The invention relates to generating a vaccine based on immunogens from viral particles that initially have replication competency but are then inactivated by chemical, biophysical or other methods. The components of this vaccine may be a non-HIV enveloped virus that contains and expresses a gene related to the HIV Envelope gene such that the Envelope protein is expressed on the surface of viral particles. These viral particles may be further treated to reduce their replication competency. The vaccine further may contain components to improve its immunogenicity, tolerability, stability and ease of manufacture.

The foregoing applications, and all documents cited therein or during their prosecution (“appln cited documents”) and all documents cited or referenced herein (“herein cited documents”), and all documents cited or referenced in herein cited documents, together with any manufacturer's instructions, descriptions, product specifications, and product sheets for any products mentioned herein or in any document incorporated by reference herein, are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and may be employed in the practice of the invention.


The invention relates to generating a vaccine based on immunogens from viral particles which may comprise genes from at least two distinct viruses that initially have replication competency but are then inactivated by chemical, biophysical or other methods. The vaccine further may contain components to improve its immunogenicity, tolerability, stability and ease of manufacture.


A classical method of producing a vaccine has been to produce a pure culture of a virus or bacterium and then inactivate the pathogen by using formalin, betapropiolactone, UV light or heat treatment. This methodology has been used successfully to produce vaccines against hepatitis A and B viruses, rabies virus, polio virus, pertussis, and bacterial toxins such as those from tetanus and diphtheria.

Initial attempts to produce an inactivated HIV vaccine have failed, largely due to the nature of the virus, which grows poorly and mutates rapidly. In addition, the trimeric viral spike is expressed at low densities on the native virus, thereby reducing its ability to elicit an immune response. To further complicate matters, the envelope (Env) protein, gp120, is shed from the virus in an apparently non-native form that elicits non-neutralizing antibodies.

Recently, a number of new broadly neutralizing antibodies have been discovered that have lead to the discovery of 3 sites of vulnerability on the viral spike protein (Env). These sites include the CD4 binding site, the V1/V2 quaternary epitopes (QNE), and a new glycan epitope. These sites are all discontinuous epitopes that are dependent on the conformation of the Env protein. The native Env protein consists of a trimer of gp 120 proteins noncovalently attached to a trimer of gp41 peptides, and several of the new bNAbs preferentially or exclusively recognize Env trimers over gp120 monomers.

It has been difficult to produce reasonable quantities of virus envelope glycoprotein trimer in native and soluble form for use as vaccines. In addition, it has been exceedingly difficult to produce formulations of vaccines that contain native trimeric HIV Env such a way that these trimers are displayed in multimeric form such as to stimulate the immune system. Thus, Applicants' approach has been to produce virus glycoprotein, notably Env, on the surface of a heterologous virus, namely, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Applicants have succeeded in replacing the native VSV G protein (which is the major surface protein on the virus that mediates attachment to cells) with HIV Env and rescuing replicating chimeric viruses. These VSV-Env chimeras express functional HIV Env that requires CD4 and CCR5 co-receptors for propagation. Thus, there is selective pressure for maintaining a significant level of functional Env of the surface of the virus. Applicants have shown that VSV chimeras expressing SIV Env can prime non-human primates (NHPs) for elicitation of antibody responses to Env, and Applicants' is to produce a replicating VSV vector to deliver HIV proteins for the induction of cell mediated immunity and neutralizing antibody responses.

Citation or identification of any document in this application is not an admission that such document is available as prior art to the present invention.


Applicants developed an inactivated version of the VSV Env chimera as a vaccine., which would reduce some of the regulatory hurdles to development (e.g. neurotoxicity studies for live viral vectors). Applicants also formulated the inactivated vaccine with adjuvants suitable for human use to increase the potency of the vaccine.

The present invention relates to vaccine design based on the expression of a viral surface glycoproteins such as HIV Env from Clade A, B, and C viruses as surface glycoprotieins on VSV chimeric particles and these are inactivated to prevent replication and formulated with an adjuvant, such as an ISCOMATRIX® adjuvant, for development as a human vaccine to elicit neutralizing antibodies.

Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to not encompass within the invention any previously known product, process of making the product, or method of using the product such that Applicants reserve the right and hereby disclose a disclaimer of any previously known product, process, or method. It is further noted that the invention does not intend to encompass within the scope of the invention any product, process, or making of the product or method of using the product, which does not meet the written description and enablement requirements of the USPTO (35 U.S.C.§112, first paragraph) or the EPO (Article 83 of the EPC), such that Applicants reserve the right and hereby disclose a disclaimer of any previously described product, process of making the product, or method of using the product.

It is noted that in this disclosure and particularly in the claims and/or paragraphs, terms such as “comprises”, “comprised”, “comprising” and the like can have the meaning attributed to it in U.S. Patent law; e.g., they can mean “includes”, “included”, “including”, and the like; and that terms such as “consisting essentially of” and “consists essentially of” have the meaning ascribed to them in U.S. Patent law, e.g., they allow for elements not explicitly recited, but exclude elements that are found in the prior art or that affect a basic or novel characteristic of the invention.

These and other embodiments are disclosed or are obvious from and encompassed by, the following Detailed Description.


The delivery of HIV envelope on membranes in intact active form is an approach to generating a vaccine. Others have attempted to do this using Virus Like Particles (VLPs). However, in the present invention, the VLPs produced as a VSV particle is non-infectious and produce a preferred immune response.

In principle, the method may be used for the generation of a vaccine against any infectious agent where a major protein is displayed on surface membrane of the virus.

The viral particles may be produced from a pseudo typed infection stock. This allows the infection stock contains a viral envelope gene other than from HIV (such as VSV G) such that infection of the producer cells is possible.

The viral particle may be derived from an enveloped virus such as but not limited to VSV, CDV or Measles. The viral particles may contain a full length, partial, or chimeric HIV envelope gene. Optionally, the viral particle may be designed to use the HIV envelope gene (rather than the native glycoprotein ligand) to mediate infection.

The Envelope gene may be derived from a sequence found in nature, or an artificial sequence derived containing elements of more than one native HIV sequence.

The Envelope gene may be further modified to contain modifications to alter the transmembrane region or intracellular portion.

The Envelope protein may contain alterations in the number of sites suitable for glycosylation such as to increase, decrease, or change the location of glycosylation.

The Envelope gene may be further modified to contain modifications to alter the stability of the Envelope protein. For example, the sequence may be designed to contain cysteines designed to stabilize the interaction between two polypeptides such as but not limited to those identified in the SOS sequence allowing a disulfide crosslink between gp41 and gp120 of HIV Env.

The Envelope gene may be further modified to contain modifications to alter or remove sequences in the variable loops of Envelope.

Env trimers may be expressed as functional attachment proteins on the surface of VSV. Chimeric viruses expressing optimized Env proteins including but not limited to virus clades including: Clade A (BG505), Clade B (JRFL) and Clade C (16055) may be produced.

The terms “protein”, “peptide”, “polypeptide”, and “amino acid sequence” are used interchangeably herein to refer to polymers of amino acid residues of any length. The polymer may be linear or branched, it may comprise modified amino acids or amino acid analogs, and it may be interrupted by chemical moieties other than amino acids. The terms also encompass an amino acid polymer that has been modified naturally or by intervention; for example disulfide bond formation, glycosylation, lipidation, acetylation, phosphorylation, or any other manipulation or modification, such as conjugation with a labeling or bioactive component.

As used herein, the terms “antigen” or “immunogen” are used interchangeably to refer to a substance, typically a protein, which is capable of inducing an immune response in a subject. The term also refers to proteins that are immunologically active in the sense that once administered to a subject (either directly or by administering to the subject a nucleotide sequence or vector that encodes the protein) is able to evoke an immune response of the humoral and/or cellular type directed against that protein.

The term “antibody” includes intact molecules as well as fragments thereof, such as Fab, F(ab′)2, Fv and scFv which are capable of binding the epitope determinant. These antibody fragments retain some ability to selectively bind with its antigen or receptor and include, for example:

    • a. Fab, the fragment which contains a monovalent antigen-binding fragment of an antibody molecule may be produced by digestion of whole antibody with the enzyme papain to yield an intact light chain and a portion of one heavy chain;
    • b. Fab′, the fragment of an antibody molecule may be obtained by treating whole antibody with pepsin, followed by reduction, to yield an intact light chain and a portion of the heavy chain; two Fab′ fragments are obtained per antibody molecule;
    • c. F(ab′)2, the fragment of the antibody that may be obtained by treating whole antibody with the enzyme pepsin without subsequent reduction; F(ab′)2 is a dimer of two Fab′ fragments held together by two disulfide bonds;
    • d. scFv, including a genetically engineered fragment containing the variable region of a heavy and a light chain as a fused single chain molecule.

General methods of making these fragments are known in the art. (See for example, Harlow and Lane, Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York (1988), which is incorporated herein by reference).

It should be understood that the proteins, including the antigens of the invention may differ from the exact sequences illustrated and described herein. Thus, the invention contemplates deletions, additions and substitutions to the sequences shown, so long as the sequences function in accordance with the methods of the invention. In this regard, particularly preferred substitutions will generally be conservative in nature, i.e., those substitutions that take place within a family of amino acids. For example, amino acids are generally divided into four families: (1) acidic—aspartate and glutamate; (2) basic—lysine, arginine, histidine; (3) non-polar—alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, proline, phenylalanine, methionine, tryptophan; and (4) uncharged polar—glycine, asparagine, glutamine, cysteine, serine threonine, tyrosine. Phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine are sometimes classified as aromatic amino acids. It is reasonably predictable that an isolated replacement of leucine with isoleucine or valine, or vice versa; an aspartate with a glutamate or vice versa; a threonine with a serine or vice versa; or a similar conservative replacement of an amino acid with a structurally related amino acid, will not have a major effect on the biological activity. Proteins having substantially the same amino acid sequence as the sequences illustrated and described but possessing minor amino acid substitutions that do not substantially affect the immunogenicity of the protein are, therefore, within the scope of the invention.

As used herein the terms “nucleotide sequences” and “nucleic acid sequences” refer to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequences, including, without limitation, messenger RNA (mRNA), DNA/RNA hybrids, or synthetic nucleic acids. The nucleic acid may be single-stranded, or partially or completely double-stranded (duplex). Duplex nucleic acids may be homoduplex or heteroduplex.

As used herein the term “transgene” may used to refer to “recombinant” nucleotide sequences that may be derived from any of the nucleotide sequences encoding the proteins of the present invention. The term “recombinant” means a nucleotide sequence that has been manipulated “by man” and which does not occur in nature, or is linked to another nucleotide sequence or found in a different arrangement in nature. It is understood that manipulated “by man” means manipulated by some artificial means, including by use of machines, codon optimization, restriction enzymes, etc.

For example, in one embodiment the nucleotide sequences may be mutated such that the activity of the encoded proteins in vivo is abrogated. In another embodiment the nucleotide sequences may be codon optimized, for example the codons may be optimized for human use. In preferred embodiments the nucleotide sequences of the invention are both mutated to abrogate the normal in vivo function of the encoded proteins, and codon optimized for human use. For example, each of the Gag, Pol, Env, Nef, RT, and IN sequences of the invention may be altered in these ways.

As regards codon optimization, the nucleic acid molecules of the invention have a nucleotide sequence that encodes the antigens of the invention and may be designed to employ codons that are used in the genes of the subject in which the antigen is to be produced. Many viruses, including HIV and other lentiviruses, use a large number of rare codons and, by altering these codons to correspond to codons commonly used in the desired subject, enhanced expression of the antigens may be achieved. In a preferred embodiment, the codons used are “humanized” codons, i.e., the codons are those that appear frequently in highly expressed human genes (Andre et al., J. Virol. 72:1497-1503, 1998) instead of those codons that are frequently used by HIV. Such codon usage provides for efficient expression of the transgenic HIV proteins in human cells. Any suitable method of codon optimization may be used. Such methods, and the selection of such methods, are well known to those of skill in the art. In addition, there are several companies that will optimize codons of sequences, such as Geneart (geneartcom). Thus, the nucleotide sequences of the invention may readily be codon optimized.

The invention further encompasses nucleotide sequences encoding functionally and/or antigenically equivalent variants and derivatives of the antigens of the invention and functionally equivalent fragments thereof. These functionally equivalent variants, derivatives, and fragments display the ability to retain antigenic activity. For instance, changes in a DNA sequence that do not change the encoded amino acid sequence, as well as those that result in conservative substitutions of amino acid residues, one or a few amino acid deletions or additions, and substitution of amino acid residues by amino acid analogs are those which will not significantly affect properties of the encoded polypeptide. Conservative amino acid substitutions are glycine/alanine; valine/isoleucine/leucine; asparagine/glutamine; aspartic acid/glutamic acid; serine/threonine/methionine; lysine/arginine; and phenylalanine/tyrosine/tryptophan. In one embodiment, the variants have at least 50%, at least 55%, at least 60%, at least 65%, at least 70%, at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, at least 86%, at least 87%, at least 88%, at least 89%, at least 90%, at least 91%, at least 92%, at least 93%, at least 94%, at least 95%, at least 96%, at least 97%, at least 98% or at least 99% homology or identity to the antigen, epitope, immunogen, peptide or polypeptide of interest.

For the purposes of the present invention, sequence identity or homology is determined by comparing the sequences when aligned so as to maximize overlap and identity while minimizing sequence gaps. In particular, sequence identity may be determined using any of a number of mathematical algorithms. A nonlimiting example of a mathematical algorithm used for comparison of two sequences is the algorithm of Karlin & Altschul, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1990; 87: 2264-2268, modified as in Karlin & Altschul, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1993;90: 5873-5877.

Another example of a mathematical algorithm used for comparison of sequences is the algorithm of Myers & Miller, CABIOS 1988;4: 11-17. Such an algorithm is incorporated into the ALIGN program (version 2.0) which is part of the GCG sequence alignment software package. When utilizing the ALIGN program for comparing amino acid sequences, a PAM120 weight residue table, a gap length penalty of 12, and a gap penalty of 4 may be used. Yet another useful algorithm for identifying regions of local sequence similarity and alignment is the FASTA algorithm as described in Pearson & Lipman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1988; 85: 2444-2448.

