This invention is concerned with the problem of concentrating ions existing at relatively high pressure in order to increase the sensitivity of analytical instruments such as mass spectrometers or other devices capable of analyzing such ions.
There are many situations when small particles and ions suspended in a gas need to be analyzed and detected. For instance, to monitor pollution in the environment. Also in analytical applications, where ions formed at atmospheric pressure are introduced into mass spectrometers or other analyzers for the purpose of determining their concentrations and other characteristics, such as their mass, charge, electrical mobility, etc. These small particles or ions may preexist in the ambient, but they are often produced at atmospheric pressure by special procedures such as chemical ionization, electrospray (ES) ionization etc. The analytical instruments where they are sampled generally take a limited gas flow rate, whereby their sensitivity is limited by the concentration of the suspended particles or ions in the gas. It is therefore desirable to increase this concentration prior to sampling into such instruments. There are other instances where one wishes to concentrate ions or charged particles for purposes other than analyzing them. For instance, when these ions are used to charge neutral vapors existing in the atmosphere by virtue of their finite vapor pressure, whereby, once charged, such vapors are more easily detected. Charging neutral species is desirable, for instance, for the purpose of sniffing explosives or other substances of interest in environmental, food, or other applications. In this case it is convenient to distinguish between the charging ions or particles, and the ionized vapors. Charging of volatiles can be done in either bipolar or unipolar ionic atmospheres. In the first case, large concentrations of coexisting positive and negative ions can be generated, for instances with ionizing radiation or radioactive materials, though recombination of ions of opposite sign tends to discharge both the charging ions and the ionized vapors, thus limiting the charging probability of neutral species. In the case of volatile charging in unipolar atmospheres, space charge limits the concentration of the charging species, leading also to relatively small charging probabilities of the vapors, at most of the order of 10−4; but typically less. It is evident that the charging probability of these volatiles is proportional to the concentration of charging ions. It is therefore desirable to increase the concentration of charging species and keep it high over volumes much larger than currently allowed by space charge dispersion. One should note here that charging of volatiles may be achieved not only by charge transfer from other charged ions (for instance by proton transfer from protonated water clusters), but also by charge transfer from a spray of charged drops. The later method has been pioneered by John Fenn and his colleagues (Whitehouse et al. 1986; Fuerstenau, et al. 1999; Fuerstenau, 1994; Wu et al. 2000) with charged sprays of volatile liquids produced via so-called electrospray (ES; Fenn et al, 1989). Hence, the term ions in charging ions is used in the wide sense to mean ions, evaporating charged drops, or the mixture of both produced by electrosprays or other charged sprays.
Several schemes have been developed to achieve pre-concentration of species, as described for instances by Liu et al. (1995a, b) for relatively large aerosol particles, or by Douglas and French (1990, 1992) and Smith and Shaffer (2000) for ions. These techniques are all based on the finite inertia of the particles, as revealed by the early theoretical work of Robinson (1956; see also Fernandez de la Mora, 1996). Because the inertia of very small particles at relatively large or near atmospheric pressures is very small, none of these schemes has succeeded so far at achieving the desired concentration of ions at atmospheric pressure. The focusing element claimed in the Douglass-French patent is “a first rod sot” and is required to be in a “first vacuum chamber”. The alternative funnel system of Smith and Shaffer (2000) is claimed in their patent to function up to 1 Bar (0.99 atmospheres). However, the many embodiments of their invention tried to date with mass spectrometric advantage, have always relied on focusing elements operating at pressures substantially below one atmosphere. In all known focusing devices used to date in which substantial concentration has been achieved for mass spectrometry applications, the gas sample is initially passed from its source (often at atmospheric pressure) into a region of reduced pressure. On the other hand, the notable sensitivity advantages yielded by the concentration schemes currently practiced at reduced pressure could be much enhanced if the sample gas were also enriched substantially at its initial source pressure (often atmospheric). The present invention teaches how to achieve this desired concentration at relatively high pressure, including atmospheric and super-atmospheric conditions. This advantage is evident from the fact that the maximum sensitivity achievable by an instrument sampling a fixed flow rate of gas is proportional to this flow rate times the sample concentration. If this concentration is increased by a certain factor F prior to the inlet to the instrument, the instrument's sensitivity can be increased by a factor as high as F. The present invention teaches also how to greatly increase the charging probability of neutral species in a gas, by performing the charging inside a charged particle concentrator. The charging probability is increased not only by obtaining unusually high concentrations of charging species and maintaining them over large volumes, but possibly also by concentrating the ionized vapors in the same charging device.
The two types of concentration devices known currently are either aerodynamic or electrodynamic. The theory for the first kind is relatively well known, and the obstacles to achieve aerodynamic focusing of small particles at atmospheric pressure are difficult to overcome due to basic fluid dynamic reasons. The improvement to be introduced by this invention is therefore directed mainly to electrodynamic focusing devices, and can therefore be effective only for charged particles. Our approach will be to first analyze the ion guide system most often used, a linear multipole lens conceptually identical to those introduced by Douglas and French (1990, 1992) to achieve ion focusing at reduced pressures. These systems involve a relatively large number of free parameters (gas pressure; rod radius, length and other geometrical characteristics; frequency of alternation of the voltage (RF) and voltage; ion mass and electrical mobility, etc.), such that the search for conditions suitable for effective operation at elevated pressure has in the past been unsuccessful, in spite of considerable efforts invested in this effort. This has led to the widespread opinion that effective ion concentration at atmospheric conditions is impossible. The theory taught here, however, enables the efficient identification of optimal operating parameters, and shows what combination of characteristic dimensions and frequencies must be used for useful focusing under atmospheric pressure. The theory is taught for the case of quadrupole lenses, but it can be readily applied to other multipolar systems such as hexapoles, octupoles, etc. It can be similarly applied to other focusing geometries such as the funnels of Smith and Shaffer (2000). It is not restricted to the case of periodic (or quasi periodic) systems in time, but applies also (with suitable modifications) to periodic (or quasi periodic) systems in space, such as the aerodynamic lenses of Liu et al. (1995a, b), or their suitable electrostatic analogs. One should note that approximate theories describing the behavior of ions in multipole fields (or ion funnels) have been developed. These theories were originally conceived for ions moving in a vacuum, but they have been generalized to account for collisions with a background gas. One must however note that available so-called pseudo-potential theory holds only in the limit of large inertia, and does not apply at large pressure. The theory taught here is therefore new in the realm of electrostatic focusing, even though some elements of it have been previously published by Tolmachev et al. (1997, 2000, 2003)
Theoretical Background on of Inertial Focusing in Time Periodic Electric Fields
Consider the differential equation
where the first term is the particle acceleration in the x direction, the second term accounts for the drag exerted by the gas medium on the particle, and the third term is the negative of an external acceleration, taken to vary periodically in time with an angular frequency Ω. The particle relaxation time τ is simply related to its electrical mobility and mass through Einstein's formula (16), while the linear relation between drag and speed implicit in equation (1) is generally suitable under high-pressure conditions. (1) is a one-dimensional form of Newton's vector equations, which is suitable for simple geometries such as linear multipole systems. Other geometries requiring a three-dimensional treatment are evidently conceivable, as are situations where the drag presents nonlinear effects and the second term of (1) needs to be generalized. Other more complex time dependent forces can evidently also be considered, including not only electrical, but also magnetic or fluid dynamic (associated to net motion of the background gas).
Introducing Eulerian coordinates x, y for the velocity field u (Fernandez de la Mora and Rosner, 1981), (1) may be written:
∂u/∂t+u∂u/∂x+u/τ+aF(x)cos(Ωt)=0 (2)
This representation is eminently generalizable to the more complex three dimensional and nonlinear situations previously mentioned. We will consider first the limit of small inertial effects, when the nonlinear term u ∂u/∂x is relatively small and can be neglected to first approximation. We shall see that this approximation is particularly well justified under the conditions of high pressure of particular interest to this invention. The differential equation can then be integrated into the purely periodic solution
where a rapidly decaying term of the form A(x) e−t/τ has not been included. The neglected term u∂u/∂x can now be evaluated to yield,
Net Drift.
If the correction (4) is now included in (2), it contributes two types of terms; some periodic with frequency 2Ω, another corresponding to the net drift velocity uo:
If one now averages the motion over one period, the harmonic contributions drop out, and the net motion is just that given in (5).
