2001 B1
6327573 Walker et al. Dec 2001 B1
6327578 Linehan Dec 2001 B1
6329920 Morrison et al. Dec 2001 B1
6330544 Walker et al. Dec 2001 B1
6331972 Harris et al. Dec 2001 B1
6332134 Foster Dec 2001 B1
6332193 Glass et al. Dec 2001 B1
D453160 Pentz et al. Jan 2002 S
D453161 Pentz Jan 2002 S
6336095 Rosen Jan 2002 B1
6338048 Mori Jan 2002 B1
6339384 Valdes-Rodriguez Jan 2002 B1
6342844 Rozin Jan 2002 B1
D453337 Pentz et al. Feb 2002 S
D453338 Pentz et al. Feb 2002 S
D453516 Pentz Feb 2002 S
D454910 Smith et al. Mar 2002 S
6353420 Chung Mar 2002 B1
6353811 Weissman Mar 2002 B1
6360953 Lin et al. Mar 2002 B1
6364208 Stanford et al. Apr 2002 B1
6367011 Lee et al. Apr 2002 B1
6374245 Park Apr 2002 B1
6377034 Ivanov Apr 2002 B1
6378073 Davis et al. Apr 2002 B1
D457556 Hochschild May 2002 S
6386444 Sullivan May 2002 B1
6388533 Swoboda May 2002 B2
6390375 Kayanakis May 2002 B2
6397198 Hoffman et al. May 2002 B1
6400272 Holtzman et al. Jun 2002 B1
6402026 Schwier Jun 2002 B1
6402028 Graham, Jr. et al. Jun 2002 B1
6404341 Reid Jun 2002 B1
6406935 Kayanakis et al. Jun 2002 B2
6411611 Van der Tuijn Jun 2002 B1
D460455 Pentz Jul 2002 S
6415978 McAllister Jul 2002 B1
6419158 Hooglander Jul 2002 B2
6421650 Goetz et al. Jul 2002 B1
6422464 Terranova Jul 2002 B1
6422472 Thevenot et al. Jul 2002 B1
6424029 Giesler Jul 2002 B1
6424249 Houvener Jul 2002 B1
RE37822 Anthonyson Aug 2002 E
D461477 Pentz Aug 2002 S
6427910 Barnes et al. Aug 2002 B1
6434159 Woodward et al. Aug 2002 B1
6435415 Catte Aug 2002 B1
6438235 Sims, III Aug 2002 B2
6439455 Everett et al. Aug 2002 B1
6442532 Kawan Aug 2002 B1
D462965 Pentz Sep 2002 S
D462966 Pentz et al. Sep 2002 S
6445794 Shefi Sep 2002 B1
6446862 Mann Sep 2002 B1
6457000 Witkowski et al. Sep 2002 B1
6457996 Shih Oct 2002 B1
6460696 Meyer Oct 2002 B1
6466804 Pecen et al. Oct 2002 B1
6471127 Pentz et al. Oct 2002 B2
6473500 Risafi et al. Oct 2002 B1
6480100 Frieden et al. Nov 2002 B1
6480101 Kelly et al. Nov 2002 B1
6480825 Sharma et al. Nov 2002 B1
6480869 Fujioka Nov 2002 B1
6481621 Herrendoerfer et al. Nov 2002 B1
6481623 Grant et al. Nov 2002 B1
6481632 Wentker et al. Nov 2002 B2
6483427 Werb Nov 2002 B1
6483477 Plonka Nov 2002 B1
6483929 Murakami et al. Nov 2002 B1
6484937 Devaux et al. Nov 2002 B1
6490443 Freeny, Jr. Dec 2002 B1
6491229 Berney Dec 2002 B1
6491639 Turcott Dec 2002 B1
6494367 Zacharias Dec 2002 B1
6494380 Jarosz Dec 2002 B2
6496594 Prokoski Dec 2002 B1
6501832 Saylor et al. Dec 2002 B1
6505772 Mollett et al. Jan 2003 B1
6507662 Brooks Jan 2003 B1
6507762 Amro et al. Jan 2003 B1
6510983 Horowitz et al. Jan 2003 B2
6510998 Stanford et al. Jan 2003 B1
6513015 Ogasawara Jan 2003 B2
6519565 Clements et al. Feb 2003 B1
6520542 Thompson et al. Feb 2003 B2
6523292 Slavik Feb 2003 B2
6529880 McKeen et al. Mar 2003 B1
6535726 Johnson Mar 2003 B1
6539101 Black Mar 2003 B1
6546373 Cerra Apr 2003 B1
6547133 DeVries, Jr. et al. Apr 2003 B1
6549912 Chen Apr 2003 B1
D474234 Nelms et al. May 2003 S
6560581 Fox et al. May 2003 B1
6575361 Graves et al. Jun 2003 B1
6577229 Bonneau et al. Jun 2003 B1
6578768 Binder et al. Jun 2003 B1
6581839 Lasch et al. Jun 2003 B1
6587835 Treyz et al. Jul 2003 B1
6588660 Buescher et al. Jul 2003 B1
6588673 Chan et al. Jul 2003 B1
6589119 Orus et al. Jul 2003 B1
6591249 Zoka Jul 2003 B2
6598024 Walker et al. Jul 2003 B1
6601622 Young Aug 2003 B1
6601759 Fife et al. Aug 2003 B2
6601762 Piotrowski Aug 2003 B2
6608551 Anderson et al. Aug 2003 B1
6608995 Kawasaki et al. Aug 2003 B1
6609655 Harrell Aug 2003 B1
6609656 Elledge Aug 2003 B1
6609658 Sehr Aug 2003 B1
6623039 Thompson et al. Sep 2003 B2
6626356 Davenport et al. Sep 2003 B2
6628961 Ho et al. Sep 2003 B1
6629591 Griswold et al. Oct 2003 B1
6631849 Blossom Oct 2003 B2
6636620 Hoshino Oct 2003 B1
6636833 Flitcroft et al. Oct 2003 B1
6644551 Clayman et al. Nov 2003 B2
6650887 McGregor et al. Nov 2003 B2
6651168 Kao et al. Nov 2003 B1
6651813 Vallans et al. Nov 2003 B2