Advantageous for use according to the present invention is the WU-BLAST (Washington University BLAST) version 2.0 software. WU-BLAST version 2.0 executable programs for several UNIX platforms may be downloaded from ftp :// This program is based on WU-BLAST version 1.4, which in turn is based on the public domain NCBI-BLAST version 1.4 (Altschul & Gish, 1996, Local alignment statistics, Doolittle ed., Methods in Enzymology 266: 460-480; Altschul et al., Journal of Molecular Biology 1990; 215: 403-410; Gish & States, 1993;Nature Genetics 3: 266-272; Karlin & Altschul, 1993; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90: 5873-5877; all of which are incorporated by reference herein).

The various recombinant nucleotide sequences and antigens of the invention are made using standard recombinant DNA and cloning techniques. Such techniques are well known to those of skill in the art. See for example, “Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual”, second edition (Sambrook et al. 1989).

The nucleotide sequences of the present invention may be inserted into “vectors.” The term “vector” is widely used and understood by those of skill in the art, and as used herein the term “vector” is used consistent with its meaning to those of skill in the art. For example, the term “vector” is commonly used by those skilled in the art to refer to a vehicle that allows or facilitates the transfer of nucleic acid molecules from one environment to another or that allows or facilitates the manipulation of a nucleic acid molecule.

Any vector that allows expression of the antigens of the present invention may be used in accordance with the present invention. In certain embodiments, the antigens and/or antibodies of the present invention may be used in vitro (such as using cell-free expression systems) and/or in cultured cells grown in vitro in order to produce the encoded HIV-antigens and/or antibodies which may then be used for various applications such as in the production of proteinaceous vaccines. For such applications, any vector that allows expression of the antigens and/or antibodies in vitro and/or in cultured cells may be used.

For applications where it is desired that the antigens be expressed in vivo, for example when the transgenes of the invention are used in DNA or DNA-containing vaccines, any vector that allows for the expression of the antigens of the present invention and is safe for use in vivo may be used. In preferred embodiments the vectors used are safe for use in humans, mammals and/or laboratory animals.

For the antigens of the present invention to be expressed, the protein coding sequence should be “operably linked” to regulatory or nucleic acid control sequences that direct transcription and translation of the protein. As used herein, a coding sequence and a nucleic acid control sequence or promoter are said to be “operably linked” when they are covalently linked in such a way as to place the expression or transcription and/or translation of the coding sequence under the influence or control of the nucleic acid control sequence. The “nucleic acid control sequence” may be any nucleic acid element, such as, but not limited to promoters, enhancers, IRES, introns, and other elements described herein that direct the expression of a nucleic acid sequence or coding sequence that is operably linked thereto. The term “promoter” will be used herein to refer to a group of transcriptional control modules that are clustered around the initiation site for RNA polymerase II and that when operationally linked to the protein coding sequences of the invention lead to the expression of the encoded protein. The expression of the transgenes of the present invention may be under the control of a constitutive promoter or of an inducible promoter, which initiates transcription only when exposed to some particular external stimulus, such as, without limitation, antibiotics such as tetracycline, hormones such as ecdysone, or heavy metals. The promoter may also be specific to a particular cell-type, tissue or organ. Many suitable promoters and enhancers are known in the art, and any such suitable promoter or enhancer may be used for expression of the transgenes of the invention. For example, suitable promoters and/or enhancers may be selected from the Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPDB).

