This invention relates in general to casting technology. In particular it relates to a tilting-type automatic pouring method wherein an amount of molten metal, such as a ferrous molten metal or aluminum molten metal, is held in a ladle, and the molten metal is poured into a mold by tilting the ladle.
Various conventional tilting-type automatic pouring methods are known, such as shown below:
For 1) and 2), the method is concerned with controlling the vibrations of the surface of the molten metal during the transport of the ladle or when the ladle is tilted. Neither of the methods refers to realizing the desired flow rate in the pouring. In 3) and 5) the method controls the weight of the molten metal that is poured per unit of time. In 4), 6), and 7) the method aims to precisely pour the predetermined weight of the molten metal. In 6) the method aims to minimize the time of pouring by lowering an outflow position of the ladle and thereby increase the flow of the molten metal that flows from the ladle. These methods are all concerned with precise control of the flow rate or the weight of the molten metal that is poured. None of them controls the position where the molten metal drops when the tilting-type automatic pouring method is used. Thus there still remains a problem in that the position of the molten metal poured from the ladle often drops outside a sprue, and that problem should be addressed.
To solve these problems, the present invention provides a method of pouring molten metal, which method enables the molten metal that flows from a ladle to precisely drop in the sprue of a mold. The present invention also provides a medium that stores programs for controlling the tilting of the ladle.
To achieve the above objective, the tilting-type automatic pouring method of the present invention is one for a tilting-type automatic pouring apparatus provided with a servomotor that controls the tilting of a ladle that holds molten metal, one that controls the backward and forward movement of the ladle, and one that controls the lifting and lowering of the ladle, whereby the molten metal is poured into a mold by the tilting of the ladle,
wherein the method enables the molten metal that flows from the ladle to drop precisely into a sprue of a mold by controlling by a computer the input voltages that are to be supplied to the respective servomotors, which tilt the ladle, move the ladle backward and forward, and move the ladle up and down,
wherein the method comprises:
obtaining a mathematical model covering the locus of the positions where the molten metal that flows from the ladle drops;
solving the inverse problem of the mathematical model thus obtained;
estimating the position where the molten metal drops from the term for the estimated flow of the molten metal and from the term for the estimated position where the molten metal drops; and
processing by the computer the data on the estimated positions where the molten metal drops, whereby the pouring of the molten metal is effected by determining the electrical voltages to be supplied to the respective servomotors, which tilt the ladle, move the ladle backward and forward, and move the ladle up and down, and controlling the three motors based on the electrical voltages thus determined, and move the ladle so that the position where the molten metal drops can be within the sprue of the mold.
The method of the mathematical model that is used for the purpose of the present invention is one that comprises 1) obtaining a function, by solving the expressions relating to the thermal balance of a process, the balance of substances, chemical reactions, restricting conditions, etc., the function being related to the profits, costs, etc., that are the objects to be controlled by a computer, 2) obtaining their maximum and minimum values from the function and 3) then controlling the process to achieve them.
In the present invention, a cylindrical ladle that has a rectangular-shaped outflow position, or a ladle having the shape of a fan in its longitudinal cross section, which ladle has a rectangular-shaped outflow position, is used. The ladle is supported at a position near to its center of gravity.
The present invention provides a method to precisely drop the molten metal that flows from the ladle into the sprue of the mold by moving the ladle backward and forward and controlling the position where the molten metal drops. In this way the molten metal does not miss the position of the drop in the pouring process and it drops precisely in the sprue, whereby the pouring can be done safely and without any loss of the molten metal.
Below the best mode of carrying out the invention is explained.
The computer is a “motion-controller,” which includes a personal computer, microcomputer, programmable logic controller or digital signal processor (DSP).
Vr(t)+Vs(θ(t))=Vr(t+Δt)+Vs(θ(t+Δt))+q(t)Δt (1)
If the terms that have Vr (m3) in expression (1) are brought together and Δt is cause to be →0, the following expression (2) is obtained:
Also, the angular velocity of the tilting of the ladle 2, ω (degree/s), is defined by the following expression (3):
ω=dθ(t)/dt (3)
If expression (3) is substituted for the value in expression (2), then expression (4) is obtained.
