B. Chess, D. B. Lavo, F. J. Ferguson, and T. Larrabee, “Diagnosis of Realistic Bridging Faults with Single Stuckat Information,” IEEE—Proceedings of International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, pp. 185-192, 1995. |
F. J. Ferguson and J. P. Shen, “Extraction and Simulation of Realistic CMOS Faults Using Inductive Fault Analysis,” IEEE—Proceedings of International Test Conference, pp. 475-484, 1988. |
A. Jee and F. L. Ferguson, “Carafe: An Inductive Fault Analysis Tool for CMOS VLSI Circuits,” IEEE—Proceedings of the VLSI Test Symposium, pp. 92-98, 1993. |
S. D. Millman, E. J. McCluskey, and J. M. Acken, “Diagnosing CMOS Bridging Faults With Stuck-At Fault Dictionaries,” IEEE—In Proceedings of International Test Conference, pp. 860-870, 1990. |
S. D. Millman, and E. J. McCluskey, “Detecting Bridging Faults With Stuck-at Test Sets,” IEEE—Proceedings of International Test Conference, pp. 773-783, 1988. |
D. B. Lavo, B. Chess, T. Larrabee, F. J. Ferguson, J. Saxena, and K. M. Butler, “Bridging Fault Diagnosis in the Absence of Physical Information,” IEEE—Proceedings of International Test Conference, pp. 887-893, 1997. |
J. Saxena, K. M. Butler, H. Balachandran, D. B. Lavo, B. Chess, T. Larrabee, and F. L. Ferguson, “On Applying Non-Classical Defect Models to Automated Diagnosis,” IEEE—Proceedings of International Test Conference, 1998. |