The invention generally relates to microscopes and, more specifically, to a table-top ultraviolet x-ray supercontinuum anti-stokes microscope and nir, mir, ir, thz supercontinuum stokes microscope.
There is a need to achieve a better resolution and transparency for compact microscope and imaging of bio and condensed matter in a wider spectral range. Coherent X-rays and deep UV (UUV) sources can be used to fill this gap. There is a lack of microscopes in the X-ray, UV, NIR, MIR, IR, and THz spectral zone. The focus of this patent is to fill the electromagnetic spectral void by producing a microscope with Table-Top X-ray and UUV source for deep high-resolution nanometer scale imager and NIR, MIR, IR, and THz for microscale imaging.
Although the research and developmental focus has been changed from Lamp sources to lasers and to use nonlinear optics with ultrafast lasers to create multi-photon effects such as 2 and 3 Photon absorption and emission, second harmonic generation, and Stimulated Raman imaging using picosecond and femtosecond pulses in NIR for deep imaging [1-11]. The limitation of the laser sources spans from the ultra-violet to the IR for well-defined wavelengths. Higher resolution with submicron scale which can further be integrated with STED approaches and STORM approaches use of single photons, there is a need of a new microscope in different spectral zones extending from the X-rays, UUV, UV to THz region for better biomedical imaging.
The USC will be generated in various types of optical media like liquids such as CS2, rare gases (Argon and Krypton), condensed matter such as semiconductors (GaP, InSb, GaN, and Alloys), glass, thin metals, superconductors, nitrogen, and hydrogen extremely using femtosecond laser pulses in the visible and NIR frequencies/wavelengths such as about 517 nm, 530 nm, 800 nm, 1035 nm, and 1064 nm. These wavelengths are denoted by the pump frequency ω0 in the various plots and theory. These media can be placed into hollow holey photonic bandgap structures and fibers to confine the optical interaction to generate USC.
There are various intense X-ray sources to examine a body part. There are some in comparison to the X-Rays from HHG and USC:
The purpose of a USC source is to teach the intense Brilliance in the X-ray source. The ultrafast Ultra-SC has a brilliance about 1021 photons/(sec·mm2·mrad2). The unit of Brilliance B is the number of photons/(sec·mm2·mrad2).
To estimate B for USC source we start with continuum span ΔE span (Δωmax).
The USC spans from ˜1 eV to 10 GeV=over 1010 eV assume mostly equal spread in frequency.
The number of photons for Ti-sapphire laser system for 1 mJ pulse energy in 100 fs is ˜1018 photons give,
from laser pulse. The USC spans this energy over 1010. The number of UV-X-rays is,
UV-X=(10−10)1031=1021 photons/sec.
The USC Brilliance is obtained in 1 mm2 area and solid angle (1 mrad)2,
USC˜1021 photons/(sec·mm2·mrad2),
which is comparable or greater than the X-ray created by conventional large X-ray sources [12].
The USC Brilliance is higher than the counterpart large X-ray sources [See
The above and other aspects, features and advantages of the present invention will be more apparent from the following description when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
Light poses salient properties of coherence, polarization, wave front, and wavelength. James Maxwell in 1845 laid down the foundation using a set of equations to describe Electromagnetic waves. Light acts as a courier transferring information from one point to another, it can act as a chemist or a biologist to alter and probe the matter. The basic equation to describe an electromagnetic wave can be given by the following:
where, the electric field envelope amplitude is
the polarization is ê, the propagation constant is
and the pump angular frequency is denoted as ωL=ω0. The carrier envelope phase ϕ(t) is given by,
The light can be modulated in amplitude (Amplitude Modulation, AM) and phase (Frequency Modulation, FM). The electric field E is depicted in
Ever since the light was coherently produced from the laser in 1960 by Maiman at a narrow band of frequency, there has been a search to produce more frequencies by nonlinear optical effects to create new frequencies such as second harmonic generation, stimulated Raman scattering, and four-wave parametric generated by Terhune at Ford Motor Company and by tunable dye and solid-state lasers for the applications in fields such as communication, display, imaging, chemistry, and biology.
