A distributor for use in a vapor compression system including an enclosure configured to be positioned in a heat exchanger having a tube bundle comprising a plurality of tubes extending substantially horizontally in the heat exchanger. A plurality of distribution devices are formed in the enclosure, the plurality of distribution devices configured to apply a fluid entering the distributor onto the tube bundle. The enclosure is formed of unitary construction.

The application relates generally to vapor compression systems in refrigeration, air conditioning and chilled liquid systems. The application relates more specifically to distribution systems and methods in vapor compression systems.

Conventional chilled liquid systems used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems include an evaporator to effect a transfer of thermal energy between the refrigerant of the system and another liquid to be cooled. One type of evaporator includes a shell with a plurality of tubes forming a tube bundle(s) through which the liquid to be cooled is circulated. The refrigerant is brought into contact with the outer or exterior surfaces of the tube bundle inside the shell, resulting in a transfer of thermal energy between the liquid to be cooled and the refrigerant. For example, refrigerant can be deposited onto the exterior surfaces of the tube bundle by spraying or other similar techniques in what is commonly referred to as a “falling film” evaporator. In a further example, the exterior surfaces of the tube bundle can be fully or partially immersed in liquid refrigerant in what is commonly referred to as a “flooded” evaporator. In yet another example, a portion of the tube bundle can have refrigerant deposited on the exterior surfaces and another portion of the tube bundle can be immersed in liquid refrigerant in what is commonly referred to as a “hybrid falling film” evaporator.

As a result of the thermal energy transfer with the liquid, the refrigerant is heated and converted to a vapor state, which is then returned to a compressor where the vapor is compressed, to begin another refrigerant cycle. The cooled liquid can be circulated to a plurality of heat exchangers located throughout a building. Warmer air from the building is passed over the heat exchangers where the cooled liquid is warmed, while cooling the air for the building. The liquid warmed by the building air is returned to the evaporator to repeat the process.


The present invention relates to a distributor for use in a vapor compression system including an enclosure configured to be positioned in a heat exchanger having a tube bundle comprising a plurality of tubes extending substantially horizontally in the heat exchanger. A plurality of distribution devices are formed in the enclosure, the plurality of distribution devices configured to apply a fluid entering the distributor onto the tube bundle. The enclosure is formed of unitary construction.

The present invention further relates to a heat exchanger for use in a vapor compression system including a shell, a tube bundle, a hood, and a distributor. The tube bundle includes a plurality of tubes extending substantially horizontally in the shell. The hood covers and substantially laterally surrounds the tube bundle. The distributor includes an enclosure configured to be positioned in the heat exchanger. A plurality of distribution devices are formed in the enclosure. The plurality of distribution devices is configured to apply a fluid entering the distributor onto the tube bundle. The enclosure is formed of unitary construction.


FIG. 1 shows an exemplary embodiment for a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

FIG. 2 shows an isometric view of an exemplary vapor compression system.

FIGS. 3 and 4 schematically illustrate exemplary embodiments of the vapor compression system.

FIG. 5A shows an exploded, partial cutaway view of an exemplary evaporator.

FIG. 5B shows a top isometric view of the evaporator of FIG. 5A.

FIG. 5C shows a cross section of the evaporator taken along line 5-5 of FIG. 5B.

FIG. 6A shows a top isometric view of an exemplary evaporator.

FIGS. 6B and 6C show a cross section of the evaporator taken along line 6-6 of FIG. 6A.

FIG. 7 shows an exemplary embodiment of an inverted enclosure of a distribution device.

FIG. 8 shows a cross section of the enclosure taken along line 8-8 of FIG. 7.

FIG. 9 shows an exemplary embodiment of an inverted enclosure of a distribution device.

FIG. 10 shows a cross section of the enclosure taken along line 10-10 of FIG. 9.

FIG. 11 shows an exemplary embodiment of an inverted enclosure with a distribution device.

FIG. 12 shows another exemplary embodiment of an inverted enclosure with a distribution device.

FIG. 13 shows another exemplary embodiment of an inverted enclosure with a distribution device.

FIG. 14 shows yet another exemplary embodiment of an inverted enclosure with a distribution device.

FIG. 15 shows another exemplary embodiment of an inverted enclosure with a distribution device.

FIG. 16 shows yet another exemplary embodiment of an inverted enclosure with a distribution device.


FIG. 1 shows an exemplary environment for a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system 10 incorporating a chilled liquid system in a building 12 for a typical commercial setting. System 10 can include a vapor compression system 14 that can supply a chilled liquid which may be used to cool building 12. System 10 can include a boiler 16 to supply heated liquid that may be used to heat building 12, and an air distribution system which circulates air through building 12. The air distribution system can also include an air return duct 18, an air supply duct 20 and an air handler 22. Air handler 22 can include a heat exchanger that is connected to boiler 16 and vapor compression system 14 by conduits 24. The heat exchanger in air handler 22 may receive either heated liquid from boiler 16 or chilled liquid from vapor compression system 14, depending on the mode of operation of system 10. System 10 is shown with a separate air handler on each floor of building 12, but it is appreciated that the components may be shared between or among floors.

