The present invention relates generally to a three-dimensional game and/or educational apparatus and a method of playing the game. The apparatus generally comprises a plurality of cells arranged in predetermined rows and columns which allow the movement of gaming pieces in three distinct directions.

The present invention relates generally to a three-dimensional game apparatus and method of playing a game therewith.


The invention relates to educational and gaming units for children and adults, and more specifically to a three-dimensional strategy game.


One embodiment of the present invention is a three-dimensional gaming unit, in particular a three-dimensional gaming unit having a plurality of void spaces and a plurality of gaming pieces. The three-dimensional gaming unit can have any geometric shape. In one aspect, the geometric shape is a polygon, and preferably a platonic polygon. More preferred geometric shapes are a cube and a tetrahedron. The gaming unit size can be hand-held or may be large enough in one embodiment for a human being to crawl through.

In one aspect, a plurality of passageways interconnects the plurality of void spaces. The gaming pieces can move from one void space to another void space through the passageways. In one embodiment, one gaming piece can substantially occupy one void space. Stated another way, the size of void space and gaming piece substantially compliment one another, such that, only one gaming piece can occupy one void space at a time. In another embodiment of the present invention, the gaming pieces can be selectively held in position within the void space by one or more controlling members. The controlling members may be magnets, physical obstructions, or wire, or other mechanisms known to those skilled in the art.

The gaming pieces can be indistinguishable from one another or can differ from one another depending on the game being played on the gaming unit. In one embodiment, the gaming pieces can be placed in the void spaces from outside the gaming unit. In another embodiment, the gaming pieces can be moved only from one void space to another within the gaming unit, typically through one or more of the passageways interconnecting the void spaces.

In another aspect, the gaming unit can be comprised of a plurality of cells. The gaming unit is comprised of geometric subunits, such as, cells, columns, rows, layers, sheets, and/or polygonal subunits. The plurality of cells can be configured to form one or more of columns, rows, layers, sheet and/or polygonal subunits. In one embodiment, each cell has one void space. In another embodiment, one or more cells are attachable and detachable from one another. Agglomerates, such as, cells, columns, rows, sheets, layers, and geometric subunits of a polygon can be attached and/or detached from the gaming unit. That is, the gaming unit can be configured and/or re-configured to have different geometric shapes.

In yet another aspect of the present invention, the gaming unit can be configured to play one or more games consecutively or concurrently. In one embodiment, one or more games can be played on the subunits comprising the gaming unit. In another embodiment, the game can be played three-dimensionally on the gaming unit. Stated another way, a single type of game can be played in variety of ways on the gaming unit and the complexity of the game can be varied by the three-dimensional nature of the gaming unit. For example, multiple individual games of Tic-Tac-Toe can be played on multiple two-dimensional surfaces (i.e., each game being played within a single vertical or horizontal layer) or a single game of Tic-Tac-Toe can be played in three-dimensions (i.e., within the entire gaming unit). Additionally, the three-dimensional nature of the gaming unit and the variety of distinguishable gaming pieces permits a variety of different types of games playable on the gaming unit. It can be appreciated that, the games playable on the gaming unit can be played solitarily by a individual or competitively between individuals or teams.

These and other advantages will be apparent from the disclosure of the invention contained herein. As used herein, “at least one,” “one or more,” and “and/or” are open-ended expressions that are both conjunctive and disjunctive in operation. For example, each of the expressions “at least one of A, B and C,” “at least one of A, B, or C,” “one or more of A, B, and C,” “one or more of A, B or C” and “A, B, and/or C” means A alone, B alone, C alone, A and B together, A and C together, B and C together, or A, B and C together.

It is to be noted that the term “a” or “an” entity refers to one or more of that entity. As such, the terms “a” (or “an”), “one or more” and “at least one” can be used interchangeably herein. It is also to be noted that the terms “comprising,” “including,” and “having” can be used interchangeably.

The above-described embodiments and configurations are neither complete nor exhaustive. As will be appreciated, other embodiments of the invention are possible utilizing, alone or in combination, one or more of the features set forth above or described in detail below.


FIG. 1 depicts an elevation view of an embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 2 depicts an elevation view of a cell of an embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 3 depicts an elevation view of a column and/or row of an embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 4 depicts an elevation view of a layer of an embodiment of the present invention; and

FIG. 5 depicts a planar view of a common passage way between two adjacent cells.