The present invention relates to a recombinant enveloped virus expressing a foreign epitope. Advantageously, the epitope is an HIV epitope. Any HIV epitope may be expressed in a VSV vector. Advantageously, the HIV epitope is an HIV antigen, HIV epitope or an HIV immunogen, such as, but not limited to, the HIV antigens, HIV epitopes or HIV immunogens of U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,341,731; 7,335,364; 7,329,807; 7,323,553; 7,320,859; 7,311,920; 7,306,798; 7,285,646; 7,285,289; 7,285,271; 7,282,364; 7,273,695; 7,270,997; 7,262,270; 7,244,819; 7,244,575; 7,232,567; 7,232,566; 7,223,844; 7,223,739; 7,223,534; 7,223,368; 7,220,554; 7,214,530; 7,211,659; 7,211,432; 7,205,159; 7,198,934; 7,195,768; 7,192,555; 7,189,826; 7,189,522; 7,186,507; 7,179,645; 7,175,843; 7,172,761; 7,169,550; 7,157,083; 7,153,509; 7,147,862; 7,141,550; 7,129,219; 7,122,188; 7,118,859; 7,118,855; 7,118,751; 7,118,742; 7,105,655; 7,101,552; 7,097,971 7,097,842; 7,094,405; 7,091,049; 7,090,648; 7,087,377; 7,083,787; 7,070,787; 7,070,781; 7,060,273; 7,056,521; 7,056,519; 7,049,136; 7,048,929; 7,033,593; 7,030,094; 7,022,326; 7,009,037; 7,008,622; 7,001,759; 6,997,863; 6,995,008; 6,979,535; 6,974,574; 6,972,126; 6,969,609; 6,964,769; 6,964,762; 6,958,158; 6,956,059; 6,953,689; 6,951,648; 6,946,075; 6,927,031; 6,919,319; 6,919,318; 6,919,077; 6,913,752; 6,911,315; 6,908,617; 6,908,612; 6,902,743; 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6,232,120; 6,228,361; 6,221,579; 6,214,862; 6,214,804; 6,210,963; 6,210,873; 6,207,185; 6,203,974; 6,197,755; 6,197,531; 6,197,496; 6,194,142; 6,190,871; 6,190,666; 6,168,923; 6,156,302; 6,153,408; 6,153,393; 6,153,392; 6,153,378; 6,153,377; 6,146,635; 6,146,614; 6,143,876 6,140,059; 6,140,043; 6,139,746; 6,132,992; 6,124,306; 6,124,132; 6,121,006; 6,120,990; 6,114,507; 6,114,143; 6,110,466; 6,107,020; 6,103,521; 6,100,234; 6,099,848; 6,099,847; 6,096,291; 6,093,405; 6,090,392; 6,087,476; 6,083,903; 6,080,846; 6,080,725; 6,074,650; 6,074,646; 6,070,126; 6,063,905; 6,063,564; 6,060,256; 6,060,064; 6,048,530; 6,045,788; 6,043,347; 6,043,248; 6,042,831; 6,037,165; 6,033,672; 6,030,772; 6,030,770; 6,030,618; 6,025,141; 6,025,125; 6,020,468; 6,019,979; 6,017,543; 6,017,537; 6,015,694; 6,015,661; 6,013,484; 6,013,432 6,007,838; 6,004,811; 6,004,807; 6,004,763; 5,998,132; 5,993,819; 5,989,806; 5,985,926; 5,985,641; 5,985,545; 5,981,537; 5,981,505; 5,981,170; 5,976,551; 5,972,339; 5,965,371; 5,962,428; 5,962,318; 5,961,979; 5,961,970; 5,958,765; 5,958,422; 5,955,647; 5,955,342; 5,951,986; 5,951,975; 5,942,237; 5,939,277; 5,939,074; 5,935,580; 5,928,930; 5,928,913; 5,928,644; 5,928,642; 5,925,513; 5,922,550; 5,922,325; 5,919,458; 5,916,806; 5,916,563; 5,914,395; 5,914,109; 5,912,338; 5,912,176; 5,912,170; 5,906,936; 5,895,650; 5,891,623; 5,888,726; 5,885,580 5,885,578; 5,879,685; 5,876,731; 5,876,716; 5,874,226; 5,872,012; 5,871,747; 5,869,058; 5,866,694; 5,866,341; 5,866,320; 5,866,319; 5,866,137; 5,861,290; 5,858,740; 5,858,647; 5,858,646; 5,858,369; 5,858,368; 5,858,366; 5,856,185; 5,854,400; 5,853,736; 5,853,725; 5,853,724; 5,852,186; 5,851,829; 5,851,529; 5,849,475; 5,849,288; 5,843,728; 5,843,723; 5,843,640; 5,843,635; 5,840,480; 5,837,510; 5,837,250; 5,837,242; 5,834,599; 5,834,441; 5,834,429; 5,834,256; 5,830,876; 5,830,641; 5,830,475; 5,830,458; 5,830,457; 5,827,749; 5,827,723; 5,824,497 5,824,304; 5,821,047; 5,817,767; 5,817,754; 5,817,637; 5,817,470; 5,817,318; 5,814,482; 5,807,707; 5,804,604; 5,804,371; 5,800,822; 5,795,955; 5,795,743; 5,795,572; 5,789,388; 5,780,279; 5,780,038; 5,776,703; 5,773,260; 5,770,572; 5,766,844; 5,766,842; 5,766,625; 5,763,574; 5,763,190; 5,762,965; 5,759,769; 5,756,666; 5,753,258; 5,750,373; 5,747,641; 5,747,526; 5,747,028; 5,736,320; 5,736,146; 5,733,760; 5,731,189; 5,728,385; 5,721,095; 5,716,826; 5,716,637; 5,716,613; 5,714,374; 5,709,879; 5,709,860; 5,709,843; 5,705,331; 5,703,057; 5,702,707 5,698,178; 5,688,914; 5,686,078; 5,681,831; 5,679,784; 5,674,984; 5,672,472; 5,667,964; 5,667,783; 5,665,536; 5,665,355; 5,660,990; 5,658,745; 5,658,569; 5,643,756; 5,641,624; 5,639,854; 5,639,598; 5,637,677; 5,637,455; 5,633,234; 5,629,153; 5,627,025; 5,622,705; 5,614,413; 5,610,035; 5,607,831; 5,606,026; 5,601,819; 5,597,688; 5,593,972; 5,591,829; 5,591,823; 5,589,466; 5,587,285; 5,585,254; 5,585,250; 5,580,773; 5,580,739; 5,580,563; 5,573,916; 5,571,667; 5,569,468; 5,558,865; 5,556,745; 5,550,052; 5,543,328; 5,541,100; 5,541,057; 5,534,406 5,529,765; 5,523,232; 5,516,895; 5,514,541; 5,510,264; 5,500,161; 5,480,967; 5,480,966; 5,470,701; 5,468,606; 5,462,852; 5,459,127; 5,449,601; 5,447,838; 5,447,837; 5,439,809; 5,439,792; 5,418,136; 5,399,501; 5,397,695; 5,391,479; 5,384,240; 5,374,519; 5,374,518; 5,374,516; 5,364,933; 5,359,046; 5,356,772; 5,354,654; 5,344,755; 5,335,673; 5,332,567; 5,320,940; 5,317,009; 5,312,902; 5,304,466; 5,296,347; 5,286,852; 5,268,265; 5,264,356; 5,264,342; 5,260,308; 5,256,767; 5,256,561; 5,252,556; 5,230,998; 5,230,887; 5,227,159; 5,225,347; 5,221,610; 5,217,861; 5,208,321; 5,206,136; 5,198,346; 5,185,147; 5,178,865; 5,173,400; 5,173,399; 5,166,050; 5,156,951; 5,135,864; 5,122,446; 5,120,662; 5,103,836; 5,100,777; 5,100,662; 5,093,230; 5,077,284; 5,070,010; 5,068,174; 5,066,782; 5,055,391; 5,043,262; 5,039,604; 5,039,522; 5,030,718; 5,030,555; 5,030,449; 5,019,387; 5,013,556; 5,008,183; 5,004,697; 4,997,772; 4,983,529; 4,983,387; 4,965,069; 4,945,082; 4,921,787; 4,918,166; 4,900,548; 4,888,290; 4,886,742; 4,885,235; 4,870,003; 4,869,903; 4,861,707; 4,853,326; 4,839,288; 4,833,072 and 4,795,739.

Advantageously, the HIV epitope may be an Env precursor, or deletion product or complete gp160 epitope. The HIV epitope may also be a fusion protein between HIV Env sequences and sequences derived from non-HIV sequence including those of other viruses, eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells, or synthetic in origin. The Env precursor or gp160 epitope may be recognized by antibodies PG9, PG16, 2G12, b12, 2F5, 4E10, Z13, or other broad potent neutralizing antibodies.

Any epitope recognized by an HIV antibody may be used in the present invention. For example, the anti-HIV antibodies of U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,949,337, 6,900,010, 6,821,744, 6,768,004, 6,613,743, 6,534,312, 6,511,830, 6,489,131, 6,242,197, 6,114,143, 6,074,646, 6,063,564, 6,060,254, 5,919,457, 5,916,806, 5,871,732, 5,824,304, 5,773,247, 5,736,320, 5,637,455, 5,587,285, 5,514,541, 5,317,009, 4,983,529, 4,886,742, 4,870,003 and 4,795,739 are useful for the present invention. Furthermore, monoclonal anti-HIV antibodies of U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,074,556, 7,074,554, 7,070,787, 7,060,273, 7,045,130, 7,033,593, RE39,057, 7,008,622, 6,984,721, 6,972,126, 6,949,337, 6,946,465, 6,919,077, 6,916,475, 6,911,315, 6,905,680, 6,900,010, 6,825,217, 6,824,975, 6,818,392, 6,815,201, 6,812,026, 6,812,024, 6,797,811, 6,768,004, 6,703,019, 6,689,118, 6,657,050, 6,608,179, 6,600,023, 6,596,497, 6,589,748, 6,569,143, 6,548,275, 6,525,179, 6,524,582, 6,506,384, 6,498,006, 6,489,131, 6,465,173, 6,461,612, 6,458,933, 6,432,633, 6,410,318, 6,406,701, 6,395,275, 6,391,657, 6,391,635, 6,384,198, 6,376,170, 6,372,217, 6,344,545, 6,337,181, 6,329,202, 6,319,665, 6,319,500, 6,316,003, 6,312,931, 6,309,880, 6,296,807, 6,291,239, 6,261,558, 6,248,514, 6,245,331, 6,242,197, 6,241,986, 6,228,361, 6,221,580, 6,190,871, 6,177,253, 6,146,635, 6,146,627, 6,146,614, 6,143,876, 6,132,992, 6,124,132, RE36,866, 6,114,143, 6,103,238, 6,060,254, 6,039,684, 6,030,772, 6,020,468, 6,013,484, 6,008,044, 5,998,132, 5,994,515, 5,993,812, 5,985,545, 5,981,278, 5,958,765, 5,939,277, 5,928,930, 5,922,325, 5,919,457, 5,916,806, 5,914,109, 5,911,989, 5,906,936, 5,889,158, 5,876,716, 5,874,226, 5,872,012, 5,871,732, 5,866,694, 5,854,400, 5,849,583, 5,849,288, 5,840,480, 5,840,305, 5,834,599, 5,831,034, 5,827,723, 5,821,047, 5,817,767, 5,817,458, 5,804,440, 5,795,572, 5,783,670, 5,776,703, 5,773,225, 5,766,944, 5,753,503, 5,750,373, 5,747,641, 5,736,341, 5,731,189, 5,707,814, 5,702,707, 5,698,178, 5,695,927, 5,665,536, 5,658,745, 5,652,138, 5,645,836, 5,635,345, 5,618,922, 5,610,035, 5,607,847, 5,604,092, 5,601,819, 5,597,896, 5,597,688, 5,591,829, 5,558,865, 5,514,541, 5,510,264, 5,478,753, 5,374,518, 5,374,516, 5,344,755, 5,332,567, 5,300,433, 5,296,347, 5,286,852, 5,264,221, 5,260,308, 5,256,561, 5,254,457, 5,230,998, 5,227,159, 5,223,408, 5,217,895, 5,180,660, 5,173,399, 5,169,752, 5,166,050, 5,156,951, 5,140,105, 5,135,864, 5,120,640, 5,108,904, 5,104,790, 5,049,389, 5,030,718, 5,030,555, 5,004,697, 4,983,529, 4,888,290, 4,886,742 and 4,853,326, are also useful for the present invention.