FIGS. 2 and 3 show an exemplary vapor compression system 14 that can be used in an HVAC system, such as HVAC system 10. Vapor compression system 14 can circulate a refrigerant through a compressor 32 driven by a motor 50, a condenser 34, expansion device(s) 36, and a liquid chiller or evaporator 38. Vapor compression system 14 can also include a control panel 40 that can include an analog to digital (ND) converter 42, a microprocessor 44, a non-volatile memory 46, and an interface board 48. Some examples of fluids that may be used as refrigerants in vapor compression system 14 are hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) based refrigerants, for example, R-410A, R-407, R-134a, hydrofluoro olefin (HFO), “natural” refrigerants like ammonia (NH3), R-717, carbon dioxide (CO2), R-744, or hydrocarbon based refrigerants, water vapor or any other suitable type of refrigerant. In an exemplary embodiment, vapor compression system 14 may use one or more of each of VSDs 52, motors 50, compressors 32, condensers 34 and/or evaporators 38.

Motor 50 used with compressor 32 can be powered by a variable speed drive (VSD) 52 or can be powered directly from an alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) power source. VSD 52, if used, receives AC power having a particular fixed line voltage and fixed line frequency from the AC power source and provides power having a variable voltage and frequency to motor 50. Motor 50 can include any type of electric motor that can be powered by a VSD or directly from an AC or DC power source. For example, motor 50 can be a switched reluctance motor, an induction motor, an electronically commutated permanent magnet motor or any other suitable motor type. In an alternate exemplary embodiment, other drive mechanisms such as steam or gas turbines or engines and associated components can be used to drive compressor 32.

Compressor 32 compresses a refrigerant vapor and delivers the vapor to condenser 34 through a discharge line. Compressor 32 can be a centrifugal compressor, screw compressor, reciprocating compressor, rotary compressor, swing link compressor, scroll compressor, turbine compressor, or any other suitable compressor. The refrigerant vapor delivered by compressor 32 to condenser 34 transfers heat to a fluid, for example, water or air. The refrigerant vapor condenses to a refrigerant liquid in condenser 34 as a result of the heat transfer with the fluid. The liquid refrigerant from condenser 34 flows through expansion device 36 to evaporator 38. In the exemplary embodiment shown in FIG. 3, condenser 34 is water cooled and includes a tube bundle 54 connected to a cooling tower 56.

The liquid refrigerant delivered to evaporator 38 absorbs heat from another fluid, which may or may not be the same type of fluid used for condenser 34, and undergoes a phase change to a refrigerant vapor. In the exemplary embodiment shown in FIG. 3, evaporator 38 includes a tube bundle having a supply line 60S and a return line 60R connected to a cooling load 62. A process fluid, for example, water, ethylene glycol, calcium chloride brine, sodium chloride brine, or any other suitable liquid, enters evaporator 38 via return line 60R and exits evaporator 38 via supply line 60S. Evaporator 38 chills the temperature of the process fluid in the tubes. The tube bundle in evaporator 38 can include a plurality of tubes and a plurality of tube bundles. The vapor refrigerant exits evaporator 38 and returns to compressor 32 by a suction line to complete the cycle.

FIG. 4, which is similar to FIG. 3, shows the refrigerant circuit with an intermediate circuit 64 that may be incorporated between condenser 34 and expansion device 36 to provide increased cooling capacity, efficiency and performance. Intermediate circuit 64 has an inlet line 68 that can be either connected directly to or can be in fluid communication with condenser 34. As shown, inlet line 68 includes an expansion device 66 positioned upstream of an intermediate vessel 70. Intermediate vessel 70 can be a flash tank, also referred to as a flash intercooler, in an exemplary embodiment. In an alternate exemplary embodiment, intermediate vessel 70 can be configured as a heat exchanger or a “surface economizer.” In the flash intercooler arrangement, a first expansion device 66 operates to lower the pressure of the liquid received from condenser 34. During the expansion process in a flash intercooler, a portion of the liquid is evaporated. Intermediate vessel 70 may be used to separate the evaporated vapor from the liquid received from the condenser. The evaporated liquid may be drawn by compressor 32 to a port at a pressure intermediate between suction and discharge or at an intermediate stage of compression, through a line 74. The liquid that is not evaporated is cooled by the expansion process, and collects at the bottom of intermediate vessel 70, where the liquid is recovered to flow to the evaporator 38, through a line 72 comprising a second expansion device 36.

