Vehicular vision system

A vehicular vision system includes at least a first image capture sensor and a second image capture sensor disposed at a vehicle and spatially separated and having respective fields of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle. A control receives a first image input from the first image capture sensor and a second image input from the second image capture sensor and generates a composite image synthesized from at least the first image input and the second image input. A display system displays the composite image on a single video screen located in a cabin of the equipped vehicle and viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle when the driver is normally operating the equipped vehicle. The single video screen of the display system may have a display luminance that is variable responsive to a sensing of an ambient light level.

This invention relates generally to vision systems for vehicles and, more particularly, to rearview vision systems which provide the vehicle operator with scenic information in the direction rearward of the vehicle. More particularly, the invention relates to a rearview vision system utilizing image capture devices, such as CMOS imaging arrays and the like.

A long-felt need in the art of vehicle rearview vision systems is to reduce the amount of time spent gathering information of the condition around the vehicle in order to safely carry out a vehicle maneuver, such as a turn or a lane change. It has been determined that up to about 50 percent of maneuver time is spent gathering information with conventional rearview mirrors. This typically requires viewing one or more mirrors, turning the head and body to check blind spots, and double-checking the mirrors prior to executing the maneuver. Some improvement has been obtained by adjusting mirror optics, for example, to increase the observed field of view rearward of the vehicle. However, this is achieved with an increase in image distortion which makes driver awareness of conditions to the side and rear of the vehicle even more difficult.

Another long-felt need in the art of vehicle rearview vision systems has been to eliminate exterior rearview mirrors by utilizing image capture devices, such as cameras, in combination

with dashboard displays. This would be beneficial because it would reduce wind drag on the vehicle, wind noise and vehicle weight. Furthermore, rearview mirrors protrude a substantial distance from the side of the vehicle, which makes maneuvering in tight spaces more difficult. Image capture devices are capable of positioning in a greater variety of locations on the vehicle, providing more flexibility of vehicle styling. It is further expected that camera systems would greatly reduce the blind spots to the sides and rear of the vehicle common with vehicles equipped with conventional rearview mirror systems. The driver cannot perceive vehicles, objects, or other road users in such blind spots without turning his or her body, which interferes with forward-looking visual activities.

Camera-based rearview vision systems for vehicles have not obtained commercial acceptance. One difficulty with proposed systems has been that they present a large amount of visual information in a manner which is difficult to comprehend. This difficulty arises from many factors. In order to significantly reduce blind spots, multiple image capture devices are typically positioned at various locations on the vehicle. The image of an object behind the equipped vehicle is usually captured by more than one image capture device at a time and displayed in multiple images. This may confuse the driver as to whether more than one object is present. When multiple image capture devices are positioned at different longitudinal locations on the vehicle, objects behind the vehicle are at different distances from the image capture devices. This results in different image sizes for the same object. This effect is especially noticeable for laterally extending images, such as a bridge, highway crosswalk markings, the earth's horizon, and the like. Such images are at different vertical angles with respect to the image capture devices. This results in different vertical positions on the display causing the elongated image to appear disjointed.

A camera system provides a monocular view of the scene, compared to the binocular stereoscopic view obtained when the scene is viewed through a rearview mirror. This makes the ability to judge distances in a camera system a problem. This effect is most noticeable at distances close to the vehicle where stereoscopic imaging is relied upon extensively by the driver in judging relative locations of objects. Therefore, known camera systems fail to provide to the driver important information where that information is most needed at small separation distances from surrounding objects.

Another difficulty with camera systems is that, in order to provide a sufficient amount of information, the camera system typically presents the driver with a greatly increased field of view. This improves performance by further reducing blind spots at the side and rear of the vehicle. However, an increased field of view is often obtained by utilizing a wide-angle lens which introduces distortion of the scene and further impairs the ability of the driver to judge distances of objects displayed. The problem with such distortion of the scene is that the driver must concentrate more on the display and take a longer time to interpret and extract the necessary information. This further distracts the driver from the primary visual task of maintaining awareness of vehicles and other objects in the vicinity of the driven vehicle.

Yet an additional difficulty with camera systems is that flat panel displays present the image captured by the rearward-facing image capture device, or devices, at a focal length that approximates the arm length of the vehicle driver. In order to observe the condition of the vehicle utilizing the rearview vision system, the driver must change his or her gaze from the forward field of view of the vehicle to the display. Because the forward field of view of the vehicle is at a focal length that is much greater than the focal length of the displayed image, the eyes of the driver must refocus upon changing gaze. This refocusing further increases the amount of time for the driver to assimilate the information in the displayed image. Furthermore, when the gaze of the driver returns to the forward field of view, the eyes must, again, refocus to the greatly longer distance.

Yet an additional difficulty with camera systems is that of finding adequate space in the crowded area of the vehicle's dashboard for the components making up the display.


The present invention is directed towards enhancing the interpretation of visual information in a rearview vision system by presenting information in a manner which does not require significant concentration of the driver or present distractions to the driver. This is accomplished according to an aspect of the invention in a rearview vision system having at least two image capture devices positioned on the vehicle and directed generally rearwardly with respect to the direction of travel of the vehicle. A display is provided for images captured by the image capture devices. The display displays an image synthesized from outputs of the image capture devices which approximates a rearward-facing view from a single location. In order to obtain all of the necessary information of activity, not only behind but also along side of the vehicle, the virtual camera should be positioned forward of the driver. The image synthesized from the multiple image capture devices may have a dead space which corresponds with the area occupied by the vehicle. This dead space is useable by the driver's sense of perspective in judging the location of vehicles behind and along side of the equipped vehicle.

The present invention provides techniques for synthesizing images captured by individual, spatially separated, image capture devices into such ideal image, displayed on the display device. This may be accomplished, according to an aspect of the invention, by providing at least three image capture devices. At least two of the image capture devices are side image capture devices mounted on opposite sides of the vehicle. At least one of the image capture devices is a center image capture device mounted laterally between the side image capture devices. A display system displays an image synthesized from outputs of the image capture devices. The displayed image includes an image portion from each of the image capture devices. The image portion from the center image capture device is vertically compressed.

It has been discovered that such vertical compression substantially eliminates distortion resulting from the spatial separation between the cameras and can be readily accomplished. In an illustrated embodiment, the image compression is carried out by removing selective ones of the scan lines making up the image portion. A greater number of lines are removed further away from the vertical center of the image.

The compression of the central image portion produces a dead space in the displayed image which may be made to correspond with the area that would be occupied by the vehicle in the view from the single virtual camera. Preferably, perspective lines are included at lateral edges of the dead space which are aligned with the direction of travel of the vehicle and, therefore, appear in parallel with lane markings. This provides visual clues to the driver's sense of perspective in order to assist in judging distances of objects around the vehicle.

According to another aspect of the invention, image enhancement means are provided for enhancing the displayed image. Such means may be in the form of graphic overlays superimposed on the displayed image. Such graphic overlap may include indicia of the anticipated path of travel of the vehicle which is useful in assisting the driver in guiding the vehicle in reverse directions. Such graphic overlay may include a distance grid indicating distances behind the vehicle of objects juxtaposed with the grid.

According to yet an additional aspect of the invention, a rearview vision system for a vehicle includes at least one image capture device positioned on the vehicle and directed generally rearwardly with respect to the direction of travel of the vehicle. A display system is provided which displays a rear image synthesized from an output of the image capture device. The rear image is substantially contiguous with the forward field of view of the vehicle driver and at a focal length that is forward of the vehicle passenger compartment and preferably within the depth of field of a vehicle driver viewing a distant object. Because the image has a focal length that more closely matches that of the forward field of view observed by the driver, the need for the driver's eyes to refocus from the forward field of view to a much shorter focus distance each time the gaze of the driver is directed at the display system is minimized. This reduces the amount of time required for the driver to gaze at the displayed image and interpret objects displayed in the image. Furthermore, the reduction in the repeated refocusing of the driver's eyes reduces driver fatigue. If there are any near field objects in the periphery of the driver's forward field of view, such as windshield wipers, windshield frame, dashboard, and the like, the display system is preferably positioned in a manner which blocks the view of such near field objects. In this manner, the driver's gaze may shift between the forward field of view and the long focal length display system without being refocused on the near field objects. This is based upon a recognition that the driver's eyes will tend to refocus on the near field object momentarily even though the gaze is being redirected between the forward field of view and the display system.

According to yet an additional aspect of the invention, a rearview vision system for a vehicle includes at least one image capture device positioned on the vehicle and directed generally rearwardly with respect to the direction of travel of the vehicle. A display system is provided for displaying a rear image captured by the image capture device. The displayed image is a unitary image having an aspect ratio that is between approximately 4:1 and approximately 2:1. In a most preferred embodiment, the image has an aspect ratio that is approximately 8:3. The aspect ratio, according to this aspect of the invention, is especially useful where the unitary image is synthesized from a plurality of images which are captured by a plurality of image captured devices and are tiled by the display device.

According to yet an additional aspect of the invention, a rearview vision system for a vehicle includes a plurality of image capture devices positioned on the vehicle and directed generally rearwardly with respect to the direction of travel of the vehicle. A display system which includes at least one image generator and an optical correction system is provided which displays an image synthesized from outputs of the image capture devices as a unitary image. Alternatively, the display system may include a plurality of image generators, each associated with one or more of the image capture devices and an optical correction system which amplifies images generated by the image generators and merges them into a unitary image. The optical correction system additionally increases the focal length, or lengths, of the image, or images, generated by the image generator, or generators. The display system may be an opaque projection display which is positioned approximately at the driver's arm length in front of the driver. Alternatively, the display system may be a view-through heads-up display which projects the unitary image onto a combiner in order to combine the unitary image with the forward field of view of the driver.

These and other objects, advantages, and features of this invention will become apparent by review of the following specification in conjunction with the drawings.


FIG. 1 is a top plan view of a vehicle having a rearview vision system according to the invention;

FIG. 2 is a side elevation of the vehicle in FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a front elevation of a display according to the invention;

FIG. 4 is the same view as FIG. 1 illustrating an alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 5 is a block diagram of an electronic system according to the invention;

FIG. 6 is the same view as FIG. 3 illustrating an alternate mode of operation of the system;

FIG. 7 is the same view as FIG. 2 illustrating an alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 8 is the same view as FIG. 3 illustrating an alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 9 is the same view as FIGS. 1 and 4 illustrating an alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 10 is the same view as FIGS. 3 and 8 illustrating an alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 11 is a chart illustrating the horizontal row of pixels (n1, n2) on which an object will be imaged from two longitudinally separated image capture devices as that object is spaced at different longitudinal distances from the image capture devices;

FIG. 12 is a forward elevation of a vehicle passenger compartment as viewed by a vehicle driver;

FIG. 13 is a sectional view taken along the lines XIII-XIII in FIG. 12;

FIG. 14 is a sectional view taken along the lines XIV-XIV in FIG. 12;

FIG. 15 is the same view as FIG. 14 of an alternative embodiment;

FIG. 16 is the same view as FIG. 14 of another alternative embodiment;

FIG. 17 is an enlarged view of the display system in FIG. 14 illustrating details thereof;

FIG. 18 is a block diagram similar to FIG. 5 of an alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 19 is a side elevation similar to FIG. 2 of an alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 20 is an enlarged side elevation of an image capture device with portions of the housing removed in order to reveal internal structure thereof;

FIG. 21 is a block diagram similar to FIG. 5 of another alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 22 is a block diagram similar to FIG. 5 of another alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 23 is a block diagram similar to FIG. 5 of another alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 24 is a block diagram similar to FIG. 5 of another alternative embodiment of the invention; and

FIG. 25 is a block diagram of a rearview vision system having extended dynamic range capabilities.


Referring now specifically to the drawings, and the illustrative embodiments depicted therein, a vehicle 10, which may be an automobile, a light truck, a sport utility vehicle, a van, a bus, a large truck, or the like includes a rearview vision system, generally illustrated at 12, for providing a driver of the vehicle with a view rearwardly of the vehicle with respect to the direction of travel T of the vehicle (FIG. 1). Vision system 12 includes at least two side image capture devices 14 positioned, respectively, on opposite sides of vehicle 10 and a center image capture device 16 positioned on the lateral centerline of the vehicle. All of the image capture devices are directed generally rearwardly of the vehicle. Rearview vision system 12 additionally includes an image processor 18 for receiving data signals from image capture devices 14, 16 and synthesizing, from the data signals, a composite image 42 which is displayed on a display 20.

As will be set forth in more detail below, the images captured by image capture devices 14, 16 are juxtaposed on display 20 by image processor 18 in a manner which approximates the view from a single virtual image capture device positioned forwardly of the vehicle at a location C and facing rearwardly of the vehicle, with the vehicle being transparent to the view of the virtual image capture device. Vision system 12 provides a substantially seamless panoramic view rearwardly of the vehicle without duplicate or redundant images of objects. Furthermore, elongated, laterally-extending, objects, such as the earth's horizon, appear uniform and straight across the entire displayed image. The displayed image provides a sense of perspective, which enhances the ability of the driver to judge location and speed of adjacent trailing vehicles.

Each of side image capture devices 14 has a field of view 22 and is aimed rearwardly with respect to the vehicle about an axis 24 which is at an angle, with respect to the vehicle, that is half of the horizontal field of view of the image capture device. In this manner, each of the image capture devices 14 covers an area bounded by the side of the vehicle and extending outwardly at an angle defined by the horizontal field of view of the respective side image capture device. Center image capture device 16 has a horizontal field of view 26, which is symmetrical about the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. The field of view of each side image capture device 14 intersect the field of view of center image capture device 16 at a point P which is located a distance Q behind vehicle 10.

Rear blind zones 30 are located symmetrically behind vehicle 10 extending from the rear of the vehicle to point P. Side blind zones 25 located laterally on respective sides of the vehicle extend rearwardly of the forward field of view 36 of the driver to the field of view 22 of the respective side image capture device 14. An object will not be captured by side image capture devices 14 or center image capture device 16 if the object is entirely within one of the blind zones 25, 30. In order for an object, such as another vehicle V or other road user travelling to the side of vehicle 10, to be observed by an operator of vehicle 10, the object must be either at least partially within the forward field of view 36 of the driver or be captured by image capture devices 14, 16 and displayed on display 20. FIG. 4 illustrates vehicle 10 travelling on a three-lane highway having lanes L1, L2, and L3 with the vehicle in lane L2. Another vehicle V is shown positioned mostly within one of the blind zones 25, but with the rearmost portion of the vehicle V extending into field of view 22 where the vehicle image will be captured by one of side image capture devices 14. In the illustrated embodiment, vehicle V is a motorcycle travelling in the center of lanes L1 or L3 and represents a worst case for observing a vehicle travelling at least partially within one of the blind zones 25. In order for a portion of vehicle V to be extending either forwardly or rearwardly of the respective blind zone 25, where the vehicle V may be observed by either the forward field of view 36 of the driver or by the rearview vision system 12, the field of view 22 of side image capture devices 14 must be sufficiently wide to capture a portion of vehicle V as illustrated in FIG. 4. Preferably, the horizontal field of view 22 of side image capture devices 14 is no greater than that required to provide sufficient coverage which would be in the range of between approximately 55 degrees and approximately 70 degrees. In the illustrated embodiment, the horizontal field of view 22 is 61 degrees. In order for a portion of vehicle V to be within a vertical field of view 40 of one of side image capture devices 14, the field of view should extend to the pavement at a plane M which intersects vehicle V (FIG. 2). Preferably, vertical field of view 40 is between approximately 60 degrees and approximately 75 degrees. In the illustrated embodiment, vertical field of view 40 is 66 degrees.

A left overlap zone 32 and a right overlap zone 34 extend rearward from respective points P where the horizontal fields of view of the side image capture devices intersect the field of view of center image capture device 16. Overlap zones 32, 34 define areas within which an object will be captured both by center image capture device 16 and one of the side image capture devices 14. An object in an overlap zone 32, 34 will appear on display 20 in multiple image portions in a redundant or duplicative fashion. In order to avoid the presentation of redundant information to the driver, and thereby avoid confusion and simplify the task of extracting information from the multiple images or combined images on display 20, the object should avoid overlapping zones 32, 34. In practice, this may be accomplished to a satisfactory extent by moving points P away from the vehicle and thereby increasing distance Q. It is desirable to increase distance Q to a length that will exclude vehicles travelling at a typical separation distance behind vehicle 10 from overlapping zones 32, 34. This separation distance is usually a function of the speed at which the vehicles on the highway are travelling. Therefore, optionally, distance Q may be made variable, not fixed. In such embodiment, the faster the vehicles are travelling, the further Q should be moved behind vehicle 10 to keep overlap zones 32 and 34 outside of the recommended vehicle spacing. If, however, the vehicles are travelling at a slower speed, then the generally accepted recommendation for vehicle spacing decreases and it is more likely that a vehicle will be within overlap zone 32, 34. Therefore, the distance Q may be selected to accommodate expected vehicle spacing for an average driving speed of vehicle 10.

Distance Q is a function of the effective horizontal field of view 26 of center image capture device 16. As field of view 26 decreases, points P move further rearward of the vehicle from a distance Q1, to a distance Q2, as best illustrated in FIG. 4. In order to increase distance Q to eliminate redundant and duplicative information displayed on display 20 for most driving conditions of vehicle 10, field of view 26 is preferably less than 12 degrees. In the illustrated embodiment, field of view 26 is between 6 and 8 degrees. Alternatively, distance Q may be dynamically adjusted according to some parameter, such as the speed of vehicle 10. This would allow Q to be greater when the vehicle is travelling at a faster speed, where vehicle separation tends to be larger, and vice versa. Field of view 26 may be adjusted by utilizing a selective presentation of pixels of the captured image in the displayed image.

Referring to FIG. 3, image display device 20 displays a composite image 42 made up of a left image portion 44, a right image portion 46, and a center image portion 48. Each image portion 44-48 is reversed from the image as captured by the respective image capture device 14, 16 utilizing conventional techniques. These techniques include reading the image in reverse with the image capture device, writing the image in reverse to display device 20, or reversing the image in image processor 18. Left image portion 44 is joined with central image portion 48 at a boundary 50. Central image portion 48 is joined with right image portion 46 at a boundary 52. As may best be seen in FIG. 3, the image portions at boundaries 50 and 52 are continuous whereby composite image 42 is a seamless panoramic view rearwardly of the vehicle. As also is apparent from FIG. 3, central image portion 48 is narrower than either left image portion 44 or right image portion 46. This is a result of reducing the horizontal field of view 26 of center image capture device 16 sufficiently to move points P, and thus overlap zones 32 and 34, a sufficient distance behind vehicle 10 to reduce redundant and duplicative images between image portions 44-48. Composite image 42 provides a clear image, which avoids confusion and simplifies the task of extracting information from the multiple image portions 44-48. As also may be seen by reference to FIG. 3, display 20 may additionally include indicia such as the readout of a compass 54, vehicle speed 56, turn signals 58, and the like as well as other graphical or video displays, such as a navigation display, a map display, and a forward-facing vision system. In this manner, rearview vision system 12 may be a compass vision system or an information vision system.

In the embodiment of rearview vision system 12 having a dynamically adjusted value of distance Q, the spacing between boundaries 50 and 52 will dynamically adjust in sequence with the adjustment of distance Q. Thus, as overlap zones 32, 34 move further away from the vehicle; for example, in response to an increase in speed of the vehicle, boundary lines 50 and 52 will move closer together and vice versa. In this manner, composite image 42 is dynamic, having image portions of dynamically adaptive sizes.

Display 20 is of a size to be as natural as possible to the driver. This is a function of the size of the displayed image and the distance between the display and the driver. Preferably, the displayed image simulates an image reflected by a rearview mirror. As such, the size of the displayed image is approximately the combined areas of the three rearview mirrors (one interior mirror and two exterior mirrors) conventionally used with vehicles. As best seen by reference to FIGS. 2 and 12, display 20 is preferably positioned within the driver's physiological field of view forward of the vehicle, generally illustrated at 70, through the windshield 72 without significantly obstructing the forward field of view. It is known that the driver's field of view, with the head and eyes fixed forward, extends further in a downward direction than in an upward direction. Display could be located above the field of view 70 wherein the display may be observed at the upward portion of the driver's field of view. However, the position for the display illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 12 is preferred wherein the display is within the lower portion of the driver's field of view.

Display 20 may be a direct view flat panel display, such as a back-lit or reflective liquid crystal display, a plasma display, a field emission display, a cathode ray tube electroluminescent, light-emitting diode or deformable mirror display. The display may be mounted/attached to the dashboard, facia or header, or to the windshield at a position conventionally occupied by an interior rearview mirror. However, the synthesized image could be displayed using other display techniques such as to provide a projected or virtual image. Alternatively, a virtual image may be displayed on an opaque display adjacent the forward field of view. Alternatively, a virtual image may be displayed on a view-through heads-up display in which the image is superimposed on the forward field of view.

In the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 12-17, display 20 displays an image at a focal length that is forward of the passenger compartment of vehicle 10. Preferably, the image displayed by display 20 is at a focal length that is within the driver's normal depth of field when viewing a distant object. Display 20 includes an image generator 74, which produces an image captured by one or more image capture devices 14, 16, and an optical correction system 76, which increases the focal distance of the image generated by image generator 74. In the illustrated embodiment, optic correction system 76 increases the focal distance by collimating the rays, generally indicated at X, from diverging rays to generally parallel rays projected from the display. Optical correction system 76 additionally magnifies the image. In the illustrated embodiment, the magnification is a factor of two. In this manner, optical corrective system 76 has the advantage of extending the focal distance of the image generated by image generator 74 and enlarging the image by the factor of magnification thereof. This advantageously allows each image generator 74 to project all or a portion of an image captured by one of image capture devices 14, 16, or a combination of portions of images from one or more image capture devices, by tiling the images or image portions. This is accomplished because the images projected from optical correction system 76 may abut even though the corresponding image generators 74 do not. This provides a convenient technique for joining the images synthesized from the image capture devices into a unitary image which represents a panoramic view rearward of the vehicle. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 14, display 20 is an opaque projection display which projects the image directly toward the driver. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 15, a display device 120 is a view-through heads-up display in which the rays X are projected generally upwardly by image generator 74 and optical correction system 76 which are generally vertically aligned, or aligned forward of vertical. The rays X are reflected off a first surface of windshield 72 in the direction of the driver. Windshield 72 acts as a combiner which combines the image displayed by display 120 with a portion of the forward field of view 70 observed by the driver. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 15, a combiner other than the windshield may be used. Examples may be holographic or diffractive optical film elements or beam splitters of metal or dielectric thin films. Furthermore, image processor 18 may generate a line in the shape of a polygon, such as a rectangle, around rear image 42. This provides a border around the image to differentiate the rear view from the view forward of the vehicle.

In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 16, display 20A is oriented at an angle with respect to the forward field of view of driver D. Image rays X are reflected by a mirror 140 toward the driver. Display 20A is an opaque display, with mirror 140 blocking the driver's view of near field objects, such as wipers 98 and the like. Display 20A has the advantage of being capable of location within a forward portion of the dashboard. Additionally, the only portion of the display visible to the driver is mirror 140. This allows near field portions of the display to be significantly reduced.

Because display 20 has a relatively long focus distance, display 20 defines an observation cone, generally designated 78, within which the displayed image can be observed. Therefore, the head of the driver must be properly oriented with respect to observation cone 78 in order to allow the driver to observe the displayed image. However, drivers come in various sizes. Therefore, a driver may be too tall or too short to have his or her head properly positioned within observation cone 78. In order to provide for various size drivers along with various adjustments in seating positions and the like, an accommodation means, generally illustrated at 80, may be provided in order to accommodate variations in the relationship between a driver's head and observation cone 78. In the illustrated embodiment, accommodation means 80 includes adjustment means 82 for adjusting the position of observation cone 78. The adjustment means may adjust the position of the observation cone either vertically, horizontally, or both vertically and horizontally. A vertical adjustment means 82 is illustrated in FIG. 13 in which the adjustment means includes an electric actuator 84 which is joined by linkage 86 with a portion of a housing 88 of display 20. Actuator 84 is electrically interconnected through a reversing switch 90 with a driver-operated actuator 92 which may be positioned on dashboard 94 or other convenient position accessible to the driver. Housing 88 may be adjustably mounted, such as by a pivot 96, in order to allow housing 88 to be adjustably repositioned with respect to dashboard 94. In this manner, by operation of actuator 92, housing 88 may be pivoted upwardly or downwardly with respect to pivot 96 in order to adjust the direction of observation cone 78. In this manner, the location of observation cone 78 may be adjusted in order to coincide with the location of the driver's head. In a similar fashion, the position of observation cone 78 may be adjusted laterally, if desired. If a view-through heads-up display of the type illustrated in FIG. 15 is utilized, the position of the observation cone may be adjusted vertically and laterally, in a similar manner, by mechanical or optical adjustments of display 20.

Accommodation means 80 may include extending the rearward field of view displayed by display 20 laterally outwardly with respect to the bezel 89 beyond that normally observed by a driver. In this manner, a driver's head located generally centrally within observation cone 78 will observe a view generally rearwardly of the vehicle. As the driver's head is moved laterally within observation cone 78, the driver will observe images more laterally to the side of the vehicle as would occur if the driver's head were to be moved with respect to a conventional optical rearview mirror system.

Vehicle 10 may include one or more near field view objects adjacent forward field of view 70. One such object is a windshield wiper 98 of the vehicle. Other such objects may include the top of dashboard 94, the frame around windshield 72, the hoodline, and the like. The housing of display 20 in FIG. 14 and mirror 140 in FIG. 15 are positioned with respect to forward field of view 70 such that housing 88 or mirror 140 covers any near field of view objects in the portion of the forward field of view adjacent display 20, 20A. In this manner, the gaze of the driver can switch between forward field of view 70 and the image displayed on display 20, without the eyes of the driver focusing on any significant near field objects. This is based upon a discovery that, even though the eyes of the driver are switching between the long focal distance of the forward field of view and the long focal distance of the image displayed by display 20, the eyes of the operator will unconsciously momentarily focus on any near field object positioned between the long focal distance views. Therefore, by blocking the driver's gaze of any near field objects, the eyes of the driver will be less stimulated to refocus during the transition from field of view 70 to display 20 and back again.

Image processor 18, which supplies a video signal 100 to image generator 74, may have a second input 102 which modulates the intensity level of the image generated by image generator 74 and displayed by display 20 (FIG. 14). The illumination level of the display is set in response to an ambient light input 104 which is an indication of the ambient light level around vehicle 10. Image processor 18 responds to the value of ambient light input 104 by producing a luminance intensity signal 102 which increases the intensity of the display in response to increases in ambient light level and decreases the intensity of the display in response to decreases in ambient light level. However, the level of display luminance may be limited to vary between upper and lower limits such that, once ambient light reaches a particular upper level, further increases in ambient light level will not result in a further increase in display intensity. Likewise, once the ambient light level decreases below a particular value, further reductions in ambient light level will not result in further reduction in display intensity. Ambient light input 104 may be produced by a separate ambient light sensor of the type which produces a continuously variable output in response to variations in ambient light levels, in which case, the intensity of display 20 may be proportionately adjusted. Alternatively, ambient light input 104 may be produced by a vehicle headlight control system (not shown) which switches the vehicle headlights on, or to a nighttime condition, in response to decreases in ambient light levels and switches the vehicle headlights off, or to a daytime running light condition, in response to increasing ambient light levels. Such system is disclosed in commonly assigned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/277,674 filed on Jul. 19, 1994, by Kenneth L. Schierbeek and Niall R. Lynam for an AUTOMATIC REARVIEW MIRROR SYSTEM WITH AUTOMATIC HEADLIGHT ACTIVATION, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference. If the ambient light signal supplied to ambient light input 104 is a binary signal representative of a daytime ambient light level and a nighttime ambient light level, image processor 18 would typically provide a signal on luminance intensity line 102 that would switch the intensity level of display 20 between two intensity levels. Alternatively, ambient light input 104 may be supplied with a signal developed by one or more image capture devices 14, 16. The ambient light signal would be based upon an average intensity value sensed by all, or a group of, pixels in the image capture device or devices. This embodiment eliminates the necessity for a separate ambient light sensor. Alternatively, ambient light input 104 may be responsive to manual actuation of the vehicle's headlights by the driver. Additionally, a comfort level setting may be provided to allow the driver to adjust to a preferred brightness at one ambient light condition. Thereafter, the system automatically adjusts display brightness according to ambient light changes.

In the illustrated embodiment, display 20 incorporates a combined image generator and optical correction system 106 which provides for both image magnification and light ray collimation. In this manner, the image projected from display 20 is larger than the image generated by image generator 74 and has a focal length that is greater than the separation distance between the image generator and the driver and, preferably, is generally at infinity (FIG. 17). Combined image generator and an optical correction system 106 is disclosed in detail in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,050,966 for an OPTICAL COMBINER COLLIMATING APPARATUS; 4,859,031 for an OPTICAL COLLIMATING APPARATUS; 4,900,133 for a HEADS-UP DISPLAY COMBINER UTILIZING A CHOLESTERIC LIQUID CRYSTAL ELEMENT; 4,987,410 for a MULTIPLE IMAGE FORMING APPARATUS; and 5,408,346 for an OPTICAL COLLIMATING DEVICE EMPLOYING CHOLESTERIC LIQUID CRYSTAL AND NON-TRANSMISSIVE REFLECTOR, the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference and will not be repeated. Suffice it to say, combined image generator and optical correction system 106 includes a light source 108 which generates broad band white light which is gathered and reflected by a parabolic reflector 110. In the illustrative embodiment, light source 108 is a tungsten halogen incandescent lamp. The light rays then pass through a dielectric green filter 112 which passes light in a specific region of the green portion of the spectrum and through a hot mirror 114 which removes the infrared content of the spectrum. Light then passes through a holographic diffuser 116 which homogenizes and shapes the light pattern. The light rays then pass through a monochrome liquid crystal display with opposing linear polarizers 118 which is supplied with a video signal by image processor 18. Items 108-118 make up image generator 74, which, in the illustrative embodiment, is a transmissive backlit liquid crystal display. However, image generator 74 could additionally be an emissive display or a reflective display, all of which are well known in the art.

Light rays of the image generated by image generator 74 next pass through an anti-reflective coated cover glass 120 which is joined with a left-hand circular polarizer 122 which is bonded to this cover glass. The opposite surface of circular polarizer 122 is bonded to a lens 124 having a 50/50 dielectric coating. Such dielectric coating allows light rays to be both transmitted through the lens and reflected by the lens. The left-hand polarized light X′ transmitted through lens 124 contacts a cholesteric liquid crystal layer (CLC) 126 which is left-hand polarized, which is what gives efficient reflection of left-hand polarized light X′, as illustrated at X″. Fifty percent (50%) of light rays X″ get efficiently reflected by the 50/50 beam splitter on lens 124 as right-hand circular polarized light X′″. Right-hand polarized light X′″ is transmitted by CLC layer 126 and passes through a right-hand circular polarizer 128 and an anti-reflective coated cover glass 130.

As can be seen by reference to FIG. 17, the optical configuration of lens 124 in combination with the left-hand and right-hand circular polarizers 122, 128 and cholesteric liquid crystal layer (CLC) 126, provide image magnification as well as collimate the image light in order to produce a very long focal distance image. Advantageously, this structure allows image portions from multiple image capture devices to be tiled into a unitary image. FIG. 17 illustrates an approach using a single image generator. Merging of multiple image portions would require additional combined image generator and optical correction systems. Although image generators 74 for each of the image portions are laterally spaced apart from each other, the amplification produced by combined image generator and optical correction system 106 causes the image portions to merge at their periphery. FIG. 17 illustrates an approach using a single image generator. Merging of multiple image portions would require additional combined image generators and optical correction systems. Other optical elements such as prisms, or other lenses, may be necessary to merge images to form a unitary image. Although the invention is illustrated with a combined image generator and optical correction system using cholesteric liquid crystal optical processing, other optical correction systems, as are known in the art, may be used. What is required is that the optical system generally collimates the light generated by the image generator and, preferably, provides amplification to the generated image.

In the illustrated embodiment, rear image 42, synthesized from the output of image capture devices 14, 16, has a lateral width verses vertical height aspect ratio that is between approximately 4:1 and 2:1. Most preferably, the aspect ratio of image 42 is 8:3. This allows a panoramic view rearwardly of the vehicle with an optimum information content while reducing display of irrelevant information. The aspect ratio of display 20 may be different from that of the displayed synthesized image 42. The remaining portion of the display, either above or below image 42, may be utilized to display images other than synthesized image 42. For example, the remaining portion of the display can be used to display auxiliary information such as one or more vehicle-operating parameters, such as vehicle speed indicia 56, heading indicia 54, or turn signal indicia 58. Alternatively, the remaining portion of the display can be a reconfigurable high-information content display area to selectively display various types of information. Such information may include incoming facsimile or pager information, phone numbers, and navigational aids including pull-up maps, route guidance information, global positioning system (GPS) data, intelligent vehicle highway system (IVHS) information, as well as radio and environmental system control settings, and the like. Display 20 is especially useful for displaying such alternative data. Because display 20 has a very long focal length, the driver may consult the alternative data by switching the gaze of the driver between forward field of view 70 and to display 20 which does not require extensive refocusing of the driver's eyes. This allows the driver to consult the alternative data quickly with reduced fatigue and distraction. The content of the auxiliary information displayed may be user-selectable by a keypad, trackball, or other input device on the dashboard, steering column, or other position readily accessible to the driver.

Although various camera devices may be utilized for image capture devices 14, 16, an electro-optic, pixilated imaging array, located in the focal plane of an optical system, is preferred. Such imaging array allows the number of pixels to be selected to meet the requirements of rearview vision system 12. The pixel requirements are related to the imaging aspect ratio of the respective image capture devices, which, in turn, are a function of the ratio of the vertical-to-horizontal field of view of the devices, as is well known in the art. In the illustrated embodiment, the imaging aspect ratio of side image capture devices 14 is 2:1 and the image aspect ratio of central image capture device 16 is variable down to 0.1:1. Such aspect ratio will produce images which will not typically match that of commercially available displays. A commercially available display may be used, however, by leaving a horizontal band of the display for displaying alpha-numeric data, such as portions of an instrument cluster, compass display, or the like, as illustrated in FIG. 3.

In the illustrated embodiment, image capture devices 14, 16 are CMOS imaging arrays of the type manufactured by VLSI Vision Ltd. of Edinburgh, Scotland, which are described in more detail in co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/023,918 filed Feb. 26, 1993, by Kenneth Schofield and Mark Larson for an AUTOMATIC REARVIEW MIRROR SYSTEM USING A PHOTOSENSOR ARRAY, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,550,677, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference. However, other pixilated focal plane image-array devices, which are sensitive to visible or invisible electromagnetic radiation, could be used. The devices could be sensitive to either color or monochromatic visible radiation or near or far infrared radiation of the type used in night-vision systems. Each image capture device could be a combination of different types of devices, such as one sensitive to visible radiation combined with one sensitive to infrared radiation. Examples of other devices known in the art include charge couple devices and the like.

Preferably, image capture devices 14 and 16 are all mounted at the same vertical height on vehicle 10, although compromise may be required in order to accommodate styling features of the vehicle. The horizontal aim of image capture devices 14 and 16 is preferably horizontal. However, the portion of the image displayed is preferably biased toward the downward portion of the captured image because significantly less useful information is obtained above the horizontal position of the image capture devices.

Each image-capturing device 14, 16 is controlled by appropriate supporting electronics (not shown) located in the vicinity of the imaging array such that, when operating power is supplied, either an analog or a digital data stream is generated on an output signal line supplied to image processor 18. The support electronics may be provided partially on the image chip and partially on associated electronic devices. For each exposure period, a value indicative of the quantity of light incident on each pixel of the imaging array during the exposure period is sequentially outputted in a predetermined sequence, typically row-by-row. The sequence may conform to video signal standards which support a direct view such that, when a scene is viewed by an image-capturing device, the image presented on a display represents directly the scene viewed by the image-capturing devices. However, when looking forward and observing a displayed image of a rearward scene, the driver will interpret the image as if it were a reflection of the scene as viewed through a mirror. Objects to the left and rearward of the vehicle, as viewed by the rearward-looking camera, are presented on the left-hand side of the display and vice versa. If this reversal is effected in image processor 18, it may be by the use of a data storage device, or buffer, capable of storing all of the pixel values from one exposure period. The data is read out of the data storage device in a reversed row sequence. Alternatively, the imaging array electronics could be constructed to provide the above-described reversal at the image-capturing device or at the display.

Data transmission between image capture devices 14, 16 and image processor 18 and/or between image processor 18 and display 20 may be by electrically conductive leads. The leads may comprise either a serial or parallel bus. Alternatively, the data transmission may be via plastic or glass fiber-optic cable or an RF link. It is possible, for particular applications, to eliminate image processor 18 and direct drive display 20 from image capture devices 14, 16 at the pixel level. This may be accomplished by providing an interface between the output of image capture device 14, 16 and display 20 which synchronously maps image pixels captured by the image capture device, or devices, to the display. This synchronous mapping may be accomplished by providing a one-to-one mapping in which each pixel measurement is communicated to the display. Alternatively, the interface may only transmit pixel data which represents changes in the captured image. This allows for a reduction in the communication bandwidth necessary to transmit data between the image capture device, or devices, and the display. This may be accomplished by encoding the pixel data which represents changes in the captured image with additional data which designates the position of the pixel or other relevant information. Communication between the image capture device, or devices, may be multiplexed.

The data streams from image-capturing devices 14, 16 are combined in image processor 18 and directly mapped to the pixel array of display 20. This process is repeated preferably at a rate of at least 30 times per second in order to present an essentially real time video image. The image captured by side image capture device 14 on the right side of the vehicle is presented in right image portion 46 and the image from side image capture device 14 on the left side of the vehicle is displayed on left image portion 44. The image from center image capture device 16 is displayed on central image portion 48. The three image portions 44-48 are presented in horizontal alignment and adjacent to each other. However, the composite image may be positioned at any desired vertical position in the display 20. It is also possible to display image portions 44-48 on separate image devices which are adjacent each other.

In vision system 12, side image capture devices 14 are positioned preferably at a forward longitudinal position on vehicle 10 and center image capture device 16 is positioned at a rearward longitudinal position on the vehicle. As best seen by reference to FIG. 7, this positioning creates a difference in the vertical angle between each side image capture device 14 and center image capture device 16 with respect to a fixed location P1 that is a distance D1 behind the vehicle. This difference in sensing angle will cause each side image capture device 14 to image an object located at P1 on a horizontal row of pixels that is different from the horizontal row of pixels that center image capture device 16 will image the same object. If the image is below the horizontal centerline of the image capture device, it will be imaged on a lower row of pixels by center image capture device 16 than the row of pixels it will be imaged by the side image capture devices 14, as illustrated in FIG. 7. This mismatch between horizontal pixel rows of the captured image is furthermore a function of the distance of the captured image from the rear of the vehicle. This can be understood by reference to FIG. 11 which presents a chart 90 having a first column 92 of pixel lines n1, measured from the array centerline, at which an object will be imaged by side image capture device 14 and a second column 94 of pixel lines n2, measured from the array vertical centerline, at which the same object will be imaged by center image capture device 16. The result is that an object, which is captured by both side and center image capture devices 14, 16, will be vertically disjointed at the boundary of the displayed image, if the object is captured by more than one image capture device. The amount of disjointment will be greater closer to the vehicle and less at further distances. If the object is elongated in the horizontal direction, such as earth's horizon, bridges, or cross-markings on highways, then the object will appear to be either broken or crooked.

In order to provide uniform display of laterally elongated images, a rearview vision system 12′ is provided having a central image portion 48′ which is processed differently from the image display portions 44′ and 46′ produced by the side image capture devices (FIG. 8). Central image portion 48′ is reduced vertically, or compressed, by removing specified scan lines, or pixel rows, from the image captured by center image capture device 16 in a graduated fashion. The difference in the pixel line at which an object will be imaged by each of the side and center image capture devices is a function of the distance D of the object from the rear of the vehicle, with a greater variation occurring at shorter distances and the variation reducing to zero for infinite distances. Therefore, the compression of central image portion 48′ is non-linear, with substantially no compression at the vertical center of the image and greater compression at greater distances above and below the vertical center point of the image. This is accomplished by removing specific lines from the center display in a graduated fashion with a greater number of lines removed further from the vertical center of the image. The removed lines may be merely discarded in order to vertically reduce the image. Alternatively, the data contained in the removed lines may be utilized to modify the value of adjacent pixels above and below the removed line in order to enhance the quality of the compressed image. Averaging, median filtering, or other such known techniques may also be used.

Each of right image portion 46′ and left image portion 44′ includes an upper portion 64 which extends above the compressed upper portion of the central image portion 48′. In the illustrated embodiment, upper portions 64 are deleted in order to present a uniform upper horizontal boundary for display 20′. In the illustrated embodiment, the mismatch between the lower horizontal boundary of central image portion 48′ and each of the left and right image portions provides a dead space 66 which provides a visual prompt to the user of the approximate location of the rearward corners S of vehicle 10. This dead space 66 in the image displayed on display 20′ approximates the footprint occupied by vehicle 10 when viewed from point C. This is particularly useful because it provides a visual indication to the driver that a vehicle passing vehicle 10, as viewed in either left image portion 44′ or right image portion 46′, is at least partially adjacent vehicle 10 if the image of the approaching vehicle is partially adjacent to dead space 66.

In an alternative embodiment, the vertical compression technique may be applied to only a lower vertical portion of central image portion 48′. In most driving situations, objects imaged by rearward-facing image capture devices above the horizon are at a long distance from the vehicle while those below the horizon get progressively closer to the vehicle in relation to the distance below the horizon in the displayed image. Therefore, compression of the upper vertical portion of the central image portion may be eliminated without significant reduction in performance.

Compression of the central image portion may also advantageously be provided horizontally, as well as vertically. Spatial separation of center image capture device 16 from side image capture devices 14 causes similar distortion, as that described above, in the horizontal direction. This effect is spherical in nature and would require a more complex corrective action, such as compressing the image based upon the removal of pixels from an approximation to concentric circles centered on the center of the imaging array, or other techniques which would be apparent to those skilled in the art.

A rearview vision system 12″ includes an image display 20″ having a compressed central image portion 48″ and left and right image portions 44″ and 46″, respectively (FIG. 10). A border 50′ between left side image 44″ and central image 48″ includes a vertical central border portion 50a′, an upper border portion 50b′, and a lower border portion 50c′. Upper border portion 50b′ and lower border portion 50c′ diverge laterally outwardly, vertically away from central portion 50a′. A border 52′ between central image portion 48″ and right image portion 46″ includes a central boundary portion 52a′, an upper boundary portion 52b′, and a lower boundary portion 52c′. Upper boundary portion 52b′ and lower boundary portion 52c′ diverge laterally outwardly vertically away from central portion 52a′. This creates an upper portion of central image portion 48″ and a lower portion of central image portion 48″ which extend beyond the center portion thereof. This configuration is based upon the realization that the surface of the road immediately behind the vehicle is captured by central image capture device 16. Likewise, the horizontal plane above the vehicle, which is symmetrical with the road surface, is captured by the center image capture device. This may be seen by referring to point P in FIG. 10, which illustrate the points where the effective radius 68 of the virtual image capture device intersects dead zones 30 and by referring to point S in FIG. 10 which illustrates the corners or the rear of the vehicle (S).

The image displayed on display 20″ includes a dead space 66′ having diverging lateral sides 68a, 68b. Diverging sides 68a and 68b are configured in order to extend in the direction of travel of vehicle 10 which is parallel to lane markings of a highway on which vehicle 10 is travelling. This further enhances the visual perception of the driver by providing a visual clue of the location of images appearing on display 20″ with respect to the vehicle 10. Side portions 68a, 68b, in the illustrated embodiment, are natural extensions of lower boundary portions 50c′ and 52c′ and extend from point S on each respective side of the vehicle to point R, which represents the intersection of the lower extent of the vertical field of view 40 of each side image capture device 14 with the pavement (FIG. 7).

Rearview vision systems 12′ and 12″ utilize a displayed synthesized image which takes into account the use of perspective in enhancing the driver's understanding of what is occurring in the area surrounding the vehicle. The images produced on displays 20′ and 20″ effectively remove the vehicle bodywork and replace the bodywork with a vehicle footprint as would be viewed by virtual camera C. The image displayed on display 20″ further includes perspective lines which further enhance the roll of perspective in the driver's understanding of what is occurring.

In order to further enhance the driver's understanding of what is occurring in the area surrounding the vehicle, a rearview vision system 12′″ includes a display 20′″ having image enhancements (FIG. 6). In the illustrative embodiment, such image enhancements include graphic overlays 70a, 70b which are hash marks intended to illustrate to the driver the anticipated path of movement of vehicle 10. In the illustrated embodiment, the anticipated vehicle motion is a function of the vehicle direction of travel as well as the rate of turn of the vehicle. The forward or rearward direction of vehicle travel is determined in response to the operator placing the gear selection device (not shown) in the reverse gear position. The degree of turn of the vehicle may be determined by monitoring the movement of the vehicle steering system, monitoring the output of an electronic compass, or monitoring the vehicle differential drive system. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 6, the configuration of graphic overlays 70a, 70b indicates that the vehicle is in reverse gear and that the wheels are turned in a manner that will cause the vehicle to travel toward the driver's side of the vehicle. If the wheels were turned in the opposite direction, graphic overlays 70a, 70b would curve clockwise toward the right as viewed in FIG. 6. If the vehicle's wheels were straight, graphic overlays 70a, 70b would be substantially straight converging lines. If the vehicle is not in reverse gear position, graphic overlays 70a, 70b are not presented. Other types of graphic overlays of the displayed image are comprehended by the invention.

Horizontal grid markings on the display may be provided to indicate distances behind the vehicle at particular markings. Such grid would allow the driver to judge the relative position of vehicles behind the equipped vehicle. In one embodiment, short horizontal lines are superimposed on the displayed image at regular rearward intervals in horizontal positions which correspond to the boundaries of the lane in which the vehicle is travelling. In order to avoid confusion when the vehicle is travelling in a curved path, from a lack of correspondence between the graphic overlay and the road, a signal indicative of the vehicle's rate of turn may be taken into account when generating the graphic overlay. In this manner, the distance indications may be moved laterally, with reduced horizontal separation, to correspond to the positions of the curved lane boundaries and vertically on the image to compensate for the difference between distances along a straight and curved path.

Another image enhancement is to alter the appearance of an object in a particular zone surrounding the vehicle in order to provide an indication, such as a warning, to the driver. As an example, a vehicle that is too close to the equipped vehicle for safe-lane change, may be displayed in a particular color, such as red, may flash, or otherwise be distinguishable from other images on the display. Preferably, the speed of the equipped vehicle 10, which may be obtained from known speed transducers, may be provided as an input to the rearview vision system in order to cause such warning to be a function of the vehicle speed which, in turn, affects the safe separation distance of vehicles. The operation of the turn signal may also be used to activate such highlighting of other road users or to modify the scope of the image displayed. In order to determine the distance of objects behind vehicle 10, a separate distance-measuring system may be used. Such separate system may include radar, ultrasonic sensing, infrared detection, and other known distance-measuring systems. Alternatively, stereoscopic distance-sensing capabilities of side image capture devices 14 may be utilized to determine the separation distance from trailing objects utilizing known techniques.

Thus, it is seen that the image displayed on display 20-20′″ may be different under different circumstances. Such different circumstances may relate to the vehicle's direction of travel, speed, rate of turn, separation from adjacent objects, and the like.

Various other forms of image processing may be utilized with rearview vision system 12-12″′. Luminant and chrominant blending may be applied to the images captured by image capture devices 14, 16 in order to produce equality of the image data whereby the image portions appear as if they were produced by one image capture device. The dynamic range of the image capture devices may be extended in order to provide high quality images under all lighting conditions. Furthermore, individual pixel groups may be controlled in order to selectively compensate for bright or dark spots. For example, anti-blooming techniques may be applied for bright spots. Multiple exposure techniques may be applied to highlight dark areas. Image morphing and warping compensation techniques may additionally be applied. Resolution of the image capture devices and display may be selected in order to provide sufficient image quality for the particular application.

A heater may be applied to each image capture device in order to remove dew and frost that may collect on the optics of the device. Although, in the illustrative embodiment, the optical centerline of the camera coincides with the field of view, particular applications may result in the centerline of the camera pointing in a direction other than the centerline of the field of view. Although, in the illustrative embodiment, the image capture devices are fixed, it may be desirable to provide selective adjustability to the image capture devices or optical paths in particular applications. This is particularly desirable when the system is used on articulated vehicles where automated and coordinated camera aim may be utilized to maintain completeness of the synthesized image.

When operating the vehicle in the reverse direction, it may be desirable to provide additional data concerning the area surrounding the immediate rear of the vehicle. This may be accomplished by utilizing non-symmetrical optics for the center image capture device in order to provide a wide angle view at a lower portion of the field of view. Alternatively, a wide angle optical system could be utilized with the electronic system selectively correcting distortion of the captured image. Such system would provide a distortion-free image while obtaining more data, particularly in the area surrounding the back of the vehicle.

The invention additionally comprehends the use of more than three image capture devices. In addition to side image capture devices positioned at the front sides of the vehicle and a center image capture device positioned at the center rear of the vehicle, additional image capture devices may be useful at the rear corners of the vehicle in order to further eliminate blind spots. It may additionally be desirable to provide an additional center image capture device at a higher elevation in order to obtain data immediately behind the vehicle and thereby fill in the road surface detail immediately behind the vehicle. Such additional detail is particularly useful when operating the vehicle in the reverse direction. Of course, each of the image capture devices could be a combination of two or more image capture devices.

