Circuit arrangements for providing remote indication of network conditions


  • CPC
  • H02J13/00
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H02J13/0003for DC networks H02J13/0006for single frequency AC networks H02J13/001characterised by the display H02J13/0013characterised by transmission structure between the control or monitoring unit and the controlled or monitored unit H02J13/0017with direct transmission between the control or monitoring unit and the controlled or monitored unit H02J13/002using the power network as support for the transmission H02J13/0024using pulsed signals H02J13/0027Details of signals treatment means H02J13/0031using static semiconductor means H02J13/0034Transmitters H02J13/0037Receivers H02J13/0041using lamps or electromechanical means H02J13/0044using DC signal superposition H02J13/0048using modification of a parameter of the network power signal H02J13/0051Zero-crossing time H02J13/0055using an auxiliary transmission line H02J13/0058carrying signals having the network frequency or DC signals H02J13/0062using a data transmission bus H02J13/0065using optical means H02J13/0068using ultrasonic means H02J13/0072using phone lines H02J13/0075using radio means H02J13/0079with transmission using an intermediate treatment level between the control or monitoring unit and the controlled or monitored unit H02J13/0082using the power network as transmission support H02J13/0086with transmission using plurality of intermediate treatment level between the control or monitoring unit and the controlled or monitored unit H02J13/0089using the power network as transmission support H02J13/0093for AC networks with plurality frequencies H02J13/0096for networks combining AC and DC power

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents