A breath condensate sampler for use with a mechanical ventilator, the breath condensate sampler comprises an airflow valve disposed in the expiratory limb of the ventilator, a condensate formation means, and a condensate collection means. The airflow valve directs air from the expiratory limb into the breath condensate sampler wherein the condensate portion of exhaled gases are separated from the gaseous portion of the exhaled gases. A method of collecting a breath condensate sample is also herein disclosed.


The drawings illustrate the best mode presently contemplated of carrying out the invention. In the drawings:

FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of an embodiment of the present invention showing a topical ventilator system connected to the device of the present invention;

FIG. 2 is an embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 3 is a cutaway view Of an embodiment of the present invention depicting the flow of air through the invention;

FIG. 4 is a depiction of the condensate collection tubes and the condensate collection receptacle.


FIG. 1 is a depiction of a patient 10 receiving mechanical ventilatory support from a ventilator 12. In typical ventilator operation, the ventilator 12 produces a delivery of medical gases which are predominantly air in a pressurized state through the inspiratory limb 14 of the breathing circuit 16 to the patient 10. The pressure generated by the ventilator 12 is sufficient to overcome the natural resistance of the patient's lungs, thereby delivering a breath of air to the patient through the patient connection 18. As the ventilator reduces the generated pressure, the natural compliance of the patient's lungs forces the delivered air out of the patient 10 through the patient connection 18 and into the expiratory limb 20. When the expired breath reaches the expiration valve 22, the expired gases are released to the ambient air. The exhaled breath condensate (EBC) sampler 24 of the present invention is disposed in fluid connection with the expiratory limb 20. The exact location of the EBC sampler may be anywhere along the expiratory limb 20 from a location proximal to the patient 10 such as the patient connection 18, to a location distal from the patient such as on the outlet of the expiration valve 22. The EBC sampler 24 may be attached to the ventilator 12 such that the EBC sampler 24 is held in a fixed position with the expiratory limb 20 leading to and from the EBC sampler 24.

FIG. 2 depicts an embodiment of the EBC sampler 24 of the present invention. The EBC sampler 24 comprises an airflow valve assembly 26 that comprises a stopcock 28, an inlet 30, and an outlet 32. Airflow valve assembly 26 may comprise any of a variety of valves within the present invention as any suitable type of valve that can direct gas flow in two different directions to correspond with two different valve positions may be used. However, for the purposes of example, a hollow stopcock 28 is used in all descriptions of the airflow valve assembly 26, but is not meant to be limiting to this embodiment. As depicted in FIG. 2, the EBC sampler 24 is inserted into the expiratory limb 20 with the expiratory limb 20 connecting to both the inlet 30 and outlet 32 of the airflow valve assembly 26. The EBC sampler 24 further comprises a U-shaped condensate formation tube 34 and a condensate trap 36. Condensate collection receptacle 38 is connected to the condensate trap 36 and collects the condensate that is in the condensate trap 36.

A cooling sleeve 40 surrounds the condensate formation tube 34. The cooling sleeve 40 is cooled by cooling apparatus 42. A motor 44 is used to operate the airflow valve assembly 26 by turning the stopcock 28 to a desired position. The control of the cooling apparatus 42 and the positioning of the stopcock 28 is performed by a controller which may comprise a microprocessor (not shown).

Referring now to FIGS. 1 and 2, the operation of the present invention is as follows. In the course of a normal respiration cycle of a patient receiving mechanical ventilation, the ventilator 12 delivers medical gas to the patient 10 via the inspiration limb 14 and patient connection 18. When the patient 10 expires these gases, the expired gases flow back out through the patient connection 18 and into the expiratory limb 20 in which for this description the EBC sampler 24 is integrally disposed. However, in an alternative embodiment, the inlet 30 of the EBC sampler may be connected to the expiration valve 22 and the outlet 32 of the EBC is then vented to the ambient air.

When the airflow valve assembly 26 is in the normal ventilation mode, the stopcock 28 is oriented as depicted in FIG. 3A such that the expired breath in the expiratory limb 20 flows through the inlet 30, through a hollow portion of the stopcock 28, and out the outlet 32 back into the expiratory limb 20. When it is desired to take a sample of the exhaled breath concentrate (EBC), a signal is sent by the controller to the motor 44 to turn the stopcock 90 degrees such that the orientation of the stopcock 28 is that as is depicted in FIG. 3B. It is understood that by this present invention, the decision to take an EBC sample may be performed manually by a clinician or may be part of a larger automated patient monitoring system that would perform EBC sampling at regular specified intervals. The automated system may be an integral part of the ventilator controller, or may be a part of a stand-alone device.