In the “surface intercooler” arrangement, the implementation is slightly different, as known to those skilled in the art. Intermediate circuit 64 can operate in a similar matter to that described above, except that instead of receiving the entire amount of refrigerant from condenser 34, as shown in FIG. 4, intermediate circuit 64 receives only a portion of the refrigerant from condenser 34 and the remaining refrigerant proceeds directly to expansion device 36.

FIGS. 5A-5C show an exemplary embodiment of an evaporator configured as a “hybrid falling film” evaporator. As shown in FIGS. 5A-5C, an evaporator 138 includes a substantially cylindrical shell 76 with a plurality of tubes forming a tube bundle 78 extending substantially horizontally along the length of shell 76. At least one support 116 may be positioned inside shell 76 to support the plurality of tubes in tube bundle 78. A suitable fluid, such as water, ethylene, ethylene glycol, or calcium chloride brine flows through the tubes of tube bundle 78. A distributor 80 positioned above tube bundle 78 distributes, deposits or applies refrigerant 110 from a plurality of positions onto the tubes in tube bundle 78. In one exemplary embodiment, the refrigerant deposited by distributor 80 can be entirely liquid refrigerant, although in another exemplary embodiment, the refrigerant deposited by distributor 80 can include both liquid refrigerant and vapor refrigerant.

Liquid refrigerant that flows around the tubes of tube bundle 78 without changing state collects in the lower portion of shell 76. The collected liquid refrigerant can form a pool or reservoir of liquid refrigerant 82. The deposition positions from distributor 80 can include any combination of longitudinal or lateral positions with respect to tube bundle 78. In another exemplary embodiment, deposition positions from distributor 80 are not limited to ones that deposit onto the upper tubes of tube bundle 78. Distributor 80 may include a plurality of nozzles supplied by a dispersion source of the refrigerant. In an exemplary embodiment, the dispersion source is a tube connecting a source of refrigerant, such as condenser 34. Nozzles include spraying nozzles, but also include machined openings that can guide or direct refrigerant onto the surfaces of the tubes. The nozzles may apply refrigerant in a predetermined pattern, such as a jet pattern, so that the upper row of tubes of tube bundle 78 are covered. The tubes of tube bundle 78 can be arranged to promote the flow of refrigerant in the form of a film around the tube surfaces, the liquid refrigerant coalescing to form droplets or in some instances, a curtain or sheet of liquid refrigerant at the bottom of the tube surfaces. The resulting sheeting promotes wetting of the tube surfaces which enhances the heat transfer efficiency between the fluid flowing inside the tubes of tube bundle 78 and the refrigerant flowing around the surfaces of the tubes of tube bundle 78.

In the pool of liquid refrigerant 82, a tube bundle 140 can be immersed or at least partially immersed, to provide additional thermal energy transfer between the refrigerant and the process fluid to evaporate the pool of liquid refrigerant 82. In an exemplary embodiment, tube bundle 78 can be positioned at least partially above (that is, at least partially overlying) tube bundle 140. In one exemplary embodiment, evaporator 138 incorporates a two pass system, in which the process fluid that is to be cooled first flows inside the tubes of tube bundle 140 and then is directed to flow inside the tubes of tube bundle 78 in the opposite direction to the flow in tube bundle 140. In the second pass of the two pass system, the temperature of the fluid flowing in tube bundle 78 is reduced, thus requiring a lesser amount of heat transfer with the refrigerant flowing over the surfaces of tube bundle 78 to obtain a desired temperature of the process fluid.

It is to be understood that although a two pass system is described in which the first pass is associated with tube bundle 140 and the second pass is associated with tube bundle 78, other arrangements are contemplated. For example, evaporator 138 can incorporate a one pass system where the process fluid flows through both tube bundle 140 and tube bundle 78 in the same direction. Alternatively, evaporator 138 can incorporate a three pass system in which two passes are associated with tube bundle 140 and the remaining pass associated with tube bundle 78, or in which one pass is associated with tube bundle 140 and the remaining two passes are associated with tube bundle 78. Further, evaporator 138 can incorporate an alternate two pass system in which one pass is associated with both tube bundle 78 and tube bundle 140, and the second pass is associated with both tube bundle 78 and tube bundle 140. In one exemplary embodiment, tube bundle 78 is positioned at least partially above tube bundle 140, with a gap separating tube bundle 78 from tube bundle 140. In a further exemplary embodiment, hood 86 overlies tube bundle 78, with hood 86 extending toward and terminating near the gap. In summary, any number of passes in which each pass can be associated with one or both of tube bundle 78 and tube bundle 140 is contemplated.

