This invention relates to magnetic resonance imaging and in particular to a new signal processing method based on synthetic aperture techniques in order to increase signal-to-noise ratio and/or spatial resolution.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a powerful tool for non-invasive imaging for treatment assessment and for minimally invasive surgery. The contrast sensitivity of the MRI provides a capability of non-invasively revealing structures and functions of internal tissues and organs not known to other imaging techniques such as, for example, CT scan or Ultrasound.
The viability of MRI depends on the image quality it produces. To determine the diagnostic efficacy of a specific MRI, several parameters have been introduced that portray the overall quality of the image data and its capacity to present relevant information to the MRI practitioner. The parameters are: the total time necessary to acquire the data—the scan time, the total time the data is being recorded—the acquisition time, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and the spatial resolution. These parameters are inter-related and, traditionally, an improvement in one of these parameters results in a trade-off in one or more of the others.
The spatial resolution is used to quantify the extent to which different features in an MRI image are distinguishable and accurate delineation of their boundaries is provided. Since the data in MRI are acquired in the Fourier domain, image processing methods that increase the spatial resolution do so by increasing the highest measured frequency. Unfortunately, sampling higher frequencies in k-space decreases the SNR.
Several methods for improving the spatial resolution in MRI have been taught, for example, improving the spatial resolution by estimating frequencies beyond the highest measured frequency. However, estimation of frequencies beyond those measured constitutes a venerable problem in signal and image processing. The means by which a priori information is obtained and included in methods that estimate the higher frequencies for improving the resolution has often been the focus of these techniques. In MRI inclusion of a priori conditions in “constrained reconstruction” methods as disclosed, for example, by Liang Z, Boada F, Constable R, Haacke E M, Lauterbur P, and Smith M: “Constrained Reconstruction Methods in MR Imaging”, Reviews of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 4, pp. 67–185, 1992, have been found to improve the spatial resolution of a single low resolution image with varying levels of success. These methods are able to improve the spatial resolution, but at the risk of introducing new artifacts such as spurious ringing and SNR loss into the image. Spatial resolution enhancement methods utilizing multiple low-resolution images of an object provide an alternate approach to image reconstruction by bringing new a priori conditions to the reconstruction. Super-Resolution (SR) image processing has been first proposed by Tsai R and Huang T: “Multiframe image restoration and registration”, Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing, JAI Press Inc., Vol. 1, pp. 317–339. The SR image processing attempts to enhance the spatial—or temporal—resolution of an image—or set of images—derived from a sequence of images. The input data are images of a moving scene, for example, taken with a moving imaging apparatus. Super-Resolution MRI (SRMRI) is a recent approach that uses SR techniques in MRI, but has generated some debate in the literature regarding its validity. The first SRMRI approach was disclosed by Roullot E, Herment A, Bloch I, Nikolova M, Mousseaux E: “Regularized reconsctruction of 3D high-resolution magnetic resonance images from acquisitions of anisotropically degraded resolutions”, 15th Int. Conf. on Patt. Rec., September 2000. The underlying physics that relates the desired high resolution image to the acquired low resolution images was not reported. A similar approach was later disclosed by Peled S and Yeshurun Y: “Superresolution in MRI: application to human white matter fiber tract visualization by diffusion tensor imaging”, Magnetic resonance in Medicine, Vol. 45, pp. 29–35, 2001. The results appeared, on a qualitative level, to be more accurate than those images whose sample spacings were reduced via interpolation. Further investigations of SRMRI have been published by Greenspan H, Peled S, Oz G and Kiryati N: “MRI inter-slice reconstruction using super-resolution”, Proceedings of MICCAI 2001, Fourth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, October 2001, and Greenspan H, Oz G, Kiryati N and Peled S: “MRI inter-slice reconstruction using super-resolution”, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 20, pp. 437–446, 2002. However, the underlying MR physics relating the low-resolution images and the desired high-resolution image has not been reported, prompting skepticism regarding the validity of SR techniques in MRI as discussed in Scheffler K: “Superresolution in MRI?”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 48, p. 408, 2002, and in Peled S and Yeshurun Y: “Superresolution in MRI-perhaps sometimes”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 48, p. 409, 2002.