The volume of the molten metal above the outflow position, Vr (m3), is given by the following expression (5):
Vr(t)=∫0h(t)As(θ(t),hs)dhs (5)
Area As (m2) shows the horizontal area of the molten metal at height hs (m) above the horizontal area on the outflow position, as shown in
If area As (m2) is broken down into the horizontal area of the outflow position A (m2) and the amount of the change of area ΔAs (m2) over the area A (m2), then the volume Vr (m3) is given by the following expression (6):
With ladles in general, including the ladle 2, because the amount of the change of area ΔAs (m2) is very small compared with the horizontal area on the outflow position A (m2), the following expression (7) is obtained:
A(θ(t))h(t)<<∫0h(t)ΔAs(θ(t),hs)dhs (7)
Thus expression (6) can be shown as the following expression (8):
Vr(t)≈A(θ(t))h(t) (8)
Then the following expression (9) is obtained from expression (8):
h(t)≈Vr(t)/A(θ(t)) (9)
The flow of the molten metal q (m3/s) that flows from the ladle 2 at height h (m) above the outflow position is obtained from Bernoulli's theorem. It is given by the following expression (10):
q(t)=c∫0h(t)(Lf(hb)√{square root over (2ghb)})dhb, (0<c<1) (10)
wherein hb (m) is, as shown in
Further, the following expressions (11) and (12), which show the basic model of the expression for the flow of the molten metal, are obtained from the expressions (4), (9) and (10):
Also, the width of the rectangular-shaped outflow position of the ladle 2, Lf (m), is constant relative to hb (m), which is the depth from the surface of the molten metal in the ladle 2. Then the flow of the molten metal, q (m3/s), that flows from the ladle 2 is obtained from the expression (10) and given by the following expression (13):
This leads to the following: substitute the expression (13) for the values of each of the expressions (11) and (12), which show the basic model expressions for the flow of the molten metal, and then the following model expressions for the flow of the molten metal (14) and (15) are obtained:
qref (m3/s) is a curve showing a target flow of the molten metal, u(V) is an input voltage for the motor, and Pm and Pf denote the dynamic characteristics of the motor and of the pouring process of the molten metal respectively.
Pf−1 and Pm−1 denote the inverse model for the model expression of the flow of the molten metal and the inverse model for the motor, respectively. A feed-forward control system for the flow of the molten metal is applied, using the inverse model of the pouring process, so that the flow of the molten metal that is actually poured follows the target flow pattern of the molten metal qref.
The feed-forward control is a method wherein the output is controlled so that it becomes a target value, by adjusting to the predetermined values those values that will be added to the objects to be controlled. By this method a favorable control can be achieved if the relationships of the input to the output in the objects to be controlled or the effects of a disturbance are obvious.
Pm−1 of the servomotors 3,3 is given by the following expression (16):
An inverse model of the basic model expression for the flow of the molten metal as shown in expressions (11) and (12) will be obtained. The flow of the molten metal, q (m3/s), which is the volume of the molten metal that flows at a height h (m) above the outflow position, can be obtained from the expression (10), which is Bernouilli's theorem. The maximum height, hmax (m), is equally divided by n. Each divided height is denoted by Δh (m), wherein hmax (m) is the height above the outflow position when from the shape of the ladle 2 the volume above the outflow position is considered as being the largest. Each height of the molten metal hi is shown as hi=iΔh (i=0, . . . n). Thus the flow of the molten metal that flows, q=(q0, q1 . . . qn)T, for the height, h=(h0, h1 . . . hn)T, is shown by the following expression (17):
q=f(h) (17)
wherein function f(h) is Bernoulli's theorem as shown by the expression (10). Thus the inverse function of the expression (17) is given by the following expression (18):
h=f−1(q) (18)
This expression (18) can be obtained by inverting the relationship of the input and output factors in the expression (17). (h) in expression (18) is obtained from the “Lookup Table.” Now, if qi→qi+1, and hi→hi+1 then the relationship can be expressed by a linear interpolation. If the width that is obtained after the height, hmax (m), is divided is narrower, the more precisely can be expressed the relationship of the flow of the molten metal, q (m3/s), to the height h (m) above the outflow position. Thus it is desirable to make the width of the division as narrow as practically possible.
The height of molten metal above the outflow position, href (m), which is to achieve the desired flow pattern of the molten metal, qref (m3/s), is obtained from the expression (18) and is shown by the following expression (19):
href(t)=f−1(qref(t)) (19)
Also, given that the height of the molten metal above the outflow position is href (m), the volume of the molten metal above the outflow position, Vref (m), is shown by the expression (20), which is obtained from the expression (9).
Vref(t)=A((θ(t))href(t) (20)
Next, if the volume of the molten metal above the outflow position, Vref (m), as shown by the expression (20) and the desired flow pattern of the molten metal, qref (m3/s), are substituted for the values in the basic model expression (11) for the flow of the molten metal, then the following expression (21) is obtained. It shows the angular velocity of the tilting of the ladle 2, ωref (degree/s). This angular velocity is to achieve the desired flow pattern of the molten metal.
By solving in turn the expressions (17) to (21) and substituting the angular velocity of the tilting of the ladle 2, wref (degree/s), which was obtained, for the values in the expression (16), so as to produce the desired flow pattern of the molten metal, qref (m3/s), the input voltage for control, u (V), which is to be supplied to the servomotors 3, 3, can be obtained.