The vectors used in accordance with the present invention should typically be chosen such that they contain a suitable gene regulatory region, such as a promoter or enhancer, such that the antigens and/or antibodies of the invention may be expressed.

For example, when the aim is to express the antigens of the invention in vitro, or in cultured cells, or in any prokaryotic or eukaryotic system for the purpose of producing the protein(s) encoded by that antibody and/or antigen, then any suitable vector may be used depending on the application. For example, plasmids, viral vectors, bacterial vectors, protozoan vectors, insect vectors, baculovirus expression vectors, yeast vectors, mammalian cell vectors, and the like, may be used. Suitable vectors may be selected by the skilled artisan taking into consideration the characteristics of the vector and the requirements for expressing the antigens under the identified circumstances.

When the aim is to deliver antigens of the invention in vivo in a subject, for example in order to generate an immune response against an HIV-1 antigen and/or protective immunity against HIV-1, expression vectors that are suitable for expression on that subject, and that are safe for use in vivo, should be chosen. For example, in some embodiments it may be desired to express the antigens of the invention in a laboratory animal, such as for pre-clinical testing of the HIV-1 immunogenic compositions and vaccines of the invention. In other embodiments, it will be desirable to express the antigens of the invention in human subjects, such as in clinical trials and for actual clinical use of the immunogenic compositions and vaccine of the invention. Any vectors that are suitable for such uses may be employed, and it is well within the capabilities of the skilled artisan to select a suitable vector. In some embodiments it may be preferred that the vectors used for these in vivo applications are attenuated to vector from amplifying in the subject. For example, if plasmid vectors are used, preferably they will lack an origin of replication that functions in the subject so as to enhance safety for in vivo use in the subject. If viral vectors are used, preferably they are attenuated or replication-defective in the subject, again, so as to enhance safety for in vivo use in the subject.

The present invention relates to recombinant enveloped viruses as vectors, however, other vectors may be contemplated in other embodiments of the invention such as, but not limited to, prime boost administration which may comprise administration of a recombinant envelope virus vector in combination with another recombinant vector expressing one or more HIV epitopes.

VSV is a practical, safe, and immunogenic vector for conducting animal studies, and an attractive candidate for developing vaccines for use in humans. VSV is a member of the Rhabdoviridae family of enveloped viruses containing a nonsegmented, negative-sense RNA genome. The genome is composed of 5 genes arranged sequentially 3′-N-P-M-G-L-5′, each encoding a polypeptide found in mature virions. Notably, the surface glycoprotein G is a transmembrane polypeptide that is present in the viral envelope as a homotrimer, and like Env, it mediates cell attachment and infection.

The VSVs of U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,468,274; 7,419,829; 7,419,674; 7,344,838; 7,332,316; 7,329,807; 7,323,337; 7,259,015; 7,244,818; 7,226,786; 7,211,247; 7,202,079; 7,198,793; 7,198,784; 7,153,510; 7,070,994; 6,969,598; 6,958,226; RE38,824; PPI5,957; 6,890,735; 6,887,377; 6,867,326; 6,867,036; 6,858,205; 6,835,568; 6,830,892; 6,818,209; 5 6,790,641; 6,787,520; 6,743,620; 6,740,764; 6,740,635; 6,740,320; 6,682,907; 6,673,784; 6,673,572; 6,669,936; 6,653,103; 6,607,912; 6,558,923; 6,555,107; 6,533,855; 6,531,123; 6,506,604; 6,500,623; 6,497,873; 6,489,142; 6,410,316; 6,410,313; 6,365,713; 6,348,312; 6,326,487; 6,312,682; 6,303,331; 6,277,633; 6,207,455; 6,200,811; 6,190,650; 6,171,862; 6,143,290; 6,133,027; 6,121,434; 6,103,462; 6,069,134; 6,054,127; 6,034,073; 5,969,211; 10 5,935,822; 5,888,727; 5,883,081; 5,876,727; 5,858,740; 5,843,723; 5,834,256; 5,817,491; 5,792,604; 5,789,229; 5,773,003; 5,763,406; 5,760,184; 5,750,396; 5,739,018; 5,698,446; 5,686,279; 5,670,354; 5,540,923; 5,512,421; 5,090,194; 4,939,176; 4,738,846; 4,622,292; 4,556,556 and 4,396,628 may be contemplated by the present invention.

The CDVs of U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,879,336; 7,833,532; 7,378,101; 7,288,265; 6,673,572; 6,228,846; 5,843,456; 5,178,862 and 4,992,272 may be contemplated by the present invention.

The measles of U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,884,786; 5,578,448 and 4,016,252 may be contemplated by the present invention.

Other envelope viruses are also contemplated, such as a herpesvirus, poxvirus, hepadnavirus, flavivirus, togavirus, coronavirus, hepatitis D virus, orthomyxovirus, paramyxovirus, rhabdovirus, bunyavirus or a filovirus.

The nucleotide sequences and vectors of the invention may be delivered to cells, for example if the aim is generate a viral particles containing the desired antigenic protein. Suitable transfection, transformation, or gene delivery methods may be used as part of this objective. Such methods are well known by those skilled in the art, and one of skill in the art would readily be able to select a suitable method depending on the nature of the nucleotide sequences, vectors, and cell types used. For example, transfection, transformation, microinjection, infection, electroporation, lipofection, or liposome-mediated delivery could be used. Generation of the viral particles contain the desired antigens may be carried out in any suitable type of host cells, such as bacterial cells, yeast, insect cells, and mammalian cells. The antigens of the invention may also be expressed including using in vitro transcription/translation systems. All of such methods are well known by those skilled in the art, and one of skill in the art would readily be able to select a suitable method depending on the nature of the nucleotide sequences, vectors, and cell types used.

The viral particles may be treated with formalin, glutaraldehyde, or other chemicals that limit viral replication. The viral particles may be treated with physical methods such as radiation, heat or adsorption onto surfaces with the result that viral replication is impaired. A virus inactivation regimen that preserves maximal antigenicity of Env is desirable. The inactivation kinetics of three known virus inactivating agents, including formalin, beta propiolactone (BPL), and ultraviolet (UV) light may be determined. Inactivation may be assessed by measuring plaque forming units (pfu) over time.