It would be advantageous to be able to overcome the shortcomings of the prior art by providing a MR image reconstruction process that is capable of synthesizing a high-resolution MR image that has a higher spatial resolution as well as a higher SNR. Furthermore, it would be advantageous to incorporate the underlying physics relating the low-resolution images and the desired high-resolution image in order to provide a more accurate estimate of the object being imaged.
It is, therefore, an object of the invention to provide a MR image reconstruction process capable of synthesizing from a sequence of sensed low-resolution images a high resolution MR image having a higher spatial resolution as well as a higher SNR.
It is further an object of the invention to incorporate the underlying physics of the MRI data acquisition process relating the low-resolution images and the desired high-resolution MRI image into the MRI image reconstruction process.
It is yet further an object of the invention to provide a MR image reconstruction process capable of synthesizing a high resolution MR image that is a more accurate estimate of the object being imaged than the low-resolution images by incorporating known phase information of the data acquisition process into the reconstruction.
In accordance with the present invention there is provided a method for enhancing resolution of a magnetic resonance image of an object comprising:
In accordance with an aspect of the present invention there is provided a method for enhancing resolution of a magnetic resonance image of an object comprising:
In accordance with the present invention there is further provided a system for enhancing resolution of a magnetic resonance image of an object comprising:
In accordance with an aspect of the present invention there is further provided a storage medium having executable commands for execution on at least a processor stored therein, the at least a processor when executing the commands performing:
Exemplary embodiments of the invention will now be described in conjunction with the following drawings, in which:
a to 1c illustrate the effects of the application of a phase ramp to a phantom image;
a to 3d are diagrams schematically illustrating the Fourier model of zero interleaving;
a and 4b are simplified flow diagrams of two embodiments of a SAMRI process according to the invention;
a to 7e are phantom images illustrating a comparison of a synthesized image using the SAMRI process with a low-resolution image and a high resolution image; and,
a and 8b are images of a healthy volunteer's brain illustrating a comparison of a synthesized image using the SAMRI process with a high resolution image.
The Synthetic Aperture MRI (SAMRI) process according to the invention is based on concepts derived from Synthetic Aperture (SA) radar and SR imaging. The SAMRI process uses repeated imaging together with information about an aperture function—or point-spread function—to increase the SNR of a synthesized magnetic resonance image. The SAMRI process combines information from a plurality of low-resolution images with a Field Of View (FOV) shifted by distances less than a pixel width to create a synthesized image having substantially improved image quality. Information from the low-resolution images is merged and application of a deconvolution process enhances the SNR of the synthesized image. It was found that the synthesized image had a higher SNR and is a substantially accurate representation of the object being imaged.
The discretization of the analog MR signal plays a significant role in the data acquisition for the SAMRI process. MR data is collected as a continuous time domain signal. Since time is parameterized into spatial frequency, it is possible to describe the data acquisition process in the Fourier domain. The discretization of the analog Fourier domain signal comprises a sequence of steps. First, the analog Fourier domain signal s(k) is convolved with an Anti-Aliasing (AA) filter A(k). The Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter then calculates values of the signal at integer multiples of the sampling period Δk. To meet the Nyquist criterion, Δk is determined to be sufficiently small to avoid possible aliasing in the image domain. The sampling is modeled as a multiplication with the shah function 1/ΔkIII(k/Δk). The A/D converter also truncates the signal at (M−1)Δk, by sampling Mpoints modeled as a multiplication of the signal with the rect function, 1/(MΔk)II(k/(MΔk)).
Applying the Fourier shift theorem, translation of the FOV by a distance a corresponds to a phase ramp exp(−i2πak) in the frequency domain. In a spin-warp imaging sequence one of the visualized image directions is the Frequency Encode (FE) direction, and the other is the Phase Encode (PE) direction. A phase ramp is applicable in either of these directions to shift the image, but produces different results depending upon whether it is applied before or after the AA filter. In the FE direction the analog MR signal exists briefly as a continuous entity before discretization. Thus, a phase ramp is imposed on the analog MR signal before it is passed through the AA filter and discretized:
where * denotes convolution. However, application of a phase ramp after signal discretization—for example, to data in the PE direction—is modeled as:
There is a fundamental difference between a phase ramp applied in the FE and PE directions. If the operations of equations (1) and (2) were the same, S(mΔk) and S″(mΔk) would be equivalent. However, the signals S(mΔk) and S″(mΔk) are equivalent only if A(k)=δ(k), for a≠0 and general S(k), because the operation [exp(iΦ)S(k)]*A(k) is not in general, associative, i.e., exp(iΦ)[S(k)*A(k)]≠[exp(iΦ)S(k)]*A(k). If the phase ramp is applied after the AA filter, a wrapping artifact is possibly introduced because the image is periodic, as shown in
Acquisition of multiple data sets with a FOV moving along the FE direction between acquisitions is a central component of SAMRI. Portions of the multiple images are merged into a single image by interleaving their pixels. Generation of the merged image is a process modeled in the Fourier domain to later develop an aperture function for ultimately enhancing the image quality of the merged image. For the sake of simplicity, the Fourier model for merging the image data will be explained using a one-dimensional case with two acquisitions. The object is translated by Δx/2 between acquisitions, where Δx is the sample spacing. Let the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the first and second acquired spectrums L1(mΔk) and L2(mΔk) be l1(mΔx) and l2(mΔx+Δx/2), respectively, for m=0, 1, . . . , M−1. The merged data set l(nΔx/2) is formed by interleaving portions of the data sets l1(mΔx) and l2(mΔx+Δx/2):
l(nΔx/2)=l1z(nΔx/2)+l2z(nΔx/2),n=0, 1, 2, . . . , 2M−1 (3)
where the zero interleaved series l1z(nΔx/2) and l2z(nΔx/2) are:
The generation of the merged data set from the low resolution series l1 and l2 is illustrated in
Application of the DFT to equation (3) yields:
L(nΔk)=L1z(nΔk)+L2z(nΔk),n=0, 1, 2, . . . , 2M−1 (5)
with L1z(nΔk) and L2z(nΔk) being the respective DFTs of l1z(nΔx/2) and l2z(nΔx/2). To construct a Fourier model of the merged data L(nΔk) will now be modeled as a function of L1(mΔk) and L2(mΔk) via expressions for L1z(nΔk) and L2z(nΔk). Interleaving zeros into l1(mΔx) stretches its spectral extent by a factor of two as will be shown in the following.
Let f(m) be an arbitrary discrete signal with M samples and design a new sequence fz(n) with 2M=N samples by interleaving zeros in f(m):
To obtain the DFT of fz(n), we use the inverse DFT of f(n/2):
F(k) is the DFT of f(m) and has period NΔk. To calculate the DFT of fz(n), we use the weighting factor w(n):
Combining equations (6), (7), and (8) yields:
Since F(k) has period M (for Δk=1), F(k−M)=F(k). Thus, equation (9) is rewritten as:
Hence, 2M=N is the period of Fz(k), and Fz(k)=F(k), ∀k. From equation (10) follows that the values of the spectrums of fz and f are the same, but the extents of their spectrums are different by a factor of two. Interleaving zeros in the discrete signal f(n) stretches the spectral extent from M to 2M, if Δk=1. It is noted that if F(k) has period M it also has a period of 2M.
Over one period of Llz(nΔk):
The series l2z(nΔx/2) is nonzero at odd indexed positions. Similarly, L2z(nΔk) is expressed as:
Interleaving zeros into l2z(nΔx/2) at positions n=0, 2, 4, . . . 2M−2, and inducing a spatial shift of the FOV equal to Δx/2 between acquisitions led to the phase term e−πi=−1 in equation (12) as will be shown in the following.
Let f(m+½), m=0, 1, 2, . . . , M−1, be an arbitrary signal that is shifted from the origin by a distance of ½. To generate a zero interleaved sequence fz from f(m+½), equation (8) and a convolution with a shifted delta function is applied:
The nonzero elements of fz are placed into the zero interleaved series at m=1,3,5, . . . , 2M−1 by the convolution sum. From the Fourier shift theorem this convolution corresponds to a phase ramp in the frequency domain. However, because f is shifted from the origin by a distance of ½, a second phase ramp is produced in the frequency domain. The combination of these phase terms simplifies equation (13) to:
Since F(k) has period M, F(k)=F(k−M), and by applying the DFT to equation (14) we obtain:
Thus, from equation (15), the extent of the spectrums of fz and f are different by a factor of two. For k=M,M+1, . . . , 2M−1, Fz(k) is equal to F(k), times the scalar eiπ=−1.
Combining equations (5), (11), and (12) yields:
Equation (16) provides the desired Fourier model for the merged data set as well as means for calculating the merged MRI data directly in acquisition space—Fourier domain.
The SNR quality of the reconstructed image data is increased by introducing a priori information from an aperture function and object motion between acquisitions to the reconstruction process. To accomplish this, the merged signal l(nΔx/2) is modeled as a convolution of a desired high-resolution signal h(nΔx/2) with an aperture function ψ(nΔx/2). Using the Fourier convolution theorem, we obtain:
L(nΔk)=Ψ(nΔk)·H(nΔk),n=0, 1, 2, . . . , 2M−1 (17)
where H(nΔk) and Ψ(nΔk) are the respective DFTs of h(nΔx/2) and ψ(nΔx/2). Thus, we are able to calculate a synthesized Fourier signal Hs(nΔk), which is an approximation to H(nΔk):
Hs(nΔk)=L(nΔk)/Ψ(nΔk),n=0, 1, 2, . . . , 2M−1 (18)
For Hs(nΔk) to remain finite, it is required that Ψ(nΔk) be nonzero for n=0, 1, . . . , 2M−1, which will be described hereinbelow. Through merging and using equation (18) it is possible to approximate a signal of twice the resolution with knowledge of only the low-resolution data and Ψ(nΔk).
To implement equation (18) knowledge of Ψ(nΔk) is needed. In order to obtain an expression for Ψ(nΔk), we rearrange equation (18):
Ψ(nΔk)=L(nΔk)/Hs(nΔk),n=0, 1, 2, . . . , 2M−1 (19)
Combining equations (16) and (19) we obtain:
An alternate form of equation (20) is desired that does not depend on Hs(nΔk). For 0≦n≦M−1, L1(nΔk)=Hs(nΔk) because these signals differ only in their spectral extent:
To further simplify equation (21), an expression relating L1z(nΔk) and L2z(nΔk) is desired. The relationship between these signals is modeled as:
L2z(nΔk)=L1z(nΔk)exp[−2πiΔx(nΔk)/(2M)]·R(nΔk)exp[2πiθr(nΔk)],0≦n≦M−1 (22)
The first phase term accounts for the linear phase ramp applied between acquisitions. The terms R(nΔk) and θr(nΔk) represent all other magnitude and phase differences, respectively, between L1z(nΔk) and L2z(nΔk). θr(nΔk) is due to sample interleaving and off resonance sources such as main field inhomogeneities, susceptibility-induced variations, and chemical shift. Possibly, off resonance sources contribute an additional object-dependent phase term that is not known a priori.
It is possible to measure the total phase difference, θtotal(nΔk), between L1z(nΔk) and L2z(nΔk):
θtotal(nΔk)=∠[L1z(nΔk)L2z*(nΔk)],0≦n≦M−1 (23)
where ∠ is the phase angle of a function, and L2z*(nΔk) is the complex conjugate of L2z(nΔk). The phase difference θtotal(nΔk) accounts for phase discrepancies due to shifting the FOV, sample interleaving, and off resonance sources. By assuming θtotal(nΔk)=−2πiΔx(nΔk)/(2M)+θr(nΔk) we introduce the model:
L2z(nΔk)=L1z(nΔk)exp[2πiθtotal(nΔk)]·R(nΔk),0≦n≦M−1 (24)
By allowing θtotal(nΔk) to be a function of the acquired data, it becomes more accurate by taking into account off resonance sources. However, θtotal(nΔk) will also be a function of the measured noise.