6651892 Hooglander Nov 2003 B2
6657614 Ito et al. Dec 2003 B1
6662166 Pare, Jr. et al. Dec 2003 B2
6665405 Lenstra Dec 2003 B1
6669086 Abdi et al. Dec 2003 B2
6671358 Seidman et al. Dec 2003 B1
6674786 Nakamura et al. Jan 2004 B1
6679427 Kuroiwa Jan 2004 B1
6681328 Harris et al. Jan 2004 B1
6681926 De Volpi Jan 2004 B2
6684269 Wagner Jan 2004 B2
6685089 Terranova et al. Feb 2004 B2
6686847 Mittler Feb 2004 B1
6687714 Kogen et al. Feb 2004 B1
6687875 Suzuki Feb 2004 B1
6690930 Dupre Feb 2004 B1
6693513 Tuttle Feb 2004 B2
6697947 Matyas, Jr. et al. Feb 2004 B1
6703918 Kita Mar 2004 B1
6704039 Pena Mar 2004 B2
6704608 Azuma Mar 2004 B1
6705530 Kiekhaefer Mar 2004 B2
6708375 Johnson Mar 2004 B1
6711262 Watanen Mar 2004 B1
6725202 Hurta et al. Apr 2004 B1
6732919 Macklin et al. May 2004 B2
6732936 Kiekhaefer May 2004 B1
6735081 Bishop et al. May 2004 B1
6742120 Markakis et al. May 2004 B1
6747546 Hikita et al. Jun 2004 B1
6749123 Lasch et al. Jun 2004 B2
6751805 Austion Jun 2004 B1
6760581 Dutta Jul 2004 B2
6763500 Black et al. Jul 2004 B2
6764014 Lasch et al. Jul 2004 B2
6765470 Shinzaki Jul 2004 B2
6766952 Luu Jul 2004 B2
6769718 Warther et al. Aug 2004 B1
6771981 Zalewski et al. Aug 2004 B1
6789012 Childs et al. Sep 2004 B1
6789733 Terranova et al. Sep 2004 B2
6793141 Graham Sep 2004 B1
6799726 Stockhammer Oct 2004 B2
6816058 McGregor et al. Nov 2004 B2
6819219 Bolle et al. Nov 2004 B1
6823910 Elnekaveh Nov 2004 B1
6830193 Tanaka Dec 2004 B2
6834270 Pagani et al. Dec 2004 B1
6834795 Rasmussen et al. Dec 2004 B1
6843415 Vogler Jan 2005 B2
6845863 Riley Jan 2005 B1
6851617 Saint et al. Feb 2005 B2
6853087 Neuhaus et al. Feb 2005 B2
6853894 Kolls Feb 2005 B1
6853987 Cook Feb 2005 B1
6857566 Wankmueller Feb 2005 B2
6859672 Roberts et al. Feb 2005 B2
6873974 Schutzer Mar 2005 B1
6877097 Hamid et al. Apr 2005 B2
6883715 Fruhauf et al. Apr 2005 B1
6895310 Kolls May 2005 B1
6898299 Brooks May 2005 B1
H002120 Cudlitz Jul 2005 H
6914517 Kinsella Jul 2005 B2
6915277 Manchester et al. Jul 2005 B1
6920560 Wallace Jul 2005 B2
6924729 Aschauer et al. Aug 2005 B1
6925439 Pitroda Aug 2005 B1
6925565 Black Aug 2005 B2
6928181 Brooks Aug 2005 B2
6931538 Sawaguchi Aug 2005 B1
6934861 Haala Aug 2005 B2
D509243 Hunter, Jr. et al. Sep 2005 S
6940461 Nantz et al. Sep 2005 B2
6944402 Baker et al. Sep 2005 B1
6944768 Siegel et al. Sep 2005 B2
6959874 Bardwell Nov 2005 B2
6961448 Nichols et al. Nov 2005 B2
6970583 Black Nov 2005 B2
6978933 Yap et al. Dec 2005 B2
6986099 Todd Jan 2006 B2
6990480 Burt Jan 2006 B1
6994262 Warther Feb 2006 B1
7003497 Maes Feb 2006 B2
7003501 Ostroff Feb 2006 B2
7004385 Douglass Feb 2006 B1
7049962 Atherton et al. May 2006 B2
7051925 Schwarz, Jr. May 2006 B2
7059159 Lanigan et al. Jun 2006 B2
7068148 Shanks et al. Jun 2006 B2
7069444 Lowensohn et al. Jun 2006 B2
7070112 Beenau et al. Jul 2006 B2
7093767 Faenza et al. Aug 2006 B2
7096204 Chen et al. Aug 2006 B1
7096494 Chen Aug 2006 B1
7100821 Rasti Sep 2006 B2
7102523 Shanks et al. Sep 2006 B2
7103575 Linehan Sep 2006 B1
7108190 Burgan et al. Sep 2006 B2
7119659 Bonalle et al. Oct 2006 B2
7127672 Patterson et al. Oct 2006 B1
7131574 Sciupac et al. Nov 2006 B1
7132946 Waldner et al. Nov 2006 B2
7136835 Flitcroft et al. Nov 2006 B1
7150407 Berger et al. Dec 2006 B1
7154375 Beenau et al. Dec 2006 B2
7171662 Misara et al. Jan 2007 B1
7172112 Bonalle et al. Feb 2007 B2
7213748 Tsuei et al. May 2007 B2
7237121 Cammack et al. Jun 2007 B2
7239226 Berardi et al. Jul 2007 B2
7254557 Gillin et al. Aug 2007 B1
7281135 Black Oct 2007 B2
7287271 Riggins Oct 2007 B1
7287695 Wankmueller Oct 2007 B2
7299364 Noble et al. Nov 2007 B2
7303120 Beenau et al. Dec 2007 B2
7314164 Bonalle et al. Jan 2008 B2
7314165 Bonalle et al. Jan 2008 B2
7318550 Bonalle et al. Jan 2008 B2
7325724 Bonalle et al. Feb 2008 B2
7341181 Bonalle et al. Mar 2008 B2
7363504 Bonalle et al. Apr 2008 B2
7363505 Black Apr 2008 B2