In the Kerr effect, the material behaves optically as though it were a uniaxial crystal in which the electric field of the laser acts as an optic axis. The major mechanisms responsible for inducing birefringence can arise from distortion of electron clouds, rotations of molecules, and disturbance of molecular motion. The Optical Kerr gate has been used extensively as an ultrafast optical gate.
The linear and nonlinear polarization density is given by:
2+χ3E3+χ4E4+χ5E5, (3)
where each of the terms of the Eq. 3 represents linear polarization, Second Harmonic Generation (SHG), Third Harmonic Generation (3HG), 4th Harmonic Generation (4TH HG), and 5th Harmonic Generation (5th HG) respectively. For isotropic media such as liquid, gases, glasses, and rare gas atoms: χ2=χ4=0: where χ1→n0, χ2→n1, χ3→n2, χ5→n4 for materials.
In this patent, we focus on teaching the ultra-spectral broadening spanning from X-rays, UUV, UV, visible, NIR, to THz from gases and condensed matter from the Kerr nonlinear index of refraction in the slow varying approximation (SVA) arising from n2I and n4I2 at extremely high laser pulse intensity ≥2×1014 W/m2 where n2 arises from slow ps response χ3 and n4 arise from χ5 to produce ultra-supercontinuum (USC). While propagating, an intense optical pulse changes the index of refraction by causing the direct distortion of the electronic cloud (instantaneous faster time response) and the molecular motion (average slower time response) depending on pulse duration. The change in index leads to spectral broadening from self-phase modulation (SPM).
At extreme intensities (≥1×1014 W/m2), the instantaneous response leads to Higher Harmonic Generation (HHG) and Supercontinuum with respect to each odd harmonic. The average response leads to the super spectral broadening called Ultra-supercontinuum without HHG. In 1956, Buckingham [2] introduced optical Kerr effect as an analog to DC Kerr gate from the change in refractive index, n from E as,
2. (4)
The response time of the Kerr effect can be instantaneous following the optical cycles arising from the direct distortion of electronic cloud and from averaging the slower molecular motion which follows the envelope of the optical field. A slower response from other mechanism can alter the index of refraction. Here the key mechanism to give rise to the Ultra spectral broadening occurs from the electronic and molecular fast motions.
The index of refraction n(t) has two forms:
Slow response chooses:
<n>=n0+½n2[E0(t)]2, (5)
which causes SPM for slow temporal response to E0(t), the envelope's temporal shape such as Gaussian and other symmetrical and distorted pulse shapes; and
Instantaneous form follows the electric field envelope and optical cycle,
which causes ESPM for fast electronic cloud temporal response and molecular redistribution temporal response to E(t).
Based on the response of nonlinear refractive indices response given by Eq. 5 and 6, we teach in TWO PARTS: 1. Envelope SPM producing extreme spectral broadening called the Ultra-supercontinuum (USC); and 2. Carrier phase and envelope which results in Higher Harmonic Generation (HHG).
In part 1, we will teach the spectral broadening caused by the slow response to the envelope at extreme intensities which will include both the first nonlinear index n2 followed by the additional term caused from higher intensity by activating n4.
In part 2, we will discuss (HHG) with spectral broadening caused by the instantaneous response to the phase and the envelope at extreme intensities which will include only the first nonlinear index n2 but can be extended to the higher refractive indices like n4.
One of the highest n2 materials CS2 liquid was selected with its large nonlinear index and fast response time of 1.8 ps as compared to the electronic part to demonstrate the ultra-supercontinuum broadening with an extreme laser beam with n2 and n4. The fastest electronic materials are the rare gas atoms from their spherical shape in the gaseous, liquid, and solid forms to produce supercontinuum and HHG. A faster condensed matter sample are the different glasses such as silica and chalcogenides with the response time in the femtosecond scale and small and large bandgap semiconductors such as AlN, GaN, InSb, InAs, chalcogenides, and alloys. The underlying mechanism of the nonlinear index of refraction can arise from electronic, rotation, libration, and vibration motions. CS2 demonstrates the largest nonlinear index from the rotation mechanism and high index n0. χ5 arises for dispersion-less semiconductor media in six photon processes. Here in Eq. 4, the change in index n follows the electric field envelope E(t) in time.
In the teachings presented here, the generation of UV and X-ray frequencies arises from the two parts of the Kerr effect: 1. one arising from the slow varying average (SVA) effect of the carrier envelope of the light pulse to produce USC and the other: 2. from the instantaneous electronic response to the optical frequency of the fast-varying part of the optical electric field following the optical cycle to produce HHG and Supercontinuum about the laser frequency (ω0) and about each odd harmonic. Liquid and gaseous media can be placed in micrometer scale optical hollow fibers to generate the USC from ESPM, SPM, XPM, Four-wave mixing, and Soliton generation over long interaction length.
In the first part, the spectral broadening is caused by the average index of refraction <n(t)> following the envelope of the electric field which includes n2 and n4 to reveal the supercontinuum without HHG.
The average refractive index follows the slow varying envelope including n2 and n4 part where the index of refraction becomes,
<n(t)>=n0+n2I+n4I2, (7)
where I=E0(t)2 follows the envelope to produce super ultra-broadening. The phase from Eq. 2 becomes,
which becomes modulated by its own light intensity I(t) via n2 and n4. The new frequency is,
The outgoing electric field becomes modulated as,
To produce SPM induced spectra via n2 and n4, the Eq. 7 and 8 are used and using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of E(t) [into Eq. 10] is transformed to obtain E(ω) and power spectra
The simulated ultra-supercontinuum (USC) and the enhanced version results are shown next for various parameters from intensities from 1014 to 1016 W/m2, n2, and n4 for CS2.
CS2 SPM spectra are created using the same initial beam of 532 nm and 50 fs pulse where n0=1.64, n2=1.5×10−18 m2/W, and n4=1.2×10−32 m4/W2 traveling through z=1 cm distance of CS2 in
From Besse [7], n4 is positive at 532 nm and 1064 nm and negative at 800 nm due to the χ3 resonance. The negative n4 refractive index in both
In the second part, we teach the index of refraction n(t) follows the instantaneous temporal response of the nonlinear index following the optical cycle which causes HHG and spectral broadening.
We introduce an Ansatz that the index n follows the optical cycle of the phase not envelope. This electronic self-phase modulation (ESPM) model is more fundamental than the slow varying envelope approximation (SVEA) of nonlinear approximation and nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) from Maxwell Equation where the envelope is followed. These approximations break down for electron clouds response of n2 where the response time is to the carrier envelope phase (CEP) on the optical cycle response. We have extended the pioneering research of John Kerr and Buckingham [4] on the traditional DC and AC electronic voltage switching device to modulate and alter the polarization of a light based on the rapid response of organic liquids to the applied electric field E to pair of electrodes. The original Kerr gates are based on the index of refraction becomes electric field E dependent:
n(t)=n0+n2{E(t)}2, (11)
where n0 is the index of refraction, n2 is the nonlinear index and E is the electric field (can be DC or AC). In 1956, Buckingham proposed a higher frequency optical Kerr effect when an intense linearly polarized light beam traveling through an optical isotropic medium in the material becomes temporal anisotropic. He extended Kerr's idea by assuming instantaneous response of the molecules to the applied electric field in terms of the modulating refractive index over time. A major advance occurred when Duguay in 1969 realized this experimentally by extending the traditional DC/AC Kerr and theoretical proposed optical Kerr effect processes into the optical regime where E is the optical field from a 10 ps laser pulse; and it now is called the Optical Kerr Gate. In fact, the index of refraction n arises from the underlying electronic states transition from among all states available from virtual and real as per quantum processes. So, the Ansatz assumption given for n and nonlinear counterpart is more fundamental than that derived from a wave equation approximation.
