Expanding The Performance Envelope of GPS-Based Attitude Determination, by Clark E. Cohen, et al., ION GPS, Albuquerque, NM, Sep. 9-13, 1991. |
Flight Tests Of Attitude Determination Using GPS Compared Against An Inertial Navigation Unit, by Clark E. Cohen, et al., Presented ION National Technical meeting, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 20-22, 1993. |
Integer Ambiguity Resolution Of The GPS Carrier For Spacecraft Attitude Determination, by Clark E. Cohen, et al., 15th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, Feb. 8-12, 1992, Keystone, Colorado. |
Attitude Determination Using GPS, by Clark E. Cohen, Dec., 1992. |
Ambiguity Resolution On-The-Fly--A Comparison Of P Code And High Performance C/A Code Receiver Technologies, by Dr. Gerard Lachapelle, et al., Univ. of Calgary. |
Aircraft Applications Of GPS-Based Attitude Determination, by Clark E. Cohen, et al., Stanford University. |
Kinematic GPS For Differential Positioning: Resolving Integer Ambiguities On The Fly, by Patrick Y. C. Hwang, Rockwell International Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Jan. 1991. |
Real-Time Kinematic GPS Surveying Technical Overview, publication by Trimble Navigation. |
Instantaneous Ambiguity Resolution, by Ron Hatch, Presented KIS Symposium 1990, Banff, Canada, Sep. 11, 1990. |
A GPS Precision Approach And Landing System, by Dr. Alison K. Brown, Inst. of Nav. GPS-92, Albuquerque NM, Sep., 1992. |
Site Surveyor, Real-Time GPS Survey System, by Trimble Navigation, Oct. 1992. |
System Surveyor, GPS Survey System, by Trimble Navigation, Copyright 1992. |
Real-Time Cycle Ambiguity Resolution Using A Pseudolite For Precision Landing Of Aircraft With GPS, by Clark E. Cohen, et al., Presented at Second International Symposium on Differential Satellite Navigation Systems, Mar. 30-Apr. 2, 1993, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. |
Real-Time Flight Test Evaluation Of The GPS Marker Beacon Concept For Category III Kinematic GPS Precision Landing, by Clark E. Cohen, et al., Presented at ION GPS-93, Sep. 22-24, 1993, Sale Lake City, Utah. |
A GPS Receiver With Built-In Precision Pointing Capability, by Ron Brown, et al., Presented at IEEE Plans '90, Las Vegas, Nevada, Mar. 20, 1990. |
Attitude Determination Using Vector Observations And The Singular Value Decomposition, by F. Landis Markley, The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, vol. 36, No. 3, Jul.-Sep., 1988, pp. 245-258. |
Two Studies Of High Performance Attitude Determination Using GPS: Generalizing Wahba's Problem For High Output Rates And Evaluation Of Static Accuracy Using A Theodolite, by Clark E. Cohen, et al., Presented at ION GPS-92, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuqueruqe, New Mexico, Sep. 16-18, 1992. |
Transcript Of Ph.D. Oral Defense, Oct. 7, 1992, by Clark E. Cohen, Presented at Stanford University, Stanford, California. |
GPS Inertial Attitude Estimation Via Carrier Accumulated Phase Measurements, by Haywood S. Satz, et al., Navigation: Journal of The Institute of Navigation, vol. 38, No. 3, Fall 1991. |
Matrix Computations, by Gene H. Golub, et al., The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London. |
Ferguson et al, "Three Dimensional Attitude Determination With The Ashtech 3DF 24 Channel GPS Measurement System", National Tech. Mtg. (ION) Ariz. Jan. 22, 1991. |