7419093 Blackson, et al. Sep 2008 B1
20010003071 Mansutti et al. Jun 2001 A1
20010013542 Horowitz et al. Aug 2001 A1
20010013546 Ross Aug 2001 A1
20010013551 Ramachandran Aug 2001 A1
20010017584 Shinzaki Aug 2001 A1
20010018660 Sehr Aug 2001 A1
20010022446 Klure Sep 2001 A1
20010024157 Hansmann et al. Sep 2001 A1
20010029493 Pare et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010030238 Arisawa Oct 2001 A1
20010032192 Putta et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010034565 Leatherman Oct 2001 A1
20010034720 Armes Oct 2001 A1
20010036301 Yamaguchi et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010036835 Leedom, Jr. Nov 2001 A1
20010039617 Buhrlen et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010040507 Eckstein et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010045469 Hooglander Nov 2001 A1
20010049628 Icho Dec 2001 A1
20010053239 Takhar Dec 2001 A1
20010055411 Black Dec 2001 A1
20020002468 Spagna et al. Jan 2002 A1
20020011519 Shults Jan 2002 A1
20020014529 Tanaka Feb 2002 A1
20020014952 Terranova Feb 2002 A1
20020016687 Felsenstein et al. Feb 2002 A1
20020019807 Halpern Feb 2002 A1
20020024590 Pena Feb 2002 A1
20020026419 Maritzen et al. Feb 2002 A1
20020026575 Wheeler et al. Feb 2002 A1
20020028704 Bloomfield et al. Mar 2002 A1
20020030579 Albert et al. Mar 2002 A1
20020030581 Janiak et al. Mar 2002 A1
20020035548 Hogan et al. Mar 2002 A1
20020036237 Atherton et al. Mar 2002 A1
20020038818 Zingher et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020040935 Weyant Apr 2002 A1
20020040936 Wentker et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020041093 Cox et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020042782 Albazz et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020043566 Goodman et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020046341 Kazaks et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020052839 Takatori May 2002 A1
20020062249 Iannacci May 2002 A1
20020062284 Kawan May 2002 A1
20020062291 Zoka May 2002 A1
20020066784 Segal et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020072349 Geiselman et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020073025 Tanner et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020074398 Lancos et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020077837 Krueger et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020077895 Howell Jun 2002 A1
20020077992 Tobin Jun 2002 A1
20020079367 Montani Jun 2002 A1
20020083320 Vatanen Jun 2002 A1
20020087869 Kim Jul 2002 A1
20020092914 Pentz et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020095298 Ewing Jul 2002 A1
20020095343 Barton et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020095389 Gaines Jul 2002 A1
20020095587 Doyle et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020095588 Shigematsu et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020097142 Janiak et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020097144 Collins et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020099665 Burger et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020107007 Gerson Aug 2002 A1
20020107742 Magill Aug 2002 A1
20020107791 Nobrega et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020108062 Nakajima et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020109580 Shreve et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020111210 Luciano, Jr. et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020111917 Hoffman et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020111919 Weller et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020112177 Voltmer et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020113082 Leatherman et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020116274 Hind et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020120584 Hogan et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020125164 Bassinson Sep 2002 A1
20020126010 Trimble et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020128977 Nambiar et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020129248 Wheeler et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020130186 Lasch et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020130187 Berg et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020131567 Maginas Sep 2002 A1
20020133467 Hobson et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020133725 Roy et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020138351 Houvener et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020138425 Shimizu et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020138438 Bardwell Sep 2002 A1
20020139839 Catan Oct 2002 A1
20020140542 Prokoski et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020145043 Challa et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020147002 Trop et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020147600 Waters et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020147913 Yip Oct 2002 A1
20020148892 Bardwell Oct 2002 A1
20020149467 Calvesio et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020152123 Giordano et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020153410 Santini Oct 2002 A1
20020153424 Li Oct 2002 A1
20020154795 Lee et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020158747 McGregor et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020163421 Wang et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020165931 Greer et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020166891 Stoutenburg et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020166897 Hooglander Nov 2002 A1
20020169673 Prorock et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020174067 Hoffman et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020175805 Armstrong et al. Nov 2002 A9
20020176522 Fan Nov 2002 A1
20020178063 Gravelle et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020178124 Lewis Nov 2002 A1
20020178369 Black Nov 2002 A1
20020179704 Deaton Dec 2002 A1
20020185543 Pentz et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020186133 Loof Dec 2002 A1
20020186838 Brandys Dec 2002 A1
20020188501 Lefkowith Dec 2002 A1
20020188854 Heaven et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020188855 Nakayama et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020190124 Piotrowski Dec 2002 A1
20020190125 Stockhammer Dec 2002 A1
20020191816 Maritzen et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020192856 Halope et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020193102 Hyyppa et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020194137 Park et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020194303 Stuila et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020194503 Faith et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020196963 Bardwell Dec 2002 A1
20030001006 Lee Jan 2003 A1
20030001755 Tiernay et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030004866 Huennekens et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030004881 Shinzaki et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030005310 Shinzaki et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030006901 Kim et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030009382 D'Arbelott et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030014307 Heng Jan 2003 A1
20030014357 Chrisekos et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030014891 Nelms et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030018532 Dudek et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030018567 Flitcroft et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030025600 Blanchard Feb 2003 A1
20030028481 Flitcroft et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030033697 Hicks et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030037264 Ezaki et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030037851 Hogganvik Feb 2003 A1