In the Kerr effect, the material behaves optically as though it were a uniaxial crystal in which the electric field of the laser acts as an optic axis. The major mechanisms responsible for inducing birefringence can arise from distortion of electron clouds, rotations of molecules, and disturbance of the molecular motion. The Optical Kerr gate has been used extensively as an ultrafast optical gate. While propagating, an intense optical pulse changes the index of refraction by causing the direct distortion of the electronic cloud and the molecular motion. The change in index leads to spectral broadening from self-phase modulation (SPM).
After an intense light beam propagates a distance z into the material, the electric field is distorted in the CEP and has the form:
τp is the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the pulse, and the modulated instantaneous phase of CEP under the envelope is given by,
where ω0 is the central angular frequency of the laser, n(t) is the refractive index, z is the propagating distance, and φ is the offset phase. The offset CEP phase is set to be zero for the cosine-like pulse which drives HHG modes. Following Alfano et al. [3, 11] and Buckingham [2] without averaging over cycles, the general form for the Kerr Equation (12) is given by the nonlinear refractive index with quadratic field dependence and the response time τ which is,
n(t)=n0+∫−∞t∫−∞tf(t′, t″)E(t−t′)E(t−t″)dt′dt″, (14)
where, n0 is the ordinary index, E the electric field and,
where, n2 is the nonlinear index. Equation (14) may be simplified to
The pure electronic mechanism of n2 for rare noble gases like Ar, Kr, and Ne involves no translation of nuclei or rotation of atomic cluster and is expected to have relaxation response time much less than the optical period
faster than 150 attosecond on the order of zeptoseconds scale. For this case, the index n(t) responses to E(t) at optical frequencies. Hence the weighting function
may be replaced by δ(t−t′). Following Eq. (11) for the Kerr effect, the electronic response of the nonlinear index becomes:
which represents the instantaneous response of the index of refraction. Equation (17) is the ansatz that has been used before in the form of n by luminaries like Kerr and Buckingham. The ansatz n(t) follows the modulation optical cycles of the phase of E. The instantaneous response is used to follow the optical cycle rather than the envelope of the CEP without time averaging.
This ansatz is a good assumption since the outcome as shown in the electronic SPM leads to experimentally observed three regimes of HHG and cutoff frequency can be calculated based on this ansatz using the method of stationary phase for noble rare molecules like Argon and Krypton. The fact that n follows the optical cycle of the phase, not the envelope is more fundamental than slow varying envelope approximation (SVEA) of nonlinear approximation and nonlinear Schrödinger equation NLSE from Maxwell Equation where the envelope is followed. These approximations break down for electronic response of n2 where the response to optical cycle modulation.
Substituting Eq. (17) into Eq. (12) and Eq. (13), the electric field E(t) becomes electronic self-phase modulated at z and is given by:
From Eq. (18), E(t) results in Bessel function expansion resulting in odd harmonics and spectral broadening. In addition, from Eq. (18), the electronic self-phase modulated spectral E(ω) is obtained by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique resulting in odd harmonics from the cosine of a cosine squared function. The spectral density of the phase-modulated light is:
where E(ω) is the Fourier transform of E(t) which is shown in
In the case of the rare gas molecule that possesses spherical symmetry, a pure electronic mechanism for the nonlinear index n2 involves no translation of nuclei, libration, or rotation of atomic clusters and is expected to have a relaxation time much less than the optical period. Buckingham and coworkers elaborate on induced dipole moment from nonlinear hyperpolarization arising from electronic distortion of the inert atom which occurs from intense electric fields.
A self-phase modulation about ω0 is shown in
Several odd N for the Fourier transform bandwidth pulse τp from a 500 nm and 50 fs beam gives more than 31 HH peaks [see
but by 2ω0 and using the relation:
summing over odd n from 1 to N, where ϕ is an arbitrary number. The Kerr mode locking occurs from these deltas like HHG peak which is driven by intense laser pulse. The phases are locked by the Kerr index n2 with the aperture and/or beam confinement to give attosecond pulse from the transform-limited of Gaussian relation:
for N=31 coupled modes driven by the intense pump beam, the Kerr mode-locking from n2 gives τp of 20 attoseconds.