An enclosure or hood 86 is positioned over tube bundle 78 to substantially prevent cross flow, that is, a lateral flow of vapor refrigerant or liquid and vapor refrigerant 106 between the tubes of tube bundle 78. Hood 86 is positioned over and laterally borders tubes of tube bundle 78. Hood 86 includes an upper end 88 positioned near the upper portion of shell 76. Distributor 80 can be positioned between hood 86 and tube bundle 78. In yet a further exemplary embodiment, distributor 80 may be positioned near, but exterior of, hood 86, so that distributor 80 is not positioned between hood 86 and tube bundle 78. However, even though distributor 80 is not positioned between hood 86 and tube bundle 78, the nozzles of distributor 80 are still configured to direct or apply refrigerant onto surfaces of the tubes. Upper end 88 of hood 86 is configured to substantially prevent the flow of applied refrigerant 110 and partially evaporated refrigerant, that is, liquid and/or vapor refrigerant 106 from flowing directly to outlet 104. Instead, applied refrigerant 110 and refrigerant 106 are constrained by hood 86, and, more specifically, are forced to travel downward between walls 92 before the refrigerant can exit through an open end 94 in the hood 86. Flow of vapor refrigerant 96 around hood 86 also includes evaporated refrigerant flowing away from the pool of liquid refrigerant 82.

It is to be understood that at least the above-identified, relative terms are non-limiting as to other exemplary embodiments in the disclosure. For example, hood 86 may be rotated with respect to the other evaporator components previously discussed, that is, hood 86, including walls 92, is not limited to a vertical orientation. Upon sufficient rotation of hood 86 about an axis substantially parallel to the tubes of tube bundle 78, hood 86 may no longer be considered “positioned over” nor to “laterally border” tubes of tube bundle 78. Similarly, “upper” end 88 of hood 86 may no longer be near “an upper portion” of shell 76, and other exemplary embodiments are not limited to such an arrangement between the hood and the shell. In an exemplary embodiment, hood 86 terminates after covering tube bundle 78, although in another exemplary embodiment, hood 86 further extends after covering tube bundle 78.

After hood 86 forces refrigerant 106 downward between walls 92 and through open end 94, the vapor refrigerant undergoes an abrupt change in direction before traveling in the space between shell 76 and walls 92 from the lower portion of shell 76 to the upper portion of shell 76. Combined with the effect of gravity, the abrupt directional change in flow results in a proportion of any entrained droplets of refrigerant colliding with either liquid refrigerant 82 or shell 76, thereby removing those droplets from the flow of vapor refrigerant 96. Also, refrigerant mist traveling along the length of hood 86 between walls 92 is coalesced into larger drops that are more easily separated by gravity, or maintained sufficiently near or in contact with tube bundle 78, to permit evaporation of the refrigerant mist by heat transfer with the tube bundle. As a result of the increased drop size, the efficiency of liquid separation by gravity is improved, permitting an increased upward velocity of vapor refrigerant 96 flowing through the evaporator in the space between walls 92 and shell 76. Vapor refrigerant 96, whether flowing from open end 94 or from the pool of liquid refrigerant 82, flows over a pair of extensions 98 protruding from walls 92 near upper end 88 and into a channel 100. Vapor refrigerant 96 enters into channel 100 through slots 102, which is the space between the ends of extensions 98 and shell 76, before exiting evaporator 138 at an outlet 104. In another exemplary embodiment, vapor refrigerant 96 can enter into channel 100 through openings or apertures formed in extensions 98, instead of slots 102. In yet another exemplary embodiment, slots 102 can be formed by the space between hood 86 and shell 76, that is, hood 86 does not include extensions 98.

Stated another way, once refrigerant 106 exits from hood 86, vapor refrigerant 96 then flows from the lower portion of shell 76 to the upper portion of shell 76 along the prescribed passageway. In an exemplary embodiment, the passageways can be substantially symmetric between the surfaces of hood 86 and shell 76 prior to reaching outlet 104. In an exemplary embodiment, baffles, such as extensions 98 are provided near the evaporator outlet to prevent a direct path of vapor refrigerant 96 to the compressor inlet.

In one exemplary embodiment, hood 86 includes opposed substantially parallel walls 92. In another exemplary embodiment, walls 92 can extend substantially vertically and terminate at open end 94, that is located substantially opposite upper end 88. Upper end 88 and walls 92 are closely positioned near the tubes of tube bundle 78, with walls 92 extending toward the lower portion of shell 76 so as to substantially laterally border the tubes of tube bundle 78. In an exemplary embodiment, walls 92 may be spaced between about 0.02 inch (0.5 mm) and about 0.8 inch (20 mm) from the tubes in tube bundle 78. In a further exemplary embodiment, walls 92 may be spaced between about 0.1 inch (3 mm) and about 0.2 inch (5 mm) from the tubes in tube bundle 78. However, spacing between upper end 88 and the tubes of tube bundle 78 may be significantly greater than 0.2 inch (5 mm), in order to provide sufficient spacing to position distributor 80 between the tubes and the upper end of the hood. In an exemplary embodiment in which walls 92 of hood 86 are substantially parallel and shell 76 is cylindrical, walls 92 may also be symmetric about a central vertical plane of symmetry of the shell bisecting the space separating walls 92. In other exemplary embodiments, walls 92 need not extend vertically past the lower tubes of tube bundle 78, nor do walls 92 need to be planar, as walls 92 may be curved or have other non-planar shapes. Regardless of the specific construction, hood 86 is configured to channel refrigerant 106 within the confines of walls 92 through open end 94 of hood 86.