The following is a description of a gaming apparatus and method for playing a three-dimensional game with the same. FIGS. 1-4 depict a three-dimensional gaming apparatus 100 comprising a gaming unit 105 and plurality of gaming pieces 120. The gaming unit 105 comprises a plurality of cells 110. Each cell of the plurality of cells 110 has a void 191 interconnected by a plurality of passageways 195, and a plurality of support members 197. The support members 197 are joined together to form the geometric structure of each cell 110. The geometric shape of the cell 110 can be the same as or differ from the geometric shape of the gaming unit 105. Each passageway 195 is a portal to a void 191.

FIG. 2 depicts a single cell 110 having six passageways lading to a single void. FIG. 5 depicts, a first 181 cell having a first void 182 and a second cell 183 having a second 184 void positioned one adjacent to another having a common passageway 195, respectively, interconnecting first 182 and second 184 voids.

The arrangement of the cells 110 in columns 122 and/or layers 124 determines the three-dimensional shape of the gaming unit 105 (FIGS. 1, 3 and 4). A column (or in row) 122 comprises one cell 110 or plurality of cells 110 positioned adjacent to one another in a straight line. A layer 124 comprises a single column 122 or a plurality of columns 122 positioned adjacent and parallel to one another.

The columns 122 and/or layers 124 can be arranged in any order to form the gaming unit 105 and to form any three-dimensional shape. Preferred gaming unit 105 shapes are regular or irregular polygons, such as, but not limited to platonic and archimedean polygons. In a preferred embodiment, the gaming unit 105 shape is one of a cube, irregular rectangular cube, dodecahedron, icosahedron, octahedron, tetrahedron, cubeoctahedron, icosidodecahedron, rhombicubeoctahedron, rhombicododecahedron, rhombitruncated cubeoctahedron, rhombitruncated icosidodecahedron, snub cube, snub dodecahedron, truncated cube, truncated dodecahedron, truncated icosahedron, truncated octahedron, or truncated tetrahedron.

In a more preferred embodiment, the gaming unit 105 comprises a plurality of ‘n’ layers, each layer having ‘n’ columns and ‘n’ rows. Each column and row having ‘n’ cells positioned adjacent to one another in straight line and each column and positioned adjacent to one another in parallel. The layers are positioned in parallel one on top of the other. More specifically, the gaming unit 105 comprises a cube shape having an ‘n’-by-‘n’-by-‘n’ arrangement of cells 110, where ‘n’ is an integer greater than and or equal to 2. That is, the gaming unit 105 shape is one of a 2-by-2-by-2, 3-by-3-by-3, 4-by-4-by-4 and so forth. In a preferred embodiment, ‘n’ is equal to ‘3’. In another configuration, the gaming unit 105 comprises an irregular rectangular cube having an ‘n’-by-‘n’-by-‘m’ shape, where ‘n’ and ‘m’ are integers. In a preferred embodiment ‘n’ is 8 and ‘m’ is an integer greater than or equal to 2. In a more preferred embodiment, the irregular rectangular cube comprises one of 8-by-8-by-2, 8-by-8-by-3 and 8-by-8-by-4.

In one configuration, the cells 110 reversibly attach and detach from one another to form columns 122. In a similar manner the columns (or rows) 122 reversibly attach and detach from one another to form layers 124. Likewise, the layers 124 reversibly attach and detach to another to form and/or reform the gaming unit 105. That is, one or more of the cells 110, columns 122 and/or layers 123 comprising the gaming unit can be detached from the gaming unit 105 to change the shape of the gaming unit 105. Analogously, an additional cell (or cells) 110, column (or columns) 122 and/or layer (or layers) 123 can be added to the gaming unit 105 to change the shape of the gaming unit 105. In yet another configuration, one or more of the cells 110, columns 122 and/or layers 123 comprising the gaming unit can be detached from the gaming unit 105, rearranged to form a different geometric pattern and reattached to the gaming unit 105 to change the gaming unit 105.

In another embodiment of the present invention, one or more layers 124 comprising the gaming unit 105 are rotatable. When the one or more rotatable layers are rotated, the positional relationship of one or more cells in the rotatable layer to the one or more cells in the layers of gaming unit 105 not being rotated change. In some embodiments, the rotation changes the shape of the gaming unit 105, while in other embodiments the shape of gaming unit remains unchanged after the rotation. The rotation can comprise any angle greater than about 0° and less than about 360°.

The gaming piece 120 can have any shape and/or volume capable of traversing the passageway 195 and substantially occupying the void 191, such as a ball, sphere, cube, or shape of an animal, human character or other designated object. The gaming piece 120 can comprise of any material. Preferably the gaming piece 120 comprises one of plastic, wood, rubber, glass, polymer, metal, foam, or combination thereof.

Preferably, the gaming piece 120 is positioned in the void 191 and substantially symmetrically suspended in the void 191. It can be appreciated that, only one gaming piece 120 typically occupies the void 191 at a specific time.

In one embodiment, the gaming piece 120 is positioned in the void 191 by one or more controlling members 221. The controlling members 221 position the gaming piece 120 within the void 191 and/or assist the gaming piece 120 in traversing the passageway 195. The gaming piece 120 is thus mechanically, magnetically, electrically, pneumatically, or a combination thereof positioned in the void 191 by the controlling member 221. The controlling members 221 comprise, without limitation, wires, magnets, ball detents, support members 197 (such as, but not limited to, a support member 197 having at least one of curvature, ribbing, finger, dome, hook, notch, concavity, and/or convexity), or combination thereof.

In a non-limiting example, controlling members 221 comprise a wire positioned on and attached to the support members 197 of each passageway 195 of each cell 110. More specifically, the controlling member 221 wires are positioned a distance 128 from an adjacent supporting member 197. The distance 128 ranges from about one-eight to about three-eights of passageway 195 width ‘W’, preferably at about one-quarter passage 195 width ‘W’.

The controlling member 221 wire has a length ‘L’. The length of the controlling member 221 wire ranges from about five-eights to about seven-eights of the passageway width ‘W’, preferably the length ‘L’ is about three-quarters of the passage width ‘W’.

In one embodiment, controlling member wire distal end 126 is bent at an angle ranging from about 20° to about 180°. The distal end 126 substantially points towards an opposing cell passage way 195. The bend distal end 126 has a length ‘d’ ranging from about one-sixteenth to about three-sixteenths of the passageway width ‘W’, preferably about one-eight of the passage way width ‘W’.

The controlling member 221 configuration substantially positions the gaming piece 120 within the void 195 and allows the gaming piece 120 to spread the controlling member 221 wires for one or both of exiting and entering the cell 110. The controlling members 221 restrain the gaming piece 120 substantially suspended in the void 191 and substantially assist the gaming piece 120 to traverse the passageway 195. When a first gaming piece 120 pushes a second gaming piece 120 from a first cell 110 to a second cell 110, the controlling member 221 configuration “springs” the second gaming piece 120 forward into void 195 of the second cell 110 by the spring tension of the controlling members 221 of second cell 110. Similarly, the first gaming piece 120 is “snapped” into the void 191 of the first cell 110 by the controlling members 221 of the first cell 110. In other words, the gaming piece 120 is suspended in the void 195 and not in passageway 195.

The gaming pieces 120 can be moved from a first to a second cell void 191 directly or indirectly by one or more of a human hand, a handle, and/or another gaming piece 120. The handle fits and/or works with the gaming piece 120. The gaming piece 120 moves into the void 191 by one of: a) direct placement from outside the gaming unit 105; b) by movement from a previously occupied nearest neighbor void 191; or c) by movement from a non-nearest neighbor void 191. The gaming piece 120 movement within the gaming unit 105 is from a first to a second void 191. When the first and second voids are nearest neighbors, they are adjoined by a shared passageway 195. It can be appreciated that, non-nearest neighbor first and second voids are not in most instances adjoined by a shared passageway 195.

The support members 197 comprise any material or a combination of materials. In a preferred embodiment, the support member 197 material is selected from the group consisting of: cellulosics, woods, plastics, polymers, laminates, metals, minerals, alloys, and combinations thereof. Woods, plastics and polymers are preferred for cost, ease of construction, durability and ease of use.

The following is a non-limiting description of some of the games playable with the gaming unit 105. For example, many existing games are playable or adaptable for play, such as, but not limited to tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess, Othello™, Abalone, Sudoku, Rubik's Cube™, Scrabble™, Pentago™, puzzles, math games, word games, labyrinth, maze-style games, dominoes, slide-type games, and Battleship™.

In one aspect, multiple two-dimensional games are played substantially simultaneously on different layers. That is, single or multiple games are playable in one or more layers 124 (that is, two-dimensionally in a conventional manner).

In another aspect, a single game is play within the three-dimensions of the gaming unit 105. The single game can be a known or a new game based on the unique three-dimensional movement the gaming unit 105 offers.

