“High-Responsivity and Low-Operation-Voltage Edge-Illuminated Refracting-Facet Photodiodes with Large Alignment Tolerance for Single-Mode Fiber” (Journal of Lightwave Technology vol. 15, No. 5, May 1997). |
“High-Responsivity and Low-Operation-Voltage Edge-Illuminated Refracting Facet Photodiodes with an Inwardly Angled Facet” (Technical Report of Ieice. LQE97-81 (1997 10)). |
“Edge-Illuminating Refracting Facet Photodiodes with High Responsivity and Low-Operation Voltage” (Electronics Letters, Dec. 5, 1996, vol. 32, No. 25, pp. 2346-2347). |
Edge-Illuminated Refracting-Facet Photodiodes with High Responsivity and Low-Operation voltage (C-4-39, 1997 Central Meeting of Electronics & Information Communication Institute). |
“High-Responsivity and Low-Operation-Voltage Edge-Illuminated Refracting-Facet Photodiodes for Optical Hybrid Integration” (Technical Digest CPT '98). |
“Low-Cost, High-Speed and High-Reponsivity Edge-Illuminated Refracting-facet Photodiode Module with Large Bandwidth and High Responsivity” (C-3-107, 1998 General Meeting of Electronics & Information Communication Institute). |
“Low-Cost, High-Speed and High-Responsivity Edge-Illuminated Refracting-Facet Photodiode Module” (PD2-7, Third Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC '98) Technical Digest, Jul. 1998, Makuhari Messe). |
“A Corner-Illuminated Structure PIN Photodiode Suitable for Planar Lightwave Circuit” (LEOS '96, Conference Proceedings of 9th Annual Meeting). |