Once the stopcock 28 has been positioned so that the expired breath will flow through the condensate formation tube 34, the expired air will enter the condensate formation tube 34 as depicted in FIG. 4. The condensate formation tube 34 may be comprised of a thermally conductive liquid crystalline polymer or similar material. The advantage of these plastics is that they have thermo-conductive properties similar to that of glass. The advantage to having a plastic tube is for ease of production, ability to be re-used after sterilization, and reduced risk of breaking. The composition of the formation tube should not be read as limited to the aforementioned liquid crystalline polymer composition, but rather extends to any thermally conductive material, including metals. Additionally, the condensate formation tube 34 may also be disposable in construction. The formation tubes 34 may also comprise a plurality of tube components 48. These tube components may be funnel or ridge shaped, or any shape that facilitates the purpose of increasing the surface area of the condensate formation tube 34 upon which the condensate will form and to direct the condensate to fall downward down the formation tube 34. In an alternative embodiment of the present invention, formation tubes 34 may comprise tube components 48 that may be molded individually and assembled by means of snapping or screwing together, or may be molded as a single component.

Referring back to FIG. 2, the cooling sleeve 40 surrounding the condensate formation tubes 34 and the cooling apparatus 42 are added to the system to facilitate the collection of EBC. Upon leaving the body, expired air is at a temperature of approximately 37 degrees C., and only 6.4 percent of the water vapor will condense into water at that temperature. Therefore, proper EBC collection will be obtained at temperatures between 10 degrees C. and −10 degrees C. where 80 to 95 percent of the water vapor, and included EBC, will condense. As such, the cooling sleeve 40 and cooling apparatus 42 play an important role in greatly increasing the efficiency of the EBC sampler 24. The cooling apparatus 42 may be any device, or combination of devices that will facilitate the cooling of the cooling sleeve 40 and the formation tubes 34. One embodiment of the present invention may include the combination of a thermal electric device such as a Peltier device and heat sinks. Other potential cooling devices may be refrigeration technology, an endothermic reaction, or simply the use of a larger cooling sleeve filled with ice, but any other suitable mechanism to provide the necessary described cooling of the condensate formation tube would be suitable in the present invention.

Once the expired breath has passed through the condensate formation tube 34 and the EBC has been pulled from the breath, the EBC is pulled by gravity into the condensate trap 36 and directed into the condensate collection receptacle 38. In an embodiment of the present invention, the condensate collection receptacle 38 is a test tube or assay vial. This collection receptacle 38 will collect and store the necessary volume of EBC sample for a proper analysis. A sensor (not pictured) associated with the receptacle 38 may identify when the necessary sample size (0.25 ml-3 ml, typical) has been collected. In an embodiment of the present invention, once the desired volume of sample has been collected, the EBC sampler 24 will stop collecting EBC by rotating the stopcock 28 90 degrees to direct the airflow through the airflow assembly valve 26 and into the expiratory limb 20.

Once the EBC sample has been collected in the condensate collection tube 38, the composition of the EBC may be determined. The composition may be determined using a variety of clinical tests, including immunoassays. Alternatively, mass spectrometry and/or liquid or gas chromatography may be used to analyze the composition. It is understood that any standard laboratory technique for determining the composition of a biological sample may be used in analyzing the EBC sample in accordance with the present invention. It is further understood that other sensors capable of collecting information from the exhaled air, such as pH sensors, may be disposed within an embodiment of the EBC sampler of the present invention.

Other considerations are to be viewed within the present invention for maintaining the quality the EBC sample and resulting analysis is that for some biological substances, it is necessary that the sample be kept at a cold temperature and must be analyzed within a short time duration from sample collection. For example, while some biological components of the EBC sample such as leukotriene E4, chloride, and nitrate will last in a lab under cold conditions for over six months, other substances such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) will only last in the EBC sample for approximately three hours. As such, in an embodiment of the present invention, the condensate collection receptacle 38 will be connected directly to an apparatus for determining the composition of the EBC sample. This would facilitate the automation of the entire EBC sampling system, thus enabling the system to provide a clinician with regularly scheduled EBC content analysis at the patient's bedside. After the EBC has been removed from the expired breath passing through the EBC sampler 24, the condensate formation tube 34 directs the expired breath out through the outlet 32 and back into the expiratory limb 20 where the expired breath will be directed to the expiration valve 22 and released to the outside air. In an alternative embodiment of the present invention, the outlet 32 will release the expired breath to the outside air directly. As described previously, when the EBC sample has been fully collected, the controller will turn the stopcock 28 another 90 degrees such that the formation tube 34 has been blocked and the expired breath flows through the airflow assembly 26 as depicted in FIG. 3A.