For example, a two-dimensional game such as tic-tac-toe is playable in the conventional fashion by choosing a layer 124 of the gaming unit to play tic-tac-toe. Single games are played sequentially one layer 124 after another, collectively as independent games on multiple layers 124 at the same time, or as a single game played within the three-dimensions of the gamine unite 105.

A non-limiting example of game playable on gaming device 105 is tic-tac-toe. In one configuration, a single three-dimensional game of Tic-Tac-Toe is playable on gaming unit 105, where points are scored within the two- and/or three-dimensional space. In another configuration, the entire three-dimensional gaming unit 105 is playable with the goal of getting three or more gaming pieces 120 in a straight-linear arrangement anywhere within the three-dimensional gaming unit 105 as the objective.

In another embodiment, the gaming pieces 120 can have one of more of the following designations:

    • 1) one or more colors;
    • 2) one or more symbols (including but not limited to alpha-numeric characters, and/or geometric symbols);
    • 3) differing values, colors, markings and/or rankings;
    • 4) one or markings (such as, but not limited to, stripes, dots, geometrics, etc.); and
    • 5) any combination thereof.

In another configuration, the gaming pieces 120 can have the same designations. In another configuration, the gaming pieces 120 can have differing designations. In yet another configuration, one or more gaming pieces 120 can be designated neutral, poison, and/or “wild.” In still yet another configuration, each gaming piece 120 designation can have a differing value, and/or ability to move (such as, for example, movement within the cube as with chess pieces). It can be appreciated that, the gaming piece 120 attributes can be used in any combination and/or can be played in any combination.

In another embodiment, gaming piece 120 movement is by one or more of the following: a) the game piece 120 is introduced to the gaming unit 105 from outside the gaming unit 105; and/or b) movement of a gaming piece 120 within the gaming unit 105 is by being ‘pushed’ (that is, being moved) to another void 191, by another gaming piece 120. It can be appreciated that, one or more gaming pieces 120 can be ‘pushed’ at one time. This ‘pushing’ of the gaming piece 120 into a cell 110 or a column 122 results in a shifting motion of the gaming piece out the cell 110 into an adjacent cell 110 and automatically re-positioned (that is, centered) within the relocated cell 110. The re-positioned gaming pieces 120 can be further moved and/or ‘pushed’. It can be appreciated that one or more move gaming pieces 120 can be pushed and moved at a time.

In one aspect, gaming piece 120 can be pushed out of the gaming unit 105. In another aspect, the pushed-out gaming piece 120 can re-enter the gaming unit 105 at another time during play. In yet another aspect, the pushed-out gaming piece 120 is excluded from re-entering the gaming unit 105 during the time of play.

In another aspect, gaming piece 120 movement includes surrounding another gaming piece 120. The surrounded gaming piece 120 is excluded from play by being removed from or no longer permitted to move within the gaming unit 105.

In yet another aspect, one or more gaming pieces 120 traverse the gaming unit 105, to reach a certain void 191 without being captured or pushed-out of the gaming unit 105.

In still yet another aspect, one or more gaming pieces 120 are moveable only by being “pushed” by a neutral gaming pieces 120.

In another embodiment, a gaming unit holder (not pictured) supports the gaming unit 105, preferably gaming holder rotatably supports the gaming unit 105. The gaming unit holder can encompass a playable aspect of the gaming unit 105.

In another embodiment, the gaming unit 105 includes a game cover (not pictured). The game cover can comprise a playable aspect of the gaming unit 105. For example, in one aspect, the game cover includes games playable on the surface of the gaming unit 105. In another aspect, the game cover includes the gaming pieces 120 playable on the surface and/or within the gaming unit 105.

In one embodiment, the gaming unit 105 can be adapted for play on a computer, game cube, hand-held phone, PDA or other similar electrical device. In this embodiment, the software allows easy variation of playing one or more games in three-dimensions, and allows movement of the gaming piece 120 within the cells to be accomplished with the use of a joystick, keyboard, pressure sensitive button or pad, touch screen, or computer hardware device. In another embodiment, the gaming unit 105 can be adapted to be played using a CAD software program.

In another aspect of the invention, the systems, methods and protocols of this invention can be implemented on a special purpose computer in addition to or in place of the described communication equipment, a programmed microprocessor or microcontroller and peripheral integrated circuit element(s), an ASIC or other integrated circuit, a digital signal processor, a hard-wired electronic or logic circuit such as discrete element circuit, a programmable logic device such as PLD, PLA, FPGA, PAL, a communications device, such as a server, personal computer, any comparable means, or the like. In general, any device capable of implementing a state machine that is in turn capable of implementing the methodology illustrated herein can be used to implement the various communication methods, protocols and techniques according to this invention.

