The present disclosure concerns embodiments of a method of synthesizing polymers using verdazyl agents selected for their property of being moderately unstable free radicals. In one embodiment of the invention a method of synthesizing free standing polymers from suitably selected polymerizable subunits, such as monomers, is provided. In another embodiment of the invention a combination for the synthesis of free standing polymers from suitably selected polymerizable subunits using moderately unstable verdazyls is provided. Using moderately unstable verdazyls permits lower reaction temperatures and faster reaction times, while yielding polymers with low polydispersity.


FIG. 1 is prior art, showing a generalized scheme for living radical polymerization.

FIG. 2 is prior art showing the chemical structure of TEMPO.

FIG. 3 shows two types of verdazyls in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosed invention.

FIG. 4 shows GPC traces of molecular weight evolution for a typical synthesis in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosed invention.

FIG. 5 shows a synthesis scheme for production of a moderately unstable free radical verdazyl in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosed invention.

FIG. 6 shows a synthesis scheme for production of a moderately unstable free radical verdazyl in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosed invention.

FIG. 7 shows the chemical structure of verdazyl derivatives in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosed invention.

FIG. 8 shows the chemical structure of triarylverdazyl radicals in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosed invention.

FIG. 9 shows the chemical structures of verdazyl unimers in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosed invention.


Styrene polymerization was carried out using phenyl verdazyl (see FIG. 3 for the generalized structure of a Type 2 verdazyl) as the moderately unstable free radical. A moderately unstable verdazyl is one that will decompose at a rate that is similar to the rate of polymer termination. The procedure used was as follows: Phenyl verdazyl (203 mg, 0.001 m) and Vazo 88 (130 mg, 0.00053 m) were dissolved in 10 mL of styrene. The reaction mixture was degassed with argon for 10 minutes and the reaction mixture was heated to 130° C. for 1 hour. After 40 minutes the conversion was 40%, number average molecular weight (Mn) was 4,600 and the polydispersity was 1.26. After 60 minutes the conversion was 55%, Mn=5100 and the polydispersity was 1.24. The reaction was repeated at 115° C. and after 2 hours had a Mn=9,584, a polydispersity of 1.45 and a conversion of 65%.

These results show that this verdazyl is at least as effective as nitroxides in controlling styrene polymerization. GPC (Gel Permeation Chromatography) traces of MW evolution for a typical polystyrene runs are shown in FIG. 4; polydispersities approach 1.2-1.3. The reaction rates were faster than would be obtained using nitroxide.

A. Verdazyl Radical Syntheses

General synthetic routes to verdazyl radicals have been established for some time. There are two principal strategies depicted in FIGS. 5 and 6. FIG. 5 leads to verdazyls containing carbonyl group in the ring (Type 2). The key intermediates are the bis-hydrazide reagents (C). When R2 is Me or a primary alkyl group these can be made directly from the monosubstituted hydrazine (B) and phosgene (or phosgene synthons). If R2 is secondary or tertiary alkyl or aryl, the bis-hydrazides must go through an NH2 protection-condensation-deprotection sequence ([(B)->(E)->(F)->(C)]. The bis-hydrazides (C) react with aldehydes to yield tetrazanes (D) in excellent yields, and the final step involves oxidation using any number of reagents (Fe(CN)63−, IO4—, PbO2, p-benzoquinone) to give the verdazyls (A). The radicals are air and water stable and are generally stable enough to be handled, stored, and transported like ordinary organic compounds without appreciable decomposition.

Verdazyls of Type 1 containing an sp3 carbon center at C6 can be made using the chemistry shown in FIG. 6. The general numbering scheme for verdazyl agents is provided below.

Mono-substituted hydrazines (B) are converted to hydrazones (G) and subsequently formazans (H) via diazonium salts; these work best for aryl groups, though N,N-alkyl substituted formazans are also possible via related chemistry. From here formazan alkylation leads to tetrazines (J), which are aerobically oxidized to give the radicals (I). It also is possible to access verdazyl via cationic heterocycles (K) followed by reduction. Again, these radicals are stable enough to be manipulated without any special precautions.

B. Polymerization Studies

Typical SFRP processes are run under similar conditions for conventional radical polymerization (monomer, few mol % initiator, heat, no O2) but with the stable radical added as well. There are several variables—reaction temperature, the stable radical, the initiator, relative concentrations—that can be systematically varied to provide living polymerization character (molecular weight control as evidenced by linear growth versus monomer conversion, PDIs well below 1.5, chain extension). In the proposed work, a wide range of verdazyl agents that are moderately unstable will be used in the reaction rather than a stable free radical. In addition, the reactions will be conducted at as low a temperature as possible (ideally less than 100° C.), at a reasonable rate (defined as upwards of 100% conversion in 6 hours or less). These conditions are not currently achievable in the nitroxide-based SFRP.