Now referring to FIG. 5 as a description of a method of collecting an EBC sample in conjunction with the device of the present invention. This method provides a way for a clinician to collect an EBC sample from a patient that is currently receiving mechanical ventilatory support. This patient may be making spontaneous breath attempts or may be receiving full mechanical ventilation. First, the clinician will insert the EBC sampler into fluid connection with the expiratory limb in step 50. The clinician may do this upon initial setup before placing the patient on the ventilator, or may temporarily take the patient off the ventilator to insert the EBC sampler. Once the EBC sampler has been inserted in the expiratory limb, the EBC sampler is activated to begin collecting an EBC sample in step 52. This may be done manually by the clinician selecting to begin EBC collection or may be part of an automated system with predetermined time intervals between EBC sample collections. Upon activation of the EBC sampler 52, the EBC sampler begins shunting the expired breath into the EBC sampler in step 54. Next, the EBC sampler monitors the progression of the collection of the EBC sample in step 56. Upon the collection that reaches a predetermined threshold volume, the EBC sampler ends the EBC sample collection in step 58. Upon ending the EBC sample collection, the EBC sampler re-directs the flow of the expired breath back into the expiratory limb in step 60. Finally, the EBC sample is analyzed to determine the constituent concentrates within the EBC sample in step 62. This may be done using immunoassays, mass spectrographs or chromatography, but may also be performed using any of a variety of known laboratory techniques.

The above-described present invention presents distinct advantages over other systems known in the art. The system of the present invention is designed to be compatible with a mechanical ventilation system, thus providing the ability to perform an EBC collection on a patient who is receiving mechanical ventilation. Previous systems have required that the patient by spontaneously breathing and must be removed from mechanical ventilation in order to collect an EBC sample. By the present invention, a sample may be collected without removing a patient from mechanical ventilation support, and also may be collected from a patient that is not spontaneously breathing as the ventilation, support will drive the patient's respiratory cycle. The present invention also presents the advantage for use with a mechanical ventilator of isolating the expiratory limb of the mechanical ventilator from the rest of the components of the EBC sampler 24 when the EBC sampler 24 is not in use. This allows for the components of the EBC sampler that come in contact with the expired air from the patient, such as the collection formation tube 34, condensate trap 36, and condensate collection receptacle 38 to be removed and prepared for the collection of the next EBC sample. This preparation may include autoclaving or other sterilizing processes on these components, or the components may be disposable in their construction and therefore the clinician may dispose of them and replace the components.

Embodiments of the present invention also present the advantage of the potential for the automation of the EBC sampling and analysis process for a patient that is receiving mechanical ventilatory care. The automation of this process would present the advantage of quickly analyzing the EBC samples thereby maintaining the quality of the sample that is analyzed. Also, this would provide a quick analysis response to the clinician that may be displayed to the clinician along with any other monitored patient physiological parameter. Thus, the clinician would not have to deal with physically removing the sample and delivering it to a lab and waiting for a lab to process and return the results. Furthermore, the EBC sampler may be wired or wirelessly connected to the ventilator or a centralized hospital information system. Data collected by the EBC sampler may be transmitted to these locations for clinician use. The automated data collection and display would further enhance the care provided by the clinician by improving point of care information provided to the clinician.

This written description uses examples to disclose the invention, including the best mode, and also to enable any person skilled in the art to make and use the invention. The patentable scope of the invention is defined by the claims and may include other examples that occur to those skilled in the art. Such other examples are intended to be within the scope of the claims if they have structural elements that do not differ from the literal language of the claims, or if they include equivalent structural elements of insubstantial difference from the literal language of the claims.

Various alternatives and embodiments are contemplated as being with in the scope of the following claims, particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter regarded as the invention.

  • 1. A breath condensate sampler for use with a mechanical ventilator delivering respiratory support to a patient via a breathing circuit with an inspiratory limb and an expiratory limb, the breath condensate sampler comprising: an air flow valve disposed to receive exhaled gases from the patient and present within the expiratory limb, the air flow valve being movable between a first position that allows exhaled gases to flow through the air flow valve and a second position that directs exhaled gases to flow through the breath condensate sampler;a condensate formation means for separating the condensate portion of the exhaled gases from the gaseous portion of the exhaled gases; anda condensate collection means for collecting the condensate portion of the exhaled gases;wherein when the air flow valve is in the second position, the condensate collection means collects the condensate portion of the exhaled gases as it is separated from the gaseous portion of the exhaled gases.
  • 2. The breath condensate sampler of claim 1 wherein when the airflow valve is in the second position the sampler allows the return of exhaled gases to the expiratory limb after removal of the condensate.
  • 3. The breath condensate sampler of claim 2 wherein the air flow valve is automatically controlled to move from the second position to the first position upon completion of the collection of a breath condensate sample.
  • 4. The breath condensate sampler of claim 3 wherein the air flow valve is automatically controlled to move from the first position to the second position upon a pre-determined schedule of sample collections.
  • 5. The breath condensate sampler of claim 1 further comprising a cooling means for cooling the condensate formation means.
  • 6. The breath condensate sampler of claim 5 wherein the cooling means is a thermoelectric cooling means.
  • 7. The breath condensate sampler of claim 6 wherein the thermoelectric cooling means is a Peltier device.
  • 8. The breath condensate sampler of claim 1 wherein the condensate formation means further comprises a series of downwardly directed annular flanges.
  • 9. The breath condensate sampler of claim 1 wherein the collection means is a test tube.
  • 10. The breath condensate sampler of claim 1 wherein the collection means directs the condensate into an analysis device.
  • 11. A mechanical ventilation system for providing respiratory support to a patient via a ventilator, an inspiratory limb, and an expiratory limb, the ventilation system comprising: a breath condensate sampler for collection of condensate from a patient's expired breath, the sampler comprising: an air flow valve disposed in fluid connection with the expiratory limb;a condensate formation means for separating the condensate from the expired breath; anda condensate collection receptacle;wherein the air flow valve has a first position where the condensate formation means and condensate receptacle are mechanically isolated from the expired breath and the expired breath flows through the air flow valve and a second position where the expired breath is directed to flow through the condensate formation means.
  • 12. The mechanical ventilation system of claim 11 wherein when the airflow valve is in the second position the expired breath flows through the condensate formation means and back into the expiratory limb.
  • 13. The mechanical ventilation system of claim 11 wherein the condensate formation means and the condensate collection receptacle are removeably connected to the breath condensate sampler.
  • 14. The mechanical ventilation system of claim 13 wherein when the air flow valve is in the first position the removal of the condensate formation means or the breath condensate sampler does not affect air flow in the expiratory limb.
  • 15. The mechanical ventilation system of claim 14 wherein the breath condensate sampler is automated such that the air flow valve moves from the first position to the second position and collects a condensate sample at a pre-determined interval, and upon collection of a sample, the air flow valve moves from the second position to the first position.
  • 16. The mechanical ventilation system of claim 11 wherein the breath condensate sampler is attached to the ventilator, such that the breath condensate sampler is held in a fixed position.
  • 17. A method of collecting a sample of exhaled breath concentrate from a patient receiving mechanical ventilation via a mechanical ventilator; the method comprising the steps of: inserting an exhaled breath concentrate sampler in fluid connection with an expiratory limb of the ventilator;activating; the sampler to collect a sample of exhaled breath concentrate;shunting exhaled breath from the expiratory limb into the exhaled breath concentrate sampler;monitoring the progression of the collection of the sample of exhaled breath concentrate;ending the concentrate sample collection when the exhaled breath concentrate sample reaches a threshold volume;returning the flow of exhaled breath in the expiratory limb; andanalyzing the exhaled breath concentrate sample to determine the constituent concentrates.
  • 18. The method of claim 17 wherein the threshold volume is between 0.25 mL and 3 mL.
  • 19. The method of claim 17 wherein collection of the exhaled breath sample directs the sample into the device used in the step of analyzing the exhaled breath concentrate.
  • 20. The method of claim 19 wherein the step of analyzing the exhaled breath concentrate sample is performed using a mass spectrograph.
  • 21. The method of claim 17 wherein the step of activating the sampler is performed automatically according to a predetermined schedule of sample collections.
  • 22. The method of claim 21 further comprising the step of establishing the schedule of sample collections.