Antigenicity of the Env spike may be assessed using a panel of well-characterized neutralizing antibodies directed at sites of vulnerability on the HIV Env spike including but not necessarily limited to the: CD4 binding site (CD4bs), mper epitopes recognized by 2F5 and 4E10 bNAbs, V1/V2 quaternary epitopes (QNE) recognized by PG9, PG16, CH01 and Glycan-binding bNAbs recognized by PGT bNAbs (PGT121, PGT125, PGT128, PGT130).

The viral particles may be combined with adjuvants including, but not limited to, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxide, iscoms (e.g. IscoMatrix), monphosphoryl lipid A, CpG-containing oligonucleotides, Adjuplex, cytokines (e.g. IL12), alone or in combination. The immunogenicity of an adjuvanted iVSV-Env for the induction of functional immune responses in experimental animals may be determined.

The optimal dose and immunization regimen for induction of Env-specific antibody response using adjuvants including aluminum phosphate and ISCOMATRIX® may be determined in animals, such as rabbits. The induction of neutralizing antibody responses using a panel of tier 1 and tier 2 viruses representing clades A, B and C may be assessed. In non-human primates, dose-ranging studies may be performed to determine the optimal vaccination regimen for iVSV chimeras. ELISA and competition-binding assays may be utilized to determine the breadth of response to the 4 major sites of vulnerability on HIV. The induction of neutralizing antibody responses may be assessed by using a panel of tier 1 and tier 2 viruses representing clades A, B and C.

Pre-GMP cell lines and virus seed stocks may be produced for generation of vaccines for clinical trials. Furthermore, pre-GMP Vero cell line that stably expresses CD4 and CCR5 may be developed. Pre-master seed stocks of VSV chimeras expressing functional clade A, B and C envelope trimers may be developed and characterized.

In preferred embodiments, the nucleotide sequences, antigens of the invention are administered in vivo, for example where the aim is to produce an immunogenic response in a subject. A “subject” in the context of the present invention may be any animal. For example, in some embodiments it may be desired to express the transgenes of the invention in a laboratory animal, such as for pre-clinical testing of the HIV-1 immunogenic compositions and vaccines of the invention. In other embodiments, it will be desirable to express the antigens of the invention in human subjects, such as in clinical trials and for actual clinical use of the immunogenic compositions and vaccine of the invention. In preferred embodiments the subject is a human, for example a human that is infected with, or is at risk of infection with, HIV-1.

For such in vivo applications the nucleotide sequences, antigens of the invention are preferably administered as a component of an immunogenic composition which may comprise the nucleotide sequences and/or antigens of the invention in admixture with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The immunogenic compositions of the invention are useful to stimulate an immune response against HIV-1 and may be used as one or more components of a prophylactic or therapeutic vaccine against HIV-1 for the prevention, amelioration or treatment of AIDS.

The compositions of the invention may be injectable suspensions, solutions, sprays, lyophilized powders, syrups, elixirs and the like. Any suitable form of composition may be used. To prepare such a composition, having the desired degree of purity, is mixed with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers and/or excipients. The carriers and excipients must be “acceptable” in the sense of being compatible with the other ingredients of the composition. Acceptable carriers, excipients, or stabilizers are nontoxic to recipients at the dosages and concentrations employed, and include, but are not limited to, water, saline, phosphate buffered saline, dextrose, glycerol, ethanol, or combinations thereof, buffers such as phosphate, citrate, and other organic acids; antioxidants including ascorbic acid and methionine; preservatives (such as octadecyldimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride; hexamethonium chloride; benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride; phenol, butyl or benzyl alcohol; alkyl parabens such as methyl or propyl paraben; catechol; resorcinol; cyclohexanol; 3-pentanol; and m-cresol); low molecular weight (less than about 10 residues) polypeptide; proteins, such as serum albumin, gelatin, or immunoglobulins; hydrophilic polymers such as polyvinylpyrrolidone; amino acids such as glycine, glutamine, asparagine, histidine, arginine, or lysine; monosaccharides, disaccharides, and other carbohydrates including glucose, mannose, or dextrins; chelating agents such as EDTA; sugars such as sucrose, mannitol, trehalose or sorbitol; salt-forming counter-ions such as sodium; metal complexes (e.g., Zn-protein complexes); and/or non-ionic surfactants such as TWEEN™, PLURONICS™ or polyethylene glycol (PEG).

An immunogenic or immunological composition may also be formulated in the form of an oil-in-water emulsion. The oil-in-water emulsion may be based, for example, on light liquid paraffin oil (European Pharmacopea type); isoprenoid oil such as squalane, squalene, EICOSANE™ or tetratetracontane; oil resulting from the oligomerization of alkene(s), e.g., isobutene or decene; esters of acids or of alcohols containing a linear alkyl group, such as plant oils, ethyl oleate, propylene glycol di(caprylate/caprate), glyceryl tri(caprylate/caprate) or propylene glycol dioleate; esters of branched fatty acids or alcohols, e.g., isostearic acid esters. The oil advantageously is used in combination with emulsifiers to form the emulsion. The emulsifiers may be nonionic surfactants, such as esters of sorbitan, mannide (e.g., anhydromannitol oleate), glycerol, polyglycerol, propylene glycol, and oleic, isostearic, ricinoleic, or hydroxystearic acid, which are optionally ethoxylated, and polyoxypropylene-polyoxyethylene copolymer blocks, such as the Pluronic® products, e.g., L121. The adjuvant may be a mixture of emulsifier(s), micelle-forming agent, and oil such as that which is commercially available under the name Provax® (IDEC Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, Calif.).

The immunogenic compositions of the invention may contain additional substances, such as wetting or emulsifying agents, buffering agents, or adjuvants to enhance the effectiveness of the vaccines (Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th edition, Mack Publishing Company, (ed.) 1980).

Adjuvants may also be included. Adjuvants include, but are not limited to, mineral salts (e.g., AlK(SO4)2, AlNa(SO4)2, AlNH(SO4)2, silica, alum, Al(OH)3, Ca3(PO4)2, kaolin, or carbon), polynucleotides with or without immune stimulating complexes (ISCOMs) (e.g., CpG oligonucleotides, such as those described in Chuang, T. H. et al, (2002) J. Leuk. Biol. 71(3): 538-44; Ahmad-Nejad, P. et al (2002) Eur. J. Immunol. 32(7): 1958-68; poly IC or poly AU acids, polyarginine with or without CpG (also known in the art as IC31; see Schellack, C. et al (2003) Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Immunology; Lingnau, K. et al (2002) Vaccine 20(29-30): 3498-508), JuvaVax™ (U.S. Pat. No. 6,693,086), certain natural substances (e.g., wax D from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, substances found in Cornyebacterium parvum, Bordetella pertussis, or members of the genus Brucella), flagellin (Toll-like receptor 5 ligand; see McSorley, S. J. et al (2002) J. Immunol. 169(7): 3914-9), saponins such as QS21, QS17, and QS7 (U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,057,540; 5,650,398; 6,524,584; 6,645,495), monophosphoryl lipid A, in particular, 3-de-O-acylated monophosphoryl lipid A (3D-MPL), imiquimod (also known in the art as IQM and commercially available as Aldara®; U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,689,338; 5,238,944; Zuber, A.K. et al (2004) 22(13-14): 1791-8), and the CCR5 inhibitor CMPD167 (see Veazey, R. S. et al (2003) J. Exp. Med. 198: 1551-1562).