FIGS. 6A-6C show an exemplary embodiment of an evaporator configured as a “falling film” evaporator 128. As shown in FIGS. 6A-6C, evaporator 128 is similar to evaporator 138 shown in FIGS. 5A-5C, except that evaporator 128 does not include tube bundle 140 in the pool of refrigerant 82 that collects in the lower portion of the shell. In an exemplary embodiment, hood 86 terminates after covering tube bundle 78, although in another exemplary embodiment, hood 86 further extends toward pool of refrigerant 82 after covering tube bundle 78. In yet a further exemplary embodiment, hood 86 terminates so that the hood does not totally cover the tube bundle, that is, substantially covers the tube bundle.

As shown in FIGS. 6B and 6C, a pump 84 can be used to recirculate the pool of liquid refrigerant 82 from the lower portion of the shell 76 via line 114 to distributor 80. As further shown in FIG. 6B, line 114 can include a regulating device 112 that can be in fluid communication with a condenser (not shown). In another exemplary embodiment, an ejector (not shown) can be employed to draw liquid refrigerant 82 from the lower portion of shell 76 using the pressurized refrigerant from condenser 34, which operates by virtue of the Bernoulli effect. The ejector combines the functions of a regulating device 112 and a pump 84.

In an exemplary embodiment, one arrangement of tubes or tube bundles may be defined by a plurality of uniformly spaced tubes that are aligned vertically and horizontally, forming an outline that can be substantially rectangular. However, a stacking arrangement of tube bundles can be used where the tubes are neither vertically or horizontally aligned, as well as arrangements that are not uniformly spaced.

In another exemplary embodiment, different tube bundle constructions are contemplated. For example, finned tubes (not shown) can be used in a tube bundle, such as along the uppermost horizontal row or uppermost portion of the tube bundle. Besides the possibility of using finned tubes, tubes developed for more efficient operation for pool boiling applications, such as in “flooded” evaporators, may also be employed. Additionally, or in combination with the finned tubes, porous coatings can also be applied to the outer surface of the tubes of the tube bundles.

In a further exemplary embodiment, the cross-sectional profile of the evaporator shell may be non-circular.

In an exemplary embodiment, a portion of the hood may partially extend into the shell outlet.

In addition, it is possible to incorporate the expansion functionality of the expansion devices of system 14 into distributor 80. In one exemplary embodiment, two expansion devices may be employed. One expansion device is exhibited in the spraying nozzles of distributor 80. The other expansion device, for example, expansion device 36, can provide a preliminary partial expansion of refrigerant, before that provided by the spraying nozzles positioned inside the evaporator. In an exemplary embodiment, the other expansion device, that is, the non-spraying nozzle expansion device, can be controlled by the level of liquid refrigerant 82 in the evaporator to account for variations in operating conditions, such as evaporating and condensing pressures, as well as partial cooling loads. In an alternative exemplary embodiment, expansion device can be controlled by the level of liquid refrigerant in the condenser, or in a further exemplary embodiment, a “flash economizer” vessel. In one exemplary embodiment, the majority of the expansion can occur in the nozzles, providing a greater pressure difference, while simultaneously permitting the nozzles to be of reduced size, therefore reducing the size and cost of the nozzles.

FIGS. 7-16 show respective enclosures or housings 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162 for a distributor. For simplicity, the term “the enclosures” may refer at least to any of the exemplary embodiments shown in FIGS. 7-16 or described in the present disclosure. The enclosures can have a predetermined shape, such as, but not limited to, a rectangular, diamond, circular, cylindrical and/or square shape for improving refrigerant flow to tube bundle 78. Any suitable shape may be used for the enclosures, so long as refrigerant flow 106 can be maintained through the enclosure. Inlets (not shown) may be located at an upper portion of enclosure or at the ends of enclosure. Distribution devices 130, such as nozzles, holes, or openings, including slotted openings sometimes referred to as slits, can be formed or located on a bottom portion, side portion, or other suitable location of the enclosure to allow refrigerant 110 to flow onto tube bundles 78. Distribution devices 130 may also be formed or located close together, if multiple distribution devices 130 are formed or located in the enclosure. Distribution devices 130 may be arranged in a strategic organized pattern or distribution devices 130 may be arranged in a varying or scattered pattern along the enclosure. In one embodiment, a scattered pattern of distribution devices 130 includes a random pattern of distribution devices.