Although the present invention is illustrated as used in a rearview vision system, it may find utility in other applications. For example, the invention may be useful for providing security surveillance in an area where a building or other object obstructs the

view of the area under surveillance. Additionally, the invention may find application in night-vision systems and the like. For example, the invention may be applied to forward-facing night-vision systems, or other vision enhancement systems such as may be used in adverse weather or atmospheric conditions such as fog, applied to provide an enhanced display of a synthesized image, which approximates a forward-facing view from a single virtual camera located rearwardly of the driver, taking advantage of the perspective features of the image.

A rearview vision system 150 is provided which, in addition to displaying a rear image on display 20 which is synthesized by image processor 18 from the output of image capture devices 14, 16, also supplies drive signals to an electrically operated optical device such as electro-optic mirror 152, an electro-optic window 154, or both. Even though a panoramic view rearward of the vehicle is displayed on display 20, it may be desired to provide the driver with a rearview mirror of the type which has conventionally been provided on vehicles. One such mirror is an electro-optic mirror, such as an electrochromic mirror, a liquid crystal mirror, or a solenoid-operated prismatic mirror and the like. Additionally, vehicles may be provided with electro-optic windows, such as sunroofs, rear windows, side windows, and the like, which change transmissivity in response to a drive signal to a partial light transmittance level. In U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/023,918 filed Feb. 26, 1993, by Kenneth Schofield and Mark Larson for an AUTOMATIC REARVIEW MIRROR SYSTEM USING A PHOTOSENSOR ARRAY, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,550,677, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference, a technique is disclosed for producing a drive signal for an electrically operated optical device, such as an electro-optic mirror or window, from the image captured by a rearward-facing array. Utilizing the techniques disclosed therein, image processor 18 produces a drive signal on line 156 in order to control the partial reflectance level of electro-optic mirror 152 and a drive signal on line 158 in order to control the partial light transmittance level of electro-optic window 154.

A rearview vision system 160 is provided which includes a near infrared illumination device 162 in order to enhance an image captured by image capture devices 14, 16 (FIG. 19). In the illustrated embodiment, infrared illumination device 162 illuminates an area immediately behind the vehicle. Preferably, the output of illumination device 162 has a greater near infrared light output than visible light output. This allows an enhanced image to be captured by the image capture device without increasing the visible light perceived by drivers surrounding the vehicle. Infrared illumination device 162 may be actuated in response to the vehicle being placed in reverse gear. This provides backup illumination which is greatly enhanced without having an increased effect on other drivers. Alternatively, infrared illumination devices may be positioned, for example, at other locations on the side or even the front of a vehicle in order to enhance the image captured by the image capture device or devices. This is especially useful in order to utilize rearview vision system 160 with a large truck, such as a trailer truck. This infrared illumination device may flood the area around the trailer with infrared light in order to enhance the image captured by the image capture device, or devices, without distracting other drivers.

Image capture device 14, 16 may include a housing 164 in which an antenna 166 is positioned. This provides a convenient and functional location for a receiving antenna, such as the type used with a global positioning system, cellular telephone, garage door opener, radar distance sensing device, and the like, as disclosed in patent application Ser. No. 08/569,851 filed by Desmond J. O'Farrell, Roger L. Veldman and Kenneth Schofield for a VEHICLE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,971,552, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference. A heater 168 may be associated with the image capture device in order to stabilize the temperature of the device in low ambient temperature conditions. A similar heater may be supplied in display 20 in order to improve its performance in low ambient temperature conditions. A heater control 170 is provided in order to control the energization of heater 168 and, if utilized, the heater in the display. Heater control 170, preferably, energizes heater 168 prior to the vehicle being started. This allows the temperature of the image capture device to be elevated to a more desirable temperature prior to the driver operating the vehicle. This may be accomplished by heater control 170 being a proximity detector which detects a device carried by the driver as the driver approaches the vehicle. Alternatively, heater control 170 may be responsive to a signal produced by a remote keyless entry device concurrently with the doors being activated. Alternatively, heater control 170 may be responsive to the vehicle device being opened.

A rearview vision system 172 is provided which provides an output, generally referred to at 174, from image processor 18 to display 20. Output 174 provides an indication when an object bears a predetermined relationship to the vehicle. Such object may be of interest because the object is in a blind spot of the vehicle, may be tailgating the vehicle, or may be an object in front of the vehicle which the vehicle is too close to. Display 20 may respond to output 174 by highlighting the displayed vehicle, such as by displaying the vehicle in an artificial color, such as red, by flashing the image of the vehicle, or, otherwise, drawing the attention of the driver to the vehicle. Output 174 may be developed by image processor 18 from the outputs of image capture devices 14, 16. This may be accomplished by, for example, utilizing redundant image portions captured by the image capture devices, even though not displayed by display 20, in order to calculate relative position of the object with respect to the vehicle. Alternatively, an object sensor 176 may be provided in order to supply an output 178 indicative of a predetermined positional relationship of an object sensed by the object sensor with respect to the vehicle. In the illustrated embodiment, object sensor 176 may be a passive infrared sensor which senses the presence of an object in the vehicle's blind spot. Alternatively, object sensor 176 may be a distance-measuring device, such as an active infrared sensor, an ultrasonic sensor, a radar sensor, or the like. Such object sensor is especially useful in determining the separation distance between the vehicle and objects in front of the vehicle. Preferably, object sensor 176 has a sensing field of view that is substantially coincident with the field of view of one or more of the image capture devices 14, 16.

A rearview vision system 178 is provided which has the capability of displaying stereoscopic images rearward of the vehicle. Rearview vision system 178 includes at least one pair of image capture devices 14a, which are closely positioned on the vehicle and have overlapping fields of view. Because the image capture device pairs are closely positioned, they capture substantially the same image but from a slightly different angle. This allows image processor 18 to produce a video signal 100′ with stereoscopic information. This signal is utilized by a stereoscopic display 320 in order to produce a stereoscopic image rearward of the vehicle. Such stereoscopic displays are known in the art. Although one pair of image capture devices are illustrated in FIG. 22, rearview vision system 178 may include multiple pairs of image capture devices. This allows a rear image to be synthesized from the multiple pairs of image capture devices in order produce a panoramic view rearward of the vehicle and stereoscopic image. Preferably, utilizing other aspects of the invention, the stereoscopic image is a rearward-facing view from a single location.

A rearview vision system 180 is provided which produces an indication 182 of road line markings. Indication 182 may also indicate road edges. Image processor 18 detects the road line markings and the road edges from the images captured by image capture devices 14, 16. This feature may be further enhanced by combining it with an infrared illumination device 162 in order to further illuminate areas behind and around the vehicle in order to enhance the image of the road line markings and the road edges. Indication 182 may be utilized by display 20 in order to provide an indication of the vehicle with respect to the road line markings and road edges. The indication may further be utilized by an indicator which indicates the relative position of the vehicle in its lane. Additionally, the indication may be utilized to determine erotic vehicle operation, such as may occur when the driver begins to fall asleep, in order to provide a suitable alarm, or the like.

A rearview vision system 184 is provided with capabilities for infrared communication with other vehicles and stationary beacons. Rearview vision system 184 produces a communication data output 186 which includes communication data decoded from infrared signals detected by image capture device or devices 14, 16. For example, suitable standards may be developed wherein vehicles are equipped with a pair of spaced apart infrared transmitters on a forward portion thereof. Image processor 18 may respond to the temporal and spatial patterns of infrared signals detected by image capture devices 14, 16 in order to determine the speed and distance and, thereby, the separation of the vehicles as well as the rate of change of separation of the vehicles. Such information may be communicated to the trailing vehicle by an infrared transmitter (not shown) in order to control the speed of the trailing vehicle. This feature provides adaptive cruise control in which the speed of the trailing vehicle is controlled according to separation distance with leading vehicles. This allows high-speed convoying between vehicles. The communication system may additionally provide for the identification of emergency vehicles, and the like, which may transmit a unique temporal and/or spatial pattern of an infrared signal. The IR communication signal may additionally be utilized to receive signals from stationary devices, such as location beacons and Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS) data. Because rearview vision system 184 has a field of view which extends generally rearwardly of the vehicle, the system provides the capability for sensing information after the vehicle has passed the beacon. This provides an adjunct to infrared communication systems having a field of view generally forward of, or to the side of, the vehicle.

A rearview vision system 188 is provided having extended dynamic range (FIG. 25). Rearview vision system 188 includes a pair of image capture devices 14 and/or 16, each of which has an image-sensing array 190. Each image capture device is capable of operating in either a color mode, in which a color image is displayed on display 20, or a monochrome mode, in which a monochrome image is displayed on display 20. System 188 includes an image luminance sensor 192 which senses the luminance level of images captured by image capture devices 14, 16. Image luminance sensor 192 may switch the image capture devices between the color mode and the monochrome mode such that, when the image luminance is sufficiently high, the image capture device, or devices, operate in a color mode. During low image luminance conditions, the image capture device, or devices, are operated in a monochromatic mode which does not require as much image luminance. This extends the dynamic range of the system. Rearview vision system 188 may additionally include an exposure control 194 which determines the exposure period for capturing each frame by arrays 190. In order to extend the dynamic range of system 188, exposure control 194 may produce exposure intervals for arrays 190 which vary in length from interval-to-interval. Thus, a series of normal exposure intervals may be occasionally supplanted by a longer exposure interval during which greater detail of the image may be captured. This enhanced image may then be combined with the image captured during the shorter intervals into a merged image of enhanced detail.

Rearview vision system 188 may additionally include a plurality of infrared shutters 196 which are in the optical paths 198 of arrays 190. Each infrared shutter 196 has at least one state in which infrared energy is generally not attenuated to array 190. In another state, the infrared shutter generally blocks infrared radiation from the array. The state of infrared shutters 196 is controlled by image luminance sensor 192. During periods of high image luminance, sensor 192 may switch the infrared shutters 196 to a state blocking near infrared radiation from arrays 190. However, during low image luminance conditions, sensor 198 may switch the infrared shutters 196 to a state in which the near infrared energy is transmitted to arrays 190. The addition of the near infrared radiation at low luminance levels enhances the image luminance sensed by arrays 190. In the illustrated embodiment, infrared shutters 196 are either electrochromic shutters or liquid crystal shutters, both of which are known in the art. Rearview vision system 188 additionally includes means for coordinating the image intensity received from multiple image capture devices and displayed on display 20. This allows a balance composite image to be displayed on the display. This may be provided by a display intensity control 200 which regulates the intensity of the output of both arrays 190 in order to produce color and luminance balancing between the multiple image capture devices. Instead of a separate display intensity control, a direct communication channel may be developed between the image capture devices in order to provide color and luminance balancing.

Each image pixel captured by image capture devices 14, 16 and displayed on display 20 has a resolution which affects the amount of image detail displayed. While it is desirable to have a high degree of detail of displayed image, the increase in image resolution produces a commensurate increase in system cost. While it is desirable to reduce system cost, this should not be achieved by sacrificing necessary detail in the displayed image. According to the invention, it has been determined that sufficient image detail may be obtained at a suitable system cost by having a pixel resolution in the range of between approximately 2 arc minutes and approximately 8 arc minutes. Preferably, system resolution is approximately 6 arc minutes.

It is known in the art to provide imaging array capture devices having mosaic filters which mask image radiation in order to produce pixels which respond respectively to red, green, and blue light. Because such known pixel filter masks do not adequately absorb near infrared radiation, it is known to supply infrared filters in order to block infrared radiation from the pixels so that the pixels respond to only the designed radiation band. However, such additional filters have undesirable characteristics including costs. It has been discovered that a pixel filter mask may be made responsive to red, green, or blue light while filtering out near infrared by adding appropriate dyes to the dyes making up the filter mask.

The heater supplied with each image capture device may include a transparent conductive coating applied to a window covering the device lens. Alternative heater constructions include ITO or a series of fine wire mesh. This provides protection of the lens of the image capture device from physical harm while allowing moisture and frost to be removed from the window.

Various manipulation techniques may be applied to image capture devices 14, 16. For example, when the invention is applied to semi-tractor/trailer combinations, the image capture devices may be motorized and responsive to signals representing the relative position of the trailer and the cab in order to produce full panoramic view during various maneuvers of the vehicle. For example, as the vehicle turns, which may cause the trailer to otherwise block the image captured by a side image capture device, the image capture device may pivot to a different panoramic view which is not blocked by the trailer. Additionally, the panoramic view sensed by the image capture device may be different when the trailer is attached than when the trailer is not attached. In a similar fashion, rearward-mounted image capture device 16 may be motorized to move vertically upwardly and downwardly between a first position when the vehicle is moving in a forward direction and a second position when the vehicle is in reverse gear. In the second position, the motorized camera is directed more downwardly in order to capture images closer to the rear of the vehicle which may be contacted by the vehicle. Image capture devices 14, 16 may be supplied with electrical opto-mechanical zoom devices as well as vibration isolation and compensation stabilizing devices.

Image processor 18 may provide an input to a control for the intensity of the brake lights, turn signals, and the like for the vehicle. In this manner, the image processor may control the intensity of such lights based upon ambient lighting conditions. This allows the intensity of the rearward directed lights to be less distracting for following vehicles.

Additionally, the present invention may be utilized for providing guidance for a tractor/trailer or like vehicle backing to a loading dock. Additionally, the invention may provide guidance for proper alignment of the trailer and tractor which are being joined by backing of the tractor. The present invention may additionally provide accident monitoring by capturing a predetermined continuous stream of images, such as, for example, 15 seconds. This running store of image may be frozen upon impact of the vehicle, in order to record events leading up to the impact, or may be stopped by a manual input. Furthermore, the invention may be utilized to alert the driver to an impending rear-end collision. The vehicle may respond to such indication by deploying an appropriate device, such as a smart headrest or the like.

Thus, it is seen that the present invention enhances the relationship between the driver's primary view and the image presented on the rearview vision system. This is accomplished in a manner which provides ease of interpretation while avoiding confusion so that the driver does not have to concentrate or look closely at the image. In this manner, information presented on the display is naturally assimilated. This is accomplished while reducing blind spots so that other vehicles or objects of interest to the driver will likely be displayed to the driver. Additionally, the use of perspective allows distances to be more accurately determined.

Changes and modifications in the specifically described embodiments can be carried out without departing from the principles of the invention, which is intended to be limited only by the scope of the appended claims, as interpreted according to the principles of patent law including the doctrine of equivalents.

