Tumble Drum Design And Method For Coating Objects

A method of impregnating surfaces of objects with particulates comprising optionally, applying a liquid or semi-fluid binder to the objects to form pre-coated objects; adding the objects and particulates to a rotatable drum having at least an inlet, a length (L) and a diameter (D), the drum comprising at least 1 flight; and rotating the drum wherein each flight lifts and then drops the objects and particulates, wherein the impact of the falling objects and particulates drives the particulates into the objects or into the coating of the pre-coated objects.


FIG. 1 is an illustration of an exemplary use of a tumble drum for coating a pre-coated ball with granola.

FIG. 2 is an illustration of a tumble drum having flights.

a-3b illustrate alternative flight shapes.

FIG. 4 is a bar graph demonstrating the effect of process variables on the level of product defects using a 2.7 L/D drum.

FIG. 5 is a bar graph demonstrating the effect of process variables on the level of product defects using a 4 L/D drum.

FIG. 6 is a line graph of the effect of cluster average retention time in the drum on defect level.

It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, given the benefit of the following description of certain exemplary embodiments of the food products disclosed here, that at least certain embodiments of the invention have improved or alternative formulations suitable to provide desirable taste profiles, nutritional characteristics, etc. These and other aspects, features and advantages of the invention or of certain embodiments of the invention will be further understood by those skilled in the art from the following description of exemplary embodiments.


Aspects of the present invention relate to an improved tumble drum design and method of processing resulting in better processing efficiencies, decreased waste and need to recycle unused materials, and improved product quality when used for coating operations. The improved tumble drum design actually removes a significant amount of the tumbling and rolling motion normally associated with a tumble drum. Instead, the improved design actually lifts and then drops the contents of the drum. This motion creates impact forces to drive the particulates into the surface of objects to be coated.

The design and methods of processing of the present invention are applicable to coating an assortment of objects, including food based objects, such as, but not limited to puffed cereal-based pieces, granola, fruit pieces (e.g., dried or semi-soft fruit pieces), extruded or otherwise baked or expanded grain-based centers, grain-based flakes, confectionery pieces, nuts, gels, gum, and other sweet or savory food pieces.

The objects are typically pre-coated with a tacky coating such as a syrup or fat-based food coating. Suitable pre-coatings include, but are not limited to, chocolate, flavored or non-flavored vegetable oil coatings, carbohydrate syrups, gelatin solutions, protein solutions, and hydrocolloid solutions.

Particulates used to coat the objects can be any type of food-related piece, including but not limited to fruit pieces, extruded or otherwise expanded grain-based pieces, crushed bakery pieces (such as broken cookie pieces), confectionery pieces, nuts, gels, gums, rolled whole grains (such as rolled oats) and pre-coated rolled whole grains (such as sugar coated rolled oats), wheat bran or germ, fractions of whole grains, and other sweet or savory food pieces. Common particulates include grains or mixtures of grains, including but not limited to granola-type mixtures.

For example, puffed cereal-based balls are first pre-coated with a liquid or semi-liquid tacky material. Then, the pre-coated balls are coated with granola particulates.

Other non-food related industries can also apply the teachings of this invention to non-food objects.

Turning to FIG. 1, objects are transported along conveyor 101 through enrober 102 which pre-coats the objects with a tacky substance. The pre-coated objects are then transferred to another conveyor 103. Particulates are added to conveyor 103 via particulate feeder 104 and conveyor 105. The pre-coated objects and particulates are then transferred to the drum 106 via open end (entrance) 107. The particulate coated objects exit the drum opposite the entrance via open end (exit) 108. The drum may be made of any suitable metal or plastic or combination thereof

As shown in FIG. 2, the drum 106 has flights 200 attached longitudinally within the drum to lift the contents 201 of the tumble drum while the tumble drum rotates. The contents 201 include the pre-coated objects and the particulates. The contents are trapped by the flights 200 near the bottom of the drum indicated generally by 203. The contents 201 are lifted by the flights 200 as the drum rotates and then the contents 201 are dropped as generally indicated by 202. The contents fall back to the bottom 203 of the drum. The impact with the drum surface drives the particulates into the pre-coated objects and further breaks apart any clumps that have formed. The rotation of the drum continues the cycle of lifting and dropping. A downward angle of the drum provides momentum to the product for passage from the inlet to the outlet of the drum.

The tumble drum designs and processing parameters can be adjusted to improve efficiency of coating and minimize defective products. Such variables include: drum volume, length to diameter ratio, flight design (height and spacing), drum operating temperature, drum rpm and angle, material of construction.

