Timothy Rice, "The Romar II, Competing With Apple on Price Alone", Interface Age, pp. 100-102 May 1984. |
C. J. Thompson, "Eve II Well Built But Distribution is Still Limited", Interface Age May 1984 pp. 103-105. |
Richard Alexander "Wildcat-A Promising Apple and CP/M Compatible Micro with Flaws" Interface Age, May 1984 pp. 106-107. |
English abstract for Japanese Kokai 61-184643, Aug. 18, 1986. |
English abstract for Japanese Kokai 62-279431, Dec. 4, 1987. |
80386 Programmer's Reference Manual, Order No. 230985-001, Intel Corporation, pp. 15-1 to 15-13, 1986. |
80386 System Software Writer's Guide, Order No. 231499-001, Intel Corporation, pp. 9-4 to 9-14, 1987. |
E. Strauss, 80386 Technical Reference, Brady Books, 1987, pp. 147-159, 188-199, and 479-503. |
386DX Microprocessor Data Sheet, Order No. 231630-006, Intel Corporation, Apr. 1989, pp. 46-51 and 56-61. |