One can readily see that the three-dimensional generalization of (2) & (5) are:
Making use of the fact that ∇×F=0, F·∇F=½∇(F·F), it follows that ions tend to focus at points where F·F is a minimum
Limits of Validity of the Small Inertia Limit.
The validity of (5) is restricted by two types of considerations. First, the term u∂u/∂x treated as a perturbation must be small compared to those retained, hence, u∂u/∂x<<u/τ, or
τ∂u/∂x<<1. (6)
This is equivalent to a conventional small Stokes number hypothesis (Fernández de la Mora and Rosner, 1981). Under atmospheric pressure conditions, even large ions have minute relaxation times τ of the order of 10−9 s, so that (6) would hold even at uncommonly large frequencies of 100 MH. In addition, the amplitude of the harmonic contributions in (3) averaged out in (4) must be sufficiently small to preclude ion loss on surrounding electrodes. If we introduce the Lagrangian coordinate y of a particle, its evolution in terms of the Eulerian coordinates x, t obeys:
dy/dt=∂y/∂t+u(x,t)∂y/∂x=u(x,t), (7)
where u(x, t) is given by (3). Introducing the new dependent variable z defined in (8a), (7) becomes (8b)
z=y−x; ∂z/∂t+u∂z/∂x=0. (8a, b)
The characteristic equations of this first order partial differential equation are separable:
The Case of a Quadrupole.
In the special case of an radio frequency (RF) quadrupole, aF(x) is defined in (10a), where the ion charge is e, m is its mass, V is the RF potential, 2R the distance between two opposite electrodes, and the angular frequency ω is defined approximately in (10b)
aF(x)=ω2x; ω2=2 eV/(mR2). (10a, b)
Then, the small Stokes number condition (6) becomes:
(9) may also be integrated explicitly to yield
where xo is a constant of the motion simply related to the initial value of y. Because the maximum value of the second right hand side factor in (12) is of order unity, y/xo is of the order of exp(ω2τ/Ω), and the group ω2τ/Ω can at most take values of order one:
Ωτ>ω2τ2. (13)
Typically then, ωτ must be small, while Ωτ can be large or small, but it cannot be smaller than the generally small number ω2τ2.
The time needed for focusing follows from the time-averaged equation for u:
dx/dt=−uo, (14)
which, in the case of a quadrupole, is linear in x, whereby x decays as exp(−t/to), with a characteristic time
to=2τ(1+Ω2τ2)/(ωτ)4 (15)
Because ωτ needs to be small for these results to hold, it follows that this decay time or focusing time is considerably larger than τ. Very worth noting is the cubic dependence of to on pressure through the term τ˜1/p, which explains quantitatively the qualitatively well known difficulty of extending to high pressure the operating range of a quadrupole lens. Indeed, a quadrupole designed to work at the relatively high pressure (by current standards) of 7.6 Torr, would need at atmospheric pressure a time 1 million times larger to focus than under design conditions. Equally worth noting is that to varies with the −4th power of ω, and hence varies as the −4th power of the lens dimension R and the second power of its voltage. Note in particular that the maximum voltage that can be used is considerably larger at atmospheric pressure than in the Torr range, and this compensates in part for the negative effect of increasing pressure. However, the principal means available to achieve moderate focusing times at high pressures is to use a quadrupole dimension R considerably smaller than in current practice. Fortunately, the fact that to˜R−4 enables effective focusing at manageable values of R of the order of 1 mm.
Typical Values
Einstein's equation may be written
τ=mZ/e, (16)
while the electrical mobility of a sphere of diameter d is
Z/e=0.441(kT/μ)1/2/(pd2), (17)
where p is the background gas pressure, μ its molecular mass (28.8 amu for air) and kT its temperature in energy units. Taking a typical value for electrospray ions, m/c=1 kDalton, and favorable conditions of high RF voltage, V=3 kV, and small R (=1 mm), then ω=2.4 107 s−1(5.38 107 s−1 when m/e=200 amu).