  • 1. A vehicular vision system suitable for use in a vehicle, said vehicular vision system comprising: at least a first image capture sensor and a second image capture sensor disposed at a vehicle equipped with said vehicular vision system;said first image capture sensor spatially separated from said second image capture sensor;said first image capture sensor having a first field of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;said second image capture sensor having a second field of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;a control;said control receiving a first image input from said first image capture sensor;said control receiving a second image input from said second image capture sensor;said control generating a composite image, said composite image synthesized from at least said first image input and said second image input;a display system displaying said composite image on a single video screen located in a cabin of the equipped vehicle and viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle when the driver is normally operating the equipped vehicle;wherein said first field of view and said second field of view are directed generally rearwardly with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;wherein said single video screen is positioned at one of a dashboard, a facia, a header, a windshield and an interior rearview mirror assembly of the equipped vehicle;wherein said single video screen is selected from the group consisting of a liquid crystal display, a plasma display, a field emission display, a cathode ray tube, an electroluminescent display, a light-emitting diode display, and a deformable mirror display; andwherein said single video screen of said display system has a display luminance that is variable responsive to a sensing of an ambient light level.
  • 2. The vision system of claim 1, wherein said single video screen is located either generally above or generally below the central forward field of view of the driver of the equipped vehicle.
  • 3. The vision system of claim 1, wherein the display luminance of said single video screen of said display system is variable responsive to at least one of (i) a vehicle headlight activation control, (ii) an ambient light sensor, and (iii) an indication of ambient light level developed by at least one of said first and second image capture sensors.
  • 4. The vision system of claim 1, wherein at least one of (a) said vision system includes a magnifier which magnifies the composite image displayed by said single video screen, and (b) said composite image approximates a view from a single image capture sensor at a single location.
  • 5. The vision system of claim 1, wherein, when said single video screen is disposed in the cabin of the equipped vehicle and normally viewed by the driver of the equipped vehicle, said composite image displayed by said single video screen of said display system has a lateral width dimension that is greater than a vertical height dimension of said single video screen.
  • 6. The vision system of claim 5, wherein said composite image displayed by said single video screen has a width to height ratio that is up to approximately 2:1.
  • 7. The vision system of claim 5, wherein said composite image displayed by said single video screen has a width to height ratio between approximately 2:1 and 4:1.
  • 8. The vision system of claim 1, wherein said first field of view has a field of view portion at least partially overlapping a field of view portion of said second field of view.
  • 9. The vision system of claim 8, wherein generation of said composite image from at least said first and second image inputs for display on said single video screen comprises dynamic adaptation of said first and second image inputs in order to minimize said at least partially overlapping field of view portion.
  • 10. The vision system of claim 1, wherein said single video screen of said display system displays a supplemental image.
  • 11. The vision system of claim 1, wherein said single video screen is operable to display at least one of pager information, a telephone number listing, a global positioning system output, a map, route guidance information, intelligent vehicle highway system information, vehicle radio control settings, vehicle environmental system settings, vehicle speed, vehicle heading, and turn signal indicators.
  • 12. The vision system of claim 1, wherein said synthesization from at least said first image input and said second image input comprises image compression, and wherein said image compression reduces distortion resulting from said spatial separation of said first and second image capture sensors.
  • 13. The vision system of claim 12, wherein said synthesization from at least said first image input and said second image input comprises vertical compression.
  • 14. A vehicular vision system suitable for use in a vehicle, said vehicular vision system comprising: at least a first image capture sensor and a second image capture sensor disposed at a vehicle equipped with said vehicular vision system;said first image capture sensor spatially separated from said second image capture sensor;said first image capture sensor having a first field of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;said second image capture sensor having a second field of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;a control;said control receiving a first image input from said first image capture sensor;said control receiving a second image input from said second image capture sensor;said control generating a composite image, said composite image synthesized from at least said first image input and said second image input;a display system displaying said composite image on a single video screen located in a cabin of the equipped vehicle and viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle when the driver is normally operating the equipped vehicle;wherein said first field of view and said second field of view are directed generally rearwardly with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;wherein, when said single video screen is disposed in the cabin of the equipped vehicle and normally viewed by the driver of the equipped vehicle, said composite image displayed by said single video screen of said display system has a lateral width dimension that is greater than a vertical height dimension of said single video screen;wherein said single video screen comprises a liquid crystal display; andwherein said single video screen of said display system has a display luminance that is variable responsive to a sensing of an ambient light level.
  • 15. The vision system of claim 14, wherein the display luminance of said single video screen of said display system is variable responsive to at least one of (i) a vehicle headlight activation control, (ii) an ambient light sensor, and (iii) an indication of ambient light level developed by at least one of said first and second image capture sensors.
  • 16. The vision system of claim 15, wherein said single video screen is positioned at one of a dashboard, a facia, a header, a windshield and an interior rearview mirror assembly of the equipped vehicle.
  • 17. The vision system of claim 14, wherein said single video screen is operable to display at least one of pager information, a telephone number listing, a global positioning system output, a map, route guidance information, intelligent vehicle highway system information, vehicle radio control settings, vehicle environmental system settings, vehicle speed, vehicle heading, and turn signal indicators.
  • 18. The vision system of claim 14, wherein said synthesization from at least said first image input and said second image input comprises image compression, and wherein said image compression reduces distortion.
  • 19. A vehicular vision system suitable for use in a vehicle, said vehicular vision system comprising: at least a first image capture sensor and a second image capture sensor disposed at a vehicle equipped with said vehicular vision system;wherein said first image capture sensor comprises a first CMOS imaging array and said second image capture sensor comprises a second CMOS imaging array;wherein said first image capture sensor is disposed at a first external portion of the vehicle and said second image capture sensor is disposed at a second external portion of the vehicle, and wherein said first image capture sensor is spatially separated from said second image capture sensor;said first image capture sensor having a first field of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;said second image capture sensor having a second field of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;a control;said control receiving a first image input from said first image capture sensor;said control receiving a second image input from said second image capture sensor;said control generating a composite image, said composite image synthesized from at least said first image input and said second image input;a display system displaying said composite image on a single video screen located in a cabin of the equipped vehicle and viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle when the driver is normally operating the equipped vehicle;wherein, when said single video screen is disposed in the cabin of the equipped vehicle and normally viewed by the driver of the equipped vehicle, said composite image displayed by said single video screen of said display system has a lateral width dimension that is greater than a vertical height dimension of said single video screen; andwherein said single video screen comprises a liquid crystal display.
  • 20. The vision system of claim 19, wherein said single video screen is positioned at one of a dashboard, a facia, a header, a windshield and an interior rearview mirror assembly of the equipped vehicle.
  • 21. The vision system of claim 20, wherein said single video screen of said display system has a display luminance that is variable responsive to a sensing of an ambient light level.
  • 22. The vision system of claim 21, wherein the display luminance of said single video screen of said display system is variable responsive to at least one of (i) a vehicle headlight activation control, (ii) an ambient light sensor, and (iii) an indication of ambient light level developed by at least one of said first and second image capture sensors.
  • 23. The vision system of claim 19, wherein said single video screen is operable to display at least one of pager information, a telephone number listing, a global positioning system output, a map, route guidance information, intelligent vehicle highway system information, vehicle radio control settings, vehicle environmental system settings, vehicle speed, vehicle heading, and turn signal indicators.
  • 24. The vision system of claim 19, wherein said synthesization from at least said first image input and said second image input comprises image compression, and wherein said image compression reduces distortion.
  • 25. The vision system of claim 19, wherein said first field of view and said second field of view are directed generally rearwardly with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle.
  • 26. A vehicular vision system suitable for use in a vehicle, said vehicular vision system comprising: at least a first image capture sensor and a second image capture sensor disposed at a vehicle equipped with said vehicular vision system;wherein said first image capture sensor comprises a first CMOS imaging array and said second image capture sensor comprises a second CMOS imaging array;wherein said first image capture sensor is disposed at a first external portion of the vehicle and said second image capture sensor is disposed at a second external portion of the vehicle, and wherein said first image capture sensor is spatially separated from said second image capture sensor;said first image capture sensor having a first field of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;said second image capture sensor having a second field of view with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;a control;said control receiving a first image input from said first image capture sensor;said control receiving a second image input from said second image capture sensor;said control generating a composite image, said composite image synthesized from at least said first image input and said second image input;a display system displaying said composite image on a single video screen located in a cabin of the equipped vehicle and viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle when the driver is normally operating the equipped vehicle;wherein, when said single video screen is disposed in the cabin of the equipped vehicle and normally viewed by the driver of the equipped vehicle, said composite image displayed by said single video screen of said display system has a lateral width dimension that is greater than a vertical height dimension of said single video screen; andwherein said single video screen of said display system has a display luminance that is variable responsive to a sensing of an ambient light level, and wherein the display luminance of said single video screen of said display system is variable responsive to at least one of (i) a vehicle headlight activation control, (ii) an ambient light sensor, and (iii) an indication of ambient light level developed by at least one of said first and second image capture sensors.
  • 27. The vision system of claim 26, wherein said single video screen is selected from the group consisting of a liquid crystal display, a plasma display, a field emission display, a cathode ray tube, an electroluminescent display, a light-emitting diode display, and a deformable mirror display.
  • 28. The vision system of claim 26, wherein said single video screen comprises a liquid crystal display.
  • 29. The vision system of claim 26, wherein said single video screen is operable to display at least one of pager information, a telephone number listing, a global positioning system output, a map, route guidance information, intelligent vehicle highway system information, vehicle radio control settings, vehicle environmental system settings, vehicle speed, vehicle heading, and turn signal indicators.
  • 30. The vision system of claim 26, wherein said synthesization from at least said first image input and said second image input comprises image compression, and wherein said image compression reduces distortion.
  • 31. The vision system of claim 26, wherein said first field of view and said second field of view are directed generally rearwardly with respect to the direction of travel of the equipped vehicle.

This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/122,880, filed May 5, 2005, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,561,181, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/324,679, filed on Dec. 20, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,891,563, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/952,026, filed under 35 U.S.C. §371, filed Nov. 19, 1997, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,498,620, which is based on International Patent Application No. PCT/US96/07382, filed May 22, 1996, which claims priority from U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/445,527 filed May 22, 1995, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,670,935.