Distribution devices 130 may be formed at an angle in relation to the sides of the enclosure, such as a V-shaped notch formed in a flat surface, in which the V-shaped notch may be oriented perpendicular to the surface. In one embodiment, the V-shaped notch may be formed in a flat surface in which the centerline of the notch is not oriented perpendicular to the surface. Alternately, for shapes having arguably one continuous surface, such as a circular shape, such as a circular cylinder, the V-shaped notch may be radially oriented in the circular shape, in which the center line of the V-shaped notch may extend in a direction that is parallel to a line directed through the center axis of the cylinder, although in other embodiments, the centerline of the V-shaped notch may not align with the center axis. In a further alternate arrangement, the V-shaped notch may be oriented in a direction that is perpendicular to the center axis of the cylinder, such as shown in FIG. 11. It is to be understood that in a further embodiment, the V-shaped notch may be oriented in a direction that is between a radially oriented position and a perpendicularly oriented position with respect to the center axis of the cylinder, or the sides of enclosure that is non-circular or non-cylindrical. It is to be understood that notches may define profiles that are not V-shaped.

As shown in FIGS. 7-8, distribution devices 130 may be arranged substantially perpendicular to the length of enclosure 148. In one embodiment, distribution devices 130 may be formed by a blade of a cutting tool, such as a cutting tool having a rotating blade, in which the orientation of the distribution device (openings formed by the cutting tool) may be aligned with a linear arrangement of openings formed in the enclosure. However, in another embodiment, distribution devices 130 may be arranged in substantial alignment with respect to the length of the enclosure. In a further embodiment (not shown), distribution devices 130 may be positioned in a non-linear arrangement, and in yet another embodiment (not shown), in addition to distribution devices 130 being positioned in a nonlinear arrangement, the shape of the enclosure may extend nonlinearly, such as a curve.

The enclosures shown in FIGS. 7-16 may contain a variety of distribution devices 130, if desired, to provide refrigerant flow to tube bundle 78. The enclosure may include at least one distribution device 130 that is a nozzle, at least one distribution device 130 that is formed in the enclosure, at least one distribution device 130 being arranged in a strategic pattern with another distribution device 130, another distribution device 130 being arranged in a varying pattern or non-pattern with another distribution device 130 and/or another distribution device 130 that is formed or disposed at an angle in relation to another distribution device 130 or in relation to the sides of enclosure, and any combination thereof. In other words, distribution devices 130 can be located and formed in enclosure in such a manner to provide a uniform distribution of applied refrigerant 110 to tube bundles 78, even if the arrangement of distribution devices 130 includes a variety of nozzles, formations, and patterns on the enclosure. A uniform distribution of applied refrigerant 110 on tube bundles 78 provides improved heat transfer and cooling to tube bundles 78.

Relative spacial terms such as upper, lower, horizontal, inverted and the like, are not intended to be limiting, but are provided to assist with providing an understanding of the disclosure.

Other exemplary embodiments of the enclosures may include openings (not shown) in the upper portion of the enclosure to allow for the flow of vapor refrigerant from the enclosure. In an exemplary embodiment, distribution devices 130 may be formed by a cutting tool, such as a cutting tool with a rotating blade or reciprocating blade, or may be formed by other methods, such as a press. For example, an axial internal hole or opening may be drilled in the enclosure using a drill bit or other device with a rounded or tapered end. From the outside of the enclosure, the rounded or tapered end of the internal hole may be intersected with a notch that has a V-shape. In a further exemplary embodiment, distribution devices 130 may be formed in the enclosure prior to the enclosure being formed into a final shape. In each of these distribution device embodiments, the enclosure is formed of unitary construction. That is, such as in these embodiments, the enclosure contains a single part.

Referring specifically to FIGS. 7 and 8, enclosure 148 is shown in an inverted position, having a diamond shaped cross-section. FIGS. 9 and 10 show enclosure 150 in an inverted position, having an irregular hexagon shaped cross section. The irregular hexagon cross section shape may be similar to a rectangular shape, having the bottom corners angled, forming a hexagon, rather than a rectangle, as shown in FIG. 10. Enclosures 148 and 150 are located above tube bundles (not shown) such that refrigerant 110 can be applied to tube bundles 78 to provide heat transfer to tube bundles (not shown). When located above tube bundles 78, distribution devices 130 may be positioned on the bottom surface, or in other words, distribution devices 130 provide a flow path for refrigerant 106 such that refrigerant 106 flows from enclosures 148 and 150 downward onto tube bundles. Distribution devices 130 are shown as being formed in enclosures 148 and 150. Distribution devices 130 may be a separate device such as a nozzle and placed in enclosures 148 and 150 during or after manufacture of enclosures 148 and 150. Distribution devices 130 are shown as having substantially parallel walls to provide a flow path for refrigerant 106. Distribution devices 130 may have non-parallel walls, or any other suitable shape for providing a flow path for refrigerant 106 from enclosures 148 and 150 are to tube bundles 78. In a further embodiment, the enclosure may extend nonlinearly. FIGS. 7, 8, 9, and 10 show three sets of distribution devices 130 formed on each bottom surface 144 of enclosure 148 and enclosure 150, however any suitable number of distribution devices 130 may be formed or located in enclosures 148 and 150 to provide a flow path for refrigerant 106 to tube bundles 78. For example, enclosure 150 may include distribution devices 130 formed along the bottom corners of enclosure 150. Enclosures 148 and 150 may also include openings (not shown) on the top surface or surfaces 146 to provide ventilation of vapor refrigerant from enclosures 148 and 150.