Using a material density of 1 g/cm3 for the ions, p=1 atmosphere and a particle diameter of 5 nm (m=39.4 kDalton) we find τ=3.3 10−9 s, hence ωτ=0.079. For an ion of mass 200 amu and Z=2 cm2/V/s, τ=4.1 10−10. The small inertia condition (11) is therefore well met. The alternative condition (13) requires that Ω>1.89 1061/s (a frequency of 300 kHertz), which is generally exceeded in RF ion guides. On the other hand, due to the damping factor (1+Ω2τ2) in the drift speed (3), it is preferable to keep Ωτ<1, hence Ω<3 108 s−1(frequency below 48 MHz), which is also generally satisfied in RF ion guides. According to (15), the corresponding time required for focusing is to=1.7 10−4 s at an RF frequency of 2 MHz. This is reasonably fast, and would only require a quadrupole length of some 20 cm to increase the ion concentration by a factor of 1000, even if the gas was moving at the speed of sound for room temperature air (340 m/s). An axial length of 6 mm would suffice for a gas jet moving at 10 m/s. A concentration factor of 1000 would imply that the inlet stream-tube of about 2 mm (R=1 mm) would shrink by a factor of 10001/2 into a diameter of 63 μm, considerably smaller than the typical pinhole diameter of 250 μm of a mass spectrometer with an atmospheric pressure source. One could hence use a larger R value to fit ideally with the inlet orifice, but we will not pursue this optimal matching until we take Brownian diffusion and space charge considerations into account. We can nonetheless conclude that a small quadrupole running under atmospheric pressure can achieve a large concentrating effect. It would have the extra advantages over low pressure quadruples of being fragmentation-free, readily integrated to an electrospray source, small, compatible with low voltage operation, and having a wider mass range where focusing is effective. A key practical advantage of the type of atmospheric pressure ion focusing just discussed is that a given ion current could be passed through a considerably smaller pinhole inlet to a mass spectrometer. Furthermore, since the ions would be confined to the axis of the gas jet ingested, radial expansion of the gas into the vacuum would lead to a much reduced widening of the ion beam, so that a second stage of low pressure ion guide might not be needed, and, if present, it would pass a larger fraction of the ions into the high vacuum region of the MS.
Other Factors Affecting the Width of the Ion Beam
The main widening mechanisms available are Brownian motion and space charge. Brownian motion Let r denote the radial variable in a linear RF quadrupole, which could be either x or y. Under conditions of equilibrium the beam would expand radially as a result of diffusion, but would be confined by the net convective speed uo towards the axis given in (5), The ion number density n (1/cm3) would then be governed by:
−D∂n/∂r+nuo=0, (18)
where the diffusion coefficient D is given by Einstein's formula as D=kTτ/m. Its solution is
Under the conditions of the quadrupole and the ions just described, the beam width Δ is of only 4 μm, much smaller than the typical MS inlet hole radius of 125 μm.
Space Charge
The limit just described holds in the absence of space charge. The question now is what current levels can be passed without substantial increase of ion beam cross section.
We consider the asymptote where the beam is already focused and does not evolve further in the axial direction. Then Poisson's equation is one-dimensional:
while the mass conservation equation for the number density n of ions is
where αr is the drift velocity of the ions in the quadrupole, given by (5) and (10) as:
Eliminating n in terms of E in (20) and substituting it into (21) yields a second order differential equation for the field E. It can be cast into the simpler form (25) by introducing the variables:
The symmetry condition at the axis requires that E vanishes linearly with r, whereby q is linear with y:
q→a1y as y→0. (26)
This provides initial values at the axis r=0 for q=0 and dq/dy=a1, so that numerical solutions can be obtained in terms of the single parameter a1. One can also provide a Taylor expansion solution at small y:
q=a1y+a2y2+ . . . +anyn+ . . . (27)
Substituting (26) into (25) and canceling terms of successive order in y we find:
etc. (28)
The structure of the solution is as follows. The line q=y (a1=1) is a singular exact solution, which separates trajectories curved upward (a2>0) from others curving downwards and evolving towards a horizontal line q=qo (also an exact solution to (25), though not satisfying (26)). The expected behavior is a number density n confined to a region near the axis, and decaying rapidly to zero beyond a certain radius. In the outer region where n=0, E decays as 1/r, and q tends to a constant. One can easily see that such constant asymptotes are attractors to the solution at increasing y. Indeed, q/y<<1 in the vicinity of this asymptote, whereby (25) becomes linear with solutions q=A+B e−y, decaying rapidly to a constant. In contrast, upward curving solutions with a1>1 eventually exhibit the opposite behavior with vertical asymptotes.