With the design of the present invention, the contact and degree of impact between objects and particulates can be increased, decreasing the level of excess granola needed to achieve a thorough coating of granola. The impact forces during mixing in the tumble drum reduce the number of defective conglomerates pieces.

The length (L) and diameter (D) are indicated in FIG. 1. Exemplary drum sizes include a drum with a 1 foot diameter and a 4 foot length, and a drum with a 1.5 foot diameter with a 4 foot length. One skilled in the art will appreciate that a general representation of these dimensions is with a L/D value (length to diameter ratio). Here, the L/D values are 4 and 2.7. A generally applicable L/D range taught by this invention is an L/D of from about 1 to about 10. Exemplary L/D ranges include from about 3 to about 5. The L/D value can be used to scale up or to scale down the size of the tumble drum, as needed. For example, the D may be between 1 and 5 feet depending on whether the drum is used in a laboratory or in a production setting.

The table below shows the surface area and volume obtained with drums having various diameters and lengths.


Area (ft2)








The drum angle is defined as the angle that the drum slopes downward from inlet towards outlet, from a horizontal reference. This angle is indicated by Φ in FIG. 1. The angle is generally less than 20, typically less than 5, although, with the drum and flights of the present invention, the angle can be reduced to less than 3, to a minimum of 0. If required, the angle can be greater than 4, greater than 10, and as much as 20 degrees.

The flight width (w) (see FIG. 2) will depend on the size of the object to be coated.

For example, a drum for processing an object shaped as a ball having a ½ inch diameter would have a flight width generally greater than about ¼ inch. That is, a ¼ inch flight would usually be sufficient to lift a ball having ½ inch diameter, but could be adjusted to suit the particular object's dimensions and properties. For example, the flight width will generally range from about ¼ inch to 2 inch in a 1 foot diameter drum, for a ball having a ½ inch diameter. One skilled in the art would understand how to adjust the flight width for different types of balls. The flight width would depend on factors such as the ball size and shape, and how sticky or slippery the surface of the ball is, and on how much product is being held in the drum at any instant. Theoretically, the flight width would not exceed ½ the diameter of the drum. Generally, the flight width would be less that ⅙ the diameter of the drum. For example, a suitable flight width would be about 1/12 the diameter of the drum.

The shape of the flight 200 is straight and fixed perpendicular to the wall of the drum in FIG. 2, but it can also be affixed at different angles to the drum, or comprised of multiple angles. The flight 200 can also be designed with a slight helical angle to provide additional momentum to move product from the inlet of the drum to the outlet. For example, the flight may begin at the top of the drum at the inlet, form a helical curve through the drum, to end at the top of the drum at the outlet. If a helical flight is used, the drum angle may be minimized or be zero as the helical flight will also provide a forward motion to advance the particulates and objects through the drum. The flight 200 can also be interrupted or made up of discontinuous pieces as long as it is designed to lift and drop the contents 201 while minimizing rolling and tumbling of contents 201.

As shown in FIG. 3a, the flight may be curved to scoop the objects and particulates. Alternatively, as shown in FIG. 3b, the internal longitudinal edge of the flight may be bent, such as in a U or V shape, to also scoop the objects and particulates. When a scoop-type design is used, the objects and particulates will travel higher in the drum before falling. Flight design, attachment to the drum, and quantity of flights are within the skill of the art.

The drum shape is typically cylindrical, but other shapes may be used as is within the skill of the art. For example, the drum may be in the form of a rotating box. Flights may be attached to the side walls of the rotating box to achieve a similar effect as a cylindrical shaped drum. Moreover, a panner having flights may be used to coat object with particulates. A panner has a generally cylindrical shape drum but with a single opening to add and remove the contents of the drum. While tumble drum operates on a continuous basis, a panner operates on a batch basis. At the end of each batch, the contents must be removed from the panner such as by tilting the drum to discharge the contents.

Other features taught by the present invention include the rotational speed of the drum, retention time of objects in the drum (which in turn determines the number of times an object is lifted and dropped during mixing in the drum), and number of flights. Depending on the product (object to be coated and coating material), mixing in the drum will result in objects being lifted by the flights, and then dropped back into the bottom of the drum. The lifting and dropping results in impact when an object falls into the other objects and loose particulate in the drum. The impact at contact between object and particulate (e.g. ball and granola) will result in improved coating efficiency. As the object drives down into the particulate there will be a greater likelihood that some particulate will stick more to the pre-coated object, and greater coverage will result. An additional benefit is that less excess particulate will be needed to achieve a desired level of coating. Additionally, impact at contact between objects will help break up unwanted conglomerates.