Aluminum hydroxide or phosphate (alum) are commonly used at 0.05 to 0.1% solution in phosphate buffered saline. Other adjuvants that may be used, especially with DNA vaccines, are cholera toxin, especially CTA1-DD/ISCOMs (see Mowat, A.M. et al (2001) J. Immunol. 167(6): 3398-405), polyphosphazenes (Allcock, H. R. (1998) App. Organometallic Chem. 12(10-11): 659-666; Payne, L. G. et al (1995) Pharm. Biotechnol. 6: 473-93), cytokines such as, but not limited to, IL-2, IL-4, GM-CSF, IL-12, IL-15 IGF-1, IFN-α, IFN-β, and IFN-γ (Boyer et al., (2002) J. Liposome Res. 121:137-142; WO01/095919), immunoregulatory proteins such as CD4OL (ADX40; see, for example, WO03/063899), and the CD1a ligand of natural killer cells (also known as CRONY or α-galactosyl ceramide; see Green, T. D. et al, (2003) J. Virol. 77(3): 2046-2055), immunostimulatory fusion proteins such as IL-2 fused to the Fc fragment of immunoglobulins (Barouch et al., Science 290:486-492, 2000) and co-stimulatory molecules B7.1 and B7.2 (Boyer), all of which may be administered either as proteins or in the form of DNA, on the same expression vectors as those encoding the antigens of the invention or on separate expression vectors.

In an advantageous embodiment, the adjuvants may be lecithin is combined with an acrylic polymer (Adjuplex-LAP), lecithin coated oil droplets in an oil-in-water emulsion (Adjuplex-LE) or lecithin and acrylic polymer in an oil-in-water emulsion (Adjuplex-LAO) (Advanced BioAdjuvants (ABA)).

The immunogenic compositions may be designed to introduce the nucleic acids or expression vectors to a desired site of action and release it at an appropriate and controllable rate. Methods of preparing controlled-release formulations are known in the art. For example, controlled release preparations may be produced by the use of polymers to complex or absorb the immunogen and/or immunogenic composition. A controlled-release formulation may be prepared using appropriate macromolecules (for example, polyesters, polyamino acids, polyvinyl, pyrrolidone, ethylenevinylacetate, methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, or protamine sulfate) known to provide the desired controlled release characteristics or release profile. Another possible method to control the duration of action by a controlled-release preparation is to incorporate the active ingredients into particles of a polymeric material such as, for example, polyesters, polyamino acids, hydrogels, polylactic acid, polyglycolic acid, copolymers of these acids, or ethylene vinylacetate copolymers. Alternatively, instead of incorporating these active ingredients into polymeric particles, it is possible to entrap these materials into microcapsules prepared, for example, by coacervation techniques or by interfacial polymerization, for example, hydroxymethylcellulose or gelatin-microcapsule and poly-(methylmethacrylate) microcapsule, respectively, in colloidal drug delivery systems (for example, liposomes, albumin microspheres, microemulsions, nano-particles and nanocapsules) or in macroemulsions. Such techniques are disclosed in New Trends and Developments in Vaccines, Voller et al. (eds.), University Park Press, Baltimore, Md., 1978 and Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16th edition.

Suitable dosages of the nucleic acids and expression vectors of the invention (collectively, the immunogens) in the immunogenic composition of the invention may be readily determined by those of skill in the art. For example, the dosage of the immunogens may vary depending on the route of administration and the size of the subject. Suitable doses may be determined by those of skill in the art, for example by measuring the immune response of a subject, such as a laboratory animal, using conventional immunological techniques, and adjusting the dosages as appropriate. Such techniques for measuring the immune response of the subject include but are not limited to, chromium release assays, tetramer binding assays, IFN-γ ELISPOT assays, IL-2 ELISPOT assays, intracellular cytokine assays, and other immunological detection assays, e.g., as detailed in the text “Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual” by Ed Harlow and David Lane.

When provided prophylactically, the immunogenic compositions of the invention are ideally administered to a subject in advance of infection, such as HIV infection, or evidence of HIV infection, or in advance of any symptom due to AIDS, especially in high-risk subjects. The prophylactic administration of the immunogenic compositions may serve to provide protective immunity of a subject against HIV-1 infection or to prevent or attenuate the progression of AIDS in a subject already infected with HIV-1. When provided therapeutically, the immunogenic compositions may serve to ameliorate and treat AIDS symptoms and are advantageously used as soon after infection as possible, preferably before appearance of any symptoms of AIDS but may also be used at (or after) the onset of the disease symptoms.

The immunogenic compositions may be administered using any suitable delivery method including, but not limited to, intramuscular, intravenous, intradermal, mucosal, and topical delivery. Such techniques are well known to those of skill in the art. More specific examples of delivery methods are intramuscular injection, intradermal injection, and subcutaneous injection. However, delivery need not be limited to injection methods. Further, delivery of DNA to animal tissue has been achieved by cationic liposomes (Watanabe et al., (1994) Mol. Reprod. Dev. 38:268-274; and WO 96/20013), direct injection of naked DNA into animal muscle tissue (Robinson et al., (1993) Vaccine 11:957-960; Hoffman et al., (1994) Vaccine 12: 1529-1533; Xiang et al., (1994) Virology 199: 132-140; Webster et al., (1994) Vaccine 12: 1495-1498; Davis et al., (1994) Vaccine 12: 1503-1509; and Davis et al., (1993) Hum. Mol. Gen. 2: 1847-1851), or intradermal injection of DNA using “gene gun” technology (Johnston et al., (1994) Meth. Cell Biol. 43:353-365). Alternatively, delivery routes may be oral, intranasal or by any other suitable route. Delivery may also be accomplished via a mucosal surface such as the anal, vaginal or oral mucosa. Immunization schedules (or regimens) are well known for animals (including humans) and may be readily determined for the particular subject and immunogenic composition. Hence, the immunogens may be administered one or more times to the subject. Preferably, there is a set time interval between separate administrations of the immunogenic composition. While this interval varies for every subject, typically it ranges from 10 days to several weeks, and is often 2, 4, 6 or 8 weeks. For humans, the interval is typically from 2 to 6 weeks. The immunization regimes typically have from 1 to 6 administrations of the immunogenic composition, but may have as few as one or two or four. The methods of inducing an immune response may also include administration of an adjuvant with the immunogens. In some instances, annual, biannual or other long interval (5-10 years) booster immunization may supplement the initial immunization protocol.

The present methods also include a variety of prime-boost regimens, for example DNA prime-VSV boost regimens. In these methods, one or more priming immunizations are followed by one or more boosting immunizations. The actual immunogenic composition may be the same or different for each immunization and the type of immunogenic composition (e.g., containing protein or expression vector), the route, and formulation of the immunogens may also be varied. For example, if an expression vector is used for the priming and boosting steps, it may either be of the same or different type (e.g., DNA or bacterial or viral expression vector). One useful prime-boost regimen provides for two priming immunizations, four weeks apart, followed by two boosting immunizations at 4 and 8 weeks after the last priming immunization. It should also be readily apparent to one of skill in the art that there are several permutations and combinations that are encompassed using the DNA, bacterial and viral expression vectors of the invention to provide priming and boosting regimens.

