Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 70, No. 5, May, 1982, Petersen, Kurt E., Silicon as a Mechanical Material. |
Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. ED-25, No. 10, Oct. 1978; Bassous, Ernest; Fabrication of Novel Three-Dimensional Microstructures by the Anisotropic Etching of (100) and (110) Silicon. |
Scientific American, April 1983; Angell, James B., Terry, Stephen C., and Barth, Phillip W., Silicon Micromechanical Devices. |
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IEEE Publication CH278-9/90/0000-0153, 1990; Henrion, Wo, DiSanza, Len; Ip, Matthew; Terry, Stephen; & Jerman, Hall; Micro-Machined Accelerometer. |