Under normal circumstances, it is expected that introducing a half pixel shift between acquisitions does not significantly change the total energy content of the image. Under these conditions, the magnitude, which represents the energy content of the image, will also be relatively unchanged. Thus, the amplitude term R(nΔk) is approximated by unity for 0≦n≦M−1. This approximation, together with equation (24) yields:
Ψ(nΔk)=1+exp[2πiθtotal(nΔk)], 0≦n≦M−1 (25)
As expressed in equation (25), Ψ(nΔk) allows calculating a synthesized high-resolution signal using equation (18) for 0≦n≦M−1. However, from equation (20), Ψ(nΔk) is a function of Hs(nΔk) for M≦n≦2M−1, and therefore is not known with only the low-resolution data. Ψ(nΔk) is set to unity for M≦n≦2M−1 to avoid introducing a priori assumptions about the aperture function that have no physical basis. However, a discontinuity will arise at n=M. A smooth transition is preferable, which is accomplished by setting the high frequencies of Ψ(nΔk) to equal Ψ(MΔk−Δk) for M≦n≦2M−1.
From equation (5), the sum L1z(nΔk)+L2z(nΔk) is needed to obtain the merged image. Due to the translation introduced between acquisitions, sample interleaving, and off resonance sources, L1z(nΔk) and L2z(nΔk) are out of phase. Therefore, the addition of these incoherent signals results in reduced signal amplitude and reduction in SNR. Multiplying the merged data by the inverse of Ψ(nΔk) refocuses the low-resolution images such that their sum is coherent, increasing the SNR of the merged image.
To avoid division by zero when calculating the inverse of Ψ(nΔk), a real, positive constant α is added to equation (25):
Ψ(nΔk)=1+α+exp[2πiθtotal(nΔk)],0≦n≦M−1 (26)
As α approaches zero, the filter becomes unstable, and unwanted noise is added to Hs(nΔk). As α is increased from zero, the filter becomes stable, but the sum L1z(nΔk)+L2z(nΔk) loses coherence. In practice, a small value for α is chosen that maximizes the SNR of Hs(nΔk).
Referring to
As is evident, there are numerous possibilities for implementing the aperture function—box 24. For example, the constant of the aperture function—equation (26)—is determined by repeatedly processing the merged digital Fourier domain signal using different values for the constant and determining the SNR of the synthesized images. The constant corresponding to the synthesized image having the highest SNR is the selected. Optionally, the constant is determined by implementing an optimization procedure, which is initialized using predetermined values for the constant. Further optionally, the constant is replaced by a non-zero parameter that is spatially varying for better approximation of the aperture function in different image portions. A yet further option is provided by estimating the high frequency content of the aperture function based on high frequency information collected during a pre-scan.
Alternatively, the synthesized image is generated by merging more than two Fourier domain signals, thus incorporating information from more than two images and thereby obtaining even higher spatial resolution of the synthesized image. However, successive gains in SNR and accuracy are reduced as even higher frequencies of the aperture function have to be estimated. In case of merging a plurality of N Fourier domain signals a phase ramp is superposed on N−1 of the N Fourier domain signals. The phase ramps correspond to a different translation of the FOV of each of the N−1 images of less than a pixel width.
In the embodiment shown in
Thus far, the SAMRI process according to the invention has been implemented using a minimum of two separate signal acquisitions. In some applications of MRI, time is simply not available to perform two or more acquisitions to obtain a single image. In a further embodiment of the SAMRI process one analog Fourier domain signal obtained from a single acquisition is split into two analog Fourier domain signals using an analog splitter. A phase ramp is then superposed to one of the two split analog Fourier domain signals and the same process as outlined above is applied in order to produce a synthesized image. However, because the signal is only measured once the noise is also only measured once reducing the improvement in SNR of the synthesized image.