The structure of the physically meaningful solutions (a<1) computed numerically is shown in
enmax=2∈oα/Z (29)
Assuming that this space charge limit has been attained and that the beam is wide enough for the ions to fill all the gas streamlines sucked by the inlet orifice, the ion current ingested is equal to the inlet flow rate Q times enmax. For a typical value of Q=0.5 lit/min, the maximum ingested current we obtain for the same values used in the previous example is of 2.75 nA. This current is larger than can be ingested under most conditions, typical of atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometers (API-MS) systems, with the exception of so-called nanospray. In this later case the initial electrospray drops are so small that there is ample time for drop evaporation and ion formation even when the electrospraying tip is within an orifice radius of the sampling orifice, and the whole spray (several tens to one hundred nA) may be sampled into the vacuum. For most other situations of practical interest in electrospray mass spectrometry (ES-MS) the proposed atmospheric pressure lens would lead to considerable increases in sensitivity.
Species Stratification Under Space Charge Saturation
Tolmachev and colleagues (2000, 2003) have investigated space charge effects in ion guides and shown that there may be radial stratification of various ion types. A similar effect can be seen in our space charge model. Imagine there is a dominant ion (say from the ES buffer), and let's denote its properties α and Z with the subscript b (for buffer). Then, E=rαb/Zb. Let us suppose there is a trace quantity of another ion with different properties αi, Zi. Its radial velocity vi=ZiE−αir=rZi(αb/Zb−αi/Zi) can only be negative (movement towards the axis, hence concentration) provided that
Hence, the ions with the largest α/Z will occupy the regions closest to the axis. In the polarization limit governing the mobility of small ions (McDaniels and Mason, 1973), this corresponds to the heaviest ions. Interestingly, Tolmachev et al. (2000) come to the opposite conclusion, perhaps because they consider the limit of small or intermediate pressures. In the different application of electrospray sources, the lighter ions rejected to the periphery are the buffer ions used to impart electrical conductivity to the liquid solution and hence provide a good electrospray. The heavier ions concentrating near the axis are therefore the most analytically relevant ions. In the different application of electrospray charging of neutral vapors, the use of a quadrupole to concentrate the electrospray drops (or ions) has two advantages. First, it concentrates the charging species (ions or drops) into the axis region at concentrations substantially larger than they would have in the absence of a quadrupole. This evidently enhances the charging efficiency of neutrals in the ambient going near the axis. Second, once charged, these ionized vapors are not displaced to the periphery by the dominant charge, but are instead conveniently kept near the axis, ready to be preferentially sample into the MS. In the case where drops rather than ions are the charging species, the situation may perhaps be the opposite initially, with the drops occupying the vicinity of the axis. But once drop evaporation is complete, provided there are no nonvolatile salt-forming species in the spray, the analytically interesting heavy ions occupy their place near the axis.
In conclusion, the use of RF fields created by arrangements of conductors with characteristic diameters and inter-electrode distances of the order of one millimeter is able to produce inertial effects sufficiently large to concentrate considerably ions and small particles at pressures as high as 1 atmosphere, prior to their introduction into an analytical instrument such as a mass spectrometer.
Axial Movement of the Ions
In the case of a relatively long quadrupole, an axial field is necessary to move the ions towards the MS inlet. This axial field does not exist naturally because the rods are at a fixed mean voltage all along their axis. Axial fields have nonetheless been implemented earlier by Sciex patents, relying on slightly conical rods (or a conical arrangement of the axes of cylindrical rods). Also by Brucker patents relying on the creation of an axial field outside the quadrupole rods, and through its finite radial penetration into the quadrupole axis (Franzen and Brekenfeld 2004). These ideas, however, are intended for low-pressure applications, where small axial fields suffice to compensate for a very small drag. Hence, their utility is uncertain under atmospheric pressure, where the drag acting on the ions is very high. The present invention will therefore rely not only on these previously taught schemes of axial propulsion, but also on a simpler convective scheme.
Axial Fluid Motion
The approach relies simply on a net axial flow of gas. A conventional multipole lens system has openings between the various rods on its sides, so any initial flow speed implemented at its entry would decay towards the exit region. This problem may be alleviated by closing the quadrupole on its four side openings (or the hexapole on its six lateral openings, etc.), for instance, by inserting a dielectric material in the lateral open space between the various rods. The presence of a dielectric material with dielectric constant ∈ larger than 1 evidently modifies the electric fields inside the RF lens, but when the closure is implemented outside rather than inside the point where the various rods are closest to each other, such effects are relatively minor and do not alter in any significant way the general considerations made here. The advantage of this laterally closed quadrupole is evidently that an axial pressure gradient can be imposed leading to a controllable axial velocity.