The objects and particulates are retained within the drum for a time sufficient to obtain the desired coating on the object. Generally, the time spent in the drum is at least 15 seconds, more typically at least 30 seconds, for example 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

An excess amount of particulates are added to the drum than needed to coat the objects. Generally, for every 1 part of particulates that are required for coating the objects, 2-5 parts are added, typically 3 parts particulates are added for every 1 part required. After coating is completed, the excess particulates are recycled. For example if 100 lbs of particulates are required to coat 100 lbs objects (pieces) then 300 lbs of particulates are added. The excess ensures that the objects are completely coated with particulates.


For the non-limiting examples of this invention, desirable results were achieved when the drum had 3 flights and the drum rotated at about 20 rpm, which in turn resulted in an object ball being lifted and dropped about 60 times per minute with the average object passing through the drum in one minute. Since the tumble drum is a continuous mixing device, some of the objects will have passed through in less time and some will have passed through in more time (i.e., there will be a range of retention times, with some objects passing through faster than the average retention time, and some objects passing through slower than the average retention time). One skilled in the art would understand from the guidance and teachings of the present invention how to adjust the drum design and processing conditions to accommodate a range of retention times that will result, so that even objects that pass through the tumble drum faster than the average retention time will experience the proper number of lifts and falls to obtain the proper amount of coating. The maximum number of drops will generally be limited by the ability of the objects and particulates to resist breakage.

Example 1

Tests were conducted demonstrating the effect of process variables on the level of product defects using a 2.7 L/D drum. Product defects include occurrence of unwanted multiple or conglomerate pieces. The results are shown in the bar graph of FIG. 4. The bar graph shows that variables to adjust to control defects (the occurrence of unwanted multiple or conglomerate pieces) are drum rpm and drum angle. It was discovered that, using a drum with flights, improvements in level of product defects can be achieved by adjusting the screw rpm lower or the drum angle lower. The observations below are merely exemplary of how these variables can be adjusted, and one skilled in the art would be able to use these observations to properly design and adjust processing conditions for other uses. In this example, the objects were balls of puffed cereal and the particulates were granola.

    • In comparing variable #1 vs #2, the drum rpm was reduced from 24 down to 16. In this case the defects dropped from 11.9% to 4.0%.
    • In comparing variable #2 vs. #3, the drum angle was reduced from 3.3 degrees down to 1.1 degrees. The level of defects dropped from 4.0% down to 0.8%. The drum angle is defined as the angle that the drum slopes downward from inlet towards outlet, from a horizontal reference.
    • In comparing all three variables, the level of defects is an inverse relationship with Average Retention Time (the average amount of time that product stays inside the tumble drum as it passes from the inlet to the outlet).
    • In this example, the fewest level of defects occurred when a reduced drum angle was combined with a reduced drum speed.
    • Also shown in the graph, at the right combination of drum angle and drum speed (Variable #4), the granola rate can be reduced from 3.2 lb/min, down to 2.2 lbs/min. without adversely affecting the product defect rate. This demonstrates the usefulness of this invention to enable lower granola rates.

Example 2

Tests were conducted demonstrating the effect of process variables on the level of product defects using a 4 L/D drum. The results are shown in the bar graph of FIG. 5. Similar to the results for the 2.7 L/D drum, reducing the drum angle reduced the level of defects. The 4 L/D drum delivered at least as good (if not better) level of defects.

    • In comparing variable #1 vs #2, the drum rpm was equally as good at 22 rpm and 15 rpm.
    • In comparing variable #2 vs. #3, the drum angle increased from 1.1 degrees up to 3.3 degrees. The level of defects increased from 0.0% up to 1.5%.
    • A drum with dimensions of 1 ft. diameter by 4 ft. long (4 L/D) produced excellent response for level of defects at 0.0%.

FIG. 6 demonstrates the effect of product retention time in the drum. Adjusting product retention time can control defects (occurrence of unwanted multiple or conglomerate pieces). For example, FIG. 6 shows reducing the average retention time below 20 seconds caused the defect level to rise above 10%.

Example 3

Coated products were produced with full scale production rate. The size of drum for this example was 2.5 ft diameter by 10 ft long. The results are shown in the table below.

Tumble Drum Process Conditions

Target process condtions for full scale production



Feeder #1 rate, lb/hr (fresh granola)

fresh granola temperature, F.

Feeder #2 rate, lb/hr

(recycled granola)

Recycled granola temperature, F.