Also, the volume of the molten metal above the outflow position, Vref (m), which is to achieve the desired flow pattern of the molten metal, qref (m3/s), is expressed by the following expression (22) by using the expression (15):
Substitute both the volume of the molten metal above the outflow position, Vref (m), which was obtained from expression (22), and the desired flow pattern of the molten metal, qref (m3/s), for the values in the expression (21). Then the angular velocity of the tilting of the ladle 2, wref (degree/s), which is to achieve the desired flow pattern of the molten metal, is obtained. Next, substitute the angular velocity of the tilting of the ladle 2, wref (degree/s), that was obtained, for the value of the inverse model of the expression (16) for the servomotors 3, 3. Then the input voltage for control, u (V), that is to be supplied to the servomotors 3,3 can be obtained.
νf (h(t)) (m/s) depends on the height of the molten metal above the outflow position, h (t) (m). In the process where the molten metal flows from the ladle, given that the horizontal cross-sectional area of the molten metal is constant, the relationship between the cross-sectional areas Ap(m2) and Ac(m2) is given by the expression (24).
Ac(t+Tf)=Ap(t) (24)
where Tf(s) is the period of time after the molten metal falls from the tip of the outflow position until it reaches the upper surface of the sprue. The relationship between Sw(m) and Sv(m) are given by the following expressions (25) and (26):
t0(s) show the time when the molten metal passes the tip of the outflow position of the ladle.
If a servomotor that tilts the ladle is provided at the tip of the outflow position, the position of the tip of the outflow position does not change. But if a servomotor that tilts the ladle is provided at the center of gravity of the ladle, as shown in
where Sw [m] denotes the height between the tip of the outflow position and the upper surface of the sprue of the mold when a system is applied, wherein the servomotor that moves the ladle up and down and the servomotor that moves the ladle backward and forward are controlled to work in coordination with the servomotor that tilts the ladle, and the position of the tip of the outflow position of the ladle is kept constant during the tilting of the ladle, and where t1 [s] denotes the time when the molten metal that flows from the ladle reaches the sprue. From the expressions (25) and (27), it is seen that the position in the horizontal direction where the molten metal drops on the upper surface of the sprue of the mold is given by the following expression (28):
The estimated flow, νf (t) [m/s], (with a bar above the “ν”) is obtained, in the term Ef of the estimated flow of the molten metal that is poured, from the expression (29):
The cross section, Ap [m2], can be obtained from the shape of the tip of the outflow position and the height of the molten metal at the tip of the outflow position, h(t) [m]. Thus the estimated height of the molten metal h(t) [m] (with a bar above the “h”) for the target flow of the molten metal is obtained by expressing it as an inverse problem as given by the expression (31), just as from Bernoulli's theorem, given by the expression (30), the height of the molten metal is obtained from the flow of the molten metal.
q(t)=c∫0h(t)(Lf(hb)√{square root over (2ghb)})dhb (30)
In the expression (30), Lf denotes the width of the outflow position at the depth of the molten metal hb [m] above the tip of the outflow position that is shown in
The expression (31) can be obtained by making an input-output table using the expression (30) of the direct problem and then inverting the relationship of the input and output factors. Also, the cross-sectional area can be obtained from the shape of the outflow position by using the expression (32):
Thus by using the expressions (29), (31), and (32), the flow rate can be estimated. The estimated position where the molten metal drops, Sv(t) [m], (with a bar above the “S”), in the term E0 of the estimated position where the molten metal drops, can be obtained by substituting the value in the expression (28) for the value of the estimated flow obtained from the expression (29).
The term for controlling the position where the molten metal drops, Gy, denotes a feedback control system of a position which system controls the position of the ladle in its backward and forward movement and that causes the difference between the estimated position where the molten metal drops and its targeted position to converge to zero. By data on the estimated position where the molten metal drops being fed into the system that controls the position where the molten metal drops, the molten metal can be accurately poured into the target position of the sprue of the mold.
The tilting-type automatic pouring method of the present invention can be used in an apparatus when a conventional tilting-type automatic pouring apparatus is also provided with a transfer device that includes a servomotor for the backward and forward movement of the ladle, and an automatic pouring device and computer-controlled system for the transfer device. So, the apparatus of the method of the present invention can be suitably utilized in industries.
The basic Japanese Patent Application, No. 2007-120366, filed Apr. 28, 2007, is hereby incorporated in its entirety by reference in the present application.
The present invention will become more fully understood from the detailed description of this specification. However, the detailed description and the specific embodiment illustrate desired embodiments of the present invention and are described only for the purpose of explanation. Various possible changes and modifications will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art on the basis of the detailed description.
The applicant has no intention to dedicate to the public any disclosed embodiments. Among the disclosed changes and modifications, those that may not literally fall within the scope of the present claims constitute, therefore, a part of the present invention in the sense of the doctrine of equivalents.
The articles “a,” “an,” and “the,” and similar referents in the specification and claims, are to be construed to cover both the singular and the plural, unless otherwise indicated herein or clearly contradicted by the context. The use of any and all examples, or exemplary language (e.g., “such as”) provided herein, is intended merely to better illuminate the invention and does not limit the scope of the invention unless otherwise noted.
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