Two polymer systems will be of primary focus. Nitroxide SFRP is now well-established for styrene-based polymers, and provides a valuable set of standards to which we can compare the verdazyl-based processes. This also permits fundamental studies aimed at getting a clearer picture of the factors that affect the verdazyls' efficacy in SFRP. The other systems are acrylate- and methacrylate-based polymers, represented by poly(n-butyl acrylate) and poly(methyl methacrylate) respectively.

C. Specific Systems

Our results indicating that verdazyl derivative (A) (see FIG. 7) is capable of mediating the SFRP of styrene, provide an interesting contrast to prior literature reports that triphenylverdazyl 14 does not offer good molecular weight control (PDI's>1.7). This also provides evidence that differences in the verdazyl molecular structure can affect SFRP capabilities.

Our results also indicate that imidazole derivatives of verdazyls are effective and may work better than the phenyl derivative in that the reaction is slower but more controlled.

The SFRP behavior of (B) with both styrene as well as n-butyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate will be studied. An important derivative targeted for study will be radicals (C) and (D), which are closely related to both 13 and 14; these four radicals provide all perturbations of whether the N-substituents are alkyl or aryl and whether C6 is a carbonyl or an sp3 center. Comparisons between all three of these species will allow us to elucidate some of the specific structural factors that govern polymerization capabilities.

It is well-established that C3-substituents have very little effect on the electronic structure of verdazyl radicals because of the nature of the singly occupied molecular orbital. However, the nitrogen substituents can have stronger effects on the spin distribution and redox characteristics. To this end, we will prepare and study triarylverdazyl radicals having Ar=p-Me2NC6H4 or Ar=p-O2NC6H4 (see FIG. 8) as a means of assessing how polymerization behavior is affected by electronic effects. Analogous radicals lacking the carbonyl group will be studied if necessary.

Steric factors play a significant role in affecting the nitroxide-polymer bond through kinetic and/or thermodynamic stabilization of the stable free radical. Similar effects in analogous verdazyl chemistry are anticipated. To this end we will prepare verdazyls bearing bulkier substituents in the 1,3,5-positions, such as t-butyl or ortho-disubstituted aryl (e.g. mesityl).

As described above, the polymerization runs are typically carried out under established SFRP conditions (i.e., monomer+x mol % radical+y mol % initiator). Complementary to these studies will be the synthesis and study of so-called “unimers”-unimolecular precursors based on the stable radical coupled to one monomer unit that are, upon dissociation, capable of acting as both initiator and SFRP mediator. Nitroxide-based “unimers” have been developed as single-component initiator/SFRP mediators, and they also have been useful as model systems with which to study the nature of the radical-polymer bond through studies of bond dissociation energies, polymerization rates, and byproduct formation. The utility of unimers as model compounds is the primary motivation behind the synthesis and study of verdazyl-based unimers having the structures shown in FIG. 9. By analogy to the nitroxide systems, the verdazyl unimers can be made either by coupling reactions of the radicals with and in situ generated monomer radical fragment, or by reduction of the radical to its anion followed by reaction with alkyl halides.

We will explore the possibility of improving the SFRP process with verdazyls through the use of chemical additives. It is known that during the course of SFRP reactions, small amounts of termination reactions occur which gradually and irreversibly consume active polymer chains. This leads to a buildup of excess radical (nitroxide) which shifts the equilibria in FIG. 1 to the dormant side, thereby shutting down the reaction. There have been several approaches to circumventing this in the case of nitroxides by using additives which react with excess nitroxide. Traditional additives are strong acids, which induce nitroxide decomposition. Similar processes will be explored with verdazyls, and in addition to these studies we will explore the use of ascorbic acid as an additive: as is the case with nitroxides, verdazyls can be quantitatively reduced to diamagnetic species (tetrazines) with ascorbic acid. This may represent a new means of controlling stable radical concentrations.

The foregoing description of a method of synthesizing polymers using moderately unstable verdazyls describes the preferred methods and is not meant to be limiting. As would be apparent to one skilled in the art, there can be, for example, variation in the range of temperatures, additives, and R groups.

Specific Verdazyl Radicals Studied for Polymerization Behavior
Both verdazyls of type 2 and their corresponding unimers were examined