20030046228 Berney Mar 2003 A1
20030046237 Uberti Mar 2003 A1
20030046540 Nakamura et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030047482 Jones et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030054836 Michot Mar 2003 A1
20030055727 Walker et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030057278 Wong Mar 2003 A1
20030061172 Robinson Mar 2003 A1
20030069828 Blazey et al. Apr 2003 A1
20030069846 Marcon Apr 2003 A1
20030074317 Hofi Apr 2003 A1
20030086591 Simon May 2003 A1
20030093187 Walker May 2003 A1
20030097344 Chaum et al. May 2003 A1
20030106935 Burchette, Jr. Jun 2003 A1
20030112120 K. Jun 2003 A1
20030115126 Pitroda Jun 2003 A1
20030120554 Hogan et al. Jun 2003 A1
20030120626 Piotrowski Jun 2003 A1
20030121969 Wankmueller Jul 2003 A1
20030122120 Brazis et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030123714 O'Gorman et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030124294 Hodson et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030125054 Garcia Jul 2003 A1
20030130820 Lane, III Jul 2003 A1
20030132132 Small Jul 2003 A1
20030132284 Reynolds et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030132297 McCall et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030140228 Binder Jul 2003 A1
20030149661 Mitchell et al. Aug 2003 A1
20030149662 Shore Aug 2003 A1
20030150911 Joseph Aug 2003 A1
20030152252 Kondo et al. Aug 2003 A1
20030153356 Liu Aug 2003 A1
20030155416 Macklin et al. Aug 2003 A1
20030159044 Doyle et al. Aug 2003 A1
20030160074 Pineda Aug 2003 A1
20030163699 Pailles et al. Aug 2003 A1
20030167207 Berardi et al. Sep 2003 A1
20030173408 Mosher, Jr. et al. Sep 2003 A1
20030177102 Robinson Sep 2003 A1
20030177347 Schneier et al. Sep 2003 A1
20030178495 Jones et al. Sep 2003 A1
20030183689 Swift et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030183695 Labrec et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030183699 Masui Oct 2003 A1
20030187786 Swift et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030187787 Freund Oct 2003 A1
20030187790 Swift et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030187796 Swift et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030191949 Odagawa Oct 2003 A1
20030195037 Vuong et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030195842 Reece Oct 2003 A1
20030195843 Matsuda et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030197593 Siegel et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030200184 Dominguez et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030208439 Rast Nov 2003 A1
20030218066 Fernandes et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030220876 Burger et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030222153 Pentz et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030223625 Hillhouse et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030225623 Wankmueller Dec 2003 A1
20030225713 Atkinson et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030226041 Palmer et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030227550 Manico et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030229793 McCall et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030230514 Baker Dec 2003 A1
20030233334 Smith Dec 2003 A1
20030236704 Antonucci Dec 2003 A1
20040006497 Nestor et al. Jan 2004 A1
20040006539 Royer et al. Jan 2004 A1
20040010462 Moon et al. Jan 2004 A1
20040011877 Reppermund Jan 2004 A1
20040014457 Stevens Jan 2004 A1
20040015451 Sahota et al. Jan 2004 A1
20040016796 Hanna et al. Jan 2004 A1
20040017934 Kocher Jan 2004 A1
20040019494 Ridgeway et al. Jan 2004 A1
20040019564 Goldthwaite et al. Jan 2004 A1
20040020982 Hoffman et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040021552 Koo Feb 2004 A1
