Cylinder presses


  • CPC
  • B41F3/00
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B41F3/02with impression cylinder or cylinders rotating unidirectionally B41F3/04intermittently Stop-cylinder presses B41F3/06continuously B41F3/08Single-revolution presses B41F3/10Two-revolution presses B41F3/12Twin presses B41F3/14with impression cylinder or cylinders rotating in opposite directions during each working cycle B41F3/16Twin presses B41F3/18of special construction or for particular purposes B41F3/20with fixed type-beds and travelling impression cylinders B41F3/22with more than one type-bed B41F3/24with cylinders travelling around type-beds having upper and lower printing surfaces B41F3/26with type-beds and impression cylinders simultaneously movable relative to one another B41F3/28Proof-print presses for relief printing, lithography or intaglio printing B41F3/30for lithography B41F3/32Damping devices B41F3/34for offset printing B41F3/36for intaglio or heliogravure printing B41F3/38Wiping mechanisms B41F3/40for perfecting sheets B41F3/42for multicolour printing on sheets B41F3/44for monocolour or multicolour printing on one side of webs, or for perfecting webs B41F3/46Details B41F3/48Press frames B41F3/51Type-beds Supports therefor B41F3/52Apparatus for cooling, heating, or drying printing surfaces B41F3/54Impression cylinders Supports therefor B41F3/56Devices for adjusting cylinders relative to type-beds and setting in adjusted position B41F3/58Driving, synchronising, or control gear B41F3/60for type-beds B41F3/62Applications of linkwork or gearing for producing reciprocatory or angular motion B41F3/64of crank motions B41F3/66of rack-and-pinion gearing B41F3/68with pinion rotating unidirectionally B41F3/70Applications of directly-coupled motors B41F3/72of fluid motors B41F3/74Applications of clutches B41F3/76Applications of braking devices or of devices for stopping type-bed in registered position B41F3/78Air cushions B41F3/80for impression cylinders B41F3/81Inking units B41F3/82Auxiliary devices B41F3/84Arrangements of counting devices B41F3/86Numbering devices

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents