Fly Ash Lightweight Aggregate: The Agglite Process-Styron, Proceedings, Eighth Internatioal Ash Utilization Symposium (1987), pp. 58-1 to 58-12. |
The Aggregate of the Future vs. here Today-Courts, Proceedings, 9th International Ash Utilization Symposium (1991) pp. 21-1 to 21-10. |
The Manuf. and the Use of Art. aggre. from Fly Ash Produced Accord. to Dulch Cold Bended "Aardelite" Process-Boas and Spanger, Proceedings British Ash Symposium (1984). |
Lightweight Aggreg. Prod. And Use in Florida-Hay and Dunslan., Proced., 9th International Ash Symposium (1991) pp. 22-1 to 22-10. |
Art. Graul as a Graul Subs. in Asphaltic Concrete-Nuclear and Hanlepen Proc., 9th Inter. Ash Util. Sym (1991) pp. 23-1-23-11. |
Synthetic Gnaul. from Dry Fly Gas Desulruzation End.-Products-Donnelly, Jens and Webster, Proceedings, The Challenge of Change-6th Inter. Ash Utilization Symposium (1982) pp. 187-207. |
Templite Catalyst-A New Construction Material, Temple and Styron (Note: The citation for this reference is not known by inventors). |
Fly Ash Lightweight Aggregate: A New Process-Styron, Proceedings of the Seventh International Ash Utilization Symposium & Exposition, vol. II (May 1985) pp. 834 to 844. |
Utilization of Advances SO2 Control-by- Products: Laboratory Test Results-Manz, Collings, Perri, and Golden, Proceedings: Eighth Int'l Ash Utilization Symposium, vol. 1 (1987) pp. 8-1 to 8-19. |
Testing of Manufactured Gravel for Products Specification in Israel-Boas, Ninth Ash Symposium (1991), pp. 24-1 to 24-13. |