20040024694 Lawrence et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040026518 Kudo et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040029569 Khan et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040030601 Pond et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040031856 Atsmon et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040039814 Crabtree et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040039860 Mills et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040041021 Nugent, Jr. Mar 2004 A1
20040041690 Yamagishi Mar 2004 A1
20040044627 Russell et al. Mar 2004 A1
20040046034 Ey Yamani et al. Mar 2004 A1
20040049687 Orsini Mar 2004 A1
20040050930 Rowe Mar 2004 A1
20040052406 Brooks Mar 2004 A1
20040059923 ShamRao Mar 2004 A1
20040061593 Lane Apr 2004 A1
20040062423 Doi Apr 2004 A1
20040073792 Noble et al. Apr 2004 A1
20040083184 Tsuei et al. Apr 2004 A1
20040083380 Janke Apr 2004 A1
20040084524 Ramachandran May 2004 A1
20040089724 Lasch et al. May 2004 A1
20040098336 Flink May 2004 A1
20040104266 Bolle et al. Jun 2004 A1
20040104268 Bailey et al. Jun 2004 A1
20040118930 Berardi et al. Jun 2004 A1
20040124104 DeVolpi Jul 2004 A1
20040124246 Allen et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040127256 Goldthwaite et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040129787 Saito et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040131237 Machida Jul 2004 A1
20040133787 Doughty et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040136573 Sato Jul 2004 A1
20040139021 Reed et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040144841 Tsukamoto et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040144846 Lasch et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040149820 Zuili Aug 2004 A1
20040155101 Royer et al. Aug 2004 A1
20040158723 Root Aug 2004 A1
20040160310 Chen et al. Aug 2004 A1
20040161135 Sano et al. Aug 2004 A1
20040165753 Takhiri et al. Aug 2004 A1
20040169071 Burgan et al. Sep 2004 A1
20040172541 Ando et al. Sep 2004 A1
20040176071 Gehrmann et al. Sep 2004 A1
20040177045 Brown Sep 2004 A1
20040180657 Yaqub et al. Sep 2004 A1
20040188519 Cassone Sep 2004 A1
20040190757 Murphy et al. Sep 2004 A1
20040193676 Marks Sep 2004 A1
20040195314 Lee Oct 2004 A1
20040199469 Barillova et al. Oct 2004 A1
20040202354 Togino Oct 2004 A1
20040208343 Golden et al. Oct 2004 A1
20040215575 Garrity Oct 2004 A1
20040222803 Tartagni Nov 2004 A1
20040230488 Beenau et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040232220 Beenau et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040232224 Beenau et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040233039 Beenau et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040235450 Rosenberg Nov 2004 A1
20040236680 Luoffo et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040236699 Beenau et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040236700 Beenau et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040236701 Beenau et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040236819 Anati et al. Nov 2004 A1
20040239480 Beenau et al. Dec 2004 A1
20040240711 Hamza et al. Dec 2004 A1
20040255168 Murashita et al. Dec 2004 A1
20040257196 Kotzin Dec 2004 A1
20040258282 Bjorn et al. Dec 2004 A1
20050001711 Doughty et al. Jan 2005 A1
20050004921 Beenau et al. Jan 2005 A1
20050005172 Haala Jan 2005 A1
20050011776 Nagel Jan 2005 A1
20050017068 Zalewski et al. Jan 2005 A1
20050018658 Ikeda et al. Jan 2005 A1
20050020304 Shinzaki Jan 2005 A1
20050021457 Johnson et al. Jan 2005 A1
20050023157 Logan Feb 2005 A1
20050033686 Peart et al. Feb 2005 A1
20050033687 Beenau et al. Feb 2005 A1
20050033689 Bonalle et al. Feb 2005 A1
20050033992 Inabe Feb 2005 A1
20050035192 Bonalle et al. Feb 2005 A1
20050035847 Bonalle et al. Feb 2005 A1
20050036665 Higuchi Feb 2005 A1
20050038718 Barnes et al. Feb 2005 A1
20050040221 Schwarz, Jr. Feb 2005 A1
20050040272 Argumedo et al. Feb 2005 A1
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