Total granola rate, lb/hr

Center core (cereal grain

extruded ball)

ball size, inches

ball bulk density, gram/Liter

ball rate, lb/hr


coating rate, lb/hr

coating temperature, F.

Tumble drum:

drum diameter, feet

drum length, feet

drum angle, degrees

drum rpm

drum temperature zone 1, F.

drum temperature zone 2, F.

number of flights

width of flights, inches

number of flights per minute

number of lifts & drops per minute

excess granola out of drum, lb/hr

granola adhered to coated ball, lb/hr

Thus, aspects of the invention include an apparatus for coating objects with particulates, the apparatus comprising a drum supported to rotate about a drum axis of rotation comprising at least an inlet, a length (L) and a diameter (D), the drum comprising at least 1 flight attached axially to the inner wall of the drum; wherein when the drum rotates each flight lifts and then drops objects and particulates such that the impact of the falling objects and particulates drives the particulates into the objects. The drum may comprise at least 2 to 20 flights and the flights may be spaced 0.3 to 2.0 feet apart. Each flight may have a width less than ⅙ the diameter of the tumble drum and a width at least ½ the width of the objects to be coated. The drum ratio L/D is 1 to 10, typically 3 to 5. The angle that the drum slopes downward from the inlet to the outlet from a horizontal reference is less than 20 degrees, for instance less than 5 degrees. The shape of the drum may be cylindrical. The flights may be flat, may form a trough to scoop the objects and particulates or may be helical

The Figures discussed above serve as non-limiting examples of the teachings of this invention. The aspects, features and advantages of the present invention are merely exemplary and represent preferred embodiments of the present invention. It should be apparent to those skilled in the art that these embodiments are illustrative only and not limiting, having been presented by way of example only. All the features disclosed in this description may be replaced by alternative features serving the same purpose, and equivalents or similar purpose, unless expressly stated otherwise. Therefore, numerous other embodiments of the modifications thereof are contemplated as falling within the scope of the present invention as defined herein and equivalents thereto.

  • 1. A method of impregnating surfaces of objects with particulates comprising a. optionally, applying a liquid or semi-fluid binder to the objects to form pre-coated objects;b. adding the objects and particulates to a rotatable drum having at least an inlet, a length (L) and a diameter (D), the drum comprising at least 1 flight; andc. rotating the drum wherein each flight lifts and then drops the objects and particulates, wherein the impact of the falling objects and particulates drives the particulates into the objects or into the coating of the pre-coated objects.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the drum comprises 2 to 20 flights.
  • 3. The method of claim 2 wherein the drum comprises 8 to 12 flights.
  • 4. The method of claim 1 wherein the drum flights are spaced 0.3 to 2.0 feet apart on the drum circumference.
  • 5. The method of claim 4 wherein the drum flights are spaced about 0.6 to about 1 foot apart on the drum circumference.
  • 6. The method of claim 1 wherein each flight has a width less than ⅙ the diameter of the drum.
  • 7. The method of claim 1 wherein each flight has a width at least ½ the width of the objects.
  • 8. The method of claim 1 further comprising rotating the drum at a speed of about 70 rpm or less.
  • 9. The method of claim 8 wherein the speed is about 30 rpm or less.
  • 10. The method of claim 1 wherein the ratio L/D is 1 to 10.
  • 11. The method of claim 10 wherein the ratio L/D is 3 to 5.
  • 12. The method of claim 1 wherein an angle that the drum slopes downward from the inlet to the outlet from a horizontal reference is less than 20 degrees.
  • 13. The method of claim 12 wherein the angle is less than 5 degrees.
  • 14. The method of claim 1 wherein the objects and particulates are retained within the drum for at least 15 seconds.
  • 15. The method of claim 1 wherein the weight ratio of particulates required to coat the objects to total particulates added to the drum is 1:2-5.
  • 16. The method of claim 1 wherein excess particulates are recycled.
  • 17. The method of claim 1 wherein the objects are pre-coated and the binder on the pre-coated objects remains in a fluid or semi-fluid state.
  • 18. The method of claim 1 wherein the flights are flat.
  • 19. The method of claim 1 wherein the flights form a trough to scoop the objects and particulates.
  • 20. The method of claim 1 wherein the flights are helical.
  • 21. The method of claim 1 wherein the particulates are granola particulates.
  • 22. A particulate coated object prepared by the method of claim 1.
Parent Case Info

This application claims priority to U.S. provisional application 60/790,396 filed Apr. 7, 2006 which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60790396 Apr 2006 US