Furthermore, the disclosed methods may be readily implemented in software using object or object-oriented software development environments that provide portable source code that can be used on a variety of computer or workstation platforms. Alternatively, the disclosed system may be implemented partially or fully in hardware using standard logic circuits or VLSI design. Whether software or hardware is used to implement the systems in accordance with this invention is dependent on the speed and/or efficiency requirements of the system, the particular function, and the particular software or hardware systems or microprocessor or microcomputer systems being utilized. The analysis systems, methods and protocols illustrated herein can be readily implemented in hardware and/or software using any known or later developed systems or structures, devices and/or software by those of ordinary skill in the applicable art from the functional description provided herein and with a general basic knowledge of the communication arts.

Moreover, the disclosed methods may be readily implemented in software that can be stored on a storage medium, executed on a programmed general-purpose computer with the cooperation of a controller and memory, a special purpose computer, a microprocessor, or the like. In these instances, the systems and methods of this invention can be implemented as program embedded on personal computer such as an applet, JAVA® or CGI script, as a resource residing on a server or computer workstation, as a routine embedded in a dedicated communication system or system component, or the like. The system can also be implemented by physically incorporating the system and/or method into a software and/or hardware system, such as the hardware and software systems of a communications device or system.

It is therefore apparent that there has been provided, in accordance with the present invention, systems, apparatuses and methods for sharing status and/or control information among a number of different entities. While this invention has been described in conjunction with a number of embodiments, it is evident that many alternatives, modifications and variations would be or are apparent to those of ordinary skill in the applicable arts. Accordingly, it is intended to embrace all such alternatives, modifications, equivalents and variations that are within the spirit and scope of this invention.

A number of variations and modifications of the invention can be used. It would be possible to provide for some features of the invention without providing others. Such as, providing the gaming unit 105 and gaming pieces 120 separately. It can also be appreciated that, the gaming unit 105 can be any size, such as, allowing play by crawling through or within the gaming unit 105 to move the gaming pieces 120.

The present invention, in various embodiments, includes components, methods, processes, systems and/or apparatus substantially as depicted and described herein, including various embodiments, subcombinations, and subsets thereof. Those of skill in the art will understand how to make and use the present invention after understanding the present disclosure. The present invention, in various embodiments, includes providing apparatus and processes in the absence of items not depicted and/or described herein or in various embodiments hereof, including in the absence of such items as may have been used in previous apparatus or processes, e.g., for improving performance, achieving ease and\or reducing cost of implementation.

The foregoing discussion of the invention has been presented for purposes of illustration and description. The foregoing is not intended to limit the invention to the form or forms disclosed herein. Although the description of the invention has included description of one or more embodiments and certain variations and modifications, other variations and modifications are within the scope of the invention, e.g., as may be within the skill and knowledge of those in the art, after understanding the present disclosure. It is intended to obtain rights which include alternative embodiments to the extent permitted, including alternate, interchangeable and/or equivalent structures, functions, ranges or steps to those claimed, whether or not such alternate, interchangeable and/or equivalent structures, functions, ranges or steps are disclosed herein, and without intending to publicly dedicate any patentable subject matter.

The outer surface of each side could be made a different color. This could help keep the players point of reference when rotating the device and/or be another integral part of a game that involves matching a number of similar colored pieces to the same colored side.

Each individual cell could be identified by a number, letter, a character etc. This can help when scoring a game and/or facilitate play and/or increase the variety of games that could be played etc.