We have indicated that this invention is not limited to multipole geometries, but includes also the ion guide types of U.S. Pat. No. 6,107,628 by Smith and Shaffer. These authors refer to their ion guides as ion funnels, because their shape has always been converging from a wide entry section to a narrow exit region. For our present purposes, these ion guides have the advantage of being closed laterally, as they are formed by approximately spatially periodic arrangements of conductors and insulating plates perforated so as to create an internal opening. This spatially periodic system of lenses leads to electrodynamic focusing in a manner similar to that of the aerodynamic focusing of Liu et al. (1995). Ion funnels have been constructed by the time consuming process of laying conducting and insulating plates one above the other, with their perforations of diminishing area executed prior to this assembly. The precision of this manual technique does not lend itself easily for our purpose of producing lenses with small characteristic cross section, suitable for high pressure operation. However, if the unperforated conducting and insulating plates and conductors are secured together, this assembly can then be perforated at once with a cylindrical drill of small dimensions, or with other conventional schemes used to perforate bulk material with cylindrical shapes, or other desired shapes, including tapered geometries.
This invention uses ion guides at unconventionally high pressures and unconventionally small dimensions to concentrate ions and other charged particles near the ion guide axis. This concentrating effect is exploited in various applications, including increasing the sensitivity of other analytical instruments, and increasing vapor charging efficiencies. Besides the small dimensions enabling effective concentration at near atmospheric pressures, the invention differs from prior art to concentrate ions in the absence of a high pressure ratio between the ion guide region and a preceding chamber through which ion carrying gases are conventionally introduced, The gas movement through the ion guide can therefore be relatively slow, and can even proceed in the direction normal to that of the movement of the ions.
A preferred embodiment of this invention is shown in
In a second embodiment of the invention (
Variants of these devices using ion sources other than electrospray, or analyzers other than mass spectrometers, or RF lens systems other than linear multipoles, funnels or helical wires are also included in this invention.
Relation to Prior Ion Guiding Systems
All previous art for ion (rather than microscopic particle) focusing has involved a focusing stage at pressures considerably lower than atmospheric. Although the proposed arrangement of lenses is similar for atmospheric and for reduced pressure operation, there is, however, a crucial difference not only in the state of the background gas, but also in the manner in which the ions to be concentrated are introduced into the focusing region. In traditional low-pressure ion guide systems, the ions are generally conveyed to the focusing region by a highly supersonic jet of gas. This is not the case in the present invention. In one possible embodiment, the gas could actually flow in the direction contrary to that used in traditional RF lenses, and the ions would be conveyed by the electric field without assistance of the flow field. In an alternative embodiment discussed, a flow of gas aids the electric field in transporting the ions into the focusing region, but the background gas is moderately supersonic, transonic or even low subsonic rather than having conventional highly supersonic speeds.
These considerations are not intended to imply that the present invention includes only subsonic gas flows. One can in fact consider situations where some of the embodiments discussed would involve speeds larger than the speed of sound, where the ratio of pressures would be moderate. In contrast, prior art has used pressure ratios typically between 760 and 0.1 torr, and in all cases larger than 760/20 torr. The current invention therefore encompasses situations where the ratio of pressures between the ion source and the focusing region does not exceed 20.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/EP2008/053960 | 4/2/2008 | WO | 00 | 2/4/2010 |
Publishing Document | Publishing Date | Country | Kind |
WO2009/121408 | 10/8/2009 | WO | A |
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4985626 | Margulies | Jan 1991 | A |
6107628 | Smith et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6674071 | Franzen et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
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7259371 | Collings et al. | Aug 2007 | B2 |
20030150987 | Guevremont et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20090272891 | Giles | Nov 2009 | A1 |
Number | Date | Country |
1 391 912 | Feb 2004 | EP |
2 421 845 | Jul 2006 | GB |
2007079588 | Jul 2007 | WO |
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20110049356 A1 | Mar 2011 | US |