Referring specifically to FIG. 11, enclosure 152 is shown in an inverted position. FIG. 11 shows enclosure 152 having a cylindrical shape with a circular cross section, however enclosure 152 may have any suitable shape, with any suitable cross section, such as the shape and cross section of any other embodiment disclosed herein. Enclosure 152 is located above tube bundles (not shown) such that refrigerant 110 can be applied to tube bundles 78 to provide heat transfer to tube bundles (not shown). When located above tube bundles 78, distribution device(s) may be positioned on the bottom surface, or in other words, distribution devices 130 provide a flow path for refrigerant 106 such that refrigerant 106 flows from enclosure 152 downward onto tube bundles 78. Distribution devices 130 may be located on any suitable location on enclosure 152, for example, the side surfaces. Alternately, for shapes having arguably one continuous surface, such as a circular shape, distribution devices 130 may be positioned at different locations along the periphery of the enclosure. Refrigerant 106 flows through enclosure 152, and at least a portion of refrigerant 106 passes through distribution devices 130 and onto tube bundles 78.

Distribution devices 130 are shown as being formed in enclosure 152, however distribution devices 130 may be a separate device such as a nozzle, and placed in enclosure 152 during or after manufacture. Distribution devices 130 are shown as having been formed with a V-shaped cut or V-notch, or vertical rounded end mill cut or notch, however distribution devices 130 may have any other suitable shape for providing a flow path for refrigerant 106 from enclosure 130 to tube bundles 78, such as the distribution devices shown in FIGS. 12 and 13. FIG. 12 shows a distribution device 130 having being formed with a horizontal V-shaped cut or V-notch in enclosure 154 with a narrower opening than distribution device 130 shown in FIG. 11. Referring specifically to FIG. 13, enclosure 156 is shown having a distribution device 130 having been formed with a horizontal saw cut with substantially parallel sides. Enclosures 152, 154, and 156 shown in FIGS. 11, 12 and 13 may have any other suitably shaped formation of distribution devices 130 to provide a flow path for refrigerant 106 from enclosures 152, 154, and 156 to tube bundles 78.

Referring specifically to FIG. 14, FIG. 14 shows an inverted enclosure 158 similar to the enclosures 152, 154, and 156 shown in FIGS. 11, 12, and 13. However, FIG. 14 shows enclosure 158 having a rectangular or square shaped cross section. Enclosure 158 may have any suitable shape with any suitable cross section, such as the shape and cross section of any other embodiment disclosed herein. FIG. 14 shows a distribution device 130 formed with a V-shaped cut or V-notch on each of the lower corners of the square, although distribution devices 130 may have substantially parallel walls, as shown as formed in enclosure 160 in FIG. 15. Enclosures 158 and 160 shown in FIGS. 14 and 15 may have any other suitably shaped formation of distribution devices 130 to provide a flow path for refrigerant 106 from enclosures 158 and 160 to tube bundles 78. Distribution devices 130 may also be formed or located on other areas of enclosures 158 and 160 and not on only the lower corners as shown in FIGS. 14 and 15.

Referring specifically to FIG. 16, enclosure 162 is similar to enclosures shown in FIGS. 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Enclosure 162 is in an inverted position having a diamond shaped cross section. Distribution devices are shown as being formed in enclosure 162 on the bottom angle surface of the diamond shape, or in other words, distribution devices 130 provide a flow path for refrigerant 106 such that refrigerant 106 flows from enclosure 162 downward onto tube bundles 78. Distribution devices 130 may also be located on any suitable location on enclosure 162, for example, the sides. Refrigerant 106 flows through enclosure 162, and at least a portion of refrigerant 106 passes through distribution devices 130 and onto tube bundles 78. Distribution devices 130 are shown as being formed in enclosure 162, however, distribution devices 130 may be a separate device such as a nozzle, and placed in enclosure 162. Distribution devices 130 are shown as having being formed with a horizontal V-shaped cut or V-notch, however distribution devices 130 may have substantially parallel walls or any other suitable shaped formation to provide a flow path for refrigerant 106 from enclosure 162 to tube bundles 78. FIG. 16 may include any number of distribution devices 130 formed in enclosure 162 to provide a flow path for refrigerant 106 to tube bundles 78.