Referring to
In MRI, resolution and SNR are related:
where Nacq is the number of acquisitions that are averaged, BWread is the FE bandwidth, Nx is the number of FE samples, and FOVx is the field of view in the FE direction. Increasing Nx during acquisition increases the spatial resolution. However, this results in an undesirable loss in SNR. Using the SAMRI process according to the invention provides increased image resolution without reducing the image SNR. Experiments have been performed to compare the SNR, acquisition time, and resolution obtained implementing the SAMRI process according to the invention with two images of different resolutions. A low-resolution image was compared to a high-resolution image with twice the number of readout samples Nx and the same FOVx. The low and high-resolution images were compared to a synthesized image produced with the SAMRI process. The SNR was measured by averaging the pixel intensities in a bright region of the image, and dividing the calculated value by the standard deviation of the pixel intensities in a noise region. All images have been acquired on a 3.0T MRI system (General Electric Medical Systems; Waukesha, Wis.) using a spin echo sequence, TE=15 ms, TR=1 s, slice thickness 5 mm, Nacq=1, FOV=25.6 cm, with 128 phase encode samples. Low and high-resolution images were acquired with 256 and 512 FE samples, respectively. To obtain the synthesized image, a second low-resolution image with 256 FE samples was obtained with a half pixel shift in the FE direction. The shift was implemented by applying a phase ramp before the AA filter. The two low-resolution images were combined to obtain a merged image with 512 FE samples. The aperture function was derived by calculating the optimal value of α for the merged image, shown in
The high-resolution data was acquired to quantify the similarity between these images and the synthesized images using the SAMRI process. The similarity between the synthesized and the high-resolution images was measured using their Normalized Sum of Intensity Differences (NSID). The NSID between two images I1(n,m) and I2(n,m) with N rows and M columns is:
A NSID has a maximum value of one when either I1(n,m) or I2(n,m) is zero, and is zero for I1(n,m)=I2(n,m).
A second experiment was performed to provide an example of the SAMRI technique when applied to human brain data acquired from a healthy volunteer. The above procedure used for the phantom data was repeated for the volunteer data. All scan parameters were the same except that only one trial was performed, and the TR was changed to 2.5 s to obtain a higher SNR. The SNR for four regions was optimized over integer values of α between 0 and 60. The optimal α values and the corresponding SNRs of the synthesized and high-resolution images were calculated to compare results to the phantom data.
Table 1 shows the relative resolutions, acquisition times, SNR efficiencies, and NSIDs of the low, synthesized, and high-resolution images obtained with the phantom data. The highest relative SNR efficiency (466.7) and lowest NSID (0.105) is obtained with the synthesized image. The relative acquisition time of the synthesized image is the same as the high-resolution image. The optimal α value was calculated for each of the ten trials,
a and 8b show a SAMRI synthesized image and a high-resolution image obtained with conventional imaging of a healthy volunteer brain, respectively. The synthesized image and the high-resolution image are very similar. The four Regions Of Interest ROI labeled in
The above test results are evidence that the SAMRI process according to the invention is capable of synthesizing a high-resolution MR image that has a higher spatial resolution as well as a higher SNR. By modeling the process of sample interleaving in the Fourier domain, an aperture function has been derived that increases the SNR as well as the spatial resolution of the synthesized image. Furthermore, Fourier modeling of the image data of the acquired images and the synthesized image has been used to address particular signal data acquisition strategies such that each acquired image contains information independent from the other image. The SAMRI process is highly beneficial for a MRI practitioner by substantially improving image quality, thus facilitating diagnostic methods such as texture analysis and disease specific tissue segmentation.
Numerous other embodiments of the invention will be apparent to persons skilled in the art without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims.
This application claims benefit from U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/482,710 filed Jun. 27, 2003.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
5778038 | Brandt et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
6549801 | Chen et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6839471 | Vogt, IV | Jan 2005 | B1 |
Number | Date | Country | |
20040263169 A1 | Dec 2004 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60482710 | Jun 2003 | US |