  • 1. A three-dimensional device for playing a game or educational experience, comprising: a plurality of cells defined by a plurality of support members, each cell having a void space, said plurality of cells forms a plurality of operably interconnected void spaces;a plurality of passageways, said plurality of passageways interconnecting said plurality of void spaces; anda plurality of gaming pieces adapted to be distributed within said plurality of void spaces, wherein a game can be played by moving at least one of said plurality of gaming pieces in one of at least three distinct directions to create predetermined patterns, shapes, or sequences in an overall game or educational strategy.
  • 2. The device of claim 1, further comprising a plurality of controlling members to retain said gaming pieces within said voids until a predetermined force is applied to said gaming piece.
  • 3. The device of claim 1, wherein said cells are arranged in one or more rows, columns, and layers, and wherein one or more of said cells, rows, columns and/or layers reversibly attach and detach from said three-dimensional device.
  • 4. The device of claim 3, wherein said cells reversibly attach and detach to form a column and/or a row, and wherein said rows and/or columns reversibly attach and/or detach to form a layer.
  • 5. The device of claim 1, wherein said cells define said gaming device shape and wherein said shape is selected from said group of shapes substantially resembling one of: cube, irregular rectangular cube, dodecahedron, icosahedron, octahedron, tetrahedron, cubeoctahedron, icosidodecahedron, rhombicubeoctahedron, rhombicododecahedron, rhombitruncated cubeoctahedron, rhombitruncated icosidodecahedron, snub cube, snub dodecahedron, truncated cube, truncated dodecahedron, truncated icosahedron, truncated octahedron, and truncated tetrahedron.
  • 6. The device of claim 5, wherein said gaming device shape is one of a cube or irregular rectangular cube.
  • 7. The device of claim 6, wherein said cube or irregular rectangular cube is selected from said group consisting of: 2-by-2-by-2, 3-by-3-by-3, 4-by-4-by-4, 5-by-5-by-5, 8-by-8-by-2, 8-by-8-by-3, and 8-by-8-by-4.
  • 8. The device of claim 3, wherein at least one of said layers is rotatable and where said rotatable layer has an angel of rotation greater than about 0° less than about 360°.
  • 9. The device of claim 1, wherein said gaming piece has one of a shape and/or volume capable of traversing said passage ways and substantially occupying said voids.
  • 10. The device of claim 1, wherein said gaming piece is comprised of one of a plastic, a wood, a rubber, a glass, a polymer, a metal, form, or combinations thereof.
  • 11. The device of claim 1, wherein said plurality of gaming pieces have one or more of said following designations: one or more colors; one or more symbols; differing values, markings, colors or rankings; one or more markings; and combinations thereof.
  • 12. The device of claim 1, wherein said support member is selected from said group consisting of cellulosics, woods, plastics, polymers, laminates, metals, minerals, alloys, and combinations thereof.
  • 13. The device of claim 2, wherein said controlling member retains said gaming piece substantially suspended in said void and substantially assists said gaming piece to traverse said passageway.
  • 14. The device of claim 13, wherein said controlling member is selected from said group consisting of wires, magnets, ball detents.
  • 15. The device of claim 14, said controlling member comprises said support member having at least one of curvature, ribbing, finger, dome, hook, notch, concavity, and/or convexity, and combinations thereof.
  • 16. A computer readable storage medium comprising processor executable instructions sorted thereon, the instructions comprising: a definition of a plurality of cells defined by a plurality of support members, each cell having a void space, said plurality of cells forms a plurality of operably interconnected void spaces;a definition of a plurality of passageways, said plurality of passageways interconnecting said plurality of void spaces;a definition of a plurality of gaming pieces adapted to be distributed within said plurality of void spaces; anda rule set defining that said plurality of gaming pieces are moveable in one of at least three distinct directions to create predetermined patterns, shapes, or sequences.
  • 17. A method of playing a three-dimensional game or educational experience, comprising: a) providing a three-dimensional gaming apparatus having: a plurality of cells defined by a plurality of support members, each cell having a void space, said plurality of cells forms a plurality of operably interconnected void spaces which are aligned in at last three directions;a plurality of passageways, said plurality of passageways interconnecting said plurality of void spaces; anda plurality of gaming pieces adapted to be distributed within said plurality of void spaces; andb) arranging said plurality of gaming pieces in said plurality of cells in a three-dimensional direction to create one or more of a predetermined pattern, shape, or sequence of game pieces according to an overall game or educational strategy.
  • 18. The method of claim 17, wherein the game strategy is to arrange a plurality of game pieces in straight line within one of a row, column, layer of the gaming apparatus.
  • 19. The method claim 17, wherein the game strategy is selected from the group consisting of tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess, Othello™, Abalone, Sudoku, Rubik's Cube™, Scrabble™, Pentago™, puzzles, math games, word games, labyrinth, maze-style games, dominoes, slide-type games, and Battleship™.
  • 20. A computer readable medium comprising processor executable instructions that, when executed, perform the steps of claim 17.

The present application claims the benefits of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/051,985, filed May 9, 2008, entitled “Three-Dimensional Game and Method of Playing the Same”, which is incorporated herein by this reference in its entirety.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61051985 May 2008 US