The prime-boost regimen may also include VSV vectors that derive their G protein or G/Stem protein from different serotype vesicular stomatitis viruses (Rose N F, Roberts A, Buonocore L, Rose J K. Glycoprotein exchange vectors based on vesicular stomatitis virus allow effective boosting and generation of neutralizing antibodies to a primary isolate of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Virol. 2000 Dec; 74(23):10903-10). The VSV vectors used in these examples contain a G or G/Stem protein derived from the Indiana serotype of VSV. Vectors may also be constructed to express G or G/Stem molecules derived from other VSV serotypes (i.e. vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus or vesicular stomatitis Alagoas virus) or other vesiculoviruses (i.e. Chandipura virus, Cocal virus, Isfahan virus). Thus a prime may be delivered in the context of a G or G/Stem molecule that is from the Indiana serotype and the immune system may be boosted with a vector that expresses epitopes in the context of second serotype like New Jersey. This circumvents anti-G immunity elicited by the prime, and helps focus the boost response against the foreign epitope.

A specific embodiment of the invention provides methods of inducing an immune response against HIV in a subject by administering an immunogenic composition of the invention, preferably which may comprise an VSV vector containing RNA encoding one or more of the epitopes of the invention, one or more times to a subject wherein the epitopes are expressed at a level sufficient to induce a specific immune response in the subject. Such immunizations may be repeated multiple times at time intervals of at least 2, 4 or 6 weeks (or more) in accordance with a desired immunization regime.

The immunogenic compositions of the invention may be administered alone, or may be co-administered, or sequentially administered, with other HIV immunogens and/or HIV immunogenic compositions, e.g., with “other” immunological, antigenic or vaccine or therapeutic compositions thereby providing multivalent or “cocktail” or combination compositions of the invention and methods of employing them. Again, the ingredients and manner (sequential or co-administration) of administration, as well as dosages may be determined taking into consideration such factors as the age, sex, weight, species and condition of the particular subject, and the route of administration.

When used in combination, the other HIV immunogens may be administered at the same time or at different times as part of an overall immunization regime, e.g., as part of a prime-boost regimen or other immunization protocol. In an advantageous embodiment, the other HIV immunogen is env, preferably the HIV env trimer.

Many other HIV immunogens are known in the art, one such preferred immunogen is HIVA (described in WO 01/47955), which may be administered as a protein, on a plasmid (e.g., pTHr.HIVA) or in a viral vector (e.g., MVA.HIVA). Another such HIV immunogen is RENTA (described in PCT/US2004/037699), which may also be administered as a protein, on a plasmid (e.g., pTHr.RENTA) or in a viral vector (e.g., MVA.RENTA).

For example, one method of inducing an immune response against HIV in a human subject may comprise administering at least one priming dose of an HIV immunogen and at least one boosting dose of an HIV immunogen, wherein the immunogen in each dose may be the same or different, provided that at least one of the immunogens is an epitope of the present invention, a nucleic acid encoding an epitope of the invention or an expression vector, preferably a VSV vector, encoding an epitope of the invention, and wherein the immunogens are administered in an amount or expressed at a level sufficient to induce an HIV-specific immune response in the subject. The HIV-specific immune response may include an HIV-specific T-cell immune response or an HIV-specific B-cell immune response. Such immunizations may be done at intervals, preferably of at least 2-6 or more weeks.

Although the present invention and its advantages have been described in detail, it should be understood that various changes, substitutions and alterations may be made herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims. The invention is further described by the following numbered paragraphs:

1. A vaccine comprising a non-HIV enveloped virus that contains and expresses a protein from a heterologous virus on a surface of the non-HIV enveloped virus, wherein the vaccine is inactivated and further comprises an adjuvant.

2. The vaccine of paragraph 1, wherein the protein is an HIV protein.

3. The vaccine of paragraph 2, wherein the HIV protein is an envelope protein.

4. The vaccine of any one of paragraphs 1-3, wherein the vaccine is inactivated to prevent replication.

5. The vaccine of any one of paragraphs 1-4, wherein the adjuvant is an ISCOMATRIX® adjuvant.

6. The vaccine of any of paragraphs 1-5, wherein the non-HIV enveloped virus is derived from a herpesvirus, poxvirus, hepadnavirus, flavivirus, togavirus, coronavirus, hepatitis D virus, orthomyxovirus, paramyxovirus, rhabdovirus, bunyavirus or a filovirus.

7. The vaccine of paragraph 6, wherein the non-HIV enveloped virus is derived from VSV, CDV or Measles.

8. The vaccine of any of paragraphs 1-7, wherein the vaccine is inactivated by the treatment with a chemical or physical methods.

9. The vaccine of paragraph 8, wherein the chemical is formalin, glutaraldehyde or beta-propiolactone.

10. The vaccine of paragraph 8, wherein the physical method is radiation, heat or adsorption onto surfaces.

11. The vaccine of paragraph 10, wherein the radiation is radiation with ultraviolet light.

12. The vaccine of any of paragraphs 8 to 11, wherein the inactivation regime preserves maximal antigenicity of ENV but limits viral replication.

13. The vaccine of any of paragraphs 2-12 for use in a method of prophylactically or therapeutically vaccinating a subject against a HIV infection.

Having thus described in detail preferred embodiments of the present invention, it is to be understood that the invention defined by the above paragraphs is not to be limited to particular details set forth in the above description as many apparent variations thereof are possible without departing from the spirit or scope of the present invention.

  • 1. A vaccine comprising a non-HIV enveloped virus that contains and expresses a protein from a heterologous virus on a surface of the non-HIV enveloped virus, wherein the vaccine is inactivated and further comprises an adjuvant.
  • 2. The vaccine of claim 1, wherein the protein is an HIV protein.
  • 3. The vaccine of claim 2, wherein the HIV protein is an envelope protein.
  • 4. The vaccine of claim 1, wherein the vaccine is inactivated to prevent replication.
  • 5. The vaccine of claim 1, wherein the adjuvant is an ISCOMATRIX® adjuvant.
  • 6. The vaccine of claim 1, wherein the non-HIV enveloped virus is derived from a herpesvirus, poxvirus, hepadnavirus, flavivirus, togavirus, coronavirus, hepatitis D virus, orthomyxovirus, paramyxovirus, rhabdovirus, bunyavirus or a filovirus.
  • 7. The vaccine of claim 6, wherein the non-HIV enveloped virus is derived from VSV, CDV or Measles.
  • 8. The vaccine of claim 1, wherein the vaccine is inactivated by the treatment with a chemical or physical methods.
  • 9. The vaccine of claim 8, wherein the chemical is formalin, glutaraldehyde or beta-propiolactone.
  • 10. The vaccine of claim 8, wherein the physical method is radiation, heat or adsorption onto surfaces.
  • 11. The vaccine of claim 10, wherein the radiation is radiation with ultraviolet light.
  • 12. The vaccine of claim 8, wherein the inactivation regime preserves maximal antigenicity of ENV but limits viral replication.

This application claims priority to U.S. provisional patent application 61/552,240 filed Oct. 27, 2012. Reference is made to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/708,940 filed Feb.19, 2010 and U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 61/537,497 filed Sep. 21, 2011.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61552240 Oct 2011 US