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5121200 Choi Jun 1992 A
5122619 Dlubak Jun 1992 A
5123077 Endo et al. Jun 1992 A
5124845 Shimojo Jun 1992 A
5124890 Choi et al. Jun 1992 A
5128799 Byker Jul 1992 A
5130898 Akahane Jul 1992 A
5131154 Schierbeek et al. Jul 1992 A
5134507 Ishii Jul 1992 A
5134549 Yokoyama Jul 1992 A
5135298 Feltman Aug 1992 A
5136483 Schöniger et al. Aug 1992 A
5140455 Varaprasad et al. Aug 1992 A
5142407 Varaprasad et al. Aug 1992 A
5145609 Varaprasad et al. Sep 1992 A
5150232 Gunkima et al. Sep 1992 A
5151816 Varaprasad et al. Sep 1992 A
5151824 O'Farrell Sep 1992 A
5154617 Suman et al. Oct 1992 A
5158638 Osanami et al. Oct 1992 A
5160200 Cheselske Nov 1992 A
5160201 Wrobel Nov 1992 A
5166815 Elderfield Nov 1992 A
5168378 Black et al. Dec 1992 A
5173881 Sindle Dec 1992 A
5177031 Buchmann et al. Jan 1993 A
5178448 Adams et al. Jan 1993 A
5179471 Caskey et al. Jan 1993 A
5184956 Langlais et al. Feb 1993 A
5189537 O'Farrell Feb 1993 A
5193029 Schofield et al. Mar 1993 A
5197562 Kakinama et al. Mar 1993 A
5202950 Arego et al. Apr 1993 A
5207492 Roberts May 1993 A
5210967 Brown May 1993 A
5212819 Wada May 1993 A
5214408 Asayama May 1993 A
5217794 Schrenk Jun 1993 A
5223814 Suman Jun 1993 A
5223844 Mansell et al. Jun 1993 A
5229975 Truesdell et al. Jul 1993 A
5230400 Kakinama et al. Jul 1993 A
5233461 Dornan et al. Aug 1993 A
5235316 Qualizza Aug 1993 A
5239405 Varaprasad et al. Aug 1993 A
5239406 Lynam Aug 1993 A
5243417 Pollard Sep 1993 A
5245422 Borcherts et al. Sep 1993 A
5252354 Cronin et al. Oct 1993 A
5253109 O'Farrell et al. Oct 1993 A
5255442 Schierbeek et al. Oct 1993 A
5260626 Takase et al. Nov 1993 A
5277986 Cronin et al. Jan 1994 A
5280555 Ainsburg Jan 1994 A
5285060 Larson et al. Feb 1994 A
5289321 Secor Feb 1994 A
5296924 de Saint Blancard et al. Mar 1994 A
5303075 Wada et al. Apr 1994 A
5303205 Gauthier et al. Apr 1994 A
5304980 Maekawa Apr 1994 A
5305012 Faris Apr 1994 A
5307136 Saneyoshi Apr 1994 A
5313335 Gray et al. May 1994 A
5325096 Pakett Jun 1994 A
5325386 Jewell et al. Jun 1994 A
5327288 Wellington et al. Jul 1994 A
5330149 Haan et al. Jul 1994 A
5331312 Kudoh Jul 1994 A
5331358 Schurle et al. Jul 1994 A
5339075 Abst et al. Aug 1994 A
5339529 Lindberg Aug 1994 A
5341437 Nakayama Aug 1994 A
D351370 Lawlor et al. Oct 1994 S
5355118 Fukuhara Oct 1994 A
5355284 Roberts Oct 1994 A
5361190 Roberts et al. Nov 1994 A
5363294 Yamamoto et al. Nov 1994 A
5371659 Pastrick et al. Dec 1994 A
5373482 Gauthier Dec 1994 A
5386285 Asayama Jan 1995 A
5386306 Gunjima et al. Jan 1995 A
5400158 Ohnishi et al. Mar 1995 A
5402103 Tashiro Mar 1995 A
5406395 Wilson et al. Apr 1995 A
5406414 O'Farrell et al. Apr 1995 A
5408353 Nichols et al. Apr 1995 A
5408357 Beukema Apr 1995 A
5410346 Saneyoshi et al. Apr 1995 A
5414439 Groves et al. May 1995 A
5414461 Kishi et al. May 1995 A
5416313 Larson et al. May 1995 A
5416478 Morinaga May 1995 A
5418610 Fischer May 1995 A
5422756 Weber Jun 1995 A
5424726 Beymer Jun 1995 A
5424865 Lynam Jun 1995 A
5424952 Asayama Jun 1995 A
5426524 Wada et al. Jun 1995 A
5430431 Nelson Jul 1995 A
5432496 Lin Jul 1995 A
5432626 Sasuga et al. Jul 1995 A
5436741 Crandall Jul 1995 A
5439305 Santo Aug 1995 A
5444478 Lelong et al. Aug 1995 A
5446576 Lynam et al. Aug 1995 A
5455716 Suman et al. Oct 1995 A
5461361 Moore Oct 1995 A
D363920 Roberts et al. Nov 1995 S
5469187 Yaniv Nov 1995 A
5469298 Suman et al. Nov 1995 A
5475366 Van Lente et al. Dec 1995 A
5475494 Nishida et al. Dec 1995 A
5481409 Roberts Jan 1996 A
5483453 Uemura et al. Jan 1996 A
5485161 Vaughn Jan 1996 A
5485378 Franke et al. Jan 1996 A
5487522 Hook Jan 1996 A
5488496 Pine Jan 1996 A
5497305 Pastrick et al. Mar 1996 A
5497306 Pastrick Mar 1996 A
5500760 Varaprasad et al. Mar 1996 A
5506701 Ichikawa Apr 1996 A
5510983 Iino Apr 1996 A
5515448 Nishitani May 1996 A
5519621 Worthman May 1996 A
5521744 Mazurek May 1996 A
5521760 DeYoung et al. May 1996 A
5523811 Wada et al. Jun 1996 A
5525264 Cronin et al. Jun 1996 A
5525977 Suman Jun 1996 A
5528422 Roberts Jun 1996 A
5528474 Roney et al. Jun 1996 A
5529138 Shaw et al. Jun 1996 A
5530240 Larson et al. Jun 1996 A
5530420 Tsuchiya et al. Jun 1996 A
5530421 Marshall et al. Jun 1996 A
5535056 Caskey et al. Jul 1996 A
5535144 Kise Jul 1996 A
5539397 Asanuma et al. Jul 1996 A
5541590 Nishio Jul 1996 A
5550677 Schofield et al. Aug 1996 A
5555172 Potter Sep 1996 A
5561333 Darius Oct 1996 A
5566224 ul Azam et al. Oct 1996 A
5567360 Varaprasad et al. Oct 1996 A
5568316 Schrenk et al. Oct 1996 A
5570127 Schmidt Oct 1996 A
5572354 Desmond et al. Nov 1996 A
5574426 Shisgal et al. Nov 1996 A
5574443 Hsieh Nov 1996 A
5576687 Blank et al. Nov 1996 A
5576854 Schmidt et al. Nov 1996 A
5576975 Sasaki et al. Nov 1996 A
5578404 Kliem Nov 1996 A
5587236 Agrawal et al. Dec 1996 A
5587699 Faloon et al. Dec 1996 A
5593221 Evanicky et al. Jan 1997 A
5594560 Jelley et al. Jan 1997 A
5594615 Spijkerman et al. Jan 1997 A
5596724 Mullins et al. Jan 1997 A
5602542 Widmann Feb 1997 A
5602670 Keegan Feb 1997 A
5603104 Phelps, III et al. Feb 1997 A
5608550 Epstein et al. Mar 1997 A
5610380 Nicolaisen Mar 1997 A
5610756 Lynam et al. Mar 1997 A
5611966 Varaprasad et al. Mar 1997 A
5614885 Van Lente et al. Mar 1997 A
5615023 Yang Mar 1997 A
5615857 Hook Apr 1997 A
5617085 Tsutsumi et al. Apr 1997 A
5619374 Roberts Apr 1997 A
5619375 Roberts Apr 1997 A
5626800 Williams et al. May 1997 A
5631089 Center, Jr. et al. May 1997 A
5631638 Kaspar et al. May 1997 A
5631639 Hibino et al. May 1997 A
5632092 Blank et al. May 1997 A
5632551 Roney et al. May 1997 A
5634709 Iwama Jun 1997 A
5640216 Hasegawa et al. Jun 1997 A
5642238 Sala Jun 1997 A
5644851 Blank et al. Jul 1997 A
5646614 Abersfelder et al. Jul 1997 A
5649756 Adams et al. Jul 1997 A
5649758 Dion Jul 1997 A
5650765 Park Jul 1997 A
5650929 Potter et al. Jul 1997 A
5661455 Van Lente et al. Aug 1997 A
5661651 Geschke et al. Aug 1997 A
5661804 Dykema et al. Aug 1997 A
5662375 Adams et al. Sep 1997 A
5666157 Aviv Sep 1997 A
5667289 Akahane et al. Sep 1997 A
5668663 Varaprasad et al. Sep 1997 A
5668675 Fredricks Sep 1997 A
5669698 Veldman et al. Sep 1997 A
5669699 Pastrick et al. Sep 1997 A
5669704 Pastrick Sep 1997 A
5669705 Pastrick et al. Sep 1997 A
5670935 Schofield et al. Sep 1997 A
5671996 Bos et al. Sep 1997 A
5673994 Fant, Jr. et al. Oct 1997 A
5673999 Koenck Oct 1997 A
5677598 De Hair et al. Oct 1997 A
5680123 Lee Oct 1997 A
5680245 Lynam Oct 1997 A
5680263 Zimmermann et al. Oct 1997 A
5686975 Lipton Nov 1997 A
5686979 Weber et al. Nov 1997 A
5689241 Clarke, Sr. et al. Nov 1997 A
5691848 Van Lente et al. Nov 1997 A
5692819 Mitsutake et al. Dec 1997 A
5696529 Evanicky et al. Dec 1997 A
5696567 Wada et al. Dec 1997 A
5699044 Van Lente et al. Dec 1997 A
5699188 Gilbert et al. Dec 1997 A
5708410 Blank et al. Jan 1998 A
5708415 Van Lente et al. Jan 1998 A
5708857 Ishibashi Jan 1998 A
5715093 Schierbeek et al. Feb 1998 A
5724187 Varaprasad et al. Mar 1998 A
5724316 Brunts Mar 1998 A
5729194 Spears et al. Mar 1998 A
5737226 Olson et al. Apr 1998 A
5741966 Handfield et al. Apr 1998 A
5744227 Bright et al. Apr 1998 A
5745050 Nakagawa Apr 1998 A
5745266 Smith Apr 1998 A
5748172 Song et al. May 1998 A
5748287 Takahashi et al. May 1998 A
5751211 Shirai et al. May 1998 A
5751246 Hertel May 1998 A
5751390 Crawford et al. May 1998 A
5751489 Caskey et al. May 1998 A
5754099 Nishimura et al. May 1998 A
D394833 Muth Jun 1998 S
5760828 Cortes Jun 1998 A
5760931 Saburi et al. Jun 1998 A
5760962 Schofield et al. Jun 1998 A
5761094 Olson et al. Jun 1998 A
5762823 Hikmet Jun 1998 A
5767793 Agravante et al. Jun 1998 A
5768020 Nagao Jun 1998 A
5775762 Vitito Jul 1998 A
5777779 Hashimoto et al. Jul 1998 A
5780160 Allemand et al. Jul 1998 A
5786772 Schofield et al. Jul 1998 A
5788357 Muth et al. Aug 1998 A
5790502 Horinouchi et al. Aug 1998 A
5790973 Blaker et al. Aug 1998 A
5793308 Rosinski et al. Aug 1998 A
5793420 Schmidt Aug 1998 A
5796094 Schofield et al. Aug 1998 A
5796176 Kramer et al. Aug 1998 A
5798057 Hikmet Aug 1998 A
5798575 O'Farrell et al. Aug 1998 A
5798688 Schofield Aug 1998 A
5800918 Chartier et al. Sep 1998 A
5802727 Blank et al. Sep 1998 A
5803579 Turnbull et al. Sep 1998 A
5805330 Byker et al. Sep 1998 A
5805367 Kanazawa Sep 1998 A
5806879 Hamada et al. Sep 1998 A
5806965 Deese Sep 1998 A
5808197 Dao Sep 1998 A
5808566 Behr et al. Sep 1998 A
5808589 Fergason Sep 1998 A
5808713 Broer et al. Sep 1998 A
5808777 Lynam et al. Sep 1998 A
5808778 Bauer et al. Sep 1998 A
5812321 Schierbeek et al. Sep 1998 A
5813745 Fant, Jr. et al. Sep 1998 A
5818625 Forgette et al. Oct 1998 A
5820097 Spooner Oct 1998 A
5820245 Desmond et al. Oct 1998 A
5822023 Suman et al. Oct 1998 A
5823654 Pastrick et al. Oct 1998 A
5825527 Forgette et al. Oct 1998 A
5835166 Hall et al. Nov 1998 A
5837994 Stam et al. Nov 1998 A
5844505 Van Ryzin Dec 1998 A
5848373 DeLorme et al. Dec 1998 A
5850176 Kinoshita et al. Dec 1998 A
5850205 Blouin Dec 1998 A
5863116 Pastrick et al. Jan 1999 A
5864419 Lynam Jan 1999 A
5867801 Denny Feb 1999 A
5871275 O'Farrell et al. Feb 1999 A
5871843 Yoneda et al. Feb 1999 A
5877707 Kowalick Mar 1999 A
5877897 Schofield et al. Mar 1999 A
5878353 ul Azam et al. Mar 1999 A
5878370 Olson Mar 1999 A
5879074 Pastrick Mar 1999 A
5883605 Knapp Mar 1999 A
5883739 Ashihara et al. Mar 1999 A
5888431 Tonar et al. Mar 1999 A
5894196 McDermott Apr 1999 A
D409540 Muth May 1999 S
5899551 Neijzen et al. May 1999 A
5899956 Chan May 1999 A
5904729 Ruzicka May 1999 A
5910854 Varaprasad et al. Jun 1999 A
5914815 Bos Jun 1999 A
5917664 O'Neill et al. Jun 1999 A
5918180 Dimino Jun 1999 A
5923027 Stam et al. Jul 1999 A
5923457 Byker et al. Jul 1999 A
5924212 Domanski Jul 1999 A
5926087 Busch et al. Jul 1999 A
5927792 Welling et al. Jul 1999 A
5928572 Tonar et al. Jul 1999 A
5929786 Schofield et al. Jul 1999 A
5931555 Akahane et al. Aug 1999 A
5935702 Macquart et al. Aug 1999 A
5936774 Street Aug 1999 A
5938321 Bos et al. Aug 1999 A
5938721 Dussell et al. Aug 1999 A
5940011 Agravante et al. Aug 1999 A
5940120 Frankhouse et al. Aug 1999 A
5940201 Ash et al. Aug 1999 A
5942895 Popovic et al. Aug 1999 A
5949331 Schofield et al. Sep 1999 A
5949506 Jones et al. Sep 1999 A
5956079 Ridgley Sep 1999 A
5956181 Lin Sep 1999 A
5959367 O'Farrell et al. Sep 1999 A
5959555 Furuta Sep 1999 A
5959577 Fan et al. Sep 1999 A
5963247 Banitt Oct 1999 A
5963284 Jones et al. Oct 1999 A
5965247 Jonza et al. Oct 1999 A
5968538 Snyder, Jr. Oct 1999 A
5971552 O'Farrell et al. Oct 1999 A
5973760 Dehmlow Oct 1999 A
5975715 Bauder Nov 1999 A
5984482 Rumsey et al. Nov 1999 A
5986730 Hansen et al. Nov 1999 A
5990469 Bechtel et al. Nov 1999 A
5990625 Meissner et al. Nov 1999 A
5995180 Moriwaki et al. Nov 1999 A
5998617 Srinivasa et al. Dec 1999 A
5998929 Bechtel et al. Dec 1999 A
6000823 Desmond et al. Dec 1999 A
6001486 Varaprasad et al. Dec 1999 A
6002511 Varaprasad et al. Dec 1999 A
6002544 Yatsu Dec 1999 A
6005724 Todd Dec 1999 A
6007222 Thau Dec 1999 A
6008486 Stam et al. Dec 1999 A
6008871 Okumura Dec 1999 A
6009359 El-Hakim et al. Dec 1999 A
6016035 Eberspächer et al. Jan 2000 A
6016215 Byker Jan 2000 A
6019411 Carter et al. Feb 2000 A
6019475 Lynam et al. Feb 2000 A
6021371 Fultz Feb 2000 A
6023229 Bugno et al. Feb 2000 A
6025872 Ozaki et al. Feb 2000 A
6028537 Suman et al. Feb 2000 A
6037689 Bingle et al. Mar 2000 A
6040939 Demiryont et al. Mar 2000 A
6042253 Fant, Jr. et al. Mar 2000 A
6042934 Guiselin et al. Mar 2000 A
6045243 Muth et al. Apr 2000 A
6045643 Byker et al. Apr 2000 A
6046766 Sakata Apr 2000 A
6046837 Yamamoto Apr 2000 A
6049171 Stam et al. Apr 2000 A
D425466 Todd et al. May 2000 S
6060989 Gehlot May 2000 A
6061002 Weber et al. May 2000 A
6062920 Jordan et al. May 2000 A
6064508 Forgette et al. May 2000 A
6065840 Caskey et al. May 2000 A
6066920 Torihara et al. May 2000 A
6067111 Hahn et al. May 2000 A
6067500 Morimoto et al. May 2000 A
6068380 Lynn et al. May 2000 A
D426506 Todd et al. Jun 2000 S
D426507 Todd et al. Jun 2000 S
D427128 Mathieu Jun 2000 S
6072391 Suzukie et al. Jun 2000 A
6074077 Pastrick et al. Jun 2000 A
6074777 Reimers et al. Jun 2000 A
6076948 Bukosky et al. Jun 2000 A
6078355 Zengel Jun 2000 A
6078865 Koyanagi Jun 2000 A
D428372 Todd et al. Jul 2000 S
D428373 Todd et al. Jul 2000 S
6082881 Hicks Jul 2000 A
6084700 Knapp et al. Jul 2000 A
6086131 Bingle et al. Jul 2000 A
6086229 Pastrick Jul 2000 A
6087012 Varaprasad et al. Jul 2000 A
6087953 DeLine et al. Jul 2000 A
6091343 Dykema et al. Jul 2000 A
6093976 Kramer et al. Jul 2000 A
6094618 Harada Jul 2000 A
D428842 Todd et al. Aug 2000 S
D429202 Todd et al. Aug 2000 S
D430088 Todd et al. Aug 2000 S
6097023 Schofield et al. Aug 2000 A
6097316 Liaw et al. Aug 2000 A
6099131 Fletcher et al. Aug 2000 A
6099155 Pastrick et al. Aug 2000 A
6102559 Nold et al. Aug 2000 A
6104552 Thau et al. Aug 2000 A
6106121 Buckley et al. Aug 2000 A
6111498 Jobes, I et al. Aug 2000 A
6111683 Cammenga et al. Aug 2000 A
6111684 Forgette et al. Aug 2000 A
6111685 Tench et al. Aug 2000 A
6111696 Allen et al. Aug 2000 A
6115086 Rosen Sep 2000 A
6115651 Cruz Sep 2000 A
6116743 Hoek Sep 2000 A
6118219 Okigami et al. Sep 2000 A
6122597 Saneyoshi et al. Sep 2000 A
6122921 Brezoczky et al. Sep 2000 A
6124647 Marcus et al. Sep 2000 A
6124886 DeLine et al. Sep 2000 A
6127919 Wylin Oct 2000 A
6127945 Mura-Smith Oct 2000 A
6128576 Nishimoto et al. Oct 2000 A
6130421 Bechtel et al. Oct 2000 A
6130448 Bauer et al. Oct 2000 A
6132072 Turnbull et al. Oct 2000 A
6139171 Waldmann Oct 2000 A
6139172 Bos et al. Oct 2000 A
6140933 Bugno et al. Oct 2000 A
6142656 Kurth Nov 2000 A
6146003 Thau Nov 2000 A
6147934 Arikawa et al. Nov 2000 A
6148261 Obradovich et al. Nov 2000 A
6149287 Pastrick et al. Nov 2000 A
6150014 Chu et al. Nov 2000 A
6151065 Steed et al. Nov 2000 A
6151539 Bergholz et al. Nov 2000 A
6152551 Annas Nov 2000 A
6152590 Fürst et al. Nov 2000 A
6154149 Tyckowski et al. Nov 2000 A
6154306 Varaprasad et al. Nov 2000 A
6157294 Urai et al. Dec 2000 A
6157418 Rosen Dec 2000 A
6157424 Eichenlaub Dec 2000 A
6158655 DeVries, Jr. et al. Dec 2000 A
6161865 Rose et al. Dec 2000 A
6166625 Teowee et al. Dec 2000 A
6166629 Hamma et al. Dec 2000 A
6166834 Taketomi et al. Dec 2000 A
6166847 Tench et al. Dec 2000 A
6166848 Cammenga et al. Dec 2000 A
6167755 Damson et al. Jan 2001 B1
6169955 Fultz Jan 2001 B1
6170956 Rumsey et al. Jan 2001 B1
6172600 Kakinama et al. Jan 2001 B1
6172601 Wada et al. Jan 2001 B1
6172613 DeLine et al. Jan 2001 B1
6173501 Blank et al. Jan 2001 B1
6175164 O'Farrell et al. Jan 2001 B1
6175300 Kendrick Jan 2001 B1
6176602 Pastrick et al. Jan 2001 B1
6178034 Allemand et al. Jan 2001 B1
6178377 Ishihara et al. Jan 2001 B1
6181387 Rosen Jan 2001 B1
6182006 Meek Jan 2001 B1
6183119 Desmond et al. Feb 2001 B1
6184679 Popovic et al. Feb 2001 B1
6184781 Ramakesavan Feb 2001 B1
6185492 Kagawa et al. Feb 2001 B1
6185501 Smith et al. Feb 2001 B1
6188505 Lomprey et al. Feb 2001 B1
6191704 Takenaga et al. Feb 2001 B1
6195194 Roberts et al. Feb 2001 B1
6196688 Caskey et al. Mar 2001 B1
6198409 Schofield et al. Mar 2001 B1
6199014 Walker et al. Mar 2001 B1
6199810 Wu et al. Mar 2001 B1
6200010 Anders Mar 2001 B1
6201642 Bos Mar 2001 B1
6206553 Boddy et al. Mar 2001 B1
6210008 Hoekstra et al. Apr 2001 B1
6210012 Broer Apr 2001 B1
6212470 Seymour et al. Apr 2001 B1
6217181 Lynam et al. Apr 2001 B1
6218934 Regan Apr 2001 B1
6222447 Schofield et al. Apr 2001 B1
6222460 DeLine et al. Apr 2001 B1
6222689 Higuchi et al. Apr 2001 B1
6227689 Miller May 2001 B1
6232937 Jacobsen et al. May 2001 B1
6236514 Sato May 2001 B1
6239851 Hatazawa et al. May 2001 B1
6239898 Byker et al. May 2001 B1
6239899 DeVries et al. May 2001 B1
6243003 DeLine et al. Jun 2001 B1
6244716 Steenwyk et al. Jun 2001 B1
6245262 Varaprasad et al. Jun 2001 B1
6247820 Van Order Jun 2001 B1
6249214 Kashiwazaki Jun 2001 B1
6249310 Lefkowitz Jun 2001 B1
6250148 Lynam Jun 2001 B1
6250766 Strumolo et al. Jun 2001 B1
6250783 Stidham et al. Jun 2001 B1
6255639 Stam et al. Jul 2001 B1
6257746 Todd et al. Jul 2001 B1
6259412 Duroux Jul 2001 B1
6259475 Ramachandran et al. Jul 2001 B1
6262842 Ouderkirk et al. Jul 2001 B1
6264353 Caraher et al. Jul 2001 B1
6265968 Betzitza et al. Jul 2001 B1
6268803 Gunderson et al. Jul 2001 B1
6268837 Kobayashi et al. Jul 2001 B1
6269308 Kodaka et al. Jul 2001 B1
6271901 Ide et al. Aug 2001 B1
6274221 Smith et al. Aug 2001 B2
6276821 Pastrick et al. Aug 2001 B1
6276822 Bedrosian et al. Aug 2001 B1
6277471 Tang Aug 2001 B1
6278271 Schott Aug 2001 B1
6278377 DeLine et al. Aug 2001 B1
6278941 Yokoyama Aug 2001 B1
6280068 Mertens et al. Aug 2001 B1
6280069 Pastrick et al. Aug 2001 B1
6281804 Haller et al. Aug 2001 B1
6286965 Caskey et al. Sep 2001 B1
6286984 Berg Sep 2001 B1
6289332 Menig et al. Sep 2001 B2
6290378 Buchalla et al. Sep 2001 B1
6291906 Marcus et al. Sep 2001 B1
6294989 Schofield et al. Sep 2001 B1
6296379 Pastrick Oct 2001 B1
6297781 Turnbull et al. Oct 2001 B1
6299333 Pastrick et al. Oct 2001 B1
6300879 Ragan et al. Oct 2001 B1
6301039 Tench Oct 2001 B1
6304173 Pala et al. Oct 2001 B2
6305807 Schierbeek Oct 2001 B1
6310611 Caldwell Oct 2001 B1
6310714 Lomprey et al. Oct 2001 B1
6310738 Chu Oct 2001 B1
6313454 Bos et al. Nov 2001 B1
6314295 Kawamoto Nov 2001 B1
6315440 Satoh Nov 2001 B1
6317057 Lee Nov 2001 B1
6317180 Kuroiwa et al. Nov 2001 B1
6317248 Agrawal et al. Nov 2001 B1
6318870 Spooner et al. Nov 2001 B1
6320176 Schofield et al. Nov 2001 B1
6320282 Caldwell Nov 2001 B1
6320612 Young Nov 2001 B1
6324295 Valery et al. Nov 2001 B1
6326613 Heslin et al. Dec 2001 B1
6326900 DeLine et al. Dec 2001 B2
6329925 Skiver et al. Dec 2001 B1
6330511 Ogura et al. Dec 2001 B2
6331066 Desmond et al. Dec 2001 B1
6333759 Mazzilli Dec 2001 B1
6335680 Matsuoka Jan 2002 B1
6336737 Thau Jan 2002 B1
6340850 O'Farrell et al. Jan 2002 B2
6341523 Lynam Jan 2002 B2
6344805 Yasui et al. Feb 2002 B1
6346698 Turnbull Feb 2002 B1
6347880 Fürst et al. Feb 2002 B1
6348858 Weis et al. Feb 2002 B2
6351708 Takagi et al. Feb 2002 B1
6353392 Schofield et al. Mar 2002 B1
6356206 Takenaga et al. Mar 2002 B1
6356376 Tonar et al. Mar 2002 B1
6356389 Nilsen et al. Mar 2002 B1
6357883 Strumolo et al. Mar 2002 B1
6362121 Chopin et al. Mar 2002 B1
6362548 Bingle et al. Mar 2002 B1
6363326 Scully Mar 2002 B1
6366013 Leenders et al. Apr 2002 B1
6366213 DeLine et al. Apr 2002 B2
6370329 Teuchert Apr 2002 B1
6371636 Wesson Apr 2002 B1
6379013 Bechtel et al. Apr 2002 B1
6379788 Choi et al. Apr 2002 B2
6382805 Miyabukuro May 2002 B1
6385139 Arikawa et al. May 2002 B1
6386742 DeLine et al. May 2002 B1
6390529 Bingle et al. May 2002 B1
6390626 Knox May 2002 B2
6390635 Whitehead et al. May 2002 B2
6396397 Bos et al. May 2002 B1
6396408 Drummond et al. May 2002 B2
6396637 Roest et al. May 2002 B2
6407847 Poll et al. Jun 2002 B1
6408247 Ichikawa et al. Jun 2002 B1
6411204 Bloomfield et al. Jun 2002 B1
6412959 Tseng Jul 2002 B1
6412973 Bos et al. Jul 2002 B1
6414910 Kaneko et al. Jul 2002 B1
6415230 Maruko et al. Jul 2002 B1
6416208 Pastrick et al. Jul 2002 B2
6417786 Learman et al. Jul 2002 B2
6418376 Olson Jul 2002 B1
6419300 Pavao et al. Jul 2002 B1
6420036 Varaprasad et al. Jul 2002 B1
6420975 DeLine et al. Jul 2002 B1
6421081 Markus Jul 2002 B1
6424272 Gutta et al. Jul 2002 B1
6424273 Gutta et al. Jul 2002 B1
6424786 Beeson et al. Jul 2002 B1
6424892 Matsuoka Jul 2002 B1
6426492 Bos et al. Jul 2002 B1
6426568 Turnbull et al. Jul 2002 B2
6427349 Blank et al. Aug 2002 B1
6428172 Hutzel et al. Aug 2002 B1
6433676 DeLine et al. Aug 2002 B2
6433680 Ho Aug 2002 B1
6433914 Lomprey et al. Aug 2002 B1
6437688 Kobayashi Aug 2002 B1
6438491 Farmer Aug 2002 B1
6439755 Fant, Jr. et al. Aug 2002 B1
6441872 Ho Aug 2002 B1
6441943 Roberts et al. Aug 2002 B1
6441963 Murakami et al. Aug 2002 B2
6445287 Schofield et al. Sep 2002 B1
6447128 Lang et al. Sep 2002 B1
6452533 Yamabuchi et al. Sep 2002 B1
6452572 Fan et al. Sep 2002 B1
6462795 Clarke Oct 2002 B1
6463369 Sadano et al. Oct 2002 B2
6466701 Ejiri et al. Oct 2002 B1
6471362 Carter et al. Oct 2002 B1
6472977 Pöchmüller Oct 2002 B1
6473001 Blum Oct 2002 B1
6474853 Pastrick et al. Nov 2002 B2
6476731 Miki et al. Nov 2002 B1
6477460 Kepler Nov 2002 B2
6477464 McCarthy et al. Nov 2002 B2
6483429 Yasui et al. Nov 2002 B1
6483438 DeLine et al. Nov 2002 B2
6483613 Woodgate et al. Nov 2002 B1
6487500 Lemelson et al. Nov 2002 B2
6494602 Pastrick et al. Dec 2002 B2
6498620 Schofield et al. Dec 2002 B2
6501387 Skiver et al. Dec 2002 B2
6512203 Jones et al. Jan 2003 B2
6512624 Tonar et al. Jan 2003 B2
6513252 Schierbeek et al. Feb 2003 B1
6515581 Ho Feb 2003 B1
6515582 Teowee et al. Feb 2003 B1
6515597 Wada et al. Feb 2003 B1
6516664 Lynam Feb 2003 B2
6518691 Baba Feb 2003 B1
6519209 Arikawa et al. Feb 2003 B1
6520667 Mousseau Feb 2003 B1
6522451 Lynam Feb 2003 B1
6522969 Kannonji Feb 2003 B2
6525707 Kaneko et al. Feb 2003 B1
6534884 Marcus et al. Mar 2003 B2
6538709 Kurihara et al. Mar 2003 B1
6539306 Turnbull et al. Mar 2003 B2
6542085 Yang Apr 2003 B1
6542182 Chautorash Apr 2003 B1
6543163 Ginsberg Apr 2003 B1
6545598 de Villeroche Apr 2003 B1
6549253 Robbie et al. Apr 2003 B1
6549335 Trapani et al. Apr 2003 B1
6550949 Bauer et al. Apr 2003 B1
6552326 Turnbull Apr 2003 B2
6553308 Uhlmann et al. Apr 2003 B1
6559902 Kusuda et al. May 2003 B1
6560027 Meine May 2003 B2
6566821 Nakatsuka et al. May 2003 B2
6567060 Sekiguchi May 2003 B1
6568839 Pastrick et al. May 2003 B1
6572233 Northman et al. Jun 2003 B1
6573957 Suzuki Jun 2003 B1
6573963 Ouderkirk et al. Jun 2003 B2
6575582 Tenmyo Jun 2003 B2
6575643 Takahashi Jun 2003 B2
6578989 Osumi et al. Jun 2003 B2
6580373 Ohashi Jun 2003 B1
6580479 Sekiguchi et al. Jun 2003 B1
6580562 Aoki et al. Jun 2003 B2
6581007 Hasegawa et al. Jun 2003 B2
6583730 Lang et al. Jun 2003 B2
6591192 Okamura et al. Jul 2003 B2
6592230 Dupay Jul 2003 B2
6593565 Heslin et al. Jul 2003 B2
6593984 Arakawa et al. Jul 2003 B2
6594065 Byker et al. Jul 2003 B2
6594067 Poll et al. Jul 2003 B2
6594090 Kruschwitz et al. Jul 2003 B2
6594583 Ogura et al. Jul 2003 B2
6594614 Studt et al. Jul 2003 B2
6597489 Guarr et al. Jul 2003 B1
6606183 Ikai et al. Aug 2003 B2
6611202 Schofield et al. Aug 2003 B2
6611227 Nebiyeloul-Kifle et al. Aug 2003 B1
6611759 Brosche Aug 2003 B2
6614387 Deadman Sep 2003 B1
6614419 May Sep 2003 B1
6614579 Roberts et al. Sep 2003 B2
6616313 Fürst et al. Sep 2003 B2
6616764 Krämer et al. Sep 2003 B2
6618672 Sasaki et al. Sep 2003 B2
6621616 Bauer et al. Sep 2003 B1
6624936 Kotchick et al. Sep 2003 B2
6627918 Getz et al. Sep 2003 B2
6630888 Lang et al. Oct 2003 B2
6636190 Hirakata et al. Oct 2003 B2
6636258 Strumolo Oct 2003 B2
6638582 Uchiyama et al. Oct 2003 B1
6639360 Roberts et al. Oct 2003 B2
6642840 Lang et al. Nov 2003 B2
6642851 DeLine et al. Nov 2003 B2
6646697 Sekiguchi et al. Nov 2003 B1
6648477 Hutzel et al. Nov 2003 B2
6650457 Busscher et al. Nov 2003 B2
6657607 Evanicky et al. Dec 2003 B1
6657708 Drevillon et al. Dec 2003 B1
6661482 Hara Dec 2003 B2
6661830 Reed et al. Dec 2003 B1
6665592 Kodama Dec 2003 B2
6669285 Park et al. Dec 2003 B1
6670207 Roberts Dec 2003 B1
6670910 Delcheccolo et al. Dec 2003 B2
6670941 Albu et al. Dec 2003 B2
6671080 Poll et al. Dec 2003 B2
6672731 Schnell et al. Jan 2004 B2
6672734 Lammers Jan 2004 B2
6672744 DeLine et al. Jan 2004 B2
6672745 Bauer et al. Jan 2004 B1
6674370 Rodewald et al. Jan 2004 B2
6675075 Engelsberg et al. Jan 2004 B1
6678083 Anstee Jan 2004 B1
6678614 McCarthy et al. Jan 2004 B2
6679608 Bechtel et al. Jan 2004 B2
6683539 Trajkovic et al. Jan 2004 B2
6683969 Nishigaki et al. Jan 2004 B1
6685348 Pastrick et al. Feb 2004 B2
6690262 Winnett Feb 2004 B1
6690268 Schofield et al. Feb 2004 B2
6690413 Moore Feb 2004 B1
6690438 Sekiguchi Feb 2004 B2
6693517 McCarthy et al. Feb 2004 B2
6693518 Kumata et al. Feb 2004 B2
6693519 Keirstead Feb 2004 B2
6693524 Payne Feb 2004 B1
6700692 Tonar et al. Mar 2004 B2
6709136 Pastrick et al. Mar 2004 B2
6713783 Mase et al. Mar 2004 B1
6717109 Macher et al. Apr 2004 B1
6717610 Bos et al. Apr 2004 B1
6717712 Lynam et al. Apr 2004 B2
6724446 Motomura et al. Apr 2004 B2
6726337 Whitehead et al. Apr 2004 B2
6727807 Trajkovic et al. Apr 2004 B2
6727808 Uselmann et al. Apr 2004 B1
6727844 Zimmermann et al. Apr 2004 B1
6731332 Yasui et al. May 2004 B1
6734807 King May 2004 B2
6736526 Matsuba et al. May 2004 B2
6737630 Turnbull May 2004 B2
6737964 Samman et al. May 2004 B2
6738088 Uskolovsky et al. May 2004 B1
6744353 Sjönell Jun 2004 B2
6746775 Boire et al. Jun 2004 B1
6747716 Kuroiwa et al. Jun 2004 B2
6748211 Isaac et al. Jun 2004 B1
6749308 Niendorf et al. Jun 2004 B1
6755542 Bechtel et al. Jun 2004 B2
6756912 Skiver et al. Jun 2004 B2
6757039 Ma Jun 2004 B2
6757109 Bos Jun 2004 B2
6759113 Tang Jul 2004 B1
6759945 Richard Jul 2004 B2
6760157 Allen et al. Jul 2004 B1
6773116 De Vaan et al. Aug 2004 B2
6774356 Heslin et al. Aug 2004 B2
6774810 DeLine et al. Aug 2004 B2
6778904 Iwami et al. Aug 2004 B2
6779900 Nolan-Brown Aug 2004 B1
6784129 Seto et al. Aug 2004 B2
6797396 Liu et al. Sep 2004 B1
6800871 Matsuda et al. Oct 2004 B2
6801283 Koyama et al. Oct 2004 B2
6805474 Walser et al. Oct 2004 B2
6806452 Bos et al. Oct 2004 B2
6806922 Ishitaka Oct 2004 B2
6810323 Bullock et al. Oct 2004 B1
6819231 Berberich et al. Nov 2004 B2
6824281 Schofield et al. Nov 2004 B2
6832848 Pastrick Dec 2004 B2
6834969 Bade et al. Dec 2004 B2
6836725 Millington et al. Dec 2004 B2
6842276 Poll et al. Jan 2005 B2
6845805 Köster Jan 2005 B1
6846098 Bourdelais et al. Jan 2005 B2
6847424 Gotoh et al. Jan 2005 B2
6847487 Burgner Jan 2005 B2
6848817 Bos et al. Feb 2005 B2
6849165 Klöppel et al. Feb 2005 B2
6853491 Ruhle et al. Feb 2005 B1
6861789 Wei Mar 2005 B2
6870655 Northman et al. Mar 2005 B1
6870656 Tonar et al. Mar 2005 B2
6871982 Holman et al. Mar 2005 B2
6877888 DeLine et al. Apr 2005 B2
6882287 Schofield Apr 2005 B2
6889064 Baratono et al. May 2005 B2
6891563 Schofield et al. May 2005 B2
6891677 Nilsen et al. May 2005 B2
6902284 Hutzel et al. Jun 2005 B2
6906632 DeLine et al. Jun 2005 B2
6909486 Wang et al. Jun 2005 B2
6910779 Abel et al. Jun 2005 B2
6912396 Sziraki et al. Jun 2005 B2
6916099 Su et al. Jul 2005 B2
6922902 Schierbeek et al. Aug 2005 B2
6928180 Stam et al. Aug 2005 B2
6928366 Ockerse et al. Aug 2005 B2
6930737 Weindorf et al. Aug 2005 B2
6934067 Ash et al. Aug 2005 B2
6946978 Schofield Sep 2005 B2
6947576 Stam et al. Sep 2005 B2
6947577 Stam et al. Sep 2005 B2
6949772 Shimizu et al. Sep 2005 B2
6951410 Parsons Oct 2005 B2
6951681 Hartley et al. Oct 2005 B2
6952312 Weber et al. Oct 2005 B2
6958495 Nishijima et al. Oct 2005 B2
6958683 Mills et al. Oct 2005 B2
6961178 Sugino et al. Nov 2005 B2
6963438 Busscher et al. Nov 2005 B2
6967569 Weber et al. Nov 2005 B2
6968273 Ockerse et al. Nov 2005 B2
6972888 Poll et al. Dec 2005 B2
6974236 Tenmyo Dec 2005 B2
6975215 Schofield et al. Dec 2005 B2
6977702 Wu Dec 2005 B2
6980092 Turnbull et al. Dec 2005 B2
6985291 Watson et al. Jan 2006 B2
6992718 Takahara Jan 2006 B1
7001058 Inditsky Feb 2006 B2
7004592 Varaprasad et al. Feb 2006 B2
7004593 Weller et al. Feb 2006 B2
7006173 Hiyama et al. Feb 2006 B1
7009751 Tonar et al. Mar 2006 B2
7012543 DeLine et al. Mar 2006 B2
7029156 Suehiro et al. Apr 2006 B2
7041965 Heslin et al. May 2006 B2
7042616 Tonar et al. May 2006 B2
7046418 Lin et al. May 2006 B2
7046448 Burgner May 2006 B2
7057681 Hinata et al. Jun 2006 B2
7063893 Hoffman Jun 2006 B2
7064882 Tonar et al. Jun 2006 B2
7074486 Boire et al. Jul 2006 B2
7081810 Henderson et al. Jul 2006 B2
7092052 Okamoto et al. Aug 2006 B2
7106213 White Sep 2006 B2
7108409 DeLine et al. Sep 2006 B2
7114554 Bergman et al. Oct 2006 B2
7121028 Shoen et al. Oct 2006 B2
7125131 Olczak Oct 2006 B2
7130727 Liu et al. Oct 2006 B2
7132064 Li et al. Nov 2006 B2
7136091 Ichikawa et al. Nov 2006 B2
7138974 Hirakata et al. Nov 2006 B2
7149613 Stam et al. Dec 2006 B2
7151515 Kim et al. Dec 2006 B2
7151997 Uhlmann et al. Dec 2006 B2
7153588 McMan et al. Dec 2006 B2
7154657 Poll et al. Dec 2006 B2
7158881 McCarthy et al. Jan 2007 B2
7160017 Lee et al. Jan 2007 B2
7161567 Homma et al. Jan 2007 B2
7167796 Taylor et al. Jan 2007 B2
7175291 Li Feb 2007 B1
7176790 Yamazaki Feb 2007 B2
7184190 McCabe et al. Feb 2007 B2
7185995 Hatanaka et al. Mar 2007 B2
7187498 Bengoechea et al. Mar 2007 B2
7188963 Schofield et al. Mar 2007 B2
7193764 Lin et al. Mar 2007 B2
7195381 Lynam et al. Mar 2007 B2
7199767 Spero Apr 2007 B2
7206697 Olney et al. Apr 2007 B2
7209277 Tonar et al. Apr 2007 B2
7215238 Buck et al. May 2007 B2
7215473 Fleming May 2007 B2
7221363 Roberts et al. May 2007 B2
7224324 Quist et al. May 2007 B2
7230523 Harter, Jr. et al. Jun 2007 B2
7232231 Shih Jun 2007 B2
7233304 Aratani et al. Jun 2007 B1
7235918 McCullough et al. Jun 2007 B2
7241030 Mok et al. Jul 2007 B2
7241037 Mathieu et al. Jul 2007 B2
7245207 Dayan et al. Jul 2007 B1
7245336 Hiyama et al. Jul 2007 B2
7248305 Ootsuta et al. Jul 2007 B2
7251079 Capaldo et al. Jul 2007 B2
7255451 McCabe et al. Aug 2007 B2
7255465 DeLine et al. Aug 2007 B2
7262406 Heslin et al. Aug 2007 B2
7262916 Kao et al. Aug 2007 B2
7265342 Heslin et al. Sep 2007 B2
7268841 Kasajima et al. Sep 2007 B2
7269327 Tang Sep 2007 B2
7269328 Tang Sep 2007 B2
7271951 Weber et al. Sep 2007 B2
7274501 McCabe et al. Sep 2007 B2
7281491 Iwamaru Oct 2007 B2
7286280 Whitehead et al. Oct 2007 B2
7287868 Carter et al. Oct 2007 B2
7289037 Uken et al. Oct 2007 B2
7290919 Pan et al. Nov 2007 B2
7292208 Park et al. Nov 2007 B1
7300183 Kiyomoto et al. Nov 2007 B2
7308341 Schofield et al. Dec 2007 B2
7310177 McCabe et al. Dec 2007 B2
7311428 DeLine et al. Dec 2007 B2
7316485 Roose Jan 2008 B2
7318664 Hatanaka et al. Jan 2008 B2
7323819 Hong et al. Jan 2008 B2
7324172 Yamazaki et al. Jan 2008 B2
7324174 Hafuka et al. Jan 2008 B2
7324261 Tonar et al. Jan 2008 B2
7327225 Nicholas et al. Feb 2008 B2
7327226 Turnbull et al. Feb 2008 B2
7327855 Chen Feb 2008 B1
7328103 McCarthy et al. Feb 2008 B2
7329013 Blank et al. Feb 2008 B2
7329850 Drummond et al. Feb 2008 B2
7338177 Lynam Mar 2008 B2
7344284 Lynam et al. Mar 2008 B2
7349143 Tonar et al. Mar 2008 B2
7362505 Hikmet et al. Apr 2008 B2
7370983 DeWind et al. May 2008 B2
7372611 Tonar et al. May 2008 B2
7375895 Brynielsson May 2008 B2
7379224 Tonar et al. May 2008 B2
7379225 Tonar et al. May 2008 B2
7379243 Horsten et al. May 2008 B2
7379814 Ockerse et al. May 2008 B2
7389171 Rupp Jun 2008 B2
7396147 Munro Jul 2008 B2
7411732 Kao et al. Aug 2008 B2
7412328 Uhlmann et al. Aug 2008 B2
7417781 Tonar et al. Aug 2008 B2
7420159 Heslin et al. Sep 2008 B2
7446462 Lim et al. Nov 2008 B2
7446650 Scholfield et al. Nov 2008 B2
7446924 Schofield et al. Nov 2008 B2
7448776 Tang Nov 2008 B2
7452090 Weller et al. Nov 2008 B2
7453057 Drummond et al. Nov 2008 B2
7455412 Rottcher Nov 2008 B2
7467883 DeLine et al. Dec 2008 B2
7468651 DeLine et al. Dec 2008 B2
7471438 McCabe et al. Dec 2008 B2
7477439 Tonar et al. Jan 2009 B2
7480149 DeWard et al. Jan 2009 B2
7488080 Skiver et al. Feb 2009 B2
7489374 Utsumi et al. Feb 2009 B2
7490007 Taylor et al. Feb 2009 B2
7490943 Kikuchi et al. Feb 2009 B2
7490944 Blank et al. Feb 2009 B2
7494231 Varaprasad et al. Feb 2009 B2
7496439 McCormick Feb 2009 B2
7502156 Tonar et al. Mar 2009 B2
7505188 Niiyama et al. Mar 2009 B2
7511607 Hubbard et al. Mar 2009 B2
7511872 Tonar et al. Mar 2009 B2
7525715 McCabe et al. Apr 2009 B2
7526103 Schofield et al. Apr 2009 B2
7538316 Heslin et al. May 2009 B2
7540620 Weller et al. Jun 2009 B2
7541570 Drummond et al. Jun 2009 B2
7543947 Varaprasad et al. Jun 2009 B2
7547467 Olson et al. Jun 2009 B2
7548291 Lee et al. Jun 2009 B2
7551354 Horsten et al. Jun 2009 B2
7562985 Cortenraad et al. Jul 2009 B2
7571038 Butler et al. Aug 2009 B2
7571042 Taylor et al. Aug 2009 B2
7572490 Park et al. Aug 2009 B2
7579939 Schofield et al. Aug 2009 B2
7579940 Schofield et al. Aug 2009 B2
7580795 McCarthy et al. Aug 2009 B2
7581867 Lee et al. Sep 2009 B2
7583184 Schofield et al. Sep 2009 B2
7586566 Nelson et al. Sep 2009 B2
7586666 McCabe et al. Sep 2009 B2
7589893 Rottcher Sep 2009 B2
7600878 Blank et al. Oct 2009 B2
7605883 Yamaki et al. Oct 2009 B2
7619508 Lynam et al. Nov 2009 B2
7623202 Araki et al. Nov 2009 B2
7626749 Baur et al. Dec 2009 B2
7633567 Yamada et al. Dec 2009 B2
7636188 Baur et al. Dec 2009 B2
7636195 Nieuwkerk et al. Dec 2009 B2
7636930 Chang Dec 2009 B2
7643927 Hils Jan 2010 B2
7651228 Skiver et al. Jan 2010 B2
7658521 DeLine et al. Feb 2010 B2
7667579 DeLine et al. Feb 2010 B2
7670016 Weller et al. Mar 2010 B2
7688495 Tonar et al. Mar 2010 B2
7695174 Takayanagi et al. Apr 2010 B2
7696964 Lankhorst et al. Apr 2010 B2
7706046 Bauer et al. Apr 2010 B2
7711479 Taylor et al. May 2010 B2
7726822 Blank et al. Jun 2010 B2
7728276 Drummond et al. Jun 2010 B2
7746534 Tonar et al. Jun 2010 B2
7787077 Kondoh et al. Aug 2010 B2
7791694 Molsen et al. Sep 2010 B2
7795675 Darwish et al. Sep 2010 B2
7830583 Neuman et al. Nov 2010 B2
7842154 Lynam Nov 2010 B2
20010019356 Takeda et al. Sep 2001 A1
20010022616 Rademacher et al. Sep 2001 A1
20010026215 Nakaho et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010026316 Senatore Oct 2001 A1
20010030857 Futhey et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010035853 Hoelen et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010045981 Gloger et al. Nov 2001 A1
20020003571 Schofield et al. Jan 2002 A1
20020044065 Quist et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020049535 Rigo et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020072026 Lynam et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020085155 Arikawa Jul 2002 A1
20020092958 Lusk Jul 2002 A1
20020093826 Bos et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020113203 Heslin et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020118321 Ge Aug 2002 A1
20020126497 Pastrick Sep 2002 A1
20020133144 Chan et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020149727 Wang Oct 2002 A1
20020154007 Yang Oct 2002 A1
20020159270 Lynam et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020172053 Pastrick et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020191409 DeLine et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020196639 Weidel Dec 2002 A1
20030002165 Mathias et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030002179 Roberts et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030007261 Hutzel et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030016125 Lang et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030016287 Nakayama et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030016542 Pastrick et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030020603 DeLine et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030025596 Lang et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030025597 Schofield Feb 2003 A1
20030030546 Tseng Feb 2003 A1
20030030551 Ho Feb 2003 A1
20030030724 Okamoto Feb 2003 A1
20030035050 Mizusawa et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030043269 Park Mar 2003 A1
20030048639 Boyd et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030052969 Satoh et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030058338 Kawauchi et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030067383 Yang Apr 2003 A1
20030069690 Correia et al. Apr 2003 A1
20030076415 Strumolo Apr 2003 A1
20030080877 Takagi et al. May 2003 A1
20030085806 Samman et al. May 2003 A1
20030088361 Sekiguchi May 2003 A1
20030090568 Pico May 2003 A1
20030090569 Poechmueller May 2003 A1
20030090570 Takagi et al. May 2003 A1
20030095331 Bengoechea et al. May 2003 A1
20030098908 Misaiji et al. May 2003 A1
20030103141 Bechtel et al. Jun 2003 A1
20030103142 Hitomi et al. Jun 2003 A1
20030117522 Okada Jun 2003 A1
20030122929 Minuado et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030122930 Schofield et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030133014 Mendoza Jul 2003 A1
20030137586 Lewellen Jul 2003 A1
20030141965 Gunderson et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030146831 Berberich et al. Aug 2003 A1
20030147244 Tenmyo Aug 2003 A1
20030156193 Nakamura Aug 2003 A1
20030169158 Paul, Jr. Sep 2003 A1
20030169522 Schofield et al. Sep 2003 A1
20030179293 Oizumi Sep 2003 A1
20030189754 Sugino et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030202096 Kim Oct 2003 A1
20030206256 Drain et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030210369 Wu Nov 2003 A1
20030214576 Koga Nov 2003 A1
20030214584 Ross, Jr. Nov 2003 A1
20030214733 Fujikawa et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030222793 Tanaka et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030222983 Nobori et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030227546 Hilborn et al. Dec 2003 A1
20040004541 Hong Jan 2004 A1
20040027695 Lin Feb 2004 A1
20040032321 McMahon et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040032675 Weller et al. Feb 2004 A1
20040036768 Green Feb 2004 A1
20040046870 Leigh Travis Mar 2004 A1
20040051634 Schofield et al. Mar 2004 A1
20040056955 Berberich et al. Mar 2004 A1
20040057131 Hutzel et al. Mar 2004 A1
20040064241 Sekiguchi Apr 2004 A1
20040066285 Sekiguchi Apr 2004 A1
20040075603 Kodama Apr 2004 A1
20040077359 Bernas et al. Apr 2004 A1
20040080404 White Apr 2004 A1
20040080431 White Apr 2004 A1
20040085196 Miller et al. May 2004 A1
20040085499 Baek May 2004 A1
20040090314 Iwamoto May 2004 A1
20040090317 Rothkop May 2004 A1
20040096082 Nakai et al. May 2004 A1
20040098196 Sekiguchi May 2004 A1
20040105614 Kobayashi et al. Jun 2004 A1
20040107030 Nishira et al. Jun 2004 A1
20040107617 Shoen et al. Jun 2004 A1
20040109060 Ishii Jun 2004 A1
20040114039 Ishikura Jun 2004 A1
20040128065 Taylor et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040145457 Schofield et al. Jul 2004 A1
20040170008 Tenmyo Sep 2004 A1
20040202001 Roberts et al. Oct 2004 A1
20040239243 Roberts et al. Dec 2004 A1
20040239849 Wang Dec 2004 A1
20040243303 Padmanabhan Dec 2004 A1
20040251804 McCullough et al. Dec 2004 A1
20050018738 Duan et al. Jan 2005 A1
20050024591 Lian et al. Feb 2005 A1
20050024729 Ockerse et al. Feb 2005 A1
20050078347 Lin et al. Apr 2005 A1
20050078389 Kulas et al. Apr 2005 A1
20050079326 Varaprasad et al. Apr 2005 A1
20050083577 Varaprasad et al. Apr 2005 A1
20050099559 Lee et al. May 2005 A1
20050111070 Lin et al. May 2005 A1
20050117095 Ma Jun 2005 A1
20050140855 Utsumi et al. Jun 2005 A1
20050168995 Kittelmann et al. Aug 2005 A1
20050169003 Lindahl et al. Aug 2005 A1
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20050185278 Horsten et al. Aug 2005 A1
20050237440 Sugimura et al. Oct 2005 A1
20050270766 Kung et al. Dec 2005 A1
20050270798 Lee et al. Dec 2005 A1
20060001641 Degwekar et al. Jan 2006 A1
20060007550 Tonar et al. Jan 2006 A1
20060028730 Varaprasad et al. Feb 2006 A1
20060038668 DeWard et al. Feb 2006 A1
20060050018 Hutzel et al. Mar 2006 A1
20060061008 Karner et al. Mar 2006 A1
20060076860 Hoss Apr 2006 A1
20060139953 Chou et al. Jun 2006 A1
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20060164725 Horsten et al. Jul 2006 A1
20060171704 Bingle et al. Aug 2006 A1
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20060202111 Heslin et al. Sep 2006 A1
20060255960 Uken et al. Nov 2006 A1
20060274218 Xue Dec 2006 A1
20060279522 Kurihara Dec 2006 A1
20070041096 Nieuwkerk et al. Feb 2007 A1
20070058257 Lynam Mar 2007 A1
20070064108 Haler Mar 2007 A1
20070080585 Lyu Apr 2007 A1
20070118287 Taylor et al. May 2007 A1
20070120043 Heslin et al. May 2007 A1
20070132567 Schofield et al. Jun 2007 A1
20070162229 McCarthy et al. Jul 2007 A1
20070171037 Schofield et al. Jul 2007 A1
20070183066 Varaprasad et al. Aug 2007 A1
20070184284 Varaprasad et al. Aug 2007 A1
20070201122 Dozeman et al. Aug 2007 A1
20070262732 Shen Nov 2007 A1
20080002106 Van De Witte et al. Jan 2008 A1
20080013153 McCabe et al. Jan 2008 A1
20080030311 Dayan et al. Feb 2008 A1
20080068520 Minikey, Jr. et al. Mar 2008 A1
20080077882 Kramer et al. Mar 2008 A1
20080094684 Varaprasad et al. Apr 2008 A1
20080094685 Varaprasad et al. Apr 2008 A1
20080180529 Taylor et al. Jul 2008 A1
20080180781 Varaprasad et al. Jul 2008 A1
20080183355 Taylor et al. Jul 2008 A1
20080201075 Taylor et al. Aug 2008 A1
20080212189 Baur et al. Sep 2008 A1
20080212215 Schofield et al. Sep 2008 A1
20080225538 Lynam et al. Sep 2008 A1
20080266389 DeWind et al. Oct 2008 A1
20080291522 Varaprasad et al. Nov 2008 A1
20080308219 Lynam Dec 2008 A1
20090002491 Haler Jan 2009 A1
20090015736 Weller et al. Jan 2009 A1
20090033837 Molsen et al. Feb 2009 A1
20090040465 Conner et al. Feb 2009 A1
20090040588 Tonar et al. Feb 2009 A1
20090040778 Takayanagi et al. Feb 2009 A1
20090052003 Schofield et al. Feb 2009 A1
20090080055 Baur et al. Mar 2009 A1
20090085729 Nakamura et al. Apr 2009 A1
20090096937 Bauer et al. Apr 2009 A1
20090141331 Skiver et al. Jun 2009 A1
20090174776 Taylor et al. Jul 2009 A1
20090184904 S. et al. Jul 2009 A1
20090201137 Weller et al. Aug 2009 A1
20090219394 Heslin et al. Sep 2009 A1
20090231741 Weller et al. Sep 2009 A1
20090243824 Hook et al. Oct 2009 A1
20090244740 Takayanagi et al. Oct 2009 A1
20090262422 Cross et al. Oct 2009 A1
20090296190 Anderson et al. Dec 2009 A1
20100045899 Ockerse Feb 2010 A1
20100085645 Skiver et al. Apr 2010 A1
20100091509 DeLine et al. Apr 2010 A1
20100110553 Anderson et al. May 2010 A1
20100165437 Tonar et al. Jul 2010 A1
20100201896 Ostreko et al. Aug 2010 A1
20100214662 Takayanagi et al. Aug 2010 A1
20100245701 Sato et al. Sep 2010 A1
20100277786 Anderson et al. Nov 2010 A1
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Parent 08952026 US
Child 10324679 US
Continuation in Parts (1)
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Parent 08445527 May 1995 US
Child 08952026 US