    • R2=Ph, R1=Ph

    • R2=Me, R1=Ph

    • R2=Me, R1=Me

    • R2=Me, R1=Et

    • R2=Me, R1=2-pyridyl

    • R2=Me, R1=2-imidazolyl

  • 1. A method of synthesizing free-standing polymers from suitably selected polymerizable subunits, such as monomers, comprising: providing suitably selected polymerizable subunits;providing a moderately unstable free radical verdazyl agent;initiating synthesis of said free standing polymer;inhibiting termination of said free standing polymer with said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl agent; andforming said free standing polymer.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein said free standing polymer has a monodispersity of from about 1.0 to about 1.5.
  • 3. The method of claim 2 wherein said method is conducted at temperatures of from about 80 to about 140° C.
  • 4. The method of claim 3 wherein said method is conducted at temperatures of from about 90 to about 120° C.
  • 5. The method of claim 4 wherein said method is conducted at temperatures of from about 90 to about 100° C.
  • 6. The method of claim 3 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl agent is selected from the group consisting of verdazyls having a carbonyl group at C6.
  • 7. The method of claim 6 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises at least one phenyl group.
  • 8. The method of claim 3 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl agent is selected from the group consisting of verdazyls having a sp3 carbon at C6.
  • 9. The method of claim 8 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises at least one phenyl group.
  • 10. The method of claim 6 wherein said free standing polymer is selected from the group consisting of polystyrene, polymethacrylate, poly methyl-methacrylate, poly acrylate, poly acrylonitriles, poly acrylamides, and a copolymer comprised of two suitably selected polymerizable subunits selected from the group consisting of n-butyl acrylate, styrenes, acrylates, including n-butyl acrylate, methacrylates, including methyl methacrylate, acrylonitriles, and acrylamides.
  • 11. The method of claim 8 wherein said free standing polymer is selected from the group consisting of polystyrene, polymethacrylate, poly methyl-methacrylate, poly acrylate, poly acrylonitriles, poly acrylamides, and a copolymer comprised of two suitably selected polymerizable subunits selected from the group consisting of n-butyl acrylate, styrenes, acrylates, including n-butyl acrylate, methacrylates, including methyl methacrylate, acrylonitriles, and acrylamides.
  • 12. The method of claim 10 wherein said free standing polymer is polystyrene.
  • 13. The method of claim 11 wherein said free standing polymer is polystyrene.
  • 14. A composition for the synthesis of free standing polymers from suitably selected polymerizable subunits, such as monomers, said combination comprising: suitably selected polymerizable subunits;a moderately unstable free radical verdazyl agent; anda suitably selected initiator.
  • 15. The composition of claim 14 further comprising a suitably selected terminator.
  • 16. The composition of claim 15 wherein said moderately unstable verdazyl agent is selected from the group consisting of verdazyls having a carbonyl group at C6.
  • 17. The composition of claim 16 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises at least one phenyl group.
  • 18. The composition of claim 17 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises a phenyl group at R1.
  • 19. The composition of claim 15 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl agent is selected from the group consisting of verdazyls having an sp3 centre at C6.
  • 20. The composition of claim 19 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises at least one phenyl group.
  • 21. The composition of claim 20, wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises a phenyl group at R1.
  • 22. The composition of claim 16 wherein said suitably selected polymerizable subunit comprises styrene, said free standing polymer is selected from the group consisting of styrene, methacrylate, methyl-methacrylate, acrylate, acrylonitriles, acrylamides, and two suitably selected polymerizable subunits selected from the group consisting of n-butyl acrylate, styrenes, acrylates, including n-butyl acrylate, methacrylates, including methyl methacrylate, acrylonitriles, and acrylamides.
  • 23. The composition of claim 19 wherein said suitably selected polymerizable subunit comprises styrene, said free standing polymer is selected from the group consisting of styrene, methacrylate, methyl-methacrylate, acrylate, acrylonitriles, acrylamides, and two suitably selected polymerizable subunits selected from the group consisting of n-butyl acrylate, styrenes, acrylates, including n-butyl acrylate, methacrylates, including methyl methacrylate, acrylonitriles, and acrylamides.
  • 24. The composition of claim 22 wherein said suitable selected polymerizable subunit is styrene.
  • 25. The composition of claim 23 wherein said suitable selected polymerizable subunit is styrene.
  • 26. The method of claim 7 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises a phenyl group at R1.
  • 27. The method of claim 9 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises a phenyl group at R1.
  • 28. The method of claim 3 wherein the synthesis is sufficiently completed within 2 hours.
  • 29. The method of claim 6 wherein said moderately unstable free radical verdazyl comprises an imidazole group at R1.
  • 30. A method of synthesizing free-standing polymers from suitably selected polymerizable subunits, such as monomers, comprising: providing suitably selected polymerizable subunits;providing a unimer;inhibiting termination of said free standing polymer with said unimer; and forming said free standing polymer, said free standing polymer has a monodispersity of from about 1.0 to about 1.5, wherein said method is conducted at temperatures of from about 80 to about 140° C.
  • 31. The method of claim 30 wherein said method is conducted at temperatures of from about 90 to about 100° C.
  • 32. A composition for the synthesis of free standing polymers from suitably selected polymerizable subunits, such as monomers, said combination comprising: suitably selected polymerizable subunits;a unimer; and

This application claims the benefit of the earlier filing date of U.S. patent application No. 60/793,109, entitled Verdazyl Agents for the Production of Free Standing Polymers, which was filed on Apr. 18, 2006, and is incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60793109 Apr 2006 US