Although distribution devices 130 may be formed at substantially forty five degrees to a horizontal axis of the enclosures, distribution devices 130 may be formed at any angle other than forty five degrees to the horizontal axis to provide liquid distribution to tube bundles. Stated another way, one side of the distribution device may be formed at any angle between zero and ninety degrees to a surface of the enclosure or with respect to the direction (or length) of the enclosure.

While only certain features and embodiments of the invention have been shown and described, many modifications and changes may occur to those skilled in the art (e.g., variations in sizes, dimensions, structures, shapes and proportions of the various elements, values of parameters (e.g., temperatures, pressures, etc.), mounting arrangements, use of materials, colors, orientations, etc.) without materially departing from the novel teachings and advantages of the subject matter recited in the claims. The order or sequence of any process or method steps may be varied or re-sequenced according to alternative embodiments. It is, therefore, to be understood that the appended claims are intended to cover all such modifications and changes as fall within the true spirit of the invention. Furthermore, in an effort to provide a concise description of the exemplary embodiments, all features of an actual implementation may not have been described (i.e., those unrelated to the presently contemplated best mode of carrying out the invention, or those unrelated to enabling the claimed invention). It should be appreciated that in the development of any such actual implementation, as in any engineering or design project, numerous implementation-specific decisions may be made. Such a development effort might be complex and time consuming, but would nevertheless be a routine undertaking of design, fabrication, and manufacture for those of ordinary skill having the benefit of this disclosure, without undue experimentation.

  • 1. A distributor for use in a vapor compression system comprising: an enclosure configured to be positioned in a heat exchanger having a tube bundle comprising a plurality of tubes extending substantially horizontally in the heat exchanger;a plurality of distribution devices formed in the enclosure, the plurality of distribution devices configured to apply a fluid entering the distributor onto the tube bundle;wherein the enclosure is formed of unitary construction.
  • 2. The distributor of claim 1, wherein the plurality of distribution devices comprises at least one opening formed by a group consisting of a cutting tool having a rotating blade, a cutting tool having a reciprocating blade and a press.
  • 3. The distributor of claim 2, wherein the at least one opening defines one of a V-shaped notch or resembling a notch formed by a vertical rounded end mill.
  • 4. The distributor of claim 1, wherein the plurality of distribution devices are arranged in an organized pattern.
  • 5. The distributor of claim 1, wherein the plurality of distribution devices are arranged in a scattered pattern.
  • 6. The distributor of claim 5, wherein the scattered pattern is a random pattern.
  • 7. The distributor of claim 2, wherein the at least one opening is formed at an angle to a length of the enclosure.
  • 8. The distributor of claim 7, wherein the angle is parallel to the length of the enclosure.
  • 9. The distributor of claim 7, wherein the angle is perpendicular to the length of the enclosure.
  • 10. The distributor of claim 2, wherein the at least one opening is formed at an angle to a surface of the enclosure.
  • 11. The distributor of claim 10, wherein at least one portion of one side of the at least one opening is formed at an angle between zero and ninety degrees to a surface of the enclosure.
  • 12. The distributor of claim 2, wherein the enclosure includes at least one corner, with at least one opening formed in or near the at least one corner.
  • 13. A heat exchanger for use in a vapor compression system comprising: a shell;a tube bundle;a hood;a distributor;the tube bundle comprising a plurality of tubes extending substantially horizontally in the shell;the hood covers and substantially laterally surrounds the tube bundle;the distributor comprises an enclosure configured to be positioned in the heat exchanger; anda plurality of distribution devices formed in the enclosure, the plurality of distribution devices configured to apply a fluid entering the distributor onto the tube bundle;wherein the enclosure is formed of unitary construction.
  • 14. The heat exchanger of claim 13, wherein the plurality of distribution devices comprises at least one opening formed by a group consisting of a cutting tool having a rotating blade, a cutting tool having a reciprocating blade and a press.
  • 15. The distributor of claim 13, wherein the plurality of distribution devices are arranged in an organized pattern.
  • 16. The distributor of claim 13, wherein the plurality of distribution devices are arranged in a scattered pattern.
  • 17. The distributor of claim 14, wherein the at least one opening is formed at an angle to a length of the enclosure.
  • 18. The distributor of claim 17, wherein the angle is parallel to the length of the enclosure.
  • 19. The distributor of claim 17, wherein the angle is perpendicular to the length of the enclosure.
  • 20. The distributor of claim 13, wherein the at least one opening is formed at an angle to a surface of the enclosure.

This application claims priority from and the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/240,435, entitled VAPOR COMPRESSION SYSTEM, filed Sep. 8, 2009, which is hereby incorporated by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61240435 Sep 2009 US