To find the cutoff frequency ωmax for HHG according to the ESPM theory, we use the method of stationary phase. The frequency spectrum of the beam propagating through a medium with the spherical atoms/molecules like rare gas molecules of Ar and Kr that give the electronic response to the optical cycle the propagating E(t) beam can be described by Fourier transform as,
where z is the propagating distance into the medium, ωL is the laser angular frequency, E0(t) is the time-dependent envelope of the propagating electronic field of the beam and, the refractive index n can be found from Eq. (17).
Combining Eq. (17) with Eq. (22) will give,
The integral at Eq. (23) is the like integral used by the method of stationary phase [13] as,
f(x)=∫αβg(t)eixh(t)dt, (24)
which can be approximately evaluated by the method of stationary phase for h(t). Equation (23) and Equation (24) will give:
The first derivation of h(t) is given by,
For method of stationary phase {dot over (h)}(t)=0 will yield the frequency extend in time:
At maximum values, cos2 ωLt=1 and sin 2ωLt=1, putting such values at maximum in Eq. (27) will give,
At the critical point t=0, Eq. (28) for maximum HHG extent becomes,
where c=speed of light in vacuum, Eq. (29) can be written as
The cutoff frequency of the HHG: (ω−ωL)max depends on n2, the intensity I0, z, and ωL2.
For example, when a 500 nm beam with the pulse energy of 6.5 mJ goes through 0.5 mm in Ar (n0=1, n2=2.5×10−19 cm2/W, I0=2.6×1016 W/cm2) gas, the cutoff frequency of the higher harmonics from Eq. (28) would be,
(ω−ωL)max≈41ωL. (31)
Using the inflection point of the envelope, another cutoff frequency can be calculated which is shown in the supplementary part of the paper.
Thus, a simple equation for the cutoff frequency for HHG generation can be analytically produced from ESPM theory using the method of the stationary phase. It depends on physical n2, ωL, z, and peak intensity rather than IP and UP.
The cutoff frequency above contradicts the common HHG cutoff energy shown in the past approximately as IP+2UP where, IP is the ionization energy and UP is ponderomotive energy (varies as
which is related to the kinetic energy of the electron. Extending the kinetic energy term given by Corkum and others, one finds that the
(ve is the velocity of the electron) is eliminating the ωL2 in UP term. So, the classical theory does not have a λ2 dependency unless the higher terms are considered. Also, in fact the semiclassical theory of Corkum [9] and the quantum mechanical theory of Lewenstein do not take nonlinear optical response (n2) of the media and the parameters of the carrier envelope phase of the electric field of the pulse into account.
It needs to be stated both instantaneous response to electronic part to optical carrier envelope phase and to the envelope of electric field response can occur to together with slow molecular repose in combination to generate X-rays and UV to RF regions where the nonlinear indices,
; n
electronic(Ultrafast)+nmolecular(fast/slow) (32)
For the microscope, we have found that Kerr SPM yields a most startling effect that the USC can extend from the D.C. region through entire electromagnetic spectra up to soft X-ray region for a higher ultrafast intensity in CS2 and rare gases (Argon) because of the response of n2 and n4. The 532 nm produces longer SPM spectrum compared to 800 nm because of the interference from the negative n4 at 800 nm decreases the spectrum. The materials mentioned above can also generate limited USC. The ultra-supercontinuum source (USC) is taught for a tabletop microscope into UV, X-ray and gamma ray region see
This UV X-ray microscope system can be used for applications to image genes, nucleus of cell components, nucleotides, and proteins to understand the most fundamental process in bio and nature by imaging on sub nm and nm scale.
The dispersion effects and the linear/non-linear absorption effects are not accounted for in the frequency spans and will modify the spectral extend. Any absorption from electronic states and/or bandgap will carve spectral holes in the SPM spectra or limit the spectra in the range of zero to X-rays. The ionization energy will limit the spectral range as well. The source of the USC can be numerous materials like CS2, liquid/solid rare gases like Argon and Krypton, and Calcite. Absorption of the material will carve holes in the spectrum depending on the absorption spectrum of the materials [14]. USC spectrum can also be limited by the bandgap [15].
Stokes side of the USC for the IR, MIR, THz microscopes can be detected using photodiodes with amplifiers, grating, filters, and spectrometers. The similar arrangement is shown in
Referring to
The invention has numerous advantages and benefits not available with know methods and devices, including:
The followings are the claims on the teachings presented above on the spectral broadening, Higher Harmonic Generation, and attosecond pulse production in various states of matter from n(t) caused by extreme femtosecond laser pulses.
The enhancement of the subject matter in the patent concerns the use of intense femtosecond laser pulses which contains extraordinary intensity resulting in extreme radiation pressure P, electric field E, and magnetic field B to alter matter and the creation of new frequencies in the emission on nanometer scale from ionizing materials such as Tin (Sn), Li, Ar, Kr, and Xe. The wavelength submitted can be used to emit nanometer wavelengths for photolithography of photoresist and from directly produce XUV and X-rays from HHG and supercontinuum as mentioned in the prior patent and the generation of zeptosecond pulses from Kerr mode locking among the odd harmonic pulses of order N>301.
The following calculation teaches to support the estimation of the laser radiation pressure possible from P=S/c, where S is the Poynting vector; taking an 80-fs laser pulse of 1 mJ gives the power of 20 GW; focusing to 10 μm gives an intensity S of 2×1020 W/m2 energy resulting in peak pressure P of 6.67×1011 Pa=667 GPa. Higher values in intensity can be obtained by using greater than 200 mJ laser pulses commercially available at Amplitude Lasers, Inc. to enhance the pressure beyond a thousand GPa.
In addition, from the 5 mJ 90 fs laser pulses can create high electric fields from the intense femtosecond lasers on the order of 3.9×1011 V/m are far greater than the binding field of a hydrogen atom on the order 8×107 V/m. Magnetic field B is on the order of 1000 Tesla (˜107 gauss). Based on previous laser ablation studies, these high electric and magnetic field ionization and phase transition to produce new materials will be studied under high pressure. Based on these values, Tin and other compounds can be ionized to produce 13.5 nm laser pulses and other materials can produce even smaller wavelengths into the X-ray region for photolithography.
This teaching will produce plasmas which are the sources of EUV light at 13.5 nm wavelength for next-generation EUV nanolithography. EUV light is generated when a high-intensity carbon dioxide laser pulse hits droplets of tin, heating them to become plasma (ionized gas). The plasma emits EUV radiation that is then collected and transferred to a microlithography scanner, where it is used to expose silicon wafers.
The Kerr mode locking from the Kerr medium can generate attosecond pulses from these deltas like HHG peak which will be locked in phase with the aperture or beam confinement to give attosecond pulse from the transform-limited of Gaussian relation:
for example: N=31 coupled modes driven by the intense pump beam will have the Kerr mode-locking from n2 giving τp of 2.7 attoseconds for 800 nm wavelength, λ (ω0, pump angular frequency). Using higher numbers of harmonic modes to Kerr mode lock, for example, N=311, we obtain 270 zeptoseconds as shown in the table below and extending N to 3001, one could obtain 27 zeptosecond laser pulses.
While the invention has been shown and described with reference to certain embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and detail may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims and their equivalents.
This application claims priority to Provisional Patent Application 63/116,527 (filed Nov. 20, 2020) and Non-Provisional patent application Ser. No. 17/532,834 filed on Nov. 22, 2021, issued as U.S. Pat. No. 11,817,669, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
63116527 | Nov 2020 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 17532834 | Nov 2021 | US |
Child | 18389560 | US |